Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getLocalizedMessage; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FileDialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderFactory; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.RecordSetIFace; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.RecordSetItemIFace; import edu.ku.brc.specify.config.SpecifyAppContextMgr; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.RecordSet; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpAppResource; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpQuery; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpReport; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpecifyUser; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Workbench; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.WorkbenchTemplate; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.subpane.LabelsPane; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.subpane.qb.QueryBldrPane; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.subpane.qb.SearchResultReportServiceInfo; import; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ChooseFromListDlg; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandAction; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandDispatcher; import edu.ku.brc.ui.DataFlavorTableExt; import edu.ku.brc.ui.IconManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.JStatusBar; import edu.ku.brc.ui.RolloverCommand; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ToolBarDropDownBtn; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.GhostActionable; import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.GhostActionableDropManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.GhostMouseInputAdapter; import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.Trash; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; /** * A task to manage Labels and response to Label Commands. * * @code_status Beta * * @author rods * */ public class ReportsBaseTask extends BaseTask { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ReportsBaseTask.class); // Static Data Members public static final String REPORTS = "Reports"; public static final String REPORTS_MIME = "jrxml/report"; public static final String LABELS_MIME = "jrxml/label"; public static final String SUBREPORTS_MIME = "jrxml/subreport"; public static final String RECORDSET_PARAM = "itemnum"; // public static final String DOLABELS_ACTION = "DoLabels"; public static final String NEWRECORDSET_ACTION = "RPT.NewRecordSet"; public static final String PRINT_REPORT = "RPT.PrintReport"; public static final String OPEN_EDITOR = "RPT.OpenEditor"; public static final String RUN_REPORT = "RPT.RunReport"; public static final String REFRESH = "RPT.Refresh"; public static final String IMPORT = "RPT.Import"; public static final String REPORT_DELETED = "RPT.ReportDeleted"; public static final String PRINT_GRID = "RPT.PrintTable"; // Data Members protected DataFlavor defaultFlavor = null; protected DataFlavor reportFlavor = new DataFlavor(SpReport.class, "SpReport"); protected DataFlavor runReportFlavor = new DataFlavor(SpReport.class, RUN_REPORT); protected List<Pair<String, String>> navMimeDefs = null; protected Vector<NavBoxIFace> extendedNavBoxes = new Vector<NavBoxIFace>(); protected Vector<NavBoxItemIFace> reportsList = new Vector<NavBoxItemIFace>(); protected NavBox actionNavBox = null; protected NavBox reportsNavBox = null; protected NavBox labelsNavBox = null; protected String reportHintKey = "REPORT_TT"; // temp data protected NavBoxItemIFace oneNbi = null; //iReport MainFrame //protected static MainFrameSpecify iReportMainFrame = null; //protected static MainFrame iReportMainFrame = null; /** * Constructor. */ public ReportsBaseTask(final String name, final String title) { super(name, title); //iReportMainFrame = null; isShowDefault = true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void preInitialize() { CommandDispatcher.register(REPORTS, this); CommandDispatcher.register(RecordSetTask.RECORD_SET, this); //RecordSetTask.addDroppableDataFlavor(defaultFlavor); // Create and add the Actions NavBox first so it is at the top at the top actionNavBox = new NavBox(getResourceString("Actions")); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.core.Taskable#initialize() */ @Override public void initialize() { if (!isInitialized) { super.initialize(); // sets isInitialized to false CommandAction cmdAction = new CommandAction(REPORTS, PRINT_GRID); ContextMgr.registerService(20, PRINT_GRID, -1, cmdAction, this, "Print", getResourceString("PRINT_GRID_TT")); extendedNavBoxes.clear(); reportsList.clear(); navBoxes.add(actionNavBox); if (isVisible) { addROCs(); } } } /** * @param mimeType * @param reportType * @param defaultIcon * @param classTableId * @return List of command defs for valid report AppResources. * * Needed to 'override' static method in BaseTask to deal with imported reports. */ protected List<TaskCommandDef> getAppResCommandsByMimeType(final String mimeType, final String reportType, final String defaultIcon, final Integer classTableId) { List<TaskCommandDef> result = new LinkedList<TaskCommandDef>(); Vector<Integer> excludedTableIds = new Vector<Integer>(); excludedTableIds.add(79); Vector<String> subReports = new Vector<String>(); for (AppResourceIFace ap : AppContextMgr.getInstance().getResourceByMimeType(mimeType)) { Properties params = ap.getMetaDataMap(); Integer appId = ap instanceof SpAppResource ? ((SpAppResource) ap).getId() : null; if (appId != null) { params.put("spappresourceid", appId); } String tableid = params.getProperty("tableid"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tableid)) { String subReps = params.getProperty("subreports"); if (subReps != null) { String[] subRepNames = StringUtils.split(subReps, ","); for (String subRepName : subRepNames) { subReports.add(subRepName.trim()); } } String rptType = params.getProperty("reporttype"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Integer tblId = Integer.parseInt(tableid); if (excludedTableIds.indexOf(tblId) == -1 && (classTableId == null || tblId.equals(classTableId)) && (StringUtils.isEmpty(reportType) || (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rptType) && reportType.equals(rptType)))) { params.put("name", ap.