Java tutorial
/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion; import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.query; import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.setFieldsToIgnoreWhenMappingNames; import static edu.ku.brc.specify.conversion.BasicSQLUtils.setIdentityInsertOFFCommandForSQLServer; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderFactory; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.HibernateUtil; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Discipline; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Taxon; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.TaxonTreeDef; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.TaxonTreeDefItem; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.TreeDefIface; import edu.ku.brc.specify.treeutils.NodeNumberer; import edu.ku.brc.ui.ProgressFrame; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; public class ConvertTaxonHelper { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConvertTaxonHelper.class); private static ProgressFrame prgFrame = null; protected static SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); protected static SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); protected static Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); protected static String nowStr = dateTimeFormatter.format(now); protected static int taxonomicUnitTypeId = 11111111; protected Connection oldDBConn; protected Connection newDBConn; protected String oldDBName; protected TableWriter tblWriter; protected IdMapperIndexIncrementerIFace indexIncremeter; protected GenericDBConversion conversion; protected ProgressFrame frame; protected String taxonomyTypeIdInClause = null; protected String taxonFromClause = null; protected Vector<CollectionInfo> collectionInfoList; protected HashMap<Integer, Vector<CollectionInfo>> collDispHash; protected HashMap<Integer, TaxonTreeDef> newTaxonInfoHash = new HashMap<Integer, TaxonTreeDef>(); protected HashSet<Integer> taxonTypesInUse = new HashSet<Integer>(); protected HashMap<Integer, TaxonTreeDef> taxonTreeDefHash = new HashMap<Integer, TaxonTreeDef>(); // Key is old TaxonTreeTypeID protected HashMap<Integer, Taxon> taxonTreeHash = new HashMap<Integer, Taxon>(); // Key is old TaxonTreeTypeID protected ArrayList<Pair<Integer, String>> missingParentList = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, String>>(); protected HashSet<Integer> strandedFixedHash = new HashSet<Integer>(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for TaxonName Row Processing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected IdMapperIFace txMapper = null; protected IdMapperIFace txTypMapper = null; protected IdMapperIFace txUnitTypMapper = null; protected IdMapperIFace[] mappers = null; protected String[] oldCols = { "TaxonNameID", "ParentTaxonNameID", "TaxonomyTypeID", "AcceptedID", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonomicSerialNumber", "TaxonName", "UnitInd1", "UnitName1", "UnitInd2", "UnitName2", "UnitInd3", "UnitName3", "UnitInd4", "UnitName4", "FullTaxonName", "CommonName", "Author", "Source", "GroupPermittedToView", "EnvironmentalProtectionStatus", "Remarks", "NodeNumber", "HighestChildNodeNumber", "LastEditedBy", "Accepted", "RankID", "GroupNumber", "TimestampCreated", "TimestampModified" }; protected String[] cols = { "TaxonID", "Author", "CitesStatus", "COLStatus", "CommonName", "CultivarName", "EnvironmentalProtectionStatus", "EsaStatus", "FullName", "GroupNumber", "GUID", "HighestChildNodeNumber", "IsAccepted", "IsHybrid", "IsisNumber", "LabelFormat", "Name", "NcbiTaxonNumber", "NodeNumber", "Number1", "Number2", "RankID", "Remarks", "Source", "TaxonomicSerialNumber", "Text1", "Text2", "UnitInd1", "UnitInd2", "UnitInd3", "UnitInd4", "UnitName1", "UnitName2", "UnitName3", "UnitName4", "UsfwsCode", "Visibility", "ParentID", "AcceptedID", "ModifiedByAgentID", "TaxonTreeDefItemID", "VisibilitySetByID", "CreatedByAgentID", "HybridParent1ID", "TaxonTreeDefID", "HybridParent2ID", "TimestampCreated", "TimestampModified", "Version" }; protected int[] colTypes = null; protected int[] colSizes = null; protected Hashtable<String, String> newToOldColMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); protected Hashtable<String, String> oldToNewColMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); protected HashMap<String, Integer> fieldToColHash = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); protected HashMap<Integer, String> colToFieldHash = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); protected HashMap<String, Integer> oldFieldToColHash = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); protected PreparedStatement pStmtTx = null; protected Statement stmtTx = null; protected int lastEditedByInx; protected int modifiedByAgentInx; protected int rankIdOldDBInx; /** * @param oldDBConn * @param newDBConn * @param oldDBName * @param tblWriter */ public ConvertTaxonHelper(final Connection oldDBConn, final Connection newDBConn, final String oldDBName, final ProgressFrame frame, final TableWriter tblWriter, final GenericDBConversion conversion, final IdMapperIndexIncrementerIFace indexIncremeter) { super(); this.oldDBConn = oldDBConn; this.newDBConn = newDBConn; this.oldDBName = oldDBName; this.frame = frame; this.tblWriter = tblWriter; this.indexIncremeter = indexIncremeter; this.conversion = conversion; CollectionInfo.getCollectionInfoList(oldDBConn); collectionInfoList = CollectionInfo.getFilteredCollectionInfoList(); // Create a