Java tutorial
/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.jms.JMSException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.StatelessSession; import org.json.JSONException; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Addresses; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.CampusCs; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Confidentiality; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Country; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.DateOfBirth; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.EmailAddress; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Employee; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Names; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PersonAffiliation; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PersonGender; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Phones; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.PsuId; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Student; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentAcademicCollege; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentAcademicDepartment; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.StudentMajor; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Userid; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.AccessAccountStatusType; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.ChangeNotificationType; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.MessageKeyName; import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.CprException; /** * This class is used to handle message change change notifications. It makes a determination based on the * input data to determine if a message needs to be sent out. Then using Messaging Core it will send out the * the message. * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. To * view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative * Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. * * * @package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.messaging * @author $Author$ * @version $Rev$ * @lastrevision $Date$ */ public class ChangeNotification { /** Contains an instance of the messaging core class that is used to send notifications */ private final MessagingCore messagingCore; /** Contains an instance of the database session */ private StatelessSession statelessSession = null; /** Contains the user's person identifier. */ private Long personId = null; /** Contains the user's userid */ private String userid = null; /** Contains the user's PSU ID number */ private String psuId = null; /** Contains the requestor */ private String requestedBy = null; /** * Empty constructor. */ public ChangeNotification() { super(); messagingCore = null; statelessSession = null; } /** * Constructor. * @param statelessSession contains the database session. * @param messagingCore contains the instance of messaging core. */ public ChangeNotification(StatelessSession statelessSession, MessagingCore messagingCore) { super(); this.statelessSession = statelessSession; this.messagingCore = messagingCore; } /** * This method is used to set the required information needed for a message. * @param personId contains the person identifier. * @param psuId contains the PSU ID number associated with the person if available. * @param userid contains the userid associated with the person if available. * @param requestedBy contains the entity that is sending the change. */ public void setRequiredInfo(Long personId, String psuId, String userid, String requestedBy) { setPersonId(personId); setPsuId(psuId); setUserid(userid); setRequestedBy(requestedBy); } /** * This method is used to create the initial part of the JSON message that contains all of the common information. * @param change contains the type of change notification that will be sent. * @return will return a json message if successful. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any json related problems. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. */ public JsonMessage createBaseJsonMessage(ChangeNotificationType change) throws JSONException, CprException { return new JsonMessage(getPersonId(), getPsuId(), getUserid(), change.toString(), getRequestedBy()); } /** * This method is used to determine if there was an address change and to request it to be processed. * @param oldAddress contains the old address bean. * @param newAddress contains the new address bean. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void addressChange(Addresses oldAddress, Addresses newAddress) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { // Check for a change. if (oldAddress != null || newAddress != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADDRESS_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); String oldCampusCode = null; String oldCountryCode = null; String newCampusCode = null; String newCountryCode = null; if (oldAddress != null) { oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldAddress.getCampusCodeKey()); oldCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(oldAddress.getCountryKey()); } if (newAddress != null) { newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey()); newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey()); } jsonMessage.setAddressChange(oldAddress, oldCampusCode, oldCountryCode, newAddress, newCampusCode, newCountryCode); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was an email address change and to send a message if there was. * @param oldEmailAddress contains the old email address bean. * @param newEmailAddress contains the new email address bean. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void emailAddressChange(EmailAddress oldEmailAddress, EmailAddress newEmailAddress) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldEmailAddress != null || newEmailAddress != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setEmailAddressChange(oldEmailAddress, newEmailAddress); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to process an employee data change. * @param oldEmployee contains the old employee bean. * @param newEmployee contains the new employee bean. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void employeeChange(Employee oldEmployee, Employee newEmployee) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldEmployee != null || newEmployee != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EMPLOYEE_DATA_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); String oldCampusCode = null; String newCampusCode = null; if (oldEmployee != null) { oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldEmployee.getCampusCodeKey()); } if (newEmployee != null) { newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newEmployee.getCampusCodeKey()); } jsonMessage.setEmployeeChange(oldEmployee, oldCampusCode, newEmployee, newCampusCode); if (jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.OLD_EMPLOYEE_DATA) || jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.NEW_EMPLOYEE_DATA)) { getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } } /** * This method is used to determine and process a gender change. * @param oldGender contains the old gender value. * @param newGender contains the new gender value. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void genderChange(PersonGender oldGender, PersonGender newGender) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldGender != null || newGender != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.GENDER_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setGenderChange(oldGender, newGender); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was a name change and process it accordingly. * @param oldName contains the old name value. * @param newName contains the new name value. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void nameChange(Names oldName, Names newName) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldName != null || newName != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.NAME_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setNameChange(oldName, newName); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was a phone change and process it accordingly. * @param oldPhone contains the old phone value. * @param newPhone contains the new phone value. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void phoneChange(Phones oldPhone, Phones newPhone) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldPhone != null || newPhone != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.PHONE_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setPhoneChange(oldPhone, newPhone); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was a PSU ID change and process it accordingly. * @param oldPsuId contains the old psu id bean. * @param newPsuId contains the new psu id bean. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void psuIdChange(PsuId oldPsuId, PsuId newPsuId) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldPsuId != null || newPsuId != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.PSU_ID_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setPsuIdChange(oldPsuId, newPsuId); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was a student information change and process it accordingly. * @param oldStudent contains the old student information bean. * @param oldStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's old academic college. * @param oldStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's old academic department. * @param oldStudentMajor contains the student old major. * @param newStudent contains the new student information bean. * @param newStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's new academic college. * @param newStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's new academic department. * @param newStudentMajor contains the student new major. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void studentChange(Student oldStudent, StudentAcademicCollege oldStudentAcademicCollege, StudentAcademicDepartment oldStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor oldStudentMajor, Student newStudent, StudentAcademicCollege newStudentAcademicCollege, StudentAcademicDepartment newStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor newStudentMajor) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldStudent != null || newStudent != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.STUDENT_DATA_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); String oldCampusCode = null; String newCampusCode = null; if (oldStudent != null) { oldCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(oldStudent.getCampusCodeKey()); } if (newStudent != null) { newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newStudent.getCampusCodeKey()); } jsonMessage.setStudentChange(oldStudent, oldCampusCode, oldStudentAcademicCollege, oldStudentAcademicDepartment, oldStudentMajor, newStudent, newCampusCode, newStudentAcademicCollege, newStudentAcademicDepartment, newStudentMajor); if (jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.OLD_STUDENT_DATA) || jsonMessage.isValueSet(MessageKeyName.NEW_STUDENT_DATA)) { getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } } /** * This method is used to handle the processor of an access account status change. * @param oldAccountStatus contains the old access account status. * @param newAccountStatus contains the new access account status. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void accountStatusChange(AccessAccountStatusType oldAccountStatus, AccessAccountStatusType newAccountStatus) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldAccountStatus != null || newAccountStatus != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setAccountStatusChange(oldAccountStatus, newAccountStatus); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to determine if there was a userid change and process it accordingly. * @param oldUserid contains the old userid bean. * @param newUserid contains the new userid bean. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON message problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there is a JMS error. */ public void useridChange(Userid oldUserid, Userid newUserid) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldUserid != null || newUserid != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.USERID_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setUseridChange(oldUserid, newUserid); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to add a new employee's notification message. * @param newName contains their new name. * @param newAddress contains their address. * @param newPhone contains their phone number. * @param newEmailAddress contains their email address. * @param newAffiliation contains their affiliation * @param newGender contains their gender. * @param newConfidentiality contains their confidentiality. * @param newEmployee contains their employee information. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems. */ public void newEmployee(Names newName, Addresses newAddress, Phones newPhone, EmailAddress newEmailAddress, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation, PersonGender newGender, Confidentiality newConfidentiality, Employee newEmployee) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { String newCampusCodeEmployee = null; String newCampusCode = null; String newCountryCode = null; if (newEmployee != null) { newCampusCodeEmployee = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newEmployee.getCampusCodeKey()); } if (newAddress != null) { newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey()); newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey()); } final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADD_EMPLOYEE_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setEmployeeAdd(newName, newAddress, newCampusCode, newCountryCode, newPhone, newEmailAddress, newAffiliation, newGender, newConfidentiality, newEmployee, newCampusCodeEmployee); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } /** * This method is used to handlle the addition of a new student in the CPR. * @param newName contains the student's name. * @param newAddress contains the student's address. * @param newPhone contains the student's phone number. * @param newEmailAddress contains the student's email address. * @param newAffiliation contains the student's affiliation. * @param newGender contains the student's gender. * @param newConfidentiality contains the student's confidentiality status. * @param newStudent contains the student's information. * @param newStudentAcademicCollege contains the student's academic college. * @param newStudentAcademicDepartment contains the student's academic department. * @param newStudentMajor contains the student's major. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems. */ public void newStudent(Names newName, Addresses newAddress, Phones newPhone, EmailAddress newEmailAddress, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation, PersonGender newGender, Confidentiality newConfidentiality, Student newStudent, StudentAcademicCollege newStudentAcademicCollege, StudentAcademicDepartment newStudentAcademicDepartment, StudentMajor newStudentMajor) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { String newCampusCodeStudent = null; String newCampusCode = null; String newCountryCode = null; if (newStudent != null) { newCampusCodeStudent = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newStudent.getCampusCodeKey()); } if (newAddress != null) { newCampusCode = getCampusCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCampusCodeKey()); newCountryCode = getCountryCodeUsingKey(newAddress.getCountryKey()); } final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.ADD_STUDENT_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setStudentAdd(newName, newAddress, newCampusCode, newCountryCode, newPhone, newEmailAddress, newAffiliation, newGender, newConfidentiality, newStudent, newCampusCodeStudent, newStudentAcademicCollege, newStudentAcademicDepartment, newStudentMajor); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } /** * This method is responsible for affiliation changes for any affiliation. * @param oldAffiliation contains the old affiliation. * @param newAffiliation contains the new affiliation. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems. */ public void affiliationChange(PersonAffiliation oldAffiliation, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldAffiliation != null || newAffiliation != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EDU_PERSON_AFFILIATION_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setPrimaryAffiliationChange(oldAffiliation, newAffiliation); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is responsible for affiliation changes for the primary affiliation. * @param oldAffiliation contains the old primary affiliation. * @param newAffiliation contains the new primary affiliation. * @throws JSONException will be thrown if there are any JSON problems. * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown if there are any JMS problems. */ public void primaryAffiliationChange(PersonAffiliation oldAffiliation, PersonAffiliation newAffiliation) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldAffiliation != null || newAffiliation != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.EDU_PERSON_PRIMARY_AFFILIATION_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setPrimaryAffiliationChange(oldAffiliation, newAffiliation); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } public void dateOfBirthChange(DateOfBirth oldDateOfBirth, DateOfBirth newDateOfBirth) throws JSONException, CprException, JMSException { if (oldDateOfBirth != null || newDateOfBirth != null) { final ChangeNotificationType change = ChangeNotificationType.DATE_OF_BIRTH_CHANGE; final JsonMessage jsonMessage = createBaseJsonMessage(change); jsonMessage.setDateOfBirthChange(oldDateOfBirth, newDateOfBirth); getMessagingCore().sendNotification(getStatelessSession(), change, jsonMessage); } } /** * This method is used to obtain a campus code using the campus key value. * @param campusCodeKey contains the campus key value to be used as part of the query. * @return will return the campus code if found. */ private String getCampusCodeUsingKey(Long campusCodeKey) { String campusCode = null; if (campusCodeKey == null) { return campusCode; } final StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery("from CampusCs where campusCodeKey = :campus_code_key"); query.setParameter("campus_code_key", campusCodeKey); for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { CampusCs bean = (CampusCs); campusCode = bean.getCampusCode(); } return campusCode; } /** * This method is used to obtain a country code using the campus key value. * @param countryCodeKey contains the country code to be obtained. * @return will return a country code if successful. */ private String getCountryCodeUsingKey(Long countryCodeKey) { String countryCode = null; if (countryCodeKey == null) { return countryCode; } final StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery("from Country where countryKey = :country_key"); query.setParameter("country_key", countryCodeKey); for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Country bean = (Country); countryCode = bean.getCountryCodeThree(); } return countryCode; } /** * @return the messagingCore */ public MessagingCore getMessagingCore() { return messagingCore; } /** * @param statelessSession the statelessSession to set */ public void setStatelessSession(StatelessSession statelessSession) { this.statelessSession = statelessSession; } /** * @return the statelessSession */ public StatelessSession getStatelessSession() { return statelessSession; } /** * @param personId the personId to set */ public void setPersonId(Long personId) { this.personId = personId; } /** * @return the personId */ public Long getPersonId() { return personId; } /** * @param userid the userid to set */ public void setUserid(String userid) { this.userid = userid; } /** * @return the userid */ public String getUserid() { return userid; } /** * @param psuId the psuId to set */ public void setPsuId(String psuId) { this.psuId = psuId; } /** * @return the psuId */ public String getPsuId() { return psuId; } /** * @param requestedBy the requestedBy to set */ public void setRequestedBy(String requestedBy) { this.requestedBy = requestedBy; } /** * @return the requestedBy */ public String getRequestedBy() { return requestedBy; } }