Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2015 University of Massachusetts * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Initial developer(s): V. Arun */ package edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Replicable; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Request; import edu.umass.cs.nio.interfaces.IntegerPacketType; import edu.umass.cs.nio.interfaces.Stringifiable; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.ReconfigurationConfig.RC; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.Reconfigurable; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReconfigurableRequest; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReconfiguratorCallback; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReconfiguratorDB; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReplicableRequest; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.Repliconfigurable; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.BasicReconfigurationPacket; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.DemandReport; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.RCRecordRequest; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.ReconfigurationPacket; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.StopEpoch; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ConsistentHashing; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ReconfigurationRecord; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.RequestParseException; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates; import edu.umass.cs.utils.Config; import edu.umass.cs.utils.DelayProfiler; import edu.umass.cs.utils.DiskMap; /** * @author V. Arun * @param <NodeIDType> * * This class is the reconfigurator "application", essentially a * database. It is {@link Replicable} and {@link Reconfigurable} and * {@link ReconfiguratorDB}. {@link SQLReconfiguratorDB} is an * example of a class concretizing this class. * * It is actually not important for this database to be persistent * for safety reasons when paxos provides fault recovery, but we use * the disk because all records may not fit in memory. In fact, * {@link SQLReconfiguratorDB} currently uses {@link DiskMap} as the * default option that asynchronously swaps to disk in the * background. * * This class relies on reflection to automatically map incoming * reconfiguration packets to their respective handlers, but it only * expects to process two types of packets {@link RCRecordRequest} * and {@link StopEpoch}. */ public abstract class AbstractReconfiguratorDB<NodeIDType> implements Repliconfigurable, ReconfiguratorDB<NodeIDType> { /** * Constant RC record name keys. Currently there is only one, for the set of * all reconfigurators. */ public static enum RecordNames { /** * The record key for the RC record holding the set of all * reconfigurators. This is used to reconfigure the set of all * reconfigurators just like a typical RC record is used to reconfigure * service names. */ RC_NODES, /** * */ AR_NODES }; protected final NodeIDType myID; protected final ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<NodeIDType> consistentNodeConfig; protected boolean recovering = true; private static final Logger log = (Reconfigurator.getLogger()); /** * @param myID * @param nc */ public AbstractReconfiguratorDB(NodeIDType myID, ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<NodeIDType> nc) { this.myID = myID; this.consistentNodeConfig = nc; } /** * @param name * @param epoch * @return ReconfigurationRecord for {@code name:epoch}. */ public ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> getReconfigurationRecord(String name, int epoch) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); return record != null && record.getEpoch() == epoch ? record : null; } protected ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> createRecord(String name) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = null; record = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(name, 0, this.consistentNodeConfig.getReplicatedActives(name)); return record; } /***************** Paxos related methods below ***********/ @Override public boolean execute(Request request, boolean doNotReplyToClient) { log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} executing {1}", new Object[] { this, request }); if (request.getServiceName().equals(Request.NO_OP) && request.toString().equals(Request.NO_OP)) return true; assert (request instanceof BasicReconfigurationPacket<?>) : request; boolean handled = false; // cast checked by assert above @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BasicReconfigurationPacket<NodeIDType> rcPacket = (BasicReconfigurationPacket<NodeIDType>) request; if (this.uglyRecoveryHack(rcPacket, this.recovering)) handled = true; else handled = (Boolean) AbstractReconfiguratorDB.autoInvokeMethod(this, rcPacket, doNotReplyToClient, this.consistentNodeConfig); return handled; } protected static Object autoInvokeMethod(Object target, BasicReconfigurationPacket<?> rcPacket, boolean recovery, Stringifiable<?> unstringer) { try { return target.getClass() .getMethod( ReconfigurationPacket.HANDLER_METHOD_PREFIX + ReconfigurationPacket.getPacketTypeClassName(rcPacket.getType()), ReconfigurationPacket.getPacketTypeClass(rcPacket.getType()), boolean.class) .invoke(target, rcPacket, recovery); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { nsme.