Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.latlon; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createComboBox; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createLabel; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.loadAndPushResourceBundle; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.popResourceBundle; import static edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.convert; import static edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.convertIntToFORMAT; import static edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.ensureFormattedString; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Agent; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeoCoordDetail; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Locality; import edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.UIPluginBase; import edu.ku.brc.specify.rstools.GeoLocateRecordSetProcessor; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CustomDialog; import edu.ku.brc.ui.GetSetValueIFace; import edu.ku.brc.ui.IconManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.MacBtnBorder; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.util.GeoRefConverter; import edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.FORMAT; import edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.LATLON; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; /** * * Constructs the UI for entering in Lat/Lon data for a Locality Object. This is designed to handle different types of formats * and makes sure the get converted correctly. * * @author rods * * @code_status Beta * * Created Date: Jan 10, 2007 * */ public class LatLonUI extends UIPluginBase implements UIValidatable, ChangeListener { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UIPluginBase.class); protected final static String LAT_PREF = "latlon.plugin.def_lat"; protected final static String LON_PREF = "latlon.plugin.def_lon"; protected final static String TYP_PREF = "latlon.plugin.def_typ"; protected final static String FMT_PREF = "latlon.plugin.def_fmt"; protected final static String[] formatClass = new String[] { "DDDDPanel", "DDMMSSPanel", "DDMMMMPanel", }; protected final static String[] formats = new String[] { "DDD.DDD", "DD_MM_SS", "DD_MM.MM" }; protected final static String[] pointNames = { "LatLonPoint", "LatLonLineLeft", "LatLonLineRight", "LatLonRectTopLeft", "LatLonRectBottomRight" }; protected final static String[] typeNames = { "LatLonPoint", "LatLonLine", "LatLonRect" }; protected final static String[] typeNamesKeys = { "Point", "Line", "Rect" }; protected final static String[] typeToolTipKeys = { "PointTT", "LineTT", "RectTT" }; protected final static LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType[] types = { LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint, LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLLine, LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLRect }; protected final static String[] typeStrs = { "Point", "Line", "Rectangle" }; protected final static String[] fieldInfoNames = { "errorPolygon", "maxUncertaintyEst", "maxUncertaintyEstUnit", "geoRefDetBy", "geoRefDetDate", "geoRefDetRef", }; protected String[] errorMessages; protected CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); protected String[] typeNamesLabels; protected String[] typeToolTips; protected Hashtable<LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType, String> typeMapper = new Hashtable<LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType, String>(); protected JComboBox formatSelector; protected LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType currentType; protected boolean stateChangeOK = true; protected String[] fieldNames; protected Hashtable<JToggleButton, LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType> selectedTypeHash = new Hashtable<JToggleButton, LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType>(); protected ImageIcon[] pointImages; protected JComponent[] latLonPanes; protected CardLayout cardLayout = new CardLayout(); protected JPanel[] cardSubPanes; protected JPanel cardPanel; protected JComponent currentCardSubPane; protected JPanel botPanel; protected JPanel rightPanel; protected Border panelBorder = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(); protected JLabel typeLabel = null; protected int currentInx = -1; protected JToggleButton[] botBtns = null; protected Locality