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/* Copyright (c) 2015 University of Massachusetts
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
 * Initial developer(s): V. Arun */
package edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.junit.Assert;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;

import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.examples.noop.NoopPaxosApp;
import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxosutil.E2ELatencyAwareRedirector;
import edu.umass.cs.nio.NIOTransport;
import edu.umass.cs.nio.SSLDataProcessingWorker;
import edu.umass.cs.nio.SSLDataProcessingWorker.SSL_MODES;
import edu.umass.cs.nio.interfaces.NodeConfig;
import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReconfigurableNodeConfig;
import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReplicableRequest;
import edu.umass.cs.utils.Config;
import edu.umass.cs.utils.DiskMap;
import edu.umass.cs.utils.MultiArrayMap;
import edu.umass.cs.utils.Util;

 * @author arun
 *         A container class for storing gigapaxos config parameters as an enum.
public class PaxosConfig {
     * Default file name for gigapaxos config parameters.
    public static final String DEFAULT_GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE = "";
     * Gigapaxos config file information can be specified using
     * -DgigapaxosConfig=<filename> as a JVM argument.
    public static final String GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY = "gigapaxosConfig";

    public static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_PREFIX = "active.";

    static {

     * Loads from a default file or file name specified as a system property. We
     * take a type argument so that ReconfigurationConfig.RC can also mooch off
     * the same properties file.
     * @param type
    public static void load(Class<?> type) {
        try {
            Config.register(type, GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY, DEFAULT_GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE).setSystemProperties();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore as default will still be used

     * By default, PaxosConfig.PC will be registered.
    public static void load() {

     * @return Properties in gigapaxos properties file.
    public static Properties getAsProperties() {
        Properties config = null;
        try {
            // need to preserve case here
            config = Config.getProperties(PC.class, GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY, DEFAULT_GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        if (config == null)
            config = Config.getConfig(PC.class);
        return config;

     * @return True if all parameters are sane.
    public static boolean sanityCheck() {
        Assert.assertTrue(PC.GIGAPAXOS_DATA_DIR + " must be an absolute path",
                        // only for backwards compatibility
                        || Config.getGlobalString(PC.GIGAPAXOS_DATA_DIR).trim().equals("."));
        if (Config.getGlobalString(PC.GIGAPAXOS_DATA_DIR).trim().equals("."))
            PaxosManager.getLogger().warning(PC.GIGAPAXOS_DATA_DIR + " must be an absolute path;"
                    + " specifying \".\" is deprecated and discouraged.");
        return true;

     * @return A map of names and socket addresses corresponding to servers
     *         hosting paxos replicas.
    public static Map<String, InetSocketAddress> getActives() {
        Map<String, InetSocketAddress> map = new HashMap<String, InetSocketAddress>();
        Properties config = getAsProperties();

        Set<String> keys = config.stringPropertyNames();
        for (String key : keys) {
            if (key.trim().startsWith(DEFAULT_SERVER_PREFIX)) {
                map.put(key.replaceFirst(DEFAULT_SERVER_PREFIX, ""),
        return map;

    private static Class<?> getClassSuppressExceptions(String className) {
        Class<?> clazz = null;
        try {
            if (className != null && !"null".equals(className)) {
                clazz = Class.forName(className);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        return clazz;

     * Paxos controlled application.
    public static final Class<?> application = getClassSuppressExceptions(Config.getGlobalString(PC.APPLICATION));

     * All gigapaxos config parameters that can be specified via a configuration
     * file.
    public static enum PC implements Config.ConfigurableEnum, Config.Disableable {

         * Default application managed by gigapaxos.

         * Default offset for the client facing port.

         * Default offset for the client facing ssl port.

         * Verbose debugging and request instrumentation
         * True means no persistent logging

         * FIXME: Journaling based log for efficiency. Needs periodic compaction
         * that is not yet implemented, so this log exists only for performance
         * instrumentation.

         * True means no checkpointing. If logging is enabled (as is the
         * default), the logs will grow unbounded. So either both should be true
         * or both should be false.


        COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD(4 * 1024 * 1024),

         * The default size of the {@link MultiArrayMap} used to store paxos
         * instances.
        PINSTANCES_CAPACITY(2000000), // 2M
         * The waiting period for paxos instance corpses in order to prevent
         * inadvertant rebirths because of the missed birthing paxos instance
         * creation mechanism.
         * Whether the hibernate option is enabled.
         * Whether the pause option is enabled.

         * Fraction of capacity to be reached in order for pausing to get
         * enabled.

         * The time after which the deactivation thread will attempt to pause
         * idle paxos instances by making a pass over all currently unpaused
         * instances. This is also the period for which a paxos instance must be
         * idle in order to be paused.
        DEACTIVATION_PERIOD(60000), // 30s default

         * Limits the rate of pausing to not interfere with request processing.
         * But it has the downside of increasing the total pause time as well as
         * limiting the paxos instance creation rate. For example, pausing a
         * million instances will take 1000s with the default rate limit of
         * 1000/s.
        PAUSE_RATE_LIMIT(1000), // /s

         * Refer to documentation in {@link SQLPaxosLogger}.
        MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE(3600 * 1000),
         * Whether request batching is enabled.

        MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE(64 * 1024 * 1024),

         * Wait period for forcibly killing a lower paxos instance version in
         * order to start a higher version.
         * <p>
         * FIXME: Unclear what a good default is for good liveness. It doesn't
         * really matter for safety of reconfiguration.
         * Wait period before going forth with a missed birthing paxos instance
         * creation to see if the instance gets normally created anyway.

         * The maximum log message size. The higher the batching, the higher
         * this value needs to be.
        MAX_LOG_MESSAGE_SIZE(1024 * 1024 * 5),

         * The maximum checkpoint size. The default below is the maximum size of
         * varchar in embedded derby, which is probably somewhat faster than
         * clobs, which would be automatically used with bigger checkpoint
         * sizes.

         * Number of checkpoints after which log messages will be garbage
         * collected for a paxos group. We really don't need to do garbage
         * collection at all until the size of the table starts affecting log
         * message retrieval time or the size of the table starts causing the
         * indexing overhead to become high at insertion time; the latter is
         * unlikely as we maintain an index on the paxosID key.

         * Number of log files after which GC will be attempted.

         * Number of log files after which compaction will be attempted.

         * The number of log messages after which they are indexed into the DB.
         * Indexing every log message doubles the logging overhead and doesn't
         * have to be done (unless #SYNC_INDEX_JOURNAL is enabled). Upon
         * recovery however, we need to do slightly more work to ensure that all
         * uncommitted log messages are indexed into the DB.

         * Whether fields in the log messages table in the DB should be indexed.
         * This index refers to the DB's internal index as opposed to
         * {@link #DB_INDEX_JOURNAL} that is an explicit index of log messages
         * journaled on the file system.

         * A tiny amount of minimum sleep imposed on every request in order to
         * improve batching benefits. Also refer to {@link #BATCH_OVERHEAD}.

         * Inverse of the percentage overhead of agreement latency added to the
         * sleep duration used for increasing batching gains. Also refer to
         * {@value #BATCH_SLEEP_DURATION}.


         * Maximum number of batched requests. Setting it to infinity means that
         * the log message size will still limit it.

         * Checkpoint interval. A larger value means slower recovery, slower
         * coordinator changes, and less frequent garbage collection, but it
         * also means less frequent IO or higher request throughput.

         * Number of threads in packet demultiplexer. More than 0 means that we
         * may not preserve the order of client requests while processing them.

         * Whether request order is preserved for requests sent by the same
         * replica and committed by the same coordinator.

         * The replica receiving the request will simply send the request to the
         * local application replica, i.e., this essentially disables all paxos
         * coordination. This is used only for testing.

         * If true, the servers will send no response. For testing only.

         * Only for performance instrumentation. If true, replicas will simply
         * execute the request upon receiving an ACCEPT. This option will break
         * RSM safety.

         * Also used for testing. Lazily propagates requests to other replicas
         * when emulating unreplicated execution mode.

         * Enables coalescing of accept replies.

         * Enables coalescing of commits. For coalesced commits, a replica must
         * have the corresponding accept logged, otherwise it will end up
         * sync'ing and increasing overhead. Enabling this option but not
         * persistent logging can cause liveness problems.

