Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.dbsupport; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.specify.SpecifyUserTypes.UserType; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Accession; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Agent; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Collection; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ConservDescription; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Discipline; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Division; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ExchangeIn; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.ExchangeOut; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Geography; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeographyTreeDef; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeologicTimePeriod; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeologicTimePeriodTreeDef; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LithoStrat; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.LithoStratTreeDef; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Locality; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.PrepType; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.RepositoryAgreement; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpecifyUser; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Storage; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.StorageTreeDef; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Taxon; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.TaxonTreeDef; /** * @author rod * * @code_status Alpha * * Aug 14, 2007 * */ public class SpecifyQueryAdjusterForDomain extends QueryAdjusterForDomain { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SpecifyQueryAdjusterForDomain.class); //private static final String CNT_TBL_SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "; private static final String SPECIFYUSERID = "SPECIFYUSERID"; private static final String DIVID = "DIVID"; private static final String DSPLNID = "DSPLNID"; private static final String COLMEMID = "COLMEMID"; private static final String COLLID = "COLLID"; //private static final String COLMEMIDGRP = "COLMEMIDGRP"; private static final String TAXTREEDEFID = "TAXTREEDEFID"; private static final String STORTREEDEFID = "STORTREEDEFID"; private static final String LITHOTREEDEFID = "LITHOTREEDEFID"; private static final String GTPTREEDEFID = "GTPTREEDEFID"; private static final String GEOTREEDEFID = "GEOTREEDEFID"; private boolean permsOKForGlobalSearch = false; private int divisionCnt = 0; private int disciplineCnt = 0; private int collectionCnt = 0; /** * */ public SpecifyQueryAdjusterForDomain() { permsOKForGlobalSearch = !AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn() || SpecifyUser.isCurrentUserType(UserType.Manager); // This kicks Global Search into gear if there is just one, but only for that one //divisionCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(CNT_TBL_SQL+"division"); //disciplineCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(CNT_TBL_SQL+"discipline"); //collectionCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(CNT_TBL_SQL+"collection"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) */ @Override public String getSpecialColumns(final DBTableInfo tableInfo, final boolean isHQL, final boolean isLeftJoin, final String tblAlias) { if (tableInfo != null) { String prefix = tblAlias == null ? "" : tblAlias + "."; String criterion = null; String fld = null; boolean adjustFldToSQL = true; if (tableInfo.getFieldByName("collectionMemberId") != null) { fld = isHQL ? "collectionMemberId" : "CollectionMemberId"; criterion = COLMEMID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Agent.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == Accession.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == RepositoryAgreement.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ExchangeIn.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ExchangeOut.