locality; protected DDDDPanel[] panels; protected String latLonType; protected boolean hasChanged = false; protected Pair<String, String> srcLatLon1 = new Pair<String, String>(); protected Pair<String, String> srcLatLon2 = new Pair<String, String>(); protected FORMAT srcFormat; protected FORMAT choosenFormat; protected GeoRefConverter geoRefCnv = new GeoRefConverter(); protected PrefsPanel prefsPanel = null; // UIValidatable && UIPluginable protected UIValidatable.ErrorType valState = UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid; protected boolean isRequired = false; protected boolean isChanged = false; protected boolean isNew = false; protected String reason = null; // GeoCoorddetail protected MultiView gcdMV = null; protected boolean didGCDFieldCheck = false; protected HashMap<String, FVOFieldInfo> fldInfoMap = new HashMap<String, FVOFieldInfo>(); /** * Constructs the UI for entering in Lat/Lon data for a Locality Object. */ public LatLonUI() { super(); loadAndPushResourceBundle("specify_plugins"); title = UIRegistry.getResourceString("LatLonUI"); typeNamesLabels = new String[typeNamesKeys.length]; typeToolTips = new String[typeToolTipKeys.length]; int i = 0; for (String key : typeNamesKeys) { typeNamesLabels[i] = getResourceString(key); typeToolTips[i] = getResourceString(typeToolTipKeys[i]); i++; } String[] keys = new String[] { "LatLonUI.POINT_ERR", "LatLonUI.POINT_INCMP", "LatLonUI.FIRST_POINT_ERR", "LatLonUI.FIRST_POINT_INCMP", "LatLonUI.SEC_POINT_ERR", "LatLonUI.SEC_POINT_INCMP" }; errorMessages = new String[keys.length]; i = 0; for (String key : keys) { errorMessages[i++] = getResourceString(key); } popResourceBundle(); fieldNames = new String[] { "latitude1", "longitude1", "latitude2", "longitude2", "lat1text", "long1text", "lat2text", "long2text", "latLongType", "originalLatLongUnit", "srcLatLongUnit", }; } /** * Creates the UI. * @param localityCEP the locality object (can be null) */ protected void createEditUI() { loadAndPushResourceBundle("specify_plugins"); PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p", "p, 2px, p"), this); Color bgColor = getBackground(); bgColor = new Color(Math.min(bgColor.getRed() + 20, 255), Math.min(bgColor.getGreen() + 20, 255), Math.min(bgColor.getBlue() + 20, 255)); //System.out.println(bgColor); setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(bgColor), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4))); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { typeMapper.put(types[i], typeStrs[i]); } currentType = LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint; pointImages = new ImageIcon[pointNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pointNames.length; i++) { pointImages[i] = IconManager.getIcon(pointNames[i], IconManager.IconSize.Std16); } String[] formatLabels = new String[formats.length]; for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { formatLabels[i] = getResourceString(formats[i]); } cardPanel = new JPanel(cardLayout); formatSelector = createComboBox(formatLabels); latLonPanes = new JComponent[formatLabels.length]; formatSelector.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { swapForm(formatSelector.getSelectedIndex(), currentType);, ((JComboBox) ae.getSource()).getSelectedItem().toString()); //stateChanged(null); } }); Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(0, 0); cardSubPanes = new JPanel[formats.length * 2]; panels = new DDDDPanel[formats.length * 2]; int paneInx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { cardSubPanes[i] = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); try { String packageName = "edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.latlon."; DDDDPanel latLon1 = Class.forName(packageName + formatClass[i]).asSubclass(DDDDPanel.class) .newInstance(); latLon1.setIsRequired(isRequired); latLon1.setViewMode(isViewMode); latLon1.init(); latLon1.setChangeListener(this); JPanel panel1 = latLon1; panel1.setBorder(panelBorder); panels[paneInx++] = latLon1; latLonPanes[i] = panel1; DDDDPanel latlon2 = Class.forName(packageName + formatClass[i]).asSubclass(DDDDPanel.class) .newInstance(); latlon2.setIsRequired(isRequired); latlon2.setViewMode(isViewMode); latlon2.init(); latlon2.setChangeListener(this); panels[paneInx++] = latlon2; JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane( UIHelper.getOSType() == UIHelper.OSTYPE.MacOSX ? SwingConstants.BOTTOM : SwingConstants.RIGHT); tabbedPane.addTab(null, pointImages[0], panels[paneInx - 2]); tabbedPane.addTab(null, pointImages[0], panels[paneInx - 1]); latLonPanes[i] = tabbedPane; Dimension size = tabbedPane.getPreferredSize(); preferredSize.width = Math.max(preferredSize.width, size.width); preferredSize.height = Math.max(preferredSize.height, size.height); tabbedPane.removeAll(); cardSubPanes[i].add(panel1, BorderLayout.CENTER); cardPanel.add(formatLabels[i], cardSubPanes[i]); /*if (locality != null) { latLon1.set(locality.getLatitude1(), locality.getLongitude1(), locality.getLat1text(), locality.getLong1text()); latlon2.set(locality.getLatitude2(), locality.getLongitude2(), locality.getLat2text(), locality.getLong2text()); }*/ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(LatLonUI.class, e); } } // Makes they are all the same size for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { cardSubPanes[i].setPreferredSize(preferredSize); } //final LatLonPanel thisPanel = this; PanelBuilder botBtnBar = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p:g,p,10px,p,10px,p,p:g", "p")); ButtonGroup btnGroup = new ButtonGroup(); botBtns = new JToggleButton[typeNames.length]; if (UIHelper.isMacOS()) { /*for (int i=0;i<botBtns.length;i++) { ImageIcon selIcon = IconManager.getIcon(typeNames[i]+"Sel", IconManager.IconSize.Std16); ImageIcon unselIcon = IconManager.getIcon(typeNames[i], IconManager.IconSize.Std16); MacIconRadioButton rb = new MacIconRadioButton(selIcon, unselIcon); botBtns[i] = rb; rb.setBorder(new MacBtnBorder()); Dimension size = rb.getPreferredSize(); int max = Math.max(size.width, size.height); size.setSize(max, max); rb.setPreferredSize(size); }*/ BorderedRadioButton.setSelectedBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED)); BorderedRadioButton.setUnselectedBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); for (int i = 0; i < botBtns.length; i++) { BorderedRadioButton rb = new BorderedRadioButton( IconManager.getIcon(typeNames[i], IconManager.IconSize.Std16)); botBtns[i] = rb; rb.makeSquare(); rb.setBorder(new MacBtnBorder()); } } else { BorderedRadioButton.setSelectedBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED)); BorderedRadioButton.setUnselectedBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); for (int i = 0; i < botBtns.length; i++) { BorderedRadioButton rb = new BorderedRadioButton( IconManager.getIcon(typeNames[i], IconManager.IconSize.Std16)); botBtns[i] = rb; rb.makeSquare(); } } for (int i = 0; i < botBtns.length; i++) { botBtns[i].setToolTipText(typeToolTips[i]); botBtnBar.add(botBtns[i], cc.xy((i * 2) + 2, 1)); btnGroup.add(botBtns[i]); selectedTypeHash.put(botBtns[i], types[i]); botBtns[i].addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ce) { stateChanged(null); currentType = selectedTypeHash.get(ce.getSource()); swapForm(formatSelector.getSelectedIndex(), currentType); } }); } botBtns[0].setSelected(true); if (isViewMode) { typeLabel = createLabel(" "); } ActionListener infoAL = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doPrefs(); } }; JButton infoBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("Preferences", IconManager.IconSize.Std16, getResourceString("PREFERENCES"), true, infoAL); infoBtn.setEnabled(true); PanelBuilder topPane = new PanelBuilder( new FormLayout("l:p, c:p:g" + (isViewMode ? "" : ",4px,p,8px"), "p")); topPane.add(formatSelector, cc.xy(1, 1)); topPane.add(isViewMode ? typeLabel : botBtnBar.getPanel(), cc.xy(2, 1)); if (!isViewMode) topPane.add(infoBtn, cc.xy(4, 1)); builder.add(topPane.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, 1)); builder.add(cardPanel, cc.xy(1, 3)); prefsPanel = new PrefsPanel(false); prefsPanel.add(getResourceString("LatLonUI.LL_SEP")); prefsPanel.add(CompType.eCheckbox, getResourceString("LatLonUI.LATDEF_DIR"), LAT_PREF, Boolean.class, true); prefsPanel.add(CompType.eCheckbox, getResourceString("LatLonUI.LONDEF_DIR"), LON_PREF, Boolean.class, true); prefsPanel.add(CompType.eComboBox, getResourceString("LatLonUI.DEF_TYP"), TYP_PREF, Integer.class, typeNamesLabels, 0); prefsPanel.add(CompType.eComboBox, getResourceString("LatLonUI.DEF_FMT"), FMT_PREF, Integer.class, formatLabels, 0); prefsPanel.createForm(null, null); popResourceBundle(); } /** * */ private void doPrefs() { CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Dialog) null, getResourceString("PREFERENCES"), true, CustomDialog.OKCANCEL, prefsPanel); dlg.setVisible(true); if (!dlg.isCancelled()) { prefsPanel.savePrefs(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.JComponent#setEnabled(boolean) */ public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); formatSelector.setEnabled(enabled); for (LatLonUIIFace ll : panels) { ll.setEnabled(enabled); } if (botBtns != null) { for (JToggleButton brb : botBtns) { brb.setEnabled(enabled); } } } /** * @return whether the current panel has a valid Lat and Lon */ public boolean isNotEmpty() { int curInx = formatSelector.getSelectedIndex() * 2; return panels[curInx].getLatitude() != null && panels[curInx].getLongitude() != null; } /** * @param formatHasChanged * @param prevPanel1 * @param prevPanel2 * @param latLon1 * @param latLon2 * @param fromFmt * @param toFmt */ protected void checkPanel(final boolean formatHasChanged, final DDDDPanel prevPanel1, final DDDDPanel prevPanel2, final Pair<String, String> latLon1, final Pair<String, String> latLon2, final FORMAT fromFmt, final FORMAT toFmt) { if (formatHasChanged) { if (prevPanel1.validateState(false) == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid) { srcFormat = prevPanel1.getDefaultFormat(); latLon1.first = convert(latLon1.first, fromFmt, toFmt, LATLON.Latitude); latLon1.second = convert(latLon1.second, fromFmt, toFmt, LATLON.Longitude); if (latLon1.first == null || latLon1.second == null) { UIRegistry.showError("There was a problem converting the lat/lon value."); return; } if (prevPanel2 != null && latLon2 != null) { latLon2.first = convert(prevPanel2.getLatitudeStr(), fromFmt, toFmt, LATLON.Latitude); latLon2.second = convert(prevPanel2.getLongitudeStr(), fromFmt, toFmt, LATLON.Longitude); } hasChanged = true; stateChanged(null); prevPanel1.setHasChanged(false); } } else { if (latLon1.first == null && latLon1.second == null) { latLon1.first = prevPanel1.getLatitudeStr(false); latLon1.second = prevPanel1.getLongitudeStr(); } if (prevPanel2 != null && latLon2 != null && latLon2.first == null && latLon2.second == null) { latLon2.first = prevPanel2.getLatitudeStr(false); latLon2.second = prevPanel2.getLongitudeStr(); } } } /** * Swaps the the proper form into the panel. * @param formInx the index of the format that is being used. * @param type the type of point, line or Rect being used */ protected void swapForm(final int formInx, final LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType type) { if (currentInx != -1 && currentInx != formInx) { FORMAT[] fmts = FORMAT.values(); FORMAT fromFmt = srcFormat; FORMAT toFmt = fmts[formInx]; DDDDPanel prevPanel1 = panels[(currentInx * 2)]; DDDDPanel prevPanel2 = panels[(currentInx * 2) + 1]; DDDDPanel nextPanel1 = panels[(formInx * 2)]; DDDDPanel nextPanel2 = panels[(formInx * 2) + 1]; boolean srcFormatHasChanged = prevPanel1.getDefaultFormat() != srcFormat; // same for either panel 1 or 2 if (type == LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint) { if (prevPanel1.hasChanged()) { checkPanel(srcFormatHasChanged, prevPanel1, null, srcLatLon1, null, fromFmt, toFmt); } else if (srcLatLon1.first == null && srcLatLon1.second == null) { srcFormat = nextPanel1.getDefaultFormat(); } } else { if (prevPanel1.hasChanged() && !prevPanel2.hasChanged()) { checkPanel(srcFormatHasChanged, prevPanel1, prevPanel2, srcLatLon1, srcLatLon2, fromFmt, toFmt); } else if (prevPanel2.hasChanged() && !prevPanel1.hasChanged()) { checkPanel(srcFormatHasChanged, prevPanel2, prevPanel1, srcLatLon2, srcLatLon1, fromFmt, toFmt); } else if (prevPanel1.hasChanged() && prevPanel2.hasChanged()) { checkPanel(srcFormatHasChanged, prevPanel1, null, srcLatLon1, null, fromFmt, toFmt); checkPanel(srcFormatHasChanged, prevPanel2, null, srcLatLon2, null, fromFmt, toFmt); } else if (srcLatLon1.first == null && srcLatLon1.second == null && srcLatLon2.first == null && srcLatLon2.second == null) { srcFormat = nextPanel1.getDefaultFormat(); } } nextPanel1.set(srcFormat, srcLatLon1.first, srcLatLon1.second); if (type == LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint) { nextPanel2.clear(); } else { nextPanel2.set(srcFormat, srcLatLon2.first, srcLatLon2.second); } hasChanged = true; stateChanged(null); choosenFormat = toFmt; } // Set the radio button accordingly for (JToggleButton rb : selectedTypeHash.keySet()) { if (selectedTypeHash.get(rb).ordinal() == type.ordinal()) { rb.setSelected(true); break; } } JPanel panel = panels[(formInx * 2)]; cardSubPanes[formInx].removeAll(); if (type == LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint) { cardSubPanes[formInx].add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.setBorder(panelBorder); } else { JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) latLonPanes[formInx]; tabbedPane.removeAll(); cardSubPanes[formInx].add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.setBorder(null); int inx = type == LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLLine ? 