Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.subpane.qb; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createLabel; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Agent; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectionObject; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchemaItem; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchemaItemMapping; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchemaMapping; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpQueryField; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpQueryField.OperatorType; import edu.ku.brc.specify.dbsupport.RecordTypeCodeBuilder; import edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.CatalogNumberFormatter; import edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter; import edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.db.PickListDBAdapterFactory; import edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.db.PickListTableAdapter; import edu.ku.brc.ui.IconManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.MultiStateIconButon; import edu.ku.brc.ui.RolloverCommand; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.util.DateConverter; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; /** * @author rod * * @code_status Alpha * * Oct 18, 2007 * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class QueryFieldPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QueryFieldPanel.class); // private static final String operatorSavingFixDateStr = "2012-12-05"; // private static final Date operatorSavingFixDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).parse("2012-12-05"); protected String noMappingStr = getResourceString("WB_NO_MAPPING"); protected QueryFieldPanelContainerIFace ownerQuery; protected String columnDefStr; protected ImageIcon blankIcon = IconManager.getIcon("BlankIcon", IconManager.IconSize.Std24); protected boolean hasFocus = false; protected Color bgColor = null; protected JLabel fieldLabel; protected boolean labelQualified = false; protected JButton closeBtn; protected JComboBox schemaItemCBX; protected JLabel iconLabel; protected ImageIcon icon; protected IconManager.IconSize iconSize = IconManager.IconSize.Std24; protected JCheckBox isNotCheckbox; protected JComboBox operatorCBX; protected JComponent criteria; protected MultiStateIconButon sortCheckbox; protected JCheckBox isDisplayedCkbx; protected JCheckBox isPromptCkbx; protected JCheckBox isEnforcedCkbx; protected JComponent[] comps; protected FieldQRI fieldQRI; protected SpQueryField queryField = null; protected SpExportSchemaMapping schemaMapping = null; protected SpExportSchemaItem schemaItem = null; protected String schemaItemName = null; protected boolean autoMapped = false; protected PickListDBAdapterIFace pickList = null; protected FormValidator validator; protected QueryFieldPanel thisItem; protected String[] labelStrs; protected SpQueryField.OperatorType[] comparators; protected DateConverter dateConverter = null; protected boolean selected = false; /** * @author timbo * * @code_status Alpha * * Deals with pairs of criteria entries. * */ private class CriteriaPair extends JPanel { protected JTextField text1; protected JTextField text2; protected JLabel connectorText; protected JPanel rangePanel; protected JTextField text; protected boolean showingPair = false; /** * Constructor */ public CriteriaPair(final KeyListener listener) { super(); buildUI(listener); } /** * Creates the UI components. */ protected void buildUI(final KeyListener listener) { text1 = createTextField("1"); text1.addKeyListener(listener); text2 = createTextField("2"); text2.addKeyListener(listener); connectorText = new JLabel(" " + getResourceString("AND") + " "); rangePanel = new JPanel(); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g, f:p, f:p:g", "f:p"), rangePanel); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); pb.add(text1, cc.xy(1, 1)); pb.add(connectorText, cc.xy(2, 1)); pb.add(text2, cc.xy(3, 1)); rangePanel.validate(); setLayout(new CardLayout()); text = createTextField("3"); text.addKeyListener(listener); add("text", text); add("rangePanel", rangePanel); validate(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getPreferredSize() */ @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension result = super.getPreferredSize(); result.setSize(Math.min((sortCheckbox.getX() - 4) - (operatorCBX.getX() + operatorCBX.getWidth() + 4), result.getWidth()), result.getHeight()); return result; } /** * @param entry * @param op * * Sets the criteria text, modifying the layout if necessary. */ public void setCriteriaText(final String entry, final String entry2, final OperatorType op) { if (op != null && op.equals(OperatorType.BETWEEN)) { //Currently between operator is not allowed for string fields, so assume no quotes //and no commas but the one separating the two limits. //Also assuming (more or less) valid entry. setShowingPair(true); String[] entries; if (StringUtils.isBlank(entry2)) { entries = entry.split(","); } else { entries = new String[2]; entries[0] = entry; entries[1] = entry2; } if (entries.length > 0) { text1.setText(entries[0]); if (entries.length > 1) { text2.setText(entries[1]); } else { text2.setText(null); } } else { text1.setText(null); } } else { setShowingPair(false); text.setText(entry); } } /** * @return a String representation of the entered criteria, parseable by the QueryBuilder. */ public String getCriteriaText() { //Assuming isValidPairEntry() is true if (showingPair) { return text1.getText() + "," + text2.getText(); } return text.getText(); } // /** // * @return true unless the entered criteria is really messed up. // */ // public boolean isValidPairEntry() // { // if (showingPair) // { // return (StringUtils.isBlank(text1.getText()) && StringUtils.isBlank(text2.getText())) // || (!StringUtils.isBlank(text1.getText()) && !StringUtils.isBlank(text2.getText())); // } // // return true; // } // // /** // * @return showingPair. // */ // public boolean isShowingPair() // { // return showingPair; // } /** * @param showingPair * * Switches the UI from single to double criteria controls based on value of showingPair. */ public void setShowingPair(final boolean showingPair) { if (this.showingPair != showingPair) { this.showingPair = showingPair; if (showingPair) { ((CardLayout) getLayout()).last(this); } else { ((CardLayout) getLayout()).first(this); } //clear old entries, for now. text.setText(null); text1.setText(null); text2.setText(null); validate(); } } } protected PickListDBAdapterIFace buildPickList() { if (fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI) { PickListDBAdapterIFace pl = PickListDBAdapterFactory.getInstance() .create(fieldQRI.getTableInfo().getName(), false); if (pl instanceof PickListTableAdapter) { return pl; } return null; } if (fieldQRI != null && fieldQRI.getTableInfo() != null && fieldQRI.getFieldInfo() != null) { PickListDBAdapterIFace typeCodeList = RecordTypeCodeBuilder.getTypeCode(fieldQRI.getFieldInfo()); if (typeCodeList != null) { return typeCodeList; } //XXX unfortunately this doesn't work because currently picklist defs are only setup via form view defs if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldQRI.getFieldInfo().getPickListName())) { //pickList = ((edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.db.PickListDBAdapterFactory)PickListDBAdapterFactory.getInstance()).create(fieldQRI.getFieldInfo().getPickListName(), false); return PickListDBAdapterFactory.getInstance().create(fieldQRI.getFieldInfo().getPickListName(), false); } //else //return RecordTypeCodeBuilder.getTypeCode(fieldQRI.getFieldInfo()); } return null; } /** * @param ownerQuery * @param fieldQRI * @param columnDefStr * @param saveBtn * @param queryField * @param schemaMapping */ public QueryFieldPanel(final QueryFieldPanelContainerIFace ownerQuery, final FieldQRI fieldQRI, final String columnDefStr, final Component saveBtn, final SpQueryField queryField, final SpExportSchemaMapping schemaMapping) { this(ownerQuery, fieldQRI, IconManager.IconSize.Std24, columnDefStr, saveBtn, queryField, schemaMapping, null); } /** * @param ownerQuery * @param fieldQRI * @param columnDefStr * @param saveBtn * @param queryField */ public QueryFieldPanel(final QueryFieldPanelContainerIFace ownerQuery, final FieldQRI fieldQRI, final String columnDefStr, final Component saveBtn, final SpQueryField queryField) { this(ownerQuery, fieldQRI, IconManager.IconSize.Std24, columnDefStr, saveBtn, queryField, null, null); } /** * @param ownerQuery * @param fieldQRI * @param columnDefStr * @param saveBtn * @param queryField * @param schemaMapping * @param schemaItem */ public QueryFieldPanel(final QueryFieldPanelContainerIFace ownerQuery, final FieldQRI fieldQRI, final String columnDefStr, final Component saveBtn, final SpQueryField queryField, final SpExportSchemaMapping schemaMapping, final SpExportSchemaItem schemaItem) { this(ownerQuery, fieldQRI, IconManager.IconSize.Std24, columnDefStr, saveBtn, queryField, schemaMapping, schemaItem); } /** * @param ownerQuery * @param fieldQRI * @param iconSize * @param columnDefStr * @param saveBtn * @param queryField * @param schemaMapping * @param schemaItem */ public QueryFieldPanel(final QueryFieldPanelContainerIFace ownerQuery, final FieldQRI fieldQRI, final IconManager.IconSize iconSize, final String columnDefStr, final Component saveBtn, final SpQueryField queryField, final SpExportSchemaMapping schemaMapping, final SpExportSchemaItem schemaItem) { this.ownerQuery = ownerQuery; this.schemaMapping = schemaMapping; this.schemaItem = schemaItem; boolean isForSchema = this.schemaMapping != null; if (this.ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { if (!isForSchema) { labelStrs = new String[] { " ", UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FIELD"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_NOT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_OPERATOR"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_CRITERIA"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SORT"), //UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_DISPLAY"), getResourceString("QB_PROMPT"), //" ", " " }; } else { labelStrs = new String[] { UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SCHEMAITEM"), " ", UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FIELD"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_NOT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_OPERATOR"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_CRITERIA"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SORT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_ALLOW_NULL"), //UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_DISPLAY"), getResourceString("QB_PROMPT"), //" ", " " }; } } else { if (!isForSchema) { labelStrs = new String[] { " ", /*UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FIELD")*/" ", UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_NOT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_OPERATOR"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_CRITERIA"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SORT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_DISPLAY"), getResourceString("QB_PROMPT"), getResourceString("QB_ALWAYS_ENFORCE"), " ", " " }; } else { labelStrs = new String[] { UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SCHEMAITEM"), " ", /*UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FIELD")*/" ", UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_NOT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_OPERATOR"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_CRITERIA"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_SORT"), UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_DISPLAY"), getResourceString("QB_ALLOW_NULL"), " ", " " }; } } this.iconSize = iconSize; this.fieldQRI = fieldQRI; if (fieldQRI != null && (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Calendar.class) || fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class))) { dateConverter = new DateConverter(); } pickList = buildPickList(); this.columnDefStr = columnDefStr; thisItem = this; validator = new FormValidator(null); if (saveBtn != null) { validator.addEnableItem(saveBtn, FormValidator.EnableType.ValidAndChangedItems); } validator.setEnabled(true); boolean createAsHeader = StringUtils.isEmpty(columnDefStr); int[] widths = buildControlLayout(iconSize, createAsHeader, saveBtn); if (createAsHeader) { removeAll(); buildLabelLayout(widths); ownerQuery.setColumnDefStr(this.columnDefStr); } setQueryField(queryField); if (!createAsHeader && getFieldInfo() != null /*this means relationships and tree levels won't get qualified*/) { setToolTipText(getQualifiedLabel(fieldQRI.getTableTree(), true)); } } public void updateQueryField() { updateQueryField(queryField); } /** * @param useValues * @return the text contained in the criteria control. */ public String getCriteriaText(final boolean useValues) { if (criteria instanceof JTextField) { return ((JTextField) criteria).getText(); } if (criteria instanceof PickListCriteriaCombo) { return ((PickListCriteriaCombo) criteria).getText(useValues); } if (criteria instanceof CriteriaPair) { return ((CriteriaPair) criteria).getCriteriaText(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized criteria component: " + criteria.getClass()); } public void updateQueryField(final SpQueryField qField) { boolean isForSchema = schemaMapping != null; if (qField != null && !ownerQuery.isPromptMode() && !ownerQuery.isForSchemaExport()) { qField.setIsDisplay(isDisplayedCkbx.isSelected()); qField.setIsPrompt(isPromptCkbx.isSelected()); if (isForSchema) { qField.setAllowNulls(isEnforcedCkbx.isSelected()); } else { qField.setAlwaysFilter(isEnforcedCkbx.isSelected()); } qField.setIsNot(isNotCheckbox.isSelected()); if (validator.hasChanged() && qField.getSpQueryFieldId() != null) { FormHelper.updateLastEdittedInfo(qField); } qField.setSortType((byte) sortCheckbox.getState()); qField.setOperStart(((SpQueryField.OperatorType) operatorCBX.getSelectedItem()).getOrdinal()); qField.setStartValue(getCriteriaText(false)); String lbl = this.getLabel(); if (fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI) { lbl = RelQRI.stripDescriptiveStuff(lbl); } qField.setContextTableIdent(fieldQRI.getTableInfo().getTableId()); qField.setColumnAliasTitle(lbl, fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI); qField.setIsRelFld(fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI); Vector<Integer> idList = new Vector<Integer>(); TableQRI parent = fieldQRI.getTable(); while (parent != null) { idList.add(parent.getTableInfo().getTableId()); parent = parent.getTableTree().getParent().getTableQRI(); } String tablesIds = fieldQRI.getTableTree().getPathFromRootAsString(); log.debug(tablesIds); qField.setTableList(tablesIds); qField.setStringId(getStringId()); if (schemaItemCBX != null) { SpExportSchemaItemMapping mapping = qField.getMapping(); if (mapping != null) { schemaItem = (SpExportSchemaItem) schemaItemCBX.getSelectedItem(); if (schemaItem.getId() == null) { mapping.setExportSchemaItem(null); String exportName = schemaItemCBX.getEditor().getItem().toString(); if (exportName == null || exportName.equals(getResourceString("QueryBldrPane.UnmappedSchemaItemName"))) { mapping.setExportedFieldName(getDefaultExportedFieldName()); } else { mapping.setExportedFieldName(exportName); } } else { mapping.setExportSchemaItem(schemaItem); } } } } else { log.error("QueryField is null or ownerQuery is prompt only. Unable to update database object."); } } /** * @return customized fieldname/column header for schema mapping items that are not mapped to a concept. */ protected String getExportedFieldName() { SpExportSchemaItemMapping mi = this.getItemMapping(); if (mi == null || mi.getExportedFieldName() == null) { return getDefaultExportedFieldName(); } else { return mi.getExportedFieldName(); } } protected String getDefaultExportedFieldName() { if (queryField != null) { return queryField.getColumnAlias(); } else { return fieldQRI.getTitle(); } } /** * @return the queryField */ public SpQueryField getQueryField() { return queryField; } /** * @param text the criteria * @param text2 the end criteria in case of BETWEEN op * @param op the operator */ protected void setCriteriaText(final String text, final String text2, final OperatorType op) { if (op != null && op.equals(OperatorType.BETWEEN) && !