Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research
 * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute,
 * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package edu.ku.brc.specify.dbsupport;

import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.buildSelectFieldList;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.getFieldNamesFromSchema;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.query;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.queryForInts;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.querySingleObj;
import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.update;
import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getLocalizedMessage;
import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString;

import java.awt.Frame;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;

import com.install4j.api.launcher.ApplicationLauncher;
import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout;

import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DBConnection;
import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DBMSUserMgr;
import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderFactory;
import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace;
import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DatabaseDriverInfo;
import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SchemaUpdateService;
import edu.ku.brc.helpers.XMLHelper;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.Specify;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.config.SpecifyGUIDGeneratorFactory;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.IdMapperMgr;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.IdTableMapper;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.TableWriter;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Accession;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.AccessionAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Address;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Agent;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.AgentAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Attachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Borrow;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.BorrowAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectingEvent;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectingEventAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectingEventAttribute;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Collection;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectionObject;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectionObjectAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectionObjectAttribute;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Collector;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ConservDescription;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ConservDescriptionAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ConservEvent;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ConservEventAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.DNASequence;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.DNASequenceAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.DNASequencingRun;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.DNASequencingRunAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Determination;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Discipline;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Division;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebook;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebookAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebookPage;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebookPageAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebookPageSet;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.FieldNotebookPageSetAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeoCoordDetail;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Geography;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeologicTimePeriod;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Gift;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GiftAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Institution;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Journal;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Loan;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LoanAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LoanPreparation;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Locality;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LocalityAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LocalityDetail;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.PaleoContext;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Permit;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.PermitAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Preparation;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.PreparationAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.PreparationAttribute;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ReferenceWork;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ReferenceWorkAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.RepositoryAgreement;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.RepositoryAgreementAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchema;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchemaItem;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpExportSchemaMapping;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpLocaleContainer;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpQuery;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpQueryField;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpTaskSemaphore;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpVersion;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpecifyUser;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Taxon;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.TaxonAttachment;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.WorkbenchRow;
import edu.ku.brc.specify.utilapps.BuildSampleDatabase;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.ChooseFromListDlg;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandAction;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandDispatcher;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.CustomDialog;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.ProgressFrame;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry;
import edu.ku.brc.util.AttachmentUtils;
import edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter;
import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair;

 * @author rods
 * @code_status Alpha
 * May 18, 2009
public class SpecifySchemaUpdateService extends SchemaUpdateService {
    protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SpecifySchemaUpdateService.class);

    private final int OVERALL_TOTAL = 57; //the number of incOverall() calls (+1 or +2)

    private static final String TINYINT4 = "TINYINT(4)";
    private static final String INT11 = "INT(11)";

    private static final String APP = "App";
    private static final String APP_REQ_EXIT = "AppReqExit";
    private static final String SCHEMA_VERSION_FILENAME = "schema_version.xml";

    private static final String UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH = "Update count didn't match for update to table: %s";
    private static final String COL_TYP_NO_DET = "Column type couldn't be determined for update to table %s";
    private static final String ERR_ADDING_FIELDS = "For table %s error adding fields %s";

    private Pair<String, String> itUserNamePassword = null;
    private ProgressFrame frame;
    private String errMsgStr = null;

    public SpecifySchemaUpdateService() {

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SchemaUpdateService#getDBSchemaVersionFromXML()
    public String getDBSchemaVersionFromXML() {
        String dbVersion = null;
        Element root;
        try {
            root = XMLHelper
                    .readFileToDOM4J(new FileInputStream(XMLHelper.getConfigDirPath(SCHEMA_VERSION_FILENAME)));//$NON-NLS-1$
            if (root != null) {
                dbVersion = ((Element) root).getTextTrim();
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return dbVersion;

     * @param appVerNumArg
     * @return true if appVerNumArg seems to be an internal version
    protected boolean isInternalVerNum(final String appVerNumArg) {
        if (appVerNumArg != null) {
            String[] pieces = StringUtils.split(appVerNumArg, ".");
            for (int p = 0; p < pieces.length; p++) {
                try {
                    new Integer(pieces[p]);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Makes L10N Key
     * @param shortKey
     * @return L10N Key
    private static String mkKey(final String shortKey) {
        return "SpecifySchemaUpdateService." + shortKey;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SchemaUpdateService#updateSchema(java.lang.String)
    public SchemaUpdateType updateSchema(final String appVerNumber, final String username) {
        String dbVersion = getDBSchemaVersionFromXML();
        String appVerNum = appVerNumber;
        boolean internalVerNum = isInternalVerNum(appVerNum);

        boolean useSilentSuccess = false;

        DBConnection dbConn = DBConnection.getInstance();
        if (dbConn != null) {

            DBMSUserMgr dbMgr = DBMSUserMgr.getInstance();
            if (dbMgr.connect(dbConn.getUserName(), dbConn.getPassword(), dbConn.getServerName(),
                    dbConn.getDatabaseName())) {

                // Here checks to see if this is the first ever
                boolean doUpdateAppVer = false;
                boolean doSchemaUpdate = false;
                boolean doInsert = false;
                String appVerFromDB = null;
                String schemaVerFromDB = null;
                Integer spverId = null;
                Integer recVerNum = 1;

                //log.debug("appVerNumArg:  ["+appVerNumber+"] dbVersion from XML["+dbVersion+"] "+ dbVersion.compareTo("1.6"));

                if (dbMgr.doesDBHaveTable("spversion")) {
                    Vector<Object[]> rows = query(dbConn.getConnection(),
                            "SELECT AppVersion, SchemaVersion, SpVersionID, Version FROM spversion ORDER BY TimestampCreated DESC");
                    if (rows.size() > 0) {
                        Object[] row = (Object[]) rows.get(rows.size() - 1);
                        appVerFromDB = row[0].toString();
                        schemaVerFromDB = row[1].toString();
                        spverId = (Integer) row[2];
                        recVerNum = (Integer) row[3];

                        log.debug("appVerNumArg: [" + appVerNumber + "] dbVersion from XML[" + dbVersion
                                + "] appVersion[" + appVerFromDB + "] schemaVersion[" + schemaVerFromDB
                                + "]  spverId[" + spverId + "]  recVerNum[" + recVerNum + "] ");

                        if (appVerNum == null /*happens for developers*/ || internalVerNum) {
                            appVerNum = appVerFromDB;

                        if (appVerFromDB == null || schemaVerFromDB == null) {
                            doUpdateAppVer = true;

                        } else if (!appVerFromDB.equals(appVerNum)) {
                            if (checkVersion(appVerFromDB, appVerNum, mkKey("APP_VER_ERR"),
                                    mkKey("APP_VER_NEQ_OLD"), mkKey("APP_VER_NEQ_NEW"), false)) {
                                doUpdateAppVer = true;
                            } else {
                                CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schemaVerFromDB)) {
                            boolean doOverrideUpdateSchema = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs()
                                    .getBoolean("UPDATE_SCHEMA", false);
                            if (doOverrideUpdateSchema) {
                                AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().putBoolean("UPDATE_SCHEMA", false);
                                double currVersion = Double.parseDouble(schemaVerFromDB.trim());
                                if (currVersion > 1.6) {
                                    dbVersion = String.format("%2.1f", currVersion);
                                    currVersion -= 0.1;
                                    schemaVerFromDB = String.format("%2.1f", currVersion);

                        if (dbVersion != null && schemaVerFromDB != null) {
                            Boolean isDBClosed = false;
                            String dbClosedBy = null;

                            //log.debug("schemaVerFromDB["+schemaVerFromDB+"]  compareTo["+schemaVerFromDB.compareTo("1.6")+"] ");
                            if (schemaVerFromDB.compareTo("1.6") > -1) {
                                rows = query(dbConn.getConnection(),
                                        "SELECT IsDBClosed, DbClosedBy FROM spversion ORDER BY TimestampCreated DESC");
                                if (rows.size() > 0) {
                                    row = (Object[]) rows.get(rows.size() - 1);
                                    isDBClosed = (Boolean) row[0];
                                    dbClosedBy = (String) row[1];
                                    //log.debug("isDBClosed["+isDBClosed+"]  dbClosedBy["+dbClosedBy+"] ");

                            if (isDBClosed != null && isDBClosed) {
                                if (dbClosedBy != null && !dbClosedBy.equals(username)) {
                                    UIRegistry.showLocalizedError("SYSSTP_CLSD_MSG", dbClosedBy);
                                    return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                            if (!schemaVerFromDB.equals(dbVersion)) {
                                String errKey = mkKey("DB_VER_NEQ");
                                if (checkVersion(schemaVerFromDB, dbVersion, mkKey("DB_VER_ERR"), errKey, errKey,
                                        false)) {
                                    doSchemaUpdate = true;
                                } else {
                                    CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                    return SchemaUpdateType.Error;
                    } else {
                        //If somebody somehow got a hold of an 'internal' version (via a conversion, or possibly by manually checking for updates.
                        doUpdateAppVer = true;
                        if (appVerNumber != null && appVerNumber.length() > 2) {
                            doSchemaUpdate = true; //Integer.parseInt(appVerNumArg.substring(2, 3)) == 0;
                            useSilentSuccess = true;
                } else {
                    doInsert = true;

                try {
                    if (doSchemaUpdate || doInsert || doUpdateAppVer) {
                        if (!appCanUpdateSchema) {
                            return SchemaUpdateType.Error;



                        if (doSchemaUpdate || doInsert) {

                            if (!askToUpdateSchema()) {
                                CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                            /* Warning Dlg about GUID overwrite. See Bug #9356
                            if (Double.parseDouble(schemaVerFromDB) < 1.8)
                               String msg = UIRegistry.getResourceString("SpecifySchemaUpdateService.UPDATE_SCH_GUID_OVERWRITE");
                            boolean opt = UIRegistry.displayConfirm(UIRegistry.getResourceString("SpecifySchemaUpdateService.UPDATE_SCH_GUID_TITLE"),
                            if (!opt)
                                CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                return SchemaUpdateType.Error;  

                            String msg = UIRegistry.getResourceString("UPDATE_SCH_BACKUP");
                            int opt = UIRegistry.askYesNoLocalized("EXIT", "CONTINUE", msg,
                            if (opt == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
                                CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                            itUserNamePassword = DatabaseLoginPanel.getITUsernamePwd();
                            if (itUserNamePassword != null) {
                                DBConnection dbc = DBConnection.getInstance();

                                DBMSUserMgr dbmsMgr = DBMSUserMgr.getInstance();
                                if (dbmsMgr.connectToDBMS(itUserNamePassword.first, itUserNamePassword.second,
                                        dbc.getServerName())) {
                                    if (!dbmsMgr.checkPermissionsForUpdate(itUserNamePassword.first,
                                            dbConn.getDatabaseName())) {

                                        //errMsgList.add("You must have permissions to alter database tables.");
                                        //CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                        return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                                frame = new ProgressFrame(getResourceString("UPDATE_SCHEMA_TITLE"));
                                frame.setDesc(UIRegistry.getLocalizedMessage("UPDATE_SCHEMA", dbVersion));

                                //frame.setOverall(0, OVERALL_TOTAL);


                                //BasicSQLUtils.setSkipTrackExceptions(true); // Needs to be reset

                                boolean ok = manuallyFixDB(DatabaseDriverInfo.getDriver(dbc.getDriver()),
                                        dbc.getServerName(), dbc.getDatabaseName(), itUserNamePassword.first,
                                if (!ok) {
                                    return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                                frame.setProcess(0, 100);
                                frame.setDesc("Updating Schema...");
                                ok = SpecifySchemaGenerator.updateSchema(
                                        DatabaseDriverInfo.getDriver(dbc.getDriver()), dbc.getServerName(),
                                        dbc.getDatabaseName(), itUserNamePassword.first, itUserNamePassword.second);
                                if (ok) {
                                    ok &= finishSchemaUpdate(DatabaseDriverInfo.getDriver(dbc.getDriver()),
                                            dbc.getServerName(), dbc.getDatabaseName(), itUserNamePassword.first,
                                if (!ok) {
                                    errMsgList.add("There was an error updating the schema.");
                                    return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

                                fixSchemaMappingScope(dbConn.getConnection(), dbConn.getDatabaseName());


                                // Unhide All GUID fields for Schema 1.8
                                String updateSQL = "UPDATE splocalecontaineritem SET IsHidden=FALSE WHERE LOWER(Name) = 'guid'";
                                BasicSQLUtils.update(dbConn.getConnection(), updateSQL);

                            } else {
                                CommandDispatcher.dispatch(new CommandAction(APP, APP_REQ_EXIT, null));
                                return SchemaUpdateType.Error;


                        if (doInsert || (appVerFromDB == null && schemaVerFromDB == null)) {
                            SpVersion.createInitialRecord(dbConn.getConnection(), appVerNum, dbVersion);

                        } else if (doSchemaUpdate || doUpdateAppVer) {

                            SpVersion.updateRecord(dbConn.getConnection(), appVerNum, dbVersion, recVerNum,
                        boolean onlyAppVersion = !doSchemaUpdate && doUpdateAppVer;
                        return useSilentSuccess ? SchemaUpdateType.SuccessSilent
                                : onlyAppVersion ? SchemaUpdateType.SuccessAppVer : SchemaUpdateType.Success;

                    } else {
                        return SchemaUpdateType.NotNeeded;

                } catch (Exception e) {

                } finally {
        return SchemaUpdateType.Error;

    /* paleo model change finalization ... */

    private boolean moveDataFromHereToHere(final String move, final String databaseName, final Connection conn) {
        String from = move.split("\\|")[0];
        String to = move.split("\\|")[1];
        //System.out.println("moving from " + from + " to " + to);"moving from " + from + " to " + to);
        String fromTable = from.split("\\.")[0];
        String fromField = from.split("\\.")[1];
        String toTable = to.split("\\.")[0];
        String toField = to.split("\\.")[1];
        //assuming fromTable is paleoContext
        //also assuming toTable is collectionObjectAttribute
        if (doesColumnExist(databaseName, fromTable, fromField, conn)) {
            int recsToMove = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(
                    "SELECT count(*) FROM `" + fromTable + "` WHERE `" + fromField + "` IS NOT NULL");
            if (recsToMove > 0) {
                String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM paleocontext pc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON co.PaleoContextID=pc.PaleoContextID INNER JOIN collectionobjectattribute coa ON "
                        + "coa.CollectionObjectAttributeID=co.CollectionObjectAttributeID WHERE pc.`" + fromField
                        + "` IS NOT NULL";
                int recsToMoveTo = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
                if (recsToMoveTo < recsToMove) {
                    sql = "INSERT INTO collectionobjectattribute(TimestampCreated, TimestampModified, Version, CollectionMemberID,`"
                            + toField + "`) "
                            + "SELECT pc.TimestampCreated, pc.TimestampModified, 0, co.CollectionMemberID, co.CollectionObjectID FROM paleocontext pc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON co.PaleoContextID=pc.PaleoContextID "
                            + "WHERE pc.`" + fromField + "` IS NOT NULL AND co.CollectionObjectAttributeID IS NULL";
                    sql = "UPDATE collectionobject co INNER JOIN collectionobjectattribute coa ON coa.`" + toField
                            + "`=co.CollectionObjectID SET co.CollectionObjectAttributeID=coa.CollectionObjectAttributeID";

                sql = "UPDATE paleocontext pc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON co.PaleoContextID=pc.PaleoContextID INNER JOIN collectionobjectattribute coa ON "
                        + "coa.CollectionObjectAttributeID=co.CollectionObjectAttributeID SET coa.`" + toField
                        + "`=pc.`" + fromField + "` WHERE pc.`" + fromField + "` IS NOT NULL";
                int recsUpdated = BasicSQLUtils.update(sql);
                if (recsUpdated != recsToMove) {
                    return false;
        return true;

     * @param toDrop
     * @param databaseName
     * @param conn
     * @return
    private boolean removeField(String toDrop, String databaseName, Connection conn) {
        //System.out.println("removing " + toDrop);"removing " + toDrop);
        String tbl = toDrop.split("\\.")[0];
        String fld = toDrop.split("\\.")[1];
        //String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" + tbl+ "`";
        if (doesColumnExist(databaseName, tbl, fld, conn)) {
            //int cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
            String sql = "ALTER TABLE `" + databaseName + "`.`" + tbl + "` DROP `" + fld + "`";
            BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, sql);
            if (doesColumnExist(databaseName, tbl, fld, conn)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @param itConn
     * @param databaseName
     * @return
    public boolean fixPaleoModelAftermath(Connection itConn, String databaseName) {
        //update collection.PaleoContextChildTable and IsPaleoContextEmbedded.
        //It is safe to do this for all collections, though it is only applicable to paleo collections.
                "UPDATE discipline SET PaleoContextChildTable='collectionobject', IsPaleoContextEmbedded=true");