         * Whether to store compressed logs in the DB.

         * Instrumentation at various places. Should be enabled only during
         * testing and disabled during production use.


         * Whether DelayProfiler should be enabled.


         * The top-level directory inside which all gigapaxos-related data is
         * stored. Paxos logs and checkpoints are stored in the sub-directory
         * PAXOS_LOGS_DIR. Reconfiguration logs are stored in the sub-directory

         * Location for paxos logs when an embedded DB is used. This can not be
         * changed.

         * Prefix of the paxos DB's name. The whole name is obtained by
         * concatenating this prefix with the node ID.
         * In the embedded DB case, paxos logs for "nodeID" are stored at

         * Maximum length in characters of a paxos group name.

         * {@link edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxosutil.SQL.SQLType} type. Currently,
         * the only other alternative is "MYSQL". Refer the above class to
         * specify the user name and password.

         * Maximum size of a paxos replica group.

         * Threshold for throttling client request load.

         * Sleep millis to throttle client requests if overloaded. Used only for
         * testing.

         * Client-server SSL mode.

         * Server-server SSL mode.

         * Number of additional sending connections used by paxos. We need this
         * because the sending throughput of a single TCP connection is limited
         * and can become a bottleneck at the coordinator.


         * Disable congestion pushback.

         * If true, we use a garbage collected map that has higher overhead than
         * a regular map, but is still not a bottleneck.

         * Only log meta decisions if corresponding accept was previously
         * received.

         * Whether select packets should be byteified as opposed to
         * json-stringified.




         * Disables the feature that redirects requests to the most recent
         * replica from which a response to a coordinated request, i.e., a
         * {@link ReplicableRequest} with
         * {@link ReplicableRequest#needsCoordination()} {@code true}, was
         * received. Note that enabling this feature means that latency-based
         * request redirection at the client will not happen, so the client may
         * be sending requests to far away active replicas even though nearer
         * ones exist. This is because latency-based redirection works by
         * probing, i.e., a small fraction,
         * {@link E2ELatencyAwareRedirector#PROBE_RATIO} of requests are sent to
         * a random active replica, in order to enable nearest-server
         * redirection.

         * If true, gigapaxos will try to prevent executing (retransmitted)
         * requests if they had already been executed in the <i>recent</i> past.
         * In such cases, the response from the first execution will be returned
         * to the app. This method can not be relied upon for safety as
         * gigapaxos will cache executed requests for a limited time and is
         * space-contrained.

         * Whether journal entries should be synchronously indexed in the DB.
         * Makes journaling (and overall throughput) slower but makes safe
         * retrieval of logged messages easier both during normal operations and
         * upon recovery. During normal operations, we just have to check the DB
         * and also check the pending log in memory to ensure that we don't miss
         * any log messages. Upon recovery however, there is no pending log in
         * memory and the system may have crashed with some pending log messages
         * before they could be inserted into the DB, so we just have to find
         * the last message logged in the DB and put the rest in a pending queue
         * for logging into the DB.

         * Whether more than one thread is used to log messages.

         * True means that the journal entries will be indexed in the DB. False (default) 
         * means we maintain an in-memory index while infrequently pausing unused entries
         * to disk (using {@link DiskMap} while reconstructing unsaved entries upon 
         * recovery using the written-ahead journal log files.

         * Failure detection timeout in seconds after which a node will be
         * considered dead if no keepalives have been received from it. Used to
         * detect coordinator failures.

         * Request timeout in seconds after which the request will be deleted
         * from the outstanding queue. Currently, there is no effort to remove
         * any other state for that request from the system.

         * Whether the mapdb package should be used. It seems too slow for our
         * purposes, so we use our own custom write-ahead logger.
        USE_MAP_DB(false, true),

         * If true, the checkpoints table will be used to also store paused
         * state as opposed to storing paused state in its own table. The reason
         * to store paused state in the same table as checkpoints is that we can
         * easily compute FIXME:









         * Minimum seconds after last modification when a compaction attempt can
         * be made.
        LOGFILE_AGE_THRESHOLD(10 * 60),

         * Percentage variation around mean in checkpoint interval.

