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/* SVN FILE: $Id: 5340 2012-09-27 14:48:52Z jvuccolo $ */
package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;

import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.beans.Phones;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.types.PhoneType;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.CprException;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.error.ReturnType;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.service.returns.PhoneReturn;
import edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.util.Utility;

 *  This class provides an implementation for interfacing with the Phones database
 * table.  There are methods within here to add, archive,  update, and get an address for a 
 * person in the CPR.
 * Copyright 2012 The Pennsylvania State University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @package edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.tables
 * @author $Author: jvuccolo $
 * @version $Rev: 5340 $
 * @lastrevision $Date: 2012-09-27 10:48:52 -0400 (Thu, 27 Sep 2012) $
public class PhonesTable {

    /** Contains the table name for this database implementation */
    private static final String TABLE_NAME = "Phones";

    private static final int PHONE_KEY = 0;
    private static final int PHONE_TYPE = 1;
    private static final int GROUP_ID = 2;
    private static final int PRIMARY_FLAG = 3;
    private static final int PHONE_NUMBER = 4;
    private static final int EXTENSION = 5;
    private static final int INTERNATIONAL_NUMBER = 6;
    private static final int START_DATE = 7;
    private static final int END_DATE = 8;
    private static final int LAST_UPDATE_BY = 9;
    private static final int LAST_UPDATE_ON = 10;
    private static final int CREATED_BY = 11;
    private static final int CREATED_ON = 12;

    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

    private static final String PERSON_ID_STRING = "person_id";
    private static final String DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING = "data_type_key";
    private static final String GROUP_ID_STRING = "group_id";
    private static final String PHONE_KEY_STRING = "phone_key";

    /** Contains the phone key, only useful for RESTful services */
    private Long phoneKey = 0L;

    /** Contains a phone bean reference */
    private PhoneType phoneType;

    /** Contains the phone type value */
    private Phones phonesBean;

    /** Boolean that will be used by the GetPhone to determine if history is to be returned or not. */
    private boolean returnHistoryFlag;

     * Empty constructor
    public PhonesTable() {


     * Constructor for archive phone information
     * @param personId contains the person's primary identifier in the CPR.
     * @param phoneType  contains the phone type represented as a string
     * @param groupId contains the ranking within the particular phone type.
     * @param lastUpdateBy contains the system identifier and/or userid that updated the record
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.

    public PhonesTable(final long personId, final String phoneType, final Long groupId, final String lastUpdateBy)
            throws CprException {

        this(personId, phoneType, groupId, null, null, null, lastUpdateBy);


     * @param personId contains the person's primary identifier in the CPR.
     * @param phoneType contains the phone type represented as a string
     * @param phoneNumber contains the phone number
     * @param extension contains the phone extension number   
     * @param internationalNumber contains a flag to indicate whether the phone number is international.
     * @param lastUpdateBy contains the system identifier and/or userid that updated the record
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
    public PhonesTable(final long personId, final String phoneType, final String phoneNumber,
            final String extension, final String internationalNumber, final String lastUpdateBy)
            throws CprException {
        this(personId, phoneType, null, phoneNumber, extension, internationalNumber, lastUpdateBy);

     * @param personId contains the person's primary identifier in the CPR.
     * @param phoneType  contains the phone type represented as a string
     * @param groupId contains the ranking within the particular phone type.
     * @param phoneNumber contains the phone number
     * @param extension contains the phone extension number   
     * @param internationalNumber contains a flag to indicate whether the phone number is international.
     * @param lastUpdateBy contains the system identifier and/or userid that updated the record
     * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR related problems.
    public PhonesTable(final long personId, final String phoneType, final Long groupId, final String phoneNumber,
            final String extension, final String internationalNumber, final String lastUpdateBy)
            throws CprException {

        final Phones bean = new Phones();
        final Date d = new Date();







     * @param returnHistoryFlag the returnHistoryFlag to set
    public void setReturnHistoryFlag(final boolean returnHistoryFlag) {
        this.returnHistoryFlag = returnHistoryFlag;

     * @return the returnHistoryFlag
    public boolean isReturnHistoryFlag() {
        return returnHistoryFlag;

     * @param phonesBean the phonesBean to set
    public final void setPhonesBean(final Phones phonesBean) {
        this.phonesBean = phonesBean;

     * @return the phonesBean
    public Phones getPhonesBean() {
        return phonesBean;

     * @return the phoneType
    public PhoneType getPhoneType() {
        return phoneType;

     * @param phoneType the phoneType to set
    public final void setPhoneType(final PhoneType phoneType) {
        this.phoneType = phoneType;

