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/* SVN FILE: $Id: 5340 2012-09-27 14:48:52Z jvuccolo $ */
package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables;

import java.util.*;

import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;

import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Userid;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.helpers.UseridHelper;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.CprPropertyName;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.CprException;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.ReturnType;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.service.returns.UseridReturn;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.util.CprProperties;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.util.Utility;

 * This class provides an implementation for interfacing with the userid database 
 * table.  This table contains a mapping of all of the userids to people within the 
 * CPR.
 * Copyright 2012 The Pennsylvania State University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables
 * @author $Author: jvuccolo $
 * @version $Rev: 5340 $
 * @lastrevision $Date: 2012-09-27 10:48:52 -0400 (Thu, 27 Sep 2012) $
public class UseridTable {

    private static final String AT_SYMBOL = "@";

    /** Contains the name of the database table for this implementation */
    private static final String TABLE_NAME = "Userid";

    /** Contains a reference to the userid bean */
    private Userid useridBean;

    /** Contains the set id returned from the userid package */
    private int setId;

    /** For a GET indicates whether to return history or not */
    private boolean returnHistoryFlag;

    /** For a RESTful GET, indicates which specific userid to return */
    private String userid;

    /** Contains a reference to the userid helper */
    private UseridHelper useridHelper;

    private static final int USERID = 0;
    private static final int PRIMARY_FLAG = 1;
    private static final int START_DATE = 2;
    private static final int END_DATE = 3;
    private static final int LAST_UPDATE_BY = 4;
    private static final int LAST_UPDATE_ON = 5;
    private static final int CREATED_BY = 6;
    private static final int CREATED_ON = 7;

    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

     * Constructor.
     * @param personId contains the person identifier in the CPR.
     * @param updatedBy contains the user/system identifier that last updated the record.
    public UseridTable(final long personId, final String updatedBy) {
        final Userid bean = new Userid();
        final Date d = new Date();


        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);




        setUseridHelper(new UseridHelper());

     * @param returnHistoryFlag the returnHistoryFlag to set
    public void setReturnHistoryFlag(final boolean returnHistoryFlag) {
        this.returnHistoryFlag = returnHistoryFlag;

     * @return the returnHistoryFlag
    public boolean isReturnHistoryFlag() {
        return returnHistoryFlag;

     * @param setId the setId to set
    public void setSetId(final int setId) {
        this.setId = setId;

     * @return the setId
    public int getSetId() {
        return setId;

     * @param useridBean the useridBean to set
    public final void setUseridBean(final Userid useridBean) {
        this.useridBean = useridBean;

     * @return the useridBean
    public Userid getUseridBean() {
        return useridBean;

     * @param useridHelper the useridHelper to set
    public final void setUseridHelper(final UseridHelper useridHelper) {
        this.useridHelper = useridHelper;

     * @return the useridHelper
    public UseridHelper getUseridHelper() {
        return useridHelper;

     * Default constructor.
    public UseridTable() {

     * This routine is to call a stored procedure to add a new userid for a user.
     * @param db contains a database connection.
     * @throws CprException 
    public void addUserid(final Database db) throws CprException {

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        GeneratedIdentityTable generatedIdentityTable = null;
        try {
            final Userid bean = getUseridBean();

            // Obtain a userid from the pool, check to see if there was a failure.
            getUseridHelper().generateUserid(session, bean);

            // Obtain the character part and number part.
            final String charPart = getCharacterPart(bean.getUserid());
            bean.setNumPart(getNumberPart(bean.getUserid(), charPart));

            generatedIdentityTable = new GeneratedIdentityTable(bean.getPersonId(), bean.getUserid(),
                    bean.getCharPart(), bean.getNumPart(), bean.getLastUpdateBy());

            // Do a select to determine what primary needs to be set to.
            final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE person_id = :person_id_in AND end_date IS NULL";
            final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
            query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
            query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
            if (query.list().size() == 0) {
            } else {

            // Save off the new userid record.

            // Add a record to the psu directory table.
            final PsuDirectoryTable psuDirectoryTable = new PsuDirectoryTable(bean.getPersonId(), bean.getUserid(),

        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

     * This routine is to call a stored procedure to set the primary userid for a user.
     * @param db contains a reference to a open database connection.
     * @throws CprException  will be thrown if there are any CPR related errors.
    public void setPrimaryUserid(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean recordExpired = false;
        boolean alreadyPrimary = false;
        boolean recordNotFound = false;

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Userid bean = getUseridBean();

        // For the selected userid, obtain the end date and their primary flag.
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
        sb.append("SELECT end_date, primary_flag ");
        sb.append("FROM {h-schema}userid ");
        sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");
        sb.append("AND userid = :userid_in ");
        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
        query.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
        query.addScalar("end_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE);
        query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();

        if (it.hasNext()) {
            Object[] res = (Object[]);
            bean.setEndDate((Date) res[0]);
            bean.setPrimaryFlag((String) res[1]);

