Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPasswordField; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel; import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel; import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.DesertBlue; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DBConnection; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DatabaseDriverInfo; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.HibernateUtil; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.MySQLDMBSUserMgr; import edu.ku.brc.helpers.SwingWorker; import edu.ku.brc.helpers.XMLHelper; import edu.ku.brc.specify.Specify; import edu.ku.brc.specify.dbsupport.PostInsertEventListener; import edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.AppBase; import edu.ku.brc.specify.utilapps.BuildSampleDatabase; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CustomDialog; import edu.ku.brc.ui.IconManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ProgressFrame; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ToggleButtonChooserPanel; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ToggleButtonChooserPanel.Type; import edu.ku.brc.util.AttachmentUtils; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; public class ConvertVerifier extends AppBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConvertVerifier.class); private enum StatusType { NO_OLD_REC, NO_NEW_REC, OLD_VAL_NULL, NEW_VAL_NULL, BAD_COMPARE, BAD_DATE, COMPARE_OK, NO_COMPARE, } private Pair<String, String> itUsrPwd = new Pair<String, String>(null, null); private String hostName = "localhost"; private Pair<String, String> namePairToConvert = null; private boolean dbgStatus = false; private boolean compareTo6DBs = false; // These are the configuration Options for a View public static final int NO_OPTIONS = 0; // Indicates there are no options public static final int DO_CO_PREPARATION = 1; public static final int DO_CO_CE = 2; public static final int DO_CO_LOCALITY = 4; public static final int DO_CO_PREPARER = 8; public static final int DO_CO_CATLOGER = 16; public static final int DO_CO_DETERMINER = 32; public static final int DO_CO_TAXON = 64; public static final int DO_CO_GEO = 128; public static final int DO_COLLECTORS = 256; public static final int DO_COLLEVENTS = 512; public static final int DO_TAXON_CIT = 1024; public static final int DO_SHIPMENTS = 2048; public static final int DO_OTHER_IDENT = 4096; public static final int DO_CO_COLLECTORS = 8192; public static final int DO_AGENTS = 16384; public static final int DO_LOANS = 32768; public static final int DO_CO_ALL = 65535; int[] errorCnts = new int[DO_AGENTS]; private String[] labels = { "None", "CO CPreparations", "CO Collecting Events", "Localities", "Preparers", "Catalogers", "Determiners", "Taxon", "Geographies", "Collectors", "Collecting Events", "Taxon Citations", "Shipments", "Other Ident", "ColObj Collectors", "Agents", "Loans", "All" }; private int[] codes = { NO_OPTIONS, DO_CO_PREPARATION, DO_CO_CE, DO_CO_LOCALITY, DO_CO_PREPARER, DO_CO_CATLOGER, DO_CO_DETERMINER, DO_CO_TAXON, DO_CO_GEO, DO_COLLECTORS, DO_COLLEVENTS, DO_TAXON_CIT, DO_SHIPMENTS, DO_OTHER_IDENT, DO_CO_COLLECTORS, DO_AGENTS, DO_LOANS, DO_CO_ALL }; private ToggleButtonChooserPanel<String> chkPanel; //public static final long DONT_ADD_ALL_ALTVIEWS = 256; //public static final long USE_ONLY_CREATION_MODE = 512; public static final long DO_ACCESSIONS = 1; public static final long DO_AC_AUTHS = 2; public static final long DO_AC_AGENTS = 4; public static final long DO_AC_ALL = 7; private String[] accLabels = { "None", "Accessions", "Authorizations", "Agents", "All" }; private static long coOptions = NO_OPTIONS; private static long acOptions = NO_OPTIONS; //private static List<String> dbNamesToConvert = null; //private static int currentIndex = 0; //private static Hashtable<String, String> old2NewDBNames = null; private Hashtable<String, Integer> catNumsInErrHash = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); private Hashtable<String, String> accNumsInErrHash = new Hashtable<String, String>(); //private String oldDriver = ""; //private String oldDBName = ""; //private String oldUserName = "rods"; //private String oldPassword = "rods"; private IdMapperMgr idMapperMgr; private Connection oldDBConn; private Connection newDBConn; private Statement oldDBStmt; private Statement newDBStmt; private ResultSet oldDBRS; private ResultSet newDBRS; private String newSQL; private String oldSQL; private int numErrors = 0; private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private boolean debug = false; private static ProgressFrame progressFrame; private ConversionLogger convLogger = new ConversionLogger(); private TableWriter tblWriter = null; /** * */ public ConvertVerifier() { super(); PostInsertEventListener.setAuditOn(false); setUpSystemProperties(); AppContextMgr.getInstance().setHasContext(true); // Load Local Prefs AppPreferences localPrefs = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs(); localPrefs.setDirPath(UIRegistry.getAppDataDir()); // Then set this IconManager.setApplicationClass(Specify.class); IconManager.loadIcons(XMLHelper.getConfigDir("icons_datamodel.xml")); //$NON-NLS-1$ IconManager.loadIcons(XMLHelper.getConfigDir("icons_plugins.xml")); //$NON-NLS-1$ IconManager.loadIcons(XMLHelper.getConfigDir("icons_disciplines.xml")); //$NON-NLS-1$ appIcon = new JLabel(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ setAppIcon(null); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.idMapperMgr = IdMapperMgr.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < errorCnts.length; i++) { errorCnts[i] = 0; } } /** * @param databaseNameSource * @param databaseNameDest * @throws Exception */ public void verifyDB(final String databaseNameSource, final String databaseNameDest) throws Exception { String path = UIRegistry.getUserHomeDir() + File.separator + "verify"; convLogger.initialize(path, databaseNameDest); String title = "From " + databaseNameSource + " to " + databaseNameDest; System.out.println("************************************************************"); System.out.println(title); System.out.println("************************************************************"); HibernateUtil.shutdown(); Properties initPrefs = BuildSampleDatabase.getInitializePrefs(databaseNameDest); String driverNameSource = ""; String databaseHostSource = ""; DatabaseDriverInfo driverInfoSource = null; String driverNameDest = ""; String databaseHostDest = ""; DatabaseDriverInfo driverInfoDest = null; log.debug("Running an non-custom MySQL convert, using old default login creds"); driverNameSource = initPrefs.getProperty("initializer.driver", "MySQL"); databaseHostSource = initPrefs.getProperty("", "localhost"); driverNameDest = initPrefs.getProperty("initializer.driver", "MySQL"); databaseHostDest = initPrefs.getProperty("", "localhost"); log.debug("Custom Convert Source Properties ----------------------"); log.debug("databaseNameSource: " + databaseNameSource); log.debug("driverNameSource: " + driverNameSource); log.debug("databaseHostSource: " + databaseHostSource); log.debug("Custom Convert Destination Properties ----------------------"); log.debug("databaseNameDest: " + databaseNameDest); log.debug("driverNameDest: " + driverNameDest); log.debug("databaseHostDest: " + databaseHostDest); driverInfoSource = DatabaseDriverInfo.getDriver(driverNameSource); driverInfoDest = DatabaseDriverInfo.getDriver(driverNameDest); if (driverInfoSource == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Couldn't find Source DB driver by name [" + driverInfoSource + "] in driver list."); } if (driverInfoDest == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Couldn't find Destination driver by name [" + driverInfoDest + "] in driver list."); } if (driverNameDest.equals("MySQL")) BasicSQLUtils.myDestinationServerType = BasicSQLUtils.SERVERTYPE.MySQL; else if (driverNameDest.equals("SQLServer")) BasicSQLUtils.myDestinationServerType = BasicSQLUtils.SERVERTYPE.MS_SQLServer; if (driverNameSource.equals("MySQL")) BasicSQLUtils.mySourceServerType = BasicSQLUtils.SERVERTYPE.MySQL; else if (driverNameSource.equals("SQLServer")) BasicSQLUtils.mySourceServerType = BasicSQLUtils.SERVERTYPE.MS_SQLServer; else { log.error("Error setting ServerType for destination database for conversion. Could affect the" + " way that SQL string are generated and executed on differetn DB egnines"); } String destConnectionString = driverInfoDest.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, databaseHostDest, "", itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, driverNameDest); log.debug("attempting login to destination: " + destConnectionString); // This will log us in and return true/false // This will connect without specifying a DB, which allows us to create the DB if (!UIHelper.tryLogin(driverInfoDest.getDriverClassName(), driverInfoDest.getDialectClassName(), databaseNameDest, destConnectionString, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second)) { log.error("Failed connection string: " + driverInfoSource.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, databaseHostDest, databaseNameDest, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, driverNameDest)); throw new RuntimeException( "Couldn't login into [" + databaseNameDest + "] " + DBConnection.getInstance().getErrorMsg()); } convLogger.setIndexTitle(databaseNameDest + " Verify " + (new SimpleDateFormat("yyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); //MEG WHY IS THIS COMMENTED OUT??? //DataBuilder.setSession(HibernateUtil.getNewSession()); log.debug("DESTINATION driver class: " + driverInfoDest.getDriverClassName()); log.debug("DESTINATION dialect class: " + driverInfoDest.getDialectClassName()); log.debug("DESTINATION Connection String: " + driverInfoDest.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, databaseHostDest, databaseNameDest, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, driverNameDest)); // This will log us in and return true/false if (!UIHelper.tryLogin(driverInfoDest.getDriverClassName(), driverInfoDest.getDialectClassName(), databaseNameDest, driverInfoDest.