     * This routine accepts a String argument to assign that to an enumerated type.
     * If the assignment fails, an exception is thrown.
     * @param phoneTypeString Contains the String to convert to an enumerated type.
     * @return will an enum if successful.
     * @throws CprException 
    public final PhoneType findPhoneTypeEnum(final String phoneTypeString) throws CprException {
        if (phoneTypeString != null) {
            PhoneType phoneTypeEnum = Utility.getEnumFromString(PhoneType.class, phoneTypeString);
            if (phoneTypeEnum != null) {
                return phoneTypeEnum;
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.INVALID_PARAMETERS_EXCEPTION, "Phone Type");

     *  The purpose of this routine is to interface with the database JDBC calls to
     *  call a store function to add a phone of the specified type to user's record.  
     *  The information necessary to add the phone is passed in the PhonesTable class.
     *  @param db
     * @throws CprException 
    public void addPhone(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean matchFound = false;
        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Phones bean = getPhonesBean();
        Long maxGroupId = null;
        // verify that this is not a duplicate record within type
        String sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id AND dataTypeKey = :data_type_key AND endDate IS NULL";
        final Query query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
        query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext() && (!matchFound);) {
            Phones dbBean = (Phones);
            if (Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getPhoneNumber(), dbBean.getPhoneNumber())
                    && Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getExtension(), dbBean.getExtension())
                    && Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getInternationalNumberFlag(),
                            dbBean.getInternationalNumberFlag())) {
                matchFound = true;

        if (!matchFound) {
            // Find the maximum group id for the person and their phone type combination.
            sqlQuery = "SELECT MAX(group_id) as max_group_id FROM {h-schema}phones WHERE person_id = :person_id AND data_type_key = :data_type_key";
            final SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
            query1.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
            query1.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
            query1.addScalar("max_group_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
            final Iterator<?> it = query1.list().iterator();
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                maxGroupId = (Long);
                maxGroupId = (maxGroupId == null) ? 1L : maxGroupId + 1L;

            } else {
                maxGroupId = 1L;

            // Save off the new record.

        if (matchFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS, TABLE_NAME);

     *  The purpose of this routine is to interface with the database JDBC calls to
     *  call a store function to update a phone number of a specified type for  user's 
     *  record.  The information necessary to add the phone is passed in the 
     *  PhonesTable class.
     *  @param db 
     * @throws CprException 
    public void updatePhone(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean matchFound = false;
        int updateCount = 0;

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Phones bean = getPhonesBean();

        String sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id AND dataTypeKey = :data_type_key AND endDate IS NULL";
        Query query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
        query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
        query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext() && (!matchFound);) {
            Phones dbBean = (Phones);
            if (Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getPhoneNumber(), dbBean.getPhoneNumber())
                    && Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getExtension(), dbBean.getExtension())
                    && Utility.areStringFieldsEqual(bean.getInternationalNumberFlag(),
                            dbBean.getInternationalNumberFlag())) {
                matchFound = true;

        if (!matchFound) {
            sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id and dataTypeKey = :data_type_key and groupId = :group_id and endDate IS NULL";
            query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
            query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
            query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
            query.setParameter(GROUP_ID_STRING, bean.getGroupId());
            for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Phones dbBean = (Phones);

            // Save off the new record.
            if (updateCount > 0) {

        if (matchFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS, TABLE_NAME);
        if (updateCount == 0) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.UPDATE_FAILED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

     *  The purpose of this routine is to interface with the database JDBC calls to
     *  call a store function to archive a phone number of a specified type  for  user's 
     *  record.  The information necessary to add the phone is passed in the 
     *  PhonesTable class.
     *    @param db
     *    @throws CprException 
    public void archivePhone(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean recordNotFound = false;
        boolean alreadyArchived = false;
        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Phones bean = getPhonesBean();

        String sqlQuery = null;
        Query query = null;
        if (getPhoneKey() > 0L) {
            sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id and phoneKey = :phone_key ";
            query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
            query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
            query.setParameter(PHONE_KEY_STRING, getPhoneKey());
        } else {
            sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id and dataTypeKey = :data_type_key and groupId = :group_id ";
            query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
            query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
            query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
            query.setParameter(GROUP_ID_STRING, bean.getGroupId());

        if (query.list().size() > 0) {
            sqlQuery += " and endDate is null";
            query = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);

            if (getPhoneKey() > 0L) {
                query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
                query.setParameter(PHONE_KEY_STRING, getPhoneKey());
            } else {
                query.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
                query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
                query.setParameter(GROUP_ID_STRING, bean.getGroupId());

            final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                Phones dbBean = (Phones);

            } else {
                alreadyArchived = true;
        } else {
            recordNotFound = true;

        // Handle the errors.
        if (recordNotFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);
        if (alreadyArchived) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.ALREADY_DELETED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

     * This routine will obtain a list of phone numbers for a person id
     * @param db 
     * @param personId contains the personID
     * @return list of phone numbers
    public PhoneReturn[] getPhones(final Database db, final long personId) {

        final List<PhoneReturn> results = new ArrayList<PhoneReturn>();