        //move data to new fields
        String[] moves = { "paleocontext.positionState|collectionobjectattribute.positionState",
                "paleocontext.direction|collectionobjectattribute.direction" };
        for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
            if (!moveDataFromHereToHere(moves[i], databaseName, itConn)) {
                return false;
        //delete old fields
        for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
            if (!removeField(moves[i].split("\\|")[0], databaseName, itConn)) {
                return false;

        if (!fixSchemaAfterPaleoModelUpdate()) {
            return false;

        if (!fixTypeSearchDefResourcesAfterPaleoModelUpdate()) {
            return false;

        if (!rescopePaleoContext(databaseName, itConn)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @return
    public boolean fixSchemaAfterPaleoModelUpdate() {
        //remove old fields from schema
        String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM splocaleitemstr WHERE splocalecontaineritemdescid IN(SELECT splocalecontaineritemid FROM splocalecontaineritem WHERE splocalecontainerid IN"
                + "(SELECT splocalecontainerid FROM splocalecontainer WHERE name='paleocontext') AND name IN('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance'))";
        int cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
        sql = "DELETE FROM splocaleitemstr WHERE splocalecontaineritemdescid IN(SELECT splocalecontaineritemid FROM splocalecontaineritem WHERE splocalecontainerid IN"
                + "(SELECT splocalecontainerid FROM splocalecontainer WHERE name='paleocontext') AND name IN('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance'))";
        if (BasicSQLUtils.update(sql) != cnt) {
            return false;

        sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from splocaleitemstr where splocalecontaineritemnameid in (select splocalecontaineritemid from splocalecontaineritem where splocalecontainerid in"
                + "(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name in('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance'))";
        cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
        sql = "delete from splocaleitemstr where splocalecontaineritemnameid in (select splocalecontaineritemid from splocalecontaineritem where splocalecontainerid in"
                + "(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name in('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance'))";
        if (BasicSQLUtils.update(sql) != cnt) {
            return false;

        sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from splocalecontaineritem where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name in('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance')";
        cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
        sql = "delete from splocalecontaineritem where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name in('positionstate', 'direction', 'distanceUnits', 'topdistance', 'bottomdistance')";
        if (BasicSQLUtils.update(sql) != cnt) {
            return false;

        //hide PaleoContext.Collectingevents
                "update splocalecontaineritem set ishidden=true where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name='collectingevents'");

        //show PaleoContext.CollectionObjects
                "update splocalecontaineritem set ishidden=false where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='paleocontext') and name='collectionobjects'");

        //hide collectingevent.PaleoContextID
                "update splocalecontaineritem set ishidden=true where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='collectingevent') and name='paleocontext'");

        //show collectionobject.PaleoContextID ...just in case
                "update splocalecontaineritem set ishidden=false where splocalecontainerid in(select splocalecontainerid from splocalecontainer where name='collectionobject') and name='paleocontext'");

        return true;

     * @param databaseName
     * @return
    protected boolean rescopePaleoContext(String databaseName, Connection itConn) {
        boolean result = true;
        if (doesColumnExist(databaseName, "paleocontext", "CollectionMemberID", itConn)) {
            int cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM paleocontext");
            if (cnt > 0) {
                String sql = "UPDATE paleocontext pc INNER JOIN collection cn ON cn.CollectionID = pc.CollectionMemberID "
                        + "SET pc.DisciplineID=cn.DisciplineID";
                result = cnt == BasicSQLUtils.update(itConn, sql);
            if (result) {
                result = removeField("paleocontext.CollectionMemberID", databaseName, itConn);
        return result;

     * @return
    private boolean fixTypeSearchDefResourcesAfterPaleoModelUpdate() {
        String sql = "SELECT SpAppResourceID FROM spappresource where `Name`='TypeSearches'";
        List<Object> resources = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(sql);
        if (resources != null && resources.size() > 0) {
            String pcSearch = "    <typesearch tableid=\"32\"  name=\"PaleoContext\"           searchfield=\"paleoContextName,cs.fullName,ls.fullName\" displaycols=\"paleoContextName,cs.fullName,cse.fullName,ls.fullName\" format=\"%s, %s, %s, %s\"\n"
                    + "        dataobjformatter=\"PaleoContext\">\n"
                    + "        SELECT %s1 FROM PaleoContext pc LEFT JOIN pc.chronosStrat cs JOIN cs.definition csd LEFT JOIN pc.chronosStratEnd cse LEFT JOIN cse.definition csed LEFT JOIN pc.lithoStrat ls LEFT JOIN ls.definition lsd WHERE pc.discipline.disciplineId = DSPLNID AND (pc.chronosStrat IS NULL OR csd.geologicTimePeriodTreeDefId=GTPTREEDEFID) AND (pc.chronosStratEnd IS NULL OR csed.geologicTimePeriodTreeDefId=GTPTREEDEFID) AND (pc.lithoStrat IS NULL OR lsd.lithoStratTreeDefId=LITHOTREEDEFID) AND %s2 ORDER BY pc.paleoContextName,cs.fullName,cse.fullName,ls.fullName\n"
                    + "    </typesearch>\n";
            for (Object resource : resources) {
                sql = "UPDATE spappresourcedata SET `data`=replace(`data`, '</typesearches>','" + pcSearch
                        + "</typesearches>') WHERE SpAppResourceID=" + resource;
                if (1 != BasicSQLUtils.update(sql)) {
                    return false;
        return true;

    /* end paleo model finalization */

    private boolean finishSchemaUpdate(final DatabaseDriverInfo dbdriverInfo, final String hostname,
            final String databaseName, final String userName, final String password) {
        String connectionStr = dbdriverInfo.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, hostname,
                databaseName, true, true, userName, password, dbdriverInfo.getName());
        log.debug("generateSchema connectionStr: " + connectionStr);

        log.debug("Creating database connection to: " + connectionStr);
        DBConnection dbConn = null;
        try {
            dbConn = DBConnection.createInstance(dbdriverInfo.getDriverClassName(),
                    dbdriverInfo.getDialectClassName(), databaseName, connectionStr, userName, password);
            boolean result = false;
            if (dbConn != null && dbConn.getConnection() != null) {
                Connection conn = dbConn.getConnection();
                result = true;
                if (!AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().getBoolean("PaleoAftermathCleanup", false)
                        && doesColumnExist(databaseName, "paleocontext", "positionState", conn)) {
                    if (fixPaleoModelAftermath(conn, databaseName)) {
                        AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean("PaleoAftermathCleanup", true);
                    } else {
                        result = false;
                if (!AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().getBoolean("InvalidPermissionCleanup", false)) {
                    if (cleanupInvalidPermissions()) {
                        AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean("InvalidPermissionCleanup", true);
                    } else {
                        result = false;
            return result;
        } finally {
            if (dbConn != null)

     * @return
    private boolean cleanupInvalidPermissions() {
        String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sppermission WHERE PermissionClass='edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpPermission'";
        int cnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
        sql = "UPDATE sppermission SET PermissionClass='' WHERE PermissionClass='edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpPermission'";
        if (cnt != BasicSQLUtils.update(sql)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param e
    private static void processUnhandledException(final Throwable throwable) {
        /*if (UIHelper.isExceptionOKToThrow(throwable))
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                String msg = "There was an error while updating the schema.";
                UnhandledExceptionDialog dlg = new UnhandledExceptionDialog(msg, throwable);

     * Creates and attaches the UnhandledException handler for piping them to the dialog
    private static void attachUnhandledException() {
        log.debug("attachUnhandledException " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " "
                + Thread.currentThread().hashCode());

        Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
            public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {

        try {
            SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    log.debug("attachUnhandledException " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " "
                            + Thread.currentThread().hashCode());
                    Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
                        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) {

        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
            public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {


     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tableName
     * @param fieldName
     * @return length of field or null if field does not exist.
    private Integer getFieldLength(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tableName,
            final String fieldName) {
        //XXX portability. This is MySQL -specific.
        Object prop = getFieldProp(conn, databaseName, tableName, fieldName, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH");
        if (prop == null) {
            return null; //the field doesn't even exits
        } else {
            return ((Number) prop).intValue();

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tableName
     * @param fieldName
     * @param propToGet
     * @return
    private Object getFieldProp(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tableName,
            final String fieldName, final String propToGet) {
        // XXX portability. This is MySQL -specific.
        List<Object[]> rows = query(conn,
                "SELECT " + propToGet + " FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` where TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + databaseName
                        + "' and TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "' and COLUMN_NAME = '" + fieldName + "'");
        if (rows.size() == 0) {
            return null; //the field doesn't even exits
        } else {
            return rows.get(0)[0];

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tableName
     * @param fieldName
     * @return length of field or null if field does not exist.
    private Boolean getFieldNullability(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tableName,
            final String fieldName) {
        // XXX portability. This is MySQL -specific.
        Object prop = getFieldProp(conn, databaseName, tableName, fieldName, "IS_NULLABLE");
        if (prop == null) {
            return null; //the field doesn't even exits
        } else {
            return "YES".equalsIgnoreCase(prop.toString()) ? true : false;

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tableName
     * @param constraintName
     * @return
    private Boolean doesConstraintExist(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tableName,
            final String constraintName) {
        // XXX portability. This is MySQL -specific.
        List<Object[]> rows = query(conn,
                "SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`TABLE_CONSTRAINTS` where CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = '" + databaseName
                        + "' and TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "' and CONSTRAINT_NAME = '" + constraintName + "'");
        return rows.size() > 0;

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tableName
     * @param fieldName
     * @return length of field or null if field does not exist.
    private String getFieldColumnType(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tableName,
            final String fieldName) {
        // XXX portability. This is MySQL -specific.
        Object prop = getFieldProp(conn, databaseName, tableName, fieldName, "COLUMN_TYPE");
        if (prop == null) {
            return null; //the field doesn't even exits
        } else {
            return prop.toString();

     * @param dbdriverInfo
     * @param hostname
     * @param databaseName
     * @param userName
     * @param password
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    private boolean manuallyFixDB(final DatabaseDriverInfo dbdriverInfo, final String hostname,
            final String databaseName, final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException {
        frame.setOverall(0, OVERALL_TOTAL); // 23 + 7 + 

        String connectionStr = dbdriverInfo.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, hostname,
                databaseName, true, true, userName, password, dbdriverInfo.getName());
        log.debug("generateSchema connectionStr: " + connectionStr);

        log.debug("Creating database connection to: " + connectionStr);
        // Now connect to other databases and "create" the Derby database
        DBConnection dbConn = null;
        try {
            dbConn = DBConnection.createInstance(dbdriverInfo.getDriverClassName(),
                    dbdriverInfo.getDialectClassName(), databaseName, connectionStr, userName, password);
            if (dbConn != null && dbConn.getConnection() != null) {
                Connection conn = dbConn.getConnection();
                Statement stmt = null;
                try {
                    stmt = conn.createStatement();
                    Integer count = null;
                    int rv = 0;

                    //-- LocalityDetail
                    String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(LocalityDetail.getClassTableId());
                    Integer len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UtmDatum");
                    if (len == null) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE localitydetail CHANGE getUtmDatum UtmDatum varchar(255)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add("Unable to alter table: localitydetail");
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        if (len.intValue() != 255) {
                            count = getCount(tblName);
                            rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE localitydetail MODIFY UtmDatum varchar(255)");
                            if (rv != count) {
                                errMsgList.add("Unable to alter table: localitydetail");
                                return false;

                    //-- SpecifyUser
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpecifyUser.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "Password");
                    if (len == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format("Unable to update table: %", tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (len.intValue() != 255) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE specifyuser MODIFY Password varchar(255)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //-- SpExportSchemaItem
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpExportSchemaItem.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "FieldName");
                    if (len == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (len.intValue() != 64) {
                        count = BasicSQLUtils.getCount("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spexportschemaitem");
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE spexportschemaitem MODIFY FieldName varchar(64)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //-- Agent
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Agent.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "LastName");
                    if (len == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (len.intValue() != 128) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE agent MODIFY LastName varchar(128)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //-- SpExportSchema
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpExportSchema.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "SchemaName");
                    if (len == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (len.intValue() != 80) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE spexportschema MODIFY SchemaName varchar(80)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "SchemaVersion");
                    if (len == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (len.intValue() != 80) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE spexportschema MODIFY SchemaVersion varchar(80)");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //                  String checkSQL = "select SpExportSchemaMappingID, MappingName from spexportschemamapping "
                    //                     + "where CollectionMemberID is null";
                    //                  Vector<Object[]> mappingsToFix = BasicSQLUtils.query(checkSQL);
                    //                    if (mappingsToFix != null && mappingsToFix.size() > 0)
                    //                    {
                    //                     Vector<Object> collectionIDs = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol("select UserGroupScopeID from collection");
                    //                     if (collectionIDs.size() == 1)
                    //                     {
                    //                        //easy
                    //                        BasicSQLUtils.update("update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collectionIDs.get(0));
                    //                     }
                    //                     else 
                    //                     {
                    //                        for (Object[] row : mappingsToFix)
                    //                        {
                    //                 "fixing mappings in multiple collection database");
                    //                           String cacheName = ExportToMySQLDB.fixTblNameForMySQL(row[1].toString());
                    //                           if (BasicSQLUtils.doesTableExist(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection(), cacheName))
                    //                           {
                    //                              String cacheID = cacheName + "ID";
                    //                              String sql = "select distinct CollectionMemberID from collectionobject co inner join "
                    //                                 + cacheName + " cn on cn." + cacheID + " = co.CollectionObjectID";
                    //                              Vector<Object> collsInCache = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(sql);
                    //                              if (collsInCache != null && collsInCache.size() == 1)
                    //                              {
                    //                                 //easy
                    //                                 String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collsInCache.get(0)
                    //                                    + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                    //                       "Updating exportmapping with cache containing single collection: " + updateSQL);
                    //                                 BasicSQLUtils.update(updateSQL);
                    //                              } else if (collsInCache != null && collsInCache.size() > 1) 
                    //                              {
                    //                                 //This should never happen, but if it does, should ask user to choose.
                    //                                 //Also need to update TimestampModified to force rebuild of cache...
                    //                                 //but...
                    //                                 String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collsInCache.get(0)
                    //                                    + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                    //                       "Updating exportmapping with cache containing multiple collections: " + updateSQL);
                    //                                 BasicSQLUtils.update(updateSQL);
                    //                              }
                    //                           } else
                    //                           {
                    //                    "updating export mapping that has no cache: " + row[1] + " - " + row[0]);
                    //                              String discSQL = "select distinct DisciplineID from spexportschema es inner join spexportschemaitem esi "
                    //                                 + "on esi.SpExportSchemaID = es.SpExportSchemaID inner join spexportschemaitemmapping esim "
                    //                                 + "on esim.ExportSchemaItemID = esi.SpExportSchemaItemID where esim.SpExportSchemaMappingID "
                    //                                 + "= " + row[0];                    
                    //                              Object disciplineID = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleObj(discSQL);
                    //                              if (disciplineID != null)
                    //                              {
                    //                                 String discCollSql = "select UserGroupScopeID from collection where DisciplineID = " + disciplineID;
                    //                                 Vector<Object> collIDsInDisc = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(discCollSql);
                    //                                 if (collIDsInDisc != null && collIDsInDisc.size() == 1)
                    //                                 {
                    //                                    //easy
                    //                                    String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collIDsInDisc.get(0)
                    //                                       + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                    //                          "Updating exportmapping that has no cache and one collection in its discipline: " + updateSQL);
                    //                                    BasicSQLUtils.update(updateSQL);
                    //                                 } else if (collIDsInDisc != null && collIDsInDisc.size() > 1) 
                    //                                 {
                    //                                    //Picking the first collection. How likely is it to matter? Not very.
                    //                                    String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collIDsInDisc.get(0)
                    //                                       + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                    //                          "Updating exportmapping that has no cache and a discipline with multiple collections: " + updateSQL);
                    //                                    BasicSQLUtils.update(updateSQL);
                    //                                 }
                    //                              } else
                    //                              {
                    //                                 throw new Exception("unable to find discipline for exportschemamapping " + row[0]);
                    //                              }
                    //                           }
                    //                        }
                    //                     }
                    //                       //AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean("FixExportSchemaCollectionMemberIDs", true);
                    //                    }
                    //                    frame.incOverall();

                    //-- SpecifySchemaUpdateScopeFixer
                    SpecifySchemaUpdateScopeFixer collectionMemberFixer = new SpecifySchemaUpdateScopeFixer(
                    if (!collectionMemberFixer.fix(conn)) {
                        errMsgList.add("Error fixing CollectionMember tables");
                        return false;

                    // Do updates for Schema 1.2
                    doFixesForDBSchemaVersions(conn, databaseName); // increments 7 times

                    // Find Accession NumberingSchemes that 'attached' to Collections
                    String postfix = " FROM autonumsch_coll ac Inner Join autonumberingscheme ans ON ac.AutoNumberingSchemeID = ans.AutoNumberingSchemeID WHERE ans.TableNumber = '7'";
                    log.debug("SELECT COUNT(*)" + postfix);
                    count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*)" + postfix);
                    if (count > 0) {
                        // Get the Format name being used for each Collection's Access Number
                        Hashtable<Integer, String> collIdToFormatHash = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
                        String sql = "SELECT c.UserGroupScopeId, ci.`Format` FROM collection c Inner Join discipline d ON c.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId "
                                + "Inner Join splocalecontainer cn ON d.UserGroupScopeId = cn.DisciplineID "
                                + "Inner Join splocalecontaineritem ci ON cn.SpLocaleContainerID = ci.SpLocaleContainerID "
                                + "WHERE ci.Name =  'accessionNumber'";
                        for (Object[] row : query(conn, sql)) {
                            collIdToFormatHash.put((Integer) row[0], row[1].toString()); // Key -> CollId, Value -> Format

                        String ansSQL = "SELECT ac.CollectionID, ac.AutoNumberingSchemeID " + postfix;
                        int totCnt = 0;
                        for (Object[] row : query(conn, ansSQL)) {
                            sql = "DELETE FROM autonumsch_coll WHERE CollectionID = " + ((Integer) row[0])
                                    + " AND AutoNumberingSchemeID = " + ((Integer) row[1]);
                            rv = update(conn, sql);
                            if (rv != 1) {
                                        "There was an error fixing the table: autonumsch_coll for CollectionID = "
                                                + ((Integer) row[0]) + " AND AutoNumberingSchemeID = "
                                                + ((Integer) row[1]));
                        if (totCnt != count) {
                            errMsgList.add("There was an error fixing the table: autonumsch_coll");
                        } else {
                            rv = count;

                    } else {
                        rv = count;

                    if (rv != count) {
                        return false;