(criteria instanceof CriteriaPair)) { //Probably nothing bad will result but, log situation, in case. log.error("operator is 'BETWEEN' but criteria control is not CriteriaPair"); } if (criteria instanceof JTextField) { ((JTextField) criteria).setText(text); } else if (criteria instanceof PickListCriteriaCombo) { ((PickListCriteriaCombo) criteria).setSelections(text); } else if (criteria instanceof CriteriaPair) { ((CriteriaPair) criteria).setCriteriaText(text, text2, op); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized criteria component: " + criteria.getClass()); } } // private SpQueryField.OperatorType getOperatorType(final SpQueryField fld) // { // Timestamp fldTimeStamp = fld.getTimeStampModified(); // // } /** * @param queryField */ public void setQueryFieldForAutomapping(SpQueryField queryField) { justSetTheQueryField(queryField); } /** * @param queryField */ public void justSetTheQueryField(SpQueryField queryField) { this.queryField = queryField; } /** * @param queryField the queryField to set */ private void setQueryField(SpQueryField queryField) { this.queryField = queryField; boolean isForSchema = schemaMapping != null; //if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { if (queryField != null) { if (queryField.getSpQueryFieldId() != null) { isNotCheckbox.setSelected(queryField.getIsNot()); try { OperatorType o = OperatorType.values()[queryField.getOperStart()]; operatorCBX.setSelectedItem(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.error("unable to set operator index for " + queryField.getStringId() + ": " + ex); operatorCBX.setSelectedIndex(0); } setCriteriaText(queryField.getStartValue(), queryField.getEndValue(), (OperatorType) operatorCBX.getSelectedItem()); sortCheckbox.setState(queryField.getSortType()); sortCheckbox.setEnabled(queryField.getIsDisplay()); if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isDisplayedCkbx.setSelected(queryField.getIsDisplay()); isPromptCkbx.setSelected(queryField.getIsPrompt() == null ? true : queryField.getIsPrompt()); if (isForSchema) { isEnforcedCkbx.setSelected( queryField.getAllowNulls() == null ? false : queryField.getAllowNulls()); } else { isEnforcedCkbx.setSelected( queryField.getAlwaysFilter() == null ? true : queryField.getAlwaysFilter()); } } validator.setHasChanged(false); } else { validator.reset(true); // tells it it is a new data object validator.setHasChanged(true); this.queryField.setStringId(fieldQRI.getStringId()); } validator.validateForm(); validator.wasValidated(null); } //} } /** * @param fqri * @param qf * * Sets new field and updates UI to display properties for new field. */ public void setField(final FieldQRI fqri, final SpQueryField qf) { fieldQRI = fqri; if (fieldQRI != null && (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Calendar.class) || fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class))) { dateConverter = new DateConverter(); } if (fieldQRI != null) { icon = IconManager.getIcon(fieldQRI.getTableInfo().getName(), iconSize); setIcon(icon); } pickList = buildPickList(); comparators = getComparatorList(fieldQRI); String fieldLabelText = fieldQRI != null ? fieldQRI.getTitle() : null; if (fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI) { DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType relType = ((RelQRI) fieldQRI).getRelationshipInfo().getType(); if (relType.equals(DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.OneToMany) || relType.equals(DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.ManyToMany)) { fieldLabelText += " " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_AGGREGATED"); } else { fieldLabelText += " " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FORMATTED"); } } fieldLabel.setText(fieldLabelText); boolean isBool = fieldQRI != null && fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Boolean.class); boolean isRel = fieldQRI != null && fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI; boolean isTreeLevel = fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI; operatorCBX.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(comparators)); //XXX need to set up criteria to support 'between' if necessary for (int c = 1; c < comps.length; c++) { if (comps[c] != null) { comps[c].setVisible(fieldQRI != null); } } isNotCheckbox.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel); operatorCBX.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel); criteria.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel && !isBool); if (schemaMapping != null) { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible(!(isTreeLevel || isRel)); } else { if (!isRel) { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible(fieldQRI != null); } else { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible( ((RelQRI) fieldQRI).getRelationshipInfo().getType() != RelationshipType.OneToMany); } } if (schemaMapping != null) { isPromptCkbx.setVisible(false); } else if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isDisplayedCkbx.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel); isPromptCkbx.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel); isEnforcedCkbx.setVisible(fieldQRI != null && !isRel); } setQueryField(qf); } /** * */ public void resetValidator() { validator.reset(true); } /** * @param field * @return list of comparators appropriate for field. */ protected SpQueryField.OperatorType[] getComparatorList(final FieldQRI field) { if (field == null) { return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] {}; } return getComparatorList(field instanceof TreeLevelQRI, pickList != null, field.getFieldInfo(), field.getDataClass()); } /** * @return the format name. */ protected String getFormatName() { return getQueryField() != null ? (StringUtils.isEmpty(getQueryField().getFormatName()) ? null : getQueryField().getFormatName()) : null; } /** * @param field * @return list of comparators appropriate for field. */ public static SpQueryField.OperatorType[] getComparatorList(boolean isTreeLevel, boolean isPickList, DBFieldInfo fieldInfo, Class<?> dataClass) { if (isPickList) { return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] { SpQueryField.OperatorType.EQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY }; } //CatalogNumber needs special treatment - works better as a number. //And other fields? Not sure how to tell. Maybe the formatter????? if (fieldInfo != null && fieldInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("catalognumber") && fieldInfo.getTableInfo().getClassObj().equals(CollectionObject.class)) { if (fieldInfo.getFormatter() != null && fieldInfo.getFormatter().isNumeric()) { return getComparatorListForClass(Number.class); } OperatorType[] stringCmps = getComparatorListForClass(String.class); OperatorType[] result = new OperatorType[stringCmps.length + 2]; int c = 0; for (OperatorType ot : stringCmps) { result[c++] = ot; } result[c++] = SpQueryField.OperatorType.GREATERTHAN; result[c++] = SpQueryField.OperatorType.LESSTHAN; //result[c++] = SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN; return result; } //else return getComparatorListForClass(dataClass); } /** * @param classObj * @return */ public static SpQueryField.OperatorType[] getComparatorListForClass(final Class<?