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, databaseHostDest, databaseNameDest, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, driverNameDest), itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Couldn't login into [" + databaseNameDest + "] " + DBConnection.getInstance().getErrorMsg()); } String srcConStr = driverInfoSource.getConnectionStr(DatabaseDriverInfo.ConnectionType.Open, databaseHostSource, databaseNameSource, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, driverNameSource); DBConnection oldDB = DBConnection.createInstance(driverInfoSource.getDriverClassName(), null, databaseNameSource, srcConStr, itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second); oldDBConn = oldDB.getConnection(); if (oldDBConn == null) { throw new RuntimeException(oldDB.getErrorMsg()); } newDBConn = DBConnection.getInstance().createConnection(); newDBStmt = newDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); oldDBStmt = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); IdMapperMgr.getInstance().setDBs(oldDBConn, newDBConn); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String[] tableNames = { "CollectingEvent", "CollectingEvent", "Locality", "Locality" }; for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i += 2) { verifyTableCounts(tableNames[i].toLowerCase(), tableNames[i + 1].toLowerCase()); } progressFrame = new ProgressFrame("Checking Catalog Objects...."); progressFrame.adjustProgressFrame(); String cntSQL = compareTo6DBs ? "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectionobject" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectionobjectcatalog WHERE CollectionObjectTypeID > 8 && CollectionObjectTypeID < 20"; Integer numColObjs = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(oldDBConn, cntSQL); progressFrame.setProcess(0, numColObjs); //progressFrame.setDesc("Checking Catalog Objects...."); progressFrame.setOverall(0, numColObjs * 4); progressFrame.setOverall(0); progressFrame.setDesc(""); UIHelper.centerAndShow(progressFrame); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { UIHelper.centerAndShow(progressFrame); } }); HashMap<Integer, TableWriter> tblWriterHash = new HashMap<Integer, TableWriter>(); for (int i = 1; i < labels.length - 1; i++) { tblWriter = convLogger.getWriter(labels[i] + ".html", labels[i]); //printVerifyHeader(labels[i]); tblWriter.startTable(); tblWriter.logHdr("ID", "Desc"); tblWriterHash.put(codes[i], tblWriter); System.out.println(codes[i] + " - " + labels[i]); } boolean nullCEOk = false; File ceFile = new File(databaseNameDest + ".ce_all"); if (ceFile.exists()) { nullCEOk = true; //ceFile.delete(); } nullCEOk = true; // For Debug coOptions = DO_CO_ALL; //if (coOptions > NO_OPTIONS) { int i = 0; Statement stmt = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); String sql = compareTo6DBs ? "SELECT CatalogNumber FROM collectionobject ORDER BY CatalogNumber ASC" : "SELECT CatalogNumber FROM collectionobjectcatalog WHERE CollectionObjectTypeID > 8 && CollectionObjectTypeID < 20 AND SubNumber >= 0 ORDER BY CatalogNumber ASC"; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { int oldCatNum = rs.getInt(1); String newCatNum = convertCatNum(oldCatNum); //if (oldCatNum < 1643) continue; if (isCOOn(DO_CO_DETERMINER)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_DETERMINER); if (!verifyDeterminer(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_DETERMINER]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_CATLOGER)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_CATLOGER); if (!verifyCataloger(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_CATLOGER]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_COLLECTORS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_COLLECTORS); if (!verifyCollector(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_COLLECTORS]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_GEO)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_GEO); if (!verifyGeography(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_GEO]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_CE)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_CE); if (!verifyCollectingEvent(oldCatNum, newCatNum, nullCEOk)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_CE]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_TAXON)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_TAXON); if (!verifyTaxon(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_TAXON]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_LOCALITY)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_LOCALITY); if (!verifyCOToLocality(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_LOCALITY]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_PREPARATION)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_PREPARATION); if (!verifyPreparation(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_PREPARATION]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_CO_PREPARER)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_CO_PREPARER); if (!verifyPreparer(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_CO_PREPARER]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_TAXON_CIT)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_TAXON_CIT); if (!verifyTaxonCitations(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_TAXON_CIT]++; } } if (isCOOn(DO_OTHER_IDENT)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_OTHER_IDENT); if (!verifyOtherIdentifier(oldCatNum, newCatNum)) { catNumsInErrHash.put(newCatNum, oldCatNum); errorCnts[DO_OTHER_IDENT]++; } } if ((i % 100) == 0) { System.out.println(i + " " + oldCatNum); progressFrame.setProcess(i); progressFrame.setOverall(i); } if ((i % 1000) == 0) { for (TableWriter tw : tblWriterHash.values()) { tw.flush(); } } i++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } for (int i = 0; i < errorCnts.length; i++) { if (errorCnts[i] > 0) { System.out.println(i + " -> " + errorCnts[i]); } } progressFrame.setProcess(numColObjs); if (isCOOn(DO_COLLECTORS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_COLLECTORS); //verifyCollectors(); } if (isCOOn(DO_AGENTS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_AGENTS); verifyAgents(); } progressFrame.setOverall(numColObjs * 2); if (isCOOn(DO_COLLEVENTS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_COLLEVENTS); verifyCEs(); } //progressFrame.setOverall(numColObjs*2); if (isCOOn(DO_COLLEVENTS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_COLLEVENTS); verifyShipments(); } if (isCOOn(DO_LOANS)) { tblWriter = tblWriterHash.get(DO_LOANS); verifyLoans(); verifyGifts(); verifyLoanRetPreps(); } for (TableWriter tw : tblWriterHash.values()) { tw.endTable(); } progressFrame.setOverall(numColObjs * 3); tblWriter = convLogger.getWriter("CatalogNumberSummary.html", "Catalog Nummber Summary"); tblWriter.startTable(); tblWriter.logHdr("Number", "Description"); tblWriter.logErrors(Integer.toString(numErrors), "All Errors"); tblWriter.logErrors(Integer.toString(catNumsInErrHash.size()), "Catalog Number with Errors"); tblWriter.endTable(); tblWriter.println("<BR>"); tblWriter.println("Catalog Summary:<BR>"); Vector<String> catNumList = new Vector<String>(catNumsInErrHash.keySet()); Collections.sort(catNumList); for (String catNum : catNumList) { tblWriter.println(catNum + "<BR>"); } tblWriter.println("<BR>"); numErrors = 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accessions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For Debug acOptions = DO_AC_ALL; HashMap<Long, TableWriter> accTblWriterHash = new HashMap<Long, TableWriter>(); for (int i = 1; i < accLabels.length; i++) { long id = (long) Math.pow(2, i - 1); id = Math.max(id, 1); tblWriter = convLogger.getWriter("accession_" + accLabels[i] + ".html", "Accession " + accLabels[i]); tblWriter.startTable(); tblWriter.logHdr("ID", "Desc"); accTblWriterHash.put(id, tblWriter); } if (acOptions > NO_OPTIONS) { int i = 0; Statement stmt = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Number FROM accession ORDER BY Number ASC"); while ( { String oldAccNum = rs.getString(1); String newAccNum = oldAccNum; if (isACOn(DO_ACCESSIONS)) { tblWriter = accTblWriterHash.get(DO_ACCESSIONS); if (!verifyAccessions(oldAccNum, newAccNum)) { log.error("Accession Num: " + oldAccNum); accNumsInErrHash.put(newAccNum, oldAccNum); } //log.error("New SQL: "+newSQL); //log.error("Old SQL: "+oldSQL); //break; } if (isACOn(DO_AC_AGENTS)) { tblWriter = accTblWriterHash.get(DO_AC_AGENTS); if (!verifyAccessionAgents(oldAccNum, newAccNum)) { log.error("Accession Num: " + oldAccNum); accNumsInErrHash.put(newAccNum, oldAccNum); } //log.error("New SQL: "+newSQL); //log.error("Old SQL: "+oldSQL); //break; } if ((i % 100) == 0) { System.out.println(i + " " + oldAccNum); } i++; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } progressFrame.setOverall(numColObjs * 4); newDBConn.close(); oldDBConn.close(); for (TableWriter tw : accTblWriterHash.values()) { tw.endTable(); } printAccessionTotal("Accession"); File indexFile = convLogger.closeAll(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int convertTimeInSeconds = (int) ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0); //ConvertStatSender sender = new ConvertStatSender("verify.php"); //sender.senConvertInfo(databaseNameDest, numColObjs, convertTimeInSeconds);"Done."); progressFrame.setVisible(false); AttachmentUtils.openURI(indexFile.toURI()); System.exit(0); } /** * @param compare26DBs the compare26DBs to set */ public void setCompareTo6DBs(final boolean compareTo6DBs) { this.compareTo6DBs = compareTo6DBs; } /** * @param prefix * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private void printAccessionTotal(final String prefix) throws FileNotFoundException { tblWriter = convLogger.getWriter(prefix + "Summary.html", prefix + " Summary"); tblWriter.startTable(); tblWriter.logHdr("Number", "Description"); tblWriter.logErrors(Integer.toString(numErrors), "All Errors"); tblWriter.logErrors(Integer.toString(accNumsInErrHash.size()), "Accession Numbers with Errors"); tblWriter.endTable(); } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyTaxon(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT co.CollectionObjectID, co.CatalogedDate, co.CatalogedDatePrecision, determination.DeterminedDate, determination.DeterminedDatePrecision, tx.FullName " + "FROM determination LEFT JOIN collectionobject co ON determination.CollectionObjectID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "LEFT JOIN taxon tx ON determination.TaxonID = tx.TaxonID WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID, cc.CatalogedDate, determination.Date,taxonname.FullTaxonName " + "FROM determination LEFT JOIN taxonname ON determination.TaxonNameID = taxonname.TaxonNameID " + "LEFT JOIN collectionobjectcatalog cc ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = determination.BiologicalObjectID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Taxon", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyOtherIdentifier(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT collectionobject.CatalogNumber, otheridentifier.Identifier FROM collectionobject " + "Inner Join otheridentifier ON collectionobject.CollectionObjectID = otheridentifier.CollectionObjectID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'" + "ORDER BY collectionobject.CatalogNumber ASC, otheridentifier.Identifier ASC"; oldSQL = "SELECT cc.CatalogNumber, i.Identifier FROM collectionobject AS c " + "Inner Join collectionobjectcatalog AS cc ON c.CollectionObjectID = cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID " + "Inner Join otheridentifier AS i ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = i.CollectionObjectID " + "WHERE c.CollectionObjectTypeID < 21 AND cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND cc.CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum + " " + "ORDER BY " + " cc.CatalogNumber ASC, i.Identifier ASC"; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("OtherIdentifier", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param status */ private void dumpStatus(final StatusType status) { if (dbgStatus) { //log.debug(oldSQL); //log.debug(newSQL); //System.err.println(oldSQL); //System.err.println(newSQL); switch (status) { case OLD_VAL_NULL: tblWriter.print("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(newDBConn, newSQL)); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(oldDBConn, oldSQL)); tblWriter.println("<BR>"); tblWriter.println("</td></tr><!-- 4 -->"); tblWriter.flush(); break; case NO_OLD_REC: tblWriter.print("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(newDBConn, newSQL)); tblWriter.println("<BR>"); tblWriter.println("</td></tr><!