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ params.put("title", ap.getDescription() == null ? ap.getName() : ap.getDescription()); //$NON-NLS-1$ params.put("file", ap.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ params.put("mimetype", mimeType); //$NON-NLS-1$ Object param = params.get("isimport"); if (param != null && param.equals("1")) { params.put("appresource", ap); } param = params.get("hasrsdropparam"); if (param != null) { params.put(RECORDSET_PARAM, param); } String localIconName = params.getProperty("icon"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(localIconName)) { localIconName = defaultIcon; } result.add(new TaskCommandDef(ap.getDescription(), localIconName, params)); } } } if (subReports.size() > 0) { for (int r = result.size() - 1; r >= 0; r--) { TaskCommandDef def = result.get(r); if (subReports.indexOf(def.getName()) != -1) { result.remove(r); } } } return result; } /** * */ protected void addROCs() { for (Pair<String, String> navMime : navMimeDefs) { NavBox navBox; if (navMime.getSecond().equals(REPORTS_MIME)) { if (reportsNavBox == null) { reportsNavBox = new NavBox(UIRegistry.getResourceString(navMime.getFirst())); } navBox = reportsNavBox; } else if (navMime.getSecond().equals(LABELS_MIME)) { if (labelsNavBox == null) { labelsNavBox = new NavBox(UIRegistry.getResourceString(navMime.getFirst())); } navBox = labelsNavBox; } else { //XXX huh? navBox = new NavBox(navMime.getFirst()); } // no particular table at the moment List<TaskCommandDef> cmds = getAppResCommandsByMimeType(navMime.getSecond(), "Report", navMime.getFirst(), null); cmds.addAll(getAppResCommandsByMimeType(navMime.getSecond(), "Invoice", navMime.getFirst(), null)); // Then add for (TaskCommandDef tcd : cmds) { // XXX won't be needed when we start validating the XML String tableIdStr = tcd.getParams().getProperty("tableid"); if (tableIdStr != null) { boolean makeROC = true; if (AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn()) { DBTableInfo tblFo = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(Integer.valueOf(tableIdStr)); if (tblFo != null) { makeROC = tblFo.getPermissions().canView(); } } if (makeROC) { makeROCForCommand(tcd, navBox); } } } navBoxes.add(navBox); commands.addAll(cmds); //currently commands is always already initialized by TaskMgr. } } /** * @param tcd * @param navBox * @return */ protected RolloverCommand makeROCForCommand(final TaskCommandDef tcd, final NavBox navBox) { CommandAction cmdAction = new CommandAction(REPORTS, PRINT_REPORT, tcd.getParams().getProperty("tableid")); cmdAction.addProperties(tcd.getParams()); cmdAction.getProperties().put("icon", IconManager.getIcon(tcd.getIconName(), IconManager.IconSize.Std16)); cmdAction.getProperties().put("task name", getName()); //Rough //See if there is an SpReport record for the resource. String spRepName = cmdAction.getProperties().getProperty("name").replace(".jrxml", ""); RecordSet repRS = null; Integer tblContext = null; Integer appId = Integer.class.cast(cmdAction.getProperties().get("spappresourceid")); Boolean isDatabased = appId != null; if (spRepName != null) { DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); try { String hql = "from SpReport where name = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(spRepName) + "'"; if (isDatabased) { hql += " and appResourceId = " + appId; } SpReport rep = (SpReport) session.getData(hql); if (rep != null) { rep.forceLoad(); if (rep.getReportObject() instanceof SpQuery) { SpQuery q = (SpQuery) rep.getReportObject(); if (q.getContextTableId() != -1) { tblContext = new Integer(q.getContextTableId()); //XXX tableid property needs to be -1 (I think) for report running routines //to distinguish SpReports from other reports. So need a duplicate way to know tableid //This is dumb. Report running code needs to be re-thunk. cmdAction.getProperties().put("tblcontext", tblContext); cmdAction.getProperties().put("queryid", q.getId()); } } else if (rep.getReportObject() instanceof Workbench) { cmdAction.getProperties().put("tblcontext", Workbench.getClassTableId()); cmdAction.getProperties().put("workbenchid", rep.getReportObject().getId()); } repRS = new RecordSet(); repRS.initialize(); repRS.set(rep.getAppResource().getDescription(), SpReport.getClassTableId(), RecordSet.GLOBAL); repRS.addItem(rep.getId()); cmdAction.setProperty("spreport", repRS); } } finally { session.close(); } } CommandAction delCmd = null; if (isDatabased || repRS != null || cmdAction.getProperties().get("isimport") != null) { if (!AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn() || getPermissions().canDelete()) { delCmd = new CommandAction(REPORTS, DELETE_CMD_ACT, repRS); delCmd.getProperties().put("name", cmdAction.getProperties().getProperty("name")); delCmd.getProperties().put("spappresourceid", appId); delCmd.getProperties().put("title", tcd.getName()); } } NavBoxItemIFace nbi = makeDnDNavBtn(navBox, tcd.getName(), tcd.getIconName(), cmdAction, delCmd, true, // true means make it draggable true); // true means add sorted reportsList.add(nbi); RolloverCommand roc = (RolloverCommand) nbi; String tblIdStr = tcd.getParams().getProperty("tableid"); String dropStr = tcd.getParams().getProperty("hasrsdropparam"); //String impStr = tcd.getParams().getProperty("isimport"); boolean canBeRsDropSite = dropStr != null ? dropStr.equals("1") : true; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tblIdStr) && canBeRsDropSite) { roc.addDropDataFlavor(RecordSetTask.RECORDSET_FLAVOR); } else