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { iae.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /* We want NC complete RCRecordRequest to be non-blocking during recovery. * Otherwise, we may not even get started with finishPendingReconfigurations * that in turn may be required for unblocking the NC complete. */ private boolean uglyRecoveryHack(final BasicReconfigurationPacket<NodeIDType> rcPacket, boolean recovering) { if (recovering && rcPacket.getServiceName().equals(RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString())) { (new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { autoInvokeMethod(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.this, rcPacket, recovering, consistentNodeConfig); } })).start(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param report * @return True if demand report is handled successfully. False means that * it may not have been processed. */ public boolean handleDemandReport(DemandReport<NodeIDType> report) { return this.updateDemandStats(report); } private ReconfiguratorCallback callback = null; public void setCallback(ReconfiguratorCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; } /** * If a reconfiguration intent is being registered, a protocol task must be * started that ensures that the reconfiguration completes successfully. * * @param rcRecReq * @param recovery * @return True if the record was handled successfully. */ public boolean handleRCRecordRequest(RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType> rcRecReq, boolean recovery) { // create RC record upon a name creation request if (rcRecReq.startEpoch.isInitEpoch() // don't create if delete is being re-executed && !rcRecReq.isDeleteIntentOrPrevDropComplete() // record==null ensures it is not waiting delete && this.getReconfigurationRecord(rcRecReq.getServiceName()) == null) if (!rcRecReq.startEpoch.isBatchedCreate()) this.createReconfigurationRecord(new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getEpochNumber() - 1, rcRecReq.startEpoch.curEpochGroup)); else if (!this.createReconfigurationRecords(rcRecReq.startEpoch.getNameStates(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup())) return false; ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(rcRecReq.getServiceName()); assert (record != null || rcRecReq.isReconfigurationPrevDropComplete()) : this.getMyID() + " : " + rcRecReq; if (record == null) return false; log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received RCRecordRequest {1} while rcRecord = {2}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), record.getSummary() }); // verify legitimate transition and legitimate node config change if (!this.isLegitTransition(rcRecReq, record) || !this.isLegitimateNodeConfigChange(rcRecReq, record)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received illegitimate RCRecordRequest {1} while rcRecord = {2}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), record.getSummary() }); return false; } // wait till node config change is complete if (rcRecReq.isNodeConfigChange() && rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete()) { // should not be here at node config creation time assert (!rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevEpochGroup().isEmpty()); if (record.getEpoch() - rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() < 0 && record.isReady() && this.callback != null) this.callback.executed(new RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType>(rcRecReq.getInitiator(), rcRecReq.startEpoch, RCRecordRequest.RequestTypes.RECONFIGURATION_INTENT), true); // wait for all local RC groups to be up to date if (this.selfWait(rcRecReq)) { log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} blocked upon {1} when record = {2}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), record.getSummary() }); return false; } // delete lower node config versions from node config table this.garbageCollectOldReconfigurators(rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - 1); // garbage collect soft socket address mappings for deleted RC nodes this.consistentNodeConfig.removeReconfiguratorsSlatedForRemoval(); String print = AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString() + ":" + rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() + "=" + this.consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators() + " "; log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} {1}", new Object[] { this, print }); if (rcRecReq.getInitiator().equals(getMyID())) System.out.print(print); } boolean handled = false; if (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationIntent()) { // READY -> WAIT_ACK_STOP log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received {1}; changing state {2} {3} {4} -> {5} {6} {7}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), rcRecReq.getServiceName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - 1, ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP, rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup() }); handled = rcRecReq.startEpoch.isBatchedCreate() ? // batched create this.setStateInitReconfiguration(rcRecReq.startEpoch.getNameStates(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - 1, ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP, rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup()) : // typical unbatched create