Hashed List of CollectionInfo for each unique TaxonomyTypeId // where the TaxonomyTypeId is a Discipline collDispHash = new HashMap<Integer, Vector<CollectionInfo>>(); for (CollectionInfo info : collectionInfoList) { if (info.isTaxonomicUnitTypeInUse()) { Vector<CollectionInfo> colInfoList = collDispHash.get(info.getTaxonomyTypeId()); if (colInfoList == null) { colInfoList = new Vector<CollectionInfo>(); collDispHash.put(info.getTaxonomyTypeId(), colInfoList); } colInfoList.add(info); } } } /** * */ public void doForeignKeyMappings() { // When you run in to this table1.field, go to that table2 and look up the id String[] mappings = { "Determination", "TaxonNameID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", "Preparation", "ParasiteTaxonNameID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", "Habitat", "HostTaxonID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", "TaxonCitation", "ReferenceWorkID", "ReferenceWork", "ReferenceWorkID", "TaxonCitation", "TaxonNameID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", // taxonname ID mappings "TaxonName", "ParentTaxonNameID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", "TaxonName", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonomicUnitType", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonName", "TaxonomyTypeID", "TaxonomyType", "TaxonomyTypeID", "TaxonName", "AcceptedID", "TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", // taxonomytype ID mappings // NONE // taxonomicunittype ID mappings "TaxonomicUnitType", "TaxonomyTypeID", "TaxonomyType", "TaxonomyTypeID" }; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i += 4) { IdMapperMgr.getInstance().mapForeignKey(mappings[i], mappings[i + 1], mappings[i + 2], mappings[i + 3]); } } /** * */ public void createTaxonIdMappings() { IdMapperMgr idMapperMgr = IdMapperMgr.getInstance(); // These are the names as they occur in the old datamodel String[] tableNames = { "Habitat", "TaxonCitation", "TaxonomicUnitType", // Added Only }; int i = 0; IdTableMapper idMapper = null; for (String tableName : tableNames) { idMapper = idMapperMgr.addTableMapper(tableName, tableName + "ID"); log.debug("mapIds() for table" + tableName); if (i < tableNames.length - 1) { idMapper.mapAllIds(); } i++; } //--------------------------------- // TaxonomyType //--------------------------------- HashSet<Integer> txTypHashSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); StringBuilder inSB = new StringBuilder(); //HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder> txTypToKgdmHash = new HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder>(); for (CollectionInfo ci : CollectionInfo.getFilteredCollectionInfoList()) { log.debug("For Collection[" + ci.getCatSeriesName() + "] TaxonomyTypeId: " + ci.getTaxonomyTypeId() + " " + (txTypHashSet.contains(ci.getTaxonomyTypeId()) ? "Done" : "not Done.")); if (!txTypHashSet.contains(ci.getTaxonomyTypeId())) { log.debug("Mapping TaxonomyTypeId [" + ci.getTaxonomyTypeId() + "] For Collection[" + ci.getCatSeriesName() + "]"); if (inSB.length() > 0) inSB.append(','); inSB.append(ci.getTaxonomyTypeId()); txTypHashSet.add(ci.getTaxonomyTypeId()); } } taxonomyTypeIdInClause = " in (" + inSB.toString() + ")"; // KU Vert Paleo //taxonomyTypeIdInClause = " in (0,1,2,3,4,7)"; IdTableMapper taxonomyTypeMapper = idMapperMgr.addTableMapper("TaxonomyType", "TaxonomyTypeID", true); //taxonomyTypeMapper.mapAllIds(); //--------------------------------- // TaxonName //--------------------------------- taxonFromClause = String.format( " FROM taxonname tx INNER JOIN taxonomicunittype tu ON tx.TaxonomicUnitTypeID = tu.TaxonomicUnitTypeID " + "WHERE tx.RankID IS NOT NULL AND tx.TaxonomyTypeId %s ORDER BY tx.RankID", taxonomyTypeIdInClause); String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)" + taxonFromClause; log.debug(sql); int count = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); sql = "SELECT tx.TaxonNameID" + taxonFromClause; log.debug(count + " - " + sql); // This mapping is used by Discipline idMapper = idMapperMgr.addTableMapper("TaxonName", "TaxonNameID", sql, true); idMapper.mapAllIdsWithSQL(); } /** * */ protected void getTaxonTreesTypesInUse() { for (CollectionInfo colInfo : collectionInfoList) { //log.debug("TaxonType in use ["+taxonTypeId+"]"); taxonTypesInUse.add(colInfo.getTaxonNameId()); } } /** * */ public void convertAllTaxonTreeDefs() { IdMapperMgr.getInstance().get("TaxonomicUnitType", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID").reset(); for (CollectionInfo colInfo : collectionInfoList) { convertTaxonTreeDefinition(colInfo); } } /** * Converts the taxonomy tree definition from the old taxonomicunittype table to the new table * pair: TaxonTreeDef & TaxonTreeDefItems. * * @param taxonomyTypeId the tree def id in taxonomicunittype * @return the TaxonTreeDef object * @throws SQLException */ public void convertTaxonTreeDefinition(final CollectionInfo colInfo) { if (!colInfo.isInUse()) { return; } TaxonTreeDef taxonTreeDef = newTaxonInfoHash.get(colInfo.getTaxonNameId()); if (taxonTreeDef != null) { colInfo.setTaxonTreeDef(taxonTreeDef); return; } Integer oldTaxonRootId = colInfo.getTaxonNameId(); Integer taxonomyTypeId = colInfo.getTaxonomyTypeId(); try { Statement st = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); taxonTreeDef = new TaxonTreeDef(); taxonTreeDef.initialize(); String sql = "SELECT TaxonomyTypeName, KingdomID FROM taxonomytype WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = " + taxonomyTypeId; log.debug(sql); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);; String