if (tblContext == null && canBeRsDropSite) { DataFlavorTableExt dfx = new DataFlavorTableExt( RecordSetTask.RECORDSET_FLAVOR.getDefaultRepresentationClass(), RecordSetTask.RECORDSET_FLAVOR.getHumanPresentableName(), new int[] { Integer.parseInt(tblIdStr) }); roc.addDropDataFlavor(dfx); } roc.addDragDataFlavor(reportFlavor); if (cmdAction.getProperties().get("spreport") != null) { roc.addDragDataFlavor(reportFlavor); if (tblContext != null) { DataFlavorTableExt dfx = new DataFlavorTableExt( RecordSetTask.RECORDSET_FLAVOR.getDefaultRepresentationClass(), RecordSetTask.RECORDSET_FLAVOR.getHumanPresentableName(), new int[] { tblContext }); roc.addDropDataFlavor(dfx); } } if (delCmd != null) { roc.addDragDataFlavor(Trash.TRASH_FLAVOR); } roc.setToolTip(getResourceString(reportHintKey)); roc.setEnabled(true); return roc; } /** * Performs a command (to create a label). * @param labelName the name of lable (the file name) * @param labelTitle the localized title to be displayed as the tab title * @param recordSets the recordSet to be turned into labels * @param params parameters for the report * @param originatingTask the Taskable requesting the the labels be made * @param paneIcon the icon of the pane(if it is null then it uses the Task's icon) */ public void doLabels(final String labelName, final String labelTitle, final Object data, final Properties params, final Taskable originatingTask, final ImageIcon paneIcon) { LabelsPane labelsPane; labelsPane = new LabelsPane(labelTitle, originatingTask != null ? originatingTask : this, params); labelsPane.setIcon(paneIcon); addSubPaneToMgr(labelsPane); labelsPane.createReport(labelName, data, params); starterPane = null; } /** * @return Return true if there is a small number of labels or whether the user wishes to continue. */ protected boolean checkForALotOfLabels(final RecordSetIFace recordSet) { // if (recordSet.getNumItems() > 200) // XXX Pref { Object[] options = { getResourceString("Create_New_Report"), getResourceString("CANCEL") }; int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(UIRegistry.get(UIRegistry.FRAME), String.format(getResourceString("LotsOfLabels"), new Object[] { (recordSet.getNumItems()) }), getResourceString("LotsOfLabelsTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, //don't use a custom Icon options, //the titles of buttons options[0]); //default button title if (n == 1) { return false; } } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.core.BaseTask#getStarterPane() */ @Override public SubPaneIFace getStarterPane() { LabelsPane labelsPane = new LabelsPane(name, this, null); labelsPane.setLabelText("Welcome to Specify's Label Maker"); // XXX I18N starterPane = labelsPane; return starterPane; } /** * Displays UI that asks the user to select a predefined label. * @return the name of the label file or null if cancelled */ protected String askForLabelName() { initialize(); // XXX Need to pass in or check table type for different types of lables. NavBoxItemIFace nbi = null; if (reportsList.size() == 1) { nbi = reportsList.get(0); } else { ChooseFromListDlg<NavBoxItemIFace> dlg = new ChooseFromListDlg<NavBoxItemIFace>( (Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(), getResourceString("ChooseLabel"), reportsList, IconManager.getIcon(name, IconManager.IconSize.Std24)); dlg.setMultiSelect(false); dlg.setModal(true); dlg.setVisible(true); if (!dlg.isCancelled()) { nbi = dlg.getSelectedObject(); } } if (nbi != null && nbi.getData() != null) { Object data = nbi.getData(); if (data instanceof CommandAction) { return ((CommandAction) data).getPropertyAsString("file"); } } return null; } /** * Single place to convert the data to a Map. * @param data the data in a nbi * @return a Properties */ protected Properties convertDataToMap(final Object data) { if (data instanceof Map<?, ?>) { return (Properties) data; // ok to Cast } throw new RuntimeException("Why isn't the data a Properties!"); } /** * Counts up how many labels match the same table id as the RecordSet and sets * oneNbi to the non-null match which means if there is only one then it points to it. * @param tableId the RecordSet's Table Id * @param needsRecordSet indicates we should ONLY include those that require a RecordSet * @return the count of matches */ protected int countLabelsWithSimilarTableIds(final int tableId, final boolean needsRecordSet) { oneNbi = null; int count = 0; for (NavBoxItemIFace nbi : reportsList) { Object data = nbi.getData(); if (data instanceof CommandAction) { CommandAction cmdAction = (CommandAction) data; String tableIDStr = cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("tableid"); boolean needsRS = getNeedsRecordSet(cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("reqrs")); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(tableIDStr) && (!needsRecordSet || needsRS)) { if (Integer.parseInt(tableIDStr) == tableId) { oneNbi = nbi; count++; } } else { log.error( "Attr [tableid] value[" + tableIDStr + "] is not numeric for[" + nbi.getTitle() + "]!"); } } } return count; } /** * Checks to make sure we are the current SubPane and then creates the labels from the selected RecordSet. * @param data the data that "should" be a RecordSet */ protected void createLabelFromSelectedRecordSet(final Object data) { if (data instanceof RecordSet && ContextMgr.getCurrentContext() == this) { RecordSetIFace rs = (RecordSetIFace) data; String fileName = null; if (countLabelsWithSimilarTableIds(rs.getDbTableId(), true) > 1) // only Count the ones that require data { fileName = askForLabelName(); } else if (oneNbi != null) { Object nbData = oneNbi.getData(); if (nbData instanceof CommandAction) { fileName = ((CommandAction) nbData).getPropertyAsString("file"); } } if (fileName != null) { doLabels(fileName, "Labels", data, null, this, null); } } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Taskable //------------------------------------------------------- /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.core.Taskable#getNavBoxes() */ @Override public java.util.List<NavBoxIFace> getNavBoxes() { initialize(); extendedNavBoxes.clear(); extendedNavBoxes.addAll(navBoxes); RecordSetTask rsTask = (RecordSetTask) ContextMgr.getTaskByClass(RecordSetTask.class); List<NavBoxIFace> nbs = rsTask.getNavBoxes(); if (nbs != null) { extendedNavBoxes.addAll(nbs); } return extendedNavBoxes; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.Taskable#getToolBarItems() */ @Override public List<ToolBarItemDesc> getToolBarItems() { toolbarItems = new Vector<ToolBarItemDesc>(); String label = getResourceString(name); String localIconName = name; String hint = getResourceString("labels_hint"); ToolBarDropDownBtn btn = createToolbarButton(label, localIconName, hint); toolbarItems.add(new ToolBarItemDesc(btn)); return toolbarItems; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.Taskable#getTaskClass() */ @Override public Class<? extends BaseTask> getTaskClass() { return this.getClass(); } //------------------------------------------------------- // CommandListener Interface //------------------------------------------------------- /** * Processes all Commands of type RECORD_SET. * @param cmdAction the command to be processed */ protected void processRecordSetCommands(final CommandAction cmdAction) { Object data = cmdAction.getData(); UsageTracker.incrUsageCount( "RP." + cmdAction.getType() + (data != null ? ("." + data.getClass().getSimpleName()) : "")); if (cmdAction.isAction("Clicked")) { Object srcObj = cmdAction.getSrcObj(); Object dstObj = cmdAction.getDstObj(); log.debug("********* In Labels doCommand src[" + srcObj + "] dst[" + dstObj + "] data[" + data + "] context[" + ContextMgr.getCurrentContext() + "]"); if (ContextMgr.getCurrentContext() == this) { createLabelFromSelectedRecordSet(srcObj); } } } /** * Prints a Label / Reports from a command * @param cmdAction the command */ protected void printReport(final CommandAction cmdAction) { // Get the original set of params Properties params = cmdAction.getProperties(); if (params == null) { params = new Properties(); } // No add the additional params String paramList = cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("params"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paramList)) { params.putAll(UIHelper.parseProperties(paramList)); } String impStr = params.getProperty("isimport"); String rsDropStr = params.getProperty("hasrsdropparam"); RecordSet spRep = (RecordSet) params.get("spreport"); if (spRep != null) { //SpReport was clicked. Just Run it CommandAction runner = new CommandAction(REPORTS, RUN_REPORT, cmdAction); CommandDispatcher.dispatch(runner); return; } boolean canRunWithoutRS = spRep != null || (impStr != null && impStr.equals("1") && rsDropStr != null && rsDropStr.equals("0")); if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace || canRunWithoutRS) { RecordSetIFace recordSet = cmdAction.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace ? (RecordSetIFace) cmdAction.getData() : null; // XXX For the Demo and until I revist a generalized way of associating a default set of reports and labels // to To things. One way to get here with a null title is to click on the Labels btn from the search results if (recordSet != null && recordSet.getDbTableId() != null && recordSet.getDbTableId() == 1 && cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("title") == null) { cmdAction.setProperty("file", "fish_label.jrxml"); cmdAction.setProperty("title", "Fish Labels"); } else if (recordSet != null && recordSet.getDbTableId() != null && recordSet.getDbTableId() == 52 && cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("title") == null) { // XXX For the Demo and until I revist a generalized way of associating a default set of reports and labels // to To things. One way to get here with a null title is to click on the Labels btn from the search results cmdAction.setProperty("file", "LoanInvoice.jrxml"); cmdAction.setProperty("title", "Loan Invoice"); } if (recordSet == null || checkForALotOfLabels(recordSet)) { String labelFileName = cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("file"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(labelFileName)) { labelFileName = askForLabelName(); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(labelFileName)) { Taskable originatingTask = (Taskable) cmdAction.getProperty(NavBoxAction.ORGINATING_TASK); //System.out.println("************** "+(new File("/home/rods/Specify/reportsCache_Linux/fish_label.jrxml").lastModified())); doLabels(labelFileName, cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("title"), recordSet, params, originatingTask == null ? this : originatingTask, (ImageIcon) cmdAction.getProperty("icon")); } } } else if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof JRDataSource) { String labelFileName = cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("file"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(labelFileName)) { labelFileName = askForLabelName(); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(labelFileName)) { Taskable originatingTask = (Taskable) cmdAction.getProperty(NavBoxAction.ORGINATING_TASK); doLabels(labelFileName, cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("title"), cmdAction.getData(), params, originatingTask, (ImageIcon) cmdAction.getProperty("icon")); } } else { String tableIDStr = cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("tableid"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tableIDStr) && StringUtils.isNumeric(tableIDStr)) { RecordSetIFace recordSet = RecordSetTask.askForRecordSet(Integer.parseInt(tableIDStr)); if (recordSet != null) { doLabels(cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("file"), cmdAction.getPropertyAsString("title"), recordSet, params, this, (ImageIcon) cmdAction.getProperty("icon")); } else { UIRegistry.displayLocalizedStatusBarText("RecordSetTask.NoRecordsets"); } } } } /** * Processes all Commands of type LABELS. * @param cmdAction the command to be processed */ protected void processReportCommands(final CommandAction cmdAction) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This Code here needs to be refactored and moved to the NavBoxAction // so it can happen in a single generic place (Each task has this code) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace) { if (((RecordSetIFace)cmdAction.getData()).getDbTableId() != cmdAction.getTableId()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, getResourceString("ERROR_RECORDSET_TABLEID"), getResourceString("Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } }*/ Object data = cmdAction.getData(); UsageTracker.incrUsageCount( "RP." + cmdAction.getType() + (data != null ? ("." + data.getClass().getSimpleName()) : "")); if (cmdAction.isAction(NEWRECORDSET_ACTION)) { if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof GhostActionable) { GhostActionable ga = (GhostActionable) cmdAction.getData(); GhostMouseInputAdapter gpa = ga.getMouseInputAdapter(); for (NavBoxItemIFace nbi : reportsList) { if (nbi instanceof GhostActionable) { gpa.addGhostDropListener(new GhostActionableDropManager(UIRegistry.getGlassPane(), nbi.getUIComponent(), ga)); } } } } else if (cmdAction.isAction(PRINT_REPORT)) { if (data instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction) data).isAction(RUN_REPORT)) { runReport(cmdAction); } // if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction)cmdAction.getData()).isAction(OPEN_EDITOR)) // { // openIReportEditor(cmdAction); // } if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace) { RecordSetIFace rs = (RecordSetIFace) cmdAction.getData(); if (rs.getDbTableId() != null && rs.getDbTableId() == SpReport.getClassTableId() || cmdAction.getProperty("spreport") != null) { runReport(cmdAction); } else { printReport(cmdAction); } } else { if (data instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction) data).isAction(PRINT_REPORT)) { printReport((CommandAction) data); } else { printReport(cmdAction); } } } // else if (cmdAction.isAction(OPEN_EDITOR)) // { // openIReportEditor(cmdAction); // } else if (cmdAction.isAction(RUN_REPORT)) { boolean doRun = true; if (data instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction) data).isAction(PRINT_REPORT)) { doRun = ((CommandAction) data).getProperty("spreport") != null; } if (doRun) { runReport(cmdAction); } else { printReport((CommandAction) data); } } else if (cmdAction.isAction(REFRESH)) { refreshCommands(); } else if (cmdAction.isAction(IMPORT)) { importReport(); } else if (cmdAction.isAction(PRINT_GRID)) { printGrid(cmdAction); } else if (cmdAction.isAction(DELETE_CMD_ACT)) { RecordSetIFace recordSet = null; if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace) { recordSet = (RecordSetIFace) cmdAction.getData(); } else if (cmdAction.getData() instanceof RolloverCommand) { RolloverCommand roc = (RolloverCommand) cmdAction.getData(); if (roc.getData() instanceof RecordSetIFace) { recordSet = (RecordSetIFace) roc.getData(); } } if (recordSet != null || cmdAction.getProperties().get("name") != null) { String theName; String theTitle; if (recordSet != null) { theName = recordSet.getName(); theTitle = theName; } else { theName = cmdAction.getProperties().getProperty("name"); //currently the description of the appResource is used as the 'title' for the command button. //theTitle = ((AppResourceIFace)cmdAction.getProperties().get("appresource")).getDescription(); theTitle = cmdAction.getProperties().getProperty("title"); } int option = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(UIRegistry.getMostRecentWindow(), String.format(UIRegistry.getResourceString("REP_CONFIRM_DELETE"), theName), UIRegistry.getResourceString("REP_CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION); // I18N if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { Integer resId = Integer.class.cast(cmdAction.getProperty("spappresourceid")); Integer resOrRepId = null; Integer repId = null; if (resId != null) { resOrRepId = resId; } RecordSetItemIFace item = recordSet == null ? null : recordSet.getOnlyItem(); if (item != null) { repId = item.getRecordId(); resOrRepId = repId; } deleteReportAndResource(repId, resId); deleteReportFromUI(theTitle); if (resOrRepId != null) { CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(REPORTS, REPORT_DELETED, resOrRepId)); } else { //what can you do? } } } } } /** * Prints a JTable's model as a Grid Report. * * @param cmdAction the command holding the actual JTable object */ protected void printGrid(final CommandAction cmdAction) { String pageTitle = cmdAction.getProperty("gridtitle").toString(); final PageSetupDlg pageSetup = new PageSetupDlg(); pageSetup.createUI(); pageSetup.setPageTitle(pageTitle); pageSetup.setVisible(true); if (pageSetup.isCancelled()) { return; } SwingWorker<Integer, Integer> backupWorker = new SwingWorker<Integer, Integer>() { protected Exception excpt = null; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.SwingWorker#doInBackground() */ @Override protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception { JTable table = (JTable) cmdAction.getProperty("jtable"); if (table != null) { try { LabelsPane labelsPane = new LabelsPane(name, ReportsBaseTask.this, null); DynamicReport dr = buildReport(table.getModel(), pageSetup); JRDataSource ds = new JRTableModelDataSource(table.getModel()); JasperPrint jp = DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint(dr, new ClassicLayoutManager(), ds); labelsPane.reportFinished(jp); SubPaneMgr.getInstance().addPane(labelsPane); } catch (Exception ex) { excpt = ex; ex.