1 : 3; tabbedPane.addTab(null, pointImages[inx++], panels[(formInx * 2)]); tabbedPane.addTab(null, pointImages[inx], panels[(formInx * 2) + 1]); } cardPanel.validate(); cardPanel.doLayout(); cardPanel.repaint(); currentInx = formInx; } /** * Converts a String to an enum. * @param typeStr the string * @return the LatLongType enum */ protected static LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType convertLatLongType(final String typeStr) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(typeStr) || typeStr.equals("Point")) { return LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint; } else if (typeStr.equals("Line")) { return LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLLine; } else if (typeStr.equals("Rectangle")) { return LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLRect; } // else return LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint; } /** * Sets the input panel back to DDDDDD and to point. */ public void resetUI() { botBtns[0].doClick(); formatSelector.setSelectedIndex(0); } /** * @param latStr1 * @param lonStr1 * @param latStr2 * @param lonStr2 */ public void setLatLon(final String latStr1, final String lonStr1, final String latStr2, final String lonStr2) { // NOTE: Every other panel has point 1 or point 2 if (currentInx > -1) { srcLatLon1.first = latStr1; srcLatLon1.second = lonStr1; srcLatLon2.first = latStr2; srcLatLon2.second = lonStr2; // Correct the format if it is wrong FORMAT checkFmt = latStr1 != null ? geoRefCnv.getLatLonFormat(latStr1) : panels[currentInx].getDefaultFormat(); //log.debug("srcFormat: "+srcFormat+" <- checkFmt: "+checkFmt); if (checkFmt != srcFormat) { srcFormat = checkFmt; } panels[currentInx * 2].set(srcFormat, latStr1, lonStr1); panels[(currentInx * 2) + 1].set(srcFormat, latStr2, lonStr2); stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(this)); } } /** * @param fieldName * @param dataObj * @param value */ private void setFVOFieldValue(final String fieldName, FormDataObjIFace dataObj, final Object value) { FVOFieldInfo fvi = fldInfoMap.get(fieldName); if (fvi != null && fvi.getComp() instanceof GetSetValueIFace) { ((GetSetValueIFace) fvi.getComp()).setValue(value, null); } else { FormHelper.setValue(dataObj, fieldName, value); } } /** * @param errorPoly * @param errorEstimate */ public void setErrorInfo(final String errorPoly, final BigDecimal errorEstimate) { didGCDFieldCheck = false; if (fvo != null && gcdMV == null) { for (MultiView kidMV : fvo.getKids()) { if (kidMV.isEditable() && kidMV.getView().getClassName().equals(GeoCoordDetail.class.getName())) { gcdMV = kidMV; break; } } } GeoCoordDetail geoCoordDetail = null; if (gcdMV != null) { Object formData = gcdMV.getCurrentViewAsFormViewObj().getDataObj(); boolean alreadyHasData = formData != null; if (formData instanceof GeoCoordDetail) { geoCoordDetail = (GeoCoordDetail) formData; } else { geoCoordDetail = new GeoCoordDetail(); geoCoordDetail.initialize(); locality.getGeoCoordDetails().add(geoCoordDetail); geoCoordDetail.setLocality(locality); if (!alreadyHasData && geoCoordDetail.getId() == null) { gcdMV.setData(locality.getGeoCoordDetails()); } } if (!didGCDFieldCheck) { for (Viewable view : gcdMV.getViewables()) { if (view.isSubform() && view instanceof FormViewObj) { FormViewObj kidFVO = (FormViewObj) view; for (String fiNm : fieldInfoNames) { FVOFieldInfo fvi = kidFVO.getFieldInfoForName(fiNm); if (fvi != null) { fldInfoMap.put(fiNm, fvi); } } } } didGCDFieldCheck = true; } Object[] vals = { errorPoly, errorEstimate, "m", // 'm' means meters Agent.getUserAgent(), Calendar.getInstance(), (new GeoLocateRecordSetProcessor()).getGeoRefProviderName() }; geoCoordDetail.setGeoRefDetBy(Agent.getUserAgent()); //fix for #10129. Set to form control in loop below doesn't 'take'. //Afraid meddling with ValComboBox code will create general errors. for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfoNames.length; i++) { setFVOFieldValue(fieldInfoNames[i], geoCoordDetail, vals[i]); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // GetSetValueIFace Interface //-------------------------------------------------------- /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.UIPluginBase#setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void setValue(final Object value, final String defaultValue) { super.setValue(value, defaultValue); // rods - It CANNOT return on null! // Commenting out below to fix Bug 5476 /*if (value == null) { return; }*/ if (value != null && !