Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Indus, a program analysis and transformation toolkit for Java.
 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2007 Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath
 * All rights reserved.  This program and the accompanying materials are made 
 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies 
 * the distribution containing this program, and is available at 
 * For questions about the license, copyright, and software, contact 
 *    Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath at
 * This software was developed by Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath in SAnToS Laboratory 
 * at Kansas State University.


import edu.ksu.cis.indus.common.soot.ApplicationClassesOnlyPredicate;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.slicer.SliceType;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.concurrency.escape.ThreadEscapeInfoBasedCallingContextRetrieverV2;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.DivergenceDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.ExitControlDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.IDependencyAnalysis;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.IdentifierBasedDataDAv3;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.InterProceduralDivergenceDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.InterferenceDAv1;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.InterferenceDAv2;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.InterferenceDAv3;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.NonTerminationInsensitiveEntryControlDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.NonTerminationSensitiveEntryControlDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.ReadyDAv1;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.ReadyDAv2;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.ReadyDAv3;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.ReferenceBasedDataDA;
import edu.ksu.cis.indus.staticanalyses.dependency.SynchronizationDA;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import soot.jimple.ThrowStmt;

 * This represents a configurationCollection of the slicer. The slicer tool should be configured via an object of this class
 * obtained from the slicer tool. The type of the propoerty values are documented with the property identifiers.
 * @author <a href="">Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath</a>
 * @author $Author: rvprasad $
 * @version $Revision: 1.99 $ $Date: 2007/02/10 19:06:01 $
public final class SlicerConfiguration extends AbstractToolConfiguration
        implements Cloneable, IToolConfigurationFactory {

     * This indicates all-synchronization-constructs-should-be-considered deadlock criteria selection strategy.
    static final Comparable<String> ALL_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS = "ALL_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS";

     * This identifies the property that governs which assertions will be selected.
    static final Comparable<String> ASSERTIONS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY = "consider assertions in application classes only";

     * This identifies the property that determines if call site sensitive ready dependence is used.
    static final Comparable<String> CALL_SITE_SENSITIVE_READY_DA = "call site sensitive ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that control the limit on the length of the calling context.
    static final Comparable<String> CALLING_CONTEXT_LENGTH = "calling context length";

     * This identifies the property that determines if exceptional exit sensitive control dependence (based on implicit
     * unchecked exceptions) should be used to create the slice.
    static final Comparable<String> COMMON_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT_SENSITIVE_CD = "common unchecked exceptional exit sensitive control dependence";

     * This indicates all-synchronization-constructs-with-escaping-monitors-should-be-considered-in-a-context-sensitive-manner
     * deadlock criteria selection strategy.

     * This identifies the property that determines the strategy used to select criteria to preserve deadlock.
    static final Comparable<String> DEADLOCK_CRITERIA_SELECTION_STRATEGY = "deadlock criteria selection strategy";

     * This is the default limit on the length of the calling contexts.
    static final Integer DEFAULT_CALLING_CONTEXT_LIMIT = new Integer(10);

     * This identifies the property that indicates if equivalence class based interference dependence should be used instead
     * of naive type-based interference dependence. This is tied to values of <i>slicer:natureOfInterThreadAnalysis</i>
     * attribute in <code>slicerConfig_JiBXBinding.xml</code>.

     * This indicates all-synchronization-constructs-with-escaping-monitors-should-be-considered deadlock criteria selection
     * strategy.

     * This identifies the option to create executable slice.
    static final Comparable<String> EXECUTABLE_SLICE = "executable slice";

     * This identifies the property that determines if explicit exceptional exit sensitive control dependence should be used
     * to create the slice.
    static final Comparable<String> EXPLICIT_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT_SENSITIVE_CONTROL_DEPENDENCE = "explicit exceptional exit sensitive control dependence";

     * This indicates pure inter-procedural setting.
    static final Comparable<String> INTER_PROCEDURAL_ONLY = "INTER_PROCEDURAL_ONLY";

     * This indicates intra- and inter-procedural setting.

     * This indicates pure intra-procedural setting.
    static final Comparable<String> INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ONLY = "INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ONLY";

     * This identifies the property that indicates the nature of divergence dependence, i.e., intra, inter, and intra-inter.
    static final Comparable<String> NATURE_OF_DIVERGENCE_DA = "nature of divergence dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates the nature of interference dependence, i.e., type based, etc.
    static final Comparable<String> NATURE_OF_INTERFERENCE_DA = "nature of interference dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates the nature of ready dependence, i.e., type based, etc.
    static final Comparable<String> NATURE_OF_READY_DA = "nature of ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that determines if non-termination sensitive control dependence should be used to create
     * the slice.
    static final Comparable<String> NON_TERMINATION_SENSITIVE_CONTROL_DEPENDENCE = "Non termination sensitive control dependence";