                    //-- Fixing
                    String sql = "SELECT COUNT(d.UserGroupScopeId) CNT, d.UserGroupScopeId FROM division d INNER JOIN autonumsch_div ad ON d.UserGroupScopeId = ad.DivisionID "
                            + "INNER JOIN autonumberingscheme ans ON ad.AutoNumberingSchemeID = ans.AutoNumberingSchemeID GROUP BY d.UserGroupScopeId";
                    for (Object[] row : query(conn, sql)) {
                        Integer divId = ((Integer) row[1]);
                        if (((Long) row[0]) > 1) {
                            sql = "SELECT  dv.UserGroupScopeId AS divId, ds.UserGroupScopeId AS dispId, ci.Name, ci.`Format` FROM division dv "
                                    + "Inner Join discipline ds ON dv.UserGroupScopeId = ds.DivisionID "
                                    + "Inner Join splocalecontainer c ON ds.UserGroupScopeId = c.DisciplineID "
                                    + "Inner Join splocalecontaineritem ci ON c.SpLocaleContainerID = ci.SpLocaleContainerID "
                                    + "WHERE ci.Name = 'accessionNumber' AND dv.UserGroupScopeId = " + divId;
                            Vector<String> namesList = new Vector<String>();
                            Hashtable<String, Integer> formatNames = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
                            for (Object[] innerRow : query(conn, sql)) {
                                String formatName = innerRow[3].toString();
                                Integer dsid = (Integer) innerRow[1];
                                if (formatNames.get(formatName) == null) {
                                    formatNames.put(formatName, dsid);

                            String desc = "<html>Accessions belong to the same Division. They must all share the same formatter.<BR>"
                                    + "Please choose a format below that will be the for your Division.<BR>";
                            ChooseFromListDlg<String> dlg = new ChooseFromListDlg<String>(
                                    (Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(), "Choose a Format", desc,
                                    ChooseFromListDlg.OK_BTN, namesList);

                            String newFormatName = dlg.getSelectedObject();

                            List<String> disciplineNameList = new ArrayList<String>();

                            sql = "SELECT ans.AutoNumberingSchemeID FROM division d INNER JOIN autonumsch_div ad ON d.UserGroupScopeId = ad.DivisionID "
                                    + "INNER JOIN autonumberingscheme ans ON ad.AutoNumberingSchemeID = ans.AutoNumberingSchemeID WHERE d.UserGroupScopeId = "
                                    + divId;
                            int cnt = 0;
                            for (Object idAnsObj : querySingleCol(conn, sql)) {
                                Integer ansId = (Integer) idAnsObj;
                                if (cnt > 0) {
                                    sql = "DELETE FROM autonumsch_div WHERE DivisionID = " + divId
                                            + " AND AutoNumberingSchemeID = " + ansId;
                                    if (update(conn, sql) != 1) {
                                                "There was an error fixing the table: autonumsch_div for DivisionID = "
                                                        + divId + " AND AutoNumberingSchemeID = " + ansId);
                                        return false;

                                    sql = "DELETE FROM autonumberingscheme WHERE AutoNumberingSchemeID = " + ansId;
                                    if (update(conn, sql) != 1) {
                                                "There was an error fixing the table: autonumberingscheme; removing AutoNumberingSchemeID = "
                                                        + ansId);
                                        return false;

                                    sql = "SELECT SpLocaleContainerItemID, ds.Name FROM splocalecontaineritem ci INNER JOIN splocalecontainer c ON ci.SpLocaleContainerID = c.SpLocaleContainerID "
                                            + "INNER JOIN discipline ds ON c.DisciplineID = ds.UserGroupScopeId "
                                            + "INNER JOIN division dv ON ds.DivisionID = dv.UserGroupScopeId "
                                            + "WHERE ci.Name =  'accessionNumber' AND dv.UserGroupScopeId = "
                                            + divId + " AND NOT (ci.`Format` = '" + newFormatName + "')";


                                    for (Object[] idRow : query(conn, sql)) {
                                        Integer spItemId = (Integer) idRow[0];
                                        String dispName = idRow[1].toString();

                                        sql = "UPDATE splocalecontaineritem SET `Format`='" + newFormatName
                                                + "' WHERE SpLocaleContainerItemID  = " + spItemId;
                                        if (update(conn, sql) == 1) {
                                        } else {
                                            log.error("Error changing formatter name.");

                            desc = "<html>The following Disciplines have had their Accession Number formatter changed.<BR>"
                                    + "This change may require some Accession Numbers to be changed.<BR>"
                                    + "Please contact Specify Customer Support for additional help.<BR>";
                            dlg = new ChooseFromListDlg<String>((Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(),
                                    "Accession Number Changes", desc, ChooseFromListDlg.OK_BTN, disciplineNameList);


                    //-- This will fix any Agents messed up by creating new Divisions
                    frame.setDesc("Fixing User's Agents..."); // I18N


                    //-- This will add any new fields to the schema
                    //System.setProperty("AddSchemaTablesFields", "TRUE");


                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.4                                                                                          //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    if (BasicSQLUtils.doesTableExist(conn, "agent_discipline")) {
                        PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
                        try {
                            pStmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE agent SET DivisionID=? WHERE AgentID = ?");

                            sql = "SELECT a.AgentID, d.DivisionID FROM agent AS a "
                                    + "Inner Join agent_discipline AS ad ON a.AgentID = ad.AgentID "
                                    + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON ad.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId "
                                    + "WHERE a.DivisionID IS NULL";

                            for (Object[] row : query(conn, sql)) {
                                int agtId = (Integer) row[0];
                                int divId = (Integer) row[1];
                                pStmt.setInt(1, divId);
                                pStmt.setInt(2, agtId);
                        } catch (Exception e1) {
                        } finally {
                            try {
                                if (pStmt != null) {
                            } catch (Exception ex) {

                        update(conn, "DROP TABLE agent_discipline");

                    //-- Agent
                    // Add New Fields to Address
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Agent.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "DateType")) {
                        String[] addrCols = { "DateType", TINYINT4, "Title", "DateOfBirthPrecision", TINYINT4,
                                "DateOfBirth", "DateOfDeathPrecision", TINYINT4, "DateOfDeath" };
                        if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, addrCols)) {
                            return false;

                    //-- Address
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Address.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "Address3")) {
                        frame.setDesc("Updating Address Fields...");
                        String fmtStr = "ALTER TABLE address ADD COLUMN Address%d VARCHAR(64) AFTER Address%d";
                        for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
                            update(conn, String.format(fmtStr, i, i - 1));

                    //-- LocalityDetail
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(LocalityDetail.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "StartDepth")) {
                        String[] locDetCols = { "StartDepth", "Double", "Drainage", "StartDepthUnit", TINYINT4,
                                "StartDepth", "StartDepthVerbatim", "VARCHAR(32)", "StartDepthUnit", "EndDepth",
                                "Double", "StartDepthVerbatim", "EndDepthUnit", TINYINT4, "EndDepth",
                                "EndDepthVerbatim", "VARCHAR(32)", "EndDepthUnit" };
                        if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, locDetCols)) {
                            return false;

                    //-- Locality
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Locality.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "Text1")) {
                        String[] locCols = { "Text1", "VARCHAR(255)", "SrcLatLongUnit", "Text2", "VARCHAR(255)",
                                "Text1" };
                        if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, locCols)) {
                            return false;

                    //-- CollectionObjectAttribute
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(CollectionObjectAttribute.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "Text15")) {
                        if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "Text15", "VARCHAR(64)", "Text14")) {
                            return false;

                    //-- PaleoContext
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(PaleoContext.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "ChronosStratEndID")) {
                        if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "ChronosStratEndID", "INT", "ChronosStratID")) {
                            return false;

                    //-- Institution
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Institution.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "IsSingleGeographyTree")) {
                        String[] instCols = { "IsSingleGeographyTree", "BIT(1)", "IsServerBased",
                                "IsSharingLocalities", "BIT(1)", "IsSingleGeographyTree" };
                        if (checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, instCols)) {
                            update(conn, "UPDATE institution SET IsSingleGeographyTree=0, IsSharingLocalities=0");
                        } else {
                            return false;

                    //-- GeologicTimePeriod
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(GeologicTimePeriod.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "Text1")) {
                        String[] gtpCols = { "Text1", "VARCHAR(64)", "EndUncertainty", "Text2", "VARCHAR(64)",
                                "Text1" };
                        if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, gtpCols)) {
                            return false;

                    //-- PreparationAttribute
                    // Fix Field Length
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(PreparationAttribute.getClassTableId());
                    String prepAttrFld = "Text22";
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, prepAttrFld);
                    if (len != null && len == 10) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, prepAttrFld, 10, 50);

                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.5                                                                                           //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    //BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, "UPDATE agent SET Title='mr' WHERE AgentType = 1 AND Title is NULL OR Title = ''");

                    //-- GeoCoordDetail
                    // Change column types for MaxUncertaintityEst and NamedPlaceExtent
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(GeoCoordDetail.getClassTableId());
                    String columnType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, "MaxUncertaintyEst");
                    if (columnType == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(COL_TYP_NO_DET, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (!columnType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL(20,10)")) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn,
                                "ALTER TABLE geocoorddetail CHANGE COLUMN `MaxUncertaintyEst` `MaxUncertaintyEst` DECIMAL(20,10) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "
                                        + "CHANGE COLUMN `NamedPlaceExtent` `NamedPlaceExtent` DECIMAL(20,10) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geocoorddetail WHERE AgentID IS NULL";
                    int total = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(conn, sql);
                    if (total > 0) {
                        sql = "UPDATE geocoorddetail SET AgentID=CreatedByAgentID WHERE AgentID IS NULL";
                        rv = update(conn, sql);


                    //-- LoanPreparation
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(LoanPreparation.getClassTableId());
                    columnType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, "DescriptionOfMaterial");
                    if (columnType == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(COL_TYP_NO_DET, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (!columnType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("text")) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn,
                                String.format("ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY DescriptionOfMaterial TEXT", tblName));
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //-- ConservEvent
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(ConservEvent.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "Text1")) {
                        String[] consrvEvCols = { "Text1", "VARCHAR(64)", "Remarks", "Text2", "VARCHAR(64)",
                                "Text1", "Number1", INT11, "Text2", "Number2", INT11, "Number1", "YesNo1", "BIT(1)",
                                "Number2", "YesNo2", "BIT(1)", "YesNo1", };
                        if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, consrvEvCols)) {
                            return false;

                    //-- DNASequencingRun
                    String runByAgentID = "RunByAgentID";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(DNASequencingRun.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, runByAgentID)) {
                        if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, runByAgentID, INT11, "DNASequenceID")) {
                                    "ALTER TABLE dnasequencingrun ADD KEY `FKDNASEQRUNRUNBYAGT` (`RunByAgentID`)");
                                    "ALTER TABLE dnasequencingrun ADD CONSTRAINT `FKDNASEQRUNRUNBYAGT` FOREIGN KEY (`RunByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`)");

                            if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "PreparedByAgentID", INT11,
                                    "RunByAgentID")) {
                                        "ALTER TABLE dnasequencingrun ADD KEY `FKDNASEQRUNPREPBYAGT` (`PreparedByAgentID`)");
                                        "ALTER TABLE dnasequencingrun ADD CONSTRAINT `FKDNASEQRUNPREPBYAGT` FOREIGN KEY (`PreparedByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`)");
                            } else {
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            return false;

                    String pwdMinLen = "MinimumPwdLength";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Institution.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, pwdMinLen)) {
                        if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, pwdMinLen, TINYINT4, "LsidAuthority")) {
                            return false;


                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.6                                                                                        //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    createSGRTables(conn, databaseName);

                    if (!miscSchema16Updates(conn, databaseName)) // Steps 26 - 28
                        return false;

                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.7                                                                                           //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpQuery.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "SqlStr");
                    if (len == 64) {
                        if (!fixSpQuerySQLLength(conn, databaseName)) {
                            return false;

                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);
                    //-- Determination fix
                    String varQualNameBad = "VarQualifer";
                    String varQualNameGood = "VarQualifier";

                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Determination.getClassTableId());
                    if (doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, varQualNameBad)
                            && !doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, varQualNameGood)) {
                        if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, varQualNameGood, "VARCHAR(16)",
                                "TypeStatusName")) {
                            update(conn, String.format("UPDATE determination SET %s=%s WHERE %s IS NOT NULL",
                                    varQualNameGood, varQualNameBad, varQualNameBad));
                            update(conn, String.format("ALTER TABLE determination DROP COLUMN %s", varQualNameBad));

                                    String.format("UPDATE splocalecontaineritem SET Name='%s' WHERE Name = '%s'",
                                            varQualNameGood, varQualNameBad));

                        } else {
                            return false;

                    // Fix Bug 8747 - PickList item has wrong value
                    String updateStr = "UPDATE picklistitem SET Value = 'exisotype' WHERE Title = 'Ex Isotype' AND Value = 'isotype'";

                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    // Adds new OCR field to CollectionObject
                    frame.setDesc("Adding OCR field to Collection Object"); // I18N
                    String ocrField = "OCR";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(CollectionObject.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, ocrField)) {
                        if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, ocrField, "TEXT", "TotalValue")) {
                            return false;
                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);


                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    // Fix indexes

                    if (doesIndexExist("borrowagent", "BorColMemIDX")) {
                        update(conn, "DROP INDEX BorColMemIDX on borrowagent");
                        update(conn, "CREATE INDEX BorColMemIDX2 ON borrowagent(CollectionMemberID)");

                    if (doesIndexExist("exchangeout", "DescriptionOfMaterialIDX")) {
                        update(conn, "DROP INDEX DescriptionOfMaterialIDX on exchangeout");
                                "CREATE INDEX DescriptionOfMaterialIDX2 ON exchangeout(DescriptionOfMaterial)");

                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);
                    fixCollectorOrder(conn); // fixes the Ordinal number of Collectors


                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.8                                                                                           //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    int instID = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT InstitutionID FROM institution");

                    frame.setDesc("Updating Reference Work..."); // I18N
                    String instName = "InstitutionID";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(ReferenceWork.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, instName)) {
                        String updateSQL = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER JournalID";
                        if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, instName, updateSQL)) {
                                    "ALTER TABLE referencework ADD KEY `FK5F7C68DC81223908` (`InstitutionID`)");
                            update(conn, String.format("UPDATE referencework SET InstitutionID=%d", instID));
                                    "ALTER TABLE referencework ADD CONSTRAINT `FK5F7C68DC81223908` FOREIGN KEY (`InstitutionID`) REFERENCES `institution` (`UserGroupScopeId`)");
                        } else {
                            return false;
                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);


                    frame.setDesc("Updating Journals..."); // I18N
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Journal.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, instName)) {
                        String updateSQL = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER Text1";
                        if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, instName, updateSQL)) {
                            update(conn, "ALTER TABLE journal ADD KEY `FKAB64AF3781223908` (`InstitutionID`)");
                            update(conn, String.format("UPDATE journal SET InstitutionID=%d", instID));
                                    "ALTER TABLE journal ADD CONSTRAINT `FKAB64AF3781223908` FOREIGN KEY (`InstitutionID`) REFERENCES `institution` (`UserGroupScopeId`)");
                        } else {
                            return false;
                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    frame.setDesc("Updating Permits..."); // I18N
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Permit.getClassTableId());
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, instName)) {
                        String updateSQL = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER IssuedToID";
                        if (addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, instName, updateSQL)) {
                            update(conn, "ALTER TABLE permit ADD KEY `FKC4E3841B81223908` (`InstitutionID`)");
                            update(conn, String.format("UPDATE permit SET InstitutionID=%d", instID));
                                    "ALTER TABLE permit ADD CONSTRAINT `FKC4E3841B81223908` FOREIGN KEY (`InstitutionID`) REFERENCES `institution` (`UserGroupScopeId`)");
                        } else {
                            return false;
                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    //-- LocalityDetail
                    frame.setDesc("Updating Locality Detail..."); // I18N

                    // Change column types for UTMEasting, UTMNorthing and UTMScale
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(LocalityDetail.getClassTableId());
                    String eastingColumnType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UTMEasting");
                    if (eastingColumnType == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(COL_TYP_NO_DET, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (!eastingColumnType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL(19,2)")) {
                        count = BasicSQLUtils
                                .getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tblName + " where UtmEasting is not null");
                        if (count > 0) {
                            File outFile = new File(
                                    UIRegistry.getAppDataDir() + File.separator + "localityDetailUtmEasting.txt");
                            try {
                                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outFile);
                                String q = "select localitydetailid, UtmEasting from localitydetail "
                                        + " where UtmEasting is not null";
                                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q);
                                while ( {
                                    pw.write(String.format("%d\t%f\n", rs.getInt(1), rs.getFloat(2)));
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn,
                                "ALTER TABLE localitydetail CHANGE COLUMN `UtmEasting` `UtmEasting` DECIMAL(19,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;
                    String northingColumnType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UTMNorthing");
                    if (northingColumnType == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(COL_TYP_NO_DET, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (!northingColumnType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL(19,2)")) {
                        count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(
                                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tblName + " where utmNorthing is not null");
                        if (count > 0) {
                            File outFile = new File(
                                    UIRegistry.getAppDataDir() + File.separator + "localityDetailUtm.txt");
                            try {
                                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outFile);
                                String q = "select localitydetailid, UtmNorthing from localitydetail "
                                        + " where UtmNorthing is not null";
                                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q);
                                while ( {
                                    pw.write(String.format("%d\t%f\n", rs.getInt(1), rs.getFloat(2)));
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn,
                                "ALTER TABLE localitydetail CHANGE COLUMN `UtmNorthing` `UtmNorthing` DECIMAL(19,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;
                    String scaleColumnType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UTMScale");
                    if (scaleColumnType == null) {
                        errMsgList.add(String.format(COL_TYP_NO_DET, tblName));
                        return false;
                    if (!scaleColumnType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL(20,10)")) {
                        count = BasicSQLUtils
                                .getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tblName + " where UTMScale is not null");
                        if (count > 0) {
                            File outFile = new File(
                                    UIRegistry.getAppDataDir() + File.separator + "localityDetailUtm.txt");
                            try {
                                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outFile);
                                String q = "select localitydetailid, UtmScale from localitydetail "
                                        + " where UtmScale is not null";
                                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q);
                                while ( {
                                    pw.write(String.format("%d\t%f\n", rs.getInt(1), rs.getFloat(2)));
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                        count = getCount(tblName);
                        rv = update(conn,
                                "ALTER TABLE localitydetail CHANGE COLUMN `UtmScale` `UtmScale` DECIMAL(20,10) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
                        if (rv != count) {
                            errMsgList.add(String.format(UPD_CNT_NO_MATCH, tblName));
                            return false;