taxonomyTypeName = rs.getString(1); int kingdomID = rs.getInt(2); rs.close(); taxonTreeDef.setName(taxonomyTypeName + " taxonomy tree"); taxonTreeDef.setRemarks("Tree converted from " + oldDBName); taxonTreeDef.setFullNameDirection(TreeDefIface.FORWARD); sql = String.format( "SELECT RankID, RankName, RequiredParentRankID, TaxonomicUnitTypeID FROM taxonomicunittype " + "WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = %d AND (Kingdom = %d OR RankID = 0) ORDER BY RankID", taxonomyTypeId, kingdomID); log.debug(sql); rs = st.executeQuery(sql); Hashtable<Integer, Integer> rankId2TxnUntTypId = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>(); int rank; String name; int requiredRank; Vector<TaxonTreeDefItem> items = new Vector<TaxonTreeDefItem>(); Vector<Integer> enforcedRanks = new Vector<Integer>(); while ( { rank = rs.getInt(1); name = rs.getString(2); requiredRank = rs.getInt(3); int taxUnitTypeId = rs.getInt(4); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name) || (rank > 0 && requiredRank == 0)) { continue; } if (rankId2TxnUntTypId.get(rank) != null) { String msg = String.format( "Old TreeDef has two of the same Rank %d, throwing it out.\n\nYou must fix this before proceeding.", rank); tblWriter.logError(msg); log.debug(msg); UIRegistry.displayErrorDlg(msg); System.exit(0); } rankId2TxnUntTypId.put(rank, taxUnitTypeId); log.debug(rank + " " + name + " TaxonomicUnitTypeID: " + taxUnitTypeId); TaxonTreeDefItem ttdi = new TaxonTreeDefItem(); ttdi.initialize(); ttdi.setName(name); ttdi.setFullNameSeparator(" "); ttdi.setRankId(rank); ttdi.setTreeDef(taxonTreeDef); taxonTreeDef.getTreeDefItems().add(ttdi); ttdi.setIsInFullName(rank >= TaxonTreeDef.GENUS); // setup the parent/child relationship if (items.isEmpty()) { ttdi.setParent(null); } else { ttdi.setParent(items.lastElement()); } items.add(ttdi); enforcedRanks.add(requiredRank); } rs.close(); for (TaxonTreeDefItem i : items) { i.setIsEnforced(enforcedRanks.contains(i.getRankId())); } try { Session session = HibernateUtil.getNewSession(); Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();; trans.commit(); session.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } IdMapperMgr idMapperMgr = IdMapperMgr.getInstance(); IdMapperIFace tutMapper = idMapperMgr.get("TaxonomicUnitType", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID"); IdMapperIFace taxonomyTypeMapper = idMapperMgr.get("TaxonomyType", "TaxonomyTypeID"); //tutMapper.reset(); //if (taxonomyTypeMapper.get(taxonomyTypeId) == null) //{ taxonomyTypeMapper.put(taxonomyTypeId, taxonTreeDef.getId()); //} for (TaxonTreeDefItem ttdi : taxonTreeDef.getTreeDefItems()) { int ttdiId = rankId2TxnUntTypId.get(ttdi.getRankId()); log.debug("Mapping " + ttdiId + " -> " + ttdi.getId() + " RankId: " + ttdi.getRankId()); tutMapper.put(ttdiId, ttdi.getId()); } newTaxonInfoHash.put(oldTaxonRootId, taxonTreeDef); CollectionInfo ci = getCIByTaxonTypeId(taxonomyTypeId); ci.setTaxonTreeDef(taxonTreeDef); taxonTreeDefHash.put(taxonomyTypeId, taxonTreeDef); log.debug("Hashing taxonomyTypeId: " + taxonomyTypeId + " -> taxonTreeDefId:" + taxonTreeDef.getId()); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * @param taxonomyTypeId * @return */ protected CollectionInfo getCIByTaxonTypeId(final int taxonomyTypeId) { for (CollectionInfo ci : CollectionInfo.getCollectionInfoList(oldDBConn, true)) { if (ci.getTaxonomyTypeId() == taxonomyTypeId) { return ci; } } log.error("Couldn't find [" + taxonomyTypeId + "] in CollectionInfo list"); return null; } /** ============================================================================= * Convert Taxon * ============================================================================= */ private void convertTaxonRecords() { txMapper = IdMapperMgr.getInstance().get("taxonname", "TaxonNameID"); txTypMapper = IdMapperMgr.getInstance().get("TaxonomyType", "TaxonomyTypeID"); txUnitTypMapper = IdMapperMgr.getInstance().get("TaxonomicUnitType", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID"); mappers = new IdMapperIFace[] { txMapper, txMapper, txTypMapper, txMapper, txUnitTypMapper }; IdHashMapper.setTblWriter(tblWriter); newToOldColMap.put("TaxonID", "TaxonNameID"); newToOldColMap.put("ParentID", "ParentTaxonNameID"); newToOldColMap.put("TaxonTreeDefID", "TaxonomyTypeID"); newToOldColMap.put("TaxonTreeDefItemID", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID"); newToOldColMap.put("Name", "TaxonName"); newToOldColMap.put("FullName", "FullTaxonName"); newToOldColMap.put("IsAccepted", "Accepted"); oldToNewColMap.put("TaxonNameID", "TaxonID"); oldToNewColMap.put("ParentTaxonNameID", "ParentID"); oldToNewColMap.put("TaxonomyTypeID", "TaxonTreeDefID"); oldToNewColMap.put("TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonTreeDefItemID"); oldToNewColMap.put("TaxonName", "Name"); oldToNewColMap.put("FullTaxonName", "FullName"); oldToNewColMap.put("Accepted", "IsAccepted"); // Ignore new fields // These were added for supporting the new security model and hybrids /*String[] ignoredFields = { "GUID", "Visibility", "VisibilitySetBy", "IsHybrid", "HybridParent1ID", "HybridParent2ID", "EsaStatus", "CitesStatus", "UsfwsCode", "IsisNumber", "Text1", "Text2", "NcbiTaxonNumber", "Number1", "Number2", "CreatedByAgentID", "ModifiedByAgentID", "Version", "CultivarName", "LabelFormat", "COLStatus", "VisibilitySetByID"}; */ StringBuilder newSB = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder vl = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { fieldToColHash.put(cols[i], i + 1); colToFieldHash.put(i + 1, cols[i]); if (newSB.length() > 0) newSB.append(", "); newSB.append(cols[i]); if (vl.length() > 0) vl.append(','); vl.append('?'); } StringBuilder oldSB = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < oldCols.length; i++) { oldFieldToColHash.put(oldCols[i], i + 1); if (oldSB.length() > 0) oldSB.append(", "); oldSB.append("tx."); oldSB.append(oldCols[i]); } rankIdOldDBInx = oldFieldToColHash.get("RankID"); String sqlStr = String.format("SELECT %s FROM taxon", newSB.toString()); log.debug(sqlStr); String sql = String.format("SELECT %s %s", oldSB.toString(), taxonFromClause); log.debug(sql); String cntSQL = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) %s", taxonFromClause); log.debug(cntSQL); int txCnt = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, cntSQL); if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(0, txCnt); } String pStr = String.format("INSERT INTO taxon (%s) VALUES (%s)", newSB.toString(), vl.toString()); log.debug(pStr); try { stmtTx = newDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet rs1 = stmtTx.executeQuery(sqlStr); ResultSetMetaData rsmd1 = rs1.getMetaData(); colTypes = new int[rsmd1.getColumnCount()]; colSizes = new int[rsmd1.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) { colTypes[i] = rsmd1.getColumnType(i + 1); colSizes[i] = rsmd1.getPrecision(i + 1); } rs1.close(); stmtTx.close(); missingParentList.clear(); strandedFixedHash.clear(); lastEditedByInx = oldFieldToColHash.get("LastEditedBy"); modifiedByAgentInx = fieldToColHash.get("ModifiedByAgentID"); stmtTx = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); pStmtTx = newDBConn.prepareStatement(pStr); mappers[1].setShowLogErrors(false); int cnt = 0; ResultSet rs = stmtTx.executeQuery(sql); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { processRow(rs, rsmd, null); cnt++; if (cnt % 1000 == 0) { log.debug(cnt); if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(cnt); } } } rs.close(); if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(txCnt, txCnt); } if (missingParentList.size() > 0) { fixStrandedTaxon(oldSB); tblWriter.setHasLines(); tblWriter.startTable("Stranded Taxon (no parent): " + missingParentList.size()); tblWriter.logHdr("Full Name", "RankID", "Sp5 RecordID", "Was Re-parented", "Description"); for (Pair<Integer, String> p : missingParentList) { tblWriter.append("<TR>"); Object[] row = BasicSQLUtils.queryForRow(oldDBConn, "SELECT FullTaxonName, RankID, TaxonNameID FROM taxonname WHERE TaxonNameID = " + p.first); for (Object obj : row) { tblWriter.append("<TD>"); tblWriter.append(obj != null ? obj.toString() : "null"); tblWriter.append("</TD>"); } tblWriter.append("<TD>"); tblWriter.append(strandedFixedHash.contains(p.first) ? "Yes" : "No"); tblWriter.append("</TD><TD>"); tblWriter.append(p.second); tblWriter.append("</TD></TR>"); } tblWriter.endTable(); tblWriter.append("<BR>"); frame.setDesc("Renumbering the tree nodes, this may take a while..."); HashSet<Integer> ttdHash = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (CollectionInfo colInfo : CollectionInfo.getFilteredCollectionInfoList()) { if (!ttdHash.contains(colInfo.getTaxonTreeDef().getId())) { DataProviderSessionIFace session = null; try { session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); TaxonTreeDef taxonTreeDef = colInfo.getTaxonTreeDef(); taxonTreeDef = (TaxonTreeDef) session .getData("FROM TaxonTreeDef WHERE id = " + taxonTreeDef.getId()); sql = "SELECT TaxonID FROM taxon WHERE RankID = 0 AND TaxonTreeDefID = " + taxonTreeDef.getId(); log.debug(sql); Integer txRootId = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(sql); Taxon txRoot = (Taxon) session.getData("FROM Taxon WHERE id = " + txRootId); NodeNumberer<Taxon, TaxonTreeDef, TaxonTreeDefItem> nodeNumberer = new NodeNumberer<Taxon, TaxonTreeDef, TaxonTreeDefItem>( txRoot.getDefinition()); nodeNumberer.doInBackground(); } catch (Exception ex) { //session.rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } ttdHash.add(colInfo.getTaxonTreeDef().getId()); } } frame.setDesc("Renumbering done."); } missingParentList.clear(); strandedFixedHash.clear(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { stmtTx.close(); pStmtTx.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } IdHashMapper.setTblWriter(null); } /** * @param rs * @param rsmd * @param parentNodeId * @return * @throws SQLException */ protected boolean processRow(final ResultSet rs, final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final Integer parentNodeId) throws SQLException { for (int colInx = 1; colInx <= cols.length; colInx++) { pStmtTx.setNull(colInx, colTypes[colInx - 1]); } Boolean isRoot = null; boolean skip = false; for (int colInx = 1; colInx <= oldCols.length && !skip; colInx++) { String oldName = oldCols[colInx - 1]; Integer newInx = fieldToColHash.get(oldName); if (newInx == null) { String newName = oldToNewColMap.get(oldName); if (newName != null) { newInx = fieldToColHash.get(newName); if (newInx == -1) { String msg = "Couldn't find column index for New Name[" + newName + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } } else if (colInx == lastEditedByInx) { String lastEditedByStr = rs.getString(colInx); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lastEditedByStr)) { Integer agtId = conversion.getModifiedByAgentId(lastEditedByStr); if (agtId != null) { pStmtTx.setInt(modifiedByAgentInx, agtId); continue; } } pStmtTx.setInt(colInx, conversion.getCurAgentModifierID()); continue; } else