Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 WebMapReduce Developers * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.db.Submission; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.db.SubmissionDatabase; import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.thrift.*; import*; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalINIConfiguration; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import java.util.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; public class JobServiceHandler implements JobService.Iface { public static final String LANG_CONF_FILE = "languages.conf"; /** * The directory on the DFS which will contain all WebMapReduce-related files. */ private Path _homeDir; /** * The local directory which will contain mapper and reducer scripts, * test job output, etc. */ private File _tempDir; /** * The directory containing language support files, including the * configuration file "languages.conf". */ private File _langSupportDir; /** * A flag specifying whether job input must be contained within the * WMR home directory on the DFS. */ private boolean _enforceInputContainment; /** * A flag specifying whether to disallow reads from the local filesystem. * Note that this does not prevent users' jobs from doing so--it only blocks * job input and read requests from the local filesystem. */ private boolean _disallowLocalInput; /** * The size of a page of output in bytes. */ private int _outputPageSize; /** Whether the quota system is enabled. If so, a user will only be able to submit a certain number of jobs (default 20) in a given period of time (default 10 minutes) */ private boolean _quotaEnabled; /** A number specifying the number of jobs that a user may have in a given period, * specified by _quotaDuration. */ private int _quotaAttempts; /** A the number of minutes during which a user may submitted only a limitted number of * jobs, if the quota is enabled. */ private int _quotaDuration; /** * The configuration of supported languages for mapper & reducer scripts. Use {@link * #getLanguageConf()} instead of accessing directly. */ private HierarchicalConfiguration _languageConf; private HadoopEngine _hadoopEngine; private TestJobEngine _testJobEngine; public JobServiceHandler(Configuration conf) throws IOException { _homeDir = getHome(conf); _tempDir = getTempDir(conf); _langSupportDir = new File(conf.get("", "lang-support")); _enforceInputContainment = conf.getBoolean("wmr.input.containment.enforce", false); _disallowLocalInput = conf.getBoolean("wmr.input.disallow.local", true); _outputPageSize = getOutputPageSize(conf); _quotaEnabled = conf.getBoolean("wmr.quota.enable", true) && conf.getBoolean("wmr.quota.user.enable", true); _quotaAttempts = conf.getInt("wmr.quota.user.attempts", 20); _quotaDuration = conf.getInt("wmr.quota.user.duration", 10); // Resolve relative lang support dir if (!_langSupportDir.isAbsolute()) _langSupportDir = new File(System.getProperty("wmr.home.dir"), _langSupportDir.toString()); // Load language configuration File wmrConfFile = new File(_langSupportDir, LANG_CONF_FILE); if (!wmrConfFile.exists()) throw new IOException("Language configuration could not be found: " + wmrConfFile.toString()); try { _languageConf = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration(wmrConfFile); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { throw new IOException("The language configuration could not be loaded.", ex); } _hadoopEngine = new HadoopEngine(conf); _testJobEngine = new TestJobEngine(conf); } public long submit(JobRequest request) throws ValidationException, NotFoundException, CompilationException, InternalException, PermissionException, QuotaException, ForbiddenTestJobException { // Basic validation if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getMapper())) throw new ValidationException("Mapper was not specified.", request.getMapper()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getReducer())) throw new ValidationException("Reducer was not specified.", request.getReducer()); if (request.isSetMapTasks() && request.getMapTasks() < 1) throw new ValidationException("Jobs must have at least one map task.", Integer.toString(request.getMapTasks())); if (request.isSetReduceTasks() && request.getReduceTasks() < 1) throw new ValidationException("Jobs must have at least one reduce task.", Integer.toString(request.getReduceTasks())); if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getName())) request.setName("job"); else if (!request.getName().matches("[ \\S]*")) throw new ValidationException("Job name can only contain printing characters and spaces.", request.getName()); String inputSpecifier = request.getInput(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(inputSpecifier)) throw new ValidationException("No input was specified.", inputSpecifier); //We might also do total quotas, but not necessarily //Determine if the user is over his quota int recentJobs = -1;//the number of jobs should always be positive, so this should be safe try { Date now = new Date(); //60,000 is a minute in milliseconds, the units of Date. long quotaBegan = now.getTime() - _quotaDuration * 60000; recentJobs = SubmissionDatabase.jobsSince(request.getUser(), new Timestamp(quotaBegan)); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw wrapException( "Could not access the database of jobs to check whether you have exceeded your quota.", ex); } if (recentJobs >= _quotaAttempts) { throw new QuotaException("You have exceeded your job quota. Please resubmit this job in a few minutes.", _quotaAttempts, _quotaDuration); } // Log submission attempt long submissionID; try { submissionID = SubmissionDatabase.add(request.getUser(), request.getName(), request.isTest()); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw wrapException("Could not add submission to database.", ex); } // Get input path Path inputPath; FileSystem fs; try { inputPath = resolvePath(inputSpecifier); fs = inputPath.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); checkPath(fs, inputPath); } catch (IOException ex) { throw wrapException("Could not check validity of input path.", ex); } try { SubmissionDatabase.setInputPath(submissionID, inputPath); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw wrapException("Could not update submission in database", ex); } // Process & write the mapper and reducer and get their locations TransformProcessor processor = new TransformProcessor(_languageConf, _langSupportDir, _tempDir, request.getName()); File packageDir, mapperFile, reducerFile; try { packageDir = processor.getPackageDir(); mapperFile = processor.prepareMapperPackage(request.getMapper(), request.getLanguage()); reducerFile = processor.prepareReducerPackage(request.getReducer(), request.getLanguage()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw wrapException("Could not package mapper/reducer.", ex); } // Delegate handling to appropriate job engine if (request.isTest()) _testJobEngine.submit(request, submissionID, mapperFile, reducerFile, packageDir, inputPath); else _hadoopEngine.submit(request, submissionID, mapperFile, reducerFile, packageDir, inputPath); return submissionID; } public String storeDataset(String name, String data) throws InternalException { // Use default name if not given (this will be made unique later) if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) name = "dataset"; // Store on the DFS Path dataDir = new Path(_homeDir, "data"); Path inputPath; FSDataOutputStream saveStream = null; try { FileSystem fs = dataDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); inputPath = getNonexistantPath(dataDir, name, fs); String processedData = data.replace("\r\n", "\n"); saveStream = fs.create(inputPath, true); IOUtils.write(processedData, saveStream); } catch (IOException ex) { throw wrapException("Job input could not be written to the DFS.", ex); } finally { if (saveStream != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(saveStream); } return relativizePath(_homeDir, inputPath).toString(); } public DataPage readDataPage(String pathString, int page) throws NotFoundException, InternalException, PermissionException { FileSystem fs; FileStatus[] partFiles; try { Path path = resolvePath(pathString); fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); checkPath(fs, path); partFiles = listInputFiles(fs, path); } catch (IOException ex) { throw JobServiceHandler.wrapException("Could not list files.", ex); } long totalSize = 0; for (FileStatus part : partFiles) totalSize += part.getLen(); if (totalSize == 0) { // Return empty output DataPage ret = new DataPage(); ret.setTotalPages(0); ret.setData(null); return ret; } int totalPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalSize / _outputPageSize); if (page > totalPages) throw new NotFoundException("Specified page \"" + Integer.toString(page) + "\" is beyond the " + "number of pages in the data."); // Read data page String data = null; AggregateInputStream input = null; try { int totalBytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[_outputPageSize]; input = new AggregateInputStream(fs, partFiles); // Seek to page input.skip(_outputPageSize * (page - 1)); // Read as much as possible into buffer while (totalBytesRead < _outputPageSize) { int bytesRead =, totalBytesRead, _outputPageSize - totalBytesRead); if (bytesRead == -1) break; else totalBytesRead += bytesRead; } // Convert to string data = new String(buffer, 0, totalBytesRead); } catch (IOException ex) { throw JobServiceHandler.wrapException("Could not copy data page.", ex); } finally { if (input != