Java tutorial
/** * Funf: Open Sensing Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nadav Aharony, Wei Pan, Alex Pentland. * Acknowledgments: Alan Gardner * Contact: * * This file is part of Funf. * * Funf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Funf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Funf. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A convenience interface to access a Funf configuration stored in a SharedPreferences. * All data is stored in the SharedPreferences, and all edits follow the same transaction * model as SharedPreferences. * */ public class FunfConfig implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { public static final String NAME_KEY = "name", VERSION_KEY = "version", CONFIG_UPDATE_URL_KEY = "configUpdateUrl", CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD_KEY = "configUpdatePeriod", DATA_UPLOAD_URL_KEY = "dataUploadUrl", DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD_KEY = "dataUploadPeriod", DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY_KEY = "dataUploadOnWifiOnly", DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD_KEY = "dataArchivePeriod", DATA_REQUESTS_KEY = "dataRequests"; public static final long DEFAULT_VERSION = 0, DEFAULT_DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD = 3 * 60 * 60, // 3 hours DEFAULT_DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD = 6 * 60 * 60, // 6 hours DEFAULT_CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD = 1 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour public static final boolean DEFAULT_DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY = false; public static final String DEFAULT_DATA_REQUESTS = "{}"; // No requests private final SharedPreferences prefs; private FunfConfig(SharedPreferences prefs) { assert prefs != null; this.prefs = prefs; prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); //dataRequests = new HashMap<String, Bundle[]>(); dataRequests = new HashMap<String, JsonElement>(); } private static final Map<SharedPreferences, FunfConfig> instances = new HashMap<SharedPreferences, FunfConfig>(); public static FunfConfig getInstance(SharedPreferences prefs) { FunfConfig config = instances.get(prefs); if (config == null) { synchronized (instances) { // Check one more time when we are synchronized config = instances.get(prefs); if (config == null) { config = new FunfConfig(prefs); instances.put(prefs, config); } } } return config; } @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { if (sharedPreferences == prefs && isDataRequestKey(key)) { synchronized (dataRequests) { dataRequests.remove(keyToProbename(key)); } } } public String getName() { return prefs.getString(NAME_KEY, null); } public long getVersion() { return prefs.getLong(VERSION_KEY, DEFAULT_VERSION); } public String getConfigUpdateUrl() { return prefs.getString(CONFIG_UPDATE_URL_KEY, null); } public long getConfigUpdatePeriod() { return prefs.getLong(CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD_KEY, DEFAULT_CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD); } public String getDataUploadUrl() { return prefs.getString(DATA_UPLOAD_URL_KEY, null); } public boolean getDataUploadOnWifiOnly() { return prefs.getBoolean(DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY_KEY, DEFAULT_DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY); } public long getDataUploadPeriod() { return prefs.getLong(DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD_KEY, DEFAULT_DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD); } public long getDataArchivePeriod() { return prefs.getLong(DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD_KEY, DEFAULT_DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD); } //private Map<String, Bundle[]> dataRequests; // cache private Map<String, JsonElement> dataRequests; //cache2 (for funf v4) /** * Returns a copy of the data requests that can be modified by the users, * without affecting the configuration object. * @return */ public Map<String, JsonElement> getDataRequests() { Set<String> probeNames = prefs.getAll().keySet(); synchronized (dataRequests) { // Make sure all keys have been cached for (String key : probeNames) { if (isDataRequestKey(key)) { String probeName = keyToProbename(key); if (!dataRequests.containsKey(probeName)) { getDataRequest(probeName); //pull config from file and cache to dataRequests } } } return deepCopy(dataRequests); // Deep copy so users can modify } } // This is what should be stored in the key ( in sharedPrefs // {"@type": "", // "maxScanTime": 40, // "@schedule": { // "strict": false, // "interval": 300, // "duration": 30, // "opportunistic": true // } // } public JsonElement getDataRequest(String