-- 4 -->"); tblWriter.flush(); break; case NEW_VAL_NULL: tblWriter.print("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(newDBConn, newSQL)); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(oldDBConn, oldSQL)); tblWriter.println("<BR>"); tblWriter.println("</td></tr><!-- 4 -->"); tblWriter.flush(); break; case NO_NEW_REC: tblWriter.print("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"); tblWriter.println(dumpSQL(oldDBConn, oldSQL)); tblWriter.println("<BR>"); tblWriter.println("</td></tr><!-- 4 -->"); tblWriter.flush(); break; } } } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyGeography(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { String[] lbls = new String[] { "ContinentOrOcean", "Country", "State", "County" }; newSQL = "SELECT g.GeographyID, g.Name " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "INNER JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT g.GeographyID, g.ContinentOrOcean, g.Country, g.State, g.County " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "INNER JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } try { getResultSets(oldSQL, newSQL); boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { return true; } if (!hasOldRec) { log.error("Geography - No Old Record for [" + oldCatNum + "]"); return false; } if (!hasNewRec) { log.error("Geography - No New Record for [" + newCatNum + "]"); return false; } String newGeoName = newDBRS.getString(2); String[] names = new String[4]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = oldDBRS.getString(i + 2); } for (int i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (newGeoName.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) { return true; } } if (!newGeoName.equals("Undefined")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Couldn't find New Geo Name["); sb.append(newGeoName); sb.append("] Old Id["); sb.append(oldDBRS.getInt(1)); sb.append("] New Id["); sb.append(newDBRS.getInt(1)); sb.append("]"); for (int i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(lbls[i]); sb.append("["); sb.append(names[i]); sb.append("]"); } String oldNewIdStr = oldCatNum + " / " + newCatNum + " "; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " - " + sb.toString()); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, sb.toString()); return false; } return true; } finally { doneWithRS(); } } /** * @param conn * @param sql * @return */ public static String dumpSQL(final Connection conn, final String sql) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<table class=\"i\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"); Vector<Object[]> list = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, sql, true); for (Object[] row : list) { sb.append("<tr>"); for (Object obj : row) { sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(obj); sb.append("</td>"); } sb.append("</tr>\n"); } sb.append("</table>\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param newTableName * @param oldTableName * @return */ private boolean verifyTableCounts(final String newTableName, final String oldTableName) { int newCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getNumRecords(newDBConn, newTableName); int oldCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getNumRecords(oldDBConn, oldTableName); if (newCnt != oldCnt) { log.error("Table Record Counts don't match New[" + newTableName + " " + newCnt + "][" + oldTableName + " " + oldCnt + "]"); return false; } return true; } private boolean verifyCOToLocality(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT l.LocalityID, l.LocalityName " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT l.LocalityID, l.LocalityName " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Locality", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyCataloger(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { //log.debug("New SQL: "+newSQL); //log.debug("Old SQL: "+oldSQL); // address.Address, newSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN agent a ON co.CatalogerID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName, a.Name " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN agent a ON cc.CatalogerID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber = 0 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Cataloger", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyCollector(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { //log.debug("New SQL: "+newSQL); //log.debug("Old SQL: "+oldSQL); newSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName " + "FROM collectionobject AS co " + "INNER Join collectingevent AS ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER Join collector AS c ON ce.CollectingEventID = c.CollectingEventID " + "INNER Join agent AS a ON c.AgentID = a.AgentID WHERE co.CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "' ORDER BY OrderNumber, c.TimestampCreated, a.LastName"; oldSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName, a.Name " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog AS cc " + "INNER Join collectionobject AS co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER Join collectingevent AS ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "INNER Join collectors AS c ON ce.CollectingEventID = c.CollectingEventID " + "INNER Join agent AS a ON c.AgentID = a.AgentID WHERE cc.CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum + " ORDER BY `Order`, c.TimestampCreated, a.LastName, a.Name"; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Collector", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyDeterminer(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN determination ON co.CollectionObjectID = determination.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON determination.DeterminerID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName, a.Name " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN determination ON determination.BiologicalObjectID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON determination.DeterminerID = a.AgentID WHERE cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Determiner", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyPreparer(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID = p.CollectionObjectID INNER JOIN agent a ON p.PreparedByID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT a.AgentID, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName, a.Name " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.DerivedFromID " + "INNER JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID = p.PhysicalObjectTypeID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON p.PreparedByID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("Preparer", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyTaxonCitations(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT t.TaxonID, t.Name, tc.Text1, tc.Text2, tc.Number1, tc.Number2, tc.YesNo1, tc.YesNo2, rw.ReferenceWorkType, rw.Title, rw.Publisher, rw.PlaceOfPublication, rw.Volume, rw.Pages, rw.LibraryNumber " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID = d.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN taxon t ON d.TaxonID = t.TaxonID " + "INNER JOIN taxoncitation tc ON t.TaxonID = tc.TaxonID " + "INNER JOIN referencework rw ON tc.ReferenceWorkID = rw.ReferenceWorkID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT t.TaxonNameID, t.TaxonName, tc.Text1, tc.Text2, tc.Number1, tc.Number2, tc.YesNo1, tc.YesNo2, rw.ReferenceWorkType, rw.Title, rw.Publisher, rw.PlaceOfPublication, rw.Volume, rw.Pages, rw.LibraryNumber " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN determination d ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = d.BiologicalObjectID " + "INNER JOIN taxonname t ON d.TaxonNameID = t.TaxonNameID " + "INNER JOIN taxoncitation tc ON t.TaxonNameID = tc.TaxonNameID " + "INNER JOIN referencework rw ON tc.ReferenceWorkID = rw.ReferenceWorkID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; if (debug) { log.debug("New SQL: " + newSQL); log.debug("Old SQL: " + oldSQL); } StatusType status = compareRecords("TaxonCitation", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyAllLocalityToGeo() throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT l.LocalityID, g.GeographyID, g.Name " + "FROM locality l " + "INNER JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID "; oldSQL = "SELECT l.LocalityID, g.GeographyID, g.GeographyID, g.ContinentOrOcean, g.Country, g.State, g.County " + "FROM locality l " + "INNER JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID "; //System.out.println(newSQL); //System.out.println(oldSQL); try { getResultSets(oldSQL, newSQL); boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; String[] names = new String[4]; int startInx = 3; while (hasOldRec && hasNewRec) { String newGeoName = newDBRS.getString(startInx); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = oldDBRS.getString(i + startInx); } boolean fnd = true; for (int i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (names[i] != null && !newGeoName.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) { fnd = false; } } if (!fnd) { log.error("Couldn't find new Geo Name[" + newGeoName + "] Loc NewId[" + newDBRS.getObject(1) + "] Loc Old Id[" + oldDBRS.getObject(1) + "]"); log.error( " Geo NewId[" + newDBRS.getObject(2) + "] Geo Old Id[" + oldDBRS.getObject(2) + "]"); for (int i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { log.error(" [" + names[i] + "]"); } } hasOldRec =; hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { return true; } if (!hasOldRec) { log.error("Geography - No Old Record for [" + newDBRS.getObject(1) + "]"); return false; } if (!hasNewRec) { log.error("Geography - No New Record for [" + oldDBRS.getObject(1) + "]"); return false; } } return false; } finally { doneWithRS(); } } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyCollectingEvent(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum, final boolean nullsAreOK) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT ce.CollectingEventID, ce.StartDate, ce.StartDatePrecision, ce.StationFieldNumber " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "'"; oldSQL = "SELECT ce.CollectingEventID, ce.StartDate, ce.StationFieldNumber " + "FROM collectionobjectcatalog cc INNER JOIN collectionobject co ON cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID = co.