Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Northwestern University. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.osgi; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.StudyCalendarSystemException; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.core.StaticApplicationContextHelper; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.core.StudyCalendarApplicationContextBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.BundleException; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * @author Rhett Sutphin */ public class OsgiLayerIntegratedTestHelper { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OsgiLayerIntegratedTestHelper.class); private static StaticApplicationContextHelper applicationContextHelper = new ApplicationContextBuilder(); private static BundleContext bundleContext; private static File projectRoot; private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = (System.getenv("JOB_NAME") == null ? 60 : 300) * 1000; public static synchronized BundleContext getBundleContext() throws IOException { if (bundleContext == null) { System.setProperty("catalina.base", getModuleRelativeDirectory("osgi-layer:integrated-tests", "tmp").getAbsolutePath()); EmbedderConfiguration configuration = new EmbedderFilesystemConfiguration( getModuleRelativeDirectory("osgi-layer", "target/test/embedder").getAbsoluteFile()); Embedder embedder = new Embedder(); embedder.setConfiguration(configuration); embedder.setFrameworkFactory(FrameworkFactoryFinder.getFrameworkFactory()); bundleContext = embedder.start(); } return bundleContext; } public static File getModuleRelativeDirectory(String moduleName, String directory) throws IOException { File dir = new File(findProjectRootDirectory(), moduleName.replaceAll(":", "/")); dir = new File(dir, directory); if (dir.exists()) return dir; throw new FileNotFoundException( String.format("Could not find directory %s relative to module %s from project directory %s", directory, moduleName, findProjectRootDirectory().getCanonicalPath())); } private synchronized static File findProjectRootDirectory() throws FileNotFoundException { if (projectRoot == null) { File buildfile; projectRoot = new File("."); do { buildfile = new File(projectRoot, "buildfile"); if (buildfile.exists()) { return projectRoot; } projectRoot = new File(projectRoot, ".."); } while (projectRoot.exists() && projectRoot.isDirectory()); projectRoot = null; throw new FileNotFoundException( String.format("Could not find project directory. Started from %s and walked up to %s.", new File("."), projectRoot)); } return projectRoot; } public static Bundle startBundle(String bundleName) throws IOException, BundleException, InterruptedException { Bundle bundle = findBundle(bundleName); bundle.start(); return bundle; } public static void startBundle(String bundleName, String withService) throws BundleException, IOException, InterruptedException { waitForService(startBundle(bundleName), withService); } private static void waitForService(Bundle bundle, String withService) throws InterruptedException { log.debug("Beginning wait for {} in {}", withService, bundle); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!timedOut(start) && (bundle.getRegisteredServices() == null || bundle.getRegisteredServices().length == 0)) { log.debug("- waiting for any service registration"); Thread.sleep(100); } SEARCH: while (!timedOut(start)) { for (ServiceReference ref : bundle.getRegisteredServices()) { String[] interfaces = (String[]) ref.getProperty("objectClass"); log.debug("- has service with {}", Arrays.asList(interfaces)); if (interfaces != null) { if (Arrays.asList(interfaces).contains(withService)) { break SEARCH; } } } log.debug("- waiting for service {} registration", withService); Thread.sleep(100); } log.debug("- {} became available after {}ms", withService, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } // side effect is the important bit private static boolean timedOut(long startTime) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > TIMEOUT_MS) { throw new StudyCalendarSystemException("Wait for service timed out"); } else { return false; } } public static void waitForService(String bundleName, String withService) throws IOException, InterruptedException { waitForService(findBundle(bundleName), withService); } public static void waitForService(String serviceInterface) throws IOException, InterruptedException { log.debug("Beginning wait for {} from any bundle", serviceInterface); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!timedOut(start) && getBundleContext().getServiceReference(serviceInterface) == null) { log.debug("- waiting for service {} in any bundle", serviceInterface); Thread.sleep(100); } log.debug("- {} became available after {}ms", serviceInterface, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } public static void stopBundle(String bundleName) throws IOException, BundleException { findBundle(bundleName).stop(); } public static Bundle findBundle(String bundleName) throws IOException { for (Bundle candidate : getBundleContext().getBundles()) { if (candidate.getSymbolicName() == null) { throw new NullPointerException( String.format("Bundle %s (%s) has no symbolic name", candidate, candidate.getBundleId())); } if (candidate.getSymbolicName().equals(bundleName)) { return candidate; } } List<String> bundles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Bundle bundle : getBundleContext().getBundles()) { bundles.add(bundle.getSymbolicName()); } throw new StudyCalendarSystemException("No bundle %s in the testing context:\n- %s", bundleName, StringUtils.join(bundles.iterator(), ("\n- "))); } public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() { return applicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext(); } private static class ApplicationContextBuilder extends StaticApplicationContextHelper { private ApplicationContext createBundleContextApplicationContext() { try { return ConcreteStaticApplicationContext .create(Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("bundleContext", getBundleContext())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Creating bundle context failed", e); } } @Override protected ApplicationContext createApplicationContext() { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctxt = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( createBundleContextApplicationContext()); ctxt.setConfigLocations(StudyCalendarApplicationContextBuilder.DEPLOYED_CONFIG_LOCATIONS); ctxt.refresh(); return ctxt; } } }