Java tutorial
/* SVN FILE: $Id: 8256 2013-10-08 15:17:30Z jvuccolo $ */ /** * Copyright 2012 The Pennsylvania State University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * @package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging * @author $Author: jvuccolo $ * @version $Rev: 8256 $ * @lastrevision $Date: 2013-10-08 11:17:30 -0400 (Tue, 08 Oct 2013) $ */ package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.DeliveryMode; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageConsumer; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TextMessage; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.StatelessSession; import org.json.JSONException; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.MessageLog; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.MessageLogHistory; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.VConsumerNotificationDest; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.VSpNotification; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables.MessageLogHistoryTable; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables.MessageLogTable; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.ChangeNotificationType; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.CprMessageType; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.CprPropertyName; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.MessageKeyName; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.CprException; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.ReturnType; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.util.CprProperties; /** * Contains the JMS messaging interface for the web services to be able to initialize connections and queue, send messages and receive messages * */ public class MessagingCore { /** Wait timeout value for recieveWait */ private static final long MESSAGING_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 1000L; /** Contains the batch message consumer key value */ private Long batchMessageConsumerKey = null; private static final String BATCH_PROCESSING_CONSUMER = "Batch Processing"; /** Instance of logger */ private static final Logger LOG4J_LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MessagingCore.class); private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; /** Array of message queues */ private List<VSpNotification> msgQueues = null; /** Contains the notification queues stored by change type, for example TITLE_CHANGE */ private Map<String, List<VSpNotification>> msgNotificationQueues = null; /** Connection factory */ private ConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory = null; /** Connection */ private Connection jmsConnection = null; /** JMS Session */ private Session jmsSession = null; /** * Constructor using the default connection factory * @throws CprException */ public MessagingCore() throws CprException { super(); } /** * Constructor. * @param db contains a database object which holds an open connection. * @param serviceName contains the service name that is sending/receiving messages. */ public MessagingCore(Database db, String serviceName) { // Get the list of queues for the service. If no queues were found, then just return. msgQueues = new ArrayList<VSpNotification>(); org.hibernate.Session session = db.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery("from VSpNotification where webService = :service_name"); query.setParameter("service_name", serviceName); for (Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { msgQueues.add((VSpNotification); } } /** * Constructor. * @param session contains the stateless database session object * @param serviceName contains the serviceName */ public MessagingCore(StatelessSession session, String serviceName) { initQueueMap(session, serviceName); getMessageConsumerKey(session, BATCH_PROCESSING_CONSUMER); } /** * This helper method is used to obtain a message consumer key for a specific message consumer. Right now its only used for * batch processing. * @param session contains the stateless database session. * @param consumer contains the consumer to be searched for. */ private final void getMessageConsumerKey(StatelessSession session, String consumer) { Query query = session.createQuery("from MessageConsumer where consumer = :consumer AND endDate is NULL"); query.setParameter("consumer", consumer); for (Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.MessageConsumer messageConsumer = (edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.MessageConsumer) it .next(); setBatchMessageConsumerKey(messageConsumer.getMessageConsumerKey()); } } /** * Initializes the jms context, broker and connection * @throws JMSException */ public void initializeMessaging() throws JMSException { final Properties props = CprProperties.INSTANCE.getProperties(); // Get a connection and start a session. jmsConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory( props.getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_BROKER.toString())); jmsConnection = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection( props.getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_USERID.toString()), props.getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_PASSWORD.toString())); jmsConnection.start(); jmsSession = jmsConnection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); } /** * Initialize message notification mapping of notification type to queue list. * @param databaseSession contains the database stateless session * @param serviceName contains the serviceName */ private final void initQueueMap(StatelessSession databaseSession, String serviceName) { // Load data from view final String notificationSqlQuery = "from VConsumerNotificationDest"; final Query notificationQuery = databaseSession.createQuery(notificationSqlQuery); if (notificationQuery.list().isEmpty()) { LOG4J_LOGGER.error( "Consumer notification dest view (VConsumerNotificationDest) does not contain any records"); } msgNotificationQueues = new HashMap<String, List<VSpNotification>>(); // loop through results and create the array map entry for each type String previousType = null; List<VSpNotification> queueList = new ArrayList<VSpNotification>(); for (final Iterator<?> it = notificationQuery.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { VConsumerNotificationDest notificationDbBean = (VConsumerNotificationDest); if (previousType == null) { previousType = notificationDbBean.getNotificationType(); } else if (!previousType.equals(notificationDbBean.getNotificationType())) { msgNotificationQueues.put(previousType, queueList); previousType = notificationDbBean.getNotificationType(); queueList = new ArrayList<VSpNotification>(); } Long aConsumer = notificationDbBean.getMessageConsumerKey(); Query query = databaseSession.createQuery( "from VSpNotification where webService = :service_name and message_consumer_key=:consumer"); query.setParameter("service_name", serviceName); query.setParameter("consumer", aConsumer); for (Iterator<?> vSp = query.list().iterator(); vSp.hasNext();) { VSpNotification vSPNotificationBean = (VSpNotification); queueList.add(vSPNotificationBean); } if (!it.hasNext()) { msgNotificationQueues.put(notificationDbBean.getNotificationType(), queueList); } } } /** * @return the msgQueues */ public List<VSpNotification> getMsgQueues() { return msgQueues; } /** * @param msgQueues the msgQueues to set */ public void setMsgQueues(List<VSpNotification> msgQueues) { this.msgQueues = msgQueues; } /** * @return the msgNotificationQueues */ public Map<String, List<VSpNotification>> getMsgNotificationQueues() { return this.msgNotificationQueues; } /** * @param msgNotificationQueues the msgNotificationQueues to set */ public void setMsgNotificationQueues(Map<String, List<VSpNotification>> msgNotificationQueues) { this.msgNotificationQueues = msgNotificationQueues; } /** * This routine is used to clean up messaging. */ public void closeMessaging() { // Close the session and connection resources. try { jmsSession.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { jmsConnection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } jmsSession = null; jmsConnection = null; } /** * * @param testQueue * @return message received from the given queue, null if no message received * @throws JMSException */ public String receiveMessageNoWait(Queue testQueue) throws JMSException { //Create a message consumer. MessageConsumer myMsgConsumer = jmsSession.createConsumer(testQueue); //Receive a message from the queue. //Receive a message from the queue. final Message msg = myMsgConsumer.receiveNoWait(); //Retrieve the contents of the message. if (msg == null) { return null; } if (msg instanceof TextMessage) { String txtMsgString = ((TextMessage) msg).getText(); if (txtMsgString == null) { return msg.toString(); } return txtMsgString; } return msg.toString(); } /** * * @param queueName is the name of the queue to read from * @return message received from the given queue, null if no message received * @throws JMSException */ public String receiveMessageWait(String queueName) throws JMSException { // Create Queue Object and Read/Receive an item Queue testQueue = jmsSession.createQueue(queueName); return receiveMessageWait(testQueue); } /** * * @param testQueue * @return message received from the given queue, wait if no message available * @throws JMSException */ public String receiveMessageWait(Queue testQueue) throws JMSException { //Create a message consumer. final MessageConsumer myMsgConsumer = jmsSession.createConsumer(testQueue); //Receive a message from the queue. Will block waiting for message final Message msg = myMsgConsumer.receive(MESSAGING_WAIT_TIMEOUT); //Retrieve the contents of the message. if (msg == null) { return null; } if (msg instanceof TextMessage) { final String txtMsgString = ((TextMessage) msg).getText(); if (txtMsgString == null) { return msg.toString(); } myMsgConsumer.close(); return txtMsgString; } return msg.toString(); } /** * This function is used to record message delivery failures for a message event. * @param db contains the database connection. * @param msg contains the JSON message. */ public void recordFailures(Database db, JsonMessage msg) { // Loop through queue list final Iterator<VSpNotification> queueIter = msgQueues.iterator(); while (queueIter.hasNext()) { try { VSpNotification currentQueue =; if (currentQueue != null) { // Create a message log to indicate that there has been a failure. MessageLogTable messageLogTable = new