(value instanceof Locality)) { throw new RuntimeException("Data [" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + "] is not of class Locality!"); } for (DDDDPanel p : panels) { p.setHasChanged(false); } locality = (Locality) value; if (locality != null) { // This figures out if there is a BD value and/or a text value // and formats the String if there isn't one FORMAT defaultFormat = null; if (locality.isOriginalLatLongUnitEmpty()) { defaultFormat = convertIntToFORMAT(AppPreferences.getRemote().getInt(LatLonUI.FMT_PREF, 0)); } else { defaultFormat = convertIntToFORMAT(locality.getOriginalLatLongUnit()); } choosenFormat = defaultFormat; srcFormat = locality.getId() == null ? choosenFormat : convertIntToFORMAT(locality.getSrcLatLongUnit()); srcLatLon1.first = ensureFormattedString(locality.getLatitude1(), locality.getLat1text(), defaultFormat, LATLON.Latitude); srcLatLon1.second = ensureFormattedString(locality.getLongitude1(), locality.getLong1text(), defaultFormat, LATLON.Longitude); srcLatLon2.first = ensureFormattedString(locality.getLatitude2(), locality.getLat2text(), defaultFormat, LATLON.Latitude); srcLatLon2.second = ensureFormattedString(locality.getLongitude2(), locality.getLong2text(), defaultFormat, LATLON.Longitude); currentInx = defaultFormat.ordinal(); currentType = locality.getLatLongType() == null ? types[AppPreferences.getRemote().getInt(LatLonUI.TYP_PREF, 0)] : convertLatLongType(locality.getLatLongType()); // Point, Line or Rect setLatLon(srcLatLon1.first, srcLatLon1.second, srcLatLon2.first, srcLatLon2.second); } else { currentInx = 0; currentType = LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint; setLatLon(null, null, null, null); } //log.debug("******** Index: "+currentInx); stateChangeOK = false; formatSelector.setSelectedIndex(currentInx);, formatSelector.getSelectedItem().toString()); if (typeLabel != null) { typeLabel.setText(typeNamesLabels[currentType.ordinal()]); } stateChangeOK = true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.UIPluginBase#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { if (locality != null && currentType != null) { locality.setLatLongType(typeMapper.get(currentType)); locality.setOriginalLatLongUnit(choosenFormat.ordinal()); log.debug("getValue - choosenFormat " + choosenFormat); int curInx = formatSelector.getSelectedIndex() * 2; DDDDPanel prevPanel1 = panels[curInx]; DDDDPanel prevPanel2 = panels[curInx + 1]; prevPanel1.getDataFromUI(); // get data for Lat/Long One prevPanel2.getDataFromUI(); // get data for Lat/Long Two //boolean srcFormatHasChanged = prevPanel1.getDefaultFormat() != srcFormat; // same for either panel 1 or 2 //if (srcFormatHasChanged) //{ if (prevPanel1.hasChanged()) { srcFormat = prevPanel1.getDefaultFormat(); } //} // Panel One locality.setLatitude1(prevPanel1.getLatitude()); locality.setLongitude1(prevPanel1.getLongitude()); locality.setLat1text(locality.getLat1() != null ? prevPanel1.getSrcLatitudeStr() : null); locality.setLong1text(locality.getLong1() != null ? prevPanel1.getSrcLongitudeStr() : null); // Panel Two locality.setLatitude2(prevPanel2.getLatitude()); locality.setLongitude2(prevPanel2.getLongitude()); locality.setLat2text(locality.getLat2() != null ? prevPanel2.getSrcLatitudeStr() : null); locality.setLong2text(locality.getLong2() != null ? prevPanel2.getSrcLongitudeStr() : null); //log.debug("srcFormat "+srcFormat); locality.setSrcLatLongUnit((byte) srcFormat.ordinal()); } return locality; } /** * @return */ public Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal> getLatLon() { int curInx = formatSelector.getSelectedIndex() * 2; panels[curInx].getDataFromUI(); // get data for Lat/Long One panels[curInx + 1].getDataFromUI(); // get data for Lat/Long Two Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal> latLon = new Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>(); latLon.first = panels[curInx].getLatitude(); latLon.second = panels[curInx].getLongitude(); return