> classObj) { if (classObj != null) { if (classObj.equals(String.class)) { return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] { SpQueryField.OperatorType.CONTAINS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.LIKE, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY }; } if (classObj.equals(Boolean.class)) { return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] { SpQueryField.OperatorType.DONTCARE, SpQueryField.OperatorType.TRUE, SpQueryField.OperatorType.FALSE, SpQueryField.OperatorType.TRUEORNULL, SpQueryField.OperatorType.FALSEORNULL, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY }; } if (classObj.equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)) { return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] { SpQueryField.OperatorType.EQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.GREATERTHAN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.LESSTHAN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY }; } } return new SpQueryField.OperatorType[] { SpQueryField.OperatorType.EQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.GREATERTHAN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.LESSTHAN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.GREATERTHANEQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.LESSTHANEQUALS, SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN, SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY }; } /** * @return */ public SortElement getOrderSpec(int pos) { Byte sortType; if (ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { sortType = (byte) sortCheckbox.getState(); } else { sortType = queryField.getSortType(); } if (sortType.equals(SpQueryField.SORT_NONE)) { return null; } int direction = sortType.equals(SpQueryField.SORT_ASC) ? SortElement.ASCENDING : SortElement.DESCENDING; return new SortElement(pos, direction); } /** * @return true if a condition has been specified for the field. */ protected boolean hasCriteria() { if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Boolean.class)) { return !operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.DONTCARE); } if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY)) { return true; } return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getCriteriaText(false).trim()); } /** * @param criteriaEntry - String of comma-delimited entries * @return Array of formatted criteria * @throws ParseException */ protected Object[] parseCriteria(final String origCriteriaEntry) throws ParseException { String[] raw; UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = fieldQRI.getFormatter(); boolean isNumericCatNum = (formatter instanceof CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter && ((CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter) formatter).isNumeric()); String criteriaEntry = origCriteriaEntry; if (isNumericCatNum) { criteriaEntry = CatalogNumberFormatter.preParseNumericCatalogNumbersWithSeries(origCriteriaEntry, formatter); } if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem() == SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN || operatorCBX.getSelectedItem() == SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN || formatter instanceof CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter) //',' in numeric catnums cause stack traces, and they are invalid in string catnums so don't allow them) { raw = criteriaEntry.split(","); } else { raw = new String[1]; raw[0] = criteriaEntry; } if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem() == SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN) { if (raw.length != 2) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_INVALID_CRITERIA"), -1); } } else if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem() != SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN) { if (raw.length != 1) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_INVALID_CRITERIA"), -1); } } Object[] result = new Object[raw.length]; for (int e = 0; e < raw.length; e++) { try { if (isNumericCatNum) { Pair<String, String> series = getSerStartEnd(raw[e].trim()); formatter.formatFromUI(series.getFirst()); formatter.formatFromUI(series.getSecond()); if (!series.getSecond().equals(raw[e].trim())) { result[e] = series; } else { result[e] = series.getFirst(); } } else { result[e] = formatter != null ? formatter.formatFromUI(raw[e].trim()) : raw[e].trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + String.format(UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_PARSE_ERROR"), ex.getLocalizedMessage()), -1); } } return result; } /** * @param ser * @return * @throws Exception */ protected Pair<String, String> getSerStartEnd(String ser) throws Exception { String start = null; String end = null; if (!ser.contains("-")) { start = ser; end = ser; } else if (ser.endsWith("-")) { throw new Exception("Bad series format."); } else { String[] parts = ser.split("-"); if (parts.length != 2) { throw new Exception("Bad series format."); } start = parts[0]; if (parts[1].length() >= parts[0].length()) { end = parts[1]; } else { end = start.substring(0, start.length() - parts[1].length()) + parts[1]; } } return new Pair<String, String>(start, end); } /** * @param escapee * @param escaper * WRONG:@return escapee with occurrences of escapee preceded by '\'. Pike's Peak -> Pike\'s Peak * @return escapee with occurrences of escapee doubled. Pike's Peak -> Pike''s Peak * * This actually only works for "'". * Hibernate (but not MySQL) complains when % and \' are both contained in a criteriummmm * * Too bad if the escaper is already escaped. */ protected Object escape(final Object escapee, final char escaper) { //XXX may be MySQL -specific? if (escaper == ' ') { return escapee; } if (!(escapee instanceof String)) { throw new RuntimeException("Escapee is not a String!"); } String escapeeStr = (String) escapee; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int c = 0; c < escapeeStr.length(); c++) { if (escapeeStr.charAt(c) == escaper) { result.append(escaper); } result.append(escapeeStr.charAt(c)); } return result.toString(); } /** * @param criteriaObjs * @param operatorStr * @param quote - if true then items will be surrounded with single quotes. * @return comma-delimited list of items in criteriaObjs. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected String concatCriteria(final Object[] criteriaObjs, final String operatorStr, final boolean quote, final TableAbbreviator ta) { //XXX '%' as wildcard may be db vendor -specific?? char quoteStr = quote ? '\'' : ' '; String result = quoteStr + escape(criteriaObjs[0], quoteStr).toString() + quoteStr; if (SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operatorStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.LIKE.getOrdinal() || SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operatorStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.CONTAINS .getOrdinal()) { //for Specify 5 compatibility...? //replaced unescaped '*' with '%' if (result.contains("*")) { //grrrrrrrr StringBuilder newResult = new StringBuilder(); int skip = -1; for (int s = 0; s < result.length(); s++) { if (skip != s && result.charAt(s) == '\\') { skip = s + 1; } if (skip != s && result.charAt(s) == '*') { newResult.append('%'); } else { newResult.append(result.charAt(s)); } if (skip == s) { skip = -1; } } result = newResult.toString(); } boolean unEscapedWildcard = false; boolean skip = false; int s = 0; while (!unEscapedWildcard && s < result.length()) { if (skip) { skip = false; } else if (result.charAt(s) == '\\') { skip = true; } else if (result.charAt(s) == '%') { unEscapedWildcard = true; } s++; } if (SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operatorStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.CONTAINS .getOrdinal()) { //if user didn't purposely include a wildcard then add them result = quoteStr + "%" + result.substring(1, result.length() - 1) + "%" + quoteStr; } } else if (SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operatorStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN .getOrdinal()) { result += " and " + quoteStr + escape(criteriaObjs[1], quoteStr) + quoteStr; } else if (SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operatorStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN .getOrdinal()) { result = ""; List<Pair<String, String>> sers = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); for (int p = 0; p < criteriaObjs.length; p++) { if (criteriaObjs[p] instanceof String) { if (!"".equals(result)) { result += ","; } result += "" + quoteStr + escape(criteriaObjs[p], quoteStr) + quoteStr; } else { Pair<String, String> ser = (Pair<String, String>) criteriaObjs[p]; ser.setFirst("" + quoteStr + escape(ser.getFirst(), quoteStr) + quoteStr); ser.setSecond("" + quoteStr + escape(ser.getSecond(), quoteStr) + quoteStr); sers.add(ser); } } if (!"".equals(result) && !(fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI)) { result = fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()) + " " + operatorStr + "(" + result + ")"; } for (Pair<String, String> ser : sers) { if (!"".equals(result)) { result += " OR "; } result += fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()) + " BETWEEN " + ser.getFirst() + " AND " + ser.getSecond(); } result = "(" + result + ")"; } return result; } /** * @return */ public boolean isNegated() { return isNotCheckbox != null && isNotCheckbox.isSelected(); } /** * @return true if criteria entries should be handled as numeric cat nums for hql/sql * * NOTE: "where catalogNumber = 1000" works in hql even though catalogNumber is a string field. * This MAY be because MySQL will automatically convert string/numeric types when necessary. * If we switch to another sql dbms, catalogNumbers may have to be treated as strings. * */ protected boolean isNumericCatalogNumber() { UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = fieldQRI.getFormatter(); return formatter instanceof CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter && ((CatalogNumberUIFieldFormatter) formatter).isNumeric(); } /** * @return true is the the 'Empty' operator criteria operator is selected */ public boolean isEmptyCriterion() { return operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY); } /** * @param op * @return */ protected String getOperatorQLText() { return SpQueryField.OperatorType .getOp(((SpQueryField.OperatorType) operatorCBX.getSelectedItem()).getOrdinal()); } /** * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getCriteriaFormula(final TableAbbreviator ta, final List<Pair<String, Object>> paramList) throws ParseException { if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY)) { boolean isNot = isNotCheckbox.isSelected(); String nullCond = fieldQRI.getNullCondition(ta, schemaItem != null, isNot, getFormatName()); if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(String.class)) { String fieldSpec = fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()); return "(" + nullCond + (isNot ? " and " : " or ") + fieldSpec + (isNot ? " <> " : " = ") + "'')"; } return nullCond; } if (hasCriteria()) { boolean addNullConjunction = false; boolean nullPick = criteria instanceof PickListCriteriaCombo && ((PickListCriteriaCombo) criteria).nullItemIsPicked(); Object[] criteriaStrs = parseCriteria(getCriteriaText(true).trim()); String criteriaFormula = ""; //String operStr = operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().toString(); String operStr = getOperatorQLText(); if (!(criteriaStrs[0] instanceof String) && !(criteriaStrs[0] instanceof Pair)) { //XXX - If the field has a formatter and it returned non-String data // then assume all parsing and conversion has been accomplished?? //(hopefully this will never occur) + ": formatter returned non-string data."); criteriaFormula = concatCriteria(criteriaStrs, operStr, false, ta); } else { if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Boolean.class)) { if (operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.TRUE.getOrdinal())) || operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType .getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.TRUEORNULL.getOrdinal()))) { criteriaFormula = "true"; } else { criteriaFormula = "false"; } addNullConjunction = operStr.equals( SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.FALSEORNULL.getOrdinal())) || operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType .getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.TRUEORNULL.getOrdinal())); operStr = "="; } else if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(String.class) && !isNumericCatalogNumber()) { criteriaFormula = concatCriteria(criteriaStrs, operStr, !(pickList instanceof PickListTableAdapter), ta); } else if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Calendar.class) || fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)) { for (int p = 0; p < criteriaStrs.length; p++) { String paramName = "spparam" + paramList.size(); try { if (fieldQRI instanceof DateAccessorQRI) { new Integer((String) criteriaStrs[p]); } else { Object arg = dateConverter.convert((String) criteriaStrs[p]); if (fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)) { arg = new java.sql.Timestamp(((Calendar) arg).getTimeInMillis()); } paramList.add(new Pair<String, Object>(paramName, arg)); } } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + String.format( UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_PARSE_ERROR"), ex.getLocalizedMessage()), -1); } if (p > 0) { if (operatorCBX.getSelectedItem() == SpQueryField.OperatorType.BETWEEN) { criteriaFormula += " and "; } else { criteriaFormula += ", "; } } if (fieldQRI instanceof DateAccessorQRI) { criteriaFormula += (String) criteriaStrs[p]; } else { criteriaFormula += ":" + paramName; } } if (SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOrdForOp(operStr) == SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN .getOrdinal()) { criteriaFormula = "(" + criteriaFormula + ")"; } } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldQRI.getDataClass()) || isNumericCatalogNumber()) { Constructor<?