Java tutorial
//FILE: //PROJECT: Octane //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AUTHOR: Ji Yu,, 1/16/11 // // LICENSE: This file is distributed under the BSD license. // License text is included with the source distribution. // // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES./** // package edu.uchc.octane; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.ClipboardOwner; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.gui.HistogramWindow; import ij.gui.ImageCanvas; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PointRoi; import ij.gui.Roi; import; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; /** * Controller of the the octane window. */ public class OctaneWindowControl implements ClipboardOwner { final private static String SHOW_OVERLAY_KEY = "ShowOverlay"; final private static String HISTOGRAM_BINS_KEY = "histogramBins"; final private static String MSD_DELAY_KEY = "MsdDelay"; final private static String NOTES_SCRIPT_KEY = "NotesScript"; final private static String COMPENSATE_DRIFT_KEY = "compensateDrift"; final private static String DEFAULT_EXPORT_PATH = "DefaultExportPath"; public static Preferences prefs_ = GlobalPrefs.getRoot().node(OctaneWindowControl.class.getName()); public static boolean compensateDrift_ = prefs_.getBoolean(COMPENSATE_DRIFT_KEY, false); public static boolean showOverlay_ = prefs_.getBoolean(SHOW_OVERLAY_KEY, false); public static int histogramBins_ = prefs_.getInt(HISTOGRAM_BINS_KEY, 20); public static int msdDelay_ = prefs_.getInt(MSD_DELAY_KEY, 4); public static String notesScript_ = prefs_.get(NOTES_SCRIPT_KEY, ""); public static String lastSelectedFile_ = prefs_.get(DEFAULT_EXPORT_PATH, null); //static Color [] colorPalette_ = {Color.yellow,,, Color.cyan, Color.magenta,}; ImagePlus imp_ = null; TrajDataset dataset_ = null; protected String path_; protected Animator animator_ = null; OctaneWindow frame_ = null; /** * Constructor * * @param imp the image */ public OctaneWindowControl(ImagePlus imp) { super(); path_ = null; imp_ = imp; FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (fi != null) { path_ =; } imp.getCanvas().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { findMolecule(); } } }); } /** * Load dataset from default disk location * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class not found exception */ public void setup() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { loadDataset(); createWindow(); } /** * Setup window using provided dataset * * @param data the dataset */ public void setup(TrajDataset data) { dataset_ = data; // saveDataset(); createWindow(); } /** * Setup window from positions of molecules. * * @param nodes positions of molecules */ public void setup(SmNode[][] nodes) { dataset_ = TrajDataset.createDatasetFromNodes(nodes); // saveDataset(); createWindow(); } /** * Create and display a new Octane window */ protected void createWindow() { frame_ = new OctaneWindow(); if (imp_ != null) { frame_.setTitle("Octane - " + imp_.getTitle()); } frame_.setController(this); frame_.setVisible(true); } /** * Returns the window object. * * @return the window */ public OctaneWindow getWindow() { return frame_; } /** * Gets the dataset. * * @return the data */ public TrajDataset getData() { return dataset_; } protected Rectangle getCurrentROI() { Rectangle rect; Roi roi = imp_.getRoi(); if (roi != null && roi.isArea()) { rect = roi.getBounds(); } else { imp_.killRoi(); rect = imp_.getProcessor().getRoi(); imp_.setRoi(roi); } return rect; } /** * Select trajectories that are located within the current ROI of the image window */ protected void selectTrajectoriesWithinRoi() { Roi roi = imp_.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { return; } if (roi instanceof PointRoi && ((PointRoi) roi).getNCoordinates() == 1) { int frame = imp_.getFrame(); int x = ((PointRoi) roi).getXCoordinates()[0]; int y = ((PointRoi) roi).getYCoordinates()[0]; findMolecule(x, y, frame); } else { boolean firstSel = true; for (int i = 0; i < dataset_.getSize(); i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(i); if (!t.deleted) { for (int j = 0; j < t.size(); j++) { if (roi.contains((int) t.get(j).x, (int) t.get(j).y)) { if (firstSel) { frame_.selectTrajectoryByIndex(i); firstSel = false; } else { frame_.addTrajectoriesToSelection(i); } break; } } } } } } /** * Copy selected trajectories to system clipboard */ protected void copySelectedTrajectories() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectories(); Trajectory traj; for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { traj = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); for (int j = 0; j < traj.size(); j++) { buf.append(String.format("%10.4f, %10.4f, %10d, %5d%n", traj.get(j).x, traj.get(j).y, traj.get(j).frame, i)); } } Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection contents = new StringSelection(buf.toString()); clipboard.setContents(contents, this); } /** * Find the trajectory that contains the specified particle * @param x