this.setStateInitReconfiguration(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - 1, ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP, rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup()); } else if (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete()) { // WAIT_ACK_START -> READY log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received {1}; changing state {2} {3} {4} -> {5} {6}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), rcRecReq.getServiceName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber(), ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.READY }); handled = rcRecReq.startEpoch.isBatchedCreate() ? this.setStateMerge(rcRecReq.startEpoch.getNameStates(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber(), ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.READY_READY, rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup()) : this.setStateMerge(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.noCurEpochGroup() ? ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.WAIT_DELETE : rcRecReq.startEpoch.noPrevEpochGroup() ? ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.READY_READY : ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates.READY, rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getMergees()); // merge ops should be specified at new epoch creation time } else if (rcRecReq.isDeleteIntent()) { // WAIT_ACK_STOP -> WAIT_DELETE log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received {1}; changing state {2} {3} {4} -> DELETE", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), rcRecReq.getServiceName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState() }); handled = this.markDeleteReconfigurationRecord(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() /*- 1*/); } else if (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationPrevDropComplete()) { // READY -> READY_READY or WAIT_DELETE -> DELETE log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received {1}; changing state {2} {3} {4} -> READY_READY/DELETE", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), rcRecReq.getServiceName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), }); handled = // typical reconfiguration READY -> READY_READY rcRecReq.startEpoch.hasCurEpochGroup() ? this.setState(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber(), RCStates.READY_READY) // isDeleteable WAIT_DELETE -> DELETE : rcRecReq.startEpoch.noCurEpochGroup() && record.isDeletable() ? this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber()) // else return value doesn't really matter : true; } else if (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationMerge()) { // MERGE log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} received {1}; merging state {2} {3} into {4} {5}{6}", new Object[] { this, rcRecReq.getSummary(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevGroupName(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevEpochNumber(), rcRecReq.getServiceName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState() }); try { handled = this.mergeState(rcRecReq.getServiceName(), rcRecReq.getEpochNumber(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevGroupName(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevEpochNumber(), rcRecReq.startEpoch.initialState); } catch (Exception e) { log.severe(this + " incurred exception in mergeState " + e.getMessage()); handled = false; } } else throw new RuntimeException("Received unexpected RCRecordRequest"); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} {1} {2}; record = {3} ", new Object[] { this, handled ? "successfully handled" : "turned into a noop", rcRecReq.getSummary(), record.getSummary() }); if (handled && (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete() || rcRecReq.isReconfigurationMerge()) && this.isRCGroupName(record.getName())) // notify to wake up node config completion wait selfNotify(); else if (handled && rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete() && rcRecReq.isNodeConfigChange()) assertMergesAllDone(); return handled; } private void assertMergesAllDone() { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); for (NodeIDType rcNode : ncRecord.getNewActives()) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(this.getRCGroupName(rcNode), ncRecord.getRCEpoch(this.getRCGroupName(rcNode))); assert (record == null || record.areMergesAllDone()); } } /* Checks that oldGroup is current group and newGroup differs from old by * exactly one node. */ private boolean isLegitimateNodeConfigChange(RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType> rcRecReq, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record) { if (!rcRecReq.getServiceName().equals(RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString())) return true; boolean consistent = rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevEpochGroup().equals(record.getActiveReplicas()); Set<NodeIDType> oldGroup = rcRecReq.startEpoch.getPrevEpochGroup(); Set<NodeIDType> newGroup = rcRecReq.startEpoch.getCurEpochGroup(); consistent = consistent && differByOne(oldGroup, newGroup); return consistent; } private boolean differByOne(Set<NodeIDType> s1, Set<NodeIDType> s2) { return (s1.containsAll(s2) && (s1.size() == (s2.size() + 1))) || (s2.containsAll(s1) && (s2.size() == (s1.size() + 1))); } public String toString() { return "RCDB" + myID; } /* doNotReplyToClient for this "app" is a no-op as it never replies to some * "client". All messaging is done by a single reconfigurator node. The DB * only reflects state changes. */ @Override public boolean execute(Request request) { return this.execute(request, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Request getRequest(String stringified) throws RequestParseException { if (stringified.equals(Request.NO_OP)) return getNoopRequest(stringified); BasicReconfigurationPacket<NodeIDType> rcPacket = null; try { rcPacket = (BasicReconfigurationPacket<NodeIDType>) ReconfigurationPacket .getReconfigurationPacket(new JSONObject(stringified), this.consistentNodeConfig); } catch (JSONException e) { log.severe(this + " encoutered JSONException trying to decode [" + stringified + "]"); e.printStackTrace(); } return rcPacket; } protected static Request getNoopRequest(String stringified) { if (stringified.equals(Request.NO_OP)) { return new Request() { @Override public IntegerPacketType getRequestType() { return new IntegerPacketType() { @Override public int getInt() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } }; } @Override public String getServiceName() { return Request.NO_OP; } @Override public String toString() { return Request.NO_OP; } }; } return null; } /* Some methods below that throw a runtime exception saying that they should * have never been called are so because, with the current design, these * methods are subsumed by Reconfigurator and never directly called. The * current call chain is PacketDemultiplexer -> Reconfigurator -> * RepliconfigurableReconfigurator.handleIncoming(.) -> * this.handleRequest(.). The getRequest and getRequestTypes methods are * only used for demultiplexing and the set of packet types of this class * are a subset of those of Reconfigurator. */ @Override public Set<IntegerPacketType> getRequestTypes() { return new HashSet<IntegerPacketType>(); // empty } // Reconfigurable methods below @Override public ReconfigurableRequest getStopRequest(String name, int epoch) { StopEpoch<NodeIDType> stop = new StopEpoch<NodeIDType>(this.getMyID(), name, epoch); assert (stop instanceof ReplicableRequest); return stop; } /** * @param name * @return Current epoch */ @Override public synchronized Integer getEpoch(String name) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); return (record != null ? record.getEpoch() : null); } @Override public String getFinalState(String name, int epoch) { throw new RuntimeException("Method not yet implemented and should never have been called" + "as AbstractReconfiguratorDB uses PaxosReplicaCoordinator"); } @Override public void putInitialState(String name, int epoch, String state) { throw new RuntimeException("Method not yet implemented and should never have been called" + "as AbstractReconfiguratorDB uses PaxosReplicaCoordinator"); } @Override public boolean deleteFinalState(String name, int epoch) { throw new RuntimeException("Method not yet implemented and should never have been called" + "as AbstractReconfiguratorDB uses PaxosReplicaCoordinator"); } protected static final boolean TWO_PAXOS_RC = Config.getGlobalBoolean(RC.TWO_PAXOS_RC); /* A transition using an RCRecordRequest is legitimate iff if takes a record * in the same epoch from READY */ private boolean isLegitTransition(RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType> rcRecReq, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record) { assert (record != null) : rcRecReq; // always ignore lower epochs if (rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - record.getEpoch() < 0) return false; /* We need to consider both ==1 and >1 for epoch numbers as this * particular node may have missed a few epochs. The received RC record * must either initiate a reconfiguration or announce its completion * even when this replica is waiting on an ackStop for the preceding * epoch (something that is rare during gracious execution but can * happen if a secondary replica takes over and completes the * reconfiguration while the primary is still waiting for the previous * epoch to stop). */ if (rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - record.getEpoch() >= 1) { // initiating reconfiguration to next epoch return // ready to reconfigure (record.isReconfigurationReady() && rcRecReq.isReconfigurationIntent()) // waitAckStop and reconfiguration/delete complete or delete intent || ((record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP) /* It is possible that the reconfiguration intent or the * uncoordinated createReconfigurationRecord step does not * happen at a node but it gets the paxos-coordinated * complete for the higher epoch, so we must allow a * transition from n-1:READY (as opposed to * n-1:WAIT_ACK_STOP) to n:READY. This can only happen when * isAggregatedMergeSplit. */ || (Reconfigurator.isAggregatedMergeSplit() && record.getState().equals(RCStates.READY))) && (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete() /* Batch creation initializes records to -1:WAIT_ACK_STOP in * order to avoid two update steps, so we need the intent to * be considered legitimate still. */ || rcRecReq.startEpoch.isBatchedCreate())) // higher epoch possible only if legitimate || !TWO_PAXOS_RC; /* If a reconfiguration intent is allowed only from READY, we have a * problem during recovery when reconfiguration completion is not * automatically rolled forward. So reconfiguration initiations will * fail because the current