if (colInx != 20) { String msg = "Couldn't find Old Name[" + oldName + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } else { continue; // GroupToView } } if (colInx < 6) { if (isRoot == null) { isRoot = rs.getInt(rankIdOldDBInx) == 0; } Integer oldID = rs.getInt(colInx); if (!rs.wasNull() || (isRoot && colInx == 2)) { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //"TaxonNameID", "ParentTaxonNameID", "TaxonomyTypeID", "AcceptedID", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonomicSerialNumber", "TaxonName" boolean skipError = false; Integer newID = mappers[colInx - 1].get(oldID); if (newID == null) { if (colInx == 3 || colInx == 5) // TaxonomyTypeID or TaxonomicUnitTypeID { if (!isRoot) { skip = true; } } else if (colInx == 2 && (parentNodeId != null || isRoot)) // ParentTaxonNameID and is root { // Note for RankID == 0 the parent would be null because it is the root newID = parentNodeId; } else // OK Parent is NULL { boolean wasInOldTaxonTable = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taxonname WHERE TaxonNameID = " + oldID) > 0; boolean isDetPointToTaxon = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM determination WHERE TaxonNameID = " + oldID) > 0; String msg = " "; if (isDetPointToTaxon) { msg = String.format( "***** Couldn't get %s NewID [%d] from mapper for colInx[%d] In Old taxonname table: %s WasParentID: %s Det Using: %s", (colInx == 2 ? "Parent" : ""), oldID, colInx, (wasInOldTaxonTable ? "YES" : "no"), (colInx == 2 ? "YES" : "no"), (isDetPointToTaxon ? "YES" : "no")); log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } skipError = true; if (colInx == 2) { Integer oldRecId = rs.getInt(1); msg = String.format("Parent was NULL for OldID %d for Taxa %s", oldRecId, rs.getString(7)); missingParentList.add(new Pair<Integer, String>(oldRecId, msg)); } } } if (!skip) { if (newID != null) { //System.out.println("newInx["+newInx+"] newID["+newID+"] oldID["+oldID+"]"); pStmtTx.setInt(newInx, newID); } else if (!skipError && !isRoot) { String msg = "Unable to map old TaxonNameID[" + oldID + "]"; log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } } } else { //log.error("***** Old ID Col ["+colInx+"] was null"); //skip = true; } continue; } switch (colTypes[newInx - 1]) { case java.sql.Types.BIT: { boolean val = rs.getBoolean(colInx); if (!rs.wasNull()) pStmtTx.setBoolean(newInx, val); break; } case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: { int val = rs.getInt(colInx); if (!rs.wasNull()) pStmtTx.setInt(newInx, val); //System.out.println("newInx["+colInx+"] newID["+val+"]"); break; } case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: { short val = rs.getShort(colInx); if (!rs.wasNull()) pStmtTx.setShort(newInx, val); break; } case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: { Timestamp val = rs.getTimestamp(colInx); //if (val == null && oldName.equals("Date")) //{ // pStmtTx.setTimestamp(newInx, null); //} else //{ pStmtTx.setTimestamp(newInx, !rs.wasNull() ? val : null); //} break; } case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: { int len = colSizes[newInx - 1]; String val = rs.getString(colInx); if (val != null && val.length() > len) { String newName = oldToNewColMap.get(oldName); String msg = String.format("Concatinating field [%s] from length %d to %d String Lost:[%s]", newName, val.length(), len, val.substring(len)); log.debug(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); val = val.substring(0, len); } if (!rs.wasNull()) { pStmtTx.setString(newInx, val); } else if (colInx == 7) { pStmtTx.setString(newInx, "Empty"); } break; } default: log.error("Didn't support SQL Type: " + rsmd.getColumnType(colInx)); break; } } if (!skip) { if (parentNodeId != null) { int nxtId = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt("SELECT TaxonID FROM taxon ORDER BY TaxonID DESC LIMIT 0,1") + 1; pStmtTx.setInt(1, nxtId); } pStmtTx.setInt(fieldToColHash.get("Version"), 0); pStmtTx.setInt(fieldToColHash.get("IsHybrid"), 0); //IsHybrid can't be null. I think this fixes it. try { //System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); pStmtTx.execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { UIRegistry.showError(ex.toString()); } } return true; } /** * @param colDBColumns */ private void fixStrandedTaxon(final StringBuilder colDBColumns) { String fromClause = String.format( " FROM taxonname tx LEFT JOIN taxonname t2 ON tx.ParentTaxonNameID = t2.TaxonNameID " + "Inner Join taxonomicunittype tu ON tx.TaxonomicUnitTypeID = tu.TaxonomicUnitTypeID " + "WHERE t2.TaxonNameID IS NULL AND tx.RankID IS NOT NULL AND tx.RankID > 0 AND tx.TaxonomyTypeID %s", taxonomyTypeIdInClause); String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)" + fromClause; int numStrandedTaxon = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); if (numStrandedTaxon > 0) { if (frame != null) { frame.setDesc(String.format("Fixing %d stranded Taxon records", numStrandedTaxon)); frame.setProcess(0, numStrandedTaxon); } // process stranded rows String sqlStr = String.format("SELECT %s %s", colDBColumns.toString(), fromClause); log.debug(sqlStr); int rankIdInx = oldFieldToColHash.get("RankID"); int taxonomyTypeInx = oldFieldToColHash.get("TaxonomyTypeID"); try { int cnt = 0; ResultSet rs = stmtTx.executeQuery(sqlStr); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { int taxonomyTypeId = rs.getInt(taxonomyTypeInx); CollectionInfo colInfo = getCIByTaxonTypeId(taxonomyTypeId); if (colInfo != null) { int rankId = rs.getInt(rankIdInx); Integer