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID = ce.CollectingEventID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber IS NOT NULL AND cc.SubNumber > -1 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum; StatusType status = compareRecords("CE To Locality", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldCatNum * @param newCatNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyPreparation(final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT co.CollectionObjectID, p.CountAmt, preptype.Name, p.Text1, p.Text2 " + "FROM collectionobject co INNER JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID = p.CollectionObjectID " + "INNER JOIN preptype ON p.PrepTypeID = preptype.PrepTypeID " + "WHERE CatalogNumber = '" + newCatNum + "' ORDER BY preptype.Name, p.CountAmt, p.TimestampCreated"; oldSQL = "SELECT cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID, co.Count, co.PreparationMethod, co.Text1, co.Text2 FROM collectionobject co " + "INNER JOIN collectionobjectcatalog cc ON co.CollectionObjectID = cc.CollectionObjectCatalogID " + "WHERE cc.SubNumber > 0 AND co.CollectionObjectTypeID > 20 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum + " ORDER BY co.PreparationMethod, co.Count, co.TimestampCreated"; /*oldSQL = "SELECT co.Count, co.PreparationMethod, co.Text1, co.Text2 FROM collectionobject co WHERE CollectionObjectID IN " + "(SELECT CollectionObjectCatalogID AS COCID FROM collectionobjectcatalog WHERE CollectionObjectTypeID > 20 AND CatalogNumber = " + oldCatNum + ")"; */ StatusType status = compareRecords("Preparation", oldCatNum, newCatNum, oldSQL, newSQL); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldAccNum * @param newAccNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyAccessions(final String oldAccNum, final String newAccNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT AccessionID, AccessionNumber, Status, Type, VerbatimDate, DateAccessioned, DateReceived, Number1, Number2, YesNo1, YesNo2 FROM accession " + "WHERE AccessionNumber = ?"; oldSQL = "SELECT AccessionID, Number, Status, Type, VerbatimDate, DateAccessioned, DateReceived, Number1, Number2, YesNo1, YesNo2 FROM accession " + "WHERE Number = ?"; StatusType status = compareRecords("Accession", oldAccNum, newAccNum, oldSQL, newSQL, false, true); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldAccNum * @param newAccNum * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean verifyAccessionAgents(final String oldAccNum, final String newAccNum) throws SQLException { newSQL = "SELECT ac.AccessionID, aa.Role, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName " + "FROM accession ac INNER JOIN accessionagent aa ON ac.AccessionID = aa.AccessionID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON aa.AgentID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE ac.AccessionNumber = ? ORDER BY aa.Role, aa.TimestampCreated, a.LastName"; oldSQL = "SELECT ac.AccessionID, aa.Role, a.FirstName, a.MiddleInitial, a.LastName, a.Name " + "FROM accession ac INNER JOIN accessionagents aa ON ac.AccessionID = aa.AccessionID " + "INNER JOIN agentaddress ON aa.AgentAddressID = agentaddress.AgentAddressID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON agentaddress.AgentID = a.AgentID " + "WHERE ac.Number = ? ORDER BY aa.Role, aa.TimestampCreated, a.Name, a.LastName"; StatusType status = compareRecords("Accession", oldAccNum, newAccNum, oldSQL, newSQL, false, true); dumpStatus(status); return status == StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldSQL * @param newSQL * @throws SQLException */ private void getResultSets(final String oldSQLArg, final String newSQLArg) throws SQLException { try { newDBRS = newDBStmt.executeQuery(newSQLArg); oldDBRS = oldDBStmt.executeQuery(compareTo6DBs ? newSQLArg : oldSQLArg); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void getResultSetsNotRetarded(final String oldSQLArg, final String newSQLArg, String oldValue, String newValue) throws SQLException { try { PreparedStatement newStmnt = newDBConn.prepareStatement(newSQLArg, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); PreparedStatement oldStmnt = oldDBConn.prepareStatement(compareTo6DBs ? newSQLArg : oldSQLArg, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); newStmnt.setString(1, newValue); oldStmnt.setString(1, oldValue); newDBRS = newStmnt.executeQuery(); oldDBRS = oldStmnt.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @throws SQLException */ private void doneWithRS() throws SQLException { newDBRS.close(); oldDBRS.close(); } /** * @param oldCatNum * @return */ public static String convertCatNum(final int oldCatNum) { int size = 9; //still the default len for cat nums in 5->6 conversions //int size = 14; //since ben's change to use BigInts for auto-increment?? String fmt = size == 0 ? "%d" : ("%0" + size + "d"); return String.format(fmt, oldCatNum); } /** * @param oldSQL * @param newSQL * @return * @throws SQLException */ private StatusType compareRecords(final String desc, final int oldCatNum, final String newCatNum, final String oldSQLArg, final String newSQLArg) throws SQLException { return compareRecords(desc, Integer.toString(oldCatNum), newCatNum, oldSQLArg, newSQLArg, false, false); } /** * @param desc * @param sql */ private void dump(final String desc, final Connection conn, final String sql) { System.out.println("----- " + desc + "-----"); System.out.println(sql); for (Object[] rows : BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, sql)) { for (Object obj : rows) { System.out.print(obj); System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("------------------------------------------"); } /** * @param oldSQL * @param newSQL * @return * @throws SQLException */ private StatusType compareRecords(final String desc, final String oldCatNumArg, final String newCatNumArg, final String oldSQLArg, final String newSQLArg, final boolean nullsAreOK, final boolean notRetarded) throws SQLException { boolean dbg = false; if (dbg) { System.out.println(oldSQLArg); System.out.println(newSQLArg); } if (dbg) { System.out.println("\n" + desc); dump(desc, oldDBConn, compareTo6DBs ? newSQLArg : oldSQLArg); dump(desc, newDBConn, newSQLArg); } String oldCatNum = oldCatNumArg; String newCatNum = newCatNumArg; if (compareTo6DBs) { oldCatNum = newCatNumArg; } if (notRetarded) { getResultSetsNotRetarded(oldSQLArg, newSQLArg, oldCatNum, newCatNum); } else { getResultSets(oldSQLArg, newSQLArg); } try { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } if (!hasOldRec) { if (nullsAreOK) { log.error(desc + " - No Old Record for [" + oldCatNum + "]"); tblWriter.logErrors(oldCatNum, "No Old Record"); return StatusType.NO_OLD_REC; } return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } if (!hasNewRec) { log.error(desc + " - No New Record for [" + newCatNum + "]"); tblWriter.logErrors(newCatNum, "No New Record"); return StatusType.NO_NEW_REC; } //check number of rows, if not equal don't try to compare oldDBRS.last(); newDBRS.last(); if (oldDBRS.getRow() != newDBRS.getRow()) { String msg = desc + " Cat Num [" + oldCatNum + "]: Sp5 DB has " + oldDBRS.getRow() + " related records. Sp6 DB has " + newDBRS.getRow(); log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(newCatNum, msg); return oldDBRS.getRow() < newDBRS.getRow() ? StatusType.NO_NEW_REC : StatusType.NO_OLD_REC; } oldDBRS.first(); newDBRS.first(); String oldNewIdStr = oldCatNum + " / " + newCatNum; boolean checkForAgent = newSQL.indexOf("a.LastName") > -1; ResultSetMetaData oldRsmd = oldDBRS.getMetaData(); ResultSetMetaData newRsmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); PartialDateConv datePair = new PartialDateConv(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); StringBuilder errSB = new StringBuilder(); while (hasNewRec && hasOldRec) { errSB.setLength(0); int oldColInx = 0; int newColInx = 0; String idMsgStr = ""; int numCols = newRsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { newColInx++; oldColInx++; if (dbg) { System.out.println("\ncol " + col + " / " + oldRsmd.getColumnCount()); System.out.println("newColInx " + newColInx); System.out.println("oldColInx " + oldColInx); System.out.println(oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx)); System.out.println(newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx)); } Object newObj = newDBRS.getObject(newColInx); Object oldObj = oldDBRS.getObject(oldColInx); if (oldObj == null && newObj == null) { String colName = newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx); if (StringUtils.contains(colName, "Date") && StringUtils.contains(newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { newColInx++; numCols--; if (compareTo6DBs) oldColInx++; } continue; } if (col == 0) { idMsgStr = String.format(" - Rec Ids[%s / %s] ", (oldObj != null ? oldObj : -1), (newObj != null ? newObj : -1)); continue; } String oldColName = oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx); if (oldColName.equals("PreparationMethod") && newObj != null) { String newObjStr = newObj.toString(); if ((oldObj == null && !newObjStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Misc")) || (oldObj != null && !newObjStr.equalsIgnoreCase(oldObj.toString()))) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Old Value was null and shouldn't have been for Old CatNum [" + oldCatNum + "] Field [" + oldColName + "] oldObj[" + oldObj + "] newObj [" + newObj + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldCatNum, msg); return StatusType.OLD_VAL_NULL; } continue; } if (oldObj == null && !StringUtils.contains(oldColName, "LastName")) { if (!oldColName.equals("PreparationMethod") || !newObj.equals("Misc")) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Old Value was null and shouldn't have been for Old CatNum [" + oldCatNum + "] Field [" + oldColName + "] New Val[" + newObj + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldCatNum, msg); return StatusType.OLD_VAL_NULL; } } if (newObj == null) { String clsName = newRsmd.getColumnClassName(newColInx); String colName = newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx); if (compareTo6DBs) { if (!clsName.equals("java.sql.Date") || oldObj != null) { String msg = "New Value was null and shouldn't have been for Key Value New CatNo[" + newCatNum + "] Field [" + colName + "] [" + oldObj + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(newCatNum, msg); return StatusType.NEW_VAL_NULL; } } else { if (!clsName.equals("java.sql.Date") || (!(oldObj instanceof String) && ((Number) oldObj).intValue() != 0)) { String msg = "New Value was null and shouldn't have been for Key Value New CatNo[" + newCatNum + "] Field [" + colName + "] [" + oldObj + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); if (tblWriter != null && newCatNum != null && msg != null) tblWriter.logErrors(newCatNum, msg); dbg = true; return StatusType.NEW_VAL_NULL; } } if (StringUtils.contains(colName, "Date") && StringUtils.contains(newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { newColInx++; numCols--; if (compareTo6DBs) oldColInx++; } continue; } //String colName = newRsmd.getColumnName(col); //System.out.println(newObj.getClass().getName()+" "+oldObj.getClass().getName()); if (newObj instanceof java.sql.Date) { boolean isPartialDate = false; Byte partialDateType = null; if (StringUtils.contains(newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { newColInx++; numCols--; partialDateType = newDBRS.getByte(newColInx); isPartialDate = true; } if (compareTo6DBs) { Object dateObj = oldDBRS.getObject(oldColInx); boolean isPartialDate2 = false; Byte partialDateType2 = null; if (StringUtils.contains(oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { oldColInx++; partialDateType2 = newDBRS.getByte(oldColInx); isPartialDate2 = true; } else { log.error("Next isn't DatePrecision and can't be!"); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); } if (!newObj.equals(dateObj) || (isPartialDate2 && !partialDateType2.equals(partialDateType))) { errSB.insert(0, oldColName + " "); errSB.append("["); errSB.append(datePair); errSB.append("]["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) newObj)); errSB.append("] oldDate["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) dateObj)); errSB.append("]"); log.error(errSB.toString()); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); return StatusType.BAD_DATE; } } else { int oldIntDate = oldDBRS.getInt(oldColInx); if (oldIntDate == 0) { continue; } BasicSQLUtils.getPartialDate(oldIntDate, datePair, false); if (partialDateType != null) { boolean ok = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(datePair.getPartial()) && StringUtils.isNumeric(datePair.getPartial()); if (!ok || (Byte.parseByte(datePair.getPartial()) != partialDateType.byteValue())) { errSB.append("Partial Dates Type do not match. Old[" + datePair.getPartial() + "] New [" + partialDateType.byteValue() + "]"); // error partial dates don't match } } cal.setTime((Date) newObj); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(datePair.getDateStr()) && !datePair.getDateStr().