state won't be READY. Every * reconfiguration from after the most recent checkpoint will have * to be explicitly replayed again. One option is to allow * illegitimate transitions during recovery. */ } /* In the same epoch, the only state change possible is by receiving an * RC record announcing reconfiguration completion while waiting for a * majority ackStarts. */ if (rcRecReq.getEpochNumber() - record.getEpoch() == 0) { return // waiting on ackStart and reconfiguration complete (record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_ACK_START) && rcRecReq.isReconfigurationComplete()) // ready and reconfiguration merge || (record.isReady() && (rcRecReq.isReconfigurationMerge() || rcRecReq.isReconfigurationPrevDropComplete())) // delete pending and delete complete || (record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_DELETE) && rcRecReq.isReconfigurationPrevDropComplete()); } return false; } /* Checks if all new RC groups are ready. */ private boolean areRCChangesComplete() { return this.areRCChangesCompleteDebug().isEmpty(); } protected String areRCChangesCompleteDebug() { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> newRCGroups = this.getNewRCGroups(); boolean rcComplete = true; ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); String debug = ""; for (String newRCGroup : newRCGroups.keySet()) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(newRCGroup); rcComplete = rcComplete && record != null // epoch matches && ((record.getEpoch() == ncRecord.getRCEpoch(this.consistentNodeConfig.valueOf(newRCGroup))) // ready and all merges done && ((record.isReconfigurationReady() && newRCGroups.get(newRCGroup).equals(record.getActiveReplicas()) && record.areMergesAllDone()) // or post-ready ( => ready and all merges done) || (record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP))) // or moved on to strictly higher epochs (possible?) || (record.getEpoch() - ncRecord.getRCEpoch(newRCGroup) > 0)); if (!rcComplete) { debug += (record != null) ? record.getSummary() + (record.isReady() ? "->" + ncRecord.getRCEpoch(newRCGroup) + ":" + RCStates.READY + ":" + newRCGroups.get(newRCGroup) : "") : "record = null"; break; } } if (!rcComplete) log.log(Level.INFO, "{0}:{1} has not completed all constituent RC group changes yet, e.g., {2}", new Object[] { this, ncRecord.getSummary(), debug, }); DelayProfiler.updateDelay("isNodeConfigChangeComplete", t0); return debug; } protected Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> getNewRCGroups() { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); return this.getRCGroups(this.getMyID(), ncRecord.getNewActives()); } protected Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> getOldRCGroups() { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); return this.getRCGroups(this.getMyID(), ncRecord.getActiveReplicas()); } protected Set<String> getMergeList(String newRCGroupName) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); Set<NodeIDType> deletedNodes = diff(ncRecord.getActiveReplicas(), ncRecord.getNewActives()); Set<String> mergees = new HashSet<String>(); for (NodeIDType deletedNode : deletedNodes) { String merger = this.getRCGroupName(this.getNewConsistentHashRing() .getReplicatedServersArray(this.getRCGroupName(deletedNode)).get(0)); if (merger.equals(newRCGroupName)) mergees.add(this.getRCGroupName(deletedNode)); } if (!mergees.isEmpty()) log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} merging list of mergees {1}", new Object[] { this, mergees }); return mergees; } protected HashMap<String, Set<String>> getMergeLists() { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); Set<NodeIDType> deletedNodes = diff(ncRecord.getActiveReplicas(), ncRecord.getNewActives()); HashMap<String, Set<String>> mergeLists = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (NodeIDType deletedNode : deletedNodes) { String merger = this.getRCGroupName(this.getNewConsistentHashRing() .getReplicatedServersArray(this.getRCGroupName(deletedNode)).get(0)); if (!mergeLists.containsKey(merger)) mergeLists.put(merger, new HashSet<String>()); Set<String> mergees = mergeLists.get(merger); mergees.add(this.getRCGroupName(deletedNode)); mergeLists.put(merger, mergees); } return mergeLists; } // return s1 - s2 private Set<NodeIDType> diff(Set<NodeIDType> s1, Set<NodeIDType> s2) { Set<NodeIDType> diff = new HashSet<NodeIDType>(); for (NodeIDType node : s1) if (!s2.contains(node)) diff.add(node); return diff; } /* This method currently reconstructs a new consistent hashing structure * afresh each time it is called, which may be inefficient. But it is * unclear where we can store it in a manner that is safe, so we just * reconstruct it from the DB on demand. It is used only while reconfiguring * reconfigurators, which is rare. */ protected Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> getRCGroups(NodeIDType rc, Set<NodeIDType> allRCs, boolean print) { assert (rc != null && allRCs != null); ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType> newRCCH = new ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType>(allRCs); HashMap<String, Set<NodeIDType>> groups = new HashMap<String, Set<NodeIDType>>(); String s = "RC groups with " + allRCs + " at " + getMyID() + " = "; // compute RC groups as in createDefaultGroups for (NodeIDType node : allRCs) { Set<NodeIDType> group = newRCCH.getReplicatedServers(node.toString()); if (group.contains(rc)) { s += " [" + (node + ":" + group) + "] "; groups.put(this.getRCGroupName(node), group); } } if (print) System.out.println(s + "\n"); return groups; } protected Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> getRCGroups(NodeIDType rc, Set<NodeIDType> allRCs) { return this.getRCGroups(rc, allRCs, false); } private NodeIDType getMyID() { return this.myID; } private RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType> blockingRequest = null; private synchronized boolean selfWait(RCRecordRequest<NodeIDType> rcRecReq) { if (!this.areRCChangesComplete()) { this.blockingRequest = rcRecReq; return true; } else this.blockingRequest = null; try { while (!this.areRCChangesComplete()) { this.wait(5000); ; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private synchronized void selfNotify() { if (this.blockingRequest != null) { this.handleRCRecordRequest(this.blockingRequest, false); } this.notifyAll(); } /** * @param stopEpoch * @param recovery * @return If this {@code stopEpoch} was handled successfully. */ public boolean handleStopEpoch(StopEpoch<NodeIDType> stopEpoch, boolean recovery) { log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} stop-executed {1}", new Object[] { this, stopEpoch.getSummary() }); // for exactly once semantics for merges this.clearMerged(stopEpoch.getServiceName(), stopEpoch.getEpochNumber()); return true; } protected String getRCGroupName(NodeIDType node) { return node.toString(); } protected String getRCGroupName(String name) { if (name.equals(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString())) return name; else if (name.equals(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString())) return AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString(); else if (this.isRCGroupName(name)) return name; else return this.getRCGroupName(this.consistentNodeConfig.getFirstReconfigurator(name)); } protected boolean isRCGroupName(String name) { for (NodeIDType rc : this.consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators()) if (this.getRCGroupName(rc).equals(name)) return true; return false; } /* Insert next nodeConfig version into DB. We have the necessary nodeID info * from the NODE_CONFIG reconfiguration record, but we do need * consistentNodeConfig for the corresponding InetSocketAddresses. * * FIXME: This should probably be done atomically, not one record at a time. */ protected boolean updateDBNodeConfig(int version) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); boolean added = true; for (NodeIDType rc : ncRecord.getNewActives()) { assert (this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(rc) != null) : getMyID() + " had no socket addres for " + rc; added = added && this.addReconfigurator(rc, this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(rc), version); } return added; } protected boolean updateActiveDBNodeConfig(int version) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ancRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString()); boolean added = true; for (NodeIDType active : ancRecord.getNewActives()) { assert (this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(active) != null) : getMyID() + " had no socket addres for " + active; added = added && this.addActiveReplica(active, this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(active), version); } return added; } protected Set<NodeIDType> setRCEpochs(Set<NodeIDType> addNodes, Set<NodeIDType> deleteNodes) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); assert (!ncRecord.getActiveReplicas().equals(ncRecord.getNewActives())) : this + " : " + ncRecord; Set<NodeIDType> affectedNodes = new HashSet<NodeIDType>(); // affected by adds for (NodeIDType addNode : addNodes) { affectedNodes.add(addNode); for (NodeIDType oldNode : ncRecord.getActiveReplicas()) if (this.isAffected(oldNode, addNode)) affectedNodes.add(oldNode); } // affected by deletes for (NodeIDType deleteNode : deleteNodes) for (NodeIDType oldNode : ncRecord.getActiveReplicas()) if (this.isAffected(oldNode, deleteNode)) affectedNodes.add(oldNode); ncRecord.setRCEpochs(affectedNodes, addNodes, deleteNodes); this.setRCEpochs(ncRecord); return affectedNodes; } /* Determines if rcNode's group needs to be reconfigured because of the * addition or deletion of addOrDelNode. We need this to correctly track the * epoch numbers of all RC groups. */ protected boolean isAffected(NodeIDType rcNode, NodeIDType addOrDelNode) { if (addOrDelNode == null) return false; boolean affected = false; ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType> oldRing = this.getOldConsistentHashRing(); NodeIDType hashNode = oldRing.getReplicatedServersArray(this.getRCGroupName(addOrDelNode)).get(0); ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); for (NodeIDType oldNode : ncRecord.getActiveReplicas()) { if (oldRing.getReplicatedServers(this.getRCGroupName(oldNode)).contains(hashNode)) { affected = true; } } return affected; } protected ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType> getOldConsistentHashRing() { return new ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType>( this.getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()) .getActiveReplicas()); } protected ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType> getNewConsistentHashRing() { return new ConsistentHashing<NodeIDType>( this.getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()) .getNewActives()); } }