MessageLogTable(currentQueue.getWebServiceKey(), currentQueue.getMessageConsumerKey(), currentQueue.getServiceKey(), msg.getJsonObject().toString(), msg.getRequestedBy()); logMessageDelivery(messageLogTable, "FAILURE"); messageLogTable.addMessageLog(db); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** * @param db contains a database object which holds an open connection. * @param msg contains the JSON message to be sent to the service provisioners. * @throws CprException will be thrown for any CPR related problems.jjjj * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any messaging issues. */ public void sendMessage(Database db, JsonMessage msg) throws CprException, JMSException, JSONException { final String replyToQueue = CprProperties.INSTANCE.getProperties() .getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_REPLYTO.toString()); MessageProducer msgSender = null; if (msg == null || msg.getJsonObject().toString().length() == 0) { closeMessaging(); throw new CprException(ReturnType.MESSAGE_CREATION_EXCEPTION); } try { //Create the message to send to the queues TextMessage myTextMsg = null; myTextMsg = jmsSession.createTextMessage(); // Loop through queue list final Iterator<VSpNotification> queueIter = msgQueues.iterator(); while (queueIter.hasNext()) { VSpNotification currentDestination =; // Update the JSON message with the message consumer key, service name, service key and message type. msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_CONSUMER_KEY, currentDestination.getMessageConsumerKey()); msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.SERVICE, currentDestination.getServiceName()); msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.SERVICE_KEY, currentDestination.getServiceKey()); msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_TYPE, CprMessageType.SERVICE_REQUEST.toString()); // Store an entry in the message log. MessageLogTable messageLogTable = new MessageLogTable(currentDestination.getWebServiceKey(), currentDestination.getMessageConsumerKey(), currentDestination.getServiceKey(), msg.getJsonObject().toString(), msg.getRequestedBy()); messageLogTable.addMessageLog(db); // Store an entry in the message log history. MessageLogHistoryTable messageLogHistoryTable = new MessageLogHistoryTable( messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean()); messageLogHistoryTable.addMessageLogHistory(db); // once the log is started, the messageLogId is set, add it to the msg to be sent msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_LOG_ID, messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean().getMessageLogKey()); // Add in the JSON information. myTextMsg.setText(msg.getJsonObject().toString()); myTextMsg.setJMSReplyTo(jmsSession.createQueue(replyToQueue)); myTextMsg.setJMSCorrelationID( messageLogHistoryTable.getMessageLogHistoryBean().getMessageLogHistoryKey().toString()); // Send the message Destination destination = jmsSession.createQueue(currentDestination.getConsumerDestination()); msgSender = jmsSession.createProducer(destination); msgSender.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT); msgSender.send(myTextMsg); msgSender.close(); // once the message is sent, add an entry in the message log history table for this specific send messageLogTable.updateMessageLog(db, "Y", 1L); messageLogHistoryTable.updateMessageLogHistory(db, myTextMsg.getJMSMessageID()); // Log the successful message delivery to the log4j component. logMessageDelivery(messageLogTable, "SUCCESS"); } } finally { try { if (msgSender != null) { msgSender.close(); } } catch (JMSException e) { } } } /** * @param db contains a database object which holds an open connection. * @param messageLog contains the MessageLog bean to attempt to re-deliver. * @param consumerQueue is the name of the queue for the message to be written to * @throws CprException will be thrown for any CPR related problems.jjjj * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any messaging issues. */ public void reSendMessage(Database db, MessageLog messageLog, String consumerQueue) throws CprException, JMSException, JSONException { final String replyToQueue = CprProperties.INSTANCE.getProperties() .getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_REPLYTO.toString()); MessageProducer msgSender = null; if (messageLog.getMessageSent() == null || messageLog.getMessageSent().length() == 0) { closeMessaging(); throw new CprException(ReturnType.MESSAGE_CREATION_EXCEPTION); } try { //Create the message to send to the queues TextMessage myTextMsg = null; myTextMsg = jmsSession.createTextMessage(); // Store an entry in the message log. MessageLogTable messageLogTable = new MessageLogTable(); // The current bean we are working on messageLogTable.setMessageLogBean(messageLog); // Store an entry in the message log history. MessageLogHistoryTable messageLogHistoryTable = new MessageLogHistoryTable( messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean()); messageLogHistoryTable.addMessageLogHistory(db); // Number of tries gets update on success or failure, so do it now messageLogTable.updateMessageLog(db, "N", messageLog.getNumberOfTries()); // Add in the JSON information. myTextMsg.setText(messageLog.getMessageSent()); if (!replyToQueue.equals(consumerQueue)) { myTextMsg.setJMSReplyTo(jmsSession.createQueue(replyToQueue)); } myTextMsg.setJMSCorrelationID( messageLogHistoryTable.getMessageLogHistoryBean().getMessageLogHistoryKey().toString()); // Send the message Destination destination = jmsSession.createQueue(consumerQueue); msgSender = jmsSession.createProducer(destination); msgSender.