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
                "SELECT phone_key, data_type_key, group_id, primary_flag, phone_number, extension, international_number_flag,  ");
        sb.append("start_date, ");
        sb.append("end_date, ");
        sb.append("last_update_by, ");
        sb.append("last_update_on, ");
        sb.append("created_by, ");
        sb.append("created_on ");
        sb.append("FROM {h-schema}phones ");
        sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");

        if (getPhoneType() != null) {
            sb.append("AND data_type_key = :data_type_key_in ");

        if (!isReturnHistoryFlag()) {
            sb.append("AND end_date IS NULL");

        if (getPhoneKey() > 0L) {
            sb.append("AND phone_key = :phone_key ");

        sb.append(" ORDER BY data_type_key ASC, start_date ASC ");

        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", personId);

        if (getPhoneType() != null) {
            query.setParameter("data_type_key_in", getPhoneType().index());

        if (getPhoneKey() > 0L) {
            query.setParameter(PHONE_KEY_STRING, getPhoneKey());

        query.addScalar(PHONE_KEY_STRING, StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        query.addScalar(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        query.addScalar(GROUP_ID_STRING, StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
        query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("phone_number", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("extension", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("international_number_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("start_date", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("end_date", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("last_update_by", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("last_update_on", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);
        query.addScalar("created_by", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        query.addScalar("created_on", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP);

        for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Object[] res = (Object[]);
            PhoneReturn aPhone = new PhoneReturn();
            aPhone.setPhoneKey(((Long) res[PHONE_KEY]).toString());
            aPhone.setPhoneType(PhoneType.get((Long) res[PHONE_TYPE]).toString());
            aPhone.setGroupId((Long) res[GROUP_ID]);
            aPhone.setPrimaryFlag((String) res[PRIMARY_FLAG]);
            aPhone.setPhoneNumber((String) res[PHONE_NUMBER]);
            aPhone.setExtension((String) res[EXTENSION]);
            aPhone.setInternationalNumber((String) res[INTERNATIONAL_NUMBER]);
            aPhone.setStartDate(Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[START_DATE]));
            aPhone.setEndDate(Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[END_DATE]));
            aPhone.setLastUpdateBy((String) res[LAST_UPDATE_BY]);
            aPhone.setLastUpdateOn(Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[LAST_UPDATE_ON]));
            aPhone.setCreatedBy((String) res[CREATED_BY]);
            aPhone.setCreatedOn(Utility.formatDateToISO8601((Date) res[CREATED_ON]));

        return results.toArray(new PhoneReturn[results.size()]);

     * This routine will set a primary phone number within a phonetype for a person id
     * @param db 
     * @throws CprException 
    public void setPrimaryByType(final Database db) throws CprException {

        boolean notFound = false;
        boolean alreadyPrimary = false;

        final Session session = db.getSession();
        final Phones bean = getPhonesBean();

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
        sb.append("SELECT  primary_flag ");
        sb.append("FROM {h-schema}phones ");
        sb.append("WHERE person_id = :person_id_in ");
        sb.append("AND data_type_key = :data_type_key ");
        sb.append("AND group_id = :group_id ");
        sb.append("AND end_date IS NULL ");
        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
        query.setParameter("person_id_in", bean.getPersonId());
        query.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
        query.setParameter(GROUP_ID_STRING, bean.getGroupId());
        query.addScalar("primary_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
        Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
        if (!it.hasNext()) {
            notFound = true;
        } else {

            final String primaryFlag = (String);
            if (Utility.isOptionYes(primaryFlag)) {
                alreadyPrimary = true;
            } else {

                String sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id and dataTypeKey = :data_type_key and primaryFlag = 'Y' and endDate is null";
                Query query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                query1.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
                query1.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
                for (it = query1.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Phones dbBean = (Phones);

                sqlQuery = "from Phones where personId = :person_id and dataTypeKey = :data_type_key and groupId = :group_id and endDate IS NULL";
                query1 = session.createQuery(sqlQuery);
                query1.setParameter(PERSON_ID_STRING, bean.getPersonId());
                query1.setParameter(DATA_TYPE_KEY_STRING, bean.getDataTypeKey());
                query1.setParameter(GROUP_ID_STRING, bean.getGroupId());
                it = query1.list().iterator();
                if (it.hasNext()) {
                    Phones dbBean = (Phones);

        if (notFound) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

        if (alreadyPrimary) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.SET_PRIMARY_FAILED_EXCEPTION, TABLE_NAME);

     * @return the phoneKey
    public Long getPhoneKey() {
        return phoneKey;

     * @param phoneKey the phoneKey to set
    public void setPhoneKey(final Long phoneKey) {
        this.phoneKey = phoneKey;