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } @Override protected void done() { super.done(); UIRegistry.getStatusBar().setProgressDone(PRINT_GRID); UIRegistry.clearSimpleGlassPaneMsg(); if (excpt != null) { UIRegistry.getStatusBar().setErrorMessage(getResourceString("REP_ERR_GRDRPT"), excpt); } } }; final JStatusBar statusBar = UIRegistry.getStatusBar(); statusBar.setIndeterminate(PRINT_GRID, true); UIRegistry.writeSimpleGlassPaneMsg( getLocalizedMessage("REP_GRID_RPT", cmdAction.getProperty("gridtitle").toString()), 24); backupWorker.execute(); } /** * @param model * @return * @throws Exception */ public DynamicReport buildReport(final TableModel model, final PageSetupDlg pageSetupDlg) throws Exception { // Find a Sans Serif Font on the System String fontName = null; GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); for (java.awt.Font font : ge.getAllFonts()) { String fName = font.getFamily().toLowerCase(); if (StringUtils.contains(fName, "sansserif") || StringUtils.contains(fName, "arial") || StringUtils.contains(fName, "verdana")) { fontName = font.getFamily(); } } if (fontName == null) { fontName = Font._FONT_TIMES_NEW_ROMAN; } /** * Creates the DynamicReportBuilder and sets the basic options for the report */ FastReportBuilder drb = new FastReportBuilder(); Style columDetail = new Style(); //columDetail.setBorder(Border.THIN); Style columDetailWhite = new Style(); //columDetailWhite.setBorder(Border.THIN); columDetailWhite.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); columDetailWhite.setFont(new Font(10, fontName, true)); columDetailWhite.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); columDetailWhite.setBlankWhenNull(true); Style columDetailWhiteBold = new Style(); //columDetailWhiteBold.setBorder(Border.THIN); columDetailWhiteBold.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); Style titleStyle = new Style(); titleStyle.setFont(new Font(14, fontName, true)); /*Style numberStyle = new Style(); numberStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); Style amountStyle = new Style(); amountStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); amountStyle.setBackgroundColor(Color.cyan); amountStyle.setTransparency(Transparency.OPAQUE);*/ //Font dataRowFont = new Font(10, Font._FONT_VERDANA, true); // Odd Row Style Style oddRowStyle = new Style(); //oddRowStyle.setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER); //oddRowStyle.setFont(dataRowFont); oddRowStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); Color veryLightGrey = new Color(240, 240, 240); oddRowStyle.setBackgroundColor(veryLightGrey); oddRowStyle.setTransparency(Transparency.OPAQUE); // Event Row Style //Style evenRowStyle = new Style(); //evenRowStyle.setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER); //evenRowStyle.setFont(dataRowFont); // Create Column Headers for the Report for (int i = 0; i < model.getColumnCount(); i++) { String colName = model.getColumnName(i); Class<?> dataClass = model.getColumnClass(i); if (dataClass == Object.class) { if (model.getRowCount() > 0) { Object data = model.getValueAt(0, i); if (data != null) { dataClass = data.getClass(); } else { // Column in first row was null so search down the rows // for a non-empty cell for (int j = 1; j < model.getRowCount(); j++) { data = model.getValueAt(j, i); if (dataClass != null) { dataClass = data.getClass(); break; } } if (dataClass == null) { dataClass = String.class; } } } } ColumnBuilder colBldr = ColumnBuilder.getInstance().setColumnProperty(colName, dataClass.getName()); int bracketInx = colName.indexOf('['); if (bracketInx > -1) { colName = colName.substring(0, bracketInx - 1); } colBldr.setTitle(colName); //colBldr.setWidth(new Integer(100)); colBldr.setStyle(columDetailWhite); //colBldr.setHeaderStyle(columDetailWhite); AbstractColumn column =; drb.addColumn(column); Style headerStyle = new Style(); headerStyle.setFont(new Font(12, fontName, true)); //headerStyle.setBorder(Border.THIN); headerStyle.setHorizontalAlign(HorizontalAlign.CENTER); headerStyle.setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); headerStyle.setBackgroundColor(new Color(80, 80, 80)); headerStyle.setTransparency(Transparency.OPAQUE); headerStyle.setTextColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); column.setHeaderStyle(headerStyle); } drb.setTitle(pageSetupDlg.getPageTitle()); drb.setTitleStyle(titleStyle); //drb.setTitleHeight(new Integer(30)); //drb.setSubtitleHeight(new Integer(20)); //drb.setDetailHeight(new Integer(15)); //drb.setDefaultStyles(null, null, null, evenRowStyle); drb.setLeftMargin(20); drb.setRightMargin(20); drb.setTopMargin(10); drb.setBottomMargin(10); drb.setPrintBackgroundOnOddRows(true); drb.setOddRowBackgroundStyle(oddRowStyle); drb.setColumnsPerPage(new Integer(1)); drb.setUseFullPageWidth(true); drb.setColumnSpace(new Integer(5)); // This next line causes an exception // Event with DynamicReport 3.0.12 and JasperReposrts 3.7.3 //drb.addAutoText(AutoText.AUTOTEXT_PAGE_X_OF_Y, AutoText.POSITION_FOOTER, AutoText.ALIGMENT_CENTER); Page[] pageSizes = new Page[] { Page.Page_Letter_Portrait(), Page.Page_Legal_Portrait(), Page.Page_A4_Portrait(), Page.Page_Letter_Landscape(), Page.Page_Legal_Landscape(), Page.Page_A4_Landscape() }; int pageSizeInx = pageSetupDlg.getPageSize() + (pageSetupDlg.isPortrait() ? 0 : 3); drb.setPageSizeAndOrientation(pageSizes[pageSizeInx]); DynamicReport dr =; return dr; } /** * @param reportId * @param appRes */ public static void deleteReportAndResource(final Integer reportId, final Integer appResourceId) { Integer resourceId = null; if (reportId == null) { resourceId = appResourceId; } DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); boolean transOpen = false; try { String hql = reportId != null ? "from SpReport where id = " + reportId : "from SpReport where appResourceId = " + resourceId; SpReport rep = (SpReport) session.getData(hql); SpAppResource repRes = null; if (rep != null) { repRes = rep.getAppResource(); // ((SpecifyAppContextMgr) AppContextMgr.getInstance()).removeAppResourceSp(rep.getAppResource() // .getSpAppResourceDir(), rep.getAppResource()); } else { hql = "from SpAppResource where id = " + resourceId; repRes = (SpAppResource) session.getData(hql); } if (repRes != null) { ((SpecifyAppContextMgr) AppContextMgr.getInstance()) .removeAppResourceSp(repRes.getSpAppResourceDir(), repRes); } } catch (Exception e) { UsageTracker.incrHandledUsageCount(); edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(ReportsBaseTask.class, e); if (transOpen) { session.