Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jeffreybosboom.serviceproviderprocessor.ServiceProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; /** * A test harness for Benchmark instances. * @author Jeffrey Bosboom <> * @since 8/12/2013 */ public final class Benchmarker { public static enum Attribute { APP, SANITY, REGRESSION, STATIC, DYNAMIC, PEEKING, STATELESS, STATEFUL } public static final ImmutableMap<String, Attribute> PACKAGE_TO_ATTRIBUTE = ImmutableMap.of( "", Attribute.APP, "", Attribute.SANITY, "", Attribute.REGRESSION); public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); // ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> requiredTestClasses = parser.accepts("require-test-class") // .withRequiredArg().withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> includedStreamClasses = parser.accepts("include-stream-class") .withRequiredArg().withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> excludedStreamClasses = parser.accepts("exclude-stream-class") .withRequiredArg().withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Attribute> includedAttributes = parser.accepts("include-attribute") .withRequiredArg().withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(Attribute.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Attribute> excludedAttributes = parser.accepts("exclude-attribute") .withRequiredArg().withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(Attribute.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Integer> threadsOpt = parser.accepts("threads").withOptionalArg() .ofType(Integer.class).defaultsTo(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); parser.accepts("check"); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); ImmutableSet<String> includedClasses = ImmutableSet.copyOf(includedStreamClasses.values(options)); ImmutableSet<String> excludedClasses = ImmutableSet.copyOf(excludedStreamClasses.values(options)); EnumSet<Attribute> includedAttrs = options.has(includedAttributes) ? EnumSet.copyOf(includedAttributes.values(options)) : EnumSet.noneOf(Attribute.class); EnumSet<Attribute> excludedAttrs = options.has(excludedAttributes) ? EnumSet.copyOf(excludedAttributes.values(options)) : EnumSet.noneOf(Attribute.class); int threads = !options.has(threadsOpt) ? 1 : options.valueOf(threadsOpt); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); CountingExecutorCompletionService<Result> completionService = new CountingExecutorCompletionService<>( executor); for (Iterator<BenchmarkProvider> providerIterator = new SkipMissingServicesIterator<>( ServiceLoader.load(BenchmarkProvider.class).iterator()); providerIterator.hasNext();) completionService.submit(new BenchmarkProviderFilterTask(, includedClasses, excludedClasses, includedAttrs, excludedAttrs, completionService), null); while (completionService.pendingTasks() > 0) { Result r = completionService.take().get(); if (r != null) r.print(System.out); } executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //Even if we didn't shut down cleanly, we're done. System.exit(0); } private static final class BenchmarkProviderFilterTask implements Runnable { private final BenchmarkProvider provider; private final Set<String> includedClasses, excludedClasses; private final Set<Attribute> includedAttrs, excludedAttrs; private final ExecutorCompletionService<Result> executor; private BenchmarkProviderFilterTask(BenchmarkProvider provider, Set<String> includedClasses, Set<String> excludedClasses, Set<Attribute> includedAttrs, Set<Attribute> excludedAttrs, ExecutorCompletionService<Result> executor) { this.provider = provider; this.includedClasses = includedClasses; this.excludedClasses = excludedClasses; this.includedAttrs = includedAttrs; this.excludedAttrs = excludedAttrs; this.executor = executor; } @Override public void run() { Attribute providerPackageAttr = getPackageAttr(provider.getClass()); if (providerPackageAttr != null && excludedAttrs.contains(providerPackageAttr)) return; for (Benchmark benchmark : provider) { executor.submit(new BenchmarkFilterTask(benchmark, providerPackageAttr, includedClasses, excludedClasses, includedAttrs, excludedAttrs, executor), null); } } } /** * Filters a benchmark based on the command-line options, optionally * submitting RunTasks. */ private static final class BenchmarkFilterTask implements Runnable { private final Benchmark benchmark; private final Attribute providerPackageAttr; private final Set<String> includedClasses, excludedClasses; private final Set<Attribute> includedAttrs, excludedAttrs; private