Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IntInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode; /** * * @author Jeffrey Bosboom <> * @since 1/29/2013 */ public final class MessageConstraint { private final Portal<?> portal; private final Worker<?, ?> sender, recipient; private final int latency; private final StreamPosition direction; private final SDEPData sdepData; private MessageConstraint(Portal<?> portal, Worker<?, ?> sender, Worker<?, ?> recipient, int latency, StreamPosition direction, SDEPData sdepData) { this.portal = portal; this.sender = sender; this.recipient = recipient; this.latency = latency; this.direction = direction; this.sdepData = sdepData; if (this.direction == StreamPosition.UPSTREAM && this.latency < 0) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Impossible constraint: " + this.toString(), sender, recipient); } public Portal<?> getPortal() { return portal; } public Worker<?, ?> getSender() { return sender; } public Worker<?, ?> getRecipient() { return recipient; } public int getLatency() { return latency; } public StreamPosition getDirection() { return direction; } public long sdep(long downstreamExecutionCount) { return sdepData.sdep(downstreamExecutionCount); } public long reverseSdep(long upstreamExecutionCount) { return sdepData.reverseSdep(upstreamExecutionCount); } /** * Computes the delivery time for a message given the current sender * execution count. Takes into account the message direction and latency. * * (The sender execution count must be provided as an argument, rather than * retrieved via sender.getExecutions() directly, because we might not be * executing in the interpreter.) * @param senderExecutionCount the sender's execution count * @return the execution of the recipient immediately before which the * message should be delivered */ public long getDeliveryTime(long senderExecutionCount) { switch (getDirection()) { case DOWNSTREAM: //We add one to the reverseSdep result because we're //going downstream, thus e.g. if we're in our first //execution (sender.getExecutions() == 0), the message //should be delivered downstream at recipient's 0, but //we expect TTD to be greater than getExecutions(). //Classic StreamIt adjusts the TTD at delivery to //account for this; we'll do it here. //TODO: is the inner +1 correct? return reverseSdep(senderExecutionCount + 1 + getLatency()) + 1; case UPSTREAM: //TODO: is the +1 correct? return sdep(senderExecutionCount + 1 + getLatency()); case EQUAL: case INCOMPARABLE: throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Illegal messaging: " + this, getSender(), getRecipient()); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s from %s to %s through %s after %d", direction, sender, recipient, portal, latency); } /** * Grovels through the stream graph, discovering message constraints. * @param graph * @return */ public static List<MessageConstraint> findConstraints(Worker<?, ?> graph) { ImmutableList.Builder<MessageConstraint> mc = ImmutableList.builder(); //Parsing bytecodes is (relatively) expensive; we only want to do it //once per class, no matter how many instances are in the stream graph. //If a class doesn't send messages, it maps to an empty list, and we do //nothing in the loop below. Map<Class<?>, ImmutableList<WorkerData>> workerDataCache = new HashMap<>(); Map<Edge, SDEPData> sdepCache = new HashMap<>(); for (Worker<?, ?> sender : Workers.getAllWorkersInGraph(graph)) { ImmutableList<WorkerData> datas = workerDataCache.get(sender.getClass()); if (datas == null) { datas = buildWorkerData(sender); workerDataCache.put(sender.getClass(), datas); } for (WorkerData d : datas) { Portal<?> portal = d.getPortal(sender); int latency = d.getLatency(sender); for (Worker<?, ?