         * Whether checkpoints should be batched. We rely on the fact that
         * synchronous checkpointing is not necessary for safety except for the
         * initial state and the state after the stop request. We just need to
         * ensure that the state for the checkpoint is synchronously obtained
         * from the application immediately after the corresponding request
         * execution.


         * Number of milliseconds after which
         * {@link edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Replicable#execute(edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Request)}
         * will be re-attempted until it returns true.

         * Maximum number of retry attempts for
         * {@link edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Replicable#execute(edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Request)}
         * . After these many unsuccessful attempts, the paxos instance will be
         * killed.

         * Broadcast requests at entry replica and use digests in accepts. This
         * makes a noticeable difference only when the number of groups is small
         * (like 1 or 2). For more groups, the reordering effects seem to hurt
         * more than help.
         * Disabled by default.

         * Number of active groups up to which digesting is done. Digests seem
         * to hurt with many groups probably because the cost more than offsets
         * the benefit. With many groups, the coordinator load balancing benefit
         * of digests is negligible. The main benefit is that they save one
         * transmission of the request body, but they increase the total number
         * of messages by one and lose out on stringification optimizations at
         * acceptors. Furthermore, a digested accept is useless unless the
         * corresponding request body arrives, which seems to slow down the
         * overall throughput of the system.

         * Whether paxos packets across different paxos groups should be batched
         * if they are going to the same set of destinations.

         * Whether accept batching should be different from
         * {@link #BATCH_ACROSS_GROUPS}. True means that we won't batch accepts
         * even if {@link #BATCH_ACROSS_GROUPS} is true. Accept batching doesn't
         * really help unless {@link #DIGEST_REQUESTS} is enabled and that is by
         * default enabled only if the number of active instances is small.

         * Whether {@link edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxospackets.RequestPacket} and
         * inherited classes should be batched. This batching is different from
         * the batching in {@link #BATCHING_ENABLED}. It refers to batching of
         * entire packets to marginally reduce network overhead. It really makes
         * little difference either way. With the new byteification methods and
         * batching opportunities (as in {@link #BATCHING_ENABLED}), this option
         * actually has a small net cost, so it should be disabled by default.
         * It may give small benefits with a large number of groups and little
         * room for batching within each group.

         * Local messages are not put in {@link PaxosPacketBatcher}.





         * Minimum number of packets in order to consider
         * {@link edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxospackets.PaxosPacket} batching.




         * True means we garbage collect accepts up to the slot that a majority
         * have executed; otherwise up to the slot that a majority have
         * checkpointed.



         * Turns on delay emulation.

         * FIXME: The options below only exist for testing stringification
         * overhead. They should probably be moved to {@link TESTPaxosConfig}.
         * Most of these will compromise safety.

        /***************** Start of unsafe testing options *******************/
         * Testing option.
        JOURNAL_COMPRESSION(false, true),

         * Testing option.
        STRINGIFY_WO_JOURNALING(false, true),

         * Testing option.
        NON_COORD_ONLY(false, true),

         * Testing option.
        NO_STRINGIFY_JOURNALING(false, true),

         * Testing option.

         * Testing option.
        DONT_LOG_DECISIONS(false, true),

         * Testing option.
        NON_COORD_DONT_LOG_DECISIONS(false, true),

         * Testing option.
        COORD_DONT_LOG_DECISIONS(false, true),

         * Testing option.

         * Testing option
        ALL_BUT_APPEND(false, true),

         * Testing option. Implies no coordinator fault-tolerance.
        DISABLE_GET_LOGGED_MESSAGES(false, true),

         * If true, identical requests, i.e., requests with the same requestID, 
         * paxosID, and sending client's socket address, will get a recently
         * cached response if any instead of re-coordinating the request. This
         * is useful to reduce the likelihood of double-execution, but does not
         * eliminate it completely.