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { int year = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(0, 4)); int mon = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(5, 7)); int day = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(8, 10)); if (mon > 0) mon--; boolean isYearOK = true; int yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (year != yr) { errSB.append("Year mismatch Old[" + year + "] New [" + yr + "] "); isYearOK = false; } if (mon != cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) { errSB.append("Month mismatch Old[" + mon + "] New [" + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "] "); } if (day != cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { errSB.append("Day mismatch Old[" + day + "] New [" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "] "); } if (errSB.length() > 0 && (!isYearOK || !isPartialDate)) { errSB.insert(0, oldColName + " "); errSB.append("["); errSB.append(datePair); errSB.append("]["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) newObj)); errSB.append("]"); log.error(errSB.toString()); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); return StatusType.BAD_DATE; } } else { //String msg = "Date contains the string 'NULL'"; //log.error(msg); //tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); //return StatusType.BAD_DATE; } } } else if (newObj instanceof Float || newObj instanceof Double) { String s1 = String.format("%10.5f", newObj instanceof Float ? (Float) newObj : (Double) newObj); String s2 = String.format("%10.5f", oldObj instanceof Float ? (Float) oldObj : (Double) oldObj); if (!s1.equals(s2)) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Columns don't compare[" + s1 + "][" + s2 + "] [" + newRsmd.getColumnName(col) + "][" + oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx) + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); return StatusType.NO_COMPARE; } } else { String newColName = newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx); if (checkForAgent && StringUtils.contains(newColName, "LastName")) { String lastName = oldDBRS.getString(oldColInx); String agentName = oldDBRS.getString(oldColInx + 1); // The 'Name' Column String newLastName = newDBRS.getString(newColInx); if (!newLastName.equals(lastName) && !newLastName.equals(agentName)) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Name Columns don't compare[" + newObj + "][" + oldObj + "] [" + newColName + "][" + oldColName + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); log.error(oldSQLArg + "\n" + newSQLArg); return StatusType.NO_COMPARE; } } else if (StringUtils.contains(newColName, "YesNo")) { boolean yesNoNew = newDBRS.getBoolean(newColInx); boolean yesNoOld = oldDBRS.getInt(oldColInx) != 0; if (yesNoNew != yesNoOld) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Columns don't Cat Num[" + oldCatNum + "] compare[" + yesNoNew + "][" + yesNoOld + "] [" + newColName + "][" + oldColName + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); return StatusType.NO_COMPARE; } } else if (!newObj.equals(oldObj)) { String msg = idMsgStr + "Columns don't Cat Num[" + oldCatNum + "] compare[" + newObj + "][" + oldObj + "] [" + newColName + "][" + oldColName + "]"; log.error(desc + " - " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); return StatusType.NO_COMPARE; /*boolean isOK = false; if (oldObj instanceof String) { String oldStr = (String)oldObj; String newStr = (String)newObj; String lof = "\\r\\n"; int inx = newStr.indexOf(lof); if (inx > -1) { String tok = oldStr.substring(0, inx); if (newStr.equals(tok)) { isOK = true; } } } if (!isOK) { log.error(desc+ " - Columns don't compare["+newObj+"]["+oldObj+"] ["+newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx)+"]["+oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx)+"]"); return false; }*/ } } } hasOldRec =; hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } if (!hasOldRec) { log.error(desc + idMsgStr + " - No Old Record for [" + oldCatNum + "]"); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, "No Old Record for [" + oldCatNum + "]"); return StatusType.NO_OLD_REC; } if (!hasNewRec) { log.error(desc + idMsgStr + " No New Record for [" + newCatNum + "]"); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, "No New Record for [" + newCatNum + "]"); return StatusType.NO_NEW_REC; } } } finally { doneWithRS(); } return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldNewIdStr * @param newColInx * @param oldColInx * @return * @throws SQLException */ private StatusType compareDates(final String oldNewIdStr, final int newColInx, final int oldColInx) throws SQLException { PartialDateConv datePair = new PartialDateConv(); Object newObj = newDBRS.getObject(newColInx); Object oldObj = oldDBRS.getObject(oldColInx); ResultSetMetaData newRsmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); ResultSetMetaData oldRsmd = oldDBRS.getMetaData(); String newColName = newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx); String oldColName = oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx); if (newObj == null) { String clsName = newRsmd.getColumnClassName(newColInx); if (compareTo6DBs) { if (!clsName.equals("java.sql.Date") || oldObj != null) { String msg = "New Value was null and shouldn't have been for Key Value New Field [" + newColName + "] [" + oldObj + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(newColName, msg); return StatusType.NEW_VAL_NULL; } } else if (oldObj != null) { if (oldObj instanceof Number && ((Number) oldObj).intValue() == 0) { return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } else if (!clsName.equals("java.sql.Date") || (!(oldObj instanceof String) && ((Number) oldObj).intValue() != 0)) { String msg = "New Value was null and shouldn't have been for Key Value New Field [" + newColName + "] [" + oldObj + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(newColName, msg); return StatusType.NEW_VAL_NULL; } } else { return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } } StringBuilder errSB = new StringBuilder(); //System.out.println(newObj.getClass().getName()+" "+oldObj.getClass().getName()); if (newObj instanceof java.sql.Date) { boolean isPartialDate = false; Byte partialDateType = null; if (StringUtils.contains(newRsmd.getColumnName(newColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { partialDateType = newDBRS.getByte(newColInx); isPartialDate = true; } if (compareTo6DBs) { Object dateObj = oldDBRS.getObject(oldColInx); boolean isPartialDate2 = false; Byte partialDateType2 = null; if (StringUtils.contains(oldRsmd.getColumnName(oldColInx + 1), "DatePrecision")) { partialDateType2 = newDBRS.getByte(oldColInx); isPartialDate2 = true; } else { log.error("Next isn't DatePrecision and can't be!"); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); } if (!newObj.equals(dateObj) || (isPartialDate2 && !partialDateType2.equals(partialDateType))) { errSB.insert(0, oldColName + " "); errSB.append("["); errSB.append(datePair); errSB.append("]["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) newObj)); errSB.append("] oldDate["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) dateObj)); errSB.append("]"); log.error(errSB.toString()); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); return StatusType.BAD_DATE; } } else { int oldIntDate = oldDBRS.getInt(oldColInx); if (oldIntDate == 0) { return StatusType.NO_OLD_REC; } BasicSQLUtils.getPartialDate(oldIntDate, datePair, false); if (partialDateType != null) { if (Byte.parseByte(datePair.getPartial()) != partialDateType.byteValue()) { errSB.append("Partial Dates Type do not match. Old[" + datePair.getPartial() + "] New [" + partialDateType.byteValue() + "]"); // error partial dates don't match } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime((Date) newObj); int year = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(0, 4)); int mon = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(5, 7)); int day = Integer.parseInt(datePair.getDateStr().substring(8, 10)); if (mon > 0) mon--; boolean isYearOK = true; int yr = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (year != yr) { errSB.append("Year mismatch Old[" + year + "] New [" + yr + "] "); isYearOK = false; } if (mon != cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) { errSB.append("Month mismatch Old[" + mon + "] New [" + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "] "); } if (day != cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { errSB.append("Day mismatch Old[" + day + "] New [" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "] "); } if (errSB.length() > 0 && (!isYearOK || !isPartialDate)) { errSB.insert(0, oldColName + " "); errSB.append("["); errSB.append(datePair); errSB.append("]["); errSB.append(dateFormatter.format((Date) newObj)); errSB.append("]"); log.error(errSB.toString()); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, errSB.toString()); return StatusType.BAD_DATE; } } } return StatusType.COMPARE_OK; } /** * @param oldNewIdStr * @throws SQLException */ private void compareNames(final String oldNewIdStr, final int startInxNewArg, final int startInxOldArg) throws SQLException { String newFirstName = newDBRS.getString(startInxNewArg); String newLastName = newDBRS.getString(startInxNewArg + 1); String oldFirstName = oldDBRS.getString(startInxOldArg); String oldLastName = oldDBRS.getString(startInxOldArg + 1); String oldName = oldDBRS.getString(startInxOldArg + 2); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(oldName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(oldLastName)) { oldLastName = oldName; } if (oldFirstName == null && oldLastName == null && oldName != null) { oldLastName = oldName; } // First Name if (oldFirstName == null && newFirstName != null) { String msg = "Old FirstName[" + oldFirstName + "] is NULL New FirstName[" + newFirstName + "] is not"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldFirstName != null && newFirstName == null) { String msg = "Old FirstName[" + oldFirstName + "] is not null New FirstName[" + newFirstName + "] is NULL"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } if (oldFirstName != null && newFirstName != null && !oldFirstName.equals(newFirstName)) { String msg = "Old FirstName[" + oldFirstName + "] is NOT equals New FirstName[" + newFirstName + "]"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } // Last Name and old Name if (oldLastName == null && newLastName != null) { String msg = "Old LastName[" + oldLastName + "] is NULL New LastName[" + newLastName + "] is not"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLastName != null && newLastName == null) { String msg = "Old LastName[" + oldLastName + "] is not null New LastName[" + newLastName + "] is NULL"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLastName != null && newLastName != null && !oldLastName.equals(newLastName)) { String msg = "Old LastName[" + oldLastName + "] is NOT equals New LastName[" + newLastName + "]"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } /** * @param oldNewIdStr * @throws SQLException */ private void compareStrings(final String oldNewIdStr, final String colName, final