final ExecutorCompletionService<Result> executor; private BenchmarkFilterTask(Benchmark benchmark, Attribute providerPackageAttr, Set<String> includedClasses, Set<String> excludedClasses, Set<Attribute> includedAttrs, Set<Attribute> excludedAttrs, ExecutorCompletionService<Result> executor) { this.benchmark = benchmark; this.providerPackageAttr = providerPackageAttr; this.includedClasses = includedClasses; this.excludedClasses = excludedClasses; this.includedAttrs = includedAttrs; this.excludedAttrs = excludedAttrs; this.executor = executor; } @Override public void run() { //If we exclude APP, SANITY or REGRESSION, we can eliminate some //benchmarks without instantiating a graph. Attribute packageAttr = getPackageAttr(benchmark.getClass()); if (packageAttr != null && excludedAttrs.contains(packageAttr)) return; AttributeVisitor visitor = new AttributeVisitor(); benchmark.instantiate().visit(visitor); if (providerPackageAttr != null) visitor.attributes.add(providerPackageAttr); if (packageAttr != null) visitor.attributes.add(packageAttr); //Exclusion trumps inclusion, so first check for exclusion. if (!Sets.intersection(visitor.attributes, excludedAttrs).isEmpty()) return; for (Class<?> klass : visitor.classes) if (excludedClasses.contains(klass.getSimpleName()) || excludedClasses.contains(klass.getCanonicalName())) return; //Now check inclusion. boolean included = false; if (!Sets.intersection(visitor.attributes, includedAttrs).isEmpty()) included = true; if (!included) for (Class<?> klass : visitor.classes) if (includedClasses.contains(klass.getSimpleName()) || includedClasses.contains(klass.getCanonicalName())) included = true; if (!included) return; //TODO: checking here isn't great because it's hard to report the //exception. // if (options.has("check")) // benchmark.instantiate().visit(new CheckVisitor()); StreamCompiler[] compilers = { // new DebugStreamCompiler(), // new CompilerStreamCompiler(), new Compiler2StreamCompiler(), // new CompilerStreamCompiler().multiplier(10), // new CompilerStreamCompiler().multiplier(100), // new CompilerStreamCompiler().multiplier(1000), // new CompilerStreamCompiler().multiplier(10000), }; for (StreamCompiler sc : compilers) for (Dataset input : benchmark.inputs()) executor.submit(new RunTask(benchmark, input, sc)); } } /** * Runs a benchmark with a given dataset and compiler. */ private static final class RunTask implements Callable<Result> { private final Benchmark benchmark; private final Dataset dataset; private final StreamCompiler compiler; private RunTask(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler) { this.benchmark = benchmark; this.dataset = dataset; this.compiler = compiler; } @Override public Result call() { return run(benchmark, dataset, compiler); } } /** * Runs all the datasets for all the benchmarks in the given provider on the * given compiler. This entry point is to make the individual provider * classes runnable (call this from main()) for convenience when debugging * an individual benchmark. * @param provider the provider to run benchmarks of * @param compiler the compiler to use */ public static List<Result> runBenchmarks(BenchmarkProvider provider, StreamCompiler compiler) { ImmutableList.Builder<Result> results = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Benchmark benchmark : provider) results.addAll(runBenchmark(benchmark, compiler)); return; } /** * Runs all the datasets for the given benchmark on the given compiler. * This entry point is to make the individual benchmark classes runnable * (call this from main()) for convenience when debugging an individual * benchmark. * @param benchmark the benchmark to run * @param compiler the compiler to use */ public static List<Result> runBenchmark(Benchmark benchmark, StreamCompiler compiler) { ImmutableList.Builder<Result> results = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Dataset input : benchmark.inputs()) results.add(run(benchmark, input, compiler)); return; } /** * Returns the Benchmark with the given name, or throws an exception. * @param name the benchmark name to look up * @return the Benchmark instance with the given name */ public static Benchmark getBenchmarkByName(String name) { for (BenchmarkProvider provider : ServiceLoader.load(BenchmarkProvider.class)) for (Benchmark benchmark : provider) if (benchmark.toString().equals(name)) return benchmark; throw new NoSuchElementException("no benchmark named " + name); } private static final long COMPILE_TIMEOUT_DURATION = 90; private static final TimeUnit