probeName) { synchronized (dataRequests) { // Check to see if it is cached first if (dataRequests.containsKey(probeName)) { return dataRequests.get(probeName); } // Check to see if we have a key for this String jsonString = prefs.getString(probeNameToKey(probeName), null); if (jsonString == null) { return null; } JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement probeConfig = jsonParser.parse(jsonString); dataRequests.put(probeName, probeConfig); return probeConfig; } } private Map<String, JsonElement> deepCopy(Map<String, JsonElement> original) { Map<String, JsonElement> copy = new HashMap<String, JsonElement>(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : original.entrySet()) { JsonElement source = entry.getValue(); //original probeConfig JsonObject destination = new JsonParser().parse("{}").getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> sourceVal : source.getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) { String key = sourceVal.getKey(); JsonElement value = sourceVal.getValue(); destination.add(key, value); } copy.put(entry.getKey(), destination); } return copy; } public SharedPreferences getPrefs() { return prefs; } public Editor edit() { return new Editor(); } public class Editor { private SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs().edit(); private Set<String> changedProbes = new HashSet<String>(); private boolean clear = false; public Editor setName(String name) { editor.putString(NAME_KEY, name); return this; } public Editor setVersion(int version) { editor.putInt(VERSION_KEY, version); return this; } public Editor setConfigUpdateUrl(String configUpdateUrl) { editor.putString(CONFIG_UPDATE_URL_KEY, configUpdateUrl); return this; } public Editor setConfigUpdatePeriod(long configUpdatePeriod) { editor.putLong(CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD_KEY, configUpdatePeriod); return this; } public Editor setDataUploadUrl(String dataUploadUrl) { editor.putString(DATA_UPLOAD_URL_KEY, dataUploadUrl); return this; } public Editor setDataUploadOnWifiOnly(boolean dataUploadOnWifiOnly) { editor.putBoolean(DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY_KEY, dataUploadOnWifiOnly); return this; } public Editor setDataUploadPeriod(long dataUploadPeriod) { editor.putLong(DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD_KEY, dataUploadPeriod); return this; } public Editor setDataArchivePeriod(long dataArchivePeriod) { editor.putLong(DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD_KEY, dataArchivePeriod); return this; } //set all dataRequests public Editor setDataRequests(Map<String, JsonElement> dataRequests) { // Remove all of the items that don't exist in the new data requests for (String existingProbeName : getDataRequests().keySet()) { if (!dataRequests.containsKey(existingProbeName)) { editor.remove(probeNameToKey(existingProbeName)); changedProbes.add(existingProbeName); } } for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> dataRequestEntry : dataRequests.entrySet()) { setDataRequest(dataRequestEntry.getKey(), dataRequestEntry.getValue()); } return this; } //set just one public Editor setDataRequest(String probeName, JsonElement request) { // I don't check the equality in Two dataRequest (old, newRequest) as the v3, just overwrite it if (request == null) { editor.remove(probeNameToKey(probeName)); } else { editor.putString(probeNameToKey(probeName), request.getAsJsonObject().toString()); } changedProbes.add(probeName); return this; } private void setString(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { String value = jsonObject.optString(key, null); if (value == null) { editor.remove(key); } else { editor.putString(key, value); } } private void setBoolean(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { if (jsonObject.has(key)) { editor.putBoolean(key, jsonObject.optBoolean(key)); } else { editor.remove(key); } } private void setPositiveLong(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { long value = jsonObject.optLong(key, 0L); if (value <= 0) { editor.remove(key); } else { editor.putLong(key, value); } } public Editor setAll(String jsonString) throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); editor.clear(); clear = true; setString(jsonObject, NAME_KEY); setPositiveLong(jsonObject, VERSION_KEY); setString(jsonObject, CONFIG_UPDATE_URL_KEY); setPositiveLong(jsonObject, CONFIG_UPDATE_PERIOD_KEY); setString(jsonObject, DATA_UPLOAD_URL_KEY); setBoolean(jsonObject, DATA_UPLOAD_ON_WIFI_ONLY_KEY); setPositiveLong(jsonObject, DATA_UPLOAD_PERIOD_KEY); setPositiveLong(jsonObject, DATA_ARCHIVE_PERIOD_KEY); // Add new probe requests //TODO: need to fixed a easy format here..... // now what's after DATA_REQUESTS_KEY is a JSONArray // "dataRequests": [ // {"@type": "", // "maxScanTime": 40, // "@schedule": { // "strict": true, // "interval": 60, // "duration": 30, // "opportunistic": true // } // }, ... // ]main JSONArray jsonRequestArr = jsonObject.getJSONArray(DATA_REQUESTS_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < jsonRequestArr.length(); i++) { // **line 2** JSONObject probeConfigJson = jsonRequestArr.getJSONObject(i); String probeName = (String) probeConfigJson.getString("@type"); editor.putString(probeNameToKey(probeName), probeConfigJson.toString()); } return this; } public Editor setAll(FunfConfig otherConfig) { editor.clear(); clear = true; for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : otherConfig.getPrefs().getAll().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { PrefsUtil.putInPrefs(editor, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return this; } public Editor clear() { editor.clear(); clear = true; return this; } public boolean commit() { if (clear || !changedProbes.isEmpty()) { synchronized (dataRequests) { if (clear) { dataRequests.clear(); } else { for (String changedProbeName : changedProbes) { dataRequests.remove(changedProbeName); } } return editor.commit(); // Commit in synchronized block to prevent stale data request caches } } else { return editor.commit(); // Don't need to synchronize } } } public static boolean isDataRequestKey(String key) { return key != null && key.startsWith(DATA_REQUESTS_KEY); } public static String probeNameToKey(String probeName) { return DATA_REQUESTS_KEY + probeName; } public static String keyToProbename(String key) { return key.substring(DATA_REQUESTS_KEY.length()); } private static JSONObject getDataRequestJsonObject(Map<String, Bundle[]> dataRequestMap) { JSONObject dataRequestsJson = new JSONObject(); try { for (Map.Entry<String, Bundle[]> dataReqest : dataRequestMap.entrySet()) { dataRequestsJson.put(dataReqest.getKey(), toJSONArray(dataReqest.getValue())); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return dataRequestsJson; } private static Map<String, Bundle[]> getDataRequestMap(JSONObject dataRequestsObject) { Map<String, Bundle[]> dataRequestMap = new HashMap<String, Bundle[]>(); Iterator<String> probeNames = dataRequestsObject.keys(); try { while (probeNames.hasNext()) { String probeName =; JSONArray requestsJsonArray = dataRequestsObject.getJSONArray(probeName); dataRequestMap.put(probeName, getBundleArray(requestsJsonArray)); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return dataRequestMap; } private static Bundle[] getBundleArray(JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException { Bundle[] request = new Bundle[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { request[i] = getBundle(jsonArray.getJSONObject(i)); } return request; } private static JSONArray toJSONArray(Bundle[] bundles) { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { jsonArray.put(toJSONObject(bundle)); } return jsonArray; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Bundle getBundle(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { Bundle requestPart = new Bundle(); Iterator<String> paramNames = jsonObject.keys(); while (paramNames.hasNext()) { String paramName =; try { BundleUtil.putInBundle(requestPart, paramName, jsonObject.get(paramName)); } catch (UnstorableTypeException e) { throw new JSONException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return requestPart; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o != null && o instanceof FunfConfig && (prefs == ((FunfConfig) o).prefs // prefs is singleton || prefs.getAll().equals(((FunfConfig) o).prefs.getAll())); // All internal values are the same } @Override public int hashCode() { return prefs.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { try { return toJsonObject().toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { // Swallowed to prevent crashes in debugger return super.toString(); } } public String toString(boolean prettyPrint) { try { return prettyPrint ? toJsonObject().toString(4) : toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } JSONObject toJsonObject() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject dataRequests = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(DATA_REQUESTS_KEY, dataRequests); for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : prefs.getAll().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (isDataRequestKey(key)) { if (value != null) { String probeName = keyToProbename(key); dataRequests.put(probeName, new JSONArray((String) value)); } } else { jsonObject.put(key, value); } } return jsonObject; } private static JSONObject toJSONObject(Bundle bundle) { return new JSONObject(BundleUtil.getValues(bundle)); } }