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); } DataPage ret = new DataPage(); ret.setTotalPages(totalPages); ret.setData(data); return ret; } public JobStatus getStatus(long id) throws NotFoundException, InternalException { Submission submission = getSubmission(id); if (submission.isTest()) return _testJobEngine.getStatus(submission); else return _hadoopEngine.getStatus(submission); } public void kill(long id) throws NotFoundException, IllegalJobStateException, InternalException { Submission submission = getSubmission(id); if (submission.isTest()) _testJobEngine.kill(submission); else _hadoopEngine.kill(submission); } public Submission getSubmission(long id) throws NotFoundException { Submission submission; try { submission = SubmissionDatabase.find(id); } catch (SQLException ex) { submission = null; } if (submission == null) throw new NotFoundException("Could not find job with specified ID: " + id); return submission; } public static InternalException wrapException(String message, Throwable cause) { InternalException ex = new InternalException(message); // Serialize cause chain ArrayList<CausingException> causeChain = new ArrayList<CausingException>(); while (cause != null) { CausingException causeStruct = new CausingException(); causeStruct.setMessage(cause.getMessage()); causeStruct.setType(cause.getClass().getName()); // Store stack trace as string StringWriter stackTraceWriter = new StringWriter(); cause.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTraceWriter)); causeStruct.setStackTrace(stackTraceWriter.toString()); causeChain.add(causeStruct); // Move to next in chain and loop cause = cause.getCause(); } ex.setCauses(causeChain); return ex; } public static Path getHome(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String wmrHomeString = conf.get("wmr.dfs.home"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(wmrHomeString)) return new Path(wmrHomeString); else return FileSystem.get(conf).getWorkingDirectory(); } public static File getTempDir(Configuration conf) { return new File(conf.get("wmr.temp.dir", System.getProperty(""))); } public static int getOutputPageSize(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt("wmr.status.output.pagesize", 0x80000 /* 512 K */); } private Path resolvePath(String pathString) { Path path = new Path(pathString); if (!path.isAbsolute()) path = new Path(_homeDir, pathString); return path; } private void checkPath(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws PermissionException, NotFoundException, IOException { if (_disallowLocalInput) { // If we update to Hadoop 1.0, we should use the canonical URI which is definitely unique to each file system. However, the normal one should be, too. if (fs.getUri().equals(FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()).getUri())) { throw new PermissionException("Not allowed to read from the local file system."); } } if (!fs.exists(path)) throw new NotFoundException("Input path does not exist: " + path.toString()); if (_enforceInputContainment) { // Check that path is inside home directory Path relativePath = relativizePath(_homeDir, path); if (relativePath.isAbsolute()) ; // Has authority or begins with "/" throw new PermissionException("Not allowed to read outside the " + "WebMapReduce home directory (" + _homeDir.toString() + "). Please specify a relative path."); } } /** * Relativize the given path with respect to the WMR home directory */ public static Path relativizePath(Path parentPath, Path childPath) { URI relative = parentPath.toUri().relativize(childPath.toUri()); return new Path(relative.getScheme(), relative.getAuthority(), relative.getPath()); } public static Path getNonexistantPath(Path parentDir, String name, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { Path requestedPath = new Path(parentDir, name); Path path = requestedPath; int serial = 1; while (fs.exists(path)) { path = requestedPath.suffix("-" + serial); serial++; } return path; } public static FileStatus[] listInputFiles(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException { if (!fs.isDirectory(path)) return new FileStatus[] { fs.getFileStatus(path) }; else { // Get all files in directory that are not directories or hidden files final FileSystem fsFinal = fs; PathFilter filter = new PathFilter() { public boolean accept(Path p) { try { return !(fsFinal.isDirectory(p) || p.getName().startsWith(".") || p.getName().startsWith("_")); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error filtering files.", ex); } } }; return fs.listStatus(path, filter); } } }