COMPILE_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS; private static final long RUN_TIMEOUT_DURATION = 2; private static final TimeUnit RUN_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.MINUTES; private static Result run(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset input, StreamCompiler compiler) { long compileMillis, runMillis; VerifyingOutputBufferFactory verifier = null; OutputCounter counter; if (input.output() != null) counter = verifier = new VerifyingOutputBufferFactory(input.output()); else counter = new CountingOutputBufferFactory(); try { CompileThread ct = new CompileThread(compiler, benchmark, input, counter); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); ct.start(); ct.join(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(COMPILE_TIMEOUT_DURATION, COMPILE_TIMEOUT_UNIT)); compileMillis = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (ct.isAlive()) throw new TimeoutException(); if (ct.throwable != null) throw ct.throwable; CompiledStream stream =; stream.awaitDrained(RUN_TIMEOUT_DURATION, RUN_TIMEOUT_UNIT); stopwatch.stop(); runMillis = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) - compileMillis; } catch (TimeoutException ex) { return Result.timeout(benchmark, input, compiler); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { return Result.exception(benchmark, input, compiler, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.exception(benchmark, input, compiler, t); } long outputs = counter.getCount(); if (verifier != null) { verifier.buffer.finish(); if (!verifier.buffer.correct()) return Result.wrongOutput(benchmark, input, compiler, compileMillis, runMillis, verifier.buffer.extents, verifier.buffer.missingOutput, verifier.buffer.excessOutput); } return Result.ok(benchmark, input, compiler, compileMillis, runMillis, outputs); } private static final class CompileThread extends Thread { private final StreamCompiler compiler; private final Benchmark benchmark; private final Dataset input; private final OutputCounter counter; public CompiledStream stream; public Throwable throwable; public CompileThread(StreamCompiler compiler, Benchmark benchmark, Dataset input, OutputCounter counter) { this.compiler = compiler; this.benchmark = benchmark; this.input = input; this.counter = counter; } @Override public void run() { try { stream = compiler.compile(benchmark.instantiate(), input.input(), OutputBufferFactory.wrap((OutputBufferFactory) counter)); } catch (Throwable t) { throwable = t; } } } public static final class Result { public static enum Kind { OK, WRONG_OUTPUT, EXCEPTION, TIMEOUT; } private final Kind kind; private final Benchmark benchmark; private final Dataset dataset; private final StreamCompiler compiler; private final ImmutableList<Extent> wrongOutput; private final ImmutableList<Object> missingOutput, excessOutput; private final Throwable throwable; private final long compileMillis, runMillis; private final long outputsProduced; private Result(Kind kind, Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler, List<Extent> wrongOutput, List<Object> missingOutput, List<Object> excessOutput, Throwable throwable, long compileMillis, long runMillis, long outputsProduced) { this.kind = kind; this.benchmark = benchmark; this.dataset = dataset; this.compiler = compiler; this.wrongOutput = wrongOutput == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(wrongOutput); this.missingOutput = missingOutput == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(missingOutput); this.excessOutput = excessOutput == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(excessOutput); this.throwable = throwable; this.compileMillis = compileMillis; this.runMillis = runMillis; this.outputsProduced = outputsProduced; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Factory methods"> private static Result ok(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler, long compileMillis, long runMillis, long outputsProduced) { return new Result(Kind.OK, benchmark, dataset, compiler, null, null, null, null, compileMillis, runMillis, outputsProduced); } private static Result wrongOutput(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler, long compileMillis, long runMillis, List<Extent> wrongOutput, List<Object> missingOutput, List<Object> excessOutput) { return new Result(Kind.WRONG_OUTPUT, benchmark, dataset, compiler, wrongOutput, missingOutput, excessOutput, null, compileMillis, runMillis, -1); } private static Result exception(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler, Throwable