> tester; try { tester = isNumericCatalogNumber() ? BigInteger.class.getConstructor(String.class) : fieldQRI.getDataClass().getConstructor(String.class); for (int s = 0; s < criteriaStrs.length; s++) { Object critter = criteriaStrs[s]; List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(2); if (critter instanceof String) { strs.add(critter.toString()); } else { //seriesPresent = true; if (!operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType .getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN.getOrdinal()))) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_INVALID_CRITERIA"), -1); } strs.add(((Pair<String, String>) critter).getFirst()); strs.add(((Pair<String, String>) critter).getSecond()); } List<String> newStrs = new ArrayList<String>(2); for (String str : strs) { tester.newInstance(str); //remove leading zeroes String newString = str; boolean isZeroes = false; while (newString.startsWith("0")) { newString = newString.substring(1); isZeroes = true; } if (isZeroes && StringUtils.isBlank(newString)) { newString = "0"; } newStrs.add(newString); } if (newStrs.size() == 2) { ((Pair<String, String>) criteriaStrs[s]).setFirst(newStrs.get(0)); ((Pair<String, String>) criteriaStrs[s]).setSecond(newStrs.get(1)); } else { criteriaStrs[s] = newStrs.get(0); } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(QueryFieldPanel.class, ex); // this will never happen. trust me. throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof NumberFormatException) { String msg = ex.getTargetException().getLocalizedMessage(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(msg)) { msg = ex.getTargetException().getClass().getSimpleName(); } throw new ParseException( getLabel() + " - " + String.format(UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_PARSE_ERROR"), msg), -1); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(QueryFieldPanel.class, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(QueryFieldPanel.class, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { String msg = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(msg)) { msg = ex.getClass().getSimpleName(); } throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + String.format(UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_PARSE_ERROR"), msg), -1); } criteriaFormula = concatCriteria(criteriaStrs, operStr, false, ta); } } if (operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.CONTAINS.getOrdinal()))) { operStr = "Like"; } if (criteriaFormula.length() > 0 || nullPick || fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI) { if (fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI) { try { return ((TreeLevelQRI) fieldQRI).getNodeNumberCriteria(criteriaFormula, ta, operStr, isNotCheckbox.isSelected()); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new ParseException(getLabel() + " - " + String .format(UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_PARSE_ERROR"), pe.getLocalizedMessage()), -1); } } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append(isNotCheckbox.isSelected() ? "(NOT " : ""); if (!operStr.equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN.getOrdinal()))) { str.append(fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()) + " "); } if (nullPick && "=".equals(operStr)) { str.append(" is null "); } else if (!operStr .equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.IN.getOrdinal()))) { str.append(operStr); } str.append(" "); if (!(nullPick && "=".equals(operStr))) { str.append(criteriaFormula); } if (isNotCheckbox.isSelected()) { if (!operStr.equals( SpQueryField.OperatorType.getOp(SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY.getOrdinal()))) { str.append(" or " + fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()) + " is null"); } str.append(")"); } String result = str.toString(); if (addNullConjunction || (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result) && isEnforcedCkbx != null && isEnforcedCkbx.isSelected() && schemaMapping != null) || (nullPick && !"=".equals(operStr))) { //Currently, when the null value is picked with the IN condition, a '' entry is included in the IN list //This is not technically correct, but probably will never matter, and possibly produce more desirable //results then the technically correct criteria result = "(" + result + " or " + fieldQRI.getSQLFldSpec(ta, true, schemaItem != null, getFormatName()) + " is null)"; } return result; } } return null; } /** * @return the fieldQRI */ public FieldQRI getFieldQRI() { return fieldQRI; } protected JTextField createTextField(final String id) { ValTextField textField = new ValTextField(); textField.setRequired(false); validator.hookupTextField(textField, id, false, UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); return textField; } protected PickListCriteriaCombo createPickList(final Component saveBtn) { PickListCriteriaCombo result = new PickListCriteriaCombo(pickList); if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { result.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getID() == 1001/*ComboBoxChanged*/) { if (saveBtn != null) { saveBtn.setEnabled(true); } } } }); } return result; } protected JCheckBox createCheckBox(final String id) { ValCheckBox checkbox = new ValCheckBox("", false, false); DataChangeNotifier dcn = validator.createDataChangeNotifer(id, checkbox, null); checkbox.addActionListener(dcn); return checkbox; } protected JComboBox createComboBox(SpQueryField.OperatorType[] items) { ValComboBox cbx = new ValComboBox(items, false); DataChangeNotifier dcn = validator.hookupComponent(cbx, "cbx", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); cbx.getComboBox().addActionListener(dcn); return cbx.getComboBox(); } /** * @param iconSize * @param returnWidths * @return */ protected int[] buildControlLayout(final IconManager.IconSize iconSize, final boolean returnWidths, final Component saveBtn) { FocusListener focusListener = new FocusListener() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.event.FocusListener#focusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent) */ // @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { //Checking oppositeComponent to work around //weird behavior after addBtn is clicked which //causes top queryFieldPanel to be selected. if (ownerQuery.getAddBtn() != null && e.getOppositeComponent() != ownerQuery.getAddBtn()) { ownerQuery.selectQFP(QueryFieldPanel.this); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.event.FocusListener#focusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent) */ // @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // nada } }; KeyListener enterListener = new KeyListener() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) { //nuthin } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { //nuthin } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER && ownerQuery != null) { ownerQuery.doSearch(); } } }; comparators = getComparatorList(fieldQRI); //XXX need to build schemaItem for header panel too... if (schemaMapping != null) { schemaItemCBX = edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createComboBox(); schemaItemCBX.addItem("empty"); //to work around validator blow up for empty lists. DataChangeNotifier dcnsi = validator.hookupComponent(schemaItemCBX, "sicbx", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); schemaItemCBX.addActionListener(dcnsi); schemaItemCBX.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (!QueryFieldPanel.this.ownerQuery.isUpdatingAvailableConcepts()) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { if (e.getItem() instanceof SpExportSchemaItem) { QueryFieldPanel.this.schemaItem = (SpExportSchemaItem) e.getItem(); } else { SpExportSchemaItemMapping m = QueryFieldPanel.this.getItemMapping(); SpExportSchemaItem si = QueryFieldPanel.this.schemaItem; String item = e.getItem().toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item) && ownerQuery.isAvailableExportFieldName(QueryFieldPanel.this, item)) { if (m != null) { m.setExportedFieldName(e.getItem().toString()); } if (si != null) { si.setFieldName(e.getItem().toString()); } } else { if (StringUtils.isBlank(item)) { UIRegistry.displayErrorDlgLocalized( "QueryFieldPanel.ExportFieldNameInvalid", item); } else { UIRegistry.displayErrorDlgLocalized( "QueryFieldPanel.ExportFieldNameAlreadyUsed", item); } schemaItemCBX.setSelectedIndex(0); } } ownerQuery.updateAvailableConcepts(); } } } }); } else { schemaItemCBX = null; } iconLabel = new JLabel(icon); iconLabel.addFocusListener(focusListener); String fieldLabelText = fieldQRI != null ? fieldQRI.getTitle() : "WXYZ"; if (fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI) { DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType relType = ((RelQRI) fieldQRI).getRelationshipInfo().getType(); if (relType.equals(DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.OneToMany) || relType.equals(DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.ManyToMany)) { fieldLabelText += " " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_AGGREGATED"); } else { fieldLabelText += " " + UIRegistry.getResourceString("QB_FORMATTED"); } } fieldLabel = createLabel(fieldLabelText); fieldLabel.addFocusListener(focusListener); fieldLabel.addKeyListener(enterListener); isNotCheckbox = createCheckBox("isNotCheckbox"); isNotCheckbox.addFocusListener(focusListener); isNotCheckbox.addKeyListener(enterListener); operatorCBX = createComboBox(comparators); operatorCBX.addFocusListener(focusListener); operatorCBX.addKeyListener(enterListener); boolean isBool = fieldQRI != null && fieldQRI.getDataClass().equals(Boolean.class); if (!isBool) { operatorCBX.