latLon; } //-------------------------------------------------------- //-- UIPluginable //-------------------------------------------------------- /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean) */ public void initialize(final Properties propertiesArg, final boolean isViewModeArg) { super.initialize(propertiesArg, isViewModeArg); createEditUI(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void shutdown() { super.shutdown(); locality = null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void setParent(FormViewObj parent) { super.setParent(parent); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.UIPluginBase#canCarryForward() */ @Override public boolean canCarryForward() { return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.UIPluginBase#getCarryForwardFields() */ @Override public String[] getCarryForwardFields() { return fieldNames; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String[] getFieldNames() { return fieldNames; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // UIValidatable Interface //-------------------------------------------------------- /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#cleanUp() */ public void cleanUp() { for (LatLonUIIFace panel : panels) { panel.cleanUp(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#getState() */ public ErrorType getState() { return valState; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#getValidatableUIComp() */ public Component getValidatableUIComp() { return this; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#isChanged() */ public boolean isChanged() { return isChanged; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#isInError() */ public boolean isInError() { return valState != UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#isRequired() */ public boolean isRequired() { return isRequired; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#reset() */ public void reset() { setLatLon(null, null, null, null); valState = isRequired ? UIValidatable.ErrorType.Incomplete : UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid; isChanged = false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#setAsNew(boolean) */ public void setAsNew(final boolean isNew) { this.isNew = isNew; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#setChanged(boolean) */ public void setChanged(boolean isChanged) { this.isChanged = isChanged; if (isChanged) { for (PropertyChangeListener l : getPropertyChangeListeners()) { l.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(LatLonUI.this, "latlon", null, getLatLon())); } } if (!isChanged) { for (LatLonUIIFace panel : panels) { panel.setHasChanged(isChanged); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#setRequired(boolean) */ public void setRequired(boolean isRequired) { this.isRequired = isRequired; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#setState(edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable.ErrorType) */ public void setState(ErrorType state) { this.valState = state; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#validateState() */ public ErrorType validateState() { reason = null; // this validates the state valState = UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid; int startInx = (currentInx * 2); for (int i = startInx; i < startInx + 2; i++) { // First check to see if the panel is Valid // Empty is Valid. boolean isNotPoint = currentType != LatLonUIIFace.LatLonType.LLPoint; if (i == startInx || isNotPoint) { UIValidatable.ErrorType errType = panels[i].validateState(isNotPoint); if (errType.ordinal() > valState.ordinal()) { //reason = panels[i].getReason(); valState = errType; if (i == startInx) { if (valState == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Incomplete) { reason = isNotPoint ? errorMessages[3] : errorMessages[1]; } else { reason = isNotPoint ? errorMessages[2] : errorMessages[0]; } } else { reason = valState == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Incomplete ? errorMessages[5] : errorMessages[4]; } } } } return valState; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.validation.UIValidatable#getReason() */ public String getReason() { return reason; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // ChangeListener Interface //-------------------------------------------------------- public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { if (stateChangeOK) { validateState(); isChanged = true; notifyChangeListeners(e); } } }