                    //End LocalityDetail changes

                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    Integer[] sgrTblIds = new Integer[] { CollectionObject.getClassTableId(),
                            CollectingEvent.getClassTableId(), Locality.getClassTableId(),
                            WorkbenchRow.getClassTableId() };
                    String[] sgrAfter = new String[] { "TotalValue", "Remarks", "Text2", "UploadStatus" };
                    String sgrStatusField = "SGRStatus";
                    int i = 0;
                    for (Integer tblId : sgrTblIds) {
                        tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(tblId);
                        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, ocrField)) {
                            if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, sgrStatusField, TINYINT4, sgrAfter[i])) {
                                return false;


                    frame.setDesc("Adding ISO Code field to Geography"); // I18N
                    String geoCode = "GeographyCode";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Geography.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, geoCode);
                    if (len != null && len == 8) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, geoCode, 8, 24);

                    // Adding fields to the 'attachment' table and fill them in
                    frame.setDesc("Adding TableID to Attachment Table"); // I18N
                    if (!addTableIDToAttachmentTable(conn, databaseName)) {
                        return false;

                    frame.setDesc("Adding and fixing Attachment scoping");
                    if (!addScopingToAttachmentTable(conn, databaseName)) {
                        return false;

                    frame.setDesc("Fixing PDF mimetype in Attachment Table");
                    update(conn, "UPDATE attachment SET MimeType='application/pdf' "
                            + "WHERE MimeType = 'application/octet-stream' "
                            + "AND LOWER(SubStr(AttachmentLocation, LENGTH(AttachmentLocation) - 2, LENGTH(AttachmentLocation))) = 'pdf'");

                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Attachment.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "origFilename");
                    if (len != null && len == 128) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "origFilename", 128, 20000);

                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "title");
                    if (len != null && len == 64) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, "title", 64, 255);

                    frame.setDesc("Updating GUIDs"); // I18N
                    if (!addGUIDCols(conn, databaseName)) {
                        return false;


                    // Setting new Field Length for QueryFields
                    String startValue = "StartValue";
                    tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpQueryField.getClassTableId());
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, startValue);
                    if (len != null && len == 64) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, startValue, 64, 255);
                    String endValue = "EndValue";
                    len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, endValue);
                    if (len != null && len == 64) {
                        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, endValue, 64, 255);


                    //                                                                                                              //
                    // Schema Changes 1.9                                                                                           //
                    //                                                                                                              //

                    // spreport -- fix for bug #9414. 
                    if (!getFieldNullability(conn, databaseName, "spreport", "SpQueryID")) {

                        frame.setDesc("Fixing workbench-based reports...");
                        String usql = "ALTER TABLE " + databaseName
                                + ".spreport CHANGE COLUMN SpQueryID SpQueryID INT(11) NULL";
                        if (update(conn, usql) == -1) {
                            errMsgList.add("update error: " + usql);
                            return false;

                    // loan -- bug #9492. 

                    frame.setDesc("Stretching SrcGeography and SrcGeography fields for loans and gifts...");
                    alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "loan", "SrcGeography", 32, 500);
                    alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "loan", "SrcTaxonomy", 32, 500);

                    // gift -- bug #9492. 
                    alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "gift", "SrcGeography", 32, 500);
                    alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "gift", "SrcTaxonomy", 32, 500);


                    //-- Change long strings that were created as text in earlier dbs and
                    //-- as varchar in newer versions.
                    //-- bug #9457. 
                    String[][] toFix = { { "accession", "Text1,Text2,Text3" }, { "borrow", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "collectionobject", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "collectionobjectattribute", "Text1,Text2,Text3" },
                            { "collectingeventattribute", "Text1,Text2,Text3" },
                            { "commonnametxcitation", "Text1,Text2" }, { "deaccession", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "determination", "Text1,Text2" }, { "dnasequencingruncitation", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "exchangein", "Text1,Text2" }, { "exchangeout", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "gift", "Text1,Text2" }, { "lithostrat", "Text1,Text2" }, { "loan", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "locality", "Text1,Text2" }, { "localitydetail", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "permit", "Text1,Text2" }, { "preparation", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "preparationattribute", "Text1,Text2,Text10" }, { "project", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "referencework", "Text1,Text2" }, { "shipment", "Text1,Text2" },
                            { "taxoncitation", "Text1,Text2" }, { "workbenchdataitem", "CellData" } };

                    for (String[] fldToFix : toFix) {
                        String tbl = fldToFix[0];
                        frame.setDesc("Fixing " + tbl + " user-defined Text field types...");
                        String[] flds = fldToFix[1].split(",");
                        List<String> fldsToFix = new ArrayList<String>(flds.length);
                        for (String fld : flds) {
                            if (!"text".equals(getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tbl, fld))) {
                        String fldFixSql = "alter table " + databaseName + "." + tbl;
                        boolean comma = false;
                        for (String fld : fldsToFix) {
                            if (comma) {
                                fldFixSql += ",";
                            } else {
                                comma = true;
                            fldFixSql += " change column " + fld + " " + fld + " text";
                        if (update(conn, fldFixSql) == -1) {
                            errMsgList.add("update error: " + fldFixSql);
                            return false;

                    // Stretch ReferenceWork.Title and ReferenceWork.Publisher. #9718
                    //alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "referencework", "Title", 255, 255);
                    alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "referencework", "Publisher", 50, 250);

                    // Create tables need for Geography Cleanup tool
                    // geonames tables

                    //-- Create tables needed for iPad Export

                    // Fixing unique constraint on author
                    //-- bug #9454. 

                    if (doesConstraintExist(conn, databaseName, "author", "OrderNumber")) {
                        sql = "ALTER TABLE " + databaseName + ".author " + "DROP INDEX OrderNumber "
                                + ", ADD UNIQUE INDEX AgentIDX (ReferenceWorkID ASC, AgentID ASC)";
                        frame.setDesc("Fixing ReferenceWork Author index...");
                        if (update(conn, sql) == -1) {
                            errMsgList.add("update error: " + sql);
                            return false;

                    // Matching CollectionMemberIDs between preparation and collectionobject
                    // --bug #9760

                    // Ordinal in AttachmentObject tables made non-nullable
                    //-- bug #9423. 

                    String[] attObjTbls = { "accessionattachment", "agentattachment", "borrowattachment",
                            "collectingeventattachment", "collectionobjectattachment",
                            "conservdescriptionattachment", "conserveventattachment", "dnasequenceattachment",
                            "dnasequencerunattachment", "fieldnotebookattachment", "fieldnotebookpageattachment",
                            "fieldnotebookpagesetattachment", "giftattachment", "loanattachment",
                            "localityattachment", "permitattachment", "preparationattachment",
                            "referenceworkattachment", "repositoryagreementattachment", "taxonattachment" };
                    for (String tbl : attObjTbls) {
                        if (getFieldNullability(conn, databaseName, tbl, "Ordinal")) {
                            frame.setDesc("Fixing " + tbl + " Ordinal field requirement setting...");
                            String objTbl = tbl.replace("attachment", "");
                            String objTblKey = "dnasequencerun".equals(objTbl) ? "dnasequencingrunid"
                                    : objTbl + "ID";
                            String attObjTblKey = "dnasequencerun".equals(objTbl) ? "dnasequencingrunattachmentid"
                                    : tbl + "ID";
                            String q = "select " + objTblKey + ", " + attObjTblKey + " from " + databaseName + "."
                                    + tbl + " where Ordinal is null";
                            List<Object[]> nulls = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, q);
                            if (nulls != null && nulls.size() > 0) {
                                for (Object[] row : nulls) {
                                    q = "select max(Ordinal) from " + databaseName + "." + tbl + " where "
                                            + objTblKey + "=" + row[0].toString();
                                    Integer max = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(conn, q);
                                    if (max == null) {
                                        max = -1;
                                    max += 1;
                                    q = "update " + databaseName + "." + tbl + " set Ordinal=" + max + " where "
                                            + attObjTblKey + "=" + row[1].toString();
                                    if (-1 == update(conn, q)) {
                                        errMsgList.add("update error: " + q);
                                        return false;
                            q = "ALTER TABLE " + databaseName + "." + tbl
                                    + " CHANGE COLUMN `Ordinal` `Ordinal` INT(11) NOT NULL";
                            if (-1 == update(conn, q)) {
                                errMsgList.add("update error: " + q);
                                return false;

                    // Schema changes for 2.1

                    //change geocoord field types and values in export cache tables
                    sql = "select SpExportSchemaMappingID, MappingName from spexportschemamapping";
                    List<Object[]> mappings = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, sql);
                    for (Object[] mapping : mappings) {
                        frame.setDesc("Fixing geocoordinate precision for '" + mapping[1] + "' mapping...");
                        boolean updateOK = false;
                        try {
                            updateOK = ExportToMySQLDB.updateLatLngInCache(conn, (Integer) mapping[0]);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                        if (!updateOK) {
                            log.error("Unable to fix geocoords for " + mapping[1]
                                    + ". Setting LastExportTime to null to force cache rebuild.");
                                    "update spexportschemamapping set TimestampExported=null where spexportschemamappingid="
                                            + mapping[0]);

                    // Schema changes for 2.2

                    //change preparationattribute.attrdate from timestamp to date
                    frame.setDesc("Fixing data type for preparationattribute.AttrDate");
                    sql = "alter table preparationattribute modify column attrdate date null";
                    if (-1 == update(conn, sql)) {
                        errMsgList.add("update error: " + sql);
                        return false;

                    //add attachment.IsPublic, with default value = true
                    frame.setDesc("Adding attachment.IsPublic field");
                    if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, "attachment", "isPublic", conn)) {
                        sql = "alter table attachment add column IsPublic bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE";
                        if (-1 == update(conn, sql)) {
                            errMsgList.add("update error: " + sql);
                            return false;

                    frame.setDesc("Fixing data type for localitydetail.Start/EndDepthUnit");
                    sql = "alter table localitydetail modify column enddepthunit varchar(23), modify column startdepthunit varchar(23)";
                    if (-1 == update(conn, sql)) {
                        errMsgList.add("update error: " + sql);
                        return false;
                    frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                    return true;

                } catch (Exception ex) {

                } finally {
                    if (stmt != null) {

        } catch (Exception ex) {

        } finally {
            if (dbConn != null)
        return false;

     * Matches preparations' CollectionMemberIDs with their collectionobjects' CollectionMemberIDs.  
    public void fixPreparationCollectionMemberID() {
        try {
            int cnt = getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(PreparationID) FROM preparation p INNER JOIN collectionobject co "
                    + " ON co.CollectionObjectID = p.CollectionObjectID WHERE co.CollectionMemberID != p.CollectionMemberID");
            if (cnt > 0) {
                String sql = "UPDATE preparation p INNER JOIN collectionobject co "
                        + " ON co.CollectionObjectID = p.CollectionObjectID SET p.CollectionMemberID=co.CollectionMemberID"
                        + " WHERE co.CollectionMemberID != p.CollectionMemberID";
            cnt = getCountAsInt(
                    "select count(*) from preparation p inner join preptype pt on pt.PrepTypeID = p.PrepTypeID where pt.CollectionID != p.CollectionMemberID");
            if (cnt > 0) {
                //This might not work in rare cases where error has been present for a long time
                //and preptypes in the correct collection have been deleted 
                String sql = "update preparation p inner join preptype pt on pt.PrepTypeID = p.PrepTypeID "
                        + "inner join preptype ptc on ptc.Name = pt.Name and ptc.CollectionID = p.CollectionMemberID "
                        + "set p.PrepTypeID = ptc.PrepTypeID";
        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * @param conn
    protected void fixConservDescriptions(final Connection conn) {
        String sql = "SELECT cd.ConservDescriptionID, d.DivisionID, a.DivisionID FROM conservdescription cd "
                + "LEFT JOIN collectionobject co ON cd.CollectionObjectID = co.CollectionObjectID "
                + "LEFT JOIN collection c ON co.CollectionID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                + "LEFT JOIN discipline d ON c.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId "
                + "LEFT JOIN agent a ON cd.CreatedByAgentID = a.AgentID WHERE cd.DivisionID IS NULL";

        for (Object[] row : BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, sql)) {
            Integer csId = (Integer) row[0];
            Integer dv1Id = (Integer) row[1]; // ColObj Div
            Integer dv2Id = (Integer) row[2]; // Agent Div

            Integer divId = dv2Id != null ? dv2Id : dv1Id;
            if (divId != null) {
                sql = "UPDATE conservdescription SET DivisionID = " + divId + " WHERE ConservDescriptionID=" + csId;
                /*int rv = */BasicSQLUtils.update(sql);
                //System.out.println("rv= "+rv+"  "+sql);

    public static void addNewAttachmentTables(final Connection conn) {
        File sqlFile = XMLHelper.getConfigDir("new_attch_tables.sql");
        try {
            String str = FileUtils.readFileToString(sqlFile);
            String[] stmts = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(str, ';');
            for (String sql : stmts) {
                String[] toks = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(sql, '`');
                if (toks.length == 73) {
                    if (!BasicSQLUtils.doesTableExist(conn, toks[1])) {
                        int rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, sql);
                        System.out.println("rv = " + rv);
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * @param conn
     * @param stmt
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    private void fixTablesRefWorksAttachmentsScoping(final Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        int instID = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT InstitutionID FROM institution");
        String sql = String.format("UPDATE attachment SET ScopeID = %d, ScopeType = %d " + "WHERE AttachmentID IN "
                + "(SELECT AttachmentID FROM referenceworkattachment) "
                + "AND (ScopeID IS NULL OR ScopeType IS NULL)", instID, Attachment.INSTITUTION_SCOPE);
        int cnt = update(conn, sql);
        log.debug(String.format("Updated %d RefWorks Attachments", cnt));

     * @param conn
     * @param stmt
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    private void fixTablesAccessionAttachmentsScoping(final Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        int instID = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT InstitutionID FROM institution");
        boolean isMgrGlobally = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT IsAccessionsGlobal FROM institution") != 0;

        String sql;
        if (isMgrGlobally) {
            sql = String.format(
                    "UPDATE attachment, accessionattachment "
                            + "SET attachment.ScopeID = %d, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                            + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = accessionattachment.AttachmentID "
                            + "AND (attachment.ScopeID IS NULL OR attachment.ScopeType IS NULL)",
                    instID, Attachment.INSTITUTION_SCOPE);
        } else {
            sql = String.format(
                    "UPDATE attachment, accessionattachment, accession "
                            + "SET attachment.ScopeID = accession.DivisionID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                            + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = accessionattachment.AttachmentID "
                            + "AND accession.AccessionID = accessionattachment.AccessionID "
                            + "AND (attachment.ScopeID IS NULL OR attachment.ScopeType IS NULL)",

        int cnt = update(conn, sql);
        log.debug(String.format("Updated %d Accession Attachments", cnt));

    private String makeSimpleAttachmentFixerSql(final Class<?> cls, final String scopeIdCol, final byte scopeType) {
        DBTableInfo ti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getByClassName(cls.getName());

        String mainTable = ti.getName();
        String joinTable = (ti.getTableId() == 88 ? "dnasequencerun" : ti.getName()) + "attachment";
        String idCol = cls.getSimpleName() + "ID";

        String scopeIDExpr = (scopeType == Attachment.GLOBAL_SCOPE) ? "NULL" : "maintable." + scopeIdCol;

        return String.format("UPDATE attachment, %s jointable, %s maintable "
                + "SET attachment.ScopeID = %s, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = jointable.AttachmentID " + "AND jointable.%s = maintable.%s "
                + "AND (attachment.ScopeID IS NULL OR attachment.ScopeType IS NULL)", joinTable, mainTable,
                scopeIDExpr, scopeType, idCol, idCol);

     * @param conn
     * @param stmt
     * @param classes
     * @param sqls
     * @param scopeIdCol
     * @param scopeType
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    private void fixSimpleAttachmentScoping(final Connection conn, final Class<?>[] classes,
            final String scopeIdCol, final byte scopeType) throws SQLException {
        for (Class<?> cls : classes) {
            String sql = makeSimpleAttachmentFixerSql(cls, scopeIdCol, scopeType);
            int cnt = update(conn, sql);
            log.debug(String.format("Updated %d for %s", cnt, cls.getSimpleName()));

     * @param frame
    private void generateMissingGUIDs(final ProgressFrame frame) {
        if (GenericGUIDGeneratorFactory.getInstance() instanceof SpecifyGUIDGeneratorFactory) {
            SpecifyGUIDGeneratorFactory guidGen = (SpecifyGUIDGeneratorFactory) GenericGUIDGeneratorFactory

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @return
    private boolean addGUIDCols(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) {
        String guidField = "GUID";
        int[] tblIds = { CollectingEvent.getClassTableId(), Attachment.getClassTableId(),
                Collection.getClassTableId(), Institution.getClassTableId(), Determination.getClassTableId() };
        String[] afterName = { "SGRStatus", "ScopeType", "EstimatedSize", "MinimumPwdLength", "YesNo2", };
        String[] indexName = { "CEGuidIDX", "AttchmentGuidIDX", "CollectionGuidIDX", "InstGuidIDX",
                "DeterminationGuidIDX" };

        for (int i = 0; i < tblIds.length; i++) {
            DBTableInfo ti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(tblIds[i]);
            //frame.setDesc(String.format("Adding GUID field to %s", ti.getTitle())); // I18N
            String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(tblIds[i]);
            if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, guidField)) {
                if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, guidField, "VARCHAR(128)", afterName[i])) {
                            "There was an error updating the schema for table `%s`\n please contact the Specify Help Desk.",
                    return false;
                update(conn, String.format("CREATE INDEX %s ON %s(GUID)", indexName[i], ti.getName()));
        return true;

    public boolean addScopingToAttachmentTable(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) {
        String scopeId = "ScopeID";
        String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Attachment.getClassTableId());