parentRankId = colInfo.getRankParentHash().get(rankId); if (parentRankId != null) { TaxonTreeDefItem item = colInfo.getTreeDefItemHash().get(rankId); if (item != null) { Taxon taxonParent = colInfo.getPlaceHolderTreeHash().get(parentRankId); if (taxonParent != null) { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //"TaxonNameID", "ParentTaxonNameID", "TaxonomyTypeID", "AcceptedID", "TaxonomicUnitTypeID", "TaxonomicSerialNumber", "TaxonName" strandedFixedHash.add(rs.getInt(1)); processRow(rs, rsmd, taxonParent.getId()); } else { log.error("Taxon PlaceHolder parent was missing for RankId: " + rankId); } } else { log.error("TaxonTreeDefItem was missing for RankId: " + rankId); } } else { log.error("No Parent RankID mapping for RankId: " + rankId); } } else { log.error("Couldn't find CollectionInfo for taxonomyTypeId: " + taxonomyTypeId); } cnt++; if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(cnt); } } rs.close(); if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(numStrandedTaxon); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * */ private void convertTaxonTreeDefSeparators() { // fix the fullNameDirection field in each of the converted tree defs Session session = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession(); Query q = session.createQuery("FROM TaxonTreeDef"); List<?> allTTDs = q.list(); HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); for (Object o : allTTDs) { TaxonTreeDef ttd = (TaxonTreeDef) o; ttd.setFullNameDirection(TreeDefIface.FORWARD); session.saveOrUpdate(ttd); } try { HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error while setting the fullname direction of taxonomy tree definitions."); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // fix the fullNameSeparator field in each of the converted tree def items session = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession(); q = session.createQuery("FROM TaxonTreeDefItem"); List<?> allTTDIs = q.list(); HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); for (Object o : allTTDIs) { TaxonTreeDefItem ttdi = (TaxonTreeDefItem) o; ttdi.setFullNameSeparator(" "); session.saveOrUpdate(ttdi); } try { HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error while setting the fullname separator of taxonomy tree definition items."); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * @param disciplineId * @param taxonRootId * @return */ public Pair<TaxonTreeDef, Discipline> doTaxonForCollection(final int disciplineId, final int taxonRootId) { Pair<TaxonTreeDef, Discipline> dataForColInfo = null; int newTaxonRootID = txMapper.get(taxonRootId); int taxonTreeDefId = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(newDBConn, "SELECT TaxonTreeDefID FROM taxon WHERE TaxonID = " + newTaxonRootID); DataProviderSessionIFace session = null; try { session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); TaxonTreeDef ttd = session.get(TaxonTreeDef.class, taxonTreeDefId); Discipline discipline = (Discipline) session.getData("FROM Discipline WHERE id = " + disciplineId); session.beginTransaction(); discipline.setTaxonTreeDef(ttd); session.saveOrUpdate(discipline); session.commit(); dataForColInfo = new Pair<TaxonTreeDef, Discipline>(ttd, discipline); } catch (Exception ex) { session.rollback(); log.error("Error while setting TaxonTreeDef into the Discipline."); ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } if (BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taxonname WHERE RankID IS NULL") > 0) { tblWriter.append("<span style=\"font-size:16pt;font-weight:BOLD\">Taxon with null RankIDs</span><br>"); tblWriter.startTable(); String missingRankSQL = "SELECT * FROM taxonname WHERE RankID IS NULL"; Vector<Object[]> rows = query(oldDBConn, missingRankSQL); for (Object[] row : rows) { tblWriter.append("<TR>"); for (Object obj : row) { tblWriter.append("<TD>"); tblWriter.append(obj != null ? obj.toString() : "null"); tblWriter.append("</TD>"); } tblWriter.append("</TR>"); } tblWriter.endTable(); tblWriter.append("<BR>"); } String pre = "SELECT tn.TaxonNameID, tn.TaxonName, tn.RankID"; String sql = " FROM taxonname AS tn Left Join taxonname_TaxonNameID AS tt ON tn.TaxonNameID = tt.OldID WHERE tt.NewID IS NULL AND tn.TaxonName IS NOT NULL AND tn.RankID > 0"; if (BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql) > 0) { tblWriter.append( "<span style=\"font-size:16pt;font-weight:BOLD\">Taxon that didn't get converted</span><br>"); tblWriter.startTable(); tblWriter.logHdr("Sp5 Taxon Record ID", "Taxon Name", "RankID"); for (Object[] row : BasicSQLUtils.query(oldDBConn, pre + sql)) { tblWriter.logObjRow(row); } tblWriter.endTable(); tblWriter.append("<BR>"); } setFieldsToIgnoreWhenMappingNames(null); setIdentityInsertOFFCommandForSQLServer(newDBConn, "taxon", BasicSQLUtils.myDestinationServerType); IdHashMapper.setTblWriter(null); return dataForColInfo; } /** * */ public void convertTaxonCitationToTaxonImage() { String sql = "SELECT tn.TaxonNameID, c.Text1 "; String fromStr = " FROM taxonname AS tn Inner Join taxoncitation AS c ON tn.TaxonNameID = c.TaxonNameID"; String whereStr = " WHERE c.Text1 IS NOT NULL"; String updateStr = "UPDATE taxon SET GUID=? WHERE TaxonID = ?"; int numTaxCit = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) " + fromStr + whereStr); if (numTaxCit > 0) { if (frame != null) { frame.setDesc(String.format("Fixing Taxon Citations", numTaxCit)); frame.setProcess(0, numTaxCit); } // process stranded rows String sqlStr = sql + fromStr + whereStr; log.debug(sqlStr); Statement stmt = null; PreparedStatement pStmt = null; try { stmt = oldDBConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); pStmt = newDBConn.prepareStatement(updateStr); int cnt = 0; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr); while ( { int oldTaxonId = rs.getInt(1); Integer newTaxonID = txMapper.get(oldTaxonId); if (newTaxonID != null) { String imgURL = rs.getString(2); pStmt.setString(1, imgURL); pStmt.setInt(2, newTaxonID); if (pStmt.executeUpdate() != 1) { String msg = String.format("Unable to update new taxonID %d with image url[%s].", newTaxonID, imgURL); log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } cnt++; if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(cnt); } } else { String msg = String.format("Unable to map old id [%d] to new taxonID.", oldTaxonId); log.error(msg); tblWriter.logError(msg); } } rs.close(); if (frame != null) { frame.setProcess(numTaxCit); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); if (pStmt != null) pStmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } /** * */ // private void assignTreeDefToDiscipline() // { // DataProviderSessionIFace session = null; // try // { // session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); // // for (Integer txTypeId : collDispHash.keySet()) // { // Vector<CollectionInfo> collInfoList = collDispHash.get(txTypeId); // Integer disciplineId = collInfoList.get(0).getDisciplineId(); // if (disciplineId != null) // { // TaxonTreeDef txnTreeDef = taxonTreeDefHash.get(txTypeId); // String sql = "UPDATE discipline SET TaxonTreeDefID=" + txnTreeDef.getTaxonTreeDefId() + " WHERE DisciplineID = " + disciplineId; // if (BasicSQLUtils.update(newDBConn, sql) != 1) // { // log.error("Error updating discipline["+disciplineId+"] with TaxonTreeDefID "+ txnTreeDef.getTaxonTreeDefId()); // } else // { // /*Discipline discipline = collInfoList.get(0).getDiscipline(); // if (discipline == null) // { // log.error("Error updating discipline["+collInfoList.get(0).getDisciplineId()+"] with TaxonTreeDefID "+ collInfoList.get(0).getTaxonTreeDef().getTaxonTreeDefId()); // continue; // } // // discipline = session.load(Discipline.class, discipline.getId()); // for (CollectionInfo ci : collInfoList) // { // ci.setDiscipline(discipline); // }*/ // } // } else // { // log.error("Missing Discipline #"); // } // } // } catch (Exception ex) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } finally // { // if (session != null) // { // session.close(); // } // } // } /** * */ public void doConvert() { getTaxonTreesTypesInUse(); convertAllTaxonTreeDefs(); convertTaxonTreeDefSeparators(); convertTaxonRecords(); // converts all the taxon records HashMap<Integer, Integer> dispTxnRootHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (CollectionInfo colInfo : collectionInfoList) { Integer txnRootId = dispTxnRootHash.get(colInfo.getDisciplineId()); if (txnRootId == null) { dispTxnRootHash.put(colInfo.getDisciplineId(), colInfo.getTaxonNameId()); } else if (!txnRootId.equals(colInfo.getTaxonNameId())) { UIRegistry.showError("Two (or more) Disciplines have different Taxon Root Id records. Dsp[" + colInfo.getDisciplineId() + "] Prev RootId[" + txnRootId + "] New RootId[" + colInfo.getTaxonNameId() + "]"); } } for (Integer dispId : dispTxnRootHash.keySet()) { Pair<TaxonTreeDef, Discipline> dispTxn = doTaxonForCollection(dispId, dispTxnRootHash.get(dispId)); if (dispTxn != null) { for (CollectionInfo colInfo : collectionInfoList) { if (colInfo.getDisciplineId().equals(dispTxn.second.getId())) { colInfo.setTaxonTreeDef(dispTxn.first); } } } } //assignTreeDefToDiscipline(); } private static String makeKey(final int taxTypeId, final int rankId) { return String.format("%d %d", taxTypeId, rankId); } /** * */ public static boolean fixTaxonomicUnitType(final Connection oldDBConn) { if (BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taxonname WHERE RankID = 10") > 0) { UIRegistry.displayErrorDlg("There are already a RankID of '10', can't fix the Taxonomy."); return false; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); HashSet<Integer> taxTypeIdsInUseSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> taxTypeIdsInUse = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT TaxonomyTypeID FROM taxonname WHERE RankID = 0"; for (Object obj : BasicSQLUtils.querySingleCol(oldDBConn, sql)) { taxTypeIdsInUse.add((Integer) obj); taxTypeIdsInUseSet.add((Integer) obj); sb.append(obj.toString()); sb.append(','); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); // chomp last comma // Get the Taxon Tree with the most levels sql = String.format( "SELECT TaxonomyTypeID, CNT FROM (SELECT TaxonomyTypeID, COUNT(TaxonomyTypeID) CNT FROM taxonomicunittype t WHERE TaxonomyTypeID in (%s) GROUP BY TaxonomyTypeID) T1 ORDER BY CNT DESC LIMIT 0,1", sb.toString()); int taxonomyTypeId = 0;//BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); sql = String.format( "SELECT TaxonomicUnitTypeID FROM taxonomicunittype t WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = %d AND RankID = 0", taxonomyTypeId); int taxonomyUnitTypeId = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); sql = String.format("SELECT Kingdom FROM taxonomicunittype t WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = %d AND RankID = 0", taxonomyTypeId); int initialKingdom = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); sql = String.format( "SELECT TaxonomicUnitTypeID FROM taxonomicunittype t WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = %d AND RankID = 10", taxonomyTypeId); int