> recipient : Portals.getRecipients(d.getPortal(sender))) { StreamPosition direction = Workers.compareStreamPosition(sender, recipient); Edge edge = direction == StreamPosition.UPSTREAM ? new Edge(sender, recipient) : new Edge(recipient, sender); SDEPData sdepData = computeSDEP(edge, sdepCache); //The message direction is opposite the relation between //sender and recipient. mc.add(new MessageConstraint(portal, sender, recipient, latency, direction.opposite(), sdepData)); } } } return; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="WorkerData building (bytecode parsing)"> /** * WorkerData encapsulates the Field(s) and/or constant for the Portal and * latency value of a particular class. (Note that one class might have * multiple WorkerDatas if it sends multiple messages.) WorkerData also * provides methods to easily get the field values from an object of the * class. */ private static class WorkerData { private final Field portalField, latencyField; private final int constantLatency; WorkerData(Field portalField, Field latencyField) { this(portalField, latencyField, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } WorkerData(Field portalField, int constantLatency) { this(portalField, null, constantLatency); } WorkerData(Field portalField, Field latencyField, int constantLatency) { this.portalField = portalField; this.latencyField = latencyField; this.constantLatency = constantLatency; this.portalField.setAccessible(true); if (this.latencyField != null) this.latencyField.setAccessible(true); } public Portal<?> getPortal(Worker<?, ?> worker) { try { return (Portal<?>) portalField.get(worker); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException | ExceptionInInitializerError ex) { throw new AssertionError("getting a portal object", ex); } } public int getLatency(Worker<?, ?> worker) { if (latencyField == null) return constantLatency; try { return latencyField.getInt(worker); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException | ExceptionInInitializerError ex) { throw new AssertionError("getting latency from field", ex); } } @Override public String toString() { return portalField.toGenericString() + ", " + (latencyField != null ? latencyField.toGenericString() : constantLatency); } } private static ImmutableList<WorkerData> buildWorkerData(Worker<?, ?> worker) { Class<?> klass = worker.getClass(); //A worker can only send messages if it has a Portal field, and most //workers with Portal fields will send messages, so this is an efficient //and useful test to avoid the bytecode parse. if (!hasPortalField(worker.getClass())) return ImmutableList.of(); return parseBytecodes(klass); } private static boolean hasPortalField(Class<?> klass) { for (Field f : ReflectionUtils.getAllFields(klass)) if (f.getType().equals(Portal.class)) return true; return false; } /** * Parse the given class' bytecodes, looking for calls to getHandle() and * returning WorkerDatas holding the calls' arguments. * @param klass * @return */ private static ImmutableList<WorkerData> parseBytecodes(Class<?> klass) { MethodNode mn; try { mn = MethodNodeBuilder.buildMethodNode(klass, "work", "()V"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Couldn't get bytecode for " + klass.getName(), ex); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new AssertionError("Can't happen! Worker without work()? " + klass.getName(), ex); } ImmutableList.Builder<WorkerData> workerDatas = ImmutableList.builder(); for (AbstractInsnNode insn = mn.instructions.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsnNode) { MethodInsnNode call = (MethodInsnNode) insn; if ("getHandle") && call.owner.equals(Type.getType(Portal.class).getInternalName())) workerDatas.add(dataFromCall(klass, call)); } } return; } /** * Parse the given getHandle() call instruction and preceding instructions * into a WorkerData. This is a rather brittle pattern-matching job and * will fail on obfuscated bytecodes. * @param call * @return */ private static WorkerData dataFromCall(Class<?> klass, MethodInsnNode call) { //Latency is either an integer constant or a getfield on this. Field latencyField = null; int constantLatency = Integer.MIN_VALUE; AbstractInsnNode latencyInsn = call.getPrevious(); if (latencyInsn instanceof FieldInsnNode) { FieldInsnNode fieldInsn = (FieldInsnNode) latencyInsn; if (fieldInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.GETFIELD) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": latency field insn opcode " + fieldInsn.getOpcode()); if (!fieldInsn.desc.equals(Type.INT_TYPE.getDescriptor())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": latency field desc " + fieldInsn.desc); if (!fieldInsn.owner.equals(Type.getType(klass).getInternalName())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": latency field owner " + fieldInsn.owner); //Move latencyInsn to sync up with the other else-if branches. latencyInsn = latencyInsn.getPrevious(); //We must be loading from this. if (latencyInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.ALOAD) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": getfield subject opcode " + latencyInsn.getOpcode()); int varIdx = ((VarInsnNode) latencyInsn).var; if (varIdx != 0) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": getfield not from this but from " + varIdx); //Check the field we're loading from is constant (final). //A static field is okay here since it isn't a reference parameter. try { latencyField = klass.getDeclaredField(; if (!Modifier.isFinal(latencyField.getModifiers())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": latency field not final: " + latencyField.toGenericString()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": getfield not from this but from " + varIdx); } } else if (latencyInsn instanceof LdcInsnNode) { Object constant = ((LdcInsnNode) latencyInsn).cst; if (!(constant instanceof Integer)) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": ldc " + constant); constantLatency = ((Integer) constant); } else switch (latencyInsn.getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.ICONST_M1: constantLatency = -1; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_0: constantLatency = 0; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_1: constantLatency = 1; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_2: constantLatency = 2; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_3: constantLatency = 3; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_4: constantLatency = 4; break; case Opcodes.ICONST_5: constantLatency = 5; break; case Opcodes.BIPUSH: case Opcodes.SIPUSH: constantLatency = ((IntInsnNode) latencyInsn).operand; break; default: throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": latencyInsn opcode " + latencyInsn.getOpcode()); } //Finally, we've parsed the latency parameter. //Next is an aload_0 for the sender parameter. AbstractInsnNode senderInsn = latencyInsn.getPrevious(); if (senderInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.ALOAD || ((VarInsnNode) senderInsn).var != 0) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": bad sender"); //Finally, a getfield of this for a final Portal instance field. AbstractInsnNode portalInsn = senderInsn.getPrevious(); if (!(portalInsn instanceof FieldInsnNode)) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal getfield opcode " + portalInsn.getOpcode()); FieldInsnNode fieldInsn = (FieldInsnNode) portalInsn; if (fieldInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.GETFIELD) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal field insn opcode " + fieldInsn.getOpcode()); if (!fieldInsn.desc.equals(Type.getType(Portal.class).getDescriptor())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal field desc " + fieldInsn.desc); if (!fieldInsn.owner.equals(Type.getType(klass).getInternalName())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException( "Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal field owner " + fieldInsn.owner); portalInsn = portalInsn.getPrevious(); //We must be loading from this. if (portalInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.ALOAD) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal getfield subject opcode " + portalInsn.getOpcode()); int varIdx = ((VarInsnNode) portalInsn).var; if (varIdx != 0) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal getfield not from this but from " + varIdx); //Check the field we're loading from is constant (final) and nonstatic. Field portalField; try { portalField = klass.getDeclaredField(; if (!Modifier.isFinal(portalField.getModifiers())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal field not final: " + portalField.toGenericString()); if (Modifier.isStatic(portalField.getModifiers())) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal field is static: " + portalField.toGenericString()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Unsupported getHandle() use