        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, scopeId)) {
            if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, scopeId, INT11, "TableID")) {
                return false;
        String scopeType = "ScopeType";
        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, scopeType)) {
            if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, scopeType, "TINYINT", "ScopeID")) {
                return false;

        try {
            int step = 1;
            frame.setProcess(0, 4);



            Class<?>[] attachOwnerClasses = { CollectionObject.class, Borrow.class, // Borrow -> BorrowMaterial.ColMemID
                    DNASequence.class, DNASequencingRun.class, Preparation.class, };
            fixSimpleAttachmentScoping(conn, attachOwnerClasses, "CollectionMemberID", Attachment.COLLECTION_SCOPE);

            Class<?>[] divOwnerClasses = { Agent.class, ConservDescription.class, RepositoryAgreement.class, };
            fixSimpleAttachmentScoping(conn, divOwnerClasses, "DivisionID", Attachment.DIVISION_SCOPE);

            Class<?>[] dispOwnerClasses = { CollectingEvent.class, Gift.class, Loan.class, Locality.class,
                    FieldNotebook.class, };
            fixSimpleAttachmentScoping(conn, dispOwnerClasses, "DisciplineID", Attachment.DISCIPLINE_SCOPE);

            String[] sqls = {
                    String.format("UPDATE attachment, conserveventattachment, conservevent, conservdescription "
                            + "SET attachment.ScopeID = conservdescription.DivisionID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                            + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = conserveventattachment.AttachmentID "
                            + "AND conserveventattachment.ConserveventID = conservevent.ConserveventID "
                            + "AND conservevent.ConservDescriptionID = conservdescription.ConservDescriptionID",

                            "UPDATE attachment, fieldnotebookpagesetattachment, fieldnotebookpageset, fieldnotebook "
                                    + "SET attachment.ScopeID = fieldnotebook.DisciplineID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                                    + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = fieldnotebookpagesetattachment.AttachmentID "
                                    + "AND fieldnotebookpagesetattachment.FieldNotebookPageSetID = fieldnotebookpageset.FieldNotebookPageSetID "
                                    + "AND fieldnotebookpageset.FieldNotebookID = fieldnotebook.FieldNotebookID",

                            "UPDATE attachment, fieldnotebookpageattachment, fieldnotebookpage, fieldnotebookpageset, fieldnotebook "
                                    + "SET attachment.ScopeID = fieldnotebook.DisciplineID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                                    + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = fieldnotebookpageattachment.AttachmentID "
                                    + "AND fieldnotebookpageattachment.FieldNotebookPageID = fieldnotebookpage.FieldNotebookPageID "
                                    + "AND fieldnotebookpage.FieldNotebookPageSetID = fieldnotebookpageset.FieldNotebookPageSetID "
                                    + "AND fieldnotebookpageset.FieldNotebookID = fieldnotebook.FieldNotebookID",

                            "UPDATE attachment, permitattachment, permit "
                                    + "SET attachment.ScopeID = permit.InstitutionID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                                    + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = permitattachment.AttachmentID "
                                    + "AND permitattachment.PermitID = permit.PermitID",

                    String.format("UPDATE attachment, taxonattachment, taxon, discipline "
                            + "SET attachment.ScopeID = discipline.UserGroupScopeID, attachment.ScopeType = %d "
                            + "WHERE attachment.AttachmentID = taxonattachment.AttachmentID "
                            + "AND taxonattachment.TaxonID = taxon.TaxonID "
                            + "AND taxon.TaxonTreeDefID = discipline.TaxonTreeDefID",
                            Attachment.DISCIPLINE_SCOPE) };

            for (String sql : sqls) {
                int cnt = update(conn, sql + " AND (attachment.ScopeID IS NULL OR attachment.ScopeType IS NULL)");
                log.debug(String.format("Updated %d attachments.", cnt));


            if (!doesIndexExist("attachment", "AttchScopeIDIDX")) {
                update(conn, "CREATE INDEX AttchScopeIDIDX ON attachment(ScopeID)");
            if (!doesIndexExist("attachment", "AttchScopeTypeIDX")) {
                update(conn, "CREATE INDEX AttchScopeTypeIDX ON attachment(ScopeType)");

            return true;

        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return false;

     * @param conn
    public boolean addTableIDToAttachmentTable(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) {
        String tableID = "TableID";
        String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Attachment.getClassTableId());
        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, tableID)) {
            if (!addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, tableID, "SMALLINT", "Title")) {
                return false;
        } else {
            String colType = getFieldColumnType(conn, databaseName, tblName, tableID);
            if (!colType.toLowerCase().startsWith("small")) {
                int rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE attachment MODIFY TableID SMALLINT");
                log.debug("rv = " + rv);

        try {
            Class<?>[] attachmentClasses = { AccessionAttachment.class, AgentAttachment.class,
                    BorrowAttachment.class, CollectingEventAttachment.class, CollectionObjectAttachment.class,
                    ConservDescriptionAttachment.class, ConservEventAttachment.class, DNASequenceAttachment.class,
                    DNASequencingRunAttachment.class, FieldNotebookAttachment.class,
                    FieldNotebookPageAttachment.class, FieldNotebookPageSetAttachment.class, GiftAttachment.class,
                    LoanAttachment.class, LocalityAttachment.class, PermitAttachment.class,
                    PreparationAttachment.class, ReferenceWorkAttachment.class, RepositoryAgreementAttachment.class,
                    TaxonAttachment.class, };

            Class<?>[] ownerClasses = { Accession.class, Agent.class, Borrow.class, CollectingEvent.class,
                    CollectionObject.class, ConservDescription.class, ConservEvent.class, DNASequence.class,
                    DNASequencingRun.class, FieldNotebook.class, FieldNotebookPage.class,
                    FieldNotebookPageSet.class, Gift.class, Loan.class, Locality.class, Permit.class,
                    Preparation.class, ReferenceWork.class, RepositoryAgreement.class, Taxon.class, };

            frame.setProcess(0, attachmentClasses.length);

            int i = 1;
            for (Class<?> cls : attachmentClasses) {
                DBTableInfo ownerTI = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getByClassName(ownerClasses[i - 1].getName());
                DBTableInfo ti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getByClassName(cls.getName());
                String sql = String.format(
                        "UPDATE attachment SET TableID = %d "
                                + "WHERE AttachmentID IN (SELECT AttachmentID FROM %s) " + "AND TableID IS NULL",
                        ownerTI.getTableId(), ti.getName());

                int cnt = update(conn, sql);
                log.debug(String.format("Set TableID for %d attachments.", cnt));
            return true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return false;

     * @param conn
    public void fixCollectorOrder(final Connection conn) {
        frame.setDesc("Fixing Collector Ordering...");

        try {
            String post = " FROM (SELECT ce.CollectingEventID ID, COUNT(c.OrderNumber) CNT, MAX(c.OrderNumber) MX, MIN(c.OrderNumber) MN "
                    + "FROM collectingevent ce "
                    + "INNER JOIN collector c ON ce.CollectingEventID = c.CollectingEventID "
                    + "INNER JOIN agent a ON c.AgentID = a.AgentID GROUP BY ce.CollectingEventID) T1 WHERE MN != 0 OR MX+1 != CNT ";

            String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)" + post;

            int totalCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(conn, sql);
            if (totalCnt == 0)

            int percent = totalCnt / 50;
            percent = Math.max(percent, 1);
            frame.setProcess(0, 100);

            int cnt = 0;
            PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(
                    "SELECT CollectorID FROM collector WHERE CollectingEventID = ? ORDER BY OrderNumber");
            PreparedStatement pStmt2 = conn
                    .prepareStatement("UPDATE collector SET OrderNumber = ? WHERE CollectorID = ?");
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ID" + post);
            while ( {
                int order = 0;
                pStmt.setInt(1, rs.getInt(1));
                ResultSet rs2 = pStmt.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                    pStmt2.setInt(1, order++);
                    pStmt2.setInt(2, rs2.getInt(1));
                    if (pStmt2.executeUpdate() != 1) {
                        log.error("Error updating CollectorID " + rs2.getInt(1));
                if (cnt % percent == 0) {
                    frame.setProcess(cnt * 100 / totalCnt);


        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * Schema Update for 1.6
    public boolean miscSchema16Updates(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) throws Exception {

        //-- SpVersion
        String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpVersion.getClassTableId());
        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "IsDBClosed")) {
            String[] instCols = { "IsDBClosed", "BIT(1)", "SchemaVersion", "DbClosedBy", "VARCHAR(32)",
                    "IsDBClosed" };
            if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, instCols)) {
                return false;

        //-- GeoCoordDetail
        tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(GeoCoordDetail.getClassTableId());
        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "UncertaintyPolygon")) {
            String[] instCols = { "UncertaintyPolygon", "TEXT", "MaxUncertaintyEstUnit", "ErrorPolygon", "TEXT",
                    "UncertaintyPolygon" };
            if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, instCols)) {
                return false;

        frame.setDesc("Fixing SrcLatLonUnit in Locality");

        return true;

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @throws SQLException
    public static void createSGRTables(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) throws SQLException {

        if (!doesTableExist(databaseName, "sgrmatchconfiguration")) {
            String sql = "CREATE TABLE `sgrmatchconfiguration` ("
                    + "`id`                       bigint(20)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, "
                    + "`name`                     varchar(128)    NOT NULL, "
                    + "`similarityFields`         text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`serverUrl`                text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`filterQuery`              varchar(128)    NOT NULL, "
                    + "`queryFields`              text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`remarks`                  text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`boostInterestingTerms`    tinyint(1)      NOT NULL, "
                    + "`nRows`                    int(11)         NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`) "
                    + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
            update(conn, sql);

        if (!doesTableExist(databaseName, "sgrbatchmatchresultset")) {
            String sql = "CREATE TABLE `sgrbatchmatchresultset` ("
                    + "`id`                       bigint(20)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, "
                    + "`insertTime`               timestamp       NOT NULL, "
                    + "`name`                     varchar(128)    NOT NULL, "
                    + "`recordSetID`              bigint(20)      DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "`matchConfigurationId`     bigint(20)      NOT NULL, "
                    + "`query`                    text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`remarks`                  text            NOT NULL, "
                    + "`dbTableId`                int(11)         DEFAULT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`), "
                    + "KEY `sgrbatchmatchresultsetfk2` (`matchConfigurationId`), "
                    + "CONSTRAINT `sgrbatchmatchresultsetfk2` FOREIGN KEY (`matchConfigurationId`) REFERENCES `sgrmatchconfiguration` (`id`) "
                    + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
            update(conn, sql);

        if (!doesTableExist(databaseName, "sgrbatchmatchresultitem")) {
            String sql = "CREATE TABLE `sgrbatchmatchresultitem` ( "
                    + "`id`                       bigint(20)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, "
                    + "`matchedId`                varchar(128)    NOT NULL, "
                    + "`maxScore`                 float           NOT NULL, "
                    + "`batchMatchResultSetId`    bigint(20)      NOT NULL, "
                    + "`qTime`                    int(11)         NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`), "
                    + "KEY `sgrbatchmatchresultitemfk1` (`batchMatchResultSetId`), "
                    + "CONSTRAINT `sgrbatchmatchresultitemfk1` FOREIGN KEY (`batchMatchResultSetId`) REFERENCES `sgrbatchmatchresultset` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE "
                    + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
            update(conn, sql);

     * @param oldDBConn
     * @param newDBConn
    private LatLonConverter.FORMAT discoverUnitType(final String latLonStr) {
        LatLonConverter.FORMAT fmt = LatLonConverter.FORMAT.None;
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(latLonStr)) {
            int colonCnt = StringUtils.countMatches(latLonStr, ":");

            if (colonCnt == 0) {
                fmt = LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDDDDD;

            } else if (colonCnt == 1) {
                fmt = LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDMMMM;

            } else if (colonCnt == 2) {
                fmt = LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDMMSS;
        return fmt;

     * @param conn
     * @return
    public static boolean updateDNAAttachments(final Connection conn) {
        boolean isInnoDB = true;
        Object[] createRow = BasicSQLUtils.queryForRow("SHOW CREATE TABLE collectionobject");
        if (createRow != null && createRow.length > 1) {
            isInnoDB = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(createRow[1].toString(), "InnoDB");

        String dbType = isInnoDB ? "InnoDB" : "MyISAM";
        String dnaSeqRunAttSQL = String.format(
                "CREATE TABLE `dnasequencerunattachment` ( `DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `TimestampCreated` datetime NOT NULL, `TimestampModified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `Version` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, "
                        + "`Ordinal` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `Remarks` text, `ModifiedByAgentID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `AttachmentID` int(11) NOT NULL, `CreatedByAgentID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `DnaSequencingRunID` int(11) NOT NULL, "
                        + "PRIMARY KEY (`DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId`), KEY `FKD0DAEB167699B003` (`CreatedByAgentID`), KEY `FKD0DAEB1678F036AA` (`DnaSequencingRunID`), KEY `FKD0DAEB16C7E55084` (`AttachmentID`), KEY `FKD0DAEB165327F942` (`ModifiedByAgentID`), "
                        + "CONSTRAINT `FKD0DAEB165327F942` FOREIGN KEY (`ModifiedByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`), CONSTRAINT `FKD0DAEB167699B003` FOREIGN KEY (`CreatedByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`), "
                        + "CONSTRAINT `FKD0DAEB1678F036AA` FOREIGN KEY (`DnaSequencingRunID`) REFERENCES `dnasequencingrun` (`DNASequencingRunID`), CONSTRAINT `FKD0DAEB16C7E55084` FOREIGN KEY (`AttachmentID`) REFERENCES `attachment` (`AttachmentID`) ) "
                        + "ENGINE=%s DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;",

        String dnaSeqAttSQL = String.format(
                "CREATE TABLE `dnasequenceattachment` ( `DnaSequenceAttachmentId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `TimestampCreated` datetime NOT NULL, `TimestampModified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `Version` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, "
                        + "`Ordinal` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `Remarks` text, `AttachmentID` int(11) NOT NULL, `CreatedByAgentID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `DnaSequenceID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ModifiedByAgentID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DnaSequenceAttachmentId`), "
                        + "KEY `FKFFC2E0FB265FB168` (`DnaSequenceID`), KEY `FKFFC2E0FB7699B003` (`CreatedByAgentID`), KEY `FKFFC2E0FBC7E55084` (`AttachmentID`), KEY `FKFFC2E0FB5327F942` (`ModifiedByAgentID`), "
                        + "CONSTRAINT `FKFFC2E0FB5327F942` FOREIGN KEY (`ModifiedByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`), CONSTRAINT `FKFFC2E0FB265FB168` FOREIGN KEY (`DnaSequenceID`) REFERENCES `dnasequence` (`DnaSequenceID`), "
                        + "CONSTRAINT `FKFFC2E0FB7699B003` FOREIGN KEY (`CreatedByAgentID`) REFERENCES `agent` (`AgentID`), CONSTRAINT `FKFFC2E0FBC7E55084` FOREIGN KEY (`AttachmentID`) REFERENCES `attachment` (`AttachmentID`) ) "
                        + "ENGINE=%s DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;",

        String insert = "INSERT INTO dnasequencerunattachment ( DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId, TimestampCreated, TimestampModified, Version, "
                + "Ordinal, Remarks, AttachmentID, CreatedByAgentID, DnaSequencingRunID, ModifiedByAgentID) "
                + "SELECT DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId, TimestampCreated, TimestampModified, Version, "
                + "Ordinal, Remarks, AttachmentID, CreatedByAgentID, DnaSequencingRunID, ModifiedByAgentID FROM dnasequenceattachment ORDER BY DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId ASC";

        DBMSUserMgr dbMgr = DBMSUserMgr.getInstance();

        String dnasequenceattachment = "dnasequenceattachment";

        boolean isDnaSeqInError = dbMgr.doesDBHaveTable(dnasequenceattachment)
                && dbMgr.doesFieldExistInTable(dnasequenceattachment, "DnaSequencingRunAttachmentId");

        int recCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dnasequenceattachment");
        log.debug("Number of dnasequenceattachment records: " + recCnt);

        boolean isDNASeqTableFixed = false;
        if (isDnaSeqInError) {
            if (recCnt == 0) {
                int rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, "DROP TABLE dnasequenceattachment");
                log.debug("Dropped Old table dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                if (rv != 0) {
          "Failed dropping dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                    return false;

                rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, dnaSeqAttSQL);
                log.debug("Created New table dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                if (rv != 0) {
          "Failed creating dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                    return false;
                isDNASeqTableFixed = true;

            } else {
                        "The is a problem with the DNASequenceAttachment table that can not be fixed automatically.\nPlease contact the Specify Help Desk.");
                return false;

        if (dbMgr.doesDBHaveTable("dnasequencerunattachment")) {
            log.error("dnasequencerunattachment already exists");
            return false;

        int rv;

        rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, dnaSeqRunAttSQL);
        log.debug("Created dnasequencerunattachment: " + rv);
        if (rv != 0) {
  "Failed creating dnasequencerunattachment: " + rv);
            return false;

        if (recCnt > 0) {
            rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, insert);
            log.debug("Moved Records dnasequencerunattachment: " + rv);
            if (rv != 0) {
      "Failed moving records dnasequencerunattachment: " + rv);
                return false;

        if (!isDNASeqTableFixed) {
            rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, "DROP TABLE dnasequenceattachment");
            log.debug("Dropped Old table dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
            if (rv != 0) {
      "Failed dropping dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                return false;

            rv = BasicSQLUtils.update(conn, dnaSeqAttSQL);
            log.debug("Created New table dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
            if (rv != 0) {
      "Failed creating dnasequenceattachment: " + rv);
                return false;

        return true;

