Java tutorial
/* * The Bio-inspired Leadership Toolkit is a set of tools used to * simulate the emergence of leaders in multi-agent systems. * Copyright (C) 2014 Southern Nazarene University * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.snu.leader.hidden.builder; // Imports import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.snu.leader.hidden.SimulationState; import edu.snu.leader.hidden.SpatialIndividual; import java.util.Properties; /** * PersonalityDistributionIndividualBuilder * * TODO Class description * * @author Brent Eskridge * @version $Revision$ ($Author$) */ public class PersonalityDistributionIndividualBuilder extends AbstractIndividualBuilder { /** Our logger */ private static final Logger _LOG = Logger.getLogger(PersonalityDistributionIndividualBuilder.class.getName()); /** Key for the mean personality value */ private static final String _PERSONALITY_MEAN_KEY = "personality-mean"; /** Key for the personality value std dev */ private static final String _PERSONALITY_STD_DEV_KEY = "personality-std-dev"; /** Key for the minimum personality value */ private static final String _MIN_PERSONALITY_KEY = "min-personality"; /** Key for the maximum personality value */ private static final String _MAX_PERSONALITY_KEY = "max-personality"; /** Key for the type of random number distribution to use */ private static final String _RNG_DIST_KEY = "personality-rng-dist"; /** Types of random number distributions */ protected enum RNDistribution { UNIFORM, GAUSSIAN }; /** Mean personality value */ protected float _personalityMean = 0.0f; /** Personality value standard deviation */ protected float _personalityStdDev = 0.0f; /** The minimum allowable personality value */ protected float _minPersonality = 0.0f; /** The maximum allowable personality value */ protected float _maxPersonality = 1.0f; /** The type random number distribution to use */ protected RNDistribution _rnDist = null; /** * Initializes the builder * * @param simState The simulation's state * @see edu.snu.leader.hidden.builder.AbstractIndividualBuilder#initialize(edu.snu.leader.hidden.SimulationState) */ @Override public void initialize(SimulationState simState) { _LOG.trace("Entering initialize( simState )"); // Call the superclass implementation super.initialize(simState); // Get the properties Properties props = simState.getProps(); // Get the mean personality value String personalityMeanStr = props.getProperty(_PERSONALITY_MEAN_KEY); Validate.notEmpty(personalityMeanStr, "Personality mean (key=" + _PERSONALITY_MEAN_KEY + ") may not be empty"); _personalityMean = Float.parseFloat(personalityMeanStr);"Using _personalityMean=[" + _personalityMean + "]"); // Get the personality value standard deviation String personalityStdDevStr = props.getProperty(_PERSONALITY_STD_DEV_KEY); Validate.notEmpty(personalityStdDevStr, "Personality std dev (key=" + _PERSONALITY_STD_DEV_KEY + ") may not be empty"); _personalityStdDev = Float.parseFloat(personalityStdDevStr);"Using _personalityStdDev=[" + _personalityStdDev + "]"); // Get the min personality String minPersonalityStr = props.getProperty(_MIN_PERSONALITY_KEY); Validate.notEmpty(minPersonalityStr, "Minimum personality value (key=" + _MIN_PERSONALITY_KEY + ") may not be empty"); _minPersonality = Float.parseFloat(minPersonalityStr);"Using _minPersonality=[" + _minPersonality + "]"); // Get the max personality String maxPersonalityStr = props.getProperty(_MAX_PERSONALITY_KEY); Validate.notEmpty(maxPersonalityStr, "Maximum personality value (key=" + _MAX_PERSONALITY_KEY + ") may not be empty"); _maxPersonality = Float.parseFloat(maxPersonalityStr);"Using _maxPersonality=[" + _maxPersonality + "]"); // Get the random number distribution String rnDistStr = props.getProperty(_RNG_DIST_KEY); Validate.notEmpty(rnDistStr, "Random number distribution (key=" + _RNG_DIST_KEY + ") may not be empty"); _rnDist = RNDistribution.valueOf(rnDistStr.toUpperCase());"Using _rnDist=[" + _rnDist + "]"); _LOG.trace("Leaving initialize( simState )"); } /** * Builds an individual * * @param index The index of the individual to build * @return The individual * @see edu.snu.leader.hidden.builder.IndividualBuilder#build(int) */ @Override public SpatialIndividual build(int index) { // Create the personality float personality = 0.0f; if (RNDistribution.GAUSSIAN.equals(_rnDist)) { personality = createGaussianPersonality(); } else if (RNDistribution.UNIFORM.equals(_rnDist)) { personality = createUniformPersonality(); } else { _LOG.error("Unknown distribution [" + _rnDist + "]"); throw new RuntimeException("Unknown distribution [" + _rnDist + "]"); } // Create a valid location Vector2D location = createValidLocation(index); // Create the individual SpatialIndividual ind = new SpatialIndividual(generateUniqueIndividualID(index), location, personality, DEFAULT_ASSERTIVENESS, createPreferredDir(), DEFAULT_RAW_CONFLICT, true); return ind; } /** * Creates a personality using a random value drawn from a * Gaussian distribution * * @return The personality value */ protected float createGaussianPersonality() { float personality = _personalityMean + ((float) _simState.getRandom().nextGaussian() * _personalityStdDev); if (_maxPersonality < personality) { personality = _maxPersonality; } else if (_minPersonality > personality) { personality = _minPersonality; } return personality; } /** * Creates a personality using a random value drawn from a * Uniform distribution * * @return The personality value */ protected float createUniformPersonality() { float personality = (_simState.getRandom().nextFloat() * (_maxPersonality - _minPersonality)) + _minPersonality; return personality; } /** * Creates the preferred direction for an individual * * @return The preferred direction */ protected float createPreferredDir() { return DEFAULT_PREFERRED_DIR; } }