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/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */
package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging;

import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.jms.JMSException;

import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.StatelessSession;
import org.json.JSONException;

import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Addresses;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.CampusCs;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Confidentiality;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Country;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.DateOfBirth;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.EmailAddress;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Employee;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Names;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PersonAffiliation;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PersonGender;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Phones;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PsuId;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Student;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentAcademicCollege;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentAcademicDepartment;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentMajor;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Userid;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.AccessAccountStatusType;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.ChangeNotificationType;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.MessageKeyName;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.CprException;

 * This class is used to handle message change change notifications.  It makes a determination based on the
 * input data to determine if a message needs to be sent out.  Then using Messaging Core it will send out the
 * the message.
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. To 
 * view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative 
 * Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
 * @package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Rev$
 * @lastrevision $Date$
public class ChangeNotification {

    /** Contains an instance of the messaging core class that is used to send notifications */
    private final MessagingCore messagingCore;

    /** Contains an instance of the database session */
    private StatelessSession statelessSession = null;

    /** Contains the user's person identifier. */
    private Long personId = null;

    /** Contains the user's userid */
    private String userid = null;

    /** Contains the user's PSU ID number */
    private String psuId = null;

    /** Contains the requestor */
    private String requestedBy = null;

     * Empty constructor.
    public ChangeNotification() {
        messagingCore = null;
        statelessSession = null;

     * Constructor.
     * @param statelessSession contains the database session.
     * @param messagingCore contains the instance of messaging core.
    public ChangeNotification(StatelessSession statelessSession, MessagingCore messagingCore) {
        this.statelessSession = statelessSession;
        this.messagingCore = messagingCore;

     * This method is used to set the required information needed for a message.
     * @param personId contains the person identifier.
     * @param psuId contains the PSU ID number associated with the person if available.
     * @param userid contains the userid associated with the person if available.
     * @param requestedBy contains the entity that is sending the change.
    public void setRequiredInfo(Long personId, String psuId, String userid, String requestedBy) {

     * This method is used to create the initial part of the JSON message that contains all of the common information.
     * @param change contains the type of change notification that will be sent.
     * @return will return a json message if successful.
     * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any json related problems.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
    public JsonMessage createBaseJsonMessage(ChangeNotificationType change) throws JSONException, CprException {
        return new JsonMessage(getPersonId(), getPsuId(), getUserid(), change.toString(), getRequestedBy());

     * This method is used to determine if there was an address change and to request it to be processed. 
     * @param oldAddress contains the old address bean.
     * @param newAddress contains the new address bean.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void addressChange(Addresses oldAddress, Addresses newAddress)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        // Check for a change.
        if (oldAddress != null || newAddress != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADDRESS_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            String oldCampusCode = null;
            String oldCountryCode = null;
            String newCampusCode = null;
            String newCountryCode = null;

            if (oldAddress != null) {
                oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldAddress.getCampusCodeKey());
                oldCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(oldAddress.getCountryKey());

            if (newAddress != null) {
                newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey());
                newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey());
            jsonMessage.setAddressChange(oldAddress, oldCampusCode, oldCountryCode, newAddress, newCampusCode,
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was an email address change and to send a message if there was.
     * @param oldEmailAddress contains the old email address bean.
     * @param newEmailAddress contains the new email address bean.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void emailAddressChange(EmailAddress oldEmailAddress, EmailAddress newEmailAddress)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldEmailAddress != null || newEmailAddress != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setEmailAddressChange(oldEmailAddress, newEmailAddress);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to process an employee data change.
     * @param oldEmployee contains the old employee bean.
     * @param newEmployee contains the new employee bean.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void employeeChange(Employee oldEmployee, Employee newEmployee)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldEmployee != null || newEmployee != null) {
            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EMPLOYEE_DATA_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            String oldCampusCode = null;
            String newCampusCode = null;

            if (oldEmployee != null) {
                oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldEmployee.getCampusCodeKey());

            if (newEmployee != null) {
                newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newEmployee.getCampusCodeKey());
            jsonMessage.setEmployeeChange(oldEmployee, oldCampusCode, newEmployee, newCampusCode);

            if (jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.OLD_EMPLOYEE_DATA)
                    || jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.NEW_EMPLOYEE_DATA)) {
                getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);