int startInxNewArg, final int startInxOldArg) throws SQLException { String newStr = newDBRS.getString(startInxNewArg); String oldStr = oldDBRS.getString(startInxOldArg); if (oldStr == null && newStr == null) return; if (oldStr == null && newStr != null) { String msg = "Old " + colName + " [" + oldStr + "] is NULL New " + colName + "[" + newStr + "] is not"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldStr != null && newStr == null) { String msg = "Old " + colName + "[" + oldStr + "] is not null New " + colName + "[" + newStr + "] is NULL"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (!oldStr.equals(newStr)) { String msg = "Old " + colName + "[" + oldStr + "] is not equal New " + colName + "[" + newStr + "]"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } /** * @param oldNewIdStr * @throws SQLException */ private void compareBoolean(final String oldNewIdStr, final String colName, final int startInxNewArg, final int startInxOldArg) throws SQLException { boolean newBool = newDBRS.getBoolean(startInxNewArg); boolean oldBool = oldDBRS.getBoolean(startInxOldArg); if (newBool != oldBool) { String msg = "Old " + colName + "[" + oldBool + "] is not null New " + colName + "[" + newBool + "] is NULL"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } private Integer getIntFromObj(final Object num) { if (num instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) num; } else if (num instanceof Float) { return ((Float) num).intValue(); } else if (num instanceof Double) { return ((Double) num).intValue(); } else if (num instanceof Long) { return ((Long) num).intValue(); } else if (num instanceof Short) { return ((Short) num).intValue(); } else if (num instanceof Byte) { return ((Byte) num).intValue(); } return null; } /** * @param oldNewIdStr * @throws SQLException */ private void compareNumber(final String oldNewIdStr, final String colName, final int startInxNewArg, final int startInxOldArg) throws SQLException { Integer newInt = getIntFromObj(newDBRS.getObject(startInxNewArg)); Integer oldInt = getIntFromObj(oldDBRS.getObject(startInxOldArg)); if (oldInt == null && newInt == null) return; if (oldInt == null && newInt != null) { String msg = "Old " + colName + " [" + oldInt + "] is NULL New " + colName + "[" + newInt + "] is not"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldInt != null && newInt == null) { String msg = "Old " + colName + "[" + oldInt + "] is not null New " + colName + "[" + newInt + "] is NULL"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldInt != null && !oldInt.equals(newInt)) { String msg = "Old " + colName + "[" + oldInt + "] is not equal New " + colName + "[" + newInt + "]"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } /** * */ private void verifyCollectors() { boolean dbg = true; IdTableMapper ceIdMapper = idMapperMgr.addTableMapper("collectingevent", "CollectingEventID", false); oldSQL = "SELECT ce.CollectingEventID, a.FirstName, a.LastName, a.Name, collectors.Order " + "FROM collectingevent ce INNER JOIN collectors ON ce.CollectingEventID = collectors.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON collectors.AgentID = a.AgentID ORDER BY ce.CollectingEventID, collectors.Order"; newSQL = "SELECT ce.CollectingEventID, a.FirstName, a.LastName, collector.OrderNumber " + "FROM collectingevent ce INNER JOIN collector ON ce.CollectingEventID = collector.CollectingEventID " + "INNER JOIN agent a ON collector.AgentID = a.AgentID WHERE ce.CollectingEventID = %d ORDER BY collector.OrderNumber "; int prevOldId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int prevNewId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; try { oldDBRS = oldDBStmt.executeQuery(oldSQL); if (dbg) { System.out.println(oldSQL); } while ( { int oldId = oldDBRS.getInt(1); Integer newId = ceIdMapper.get(oldId); String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId; if (newId == null) { String msg = "No New Id from mapping New [" + newId + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); continue; } String sql = String.format(newSQL, newId); if (dbg) System.out.println(sql); newDBRS = newDBStmt.executeQuery(sql); if (! { String msg = "No New record New [" + newId + "] from Old[" + oldId + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); continue; } int newOrder = newDBRS.getInt(4); int oldOrder = oldDBRS.getInt(5); if (newId == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { prevNewId = newId; } if (oldId == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { prevOldId = oldId; } boolean isNewNextCE = prevNewId != newId; boolean isOldNextCE = prevOldId != oldId; if (isNewNextCE != isOldNextCE) { String msg = "The is a mismatch in the number of Collectors for Old[" + oldId + "] New [" + newId + "] Old[" + isOldNextCE + "] New [" + isNewNextCE + "] "; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); break; } compareNames(oldNewIdStr, 2, 2); // Order if (oldOrder != newOrder) { String msg = "Old Order[" + oldOrder + "] is not equal [" + newOrder + "]"; log.error(oldNewIdStr + " " + msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private void verifyCEs() { newSQL = "SELECT c.CollectingEventID, c.StartTime, l.LocalityName, l.Latitude1, l.Longitude1, g.Name " + "FROM collectingevent c LEFT JOIN locality l ON c.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "LEFT JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID ORDER BY c.CollectingEventID"; oldSQL = "SELECT c.CollectingEventID, c.StartTime, l.LocalityName, l.Latitude1, l.Longitude1, g.ContinentOrOcean, g.Country, g.State, g.County, g.IslandGroup, g.Island, g.WaterBody, g.Drainage " + "FROM collectingevent c LEFT JOIN locality l ON c.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "LEFT JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID ORDER BY c.CollectingEventID"; String newCntSQL = "SELECT count(*) " + "FROM collectingevent c LEFT JOIN locality l ON c.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "LEFT JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID ORDER BY c.CollectingEventID"; String oldCntSQL = "SELECT count(*) " + "FROM collectingevent c LEFT JOIN locality l ON c.LocalityID = l.LocalityID " + "LEFT JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID = g.GeographyID ORDER BY c.CollectingEventID";;;;; Integer oldCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(oldCntSQL); Integer newCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(newCntSQL); String msg2 = "Record Counts [" + oldCnt + " / " + newCnt + "]";; //tblWriter.logErrors("Record Counts", oldCnt + " / " + newCnt); tblWriter.flush(); try { getResultSets(oldSQL, newSQL); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec || !hasNewRec) { break; } int col = 1; int newId = newDBRS.getInt(col++); Integer newStartTime = newDBRS.getInt(col++); String newLocalityName = newDBRS.getString(col++); Object bigDecObj = newDBRS.getObject(col); BigDecimal newLatitude = bigDecObj == null ? null : newDBRS.getBigDecimal(col); col++; bigDecObj = newDBRS.getObject(col); BigDecimal newLongitude = bigDecObj == null ? null : newDBRS.getBigDecimal(col); col++; String newGeoName = newDBRS.getString(col++); col = 1; int oldId = oldDBRS.getInt(col++); Integer oldStartTime = oldDBRS.getInt(col++); String oldLocalityName = oldDBRS.getString(col++); bigDecObj = newDBRS.getObject(col); Double oldLatitude = bigDecObj == null ? null : oldDBRS.getDouble(col); col++; bigDecObj = newDBRS.getObject(col); Double oldLongitude = bigDecObj == null ? null : oldDBRS.getDouble(col); col++; String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId; if (newGeoName != null && !newGeoName.equals("Undefined")) { boolean fnd = false; for (int i = 6; i < 14; i++) { //if (i == 7) System.out.println(); String name = oldDBRS.getString(i); if (name != null) { //System.out.println("["+name+"]"); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(newGeoName)) { fnd = true; break; } } } if (!fnd) { String msg = "No match found for new Geo [" + newGeoName + "] [" + oldId + " / " + newId + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } // StartTime if (oldStartTime == null && newStartTime != null) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old StartTime[" + oldStartTime + "] is NULL New StartTime[" + newStartTime + "] is not"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldStartTime != null && newStartTime == null) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old StartTime[" + oldStartTime + "] is not null New StartTime[" + newStartTime + "] is NULL"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldStartTime != null && newStartTime != null && !oldStartTime.equals(newStartTime)) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old StartTime[" + oldStartTime + "] is NOT equals New StartTime[" + newStartTime + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } // LocalityName if (oldLocalityName == null && newLocalityName != null) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old LocalityName[" + oldLocalityName + "] is NULL New LocalityName[" + newLocalityName + "] is not"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLocalityName != null && newLocalityName == null) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old LocalityName[" + oldLocalityName + "] is not null New LocalityName[" + newLocalityName + "] is NULL"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLocalityName != null && newLocalityName != null && !oldLocalityName.equals(newLocalityName)) { String msg = "LocName[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old LocalityName[" + oldLocalityName + "] is NOT equals New LocalityName[" + newLocalityName + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } // Latitude if (oldLatitude == null && newLatitude != null) { String msg = "Latitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Latitude[" + oldLatitude + "] is NULL New Latitude[" + newLatitude + "] is not"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLatitude != null && newLatitude == null) { String msg = "Latitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Latitude[" + oldLatitude + "] is not null New Latitude[" + newLatitude + "] is NULL"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLatitude != null && newLatitude != null && !oldLatitude.equals(newLatitude.doubleValue())) { String msg = "Latitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Latitude[" + oldLatitude + "] is NOT equals New Latitude[" + newLatitude + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } // Longitude if (oldLongitude == null && newLongitude != null) { String msg = "Longitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Longitude[" + oldLongitude + "] is NULL New Longitude[" + newLongitude + "] is not"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLongitude != null && newLongitude == null) { String msg = "Longitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Longitude[" + oldLongitude + "] is not null New Longitude[" + newLongitude + "] is NULL"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } else if (oldLongitude != null && newLongitude != null && !oldLongitude.equals(newLongitude.doubleValue())) { String msg = "Longitude[" + oldId + " / " + newId + "] Old Longitude[" + oldLongitude + "] is NOT equals New Longitude[" + newLongitude + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); } } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean compareStr(final String oldStr, final String newStr) { if (oldStr == null && newStr == null) { return true; } if (oldStr == null || newStr == null) { return false; } return oldStr.equals(newStr); } /** * */ private void verifyAgents() { try { Statement stmt = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT OldID, NewID FROM agent_AgentID"); while ( { int oldId = rs.getInt(1); int newId = rs.getInt(2); newSQL = "SELECT a.AgentType, a.LastName, a.MiddleInitial, a.FirstName, " + "adr.Phone1, adr.Phone2, adr.Address, adr.City, adr.State, adr.PostalCode, adr.Country " + "FROM agent AS a Left Join address AS adr ON a.AgentID = adr.AgentID WHERE a.AgentID = " + newId + " ORDER BY adr.Phone1, adr.Address, adr.City, adr.State, adr.PostalCode"; oldSQL = "SELECT a.AgentType, IF (a.LastName IS null OR LENGTH(a.LastName) = 0, a.Name, a.LastName), a.MiddleInitial, a.FirstName," + "aa.Phone1, aa.Phone2 ,adr.Address, adr.City, adr.State ,adr.Postalcode, adr.Country FROM agent AS a " + "Left Join agentaddress AS aa ON a.AgentID = aa.AgentID " + "Left Join address AS adr ON aa.AddressID = adr.AddressID WHERE a.AgentID = " + oldId + " ORDER BY aa.Phone1, adr.Address, adr.City, adr.State ,adr.Postalcode"; //; //; getResultSets(oldSQL, newSQL); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec || !hasNewRec) { break; } for (int i = 1; i <= newDBRS.