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT); msgSender.send(myTextMsg); msgSender.close(); // once the message is sent, add an entry in the message log history table for this specific send messageLogTable.updateMessageLog(db, "Y", messageLog.getNumberOfTries()); messageLogHistoryTable.updateMessageLogHistory(db, myTextMsg.getJMSMessageID()); // Log the successful message delivery to the log4j component. logMessageDelivery(messageLogTable, "SUCCESS"); } finally { try { if (msgSender != null) { msgSender.close(); } } catch (JMSException e) { } } } /** * * @param databaseSession contains the database stateless session * @param changeType contains the type of change notifications * @param msg contains the json message * @throws CprException * @throws JMSException * @throws JSONException */ public void sendNotification(StatelessSession databaseSession, ChangeNotificationType changeType, JsonMessage msg) throws CprException, JMSException, JSONException { final String replyToQueue = CprProperties.INSTANCE.getProperties() .getProperty(CprPropertyName.CPR_JMS_REPLYTO.toString()); final List<VSpNotification> theDest = msgNotificationQueues.get(changeType.toString()); MessageProducer msgSender = null; if (msg == null || msg.getJsonObject().toString().length() == 0) { closeMessaging(); throw new CprException(ReturnType.MESSAGE_CREATION_EXCEPTION); } try { //Create the message to send to the queues TextMessage myTextMsg = null; myTextMsg = jmsSession.createTextMessage(); // Loop through queue list final Iterator<VSpNotification> queueIter = theDest.iterator(); while (queueIter.hasNext()) { VSpNotification currentDestination =; // Update the JSON message with the message consumer key, message type and change type msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_CONSUMER_KEY, currentDestination.getMessageConsumerKey()); msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_TYPE, CprMessageType.CHANGE_NOTIFICATION.toString()); msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.CHANGE_KEY, changeType.toString()); // Store an entry in the message log. MessageLogTable messageLogTable = new MessageLogTable(currentDestination.getWebServiceKey(), currentDestination.getMessageConsumerKey(), currentDestination.getServiceKey(), msg.getJsonObject().toString(), msg.getRequestedBy()); MessageLog mLogBean = messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean(); databaseSession.insert(mLogBean); // Store an entry in the message log history. MessageLogHistoryTable messageLogHistoryTable = new MessageLogHistoryTable( messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean()); MessageLogHistory mLogHistory = messageLogHistoryTable.getMessageLogHistoryBean(); databaseSession.insert(mLogHistory); // once the log is started, the messageLogId is set, add it to the msg to be sent msg.setValue(MessageKeyName.MESSAGE_LOG_ID, mLogBean.getMessageLogKey()); // Add in the JSON information. myTextMsg.setText(msg.getJsonObject().toString()); myTextMsg.setJMSReplyTo(jmsSession.createQueue(replyToQueue)); myTextMsg.setJMSCorrelationID(mLogHistory.getMessageLogHistoryKey().toString()); // Send the message Destination destination = jmsSession.createQueue(currentDestination.getConsumerDestination()); msgSender = jmsSession.createProducer(destination); msgSender.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT); msgSender.send(myTextMsg); msgSender.close(); // once the message is sent, add an entry in the message log history table for this specific send mLogBean.setSuccessFlag("Y"); mLogBean.setNumberOfTries(1L); mLogBean.setLastUpdateOn(new Date()); databaseSession.update(mLogBean); mLogHistory.setMessageId(myTextMsg.getJMSMessageID()); databaseSession.update(mLogHistory); // Log the successful message delivery to the log4j component. logMessageDelivery(messageLogTable, "SUCCESS"); } } finally { try { if (msgSender != null) { msgSender.close(); } } catch (JMSException e) { } } } /** * This routine is used to record the status of a message delivery. It is passed in * the information about the message and a status as to whether the message was delivered * successfully or not. * @param messageLogTable contains the message log table information, which is the data about the message. * @param status contains the status of the delivery. */ private void logMessageDelivery(MessageLogTable messageLogTable, String status) { MessageLog bean = messageLogTable.getMessageLogBean(); if (LOG4J_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE); sb.append("Message Delivery "); sb.append(status); sb.append(": Web Service Key="); sb.append(bean.getWebServiceKey()); sb.append(", MessageConsumerKey="); sb.append(bean.getMessageConsumerKey()); sb.append(", JSON Message Text="); sb.append(bean.getMessageSent()); LOG4J_LOGGER.debug(sb.toString()); } } /** * @param batchMessageConsumerKey the batchMessageConsumerKey to set */ public void setBatchMessageConsumerKey(Long batchMessageConsumerKey) { this.batchMessageConsumerKey = batchMessageConsumerKey; } /** * @return the batchMessageConsumerKey */ public Long getBatchMessageConsumerKey() { return batchMessageConsumerKey; } }