            // Expired, we have an error.
            if (bean.getEndDate() != null) {
                recordExpired = true;

            // Already primary, we have an error.
            else if (Utility.isOptionYes(bean.getPrimaryFlag())) {
                alreadyPrimary = true;
            } else {

                // Switch the current primary record.
                String sqlQuery = "from Userid where personId = :person_id_in AND primaryFlag = 'Y' AND endDate IS NULL";
                Query query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                query1.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
                for (it = query1.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Userid dbBean = (Userid);


                // Make the new record primary.
                sqlQuery = "from Userid where personId = :person_id_in AND userid = :userid_in AND endDate IS NULL";
                query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                query1.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
                query1.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
                for (it = query1.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Userid dbBean = (Userid);
        } else {
            recordNotFound = true;

        // Handle other errors.
        if (recordExpired) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.ALREADY_DELETED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);
        if (alreadyPrimary) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.SET_PRIMARY_FAILED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);
        if (recordNotFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

     * This routine is used to archive a userid.  It is called by the ArchiveUserid service.
     * @param db contains a reference to an open database connection.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown for any CPR specific problems.
    public void archiveUserid(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean noneActive = false;
        boolean notFound = false;
        boolean alreadyArchived = false;
        boolean cannotArchive = false;

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Userid bean = getUseridBean();

        // Determine how many userids are active for the current user.
        String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE person_id = :person_id_in AND end_date IS NULL";
        SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
        query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        final int activeCount = query.list().size();
        if (activeCount == 0) {
            noneActive = true;
        } else {

            // For the selected userid, obtain the end date and their primary flag.
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
            sb.append("SELECT end_date, primary_flag ");
            sb.append("FROM {h-schema}userid ");
            sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");
            sb.append("AND userid = :userid_in ");
            query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
            query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
            query.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
            query.addScalar("end_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE);
            query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
            Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();

            if (it.hasNext()) {
                Object[] res = (Object[]);
                bean.setEndDate((Date) res[0]);
                bean.setPrimaryFlag((String) res[1]);

                // Error if the record already has an end date.
                if (bean.getEndDate() != null) {
                    alreadyArchived = true;

                // If there are more than one record and this one is primary, do not all the archival.
                else if (activeCount > 1 && Utility.isOptionYes(bean.getPrimaryFlag())) {
                    cannotArchive = true;

                // Otherwise we can do the archive.
                else {
                    sqlQuery = "from Userid where personId = :person_id_in AND userid = :userid_in AND endDate IS NULL";
                    final Query query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                    query1.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
                    query1.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
                    for (it = query1.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                        Userid dbBean = (Userid);
            } else {
                notFound = true;


        if (notFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);
        if (noneActive) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.GENERAL_EXCEPTION,
                    "Cannot archive userid, because there are no active userids.");
        if (alreadyArchived) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.ALREADY_DELETED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);
        if (cannotArchive) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.GENERAL_EXCEPTION,
                    "Cannot archive userid, because its the primary userid.");


     * This routine is used to unarchive a userid.  It is called by the UnarchiveUserid service.
     * @param db contains a reference to an open database connection.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown for any CPR specific problems.
    public void unarchiveUserid(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean alreadyUnarchived = false;
        boolean noArchivedRecords = false;
        boolean recordNotFound = false;

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Userid bean = getUseridBean();

        // See how any userids are archived for the user, if there are none that are archived, we have an error.
        String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE person_id = :person_id_in AND end_date IS NOT NULL";
        SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
        query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        final int archivedCount = query.list().size();

        if (archivedCount == 0) {
            noArchivedRecords = true;
        } else {

            // For the selected userid, obtain the end date and their primary flag.
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
            sb.append("SELECT end_date, primary_flag ");
            sb.append("FROM {h-schema}userid ");
            sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");
            sb.append("AND userid = :userid_in ");
            query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
            query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
            query.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
            query.addScalar("end_date", StandardBasicTypes.DATE);
            query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
            Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();

            if (it.hasNext()) {
                Object[] res = (Object[]);
                bean.setEndDate((Date) res[0]);
                bean.setPrimaryFlag((String) res[1]);

                if (bean.getEndDate() == null) {
                    alreadyUnarchived = true;
                } else {
                    // Determine how many userids are active for the current user.
                    sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE person_id = :person_id_in AND end_date IS NULL";
                    query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
                    query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
                    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
                    final int activeCount = query.list().size();

                    if (activeCount == 0) {
                    } else {

                    // Do the unarchive.
                    sqlQuery = "from Userid where personId = :person_id AND userid = :userid_in AND endDate IS NOT NULL";
                    final Query query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                    query1.setParameter("person_id", bean.getPersonId());
                    query1.setParameter("userid_in", bean.getUserid());
                    for (it = query1.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                        Userid dbBean = (Userid);