        /*********** End of unsafe testing options *****************/


        final Object defaultValue;
        final boolean unsafeTestingOnly;

        PC(Object defaultValue) {
            this(defaultValue, false);

        PC(Object defaultValue, boolean testingOnly) {
            this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
            this.unsafeTestingOnly = testingOnly;

        public Object getDefaultValue() {
            return this.defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultConfigFile() {

        public String getConfigFileKey() {
            return GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY;

        public boolean isDisabled() {
            return UNSAFE_TESTING ? false : this.unsafeTestingOnly;

    private static boolean UNSAFE_TESTING = false;

     * @return Default client port offset based on whether ssl is enabled.
    public static int getClientPortOffset() {
        if (SSL_MODES.valueOf(Config.getGlobalString(PC.CLIENT_SSL_MODE)) == SSL_MODES.CLEAR)
            return Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_OFFSET);
            return Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_SSL_OFFSET);

     * @param servers
     * @param globalInt
     * @return Socket addresses with the port offset added to each element.
    public static Set<InetSocketAddress> offsetSocketAddresses(Set<InetSocketAddress> servers, int globalInt) {
        Set<InetSocketAddress> offsetted = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();
        for (InetSocketAddress isa : servers) {
            offsetted.add(new InetSocketAddress(isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort() + globalInt));
        return offsetted;

     * @param level
    public static void setConsoleHandler(Level level) {
        ConsoleHandler handler = new ConsoleHandler();



    protected static void setConsoleHandler() {
        if (System.getProperty("java.util.logging.config.file") == null)

    @SuppressWarnings({ "javadoc", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public static void sanityCheck(NodeConfig nodeConfig) throws IOException {
        for (Object n : nodeConfig.getNodeIDs()) {
            for (Object m : nodeConfig.getNodeIDs())
                if (!n.equals(m) && nodeConfig.getNodeAddress(n).equals(nodeConfig.getNodeAddress(m))
                        && (nodeConfig.getNodePort(n) == nodeConfig.getNodePort(m)
                                || nodeConfig.getNodePort(n)
                                        + Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_OFFSET) == nodeConfig.getNodePort(m)
                                || nodeConfig.getNodePort(n)
                                        + Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_SSL_OFFSET) == nodeConfig

                    throw new IOException("Clash in nodeConfig between " + n + " and " + m
                            + ": node socket addresses should not be identical or " + "be exactly "
                            + "CLIENT_PORT_OFFSET=" + Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_OFFSET) + " or "
                            + "CLIENT_PORT_SSL_OFFSET=" + Config.getGlobalInt(PC.CLIENT_PORT_SSL_OFFSET)
                            + " apart.");

     * @return Default node config.
    public static NodeConfig<String> getDefaultNodeConfig() {
        final Map<String, InetSocketAddress> actives = PaxosConfig.getActives();

        // FIXME: don't use reconfiguration classes in gigapaxos
        return new ReconfigurableNodeConfig<String>() {

            public boolean nodeExists(String id) {
                return actives.containsKey(id);

            public InetAddress getNodeAddress(String id) {
                return actives.containsKey(id) ? actives.get(id).getAddress() : null;

             * Bind address is returned as the same as the regular address coz
             * we don't really need a bind address after all.
             * @param id
             * @return Bind address.
            public InetAddress getBindAddress(String id) {
                return actives.containsKey(id) ? actives.get(id).getAddress() : null;

            public int getNodePort(String id) {
                return actives.containsKey(id) ? actives.get(id).getPort() : null;

            public Set<String> getNodeIDs() {
                return new HashSet<String>(actives.keySet());

            public String valueOf(String strValue) {
                return this.nodeExists(strValue) ? strValue : null;

            public Set<String> getValuesFromStringSet(Set<String> strNodes) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Method not yet implemented");

            public Set<String> getValuesFromJSONArray(JSONArray array) throws JSONException {
                throw new RuntimeException("Method not yet implemented");

            public Set<String> getActiveReplicas() {
                return new HashSet<String>(actives.keySet());

            public Set<String> getReconfigurators() {
                return new HashSet<String>(actives.keySet());

    private static boolean noPropertiesFile = false;

     * Used mainly for testing.
    public static void setNoPropertiesFile() {
        noPropertiesFile = true;

     * @return Name of gigapaxos properties file.
    public static String getPropertiesFile() {
        //assert(System.getProperty(PaxosConfig.GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY) ==null);
        return System.getProperty(PaxosConfig.GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY) != null
                ? System.getProperty(PaxosConfig.GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE_KEY)
                : !noPropertiesFile ? PaxosConfig.DEFAULT_GIGAPAXOS_CONFIG_FILE : null;