     * This identifies the property that determines if property aware slicing is required.
    static final Comparable<String> PROPERTY_AWARE = "property aware slicing";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if slice criteria should be automatically picked to preserve the
     * deadlocking property of the program.
    static final Comparable<String> SLICE_FOR_DEADLOCK = "slice for deadlock";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if slice criteria should be automatically picked to preserve assertions in
     * the program.
    static final Comparable<String> SLICE_TO_PRESERVE_ASSERTIONS = "slice to preserve assertions";

     * This identifies the property that indicates the slice type, i.e., forward or complete slice.
    static final Comparable<String> SLICE_TYPE = "slice type";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if symbol and equivalence class based interference dependence should be
     * used instead of naive type-based interference dependence. This is tied to values of
     * <i>slicer:natureOfInterThreadAnalysis</i> attribute in <code>slicerConfig_JiBXBinding.xml</code>.

     * This identifies the property that governs which synchronization constructs will be selected to preserve deadlocking
     * property.
    static final Comparable<String> SYNCS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY = "consider synchronization constructs in application classes only";

     * This indicates type based information. This is tied to values of <i>slicer:natureOfInterThreadAnalysis</i> attribute
     * in <code>slicerConfig_JiBXBinding.xml</code>.
    static final Comparable<String> TYPE_BASED_INFO = "TYPE_BASED_INFO";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if divergence dependence should be considered for slicing.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_DIVERGENCEDA = "use divergence dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if interference dependence should be considered for slicing.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_INTERFERENCEDA = "use interference dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if object flow information should be used in the context of interference
     * dependence.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_OFA_FOR_INTERFERENCE_DA = "use ofa for interference";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if object flow information should be used in the context of ready
     * dependence.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_OFA_FOR_READY_DA = "use ofa for ready";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if ready dependence should be considered for slicing.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_READYDA = "use ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if rule1 of ready dependence be used. Rule 1: m is dependent on n if m and
     * n occur in the same thread and n is an enter monitor statement.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_RULE1_IN_READYDA = "use rule1 in ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if rule2 of ready dependence be used. Rule 2: m is dependent on n if m and
     * n occur in different threads and m and n are is exit monitor and enter monitor statements, respectively.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_RULE2_IN_READYDA = "use rule2 in ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if rule3 of ready dependence be used. Rule 3: m is dependent on n if m and
     * n occur in the same thread and m has a call to java.lang.Object.wait.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_RULE3_IN_READYDA = "use rule3 in ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if rule4 of ready dependence be used. Rule 4: m is dependent on n if m and
     * n occur in the different thread and m and n have calls to java.lang.Object.wait(XXX) and java.lang.Object.notifyXXX(),
     * respectively..
    static final Comparable<String> USE_RULE4_IN_READYDA = "use rule4 in ready dependence";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if safe lock analysis should be used in the context of ready dependence.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_SLA_FOR_READY_DA = "use sla for ready";

     * This identifies the property that indicates if ready dependence should be considered for slicing.
    static final Comparable<String> USE_SYNCHRONIZATIONDA = "use synchronization dependences";

     * This is the id for the assertion preserving criteria generator.
    private static final Comparable<String> ASSERTION_PRESERVING_CRITERIA_GENERATOR_ID = "assertion preserving criteria generator id";

     * This is the id for the deadlock preserving criteria generator.
    private static final Comparable<String> DEADLOCK_PRESERVING_CRITERIA_GENERATOR_ID = "deadlock preserving criteria generator id";

     * This is the factory object to create configurations.
    private static final IToolConfigurationFactory FACTORY_SINGLETON = new SlicerConfiguration();

     * The logger used by instances of this class to log messages.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SlicerConfiguration.class);

     * The collection of ids of the dependences to be considered for slicing.
    private final Collection<IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort> dependencesToUse;

     * This maps identifiers to criteria generators.
    private final Map<Object, ISliceCriteriaGenerator<?, ?>> id2critGenerators;

     * This maps IDs to dependency analyses.
    private final Map<IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort, Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>> id2dependencyAnalyses;

     * Creates a new SlicerConfiguration object.
    protected SlicerConfiguration() {
        id2critGenerators = new HashMap<Object, ISliceCriteriaGenerator<?, ?>>();
        id2dependencyAnalyses = new HashMap<IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort, Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>>();
        dependencesToUse = new HashSet<IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort>();

     * Retrieves the configuration factory object.
     * @return the configuration factory.
     * @post result != null
    static IToolConfigurationFactory getFactory() {
        return FACTORY_SINGLETON;