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { criteria.setVisible(!operatorCBX.getSelectedItem().equals(SpQueryField.OperatorType.EMPTY)); } } }); } if (pickList == null) { boolean hasBetweenOp = false; for (int o = 0; o < comparators.length; o++) { if (comparators[o].equals(OperatorType.BETWEEN)) { hasBetweenOp = true; break; } } if (hasBetweenOp) { criteria = new CriteriaPair(enterListener); operatorCBX.addActionListener(this); } else { criteria = createTextField("1"); criteria.addKeyListener(enterListener); } } else { criteria = createPickList(saveBtn); if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { ((PickListCriteriaCombo) criteria) .setCurrentOp((SpQueryField.OperatorType) operatorCBX.getModel().getElementAt(0)); } criteria.addKeyListener(enterListener); operatorCBX.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener#valueChanged(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent) */ //@Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { // System.out.println("setting curront op"); ((PickListCriteriaCombo) criteria) .setCurrentOp((SpQueryField.OperatorType) operatorCBX.getSelectedItem()); } } }); } //criteria.addFocusListener(focusListener); sortCheckbox = new MultiStateIconButon( new ImageIcon[] { IconManager.getImage("GrayDot", IconManager.IconSize.Std16), IconManager.getImage("UpArrow", IconManager.IconSize.Std16), IconManager.getImage("DownArrow", IconManager.IconSize.Std16) }); DataChangeNotifier dcn = validator.hookupComponent(sortCheckbox, "scb", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); sortCheckbox.addFocusListener(focusListener); sortCheckbox.addActionListener(dcn); sortCheckbox.addKeyListener(enterListener); if (!this.ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isEnforcedCkbx = createCheckBox("isEnforcedCkbx"); dcn = validator.hookupComponent(isEnforcedCkbx, "iecb", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); isEnforcedCkbx.addActionListener(dcn); isEnforcedCkbx.addFocusListener(focusListener); isEnforcedCkbx.addKeyListener(enterListener); } if (!this.ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isDisplayedCkbx = createCheckBox("isDisplayedCkbx"); dcn = validator.hookupComponent(isDisplayedCkbx, "idcb", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); isDisplayedCkbx.addFocusListener(focusListener); isDisplayedCkbx.addKeyListener(enterListener); isDisplayedCkbx.addActionListener(dcn); isDisplayedCkbx.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { sortCheckbox.setEnabled(isDisplayedCkbx.isSelected()); ownerQuery.changeNotification(QueryFieldPanel.this); } }); } }); isPromptCkbx = createCheckBox("isPromptCkbx"); dcn = validator.hookupComponent(isPromptCkbx, "ipcb", UIValidator.Type.Changed, "", true); isPromptCkbx.addActionListener(dcn); isPromptCkbx.addFocusListener(focusListener); isPromptCkbx.addKeyListener(enterListener); closeBtn = edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createIconBtn("Close", "QB_REMOVE_FLD", new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { boolean clearIt = schemaItem != null; ownerQuery.removeQueryFieldItem((QueryFieldPanel) ((JComponent) ae.getSource()).getParent()); if (clearIt) { setField(null, null); } } }); closeBtn.setEnabled(true); closeBtn.setFocusable(false); closeBtn.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { ((JButton) e.getSource()).setIcon(IconManager.getIcon("CloseHover")); super.mouseEntered(e); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { ((JButton) e.getSource()).setIcon(IconManager.getIcon("Close")); super.mouseExited(e); } }); } else { isDisplayedCkbx = null; this.isPromptCkbx = null; this.isEnforcedCkbx = null; this.closeBtn = null; } JComponent[] qComps = { iconLabel, fieldLabel, isNotCheckbox, operatorCBX, criteria, sortCheckbox, isDisplayedCkbx, isPromptCkbx, isEnforcedCkbx, closeBtn, null }; JComponent[] sComps = { schemaItemCBX, iconLabel, fieldLabel, isNotCheckbox, operatorCBX, criteria, sortCheckbox, isDisplayedCkbx, isEnforcedCkbx, closeBtn, null }; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 if (schemaMapping == null) { comps = qComps; } else { comps = sComps; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Integer[] qFixedCmps = { 300 }; Integer[] sFixedCmps = { 268, 300 }; Integer[] fixedCmps; if (schemaMapping != null) { fixedCmps = sFixedCmps; } else { fixedCmps = qFixedCmps; } if (columnDefStr == null) { for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { sb.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); if (isCenteredComp(i)) sb.append("c:"); if (i >= fixedCmps.length) { sb.append("p"); } else { sb.append(fixedCmps[i] + "px"); } if (isGrowComp(i)) sb.append(":g"); sb.append(",4px"); } } else { sb.append(columnDefStr); } PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("3px, " + sb.toString() + ", 3px", "3px, p, 3px"), this); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int col = 1; for (JComponent comp : comps) { if (comp != null) { builder.add(comp, cc.xy(col + 1, 2)); } col += 2; } if (fieldQRI != null) { icon = IconManager.getIcon(fieldQRI.getTableInfo().getName(), iconSize); setIcon(icon); } if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isDisplayedCkbx.setSelected(true); isPromptCkbx.setSelected(!(fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI)); isEnforcedCkbx.setSelected(false); } if (fieldQRI == null && !returnWidths) { for (int c = 1; c < comps.length; c++) { if (comps[c] != null) { comps[c].setVisible(false); } } } else { // for now boolean isRel = fieldQRI != null && fieldQRI instanceof RelQRI; boolean isTreeLevel = fieldQRI instanceof TreeLevelQRI; isNotCheckbox.setVisible(!isRel || pickList != null); operatorCBX.setVisible(!isRel || pickList != null); criteria.setVisible((!isRel && !isBool) || pickList != null); if (schemaMapping != null) { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible(!(isTreeLevel || isRel)); } else { if (!isRel) { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible(true); } else { this.sortCheckbox.setVisible( ((RelQRI) fieldQRI).getRelationshipInfo().getType() != RelationshipType.OneToMany); } } if (!ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { isDisplayedCkbx.setVisible(!isRel); isPromptCkbx.setVisible(!isRel); isEnforcedCkbx.setVisible(!isRel); } } validate(); doLayout(); int[] widths = null; if (returnWidths) { widths = new int[comps.length]; for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { widths[i] = comps[i] != null ? comps[i].getSize().width : 0; } if (this.schemaMapping == null) { widths[0] = iconSize.size(); widths[1] = 200; } else { widths[1] = iconSize.size(); widths[2] = 200; } } return widths; } /** * @param compIdx * @return true if comps[compIdx] should be centered */ protected boolean isCenteredComp(int compIdx) { if (schemaMapping == null) { return compIdx == 1 || compIdx == 2 || compIdx == 5 || compIdx == 6 || compIdx == 7; } else { return compIdx == 2 || compIdx == 3 || compIdx == 6 || compIdx == 7 || compIdx == 8; } } /** * @param compIdx * @return true if comps[compIdx] should grow. */ protected boolean isGrowComp(int compIdx) { return schemaMapping == null ? compIdx == 4 : compIdx == 5; } /** * @param iconSize * @param widths */ protected void buildLabelLayout(final int[] widths) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JLabel[] labels = new JLabel[labelStrs.length]; int[] labelWidths = new int[labelStrs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { labels[i] = createLabel(labelStrs[i], SwingConstants.CENTER); labelWidths[i] = Math.max(widths[i], labels[i].getPreferredSize().width); //System.out.println(labelStrs[i]+" "+labelWidths[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { sb.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); if (isCenteredComp(i)) sb.append("c:"); sb.append("max("); sb.append(labelWidths[i]); sb.append(";p)"); if (isGrowComp(i)) sb.append(":g"); sb.append(",4px"); } //System.out.println(sb.toString()); columnDefStr = sb.toString(); PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout(sb.toString(), "p"), this); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int x = 1; for (JLabel label : labels) { builder.add(label, cc.xy(x, 1)); x += 2; } } /** * Split apart the name keying on upper case * @param nameToFix the name of the field * @return the split apart name */ protected String fixName(final String nameToFix) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < nameToFix.length(); i++) { if (i == 0) { s.append(Character.toUpperCase(nameToFix.charAt(i))); } else { char c = nameToFix.charAt(i); if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { s.append(' '); } s.append(c); } } return s.toString(); } /** * @param icon */ public void setIcon(ImageIcon icon) { this.icon = icon == null ? blankIcon : icon; iconLabel.setIcon(this.icon); } /** * @return the TableInfo object */ public DBFieldInfo getFieldInfo() { if (fieldQRI != null) { return fieldQRI.getFieldInfo(); } return null; } /** * Returns the field name. * @return the field name. */ public String getFieldName() { return fieldLabel.getText(); } /** * @return true if field is displayed in results */ public boolean isForDisplay() { if (ownerQuery.isPromptMode()) { if (queryField != null) { return queryField.getIsDisplay(); } else { return true; } } else { return isDisplayedCkbx.isSelected(); } } /** * @return the field label text */ public String getLabel() { return this.fieldLabel.getText(); } /** * @return the schemaItem combo box */ public JComboBox getSchemaItemCBX() { return this.schemaItemCBX; } /** * @return the labelQualified */ public boolean isLabelQualified() { return labelQualified; } /** * @param otherLabels * @param unQualify if true then label is un-qualified. * @return a label for the field that is 'qualified' to distinguish it from other labels with the same title. */ public String qualifyLabel(final List<String> otherLabels, final boolean unQualify) { boolean needToQualify; List<String> labels; //the following block is not currently used, but keeping it here in case the current strategy //doesn't work out. if (otherLabels == null) { needToQualify = false; labels = new ArrayList<String>(ownerQuery.getFields() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < this.ownerQuery.getFields(); i++) { QueryFieldPanel p = ownerQuery.getField(i); if (this != p) { labels.add(p.getLabel()); if (p.getFieldTitle().equals(getFieldTitle())) { needToQualify = true; } } } } else { needToQualify = !unQualify; labels = otherLabels; } if (needToQualify) { String newLabel = getFieldTitle(); TableTree parent = fieldQRI.getTableTree(); int checkParent = 1; do { newLabel = getQualifiedLabel(parent, checkParent-- > 0); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (parent != null && labels.indexOf(newLabel) != -1 && !parent.getName().equals("root")); labelQualified = true; fieldLabel.setText(newLabel); } else { labelQualified = false; fieldLabel.setText(getFieldTitle()); } return fieldLabel.getText(); } /** * @return the title of the field. */ protected String getFieldTitle() { if (fieldQRI != null) { return fieldQRI.getTitle(); } return null; } /** * @param parent * @param checkParent * @return */ protected String getQualifiedLabel(final TableTree parent, final boolean checkParent) { TableTree reParent = parent; if (checkParent && reParent.getTableInfo().getClassObj().equals(Agent.class) && (StringUtils.isEmpty(reParent.getField()) || reParent.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(reParent.getField())) && reParent.getParent().getTableQRI() != null) // agent (and what others??) generally offers no informative distinguishing info { reParent = reParent.getParent(); } return reParent.getTableQRI().getTitle() + "/" + getFieldTitle(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paint(java.awt.Graphics) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.paint(g); if (selected) { //this block was copied from RolloverCommand.paintComp() g.setColor(RolloverCommand.getActiveColor()); Insets insets = getInsets(); insets.set(1, 1, 1, 1); Dimension size = getSize(); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); RoundRectangle2D.Double rr = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(insets.left,, size.width - insets.right - insets.left, size.height - insets.bottom -, 10, 10); g2d.draw(rr); rr = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(insets.left + 1, + 1, size.width - insets.right - insets.left - 2, size.height - insets.bottom - - 2, 10, 10); g2d.draw(rr); } } /** * @return the selected */ public boolean isSelected() { return selected; } /** * @param selected the selected to set */ public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } /** * @return true if this field's criteria should ALWAYS be applied. */ public boolean isEnforced() { if (isEnforcedCkbx != null) { return isEnforcedCkbx.isSelected(); } if (queryField != null) { return queryField.getAlwaysFilter(); } return false; } /** * @return true if nulls are allowed. i.e: if 'or is null' should be appended to the field's criteria. */ public boolean isAllowNulls() { //XXX until/if allowNulls is added to general queries, the isEnforcedCkbx is being used to //access it if (isEnforcedCkbx != null) { return isEnforcedCkbx.isSelected(); } if (queryField != null) { return queryField.getAllowNulls(); } return false; } /** * @return a string identifier unique to this field within the query that is independent of the field's title. */ public String getStringId() { return fieldQRI.getStringId(); } /** * @return the pickList */ public PickListDBAdapterIFace getPickList() { return pickList; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(operatorCBX)) { OperatorType op = (OperatorType) operatorCBX.getSelectedItem(); if (op != null && op.equals(OperatorType.BETWEEN)) { ((CriteriaPair) criteria).setShowingPair(true); } else { if (criteria instanceof CriteriaPair) { ((CriteriaPair) criteria).setShowingPair(false); } } } } /** * @return the schemaItem */ public SpExportSchemaItem getSchemaItem() { return schemaItem; } /** * @return the itemMapping */ public SpExportSchemaItemMapping getItemMapping() { return queryField != null ? queryField.getMapping() : null; } /** * @return the autoMapped */ public boolean isAutoMapped() { return autoMapped; } /** * @param autoMapped the autoMapped to set */ public void setAutoMapped(boolean autoMapped) { this.autoMapped = autoMapped; } }