Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) 2004-2012 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without * prior written authorization of the copyright holder. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.mayo.qdm.executor.drools; import; import; import edu.mayo.qdm.executor.*; import edu.mayo.qdm.executor.drools.parser.Qdm2Drools; import edu.mayo.qdm.patient.Patient; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.drools.FactHandle; import org.drools.KnowledgeBase; import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseFactory; import org.drools.ObjectFilter; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilder; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory; import org.drools.builder.ResourceType; import org.drools.definition.KnowledgePackage; import org.drools.event.rule.DefaultWorkingMemoryEventListener; import org.drools.event.rule.ObjectInsertedEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.ObjectRetractedEvent; import; import org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; /** * The Class DroolsExecutor. * * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a> */ @Component public class DroolsExecutor implements Executor { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private static final int EXECUTION_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private static final int KNOWLEDGE_BASE_CACHE_SIZE = 100; private Cache<String, KnowledgeBase> knowledgeBaseCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(KNOWLEDGE_BASE_CACHE_SIZE).build(); @Resource private Qdm2Drools qdm2Drools; @Resource private DroolsUtil droolsUtil; @Override public Results execute(Iterable<Patient> patients, String qdmXml, MeasurementPeriod measurementPeriod, Map<String, String> valueSetDefinitions) { final Results results = new Results(); this.execute(patients, qdmXml, measurementPeriod, valueSetDefinitions, new ResultCallback() { @Override public void hit(String population, Patient patient) { results.add(population, patient); } }); return results; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.mayo.qdm.Executor#execute(java.lang.Iterable, */ @Override public void execute(Iterable<Patient> patients, String qdmXml, MeasurementPeriod measurementPeriod, Map<String, String> valueSetDefinitions, ResultCallback callback) { this.doExecute(patients, this.createKnowledgeBase(qdmXml), measurementPeriod, valueSetDefinitions, callback); } public void doExecute(Iterable<Patient> patients, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase, MeasurementPeriod measurementPeriod, Map<String, String> valueSetDefinitions, ResultCallback callback) { Set<Patient> cache = new HashSet<Patient>(); for (Patient p : patients) { if (cache.size() < EXECUTION_BATCH_SIZE) { cache.add(p); } else { this.doExecuteBatch(cache, knowledgeBase, measurementPeriod, valueSetDefinitions, callback); cache.clear(); cache.add(p); } } if (cache.size() > 0) { this.doExecuteBatch(cache, knowledgeBase, measurementPeriod, valueSetDefinitions, callback); } } public void doExecuteBatch(Iterable<Patient> patients, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase, MeasurementPeriod measurementPeriod, Map<String, String> valueSetDefinitions, ResultCallback callback) { final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = knowledgeBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); try { if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) { ksession.addEventListener(new DefaultWorkingMemoryEventListener() { @Override public void objectInserted(ObjectInsertedEvent event) { Object obj = event.getObject(); if (obj instanceof PreconditionResult) { PreconditionResult precondition = (PreconditionResult) obj; log.debug("Inserting Fact - Precondition: `" + precondition.getId() + "`, Patient: " + precondition.getPatient()); } else { log.debug("Inserting Fact: " + obj.toString()); } } @Override public void objectRetracted(ObjectRetractedEvent event) { Object obj = event.getOldObject(); if (obj instanceof PreconditionResult) { PreconditionResult precondition = (PreconditionResult) obj; log.debug("Retracting Fact - Precondition: `" + precondition.getId() + "`, Patient: " + precondition.getPatient()); } else { log.debug("Retracting Fact: " + obj.toString()); } } }); } ksession.setGlobal("droolsUtil", this.droolsUtil); ksession.setGlobal("measurementPeriod", measurementPeriod); ksession.setGlobal("valueSetDefinitions", valueSetDefinitions != null ? valueSetDefinitions : Collections.EMPTY_MAP); for (Patient patient : patients) { ksession.insert(patient); } ksession.fireAllRules(); Collection<FactHandle> handles = ksession.getFactHandles(new ObjectFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Object object) { return (object instanceof PreconditionResult) && ((PreconditionResult) object).isPopulation(); } }); for (FactHandle handle : handles) { PreconditionResult precondition = (PreconditionResult) ksession.getObject(handle); callback.hit(precondition.getId(), precondition.getPatient()); } } finally { ksession.dispose(); } } @Override public QdmProcessor getQdmProcessor(String qdmXml, final MeasurementPeriod measurementPeriod, final Map<String, String> valueSetDefinitions) { final KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = this.createKnowledgeBase(qdmXml); return new QdmProcessor() { @Override public void execute(Iterable<Patient> patients, ResultCallback callback) { doExecute(patients, knowledgeBase, measurementPeriod, valueSetDefinitions, callback); } @Override public Results execute(Iterable<Patient> patients) { final Results results = new Results(); execute(patients, new ResultCallback() { @Override public void hit(String population, Patient patient) { results.add(population, patient); } }); return results; } }; } protected synchronized KnowledgeBase createKnowledgeBase(final String qdmXml) { try { return this.knowledgeBaseCache.get(qdmXml.trim(), new Callable<KnowledgeBase>() { @Override public KnowledgeBase call() throws Exception { return doCreateKnowledgeBase(qdmXml); } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } protected synchronized KnowledgeBase doCreateKnowledgeBase(String qdmXml) { final KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); // this will parse and compile in one step try { kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(this.getDroolsRules(qdmXml)), ResourceType.DRL); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); throw new IllegalStateException("Problem creating Drools Rule. Message: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Check the builder for errors if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to compile DRL: " + kbuilder.getErrors().toString()); } // get the compiled packages (which are serializable) final Collection<KnowledgePackage> pkgs = kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages(); // add the packages to a knowledgebase (deploy the knowledge packages). final KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages(pkgs); return kbase; } /** * Gets the drools rules. * * @param qdmXml the qdm xml * @return the drools rules * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ protected byte[] getDroolsRules(String qdmXml) throws IOException { return this.qdm2Drools.qdm2drools(qdmXml).getBytes(); } }