     * This method is used to determine and process a gender change.
     * @param oldGender contains the old gender value.
     * @param newGender contains the new gender value.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void genderChange(PersonGender oldGender, PersonGender newGender)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldGender != null || newGender != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.GENDER_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setGenderChange(oldGender, newGender);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was a name change and process it accordingly.
     * @param oldName contains the old name value.
     * @param newName contains the new name value.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void nameChange(Names oldName, Names newName) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldName != null || newName != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.NAME_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setNameChange(oldName, newName);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was a phone change and process it accordingly.
     * @param oldPhone contains the old phone value.
     * @param newPhone contains the new phone value.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void phoneChange(Phones oldPhone, Phones newPhone) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldPhone != null || newPhone != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.PHONE_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setPhoneChange(oldPhone, newPhone);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was a PSU ID change and process it accordingly.
     * @param oldPsuId contains the old psu id bean.
     * @param newPsuId contains the new psu id bean.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void psuIdChange(PsuId oldPsuId, PsuId newPsuId) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldPsuId != null || newPsuId != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.PSU_ID_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setPsuIdChange(oldPsuId, newPsuId);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was a student information change and process it accordingly.
     * @param oldStudent contains the old student information bean.
     * @param oldStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's old academic college.
     * @param oldStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's old academic department.
     * @param oldStudentMajor contains the student old major.
     * @param newStudent contains the new student information bean.
     * @param newStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's new academic college.
     * @param newStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's new academic department.
     * @param newStudentMajor contains the student new major.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void studentChange(Student oldStudent, StudentAcademicCollege oldStudentAcademicCollege,
            StudentAcademicDepartment oldStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor oldStudentMajor,
            Student newStudent, StudentAcademicCollege newStudentAcademicCollege,
            StudentAcademicDepartment newStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor newStudentMajor)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldStudent != null || newStudent != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.STUDENT_DATA_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            String oldCampusCode = null;
            String newCampusCode = null;

            if (oldStudent != null) {
                oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldStudent.getCampusCodeKey());
            if (newStudent != null) {
                newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newStudent.getCampusCodeKey());
            jsonMessage.setStudentChange(oldStudent, oldCampusCode, oldStudentAcademicCollege,
                    oldStudentAcademicDepartment, oldStudentMajor, newStudent, newCampusCode,
                    newStudentAcademicCollege, newStudentAcademicDepartment, newStudentMajor);

            if (jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.OLD_STUDENT_DATA)
                    || jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.NEW_STUDENT_DATA)) {
                getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);

     * This method is used to handle the processor of an access account status change.
     * @param oldAccountStatus contains the old access account status.
     * @param newAccountStatus contains the new access account status.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void accountStatusChange(AccessAccountStatusType oldAccountStatus,
            AccessAccountStatusType newAccountStatus) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldAccountStatus != null || newAccountStatus != null) {
            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setAccountStatusChange(oldAccountStatus, newAccountStatus);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to determine if there was a userid change and process it accordingly.
     * @param oldUserid contains the old userid bean.
     * @param newUserid contains the new userid bean.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JSONException  will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error.
    public void useridChange(Userid oldUserid, Userid newUserid) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldUserid != null || newUserid != null) {

            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.USERID_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setUseridChange(oldUserid, newUserid);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);


     * This method is used to add a new employee's notification message.
     * @param newName contains their new name.
     * @param newAddress contains their address.
     * @param newPhone contains their phone number.
     * @param newEmailAddress contains their email address.
     * @param newAffiliation contains their affiliation
     * @param newGender contains their gender.
     * @param newConfidentiality contains their confidentiality.
     * @param newEmployee contains their employee information.
     * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems.
    public void newEmployee(Names newName, Addresses newAddress, Phones newPhone, EmailAddress newEmailAddress,
            PersonAffiliation newAffiliation, PersonGender newGender, Confidentiality newConfidentiality,
            Employee newEmployee) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        String newCampusCodeEmployee = null;
        String newCampusCode = null;
        String newCountryCode = null;

        if (newEmployee != null) {
            newCampusCodeEmployee = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newEmployee.getCampusCodeKey());

        if (newAddress != null) {
            newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey());
            newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey());

        final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADD_EMPLOYEE_CHANGE;
        final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
        jsonMessage.setEmployeeAdd(newName, newAddress, newCampusCode, newCountryCode, newPhone, newEmailAddress,
                newAffiliation, newGender, newConfidentiality, newEmployee, newCampusCodeEmployee);
        getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);