     * @param oldDBConn
     * @param conn
    private void fixSrcLatLongUnit(final Connection conn) {
        String post = " FROM locality WHERE Lat1Text IS NOT NULL AND Long1Text IS NOT NULL AND OriginalLatLongUnit <> SrcLatLongUnit";
        String cntSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*)" + post;
        String sql = "SELECT LocalityID, OriginalLatLongUnit, SrcLatLongUnit, Lat1Text, Long1Text" + post;

        int total = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(conn, cntSQL);
        int cnt = 0;
        //int updated = 0;

        frame.setProcess(0, total);
        PreparedStatement pStmt1 = null;
        try {
            pStmt1 = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE locality SET SrcLatLongUnit=? WHERE LocalityID = ?");
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while ( {
                int locID = rs.getInt(1);
                //Integer orgUnit = rs.getInt(2);
                Integer srcUnit = rs.getInt(3);
                String latStr = rs.getString(4);
                String lonStr = rs.getString(5);

                LatLonConverter.FORMAT latFmt = discoverUnitType(latStr);
                LatLonConverter.FORMAT lonFmt = discoverUnitType(lonStr);

                LatLonConverter.FORMAT fmt;
                if (latFmt == LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDMMSS || lonFmt == LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDMMSS) {
                    fmt = LatLonConverter.FORMAT.DDMMSS;
                } else {
                    fmt = latFmt.ordinal() > lonFmt.ordinal() ? latFmt : lonFmt;
                int fmtUnit = fmt.ordinal();
                if (fmtUnit != srcUnit) {
                    pStmt1.setInt(1, fmtUnit);
                    pStmt1.setInt(2, locID);

                if (cnt % 100 == 0) {
                    //System.out.println(String.format("%d / %d", cnt, total));

        } catch (Exception ex) {

        } finally {
            try {
                if (pStmt1 != null)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        //System.out.println("Fixed "+cnt+" Locality records and updated "+updated);

     * Creates error message with all the field names and adds it to the error list.
     * @param tableName table name
     * @param fieldNames list of fields
     * @return error msg
    private String generateErrFieldsMsg(final String tableName, final String[] fieldNames) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String nm : fieldNames) {
        sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);
        String msg = String.format(ERR_ADDING_FIELDS, tableName, sb.toString());
        return msg;

     * Returns number of records in table.
     * @param tableName unique table name
     * @return count
    private int getCount(final String tableName) {
        return BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", tableName));

     * @param conn
    public void fixLatLonMethodGEOLocate(final Connection conn) {
        // Fixes LatLonMethod to use a standard value 'GEOLocate'

        // check first before issuing update
        if (BasicSQLUtils
                .getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM locality WHERE LOWER(LatLongMethod) = 'geolocate'") > 0) {
            update(conn, "UPDATE locality SET LatLongMethod='GEOLocate' WHERE LOWER(LatLongMethod) = 'geolocate'");

        // This update should be very fast
                "UPDATE picklistitem SET Title='GEOLocate', Value ='GEOLocate' WHERE LOWER(Title) = 'geolocate' OR LOWER(Value) = 'geolocate'");

     * @param connection
    public void fixDuplicatedPaleoContexts(final Connection conn) {
        String sql = "SELECT PaleoContextID FROM (SELECT pc.PaleoContextID, COUNT(pc.PaleoContextID) cnt "
                + "FROM paleocontext pc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON pc.PaleoContextID = co.PaleoContextID "
                + "GROUP BY pc.PaleoContextID) T1 WHERE cnt > 1 ";

        String coSQL = "SELECT CollectionObjectID FROM collectionobject WHERE PaleoContextID = ";

        List<String> pcFieldNames = getFieldNamesFromSchema(conn, "paleocontext");
        String fieldStr = buildSelectFieldList(pcFieldNames, null);
        fieldStr = StringUtils.remove(fieldStr, "PaleoContextID, ");

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO paleocontext (");
        sb.append(") SELECT ");
        sb.append(" FROM paleocontext WHERE PaleoContextID = ?");

        String updateSQL = sb.toString();

        boolean isErr = false;
        PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
        PreparedStatement pStmt2 = null;
        try {
            pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(updateSQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
            pStmt2 = conn
                    .prepareStatement("UPDATE collectionobject SET PaleoContextID=? WHERE CollectionObjectID = ?");

            for (Integer pcId : BasicSQLUtils.queryForInts(conn, sql)) {
                Vector<Integer> colObjIds = BasicSQLUtils.queryForInts(conn, coSQL + pcId);
                for (int i = 1; i < colObjIds.size(); i++) {
                    pStmt.setInt(1, pcId);
                    int rv = pStmt.executeUpdate();
                    if (rv == 1) {
                        Integer newPCId = BasicSQLUtils.getInsertedId(pStmt);
                        pStmt2.setInt(1, newPCId);
                        pStmt2.setInt(2, colObjIds.get(i));
                        rv = pStmt2.executeUpdate();
                        if (rv != 1) {
                            log.error("Error updating co " + colObjIds.get(i));
                            isErr = true;
                    } else {
                        log.error("Error updating pc " + pcId);
                        isErr = true;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(NavigationTreeMgr.class, ex);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (pStmt != null)
                if (pStmt2 != null)
            } catch (SQLException ex) {

        if (isErr) {
                    .showError("There was an error updating the duplicated PaleoContexts\nPlease contact support.");

     * @param conn
    public void fixAgentsDivsDisps(final Connection conn) {
        try {
            String sql = "SELECT T1.SpecifyUserID FROM (SELECT COUNT(su.SpecifyUserID) AS cnt, su.SpecifyUserID FROM specifyuser su INNER JOIN agent a ON su.SpecifyUserID = a.SpecifyUserID GROUP BY su.SpecifyUserID) T1 WHERE cnt > 1";
            //String sql = "SELECT SpecifyUserID FROM specifyuser";

            Vector<Integer> rows = queryForInts(conn, sql);
            if (rows.size() == 0) {

            for (Integer spId : rows) {
                log.debug("-------- For SpUser: " + spId + " --------------");

                HashSet<Integer> currAgentsDivHash = new HashSet<Integer>();

                String fromClause = String.format(" FROM specifyuser su "
                        + "INNER JOIN agent a ON su.SpecifyUserID = a.SpecifyUserID "
                        + "WHERE su.SpecifyUserID = %d AND a.DivisionID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY a.TimestampModified ASC",

                sql = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.DivisionID" + fromClause;

                Integer firstAgentId = null;
                Integer firstDivId = null;

                HashMap<Integer, Integer> agentIdsWithDupDivs = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                HashMap<Integer, Integer> divToAgentHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                HashMap<Integer, Integer> divToAgentToFixHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

                for (Object[] row : query(conn, sql)) {
                    Integer agtId = (Integer) row[0];
                    Integer divId = (Integer) row[1];

                    if (firstAgentId == null) {
                        firstAgentId = agtId;
                        firstDivId = divId;

                    divToAgentHash.put(divId, agtId);
                    log.debug(String.format("Div: %d -> Agent: %d", divId, agtId));

                    if (currAgentsDivHash.contains(divId)) {
                        agentIdsWithDupDivs.put(agtId, divId);
                        log.debug(String.format("Agent %d was a duplicate Agent for Div %d", agtId, divId));
                    } else {

                // Get the Disciplines for SpecifyUser from the Permissions
                ArrayList<Integer> divsForSpecifyUserList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                HashSet<Integer> divsForSpecifyUserHash = new HashSet<Integer>();

                sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dv.UserGroupScopeId FROM collection cln "
                        + "INNER JOIN spprincipal p ON cln.UserGroupScopeId = p.userGroupScopeID "
                        + "INNER JOIN discipline ds ON cln.DisciplineID = ds.UserGroupScopeId "
                        + "INNER JOIN division dv ON ds.DivisionID = dv.UserGroupScopeId "
                        + "INNER JOIN specifyuser_spprincipal su_pr ON p.SpPrincipalID = su_pr.SpPrincipalID "
                        + "INNER JOIN specifyuser su ON su_pr.SpecifyUserID = su.SpecifyUserID  WHERE su.SpecifyUserID = "
                        + spId + " ORDER BY dv.UserGroupScopeId";

                ArrayList<Integer> divsForSpUserWithNoAgent = new ArrayList<Integer>();

                // Gets all the Divisions that this SpecifyUser is assigned to
                // and make sure there is an Agent for that Division
                for (Integer divId : queryForInts(conn, sql)) {
                    log.debug(String.format("spId: %d  div: %d", spId, divId));

                    if (divToAgentHash.get(divId) == null) {
                        log.debug(String.format("Div %d doesn't have an UserAgent", divId));

                if (agentIdsWithDupDivs.size() == 0 && divsForSpUserWithNoAgent.size() == 0) {

                ArrayList<Integer> availAgents = new ArrayList<Integer>(agentIdsWithDupDivs.keySet());
                ArrayList<Integer> availDivs = new ArrayList<Integer>(divsForSpUserWithNoAgent);

                // Loop thru all the Divisions that are missing an Agent
                // and use an already existing Agent.
                PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
                try {
                    pStmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE agent SET DivisionID=? WHERE AgentID = ?");

                    for (Integer divId : divsForSpUserWithNoAgent) {
                        if (availAgents.size() > 0) {
                            Integer agtId = availAgents.get(0);
                            availAgents.remove(0); // remove first element

                            pStmt.setInt(1, divId);
                            pStmt.setInt(2, agtId);

                            log.debug(String.format("Set Agent %d to Div %d", agtId, divId));

                            divToAgentToFixHash.put(divId, agtId);

                            availDivs.remove(divId); // remove the DiviId object
                        } else {
                            break; // out of extra agents
                } catch (Exception e1) {

                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (pStmt != null) {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                if (availDivs.size() > 0) {
                    // Finish looping thru all the Divisions that are missing an Agent
                    // and clone an Agent for them because we have already used up any extra Agents.
                    DataProviderSessionIFace session = null;
                    try {
                        session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession();

                        ArrayList<Agent> agentToBeAdded = new ArrayList<Agent>();

                        // At this point the list 'availDivs' has divisions that do not have agents
                        for (Integer divId : availDivs) {
                            Agent clonableAgent = session.get(Agent.class, firstAgentId); // get the agent to be duplicated
                            Division division = session.get(Division.class, divId);

                            Agent clonedAgent = (Agent) clonableAgent.clone();

                            log.debug(String.format("Cloning Agent %d for Div %d", firstAgentId, divId));



                        // Create a new session or the cloned agents don't save correctly
                        session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession();
                        for (Agent agent : agentToBeAdded) {
                            Agent newAgent = (Agent) agent.clone();

                            divToAgentToFixHash.put(newAgent.getDivision().getId(), newAgent.getId());

                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                    } finally {
                        try {
                            if (session != null) {
                        } catch (Exception ex) {

                // Now fix all for the agent
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                // At this point all the divisions for a SpecyUser now have an Agent,
                // either an old one that was reused or a newly cloned one.
                // We shouldn't have any left over Agents, but the list 'availAgents'
                // will have any extra previous used Agents that need to be deleted.
                for (Integer agtId : availAgents) {
                    if (sb.length() > 0)

                String inClause = " WHERE %s in (" + sb.toString() + ") ";

                // Add this Original Mapping in
                divToAgentToFixHash.put(firstDivId, firstAgentId);

                if (availAgents.size() > 0) {
                    //---------- accessionagent
                    sql = "SELECT aa.AccessionAgentID, aa.AgentID, a.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM accessionagent aa INNER JOIN accession a ON aa.AccessionID = a.AccessionID ORDER BY aa.AgentID";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "accessionagent", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- addressofrecord (Accession, Borrow, ExchangeIn, EchangeOut, Gift, Loan, RepositoryAgreement)

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, a.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN accession a ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = a.AddressOfRecordID ORDER BY aa.AgentID";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, ei.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN exchangein ei ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = ei.AddressOfRecordID ORDER BY aa.AgentID";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, eo.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN exchangeout eo ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = eo.AddressOfRecordID ORDER BY aa.AgentID";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, g.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN gift g ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = g.AddressOfRecordID ORDER BY aa.AgentID";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, l.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN loan l ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = l.AddressOfRecordID ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT aa.AddressOfRecordID, aa.AgentID, ra.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM addressofrecord aa INNER JOIN repositoryagreement ra ON aa.AddressOfRecordID = ra.AddressOfRecordID ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "addressofrecord", "aa.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- agentgeography
                    sql = "SELECT ag.AgentGeographyID, ag.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM agentgeography ag INNER JOIN geography g ON ag.GeographyID = g.GeographyID "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON g.GeographyTreeDefID = dp.GeographyTreeDefID ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "agentgeography", "ag.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- agentspecialty
                    // (Don't Need To)

                    //---------- agentvariant
                    // (Don't Need To)

                    //---------- appraisal
                    sql = "SELECT ap.AppraisalID, ap.AgentID, a.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM appraisal ap INNER JOIN accession a ON ap.AccessionID = a.AccessionID ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "appraisal", "ap.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT ap.AppraisalID, ap.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM appraisal ap INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON ap.AppraisalID = co.AppraisalID "
                            + "INNER JOIN collection c ON co.CollectionID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "appraisal", "ap.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- author
                    // (Skipping for now - no way to know)

                    //---------- borrowagent
                    sql = "SELECT ba.BorrowAgentID, ba.AgentID, dp.DivisionID FROM borrowagent ba "
                            + "INNER JOIN collection c ON ba.CollectionMemberID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "borrowagent", "ba.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- borrowreturnmaterial
                    sql = "SELECT brm.BorrowReturnMaterialID, brm.ReturnedByID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM borrowreturnmaterial brm INNER JOIN borrowmaterial bm ON brm.BorrowMaterialID = bm.BorrowMaterialID "
                            + "INNER JOIN collection c ON bm.CollectionMemberID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "borrowreturnmaterial", "brm.ReturnedByID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- collectionobject
                    sql = "SELECT co.CollectionObjectID, co.CatalogerID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN collection c ON co.CollectionID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "collectionobject", "co.CatalogerID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- collector
                    sql = "SELECT CollectorID, AgentID, DivisionID FROM collector";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "collector", "AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- conservevent
                    // (Skipping for now - no way to know)

                    //---------- deaccessionagent
                    // (Skipping for now - no way to know)

                    //---------- determination
                    sql = "SELECT d.DeterminationID, d.DeterminerID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM determination d INNER JOIN collection c ON d.CollectionMemberID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "determination", "d.DeterminerID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- dnasequence
                    sql = "SELECT DnaSequenceID, dna.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM collection c INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN dnasequence dna ON dna.CollectionMemberID = c.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "dnasequence", "dna.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- exchangein
                    sql = "SELECT ExchangeInID, CatalogedByID, DivisionID FROM exchangein";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "exchangein", "CatalogedByID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- exchangeout
                    sql = "SELECT ExchangeOutID, CatalogedByID, DivisionID FROM exchangeout";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "exchangeout", "CatalogedByID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- fieldnotebook
                    sql = "SELECT fn.FieldNotebookID, fn.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM fieldnotebook fn INNER JOIN discipline dp ON fn.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "fieldnotebook", "fn.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- fieldnotebookpageset
                    sql = "SELECT FieldNotebookPageSetID, fnps.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM fieldnotebookpageset fnps INNER JOIN discipline dp ON fnps.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "fieldnotebookpageset", "fnps.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- geocoorddetail
                    sql = "SELECT gd.GeoCoordDetailID, gd.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM geocoorddetail gd INNER JOIN locality l ON gd.LocalityID = l.LocalityID "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON l.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "geocoorddetail", "gd.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- giftagent
                    sql = "SELECT ga.GiftAgentID, ga.AgentID, g.DivisionID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM giftagent ga INNER JOIN gift g ON ga.GiftID = g.GiftID "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON g.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "giftagent", "ga.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- groupperson (Don't need to)

                    //---------- inforequest
                    sql = "SELECT ir.InfoRequestID, ir.AgentID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM inforequest ir INNER JOIN collection c ON ir.CollectionMemberID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "inforequest", "ir.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- loanagent
                    sql = "SELECT la.LoanAgentID, la.AgentID, l.DivisionID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM loanagent la INNER JOIN loan l ON la.LoanID = l.LoanID "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON l.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "loanagent", "la.AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- loanreturnpreparation
                    sql = "SELECT lrp.LoanReturnPreparationID, lrp.ReceivedByID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM loanreturnpreparation lrp INNER JOIN discipline dp ON lrp.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "loanreturnpreparation", "lrp.ReceivedByID", divToAgentToFixHash,

                    //---------- permit (No way to know)

                    //---------- preparation
                    sql = "SELECT PreparationID, p.PreparedByID, dp.DivisionID "
                            + "FROM preparation p INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON p.CollectionObjectID = co.CollectionObjectID "
                            + "INNER JOIN collection c ON co.CollectionID = c.UserGroupScopeId "
                            + "INNER JOIN discipline dp ON c.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "preparation", "p.PreparedByID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- project (No way to know)