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ConservDescription.getClassTableId()) { if (prefix.equals("")) { prefix = isHQL ? "dv." : ""; } else { prefix = isHQL ? ("dv" + prefix) : prefix; } fld = isHQL ? "divisionId" : "DivisionID"; criterion = DIVID; } else if (tableInfo.getRelationshipByName("discipline") != null) { DBRelationshipInfo ri = tableInfo.getRelationshipByName("discipline"); if (ri.getType() != DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.OneToOne) { if (prefix.equals("")) { // rods - 9/29/08 - This was messing up the Geography Count (SQL) but is needed for HQL prefix = isHQL ? "dsp." : ""; } else { prefix = isHQL ? ("dsp" + prefix) : prefix; } fld = isHQL ? "disciplineId" : "DisciplineID"; criterion = DSPLNID; } // } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == DeterminationStatus.getClassTableId()) // { // fld = isHQL ? "disciplineId" : "DisciplineID"; // criterion = DSPLNID; // } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Geography.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "definition" : "GeographyTreeDefID"; criterion = GEOTREEDEFID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == GeologicTimePeriod.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "definition" : "GeologicTimePeriodTreeDefID"; criterion = GTPTREEDEFID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == LithoStrat.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "definition" : "LithoStratTreeDefID"; criterion = LITHOTREEDEFID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Storage.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "definition" : "StorageTreeDefID"; criterion = STORTREEDEFID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == PrepType.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "collection" : "CollectionID"; criterion = COLLID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Taxon.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "definition" : "TaxonTreeDefID"; criterion = TAXTREEDEFID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Locality.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "discipline" : "DisciplineID"; criterion = DSPLNID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Locality.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "discipline" : "DisciplineID"; criterion = DSPLNID; } else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Locality.getClassTableId()) { fld = isHQL ? "discipline" : "DisciplineID"; criterion = DSPLNID; } /*else if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Agent.getClassTableId()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix)) { prefix = "ag."; } criterion = DIVID; if (isHQL) { fld = criterion + " = " + prefix + ""; adjustFldToSQL = false; } else { //this probably won't actually work without additional //changes to the from clause for the query fld = criterion + " = " + prefix + "D"; prefix = ""; //throw new RuntimeException("Fix me I am probably broken!"); } }*/ if (criterion != null && fld != null) { String sql; if (adjustFldToSQL) { sql = "(" + prefix + fld + " = " + criterion + ")"; } else { sql = fld; } if (isLeftJoin) { if (isHQL) { if (tblAlias != null) { sql = "(" + sql + " or " + tblAlias + " is null)"; } else { log.error("can't adjust hql for left join without a tblAlias."); } } else { sql = "(" + sql + " or " + prefix + fld + " is null)"; } } return adjustSQL(sql); } } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean) */ @Override public String getJoinClause(DBTableInfo tableInfo, boolean isHQL, final String aliasArg, boolean useLeftJoin) { String alias; if (aliasArg == null) { alias = tableInfo.getAbbrev(); } else { alias = aliasArg; } String join; if (useLeftJoin) { join = "left join "; } else if (isHQL) { join = "join "; } else { join = "inner join "; } if (tableInfo.getTableId() == Agent.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == Accession.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == RepositoryAgreement.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ExchangeIn.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ExchangeOut.getClassTableId() || tableInfo.getTableId() == ConservDescription.getClassTableId()) { if (isHQL) { return join + alias + ".division as dv" + (aliasArg == null ? "" : alias); } if (aliasArg != null) { return ""; //throw new RuntimeException("SpecifyQueryAdjuster.getJoinClause does not work for SQL with non-null alias."); } return join; } else if (tableInfo.getRelationshipByName("discipline") != null) { DBRelationshipInfo ri = tableInfo.getRelationshipByName("discipline"); if (ri.getType() != DBRelationshipInfo.RelationshipType.OneToOne) { if (isHQL) { return join + alias + ".discipline as dsp" + (aliasArg == null ? "" : alias); } //if (aliasArg != null) //{ //throw new RuntimeException("SpecifyQueryAdjuster.getJoinClause does not work for SQL with non-null alias."); //} return join + "discipline as dsp ON " + aliasArg + ".DisciplineID = dsp.DisciplineID"; } } return super.getJoinClause(tableInfo, isHQL, alias, useLeftJoin); } private int checkAhead(final String lowerSQL, final int startInx, final String key) { int bInx = lowerSQL.lastIndexOf(key, startInx); int diff = startInx - bInx; if (diff == key.length() + 1) { return diff; } return 0; } /** * @param lowerSQL * @param endInx * @param key * @return */ private int checkAfter(final String lowerSQL, final int endInx, final String key) { int bInx = lowerSQL.indexOf(key, endInx); if (bInx > -1) { int diff = bInx - endInx; if (diff == 2) { return key.length() + 1; } } return 0; } /** * @param source * @return */ public static String itrim(String source) { //return source.replaceAll("\\b\\s{2,}\\b", " "); return source.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } /** * @param specialSQL * @param key * @return */ private String removeSpecialFilter(final String specialSQL, final String key) { String lowerSQL = specialSQL.toLowerCase(); String frontStr = ""; String whereStr = ""; int whereInx = lowerSQL.indexOf("where"); if (whereInx == -1) { whereInx = 0; whereStr = specialSQL; } else { whereInx += 6; frontStr = specialSQL.substring(0, whereInx); whereStr = itrim(specialSQL.substring(whereInx, specialSQL.length()));//.replaceAll("\n", "")); lowerSQL = itrim(lowerSQL.substring(whereInx, specialSQL.length()));//.replaceAll("\n", "")); } //System.out.println("["+lowerSQL+"]\n["+whereStr+"]"); int inx = whereStr.indexOf(key); if (inx > -1) { int endInx = inx + key.length(); if (endInx < whereStr.length() && lowerSQL.charAt(endInx) == ')') { int startInx = lowerSQL.lastIndexOf('(', inx); if (startInx > -1) // here we have source.replaceAll("\\b\\s{2,}\\b", " ");the bounds of the '(' to ')' { // Now check to see what is ahead of it int bInx = checkAhead(lowerSQL, startInx, "and"); if (bInx > 0) { startInx -= bInx; } else { bInx = checkAhead(lowerSQL, startInx, "or"); if (bInx > 0) { startInx -= bInx; } else { // check after int eInx = checkAfter(lowerSQL, endInx, "and"); if (eInx > 0) { endInx += eInx; } else { endInx += checkAfter(lowerSQL, endInx, "or"); } } } String segment = whereStr.substring(startInx, endInx + 1); String newStr = frontStr + StringUtils.remove(whereStr, segment); //System.out.println("["+specialSQL+"]\n["+newStr+"]"); return newStr; } } //System.out.println("Skipped1["+specialSQL+"]"); } /* else { System.out.println("Skipped2["+specialSQL+"]"); }*/ return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean) */ @Override public String adjustSQL(final String sql) { AppPreferences locPrefs = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs(); boolean doGlobalSearch = permsOKForGlobalSearch && locPrefs.getBoolean("GLOBAL_SEARCH_AVAIL", false) && locPrefs.getBoolean("GLOBAL_SEARCH", false); //divisionCnt++; //disciplineCnt++; //collectionCnt++; // SpecifyUser should NEVER be null nor the Id ! SpecifyUser user = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(SpecifyUser.class); if (user != null) { Integer id = user.getId(); if (id != null) { String adjSQL = sql; if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, SPECIFYUSERID)) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, SPECIFYUSERID, Integer.toString(id)); } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, DIVID)) { String adjustedSQL = null; if (doGlobalSearch || divisionCnt == 1) { adjustedSQL = removeSpecialFilter(adjSQL, DIVID); } if (adjustedSQL == null) { Integer divId = null; Division division = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Division.class); if (division != null) { divId = division.getId(); } else { divId = Agent.getUserAgent().getDivision() != null ? Agent.getUserAgent().getDivision().getDivisionId() : null; } if (divId != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, DIVID, Integer.toString(divId)); } } else { adjSQL = adjustedSQL; } } //System.out.println(adjSQL); if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, COLMEMID)) { String adjustedSQL = null; if (doGlobalSearch || collectionCnt == 1) { adjustedSQL = removeSpecialFilter(adjSQL, COLMEMID); } if (adjustedSQL == null) { Collection collection = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Collection.class); if (collection != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, COLMEMID, Integer.toString(collection.getCollectionId())); } } else { adjSQL = adjustedSQL; } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, COLLID)) { String adjustedSQL = null; if (doGlobalSearch || collectionCnt == 1) { adjustedSQL = removeSpecialFilter(adjSQL, COLLID); } if (adjustedSQL == null) { Collection collection = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Collection.class); if (collection != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, COLLID, Integer.toString(collection.getCollectionId())); } } else { adjSQL = adjustedSQL; } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, DSPLNID)) { String adjustedSQL = null; if (doGlobalSearch || disciplineCnt == 1) { adjustedSQL = removeSpecialFilter(adjSQL, DSPLNID); } if (adjustedSQL == null) { Discipline discipline = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Discipline.class); if (discipline != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, DSPLNID, Integer.toString(discipline.getDisciplineId())); } } else { adjSQL = adjustedSQL; } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, TAXTREEDEFID)) { TaxonTreeDef taxonTreeDef = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(TaxonTreeDef.class); if (taxonTreeDef != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, TAXTREEDEFID, Integer.toString(taxonTreeDef.getTaxonTreeDefId())); } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, GTPTREEDEFID)) { GeologicTimePeriodTreeDef gtpTreeDef = AppContextMgr.getInstance() .getClassObject(GeologicTimePeriodTreeDef.class); if (gtpTreeDef != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, GTPTREEDEFID, Integer.toString(gtpTreeDef.getGeologicTimePeriodTreeDefId())); } else { return null; } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, STORTREEDEFID)) { StorageTreeDef locTreeDef = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(StorageTreeDef.class); if (locTreeDef != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, STORTREEDEFID, Integer.toString(locTreeDef.getStorageTreeDefId())); } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, LITHOTREEDEFID)) { LithoStratTreeDef lithoTreeDef = AppContextMgr.getInstance() .getClassObject(LithoStratTreeDef.class); if (lithoTreeDef != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, LITHOTREEDEFID, Integer.toString(lithoTreeDef.getLithoStratTreeDefId())); } else { return null; } } if (StringUtils.contains(adjSQL, GEOTREEDEFID)) { GeographyTreeDef lithoTreeDef = AppContextMgr.getInstance() .getClassObject(GeographyTreeDef.class); if (lithoTreeDef != null) { adjSQL = StringUtils.replace(adjSQL, GEOTREEDEFID, Integer.toString(lithoTreeDef.getGeographyTreeDefId())); } } return adjSQL; } throw new RuntimeException("The SpecifyUser ID cannot be null!"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("The SpecifyUser cannot be null!"); } } /** * @return the permsOKForGlobalSearch */ public boolean isPermsOKForGlobalSearch() { return permsOKForGlobalSearch; } /* public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "1 2 3 4444 555 666666 4444"; System.err.println(str+"-"+itrim(str)); str = "a bbb cc ff ggggggg rr d"; System.err.println(str+"-"+itrim(str)); str = ") OR (isClosed"; System.err.println("["+str+"]["+itrim(str)+"]"); SpecifyQueryAdjusterForDomain qa = new SpecifyQueryAdjusterForDomain(true); //qa.removeSpecialFilter("SELECT count(loanId) as OpenLoanCount FROM Loan l INNER JOIN l.discipline dsp WHERE (isClosed = 0 OR isClosed is null) AND (dsp.disciplineId = DSPLNID)", DSPLNID); //qa.removeSpecialFilter("SELECT count(loanId) as OpenLoanCount FROM Loan l INNER JOIN l.discipline dsp WHERE (isClosed = 0 OR isClosed is null) OR (dsp.disciplineId = DSPLNID)", DSPLNID); //qa.removeSpecialFilter("SELECT count(loanId) as OpenLoanCount FROM Loan l INNER JOIN l.discipline dsp WHERE (dsp.disciplineId = DSPLNID) AND (isClosed = 0 OR isClosed is null)", DSPLNID); qa.removeSpecialFilter("SELECT count(loanId) as OpenLoanCount FROM Loan l INNER JOIN l.discipline dsp WHERE (dsp.disciplineId = DSPLNID) OR (isClosed = 0 OR isClosed is null)", DSPLNID); qa.removeSpecialFilter("SELECT count(loanId) as OpenLoanCount FROM Loan l INNER JOIN l.discipline dsp WHERE (dsp.disciplineId = DSPLNID) OR\n (isClosed = 0 OR isClosed is null)", DSPLNID); } */ }