     * IFactory method to create a configuration. This is used by the factory and in java-2-xml binding. It is adviced to use
     * the factory object rather than using this method.
     * @return a new instance of a configuration.
     * @post result != null
    static SlicerConfiguration makeToolConfiguration() {
        final SlicerConfiguration _result = new SlicerConfiguration();
        _result.setConfigName("tool_configuration_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
        return _result;

     * Checks if assertions only in application classes will be considered.
     * @return <code>true</code> if assertions only in application classes will be considered.; <code>false</code>,
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean areAssertionsOnlyInAppClassesConsidered() {
        return getBooleanProperty(ASSERTIONS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY);

     * Checks if common unchecked exception based exit sensitive control dependence should be considered.
     * @return <code>true</code> if common unchecked exception based exit control dependence should be considered;
     *         <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean areCommonUncheckedExceptionsConsidered() {

     * Checks if synchronization constructs only in application classes will be considered.
     * @return <code>true</code> if synchronization constructs only in application classes will be considered.;
     *         <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean areSynchronizationsOnlyInAppClassesConsidered() {
        return getBooleanProperty(SYNCS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY);

     * Sets the propery the governs if only assertions in application classes are considered.
     * @param value <code>true</code> if only assertions in application classes should be considered; <code>false</code>,
     *            otherwise.
    public void considerAssertionsInAppClassesOnly(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(ASSERTIONS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets if implicit common unchecked exception based exit sensitive control dependence should be considered.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates implicit common unchecked exception based exit sensitive control dependence
     *            should be considered; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void considerCommonUncheckedExceptions(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(COMMON_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT_SENSITIVE_CD, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets the propery the governs if only synchronization constructs in application classes are considered.
     * @param value <code>true</code> if only synchronization constructs in application classes should be considered;
     *            <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void considerSynchronizationsInAppClassesOnly(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(SYNCS_IN_APPLICATION_CLASSES_ONLY, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * @see
    public IToolConfiguration createToolConfiguration() {
        return makeToolConfiguration();

     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(Object)
    public boolean equals(final Object object) {
        boolean _result = false;

        if (object instanceof SlicerConfiguration) {
            final SlicerConfiguration _config = (SlicerConfiguration) object;
            _result = new EqualsBuilder().appendSuper(super.equals(object))
                    .append(this.propertyIds, _config.propertyIds)
                    .append(this.id2dependencyAnalyses, _config.id2dependencyAnalyses)
                    .append(this.dependencesToUse, _config.dependencesToUse)
        return _result;

     * Retrieves the limit on the length of the calling context.
     * @return the limit.
    public int getCallingContextLimit() {
        return ((Integer) getProperty(CALLING_CONTEXT_LENGTH)).intValue();

     * Retrieves the strategy used to select deadlock perserving criteria.
     * @return the selection strategy used.
    public String getDeadlockCriteriaSelectionStrategy() {
        String _result = (String) getProperty(DEADLOCK_CRITERIA_SELECTION_STRATEGY);

        if (_result == null) {
        return _result;

     * Provides the dependency analysis corresponding to the given id.
     * @param id of the requested dependence analyses.
     * @return the dependency analyses identified by <code>id</code>.
     * @post result != null and result.oclIsKindOf(Collection(IDependencyAnalysis))
    public Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> getDependenceAnalyses(
            final IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort id) {
        Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _result = id2dependencyAnalyses.get(id);

        if (_result == null) {
            _result = Collections.emptyList();
        return _result;

     * Retrieves the executability of the generated slice.
     * @return <code>true</code> indicates executable slice should be generated; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean getExecutableSlice() {
        return getBooleanProperty(EXECUTABLE_SLICE);

     * Retrieves the nature of divergence dependence analysis specified by this configuration.
     * @return the nature of divergence dependence analysis.
     * @post result != null
    public String getNatureOfDivergenceDepAnalysis() {
        String _result = (String) getProperty(NATURE_OF_DIVERGENCE_DA);

        if (_result == null) {
            _result = INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ONLY.toString();
        return _result;

     * Retrieves the nature of interference dependence analysis specified by this configuration.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the use of interference dependence analysis enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
     * @post result != null
    public String getNatureOfInterferenceDepAnalysis() {
        String _result = (String) getProperty(NATURE_OF_INTERFERENCE_DA);

        if (_result == null) {
            _result = SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO.toString();
        return _result;

     * Retrieves the nature of ready dependence analysis specified by this configuration.
     * @return the nature of ready dependence analysis.
     * @post result != null
    public String getNatureOfReadyDepAnalysis() {
        String _result = (String) getProperty(NATURE_OF_READY_DA);

        if (_result == null) {
            _result = SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO.toString();
        return _result;

     * Checks if property aware slices will be generated.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the property aware slices will be generated; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean getPropertyAware() {
        return getBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_AWARE);