                    //---------- repositoryagreement
                    sql = "SELECT RepositoryAgreementID, AgentID, DivisionID FROM repositoryagreement";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "repositoryagreement", "AgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- shipment

                    sql = "SELECT s.ShipmentID, s.ShipperID, dp.DivisionID FROM shipment s INNER JOIN discipline dp ON s.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "shipment", "s.ShipperID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT s.ShipmentID, s.ShippedToID, dp.DivisionID FROM shipment s INNER JOIN discipline dp ON s.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "shipment", "s.ShippedToID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT s.ShipmentID, s.ShippedByID, dp.DivisionID FROM shipment s INNER JOIN discipline dp ON s.DisciplineID = dp.UserGroupScopeId";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "shipment", "s.ShippedByID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    //---------- AppResources

                    sql = "SELECT ap.SpAppResourceDirID, ap.CreatedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresourcedir AS ap "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON ap.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresourcedir", "ap.CreatedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT ap.SpAppResourceDirID, ap.ModifiedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresourcedir AS ap "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON ap.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresourcedir", "ap.ModifiedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT r.SpAppResourceID, r.CreatedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresource AS r "
                            + "Inner Join spappresourcedir AS rd ON r.SpAppResourceDirID = rd.SpAppResourceDirID "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON rd.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresource", "r.CreatedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT r.SpAppResourceID, r.ModifiedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresource AS r "
                            + "Inner Join spappresourcedir AS rd ON r.SpAppResourceDirID = rd.SpAppResourceDirID "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON rd.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresource", "r.ModifiedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash, inClause);

                    sql = "SELECT ada.SpAppResourceDataID, ada.CreatedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresourcedata AS ada "
                            + "Inner Join spappresource AS ar ON ada.SpAppResourceID = ar.SpAppResourceID "
                            + "Inner Join spappresourcedir AS ad ON ar.SpAppResourceDirID = ad.SpAppResourceDirID "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON ad.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresourcedata", "ada.CreatedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash,

                    sql = "SELECT ada.SpAppResourceDataID, ada.ModifiedByAgentID, d.DivisionID FROM spappresourcedata AS ada "
                            + "Inner Join spappresource AS ar ON ada.SpAppResourceID = ar.SpAppResourceID "
                            + "Inner Join spappresourcedir AS ad ON ar.SpAppResourceDirID = ad.SpAppResourceDirID "
                            + "Inner Join discipline AS d ON ad.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId ";
                    fixAgents(conn, sql, "spappresourcedata", "ada.ModifiedByAgentID", divToAgentToFixHash,

                    //---------- Now Check All CreatedBy and Modified By
                    fixAllTables(conn, firstAgentId, inClause, "CreatedByAgentID");
                    fixAllTables(conn, firstAgentId, inClause, "ModifiedByAgentID");

                    deleteAgentRelationships(conn, "address", availAgents);
                    deleteAgentRelationships(conn, "agentvariant", availAgents);
                    deleteAgentRelationships(conn, "agentgeography", availAgents);
                    deleteAgentRelationships(conn, "agentspecialty", availAgents);
                    deleteAgentAttachments(conn, availAgents);

                    // At this point all the divisions for a SpecyUser now have an Agent,
                    // either an old one that was reused or a newly cloned one.
                    // We shouldn't have any left over Agents, but the list 'availAgents'
                    // will have any extra previous used Agents that need to be deleted.
                    for (Integer agtId : availAgents) {
                        try {
                            System.out.println("Delete Agent: " + agtId);
                            update(conn, "DELETE FROM agent WHERE AgentID = " + agtId);

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    "There was error deleting Agent ID %d.\nPlease write this number down and report this error immediately to the Specify team.");

        } catch (Exception ex) {


     * @param conn
     * @param tableName
     * @param ids
    private void deleteAgentRelationships(final Connection conn, final String tableName, final List<Integer> ids) {
        for (Integer id : ids) {
            String sql = String.format("DELETE FROM %s WHERE AgentID = %d", tableName, id);
            int rv = update(conn, sql);
            if (rv != 1) {
                errMsgList.add(String.format("Error deleting Agent %d Table %s rv: %d\n", id, tableName, rv));

     * @param conn
     * @param ids
    private void deleteAgentAttachments(final Connection conn, final List<Integer> ids) {
        for (Integer id : ids) {
            String sql = " SELECT aa.AgentAttachmentID, a.AttachmentID FROM agentattachment aa INNER JOIN attachment a ON aa.AttachmentID = a.AttachmentID WHERE aa.AgentID = "
                    + id;
            for (Object[] row : query(sql)) {
                Integer agtAtchId = (Integer) row[1];
                Integer atchId = (Integer) row[2];

                sql = String.format("DELETE FROM attachment WHERE AttachmentID = %d", atchId);
                if (update(conn, sql) != 1) {
                    errMsgList.add(String.format("Error deleting Agent %d Table attachment\n", id));

                sql = String.format("DELETE FROM agentattachment WHERE AgentAttachmentID = %d", agtAtchId);
                if (update(conn, sql) != 1) {
                    errMsgList.add(String.format("Error deleting Agent %d Table agentattachment\n", id));

     * @param conn
     * @param firstAgentId
     * @param fullInClause
     * @param fldName
    private void fixAllTables(final Connection conn, final Integer firstAgentId, final String inClause,
            final String fldName) {
        String fullInClause = String.format(inClause, fldName);

        for (DBTableInfo ti : DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getTables()) {
            String primaryKey = ti.getPrimaryKeyName();
            if (ti.getTableId() == SpTaskSemaphore.getClassTableId()) {
                primaryKey = "TaskSemaphoreID";

            } else if (ti.getPrimaryKeyName().equals("userGroupId")) {
                primaryKey = ti.getClassObj().getSimpleName() + "ID";

            String relName = fldName.toLowerCase().substring(0, fldName.length() - 2);
            if (BasicSQLUtils.doesTableExist(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection(), ti.getName())
                    && ti.getRelationshipByName(relName) != null) {
                String sql = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s %s", ti.getName(), fullInClause);
                int total = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
                if (total > 0) {

                    int percentStep = (int) ((double) total * 0.02);
                    frame.setProcess(0, total);
                    frame.setDesc("Fixing " + ti.getName());

                    PreparedStatement ps = null;
                    try {
                        sql = String.format("UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = ?", ti.getName(), fldName, primaryKey);
                        ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

                        sql = String.format("SELECT %s FROM %s %s", primaryKey, ti.getName(), fullInClause);
                        int cnt = 0;
                        for (Integer id : queryForInts(sql)) {
                            ps.setInt(1, firstAgentId);
                            ps.setInt(2, id);
                            if (ps.executeUpdate() != 1) {
                                        "Error updating Agent %d Table [%s] Field [%s] Primary [%s]\n",
                                        firstAgentId, ti.getName(), fldName, primaryKey));

                            if (percentStep > 0 && cnt % percentStep == 0) {

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                    } finally {
                        if (ps != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (SQLException e) {

     * @param sql
     * @param inClause
     * @return
    private String addInClause(final String sql, final String inClause) {
        final String ORDER_BY = "order by";
        int inx = sql.toLowerCase().indexOf(ORDER_BY);
        if (inx == -1) {
            return sql + inClause;

        String str = sql.substring(0, inx - 1) + inClause + sql.substring(inx);
        return str;

     * @param conn
     * @param sql
     * @param tableName
     * @param fldName
     * @param divToAgentToFixHash
    private void fixAgents(final Connection conn, final String sqlArg, final String tableName,
            final String fieldName, final HashMap<Integer, Integer> divToAgentToFixHash, final String inClause) {
        PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            String fullInClause = String.format(inClause, fieldName);
            String sql = addInClause(sqlArg, fullInClause);

            int inx = sql.indexOf("FROM");
            String tmpSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) " + sql.substring(inx);

            int total = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(tmpSQL);
            int percentStep = (int) ((double) total * 0.02);
            frame.setProcess(0, total);
            frame.setDesc("Fixing " + tableName);

            String fldName = fieldName;
            inx = fieldName.indexOf('.');
            if (inx > -1) {
                fldName = fieldName.substring(inx + 1);

            stmt = conn.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();

            String recIdColName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(1);
            String sqlStr = String.format("UPDATE %s SET %s=? WHERE %s = ?", tableName, fldName, recIdColName);
            pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStr);

            int cnt = 0;
            int itemsFixed = 0;
            while ( {
                Integer recID = rs.getInt(1);
                //Integer agentId = rs.getInt(2);
                Integer divId = rs.getObject(3) != null ? rs.getInt(3) : null;
                Integer divId2 = rsmd.getColumnCount() == 4 ? rs.getInt(4) : null;

                if (divId2 != null && divId == null) {
                    divId = divId2;

                Integer mappedAgentId = divToAgentToFixHash.get(divId);
                if (mappedAgentId != null) {
                    pStmt.setInt(1, mappedAgentId);
                    pStmt.setInt(2, recID);
                    if (pStmt.executeUpdate() != 1) {
                                .add(String.format("Error deleting Agent %d Table %s Field %s RecIdCol %s RecID %d",
                                        mappedAgentId, tableName, fldName, recIdColName, recID));
                    //log.debug(String.format("CNG %s.%s (%d)  Old: %d -> New: %d", tableName, fldName, recID, agentId, mappedAgentId));
                if (percentStep > 0 && cnt % percentStep == 0) {
            log.debug(String.format("%d Fixed ->%s.%s  (%s)", itemsFixed, tableName, fldName, sql));


        } catch (Exception ex) {

        } finally {
            try {
                if (pStmt != null) {
                if (stmt != null) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {


     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @param tblName
     * @param fldName
     * @param origLen
     * @param newLen
     * @return
    private boolean alterFieldLength(final Connection conn, final String databaseName, final String tblName,
            final String fldName, final int origLen, final int newLen) {
        Integer len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, tblName, fldName);
        if (len == origLen) {
            try {
                update(conn, String.format("ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY %s varchar(%d)", tblName, fldName, newLen));
                //log.debug(String.format("Updating %s %s.%s - %d -> %d rv= %d", databaseName, tblName, fldName, origLen, newLen, rv));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errMsgList.add(String.format("Error - Updating %s %s.%s - %d -> %d  Excpt: %s", databaseName,
                        tblName, fldName, origLen, newLen, ex.getMessage()));
        return true;

     * Fixes the Schema for Database Version 1.2
     * @param conn
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean doFixesForDBSchemaVersions(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) throws Exception {
        // PaleoContext
        Integer len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "paleocontext", "Text1");
        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "paleocontext", "Text1", 32, 64);
        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "paleocontext", "Text2", 32, 64);

        len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "paleocontext", "Remarks");
        if (len == null) {
            int count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM paleocontext");
            int rv = update(conn, "ALTER TABLE paleocontext ADD Remarks VARCHAR(60)");
            if (rv != count) {
                errMsgList.add("Error updating PaleoContext.Remarks");
                return false;

        DBConnection dbc = DBConnection.getInstance();

        // FieldNotebookPage
        len = getFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "fieldnotebookpage", "PageNumber");
        if (len != null && len == 16) {
            alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "fieldnotebookpage", "PageNumber", 16, 32);
            update(conn, "ALTER TABLE fieldnotebookpage ALTER COLUMN ScanDate DROP DEFAULT");

        // Project Table
        alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "project", "projectname", 50, 128);

        // AttachmentImageAttribute Table
        if (doesTableExist(databaseName, "attachmentimageattribute")) {
            alterFieldLength(conn, databaseName, "attachmentimageattribute", "CreativeCommons", 128, 500);

        // LocalityDetail

        String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(LocalityDetail.getClassTableId());

        boolean statusOK = true;
        String sql = String.format(
        int count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
        if (count > 0) {
            Vector<Object[]> values = query("SELECT ld.LocalityDetailID, ld.UtmScale, l.LocalityName "
                    + "FROM localitydetail ld INNER JOIN locality l ON ld.LocalityID = l.LocalityID WHERE ld.UtmScale IS NOT NULL");

            update(conn, "ALTER TABLE localitydetail DROP COLUMN UtmScale");
            addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UtmScale", "FLOAT", "UtmOrigLongitude");
            addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "MgrsZone", "VARCHAR(4)", "UtmScale");

            HashMap<String, String> badLocalitiesHash = new HashMap<String, String>();

            try {
                PreparedStatement pStmt = conn
                        .prepareStatement("UPDATE localitydetail SET UtmScale=? WHERE LocalityDetailID=?");

                for (Object[] row : values) {
                    Integer locDetailId = (Integer) row[0];
                    String scale = (String) row[1];
                    String locName = (String) row[2];

                    scale = StringUtils.contains(scale, ',') ? StringUtils.replace(scale, ",", "") : scale;
                    if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(scale)) {
                        badLocalitiesHash.put(locName, scale);

                    float scaleFloat = 0.0f;
                    try {
                        scaleFloat = Float.parseFloat(scale);

                    } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                        badLocalitiesHash.put(locName, scale);

                    pStmt.setFloat(1, scaleFloat);
                    pStmt.setInt(2, locDetailId);

            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                statusOK = false;

            if (badLocalitiesHash.size() > 0) {
                try {
                    File file = new File(
                            UIRegistry.getUserHomeDir() + File.separator + "localitydetailerrors.html");
                    TableWriter tblWriter = new TableWriter(file.getAbsolutePath(), "Locality Detail Errors");
                    tblWriter.logHdr(new String[] { "Locality Name", "Scale" });

                    for (String key : badLocalitiesHash.keySet()) {
                        tblWriter.log(key, badLocalitiesHash.get(key));

                    UIRegistry.showLocalizedError("LOC_DETAIL_ERRORS", badLocalitiesHash.size(),


                    if (file.exists()) {
                        try {

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
        } else {
            addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "UtmScale", "FLOAT", "UtmOrigLongitude");

        // collectingeventattribute Schema 1.3
        DBMSUserMgr dbmsMgr = DBMSUserMgr.getInstance();
        if (dbmsMgr.connectToDBMS(itUserNamePassword.first, itUserNamePassword.second, dbc.getServerName())) {
            boolean status = true;

            Connection connection = dbmsMgr.getConnection();
            try {
                // Add New Fields to Determination
                tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(Determination.getClassTableId());
                addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "VarQualifier",
                        "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s VARCHAR(16) AFTER Qualifier");
                addColumn(conn, databaseName, tblName, "SubSpQualifier",
                        "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s VARCHAR(16) AFTER VarQualifier");

                // CollectingEventAttributes
                sql = String.format(
                        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND TABLE_NAME = 'collectingeventattribute' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'CollectionMemberID'",
                count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);


                //int numCEAttrs = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectingeventattribute");
                if (count > 0) {
                    HashMap<Integer, Integer> collIdToDispIdHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                    sql = "SELECT UserGroupScopeId, DisciplineID FROM collection";
                    for (Object[] cols : query(sql)) {
                        Integer colId = (Integer) cols[0];
                        Integer dspId = (Integer) cols[1];
                        collIdToDispIdHash.put(colId, dspId);

                    count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectingeventattribute");

                    IdMapperMgr.getInstance().setDBs(connection, connection);
                    IdTableMapper mapper = new IdTableMapper("ceattrmapper", "id",
                            "SELECT CollectingEventAttributeID, CollectionMemberID FROM collectingeventattribute",
                            true, false);
                    mapper.mapAllIdsNoIncrement(count > 0 ? count : null);

                    Statement stmt = null;
                    try {

                        stmt = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
                        update(conn, "DROP INDEX COLEVATSColMemIDX on collectingeventattribute");
                        update(conn, "ALTER TABLE collectingeventattribute DROP COLUMN CollectionMemberID");
                        update(conn, "ALTER TABLE collectingeventattribute ADD COLUMN DisciplineID int(11)");
                        update(conn, "CREATE INDEX COLEVATSDispIDX ON collectingeventattribute(DisciplineID)");

                        double inc = count > 0 ? (100.0 / (double) count) : 0;
                        double cnt = 0;
                        int percent = 0;
                        frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                        PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(
                                "UPDATE collectingeventattribute SET DisciplineID=? WHERE CollectingEventAttributeID=?");
                        ResultSet rs = stmt
                                .executeQuery("SELECT CollectingEventAttributeID FROM collectingeventattribute");
                        while ( {
                            Integer ceAttrId = rs.getInt(1);
                            Integer oldColId = mapper.get(ceAttrId);
                            if (oldColId != null) {
                                Integer dispId = collIdToDispIdHash.get(oldColId);
                                if (dispId != null) {
                                    pStmt.setInt(1, dispId);
                                    pStmt.setInt(2, ceAttrId);

                                } else {
                                    log.debug("Error getting hashed DisciplineID from Old Collection ID[" + oldColId
                                            + "]  ceAttrId[" + ceAttrId + "]");
                            } else {
                                log.debug("Error getting mapped  Collection ID[" + oldColId + "]  ceAttrId["
                                        + ceAttrId + "]");

                            cnt += inc;
                            if (((int) cnt) > percent) {
                                percent = (int) cnt;


                    } catch (SQLException ex) {

                    } finally {
                        if (stmt != null)

                // Collectors
                sql = String.format(
                        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND TABLE_NAME = 'collector' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'CollectionMemberID'",
                count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql);
                if (count > 0) {
                    HashMap<Integer, Integer> collIdToDivIdHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                    sql = "SELECT c.UserGroupScopeId, d.DivisionID FROM collection c INNER JOIN discipline d ON c.DisciplineID = d.UserGroupScopeId";
                    for (Object[] cols : query(sql)) {
                        Integer colId = (Integer) cols[0];
                        Integer divId = (Integer) cols[1];
                        collIdToDivIdHash.put(colId, divId);

                    count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collector");

                    IdMapperMgr.getInstance().setDBs(connection, connection);
                    IdTableMapper mapper = new IdTableMapper("collectormap", "id",
                            "SELECT CollectorID, CollectionMemberID FROM collector", true, false);
                    mapper.mapAllIdsNoIncrement(count > 0 ? count : null);

                    Statement stmt = null;
                    try {
                        stmt = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
                        update(conn, "DROP INDEX COLTRColMemIDX on collector");
                        update(conn, "ALTER TABLE collector DROP COLUMN CollectionMemberID");
                        update(conn, "ALTER TABLE collector ADD COLUMN DivisionID INT(11)");
                        update(conn, "CREATE INDEX COLTRDivIDX ON collector(DivisionID)");

                        double inc = count > 0 ? (100.0 / (double) count) : 0;
                        double cnt = 0;
                        int percent = 0;
                        frame.setProcess(0, 100);