     * This method is used to handlle the addition of a new student in the CPR.
     * @param newName contains the student's name.
     * @param newAddress contains the student's address.
     * @param newPhone contains the student's phone number.
     * @param newEmailAddress contains the student's email address.
     * @param newAffiliation contains the student's affiliation.
     * @param newGender contains the student's gender.
     * @param newConfidentiality contains the student's confidentiality status.
     * @param newStudent contains the student's information.
     * @param newStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's academic college.
     * @param newStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's academic department.
     * @param newStudentMajor contains the student's major.
     * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems.
    public void newStudent(Names newName, Addresses newAddress, Phones newPhone, EmailAddress newEmailAddress,
            PersonAffiliation newAffiliation, PersonGender newGender, Confidentiality newConfidentiality,
            Student newStudent, StudentAcademicCollege newStudentAcademicCollege,
            StudentAcademicDepartment newStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor newStudentMajor)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        String newCampusCodeStudent = null;
        String newCampusCode = null;
        String newCountryCode = null;

        if (newStudent != null) {
            newCampusCodeStudent = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newStudent.getCampusCodeKey());

        if (newAddress != null) {
            newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey());
            newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey());

        final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADD_STUDENT_CHANGE;
        final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
        jsonMessage.setStudentAdd(newName, newAddress, newCampusCode, newCountryCode, newPhone, newEmailAddress,
                newAffiliation, newGender, newConfidentiality, newStudent, newCampusCodeStudent,
                newStudentAcademicCollege, newStudentAcademicDepartment, newStudentMajor);
        getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);

     * This method is responsible for affiliation changes for any affiliation.
     * @param oldAffiliation contains the old affiliation.
     * @param newAffiliation contains the new affiliation.
     * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems.
    public void affiliationChange(PersonAffiliation oldAffiliation, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldAffiliation != null || newAffiliation != null) {
            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EDU_PERSON_AFFILIATION_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setPrimaryAffiliationChange(oldAffiliation, newAffiliation);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);



     * This method is responsible for affiliation changes for the primary affiliation.
     * @param oldAffiliation contains the old primary affiliation.
     * @param newAffiliation contains the new primary affiliation.
     * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
     * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems.
    public void primaryAffiliationChange(PersonAffiliation oldAffiliation, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {

        if (oldAffiliation != null || newAffiliation != null) {
            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EDU_PERSON_PRIMARY_AFFILIATION_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setPrimaryAffiliationChange(oldAffiliation, newAffiliation);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);



    public void dateOfBirthChange(DateOfBirth oldDateOfBirth, DateOfBirth newDateOfBirth)
            throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException {
        if (oldDateOfBirth != null || newDateOfBirth != null) {
            final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.DATE_OF_BIRTH_CHANGE;
            final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change);
            jsonMessage.setDateOfBirthChange(oldDateOfBirth, newDateOfBirth);
            getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage);



     * This method is used to obtain a campus code using the campus key value.
     * @param campusCodeKey contains the campus key value to be used as part of the query.
     * @return will return the campus code if found.
    private String getCampusCodeUsingKey(Long campusCodeKey) {

        String campusCode = null;

        if (campusCodeKey == null) {
            return campusCode;

        final StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession();
        final Query query = session.createQuery("from CampusCs where campusCodeKey = :campus_code_key");
        query.setParameter("campus_code_key", campusCodeKey);

        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            CampusCs bean = (CampusCs);
            campusCode = bean.getCampusCode();

        return campusCode;

     * This method is used to obtain a country code using the campus key value.
     * @param countryCodeKey contains the country code to be obtained.
     * @return will return a country code if successful.
    private String getCountryCodeUsingKey(Long countryCodeKey) {

        String countryCode = null;

        if (countryCodeKey == null) {
            return countryCode;

        final StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession();
        final Query query = session.createQuery("from Country where countryKey = :country_key");
        query.setParameter("country_key", countryCodeKey);

        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Country bean = (Country);
            countryCode = bean.getCountryCodeThree();

        return countryCode;

     * @return the messagingCore
    public MessagingCore getMessagingCore() {
        return messagingCore;

     * @param statelessSession the statelessSession to set
    public void setStatelessSession(StatelessSession statelessSession) {
        this.statelessSession = statelessSession;

     * @return the statelessSession
    public StatelessSession getStatelessSession() {
        return statelessSession;

     * @param personId the personId to set
    public void setPersonId(Long personId) {
        this.personId = personId;

     * @return the personId
    public Long getPersonId() {
        return personId;

     * @param userid the userid to set
    public void setUserid(String userid) {
        this.userid = userid;

     * @return the userid
    public String getUserid() {
        return userid;

     * @param psuId the psuId to set
    public void setPsuId(String psuId) {
        this.psuId = psuId;

     * @return the psuId
    public String getPsuId() {
        return psuId;

     * @param requestedBy the requestedBy to set
    public void setRequestedBy(String requestedBy) {
        this.requestedBy = requestedBy;

     * @return the requestedBy
    public String getRequestedBy() {
        return requestedBy;