The x coordinate of the particle * @param y The y coordinate of the particle * @param f The frame number of the particle */ protected void findMolecule(int x, int y, int f) { int index = 0; int fi = 0; boolean found = false; int lastIndex = dataset_.getSize(); while (!found && index < lastIndex) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(index); if (t != null && t.size() > 0 && t.get(0).frame <= f && t.get(t.size() - 1).frame >= f) { fi = f - t.get(0).frame; if (fi >= t.size()) { fi = t.size() - 1; } while (t.get(fi).frame > f) { fi--; } if (t.get(fi).frame == f) { if (Math.abs(t.get(fi).x - x) < 2.5 && Math.abs(t.get(fi).y - y) < 2.5) { found = true; } } } index++; } if (found) { frame_.selectTrajectoryAndNodeByIndex(index - 1, fi); } } /** * Find the trajectory that contains the particle specified by the cursor */ protected void findMolecule() { ImageCanvas canvas = imp_.getCanvas(); Point p = canvas.getCursorLoc(); int frame = imp_.getCurrentSlice(); findMolecule(p.x, p.y, frame); } /** * Draw trajectory overlay on images */ protected void drawOverlay() { if (!showOverlay_) { imp_.setOverlay(null); return; } GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i < dataset_.getSize(); i++) { Trajectory v = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(i); if (v.marked) { // path.append(new Arc2D.Double(v.get(0).x-0.15,v.get(0).y,0.3,0.3,0,360,Arc2D.OPEN), false); path.moveTo(v.get(0).x, v.get(0).y); for (int j = 1; j < v.size(); j++) { path.lineTo(v.get(j).x, v.get(j).y); } // path.append(new Rectangle2D.Double(v.get(v.size()-1).x-0.15,v.get(v.size()-1).y-0.15,0.3,0.3), false); } } imp_.setOverlay(path, Color.yellow, new BasicStroke(0.1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); } /** * Draw a small box around the current particle */ protected void drawBox() { SmNode node = frame_.getNodesTable().getCurrentNode(); int x, y; if (node != null && imp_ != null) { imp_.setSlice(node.frame); x = (int) Math.round(node.x); y = (int) Math.round(node.y); imp_.setRoi(x - 5, y - 5, 11, 11); ImageCanvas canvas = imp_.getCanvas(); Rectangle r = canvas.getSrcRect(); int sx = canvas.screenX(x); int sy = canvas.screenY(y); if (sx < 4 || sx > r.width - 5 || sy < 4 || sy > r.height - 5) { int nx = Math.max(x - r.width / 2, 0); int ny = Math.max(y - r.height / 2, 0); if (nx + r.width > imp_.getWidth()) { nx = imp_.getWidth() - r.width; } if (ny + r.height > imp_.getHeight()) { ny = imp_.getHeight() - r.height; } canvas.setSourceRect(new Rectangle(nx, ny, r.width, r.height)); imp_.updateAndDraw(); } } } /** * Plot selected trajectories in a SVG file * * @param file The SVG file. */ protected void plotTrajectoryToSVG(File file) { TrajectoryPlot tp = new TrajectoryPlot(dataset_); tp.generateSVG(getCurrentROI(), file); } /** * Construct PALM image. * * @param useStack whether to render a 3D PALM using image stack */ protected void constructPalm(boolean useStack) { if (PalmParameters.openDialog(dataset_, useStack)) { Palm palm = new Palm(dataset_); int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); // palm.setCorrectDrift(dlg.getNextBoolean()); palm.constructPalm(imp_, selected); } } /** * Construct mobility map. */ public void constructMobilityMap() { FlowAnalysis fa = new FlowAnalysis(dataset_); fa.constructMobilityMap(imp_, frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll()); } /** * Gets the Imagej image. * * @return the imageplus */ public ImagePlus getImp() { return imp_; } /** * Select all (un)marked trajectory in the trajectory table. * * @param b select marked if true, unmarked if false */ public void selectMarked(boolean b) { frame_.selectTrajectoryByIndex(-1); //clear selection for (int i = 0; i < dataset_.getSize(); i++) { if (dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(i).marked == b) { frame_.addTrajectoriesToSelection(i); } } } /** * Rebuild trajectories. */ public void rebuildTrajectories() { if (TrackingParameters.openDialog(dataset_.pixelSize_) == true) { dataset_.reTrack(); frame_.getTrajsTable().setData(dataset_); } } /** * Show trajectory length histogram. */ public void showLengthHistogram() { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); short[] d = new short[selected.length]; int min = 10000; int max = -1; for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); d[i] = (short) (t.getLength()); if (d[i] > max) { max = d[i]; } if (d[i] < min) { min = d[i]; } } ShortProcessor ip = new ShortProcessor(1, d.length, d, null); ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip); HistogramWindow hw = new HistogramWindow("Trajectory Length Histogram", imp, max - min); hw.setVisible(true); imp.close(); } /** * Show fitting residue histogram. */ public void showResidueHistogram() { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); //ArrayList<Double> d = new ArrayList<Double>(); int numOfNodes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { numOfNodes += dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]).size(); } double[] d = new