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { String newStr = newDBRS.getString(i); String oldStr = oldDBRS.getString(i); if (!compareStr(oldStr, newStr)) { String fldName = newDBRS.getMetaData().getColumnName(i); String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId; String msg = " Fields " + fldName + " don't match. [" + oldStr + "][" + newStr + "]"; tblWriter.logErrors(oldNewIdStr, msg); log.error(oldNewIdStr + msg); } } } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private void verifyShipments() { newSQL = "SELECT s.ShipmentNumber,s.ShipmentDate, s.ShipmentMethod, s.NumberOfPackages, s.Weight, s.InsuredForAmount, ato.FirstName, ato.LastName, aby.FirstName, aby.LastName " + "FROM shipment AS s " + "Inner Join agent AS ato ON s.ShippedToID = ato.AgentID " + "Inner Join agent AS aby ON s.ShippedByID = aby.AgentID " + "ORDER BY s.ShipmentNumber ASC"; oldSQL = "SELECT s.ShipmentNumber,s.ShipmentDate, s.ShipmentMethod, s.NumberOfPackages, s.Weight, s.InsuredForAmount, ato.FirstName, ato.LastName, ato.Name, aby.FirstName, aby.LastName, aby.Name " + "FROM shipment AS s " + "Inner Join agentaddress aato ON s.ShippedToID = aato.AgentAddressID inner join agent ato on ato.AgentID = aato.AgentID " + "Inner Join agentaddress AS aaby ON s.ShippedByID = aaby.AgentAddressID inner join agent aby on aby.AgentID = aaby.AgentID " + "ORDER BY s.ShipmentNumber ASC";;; //int prevOldId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //int prevNewId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; try { getResultSets(oldSQL, newSQL); ResultSetMetaData rmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec || !hasNewRec) { break; } Integer newId = newDBRS.getInt(1); Integer oldId = oldDBRS.getInt(1); if (newId == null || oldId == null) { System.err.println("Id is NULL! newId " + newId + " oldId " + oldId); } String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId; /*if (newId == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { prevNewId = newId; } if (oldId == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { prevOldId = oldId; }*/ compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(1), 1, 1); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(2), 2, 2); compareDates(oldNewIdStr, 3, 3); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(4), 4, 4); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(5), 5, 5); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(6), 6, 6); compareNames(oldNewIdStr, 7, 7); compareNames(oldNewIdStr, 9, 10); } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private void verifyLoans() { newSQL = "SELECT l.LoanNumber, l.LoanDate, l.IsClosed, l.CurrentDueDate, l.OriginalDueDate, l.DateClosed, l.Text1, l.Text2, l.Number1, l.Number2, l.YesNo1, l.YesNo2, " + "lp.Quantity, lp.DescriptionOfMaterial, lp.OutComments, lp.InComments, lp.QuantityResolved, lp.QuantityReturned, LoanPreparationID " + "FROM loan l Inner Join loanpreparation lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID WHERE LoanNumber = '%s' ORDER BY LoanPreparationID"; oldSQL = "SELECT l.LoanNumber, l.LoanDate, l.Closed, l.CurrentDueDate, l.OriginalDueDate, l.DateClosed, l.Text1, l.Text2, l.Number1, l.Number2, l.YesNo1, l.YesNo2, " + "lp.Quantity, lp.DescriptionOfMaterial, lp.OutComments, lp.InComments, lp.QuantityResolved, lp.QuantityReturned, lp.LoanPhysicalObjectID " + "FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID Left Join loanphysicalobject_LoanPhysicalObjectID AS lr ON lp.LoanPhysicalObjectID = lr.OldID " + "WHERE l.Category = 0 AND LoanNumber = '%s' ORDER BY lr.NewID ASC"; String newSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM loan l Inner Join loanpreparation lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID WHERE LoanNumber = '%s'"; String oldSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID WHERE l.Category = 0 AND LoanNumber = '%s'";;; try { Vector<Object> loanNums = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(oldDBConn, "SELECT LoanNumber FROM loan WHERE Category = 0"); for (Object loanNum : loanNums) { int oldCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, String.format(oldSQLCnt, loanNum)); int newCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(newDBConn, String.format(newSQLCnt, loanNum)); if (oldCnt != newCnt) { String msg = "For Loan Number[" + loanNum + " the number of New LoanPreps[" + newCnt + "] doesn't match the old[" + oldCnt + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(loanNum.toString(), msg); } getResultSets(String.format(oldSQL, loanNum), String.format(newSQL, loanNum)); ResultSetMetaData rmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { break; } String newId = newDBRS.getString(1); String oldId = oldDBRS.getString(1); String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId + " (" + oldDBRS.getInt(19) + " / " + newDBRS.getInt(19) + ")"; compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(1), 1, 1); compareDates(oldNewIdStr, 2, 2); compareBoolean(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(3), 3, 3); compareDates(oldNewIdStr, 4, 4); compareDates(oldNewIdStr, 5, 5); compareDates(oldNewIdStr, 6, 6); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(7), 7, 7); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(8), 8, 8); compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(9), 9, 9); compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(10), 10, 10); compareBoolean(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(11), 11, 11); compareBoolean(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(12), 12, 12); compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(13), 13, 13); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(14), 14, 14); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(15), 15, 15); compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(16), 16, 16); compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(17), 17, 17); compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(18), 18, 18); } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private void verifyGifts() { newSQL = "SELECT g.GiftNumber, g.GiftDate, g.Remarks, g.Number1, g.Number2, g.Text1, g.Text2, g.YesNo1, g.YesNo2, gp.Quantity, gp.DescriptionOfMaterial, gp.OutComments, gp.InComments " + "FROM gift AS g Inner Join giftpreparation AS gp ON g.GiftID = gp.GiftID WHERE g.GiftNumber = '%s' ORDER BY gp.GiftPreparationID"; oldSQL = "SELECT g.LoanNumber, g.LoanDate, g.Remarks, g.Number1, g.Number2, g.Text1, g.Text2, g.YesNo1, g.YesNo2, " + "gp.Quantity, gp.DescriptionOfMaterial, gp.OutComments, gp.InComments " + "FROM loan AS g Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS gp ON g.LoanID = gp.LoanID Left Join loanphysicalobject_LoanPhysicalObjectID AS lr ON gp.LoanPhysicalObjectID = lr.OldID " + "WHERE g.Category = 1 AND g.LoanNumber = '%s' ORDER BY lr.NewID ASC"; String newSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gift AS g Inner Join giftpreparation AS gp ON g.GiftID = gp.GiftID WHERE GiftNumber = '%s'"; String oldSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM loan AS g Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS gp ON g.LoanID = gp.LoanID WHERE g.Category = 1 AND g.LoanNumber = '%s'";;; try { Vector<Object> loanNums = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(oldDBConn, "SELECT LoanNumber FROM loan WHERE Category = 1"); // Gifts for (Object loanNum : loanNums) { int oldCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, String.format(oldSQLCnt, loanNum)); int newCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(newDBConn, String.format(newSQLCnt, loanNum)); if (oldCnt != newCnt) { String msg = "For Loan Number[" + loanNum + " the number of New LoanPreps[" + newCnt + "] doesn't match the old[" + oldCnt + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(loanNum.toString(), msg); } getResultSets(String.format(oldSQL, loanNum), String.format(newSQL, loanNum)); ResultSetMetaData rmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { break; } int newId = newDBRS.getInt(1); int oldId = oldDBRS.getInt(1); String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId;// + " ("+oldDBRS.getInt(19)+" / "+newDBRS.getInt(19)+")"; int inx = 1; compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Gift Number compareDates(oldNewIdStr, inx, inx); inx++; // Gift Date compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Remarks compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Number1 compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Number2 compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Test1 compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Test2 compareBoolean(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // YesNo1 compareBoolean(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // YesNo2 compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Qty compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // DescOfMat compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // OutComm compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // InComm } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private void verifyLoanRetPreps() { newSQL = "SELECT l.LoanNumber, r.ReturnedDate, r.QuantityResolved, r.Remarks " + "FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanpreparation AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID " + "LEFT Join loanreturnpreparation AS r ON lp.LoanPreparationID = r.LoanPreparationID " + "WHERE l.LoanNumber = '%s' ORDER BY lp.LoanPreparationID"; oldSQL = "SELECT l.LoanNumber, r.