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } } /** * @param recordSets */ protected void deleteReportFromUI(final String btnName) { Pair<NavBoxIFace, NavBoxItemIFace> btn = findDnDBtn(btnName); if (btn != null) { reportsList.remove(btn.getSecond()); deleteDnDBtn(btn.getFirst(), btn.getSecond()); } } protected void refreshCommands() { commands.clear(); reportsList.clear(); reportsNavBox.clear(); labelsNavBox.clear(); addROCs(); //The rest of this was copied from RecordSetTask.saveNewRecordSet // XXX this is pathetic and needs to be generized reportsNavBox.invalidate(); reportsNavBox.setSize(reportsNavBox.getPreferredSize()); reportsNavBox.doLayout(); reportsNavBox.repaint(); labelsNavBox.invalidate(); labelsNavBox.setSize(reportsNavBox.getPreferredSize()); labelsNavBox.doLayout(); labelsNavBox.repaint(); NavBoxMgr.getInstance().invalidate(); NavBoxMgr.getInstance().doLayout(); NavBoxMgr.getInstance().repaint(); UIRegistry.forceTopFrameRepaint(); } /** * @param cmd * @return a fully-loaded SpReport */ protected SpReport loadReport(final RecordSet repRS) { SpReport result = null; if (repRS != null && repRS.getDbTableId() == SpReport.getClassTableId()) { DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); try { result = session.get(SpReport.class, repRS.getOrderedItems().iterator().next().getRecordId()); result.forceLoad(); } finally { session.close(); } } else { UIRegistry.showError("RecordSet was NULL or not of type report!"); } return result; } /** * @param helpContext * @return a fully-loaded SpReport of the User's choosing. */ protected NavBoxItemIFace selectReport(final String helpContext) { List<NavBoxItemIFace> options = this.reportsList; if (options.size() == 0) { UIRegistry.getStatusBar().setText(getResourceString("NO_RUNNABLE_REPORTS")); return null; } ChooseFromListDlg<NavBoxItemIFace> dlg = new ChooseFromListDlg<NavBoxItemIFace>( (Frame) UIRegistry.get(UIRegistry.FRAME), getResourceString("REP_CHOOSE_REPORT"), null, ChooseFromListDlg.OKCANCELHELP, options, helpContext); dlg.setModal(true); UIHelper.centerAndShow(dlg); NavBoxItemIFace selection = dlg.getSelectedObject(); if (!dlg.isCancelled() && selection != null) { return selection; } return null; } protected void importReport() { FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog((Frame) UIRegistry.get(UIRegistry.FRAME), getResourceString("CHOOSE_WORKBENCH_IMPORT_FILE"), FileDialog.LOAD); //Really shouldn't override workbench prefs with report stuff??? fileDialog.setDirectory(WorkbenchTask.getDefaultDirPath(WorkbenchTask.IMPORT_FILE_PATH)); fileDialog.setFilenameFilter(new { public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename).equalsIgnoreCase("jrxml"); } }); UIHelper.centerAndShow(fileDialog); fileDialog.dispose(); String fileName = fileDialog.getFile(); String path = fileDialog.getDirectory(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) { AppPreferences localPrefs = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs(); localPrefs.put(WorkbenchTask.IMPORT_FILE_PATH, path); } File file; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fileName) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) { file = new File(path + File.separator + fileName); } else { return; } if (file.exists()) { if (MainFrameSpecify.importJasperReport(file, true, null)) { refreshCommands(); } //else -- assume feedback during importJasperReport() } } /** * @param cmdAction */ protected void runReport(final CommandAction cmdAction) { NavBoxItemIFace toRun = null; SpReport spRepToRun = null; CommandAction runAction = null; CommandAction repAction = null; RecordSetIFace rs = null; if (cmdAction.isAction(RUN_REPORT)) //RunReport was clicked or dropped on { runAction = cmdAction; Object data = cmdAction.getData(); if (data instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction) data).isAction(PRINT_REPORT)) { repAction = (CommandAction) data; } } else if (cmdAction.isAction(PRINT_REPORT))//Report was dropped upon { repAction = cmdAction; Object data = cmdAction.getData(); if (data instanceof CommandAction && ((CommandAction) data).isAction(RUN_REPORT)) { runAction = (CommandAction) data; } else if (data instanceof RecordSetIFace) { rs = (RecordSetIFace) data; } } if (runAction != null && repAction == null) { toRun = selectReport("ReportRunReport"); //XXX add help if (toRun != null) { CommandAction cmd = (CommandAction) toRun.getData(); if (cmd.getProperty("spreport") != null) { RecordSet repRS = (RecordSet) cmd.getProperty("spreport"); spRepToRun = loadReport(repRS); } } } else if ((runAction != null || rs != null) && repAction != null) { spRepToRun = loadReport((RecordSet) repAction.getProperty("spreport")); } if (spRepToRun != null) { if (spRepToRun.getReportObject() instanceof WorkbenchTemplate) { //get workbench WorkbenchTemplate repTemplate = (WorkbenchTemplate) spRepToRun.getReportObject(); DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); try { List<Workbench> wbs = session.getDataList(Workbench.class, "specifyUser", AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(SpecifyUser.class), DataProviderSessionIFace.CompareType.Equals); Vector<Workbench> choices = new Vector<Workbench>(); for (Workbench wb : wbs) { if (repTemplate.containsAllMappings(wb.getWorkbenchTemplate())) { choices.add(wb); } } if (choices.size() == 