in " + klass + ": portal getfield not from this but from " + varIdx); } return latencyField != null ? new WorkerData(portalField, latencyField) : new WorkerData(portalField, constantLatency); } //</editor-fold> /** * Computes the SDEPData for the given edge between two workers, using the * given cache of previously-computed SDEP data. (The cache allows us to * reuse common parts of the path from a sender to many recipients.) * @param goalEdge the edge to compute for * @param cache previously-computed SDEP data * @return SDEPData for the given edge */ private static SDEPData computeSDEP(Edge goalEdge, Map<Edge, SDEPData> cache) { Set<Worker<?, ?>> allNodes = new NodesInPathsBetweenComputer(goalEdge.upstream, goalEdge.downstream).get(); //TODO: see if NodesInPathsComputer adds these itself or not allNodes.add(goalEdge.upstream); allNodes.add(goalEdge.downstream); List<Worker<?, ?>> sortedNodes = Workers.topologicalSort(allNodes); //Add self-edges for all workers. for (Worker<?, ?> w : sortedNodes) { Edge selfEdge = new Edge(w, w); if (!cache.containsKey(selfEdge)) cache.put(selfEdge, SDEPData.fromWorker(w)); } //Add data-dependence edges for all workers. If there's already data in //the cache, we know we must have added these data-dependency edges //before (and possibly merged them with some latency edges). for (int i = 0; i < sortedNodes.size(); ++i) for (int j = i + 1; j < sortedNodes.size(); ++j) { if (Workers.getSuccessors(sortedNodes.get(i)).contains(sortedNodes.get(j))) { Edge edge = new Edge(sortedNodes.get(i), sortedNodes.get(j)); if (!cache.containsKey(edge)) cache.put(edge, SDEPData.fromDataDependence(edge.upstream, edge.downstream)); } } //For each pair of nodes that follow one another, extend the edge from //the upstream through the pair of nodes, merging if such an edge is //already in the cache. Because it's topologically ordered, we process //all upstream pairs before downstream pairs. for (int i = 0; i < sortedNodes.size(); ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < sortedNodes.size(); ++j) { if (!Workers.getSuccessors(sortedNodes.get(i)).contains(sortedNodes.get(j))) continue; Edge upstreamEdge = new Edge(sortedNodes.get(0), sortedNodes.get(i)); Edge downstreamEdge = new Edge(sortedNodes.get(j), sortedNodes.get(j)); assert cache.containsKey(upstreamEdge) : "Bad topological sort?"; SDEPData data = cache.get(upstreamEdge); assert cache.containsKey(downstreamEdge) : "Not caching self-edges?"; SDEPData selfData = cache.get(downstreamEdge); Edge producedEdge = new Edge(upstreamEdge.upstream, downstreamEdge.downstream); SDEPData seriesData = SDEPData.combineSeries(data, selfData); SDEPData currentData = cache.get(producedEdge); if (currentData != null) cache.put(producedEdge, SDEPData.mergeParallel(currentData, seriesData)); else cache.put(producedEdge, seriesData); } } assert cache.containsKey(goalEdge); return cache.get(goalEdge); } /** * Encapsulates the data built during hierarchical SDEP computation for a * particular pair of workers (not stored in the structure). * * Compare LatencyEdge in classic StreamIt. */ private static class SDEPData { private final int upstreamInitExecutions, upstreamSteadyExecutions; private final int downstreamInitExecutions, downstreamSteadyExecutions; /** * The actual dependency function values. In order for the downstream * worker to execute i times, the upstream worker must have executed at * least sdep[i] times. Note that sdep[0] == 0. * * This array is (downstreamInitExecutions + downstreamSteadyExecutions + 1) * in size; queries beyond that can be reduced to this region only * because SDEP is periodic in the steady state. */ private final int[] sdep; private SDEPData(int upstreamInitExecutions, int upstreamSteadyExecutions, int downstreamInitExecutions, int downstreamSteadyExecutions, int[] sdep) { this.upstreamInitExecutions = upstreamInitExecutions; this.upstreamSteadyExecutions = upstreamSteadyExecutions; this.downstreamInitExecutions = downstreamInitExecutions; this.downstreamSteadyExecutions = downstreamSteadyExecutions; this.sdep = sdep; } /** * Constructs SDEPData relating a worker to itself. */ public static SDEPData fromWorker(Worker<?, ?