                        PreparedStatement pStmt = conn
                                .prepareStatement("UPDATE collector SET DivisionID=? WHERE CollectorID=?");
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CollectorID FROM collector");
                        while ( {
                            Integer coltrId = rs.getInt(1);
                            Integer oldColId = mapper.get(coltrId);
                            if (oldColId != null) {
                                Integer divId = collIdToDivIdHash.get(oldColId);
                                if (divId != null) {
                                    pStmt.setInt(1, divId);
                                    pStmt.setInt(2, coltrId);

                                } else {
                                    log.debug("Error getting hashed DisciplineID from Old Collection ID[" + oldColId
                                            + "]");
                            } else {
                                log.debug("Error getting mapped Collector ID[" + oldColId + "]");

                            cnt += inc;
                            if (((int) cnt) > percent) {
                                percent = (int) cnt;


                    } catch (SQLException ex) {

                    } finally {
                        if (stmt != null)


            } catch (Exception ex) {

            } finally {
                frame.setDesc("Loading updated schema...");

                if (!status) {
                    //UIRegistry.showLocalizedError("SCHEMA_UPDATE_ERROR", errMsgStr);
                    JTextArea ta = UIHelper.createTextArea();
                    CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
                    PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g", "f:p:g"));
                    pb.add(new JScrollPane(ta, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED,
                            JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED), cc.xy(1, 1));

                    CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(),
                            getResourceString("SCHEMA_UPDATE_ERROR"), true, pb.getPanel());


        return statusOK;

     * Adds Agents to Divisions.
    private void fixSpUserAndAgents() {
        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> spUserToDivHash = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>>();
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> spUserToAgentHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        String sql = "SELECT su.SpecifyUserID, a.AgentID, a.DivisionID FROM specifyuser AS su Inner Join agent AS a ON su.SpecifyUserID = a.SpecifyUserID ";

        for (Object[] row : query(sql)) {
            int spUserID = (Integer) row[0];
            int agtId = (Integer) row[1];
            int divId = (Integer) row[2];

            spUserToAgentHash.put(spUserID, agtId);

            HashSet<Integer> usersHash = spUserToDivHash.get(spUserID);
            if (usersHash == null) {
                usersHash = new HashSet<Integer>();
                spUserToDivHash.put(spUserID, usersHash);
            log.debug(String.format("Collecing User %d in Division %d", spUserID, divId));

        sql = "SELECT dsp.DivisionID, su.SpecifyUserID, dsp.DisciplineID FROM collection AS cln "
                + "Inner Join spprincipal AS p ON cln.UserGroupScopeId = p.userGroupScopeID "
                + "Inner Join specifyuser_spprincipal AS su_pr ON p.SpPrincipalID = su_pr.SpPrincipalID "
                + "Inner Join specifyuser AS su ON su_pr.SpecifyUserID = su.SpecifyUserID "
                + "Inner Join discipline AS dsp ON cln.DisciplineID = dsp.UserGroupScopeId WHERE su_pr.SpecifyUserID IS NOT NULL";

        for (Object[] row : query(sql)) {
            int colDiv = (Integer) row[0];
            int spUserID = (Integer) row[1];
            int dispID = (Integer) row[2];

            HashSet<Integer> divs = spUserToDivHash.get(spUserID);
            if (divs == null || !divs.contains(colDiv)) {
                String divName = querySingleObj("SELECT Name FROM division WHERE DivisionID = " + colDiv);
                String userName = querySingleObj("SELECT Name FROM specifyuser WHERE SpecifyUserID = " + spUserID);

                        "*********** No Agent for User %d (%s) in Division %d (%s) - (Going to Duplicate)",
                        spUserID, userName, colDiv, divName));
                Integer agtId = spUserToAgentHash.get(spUserID);

                DataProviderSessionIFace session = null;
                try {
                    session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession();

                    Agent agent = session.get(Agent.class, agtId);
                    Discipline dsp = session.get(Discipline.class, dispID);
                    Division div = session.get(Division.class, colDiv);

                    Agent dupAgent = (Agent) agent.clone();



                    log.debug(String.format("Saved New Agent %s (%d) for Discipline %s (%d), Division %s (%d)",
                            dupAgent.getLastName(), dupAgent.getId(), dsp.getName(), dsp.getId(), div.getName(),

                } catch (final Exception e1) {
                    edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(NavigationTreeMgr.class, e1);

                    if (session != null)

                    log.error("Exception caught: " + e1.toString());

                } finally {
                    if (session != null) {

     * @param tableId the id of the table
     * @return the db table name
    private String getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(final int tableId) {
        DBTableInfo ti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(tableId);
        if (ti != null) {
            frame.setDesc(String.format("Updating %s Fields...", ti.getTitle()));
            return ti.getName();
        throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find table in Mgr for Table Id " + tableId);

     * @param conn
     * @param dbName
     * @param tableName
     * @param columnInfo
     * @return
    protected boolean checkAndAddColumns(final Connection conn, final String dbName, final String tableName,
            final String[] columnInfo) {
        int inx = 0;
        while (inx < columnInfo.length) {
            if (!doesColumnExist(dbName, tableName, columnInfo[inx])) {
                if (!addColumn(conn, dbName, tableName, columnInfo[inx], columnInfo[inx + 1],
                        columnInfo[inx + 2])) {
                    String msg = String.format("Error adding DB: %s  TBL: %s  Col:%s  Typ:%s  After: %s", dbName,
                            tableName, columnInfo[inx], columnInfo[inx + 1], columnInfo[inx + 2]);
                    msg = generateErrFieldsMsg(tableName, columnInfo);
                    return false;
            inx += 3;
        return true;

     * @param conn
     * @param dbName
     * @param tableName
     * @param colName
     * @param updateSQL
     * @return
    protected boolean addColumn(final Connection conn, final String dbName, final String tableName,
            final String colName, final String type, final String afterField) {
        String updateSQL = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s " + type + " AFTER " + afterField;
        return addColumn(conn, dbName, tableName, colName, updateSQL);

     * @param conn
     * @param dbName
     * @param tableName
     * @param colName
     * @param updateSQL
     * @return
    protected boolean addColumn(final Connection conn, final String dbName, final String tableName,
            final String colName, final String updateSQL) {
        if (!doesColumnExist(dbName, tableName, colName)) {
            String fmtSQL = String.format(updateSQL, tableName, colName);
            int rv = update(conn, fmtSQL);
            boolean isAlterTbl = updateSQL.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("alter table");
            if (rv == 0 && isAlterTbl) {
                return true;

            if (rv != 1 && !isAlterTbl) {
                errMsgList.add(String.format("Error adding column '%s' to table '%s'", colName, tableName));
                return false;
        return true; // true means it was OK if it wasn't added

    protected boolean doesColumnExist(final String dbName, final String tableName, final String colName) {
        return doesColumnExist(dbName, tableName, colName, null);

     * @param dbName
     * @param tableName
     * @param colName
     * @return
    protected boolean doesColumnExist(final String dbName, final String tableName, final String colName,
            final Connection con) {
        String sql = String.format(
                dbName, tableName, colName);
        if (con == null) {
            return BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql) == 1;
        } else {
            return BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(con, sql) == 1;

     * @param tableName
     * @param indexName
     * @return
    protected boolean doesIndexExist(final String tableName, final String indexName) {
        String sql = String.format("SHOW INDEX IN %s WHERE Key_name = '%s'", tableName, indexName);
        Vector<Object[]> rows = BasicSQLUtils.query(sql);
        return rows != null && rows.size() > 0;

     * @param dbName
     * @param tableName
     * @return
    protected static boolean doesTableExist(final String dbName, final String tableName) {
        String sql = String.format(
                dbName, tableName);
        return BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(sql) == 1;

    protected void fixLocaleSchema() {

        ProgressFrame localFrame = null;
        DataProviderSessionIFace session = null;
        Session hbSession = null;
        Transaction trans = null;
        try {
            session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession();

            hbSession = ((HibernateDataProviderSession) session).getSession(); // this is a no no
            trans = hbSession.beginTransaction();
            List<Discipline> disciplines = session.getDataList(Discipline.class);

            localFrame = new ProgressFrame(getResourceString("UPDATE_SCHEMA_TITLE"));

            localFrame.setDesc("Merging New Schema Fields...");
            if (disciplines.size() > 1) {
                localFrame.setProcess(0, disciplines.size());
            } else {


            int cnt = 1;
            for (Discipline discipline : disciplines) {
                BuildSampleDatabase bsd = new BuildSampleDatabase();

                bsd.loadSchemaLocalization(discipline, SpLocaleContainer.CORE_SCHEMA, DBTableIdMgr.getInstance(),
                        null, null, BuildSampleDatabase.UpdateType.eMerge, session);


        } catch (Exception ex) {

            try {
                if (trans != null)
            } catch (Exception ex1) {
        } finally {
            if (localFrame != null)



     * Assigns a CollectionMemberID to ExportSchema records 
    protected void fixSchemaMappingScope(final Connection conn, final String databaseName) throws Exception {
        String tblName = getTableNameAndTitleForFrame(SpExportSchemaMapping.getClassTableId());
        if (!doesColumnExist(databaseName, tblName, "CollectionMemberID")) {
            String[] instCols = { "CollectionMemberID", INT11, "TimestampExported" };
            if (!checkAndAddColumns(conn, databaseName, tblName, instCols)) {

        String checkSQL = "select SpExportSchemaMappingID, MappingName from spexportschemamapping "
                + "where CollectionMemberID is null";
        Vector<Object[]> mappingsToFix = BasicSQLUtils.query(checkSQL);
        if (mappingsToFix != null && mappingsToFix.size() > 0) {
            Vector<Object> collectionIDs = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol("select UserGroupScopeID from collection");
            if (collectionIDs.size() == 1) {
                // easy
                        .update("update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = " + collectionIDs.get(0));
            } else {
                for (Object[] row : mappingsToFix) {
          "fixing mappings in multiple collection database");
                    String cacheName = ExportToMySQLDB.fixTblNameForMySQL(row[1].toString());
                    if (BasicSQLUtils.doesTableExist(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection(), cacheName)) {
                        String cacheID = cacheName + "ID";
                        String sql = "select distinct CollectionMemberID from collectionobject co inner join "
                                + cacheName + " cn on cn." + cacheID + " = co.CollectionObjectID";
                        Vector<Object> collsInCache = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(sql);
                        if (collsInCache != null && collsInCache.size() == 1) {
                            // easy
                            String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = "
                                    + collsInCache.get(0) + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                                    "Updating exportmapping with cache containing single collection: " + updateSQL);

                        } else if (collsInCache != null && collsInCache.size() > 1) {
                            // This should never happen, but if it does, should
                            // ask user to choose.
                            // Also need to update TimestampModified to force
                            // rebuild of cache...
                            // but...
                            String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = "
                                    + collsInCache.get(0) + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                  "Updating exportmapping with cache containing multiple collections: "
                                    + updateSQL);

                    } else {
              "updating export mapping that has no cache: " + row[1] + " - " + row[0]);
                        String discSQL = "select distinct DisciplineID from spexportschema es inner join spexportschemaitem esi "
                                + "on esi.SpExportSchemaID = es.SpExportSchemaID inner join spexportschemaitemmapping esim "
                                + "on esim.ExportSchemaItemID = esi.SpExportSchemaItemID where esim.SpExportSchemaMappingID "
                                + "= " + row[0];
                        Object disciplineID = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleObj(discSQL);
                        if (disciplineID != null) {
                            String discCollSql = "select UserGroupScopeID from collection where DisciplineID = "
                                    + disciplineID;
                            Vector<Object> collIDsInDisc = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(discCollSql);
                            if (collIDsInDisc != null && collIDsInDisc.size() == 1) {
                                // easy
                                String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = "
                                        + collIDsInDisc.get(0) + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                                        "Updating exportmapping that has no cache and one collection in its discipline: "
                                                + updateSQL);

                            } else if (collIDsInDisc != null && collIDsInDisc.size() > 1) {
                                // Picking the first collection. How likely is
                                // it to matter? Not very.
                                String updateSQL = "update spexportschemamapping set CollectionMemberID = "
                                        + collIDsInDisc.get(0) + " where SpExportSchemaMappingID = " + row[0];
                                        "Updating exportmapping that has no cache and a discipline with multiple collections: "
                                                + updateSQL);
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception("unable to find discipline for exportschemamapping " + row[0]);

        // AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean("FixExportSchemaCollectionMemberIDs",
        // true);

     * Launches dialog for Importing and Exporting Forms and Resources.
    public static boolean askToUpdateSchema() {
        if (SubPaneMgr.getInstance().aboutToShutdown()) {
            Object[] options = { getResourceString("CONTINUE"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    getResourceString("CANCEL") //$NON-NLS-1$
            return JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(UIRegistry.getTopWindow(),
                    getLocalizedMessage(mkKey("DB_SCH_UP")), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    getResourceString(mkKey("DB_SCH_UP_TITLE")), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
        return false;


     * Check to make sure two version number are double and the new one is greater or equals to the existing one.
     * @param versionFromDB the existing version number
     * @param localVersionNum the new version number
     * @param notNumericErrKey I18N localization key
     * @param localVerTooOldKey I18N localization key
     * @param localVerTooNewKey I18N localization key
     * @return true if OK
    protected boolean checkVersion(final String versionFromDB, final String localVersionNum,
            final String notNumericErrKey, final String localVerTooOldKey, final String localVerTooNewKey,
            final boolean checkForTooNew) {
        try {
            log.debug("App - Prev[" + versionFromDB + "] New[" + localVersionNum + "]");

            Integer verNumFromDB = Integer
                    .parseInt(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(versionFromDB), ".", ""));
            Integer localVerNum = Integer
                    .parseInt(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(localVersionNum), ".", ""));

            log.debug("App - Prev[" + verNumFromDB + "] New[" + localVerNum + "]");

            if (verNumFromDB > localVerNum) {
                UIRegistry.showLocalizedError(localVerTooOldKey, localVersionNum, versionFromDB);

                return false;

            } else if (checkForTooNew && verNumFromDB < localVerNum) {
                UIRegistry.showLocalizedError(localVerTooNewKey, localVersionNum, versionFromDB);
                return false;
            return true;

        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            UIRegistry.showLocalizedError(notNumericErrKey, localVersionNum, versionFromDB);

        return false;

     * Changes all the contents of the Geography 'Name' field from the geonames 'name' to 'acsiiname' to 
     * get rid of the unprintable ascii characters.
    public void updateGeographyNames() {
        final String FIXED_GEO = "FIXED.GEOGRAPHY";

        if (AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().getBoolean(FIXED_GEO, false)) {

        String sql = String.format(
        if (BasicSQLUtils.getCount(sql) == 0) {
            AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean(FIXED_GEO, true);

        final int numRecs = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoname ge INNER JOIN geography g ON = g.Name WHERE ge.Name <> ge.asciiname");
        if (BasicSQLUtils.getCount(sql) == 0) {
            AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean(FIXED_GEO, true);

        final ProgressFrame prefProgFrame = new ProgressFrame(getResourceString("UPDATE_SCHEMA_TITLE"));

        prefProgFrame.setProcess(0, 100);

        SwingWorker<Boolean, Boolean> worker = new SwingWorker<Boolean, Boolean>() {
            protected Boolean doInBackground() throws Exception {
                Statement stmt = null;
                PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
                try {
                    Connection currDBConn = DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection();

                    pStmt = currDBConn.prepareStatement("UPDATE geography SET Name=? WHERE GeographyID=?");
                    stmt = currDBConn.createStatement();

                    int cnt = 0;
                    String sqlStr = "SELECT ge.asciiname, g.GeographyID FROM geoname ge INNER JOIN geography g ON = g.Name WHERE ge.Name <> ge.asciiname";
                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);
                    while ( {
                        pStmt.setString(1, rs.getString(1));
                        pStmt.setInt(2, rs.getInt(2));
                        if (pStmt.executeUpdate() != 1) {


                        if (prefProgFrame != null && cnt % 100 == 0) {
                            setProgress((int) (cnt / numRecs * 100.0));

                    if (prefProgFrame != null) {

                    AppPreferences.getGlobalPrefs().putBoolean(FIXED_GEO, true);

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(BuildFromGeonames.class, ex);

                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (stmt != null) {
                        if (pStmt != null) {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                return true;

            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see javax.swing.SwingWorker#done()
            protected void done() {



        worker.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
            public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                if ("progress".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
                    prefProgFrame.setProcess((Integer) evt.getNewValue());

     * @param conn
     * @param databaseName
     * @return
    private boolean fixSpQuerySQLLength(Connection conn, String databaseName) {
        try {
            update(conn, "ALTER TABLE spquery CHANGE COLUMN `SqlStr` `SqlStr` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            errMsgList.add(String.format("Error - Updating %s SpQuery.SqlStr - varchar(64) -> text  Excpt: %s",
                    databaseName, "SpQuery", ex.getMessage()));
            return false;
        return true;

    //-- Methods for adding the new tables that are needed for the SpecifyInsight iPad app
    //-- And for Geography Cleanup tools
    private Discipline getCurrentDiscipline() {
        Discipline disp = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Discipline.class);
        DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession();
        Discipline discipline = session.get(Discipline.class, disp.getId());
        if (session != null) {
        return discipline;

     * @return
    private boolean addGeoCleanupTables() {
        try {
            Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
            BuildFromGeonames bldGeoNames = new BuildFromGeonames(null, now, null, itUserNamePassword.first,
                    itUserNamePassword.second, frame);
            boolean isOK = bldGeoNames.loadGeoNamesDB(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnection().getCatalog());
            if (!isOK) {
                //return SchemaUpdateService.createDBTablesFromSQLFile(conn, "create_geonames_tables.sql");

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

     * @param conn
     * @return
    public static boolean addIPadExporterTables(final Connection conn) {
        try {
            return SchemaUpdateService.createDBTablesFromSQLFile(conn, "build_ipad_xreftables.sql");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return false;