`Date`, r.Quantity, r.Remarks " + "FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID " + "LEFT Join loanreturnphysicalobject AS r ON lp.LoanPhysicalObjectID = r.LoanPhysicalObjectID Left Join loanphysicalobject_LoanPhysicalObjectID AS lr ON lp.LoanPhysicalObjectID = lr.OldID " + "WHERE l.Category = 0 AND LoanNumber = '%s' ORDER BY lr.NewID ASC"; String newSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM (SELECT LoanReturnPreparationID AS ID, LoanNumber FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanpreparation AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID Left Join loanreturnpreparation AS r ON lp.LoanPreparationID = r.LoanPreparationID WHERE LoanReturnPreparationID IS NOT NULL AND LoanNumber = '%s') T1"; String oldSQLCnt = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM (SELECT LoanReturnPhysicalObjectID AS ID, LoanNumber FROM loan AS l Inner Join loanphysicalobject AS lp ON l.LoanID = lp.LoanID Left Join loanreturnphysicalobject AS r ON lp.LoanPhysicalObjectID = r.LoanPhysicalObjectID WHERE LoanReturnPhysicalObjectID IS NOT NULL AND LoanNumber = '%s') T1";;; try { Vector<Object> loanNums = BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(oldDBConn, "SELECT LoanNumber FROM loan WHERE Category = 0"); for (Object loanNum : loanNums) { int oldCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, String.format(oldSQLCnt, loanNum)); int newCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(newDBConn, String.format(newSQLCnt, loanNum)); if (oldCnt != newCnt) { String msg = "For Loan Number[" + loanNum + " the number of New LoanPreps[" + newCnt + "] doesn't match the old[" + oldCnt + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logErrors(loanNum.toString(), msg); } getResultSets(String.format(oldSQL, loanNum), String.format(newSQL, loanNum)); ResultSetMetaData rmd = newDBRS.getMetaData(); while (true) { boolean hasOldRec =; boolean hasNewRec =; if (!hasOldRec && !hasNewRec) { break; } String newId = newDBRS.getString(1); String oldId = oldDBRS.getString(1); String oldNewIdStr = oldId + " / " + newId; int inx = 1; compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // LoanNumber compareDates(oldNewIdStr, inx, inx); inx++; // Gift Date compareNumber(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Quantity compareStrings(oldNewIdStr, rmd.getColumnName(inx), inx, inx); inx++; // Remarks } oldDBRS.close(); newDBRS.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { UIRegistry.setAppName("Specify"); AppBase.processArgs(args); // Create Specify Application SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!System.getProperty("").equals("Mac OS X")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new Plastic3DLookAndFeel()); PlasticLookAndFeel.setPlasticTheme(new DesertBlue()); } } catch (Exception e) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(ConvertVerifier.class, e); log.error("Can't change L&F: ", e); } final ConvertVerifier cv = new ConvertVerifier(); if (cv.selectedDBsToConvert()) { try { final Pair<String, String> pair = cv.chooseTable(); if (pair != null) { SwingWorker workerThread = new SwingWorker() { @Override public Object construct() { try { boolean compareTo6DBS = false; if (compareTo6DBS) { pair.first = "ku_fish"; pair.second = "kui_fish_dbo_6"; cv.setCompareTo6DBs(compareTo6DBS); } cv.verifyDB(pair.first, pair.second); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public void finished() { } }; // start the background task workerThread.start(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The ConvertVerifier was unable to login", "Not Logged In", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } } }); } /** * Helper method to see if an option is turned on. * @param opt the actual option that may be turned on * @return true if the opt bit is on */ public static boolean isCOOn(final long opt) { return (coOptions & opt) == opt; } public static boolean isACOn(final long opt) { return (acOptions & opt) == opt; } /** * Loads the dialog * @param hashNames every other one is the new name * @return the list of selected DBs */ private boolean selectedDBsToConvert() { final JTextField itUserNameTF = UIHelper.createTextField("root", 15); final JPasswordField itPasswordTF = UIHelper.createPasswordField("", 15); final JTextField hostNameTF = UIHelper.createTextField("localhost", 15); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p,2px,p,f:p:g", "p,2px,p,2px,p,8px,p")); int y = 1; pb.addSeparator("IT User", cc.xyw(1, y, 4)); y += 2; pb.add(UIHelper.createLabel("Username:", SwingConstants.RIGHT), cc.xy(1, y)); pb.add(itUserNameTF, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; pb.add(UIHelper.createLabel("Password:", SwingConstants.RIGHT), cc.xy(1, y)); pb.add(itPasswordTF, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; pb.add(UIHelper.createLabel("Host Name:", SwingConstants.RIGHT), cc.xy(1, y)); pb.add(hostNameTF, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; PanelBuilder panel = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g,10px,f:p:g", "f:p:g")); panel.add(new JLabel(IconManager.getIcon("SpecifyLargeIcon")), cc.xy(1, 1)); panel.add(pb.getPanel(), cc.xy(3, 1)); CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog(null, "Database Info", true, panel.getPanel()); ((JPanel) dlg.getContentPanel()).setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); UIHelper.centerAndShow(dlg); dlg.dispose(); if (dlg.isCancelled()) { return false; } hostName = hostNameTF.getText(); itUsrPwd.first = itUserNameTF.getText(); itUsrPwd.second = ((JTextField) itPasswordTF).getText(); return true; } /** * @return * @throws SQLException */ private Pair<String, String> chooseTable() throws SQLException { MySQLDMBSUserMgr mgr = new MySQLDMBSUserMgr(); final Vector<DBNamePair> availOldPairs = new Vector<DBNamePair>(); final Vector<DBNamePair> availNewPairs = new Vector<DBNamePair>(); try { if (mgr.connectToDBMS(itUsrPwd.first, itUsrPwd.second, hostName)) { BasicSQLUtils.setSkipTrackExceptions(true); Connection conn = mgr.getConnection(); Vector<Object[]> dbNames = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, "show databases"); for (Object[] row : dbNames) { System.err.println("Setting [" + row[0].toString() + "] "); conn.setCatalog(row[0].toString()); boolean isSp5 = false; boolean isSp6 = false; Vector<Object[]> tables = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, "show tables"); for (Object[] tblRow : tables) { if (row[0].toString().equals("debugdb")) { System.err.println(tblRow[0].toString()); } if (tblRow[0].toString().equals("usysversion")) { isSp5 = true; break; } else if (tblRow[0].toString().equals("gift")) { isSp6 = true; break; } } if (isSp5 || isSp6) { String collName = null; Vector<Object[]> tableDesc = BasicSQLUtils.query(conn, "SELECT CollectionName FROM collection"); if (tableDesc.size() > 0) { collName = tableDesc.get(0)[0].toString(); } if (collName == null) { continue; } if (isSp5) { availOldPairs.add(new DBNamePair(collName, row[0].toString())); } else { availNewPairs.add(new DBNamePair(collName, row[0].toString())); } } System.err.println("isSp5 [" + isSp5 + "] isSp6 [" + isSp6 + "] "); } Comparator<Pair<String, String>> comparator = new Comparator<Pair<String, String>>() { @Override public int compare(Pair<String, String> o1, Pair<String, String> o2) { return o1.second.compareTo(o2.second); } }; Collections.sort(availOldPairs, comparator); Collections.sort(availNewPairs, comparator); mgr.close(); BasicSQLUtils.setSkipTrackExceptions(false); final JList oldlist = new JList(availOldPairs); final JList newList = new JList(availNewPairs); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g,10px,f:p:g", "p,2px,f:p:g,4px,p")); pb.addSeparator("Specify 5 Databases", cc.xy(1, 1)); pb.add(UIHelper.createScrollPane(oldlist), cc.xy(1, 3)); pb.addSeparator("Specify 6 Databases", cc.xy(3, 1)); pb.add(UIHelper.createScrollPane(newList), cc.xy(3, 3)); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(labels.length); for (String s : labels) { list.add(s); } chkPanel = new ToggleButtonChooserPanel<String>(list, Type.Checkbox); chkPanel.setUseScrollPane(true); chkPanel.createUI(); //pb.add(chkPanel, cc.xyw(1, 5, 3)); /*ActionListener al = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { boolean isSelected = chkPanel.getButtons().get(0).isSelected(); int inx = chkPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (inx == 0) { Vector<JToggleButton> btns = chkPanel.getButtons(); for (int i=1;i<btns.size();i++) { btns.get(i).setEnabled(!isSelected); } } } }; chkPanel.getButtons().get(0).addActionListener(al); chkPanel.getButtons().get(chkPanel.getButtons().size()-1).addActionListener(al);*/ ListSelectionListener oldDBListener = new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { DBNamePair pair = (DBNamePair) oldlist.getSelectedValue(); if (pair != null) { int index = 0; for (DBNamePair p : availNewPairs) { if (p.second.startsWith(pair.second)) { final int inx = index; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { newList.setSelectedIndex(inx); newList.ensureIndexIsVisible(inx); } }); } index++; } } } } }; oldlist.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(oldDBListener); MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseClicked(e); Vector<JToggleButton> btns = chkPanel.getButtons(); if (e.getSource() == btns.get(0)) { boolean isSelected = btns.get(0).isSelected(); for (int i = 1; i < btns.size(); i++) { btns.get(i).setEnabled(!isSelected); } } else if (e.getSource() == btns.get(btns.size() - 1)) { boolean isSelected = btns.get(btns.size() - 1).isSelected(); for (int i = 0; i < btns.size() - 1; i++) { if (i > 0) btns.get(i).setSelected(!isSelected); btns.get(i).setEnabled(!isSelected); } } } }; chkPanel.getButtons().get(0).addMouseListener(ma); chkPanel.getButtons().get(chkPanel.getButtons().size() - 1).addMouseListener(ma); /*ChangeListener cl = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Vector<JToggleButton> btns = chkPanel.getButtons(); if (e.getSource() == btns.get(0)) { boolean isSelected = btns.get(0).isSelected(); System.out.println(isSelected); for (int i=1;i<btns.size();i++) { btns.get(i).setEnabled(!isSelected); } } else if (e.getSource() == btns.get(btns.size()-1)) { boolean isSelected = btns.get(0).isSelected(); System.out.println(isSelected); for (int i=0;i<btns.size()-1;i++) { btns.get(i).setEnabled(!isSelected); } } } }; chkPanel.getButtons().get(0).addChangeListener(cl); chkPanel.getButtons().get(chkPanel.getButtons().size()-1).addChangeListener(cl);*/ pb.setDefaultDialogBorder(); final CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog(null, "Select a DB to Verify", true, pb.getPanel()); ListSelectionListener lsl = new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { dlg.getOkBtn().setEnabled(oldlist.getSelectedIndex() > -1); } } }; oldlist.addListSelectionListener(lsl); newList.addListSelectionListener(lsl); oldlist.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); newList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); MouseAdapter listMA = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { dlg.getOkBtn() .setEnabled(oldlist.getSelectedIndex() > -1 && newList.getSelectedIndex() > -1); dlg.getOkBtn().doClick(); } } }; oldlist.addMouseListener(listMA); newList.addMouseListener(listMA); dlg.createUI(); dlg.pack(); //dlg.setSize(300, 800); dlg.pack(); dlg.setVisible(true); if (dlg.isCancelled()) { return null; } DBNamePair oldPair = (DBNamePair) oldlist.getSelectedValue(); namePairToConvert = (DBNamePair) newList.getSelectedValue(); namePairToConvert.first = oldPair.second; return namePairToConvert; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } /** * @return */ public CustomDBConverterDlg runCustomConverter() { return UIHelper.doSpecifyConvert(); } //---------------------------------------- class DBNamePair extends Pair<String, String> { /** * */ public DBNamePair() { super(); } /** * @param first * @param second */ public DBNamePair(String first, String second) { super(first, second); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.util.Pair#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return second + " (" + first + ")"; } } }