            } else {
                recordNotFound = true;

        if (alreadyUnarchived) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.UNARCHIVE_FAILED_EXCEPTION, "userid");

        if (noArchivedRecords) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.GENERAL_EXCEPTION, "There are no records that can be unarchived.");

        if (recordNotFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, "userid");

     * This routine is used to add a special userid.  It is called by the AddSpecialUserid service.
     * @param db contains a reference to an open database connection.
     * @throws CprException will be thrown for any CPR specific problems.
    public void addSpecialUserid(final Database db) throws CprException {

        // Verify that the new userid contains valid characters.
        if (!isUseridValid(db, getUseridBean().getUserid())) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.INVALID_PARAMETERS_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Userid bean = getUseridBean();

        // Fill in the char and number parts of the userid.
        final String charPart = getCharacterPart(bean.getUserid());
        bean.setNumPart(getNumberPart(bean.getUserid(), charPart));

        // Do a select to determine what primary needs to be set to.
        final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE person_id = :person_id_in AND end_date IS NULL";
        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
        query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        if (query.list().size() == 0) {
        } else {

        // Save off the new userid record.;

        // Add a record to the psu directory table.
        final PsuDirectoryTable psuDirectoryTable = new PsuDirectoryTable(bean.getPersonId(), bean.getUserid(),

     * This routine will obtain a list of userids for a person id.
     * @param db contains an open database connection.
     * @param personId contains the person id.
     * @return an array of userids.
    public UseridReturn[] getUseridsForPersonId(final Database db, final long personId) {

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final List<UseridReturn> results = new ArrayList<UseridReturn>();

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
        sb.append("SELECT userid, primary_flag, ");
        sb.append("start_date, ");
        sb.append("end_date, ");
        sb.append("last_update_by, ");
        sb.append("last_update_on, ");
        sb.append("created_by, ");
        sb.append("created_on ");
        sb.append("FROM {h-schema}userid ");
        sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");
        if (!isReturnHistoryFlag()) {
            sb.append("AND end_date IS NULL ");
        if (getUserid() != null) {
            sb.append("AND userid = :userid ");
        sb.append("ORDER BY start_date");

        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());

        query.setParameter("person_id_in", personId);

        if (getUserid() != null) {
            query.setParameter("userid", getUserid());

        query.addScalar("userid", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("start_date", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("end_date", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("last_update_by", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("last_update_on", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("created_by", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("created_on", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);

        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Object[] res = (Object[]);
            results.add(new UseridReturn((String) res[USERID], (String) res[PRIMARY_FLAG],
                    Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[START_DATE]),
                    Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[END_DATE]), (String) res[LAST_UPDATE_BY],
                    Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[LAST_UPDATE_ON]), (String) res[CREATED_BY],
                    Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[CREATED_ON])));

        return results.toArray(new UseridReturn[results.size()]);

     * This routine is used to determine if the passed in userid is valid.
     * @param db contains a reference to the database handle.
     * @param userid contains the userid to valid.
     * @return will return true if the userid is valid, otherwise it will return false.
    public boolean isUseridValid(final Database db, final String userid) {

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        // Verify that the userid does not contain spaces.
        if (userid.contains(" ")) {
            return false;
        // Verify that the userid only contains letters, numbers, $ and underscore.
        if (!userid.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9$_]+$")) {
            return false;

        // Obtain the character portion of the userid.
        final String charPart = getCharacterPart(userid);

        // Verify that the userid does not exist in the bad prefixes table.
        String sqlQuery = "SELECT char_part FROM {h-schema}bad_prefixes WHERE char_part = :char_part_in";
        SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter("char_part_in", charPart);
        query.addScalar("char_part", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        if (query.list().size() > 0) {
            return false;

        // Verify that the userid does not already exist.
        sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE userid = :userid_in";
        query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter("userid_in", userid);
        query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        if (query.list().size() > 0) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * This routine is used to extract the character porition of a userid.
     * @param s contains the userid.
     * @return will return the character porition of the userid or null if there are errors.
    public String getCharacterPart(final String s) {

        try {
            if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
                return null;
            final char[] c = s.toCharArray();
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
            for (int i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) {
                if ((c[i] >= 'a' && c[i] <= 'z') || c[i] == '$' || c[i] == '_') {
                } else {

            return sb.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * Get the numeric portion of a userid.
     * @param s contains the userid.
     * @param charPart contains the character porition of the userid.
     * @return will return the numeric portion of the userid.
    public Long getNumberPart(final String s, final String charPart) {
        try {
            if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
                return null;
            final char[] c = s.toCharArray();
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
            for (int i = charPart.length(); i < c.length; ++i) {
                if (c[i] >= '0' && c[i] <= '9') {
                } else {
            return Long.valueOf(sb.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * @return the userid
    public String getUserid() {
        return userid;

     * @param userid the userid to set
    public void setUserid(final String userid) {
        this.userid = userid;