throwable) { return new Result(Kind.EXCEPTION, benchmark, dataset, compiler, null, null, null, throwable, -1, -1, -1); } private static Result timeout(Benchmark benchmark, Dataset dataset, StreamCompiler compiler) { return new Result(Kind.TIMEOUT, benchmark, dataset, compiler, null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1); } //</editor-fold> public Kind kind() { return kind; } public boolean isOK() { return kind() == Kind.OK; } //TODO: use a TimeUnit-based interface to permit sub-/super-milliseconds? public long compileMillis() { return compileMillis; } public long runMillis() { return runMillis; } public Throwable throwable() { return throwable; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Formatting methods"> public void print(OutputStream stream) { print(stream, new HumanResultFormatter()); } public void print(Writer writer) { print(writer, new HumanResultFormatter()); } public void print(OutputStream stream, ResultFormatter formatter) { print(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), formatter); } public void print(Writer writer, ResultFormatter formatter) { print(new PrintWriter(writer), formatter); } private void print(PrintWriter writer, ResultFormatter formatter) { writer.write(formatter.format(this)); writer.flush(); } @Override public String toString() { return new HumanResultFormatter().format(this); } //</editor-fold> } /** * Formats (stringifies) Result objects. */ public static interface ResultFormatter { public String format(Result result); } /** * Stringifies Result objects in human-readable form. */ public static final class HumanResultFormatter implements ResultFormatter { @Override public String format(Result result) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String statusText = "BUG"; if (result.kind == Result.Kind.OK) statusText = String.format("%d ms compile, %d ms run; %d items output, %f ms/output", result.compileMillis, result.runMillis, result.outputsProduced, ((double) result.runMillis) / result.outputsProduced); else if (result.kind == Result.Kind.WRONG_OUTPUT) statusText = "wrong output"; else if (result.kind == Result.Kind.EXCEPTION) statusText = "failed"; else if (result.kind == Result.Kind.TIMEOUT) statusText = "timed out"; sb.append(String.format("%s / %s / %s: %s%n", result.compiler, result.benchmark, result.dataset, statusText)); if (result.kind == Result.Kind.EXCEPTION) sb.append(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(result.throwable)); if (result.kind == Result.Kind.WRONG_OUTPUT) { for (Extent e : result.wrongOutput) { sb.append(String.format("wrong output at index %d for %d items%n", e.startIndex, e.size())); //TODO: work item by item to line these up? sb.append(String.format(" expected: %s%n", e.expected)); sb.append(String.format(" actual: %s%n", e.actual)); } if (!result.missingOutput.isEmpty()) { sb.append(String.format("output ended %d items early%n", result.missingOutput.size())); sb.append(String.format(" expected: %s%n", result.missingOutput)); } if (!result.excessOutput.isEmpty()) { sb.append(String.format("output contained %d excess items%n", result.excessOutput.size())); sb.append(String.format(" actual: %s%n", result.excessOutput)); } } return sb.toString(); } } /** * An Extent represents a range of wrong output starting at a specified * index. (The name comes from filesystems.) */ private static final class Extent { private final long startIndex; private final List<Object> expected, actual; private Extent(long startIndex, List<Object> expected, List<Object> actual) { this.startIndex = startIndex; this.expected = expected; this.actual = actual; } public int size() { assert expected.size() == actual.size() : expected.size() + " " + actual.size(); return expected.size(); } } private static interface OutputCounter { public long getCount(); } private static final class VerifyingOutputBufferFactory extends OutputBufferFactory implements OutputCounter { private final Input<Object> expectedOutput; private VerifyingBuffer buffer; private VerifyingOutputBufferFactory(Input<Object> expectedOutput) { this.expectedOutput = expectedOutput; this.buffer = new VerifyingBuffer(); } @Override public Buffer createWritableBuffer(int writerMinSize) { return buffer; } @Override public long getCount() { return buffer.index; } private final class VerifyingBuffer extends AbstractWriteOnlyBuffer { private final Buffer expected = InputBufferFactory.unwrap(expectedOutput).createReadableBuffer(42); private final List<Extent> extents = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Object> excessOutput = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Object> missingOutput = new ArrayList<>(); private long index = 0; private Extent current = null; @Override public boolean write(Object t) { if (expected.size() == 0) { excessOutput.add(t); } else { Object e =; if (!equals(e, t)) { if (current == null) { //continue or begin current = new Extent(index, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()); extents.add(current); } current.expected.add(e); current.actual.add(t); } else if (current != null) //correct; end extent if one's open current = null; } ++index; return true; } public void finish() { while (expected.size() > 0) missingOutput.add(; } public boolean correct() { return excessOutput.isEmpty() && missingOutput.isEmpty() && extents.isEmpty(); } private boolean equals(Object e, Object t) { if (e instanceof Float && t instanceof Float) return DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(((Float) e).doubleValue(), ((Float) t).doubleValue(), 0.0001); else if (e instanceof Double && t instanceof Double) return DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(((Double) e).doubleValue(), ((Double) t).doubleValue(), 0.0000001); return Objects.equals(e, t); } } } private static final class CountingOutputBufferFactory extends OutputBufferFactory implements OutputCounter { private final CountingBuffer b = new CountingBuffer(); @Override public long getCount() { return b.count; } @Override public Buffer createWritableBuffer(int writerMinSize) { return b; } private static final class CountingBuffer extends AbstractWriteOnlyBuffer { private long count; @Override public boolean write(Object t) { ++count; return true; } @Override public int write(Object[] data, int offset, int length) { count += length; return length; } } } private static final class AttributeVisitor extends StreamVisitor { private final EnumSet<Attribute> attributes = EnumSet.noneOf(Attribute.class); private final Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void beginVisit() { } @Override public void visitFilter(Filter<?, ?> filter) { visitWorker(filter); } @Override public boolean enterPipeline(Pipeline<?, ?> pipeline) { classes.addAll(ReflectionUtils.getAllSupertypes(pipeline.getClass())); return true; } @Override public void exitPipeline(Pipeline<?, ?> pipeline) { } @Override public boolean enterSplitjoin(Splitjoin<?, ?> splitjoin) { classes.addAll(ReflectionUtils.getAllSupertypes(splitjoin.getClass())); return true; } @Override public void visitSplitter(Splitter<?, ?> splitter) { visitWorker(splitter); } @Override public boolean enterSplitjoinBranch(OneToOneElement<?, ?> element) { return true; } @Override public void exitSplitjoinBranch(OneToOneElement<?, ?> element) { } @Override public void visitJoiner(Joiner<?, ?> joiner) { visitWorker(joiner); } @Override public void exitSplitjoin(Splitjoin<?, ?> splitjoin) { } private void visitWorker(Worker<?, ?> worker) { classes.addAll(ReflectionUtils.getAllSupertypes(worker.getClass())); if (worker instanceof StatefulFilter) attributes.add(Attribute.STATEFUL); for (Rate r : worker.getPopRates()) if (!r.isFixed()) attributes.add(Attribute.DYNAMIC); for (Rate r : worker.getPushRates()) if (!r.isFixed()) attributes.add(Attribute.DYNAMIC); for (int i = 0; i < worker.getPeekRates().size(); ++i) { Rate peek = worker.getPeekRates().get(i); Rate pop = worker.getPopRates().get(i); if (peek.max() == Rate.DYNAMIC || peek.max() > pop.max()) attributes.add(Attribute.PEEKING); } } @Override public void endVisit() { if (!attributes.contains(Attribute.DYNAMIC)) attributes.contains(Attribute.STATIC); if (!attributes.contains(Attribute.STATEFUL)) attributes.contains(Attribute.STATELESS); } } private static Attribute getPackageAttr(Class<?> klass) { String name = klass.getName(); for (Map.Entry<String, Attribute> entry : PACKAGE_TO_ATTRIBUTE.entrySet()) if (name.startsWith(entry.getKey())) return entry.getValue(); return null; } /** * A BenchmarkProvider providing Benchmarks directly registered with * @ServiceProvider(Benchmark.class). This is in the test package, not apps, * sanity or regression, so it does not affect attributes. * <p/> * This class is public so ServiceLoader can instantiate it. */ @ServiceProvider(BenchmarkProvider.class) public static final class ServiceBenchmarkProvider implements BenchmarkProvider { private final ServiceLoader<Benchmark> loader = ServiceLoader.load(Benchmark.class); @Override public Iterator<Benchmark> iterator() { return new SkipMissingServicesIterator<>(loader.iterator()); } } }