double[numOfNodes]; int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Iterator<SmNode> itr = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]).iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { d[cnt++] =; } } FloatProcessor ip = new FloatProcessor(1, d.length, d); ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip); HistogramWindow hw = new HistogramWindow("Residue Histogram", imp, histogramBins_); hw.setVisible(true); imp.close(); } /** * Show displacement histogram. * * @param stepSize the stepsize for calculating the displacement */ public void showDisplacementHistogram(int stepSize) { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); ArrayList<Double> dl = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); for (int j = 0; j < t.size() - stepSize; j++) { int k = j + 1; int frame = t.get(j).frame; while (k < t.size()) { if (t.get(k).frame - frame < stepSize) { k++; } else if (t.get(k).frame - frame == stepSize) { dl.add(t.get(j).distance(t.get(k))); break; } else { break; } } } //IJ.showProgress(i, selected.length); } double[] d = new double[dl.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < dl.size(); i++) { d[i] = dl.get(i).doubleValue() * dataset_.getPixelSize(); } if (d.length <= 1) { IJ.error(GlobalPrefs.PACKAGE_NAME, "Not enough data point. Stepsize too large?"); return; } FloatProcessor ip = new FloatProcessor(1, d.length, d); ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip); HistogramWindow hw = new HistogramWindow("Displacement Histogram", imp, DspHistogramParameters.histogramBins_, DspHistogramParameters.dspHistogramMin_, DspHistogramParameters.dspHistogramMax_); hw.setVisible(true); imp.close(); } /** * Show directional displacement histogram. * * @param stepSize the stepsize for calculating the displacement * @param dir direction of the displacement in degrees. 0 is up */ public void showDirectionalDisplacementHistogram(int stepSize, double dir) { double[] v = new double[2]; v[0] = Math.sin(dir * Math.PI / 180); v[1] = -Math.cos(dir * Math.PI / 180); int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); ArrayList<Double> dl = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); for (int j = 0; j < t.size() - stepSize; j++) { int k = j + 1; int frame = t.get(j).frame; while (k < t.size()) { if (t.get(k).frame - frame < stepSize) { k++; } else if (t.get(k).frame - frame == stepSize) { dl.add((t.get(j).x - t.get(k).x) * v[0] + (t.get(j).y - t.get(k).y) * v[1]); break; } else { break; } } } IJ.showProgress(i, selected.length); } double[] d = new double[dl.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < dl.size(); i++) { d[i] = dl.get(i).doubleValue(); } if (d.length <= 1) { IJ.error(GlobalPrefs.PACKAGE_NAME, "Not enough data point. Stepsize too large?"); return; } FloatProcessor ip = new FloatProcessor(1, d.length, d); ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip); HistogramWindow hw = new HistogramWindow("Directional Displacement Histogram", imp, histogramBins_); hw.setVisible(true); imp.close(); } /** * Show mean square displacement. */ public void showMSD(int maxSteps) { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); ArrayList<SummaryStatistics> stat = new ArrayList<SummaryStatistics>(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); for (int j = 0; j < t.size() - 1; j++) { int frame = t.get(j).frame; for (int k = j + 1; k < t.size(); k++) { int deltaframe = t.get(k).frame - frame; if (deltaframe <= maxSteps) { while (deltaframe > stat.size()) { stat.add(new SummaryStatistics()); } stat.get(deltaframe - 1).addValue(t.get(j).distance2(t.get(k))); } } } IJ.showProgress(i, selected.length); } double[] x = new double[stat.size()]; double[] y = new double[stat.size()]; double[] e = new double[stat.size()]; if (stat.size() > 0) { double ps = dataset_.getPixelSize() * dataset_.getPixelSize(); for (int i = 0; i < stat.size(); i++) { x[i] = 1.0 + i; if (stat.get(i).getN() > 1) { y[i] = stat.get(i).getMean() * ps; e[i] = stat.get(i).getStandardDeviation() / Math.sqrt(stat.get(i).getN()) * ps; } } Plot plotWin = new Plot("MSD Plot", "T/T-frame", "MSD (nm^2)", x, y); plotWin.addPoints(x, y, Plot.BOX); plotWin.addErrorBars(e);; } } /** * Test Ergodicity */ public void showErgodicityTest(int maxSteps) { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoriesOrAll(); ArrayList<SummaryStatistics> stat = new ArrayList<SummaryStatistics>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++) { stat.add(new SummaryStatistics()); } for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Trajectory t = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); int firstFrame = t.get(0).frame; for (int j = 0; j < t.size() - 1; j++) { int frame = t.get(j).frame; if (frame - firstFrame < maxSteps && t.get(j + 1).frame - frame == 1) { stat.get(frame - firstFrame).addValue(t.get(j + 1).distance2(t.get(j))); } } IJ.showProgress(i, selected.length); } double[] x = new double[stat.size()]; double[] y = new double[stat.size()]; double[] e = new double[stat.size()]; if (stat.size() > 0) { double ps = dataset_.getPixelSize() * dataset_.getPixelSize(); for (int i = 0; i < stat.size(); i++) { x[i] = 1.0 + i; if (stat.get(i).getN() > 1) { y[i] = stat.get(i).getMean() * ps; e[i] = stat.get(i).getStandardDeviation() / Math.sqrt(stat.get(i).getN() - 1) * ps; } } Plot plotWin = new Plot("Ergodicity Test", "dt (frame)", "D^2 (nm^2)", x, y); plotWin.addPoints(x, y, Plot.BOX); plotWin.addErrorBars(e);; } } /** * Animate the current trajectory. */ public void animate() { if (animator_ == null) { animator_ = new Animator(imp_); animator_.setLoop(true); } int index = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectoryIndex(); if (index >= 0) { animator_.animate(dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(index)); } } /** * Stop the animation */ public void stopAnimation() { if (animator_ == null) return; animator_.stopAnimation(); } /** * Delete all selected trajectories from trajectory table. */ public void deleteSelectedTrajectories() { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectories(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]).deleted = true; } } /** * Returns the default pathname for saving the dataset. * * @return the pathname */ String defaultSaveFilename() { return path_ + File.separator + imp_.getTitle() + ".dataset"; } /** * Save the dataset to disk. * * @param pathname the pathname */ public void saveDataset(String pathname) { try { File file = new File(pathname); dataset_.saveDataset(file); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error(GlobalPrefs.PACKAGE_NAME, "IOError: Failed to save file."); } } /** * Save the dataset using the default pathname (imagetitle + .dataset). */ public void saveDataset() { saveDataset(defaultSaveFilename()); } /** * Load dataset from disk. * * @param pathname the pathname * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class not found exception */ public void loadDataset(String pathname) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { File file = new File(pathname); dataset_ = TrajDataset.loadDataset(file); } /** * Load dataset from disk at default save location. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class not found exception */ public void loadDataset() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { loadDataset(defaultSaveFilename()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.datatransfer.ClipboardOwner#lostOwnership(java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard, java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable) */ @Override public void lostOwnership(Clipboard arg0, Transferable arg1) { // } /** * Export dataset to text. * Each molecule occupy one line: x, y, frame, residue * * @param file the file * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void exportNodes(File file) throws IOException { dataset_.writePositionsToText(file); } /** * Export selected trajectories to text. * Each molecule occupy one line: frame, x, y, z, height, trackIdx * * @param file the file * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void exportTrajectories(File file) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectories(); Trajectory traj; bw.append("# Frame, X, Y, Z, Intensity, TrackIDX\n"); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { traj = dataset_.getTrajectoryByIndex(selected[i]); for (int j = 0; j < traj.size(); j++) { SmNode n = traj.get(j); bw.append(n.toString()); bw.append(", " + i + "\n"); } } bw.close(); } /** * Plot intensity transients of selected trajectories * */ public void plotTransients() { } /** * Plot the drift calibration */ public void displayDrift() { int[] selected = frame_.getTrajsTable().getSelectedTrajectories(); dataset_.estimateDrift(selected); double[] dx = dataset_.getDriftX(); double[] dy = dataset_.getDriftY(); double[] dz = dataset_.getDriftZ(); double[] f = new double[dx.length]; for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { f[i] = i; } Plot plotWinX = new Plot("X-Drift", "T/T-frame", "Drift (pixel)", f, dx); //plotWin.addPoints(x, y, Plot.BOX); //plotWin.addErrorBars(e);; Plot plotWinY = new Plot("Y-Drift", "T/T-frame", "Drift (pixel)", f, dy);; Plot plotWinZ = new Plot("Z-Drift", "T/T-frame", "Drift (pixel)", f, dz);; } /** * Ask user to choose a file and import drift calibration data from the file */ public void importDriftData() { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); if (fc.showOpenDialog(IJ.getApplet()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { dataset_.importDriftData(fc.getSelectedFile()); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("An IO error occured reading file: " + fc.getSelectedFile().getName()); } } } public static void savePrefs() { prefs_.putBoolean(COMPENSATE_DRIFT_KEY, compensateDrift_); prefs_.putBoolean(SHOW_OVERLAY_KEY, showOverlay_); prefs_.putInt(HISTOGRAM_BINS_KEY, histogramBins_); prefs_.putInt(MSD_DELAY_KEY, msdDelay_); prefs_.put(NOTES_SCRIPT_KEY, notesScript_); prefs_.put(DEFAULT_EXPORT_PATH, lastSelectedFile_); } }