0) { UIRegistry.displayInfoMsgDlgLocalized("ReportsBaseTask.NO_WBS_FOR_REPORT", spRepToRun.getName()); return; } Workbench repWB = null; if (choices.size() == 1) { repWB = choices.get(0); } else { ChooseFromListDlg<Workbench> wbDlg = new ChooseFromListDlg<Workbench>( (Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(), getResourceString("ReportsBaseTesk.SELECT_WB"), choices, IconManager.getIcon(name, IconManager.IconSize.Std24)); UIHelper.centerAndShow(wbDlg); repWB = wbDlg.getSelectedObject(); if (wbDlg.isCancelled() || repWB == null) { return; } } RecordSet wbRS = new RecordSet(); wbRS.initialize(); wbRS.set(repWB.getName(), Workbench.getClassTableId(), RecordSet.GLOBAL); wbRS.addItem(repWB.getId()); rs = wbRS; } finally { session.close(); } } QueryBldrPane.runReport(spRepToRun, spRepToRun.getName(), rs); } else if (toRun != null) { CommandDispatcher.dispatch((CommandAction) toRun.getData()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override protected void doProcessAppCommands(CommandAction cmdAction) { super.doProcessAppCommands(cmdAction); if (cmdAction.isAction(APP_RESTART_ACT)) { CommandDispatcher.unregister(REPORTS, this); CommandDispatcher.unregister(RecordSetTask.RECORD_SET, this); if (isInitialized) { reportsList.clear(); reportsNavBox.clear(); labelsNavBox.clear(); isInitialized = false; } this.initialize(); CommandDispatcher.register(REPORTS, this); CommandDispatcher.register(RecordSetTask.RECORD_SET, this); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void doCommand(final CommandAction cmdAction) { super.doCommand(cmdAction); /*if (true) { log.debug("Direct Properties:"); dumpProps(cmdAction.getProperties(), 0); }*/ //log.debug("*************** "+this); if (cmdAction.isType(REPORTS)) { processReportCommands(cmdAction); } else if (cmdAction.isType(RecordSetTask.RECORD_SET)) { processRecordSetCommands(cmdAction); } } /** * Returns the boolean value of "reqrs" from the metaData and true if it doesn't exist. * @param needsRSStr the string value of the map * @return true or false */ protected boolean getNeedsRecordSet(final String needsRSStr) { boolean needsRS = true; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(needsRSStr) && StringUtils.isAlpha(needsRSStr)) { needsRS = Boolean.parseBoolean(needsRSStr); } return needsRS; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String getPermissionName() { //This is required(?) because the Reports and Labels tasks are currently merged. return REPORTS; } /** * @return the permissions array */ @Override protected boolean[][] getPermsArray() { return new boolean[][] { { true, true, true, true }, { true, true, true, true }, { true, true, false, false }, { true, false, false, false } }; } /** * @param repResource * @returns true if repResource is currently available from the AppContextMgr. */ protected boolean repContextIsActive(final AppResourceIFace repResource) { AppResourceIFace match = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getResource(repResource.getName()); //XXX - Is it really safe to assume there there won't be more than one resource with the same name and mimeType? return match != null && match.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase(repResource.getMimeType()); } /** * Builds list of reports available for tableid. */ protected SortedSet<SearchResultReportServiceInfo> getReports(int tableId, final QueryBldrPane queryBuilder) { SortedSet<SearchResultReportServiceInfo> reports = new TreeSet<SearchResultReportServiceInfo>( new Comparator<SearchResultReportServiceInfo>() { public int compare(SearchResultReportServiceInfo o1, SearchResultReportServiceInfo o2) { return o1.getReportName().compareTo(o2.getReportName()); } }); boolean buildEm = true; if (AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn()) { Taskable reportsTask = ContextMgr.getTaskByClass(ReportsTask.class); if (reportsTask != null) { buildEm = reportsTask.getPermissions().canView(); } } if (buildEm) { //first add reports associated directly with the results if (queryBuilder != null) { for (SpReport rep : queryBuilder.getReportsForQuery()) { if (repContextIsActive(rep.getAppResource())) { reports.add(new SearchResultReportServiceInfo(rep.getName(), rep.getName(), true, null, rep.getAppResource().getId(), rep.getRepeats())); } } } if (tableId != -1) { //second add reports associated with the same table as the current results List<AppResourceIFace> reps = AppContextMgr.getInstance() .getResourceByMimeType(ReportsBaseTask.LABELS_MIME); reps.addAll(AppContextMgr.getInstance().getResourceByMimeType(ReportsBaseTask.REPORTS_MIME)); for (AppResourceIFace rep : reps) { String tblIdStr = rep.getMetaData("tableid"); if (tblIdStr != null) { if (tableId == Integer.valueOf(tblIdStr)) { reports.add(new SearchResultReportServiceInfo( rep.getDescription() /*'title' seems to be currently stored in description */, rep.getName() /* and filename in name */, false, null, ((SpAppResource) rep).getId(), null)); } else { //third add reports based on other queries... DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); try { SpReport spRep = (SpReport) session.getData( "from SpReport where appResourceId = " + ((SpAppResource) rep).getId()); if (spRep != null && spRep.getQuery() != null && spRep.getQuery().getContextTableId().intValue() == tableId) { reports.add(new SearchResultReportServiceInfo(rep.getDescription() /* * 'title' seems to be * currently stored in * description */, rep.getName() /* and filename in name */, false, spRep.getId(), ((SpAppResource) rep).getId(), null)); } } finally { session.close(); } } } } } } return reports; } //XXX might be good to register and un-register services as reports are added/deleted??? // public synchronized void reportDeleted(final Integer resourceId) // { // for (SearchResultReportServiceInfo repInfo : reports) // { // if (repInfo.getResourceId() != null && repInfo.getResourceId().equals(resourceId)) // { // reports.remove(repInfo); // break; // } // } // } }