kingdomTUTId = BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql); // find an unused Id for the New Root TaxonName Record. sql = String.format( "SELECT TaxonNameID FROM taxonname WHERE RankID = 0 AND TaxonomyTypeID = %d AND TaxonomicUnitTypeID = %d", taxonomyTypeId, taxonomyUnitTypeId); log.debug(sql); Integer taxonRootId = BasicSQLUtils.getCount(oldDBConn, sql); if (taxonRootId == null) { taxonRootId = 0; do { if (BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taxonname WHERE TaxonNameID = " + taxonRootId) == 0) { break; } taxonRootId++; } while (true); // Write the new TaxonName Root Record sql = String.format( "INSERT INTO taxonname (TaxonNameID, ParentTaxonNameID, TaxonomyTypeID, TaxonomicUnitTypeID, TaxonName, FullTaxonName, NodeNumber, HighestChildNodeNumber, TimestampCreated, TimestampModified, RankID) " + "VALUES(%s, NULL, %d, %d, 'Root', 'Root', 0, 0, '2011-01-01 00:00:00', NULL, 0)", taxonRootId, taxonomyTypeId, taxonomyUnitTypeId); log.debug(sql); BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, sql); } else { sql = String.format("UPDATE taxonname SET TaxonName='Root' WHERE TaxonNameID = %d", taxonRootId); log.debug(sql); BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, sql); } // Now Map RankID to RecordID for TaxonomyUnitType HashMap<String, Integer> rankIdToTaxUnitTypeIdHash = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); sql = "SELECT RankID, TaxonomicUnitTypeID FROM taxonomicunittype WHERE TaxonomyTypeID = " + taxonomyTypeId; for (Object[] row : BasicSQLUtils.query(oldDBConn, sql)) { int rankId = (Integer) row[0]; int oldId = (Integer) row[1]; System.out.println(String.format("Mapping taxonomyTypeId %d rankId %d to oldId %d", taxonomyTypeId, rankId, oldId)); rankIdToTaxUnitTypeIdHash.put(makeKey(taxonomyTypeId, rankId), oldId); } HashMap<Integer, Integer> tutHash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // Now map the old TaxonomicUnitTypeId to the new Ids HashMap<Integer, Integer> taxUnitTypeIdMapper = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); sql = String.format( "SELECT TaxonomyTypeID, RankID, TaxonomicUnitTypeID, RankName, DirectParentRankID, RequiredParentRankID FROM taxonomicunittype WHERE TaxonomyTypeID in (%s) AND TaxonomyTypeID <> %d", sb.toString(), taxonomyTypeId); log.debug(sql); for (Object[] row : BasicSQLUtils.query(oldDBConn, sql)) { int taxTypeId = (Integer) row[0]; int rankId = (Integer) row[1]; int oldId = (Integer) row[2]; String rankName = (String) row[3]; int dirPrtId = (Integer) row[4]; int reqPrId = (Integer) row[5]; System.out.println(String.format("\nMapping taxTypeId: %d rankId: %d to oldId %d", taxTypeId, rankId, oldId)); Integer newId = rankIdToTaxUnitTypeIdHash.get(makeKey(taxonomyTypeId, rankId)); if (newId == null) { // The Current Taxon Tree doesn't have this level if (rankId != 0) { sql = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taxonname WHERE RankID = %d", rankId); if (BasicSQLUtils.getCountAsInt(oldDBConn, sql) > 0) { //UIRegistry.displayErrorDlg(String.format("The RankID %d is not in the TaxonTree that was picked.", rankId)); newId = tutHash.get(rankId); if (newId == null) { newId = taxonomicUnitTypeId; taxonomicUnitTypeId++; String updateSQL1 = String.format( "INSERT INTO taxonomicunittype (TaxonomicUnitTypeID, TaxonomyTypeID, RankID, Kingdom, RankName, DirectParentRankID, RequiredParentRankID) VALUES(%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d)", newId, taxonomyTypeId, rankId, initialKingdom, rankName, dirPrtId, reqPrId); log.debug(updateSQL1); rankIdToTaxUnitTypeIdHash.put(makeKey(taxTypeId, rankId), oldId); System.out.println(String.format("Moving RankID %d from TaxonomyTypeID %d to %d", rankId, taxTypeId, taxonomyTypeId)); tutHash.put(rankId, newId); } } } } taxUnitTypeIdMapper.put(oldId, newId); System.out.println(String.format("Mapping oldId %d to newId %d", oldId, newId)); } // Now set all the Root Ranks to Kingdom Ranks String updateSQL1 = String.format( "UPDATE taxonname SET RankID=10, TaxonomicUnitTypeID=%d, ParentTaxonNameID = %d WHERE RankID = 0 AND TaxonomicUnitTypeID <> %d", kingdomTUTId, taxonRootId, taxonomyUnitTypeId); BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, updateSQL1); // Update each taxon record with the correct TaxonomicUnitTypeID for (Integer oldId : taxUnitTypeIdMapper.keySet()) { Integer newId = taxUnitTypeIdMapper.get(oldId); if (newId != null) { sql = String.format("UPDATE taxonname SET TaxonomicUnitTypeID = %d WHERE TaxonomicUnitTypeID = %d", newId, oldId); System.out.println(String.format("Seting Old TaxonomicUnitTypeID %d to new %d", oldId, newId)); BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, sql); } } // Set all Taxon Records to use the same TaxonomyTypeID updateSQL1 = String.format("UPDATE taxonname SET TaxonomyTypeID = %d", taxonomyTypeId); BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, updateSQL1); updateSQL1 = "UPDATE taxonname SET RankID = 0 WHERE TaxonName = 'Root'"; BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, updateSQL1); /*sql = "SELECT TaxonomicUnitTypeID, RankID FROM taxonomicunittype WHERE TaxonomicUnitTypeID = 932413666 OR (TaxonomicUnitTypeID > 22 AND TaxonomicUnitTypeID < 44) ORDER BY TaxonomyTypeID, RankID"; Vector<Object[]> rows = BasicSQLUtils.query(oldDBConn, sql); for (Object[] col : rows) { int taxonomicUnitTypeID = (Integer)col[1]; int rankId = (Integer)col[1]; BasicSQLUtils.update(oldDBConn, "UPDATE taxonname SET TaxonomicUnitTypeID = "+ taxonomicUnitTypeID + " WHERE RankID = " + rankId); }*/ return true; } }