> worker) { //A plain worker has 0 init executions and 1 steady execution, and //an SDEP(1) of 1. TODO: prework may mean 1 init execution? return new SDEPData(0, 1, 0, 1, new int[] { 0, 1 }); } public static SDEPData fromDataDependence(Worker<?, ?> upstream, Worker<?, ?> downstream) { int uChannel = Workers.getSuccessors(upstream).indexOf(downstream); assert uChannel != -1; int dChannel = Workers.getPredecessors(downstream).indexOf(upstream); assert dChannel != -1; Rate pushRate = upstream.getPushRates().get(uChannel); Rate peekRate = downstream.getPeekRates().get(dChannel); Rate popRate = downstream.getPopRates().get(dChannel); //TODO: these exceptions should include the MessageConstraint! if (!pushRate.isFixed()) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Messaging over dynamic rate", upstream); if (!peekRate.isFixed() || !popRate.isFixed()) throw new IllegalStreamGraphException("Messaging over dynamic rate", downstream); int steadyStateData = lcm(pushRate.max(), popRate.max()); int upstreamSteadyExecutions = steadyStateData / pushRate.max(); int downstreamSteadyExecutions = steadyStateData / popRate.max(); //Figure out how many upstream executions we need to fill peek //buffers to prepare for steady-state executions. (This may be 0.) //Prework TODO: need to account for prework's peek and pop demands //Divide rounding up. int upstreamInitExecutions = (peekRate.max() - 1) / pushRate.max() + 1; //Always 0, at least until TODO prework. int downstreamInitExecutions = 0; //We know how much SDEP info we need, so simulate that many //downstream executions of a pull schedule between these two nodes. int[] sdep = new int[downstreamInitExecutions + downstreamSteadyExecutions + 1]; int dataInChannel = 0; int upstreamExecutions = 0; int neededToFire = Math.max(peekRate.max(), popRate.max()); for (int i = 1; i < sdep.length; ++i) { while (dataInChannel < neededToFire) { dataInChannel += pushRate.max(); ++upstreamExecutions; } dataInChannel -= popRate.max(); sdep[i] = upstreamExecutions; } return new SDEPData(upstreamInitExecutions, upstreamSteadyExecutions, downstreamInitExecutions, downstreamSteadyExecutions, sdep); } /** * Merge two edges that connect the same nodes. (Used for taking the * maximum over splitjoins.) */ public static SDEPData mergeParallel(SDEPData left, SDEPData right) { assert left != right; int downstreamInitExecutions = Math.max(left.downstreamInitExecutions, right.downstreamInitExecutions); int upstreamInitExecutions = Ints.checkedCast( Math.max(left.sdep(downstreamInitExecutions), right.sdep(downstreamInitExecutions))); int use1 = left.upstreamSteadyExecutions, use2 = right.upstreamSteadyExecutions; int dse1 = left.downstreamSteadyExecutions, dse2 = right.downstreamSteadyExecutions; //TODO: why only using use2/dse2? because we do use1/dse1 * mult later? int uMult = use2 / IntMath.gcd(use1, use2); int dMult = dse2 / IntMath.gcd(dse1, dse2); int mult = uMult / IntMath.gcd(uMult, dMult) * dMult; int upstreamSteadyExecutions = use1 * mult; int downstreamSteadyExecutions = dse1 * mult; int[] sdep = new int[downstreamInitExecutions + downstreamSteadyExecutions + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < sdep.length; ++i) sdep[i] = Ints.checkedCast(Math.max(left.sdep(i), right.sdep(i))); return new SDEPData(upstreamInitExecutions, upstreamSteadyExecutions, downstreamInitExecutions, downstreamSteadyExecutions, sdep); } /** * Merge two edges that connect two different nodes. (Pipelines.) */ public static SDEPData combineSeries(SDEPData upstream, SDEPData downstream) { int upstreamInitExecutions = Ints.checkedCast( Math.max(upstream.upstreamInitExecutions, upstream.sdep(downstream.upstreamInitExecutions))); int downstreamInitExecutions = Ints.checkedCast(Math.max(downstream.downstreamInitExecutions, upstream.reverseSdep(downstream.downstreamInitExecutions))); int gcd = IntMath.gcd(upstream.downstreamSteadyExecutions, downstream.upstreamSteadyExecutions); int uMult = downstream.upstreamSteadyExecutions / gcd; int dMult = upstream.downstreamSteadyExecutions / gcd; int upstreamSteadyExecutions = upstream.upstreamSteadyExecutions * uMult; int downstreamSteadyExecutions = downstream.downstreamSteadyExecutions * dMult; int[] sdep = new int[downstreamInitExecutions + downstreamSteadyExecutions + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < sdep.length; ++i) sdep[i] = Ints.checkedCast(upstream.sdep(downstream.sdep(i))); return new SDEPData(upstreamInitExecutions, upstreamSteadyExecutions, downstreamInitExecutions, downstreamSteadyExecutions, sdep); } public long sdep(long downstreamExecutionCount) { if (downstreamExecutionCount < downstreamInitExecutions + 1) return sdep[Ints.checkedCast(downstreamExecutionCount)]; long steadyStates = (downstreamExecutionCount - (downstreamInitExecutions + 1)) / downstreamSteadyExecutions; //Where we are in the current steady state, adjusted to ignore the //initialization prefix in the sdep array. int curSteadyStateProgress = Ints.checkedCast( (downstreamExecutionCount - (downstreamInitExecutions + 1)) % downstreamSteadyExecutions + downstreamInitExecutions + 1); return sdep[curSteadyStateProgress] + steadyStates * upstreamSteadyExecutions; } public long reverseSdep(long upstreamExecutionCount) { //Factor out steady state executions, leaving upstreamExecutionCount //with only a partial steady state. long downstreamSteadyStateExecutions = 0; if (upstreamExecutionCount >= upstreamInitExecutions + upstreamSteadyExecutions + 1) { long steadyStates = (upstreamExecutionCount - upstreamInitExecutions - 1) / upstreamSteadyExecutions; downstreamSteadyStateExecutions = steadyStates * downstreamSteadyExecutions; upstreamExecutionCount -= steadyStates * upstreamSteadyExecutions; } //Find how many times the downstream executed during the //upstreamExecutionCount portion of the steady state. int downstreamExecutionCount = Arrays.binarySearch(sdep, Ints.checkedCast(upstreamExecutionCount)); //Arrays.binarySearch doesn't guarantee which index it'll find, but //we want the first one. If we didn't find one, this is a no-op. while (downstreamExecutionCount > 0 && sdep[downstreamExecutionCount] == upstreamExecutionCount) --downstreamExecutionCount; return downstreamSteadyStateExecutions + (downstreamExecutionCount >= 0 ? downstreamExecutionCount : downstreamInitExecutions + downstreamSteadyExecutions); } } /** * Finds all nodes in any path between two nodes in the graph. */ private static class NodesInPathsBetweenComputer { private final Worker<?, ?> head, tail; private final Set<Worker<?, ?>> tailSuccessors; private final Map<Worker<?, ?>, Set<Worker<?, ?>>> nextNodesToTail = new HashMap<>(); private NodesInPathsBetweenComputer(Worker<?, ?> head, Worker<?, ?> tail) { this.head = head; this.tail = tail; this.tailSuccessors = Workers.getAllSuccessors(tail); } public Set<Worker<?, ?>> get() { compute(head); Set<Worker<?, ?>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Set<Worker<?, ?>> nexts : nextNodesToTail.values()) result.addAll(nexts); return result; } private boolean compute(Worker<?, ?> h) { if (h == tail) return true; Set<Worker<?, ?>> nodes = nextNodesToTail.get(h); if (nodes == null) { nodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Worker<?, ?> next : Workers.getSuccessors(h)) { //If next is one of tail's successors, we can stop checking //this branch because we've gone too far down. if (tailSuccessors.contains(next)) continue; //See if this node leads to tail. if (compute(next)) nodes.add(next); } nextNodesToTail.put(h, nodes); } return !nodes.isEmpty(); } } private static int lcm(int a, int b) { //Divide before multiplying for overflow resistance. return a / IntMath.gcd(a, b) * b; } /** * A pair of workers, with equality based on the workers' identity. */ private static class Edge { public final Worker<?, ?> upstream, downstream; Edge(Worker<?, ?> upstream, Worker<?, ?> downstream) { this.upstream = upstream; this.downstream = downstream; StreamPosition direction = Workers.compareStreamPosition(upstream, downstream); assert direction == StreamPosition.UPSTREAM || direction == StreamPosition.EQUAL; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final Edge other = (Edge) obj; if (this.upstream != other.upstream) return false; if (this.downstream != other.downstream) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 3; hash = 23 * hash + System.identityHashCode(this.upstream); hash = 23 * hash + System.identityHashCode(this.downstream); return hash; } } }