     * Checks if the slice was done to preserve deadlocking properties.
     * @return <code>true</code> indicates slice should preserve deadlocking properties; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean getSliceForDeadlock() {
        return getBooleanProperty(SLICE_FOR_DEADLOCK);

     * Checks if the slice was done to preserve assertions.
     * @return <code>true</code> indicates slice should preserve assertions; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean getSliceToPreserveAssertions() {
        return getBooleanProperty(SLICE_TO_PRESERVE_ASSERTIONS);

     * Retrieves the type of slice that will be generated.
     * @return the type of slice.
     * @post result != null
    public SliceType getSliceType() {
        return (SliceType) getProperty(SLICE_TYPE);

     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 37).appendSuper(super.hashCode()).append(propertyIds)

     * @see
    public void initialize() {
        // set default values for certain properties. The ordering is important.
        setProperty(USE_DIVERGENCEDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_READYDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_INTERFERENCEDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_SYNCHRONIZATIONDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(SLICE_TYPE, SliceType.BACKWARD_SLICE);
        setProperty(EXECUTABLE_SLICE, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(SLICE_FOR_DEADLOCK, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(SLICE_TO_PRESERVE_ASSERTIONS, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_INTERFERENCE_DA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_READY_DA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_RULE1_IN_READYDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_RULE2_IN_READYDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_RULE3_IN_READYDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_RULE4_IN_READYDA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(CALL_SITE_SENSITIVE_READY_DA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(USE_SLA_FOR_READY_DA, Boolean.FALSE);
        setProperty(PROPERTY_AWARE, Boolean.FALSE);


     * Checks if call-site sensitive ready dependence is used.
     * @return <code>true</code> if call-site based ready dependence is used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isCallSiteSensitiveReadyUsed() {
        return getBooleanProperty(CALL_SITE_SENSITIVE_READY_DA);

     * Checks if divergence dependence analysis is enabled in this configuration.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the use of divergence dependence analysis is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isDivergenceDepAnalysisUsed() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_DIVERGENCEDA);

     * Checks if explicit exceptional exit sensitive control dependence should be used.
     * @return <code>true</code> if explicit exceptional exit control dependence should be used; <code>false</code>,
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean isExplicitExceptionalExitSensitiveControlDependenceUsed() {

     * Checks if interference dependence analysis is enabled in this configuration.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the use of interference dependence analysis is enabled; <code>false</code>,
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean isInterferenceDepAnalysisUsed() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_INTERFERENCEDA);

     * Checks if non-termination sensitive control dependence should be used.
     * @return <code>true</code> if non-termination sensitive control dependence should be used; <code>false</code>,
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean isNonTerminationSensitiveControlDependenceUsed() {

     * Checks if OFA is being used for interference dependence calculation.
     * @return <code>true</code> if OFA is used for interference dependence; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isOFAUsedForInterference() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_INTERFERENCE_DA);

     * Checks if OFA is being used for ready dependence calculation.
     * @return <code>true</code> if OFA is used for ready dependence; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isOFAUsedForReady() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_READY_DA);

     * Checks if ready dependence analysis is enabled in this configuration.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the use of ready dependence analysis is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isReadyDepAnalysisUsed() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_READYDA);

     * Checks if ready dependence condition/rule 1 is enabled. Rule 1 being the intraprocedural ready dependence induced by
     * enter monitor statements.
     * @return <code>true</code> if ready dependence analysis rule 1 is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isReadyRule1Used() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_RULE1_IN_READYDA);

     * Checks if ready dependence condition/rule 2 is enabled. Rule 2 being the interprocedural ready dependence induced by
     * enter/exit monitor statements.
     * @return <code>true</code> if ready dependence analysis rule 2 is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isReadyRule2Used() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_RULE2_IN_READYDA);

     * Checks if ready dependence condition/rule 3 is enabled. Rule 3 being the intraprocedural ready dependence induced by
     * wait statements.
     * @return <code>true</code> if ready dependence analysis rule 3 is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isReadyRule3Used() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_RULE3_IN_READYDA);

     * Checks if ready dependence condition/rule 4 is enabled. Rule 4 being the interprocedural ready dependence induced by
     * wait/notify statements.
     * @return <code>true</code> if ready dependence analysis rule 4 is enabled; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isReadyRule4Used() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_RULE4_IN_READYDA);

     * Checks if Safe Lock Analysis is being used for ready dependence calculation.
     * @return <code>true</code> if SLA is used for ready dependence; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean isSafeLockAnalysisUsedForReady() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_SLA_FOR_READY_DA);

     * Checks if synchronization dependence analysis is enabled in this configuration.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the use of synchronization dependence analysis is enabled; <code>false</code>,
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean isSynchronizationDepAnalysisUsed() {
        return getBooleanProperty(USE_SYNCHRONIZATIONDA);

     * sets the limit of calling context length.
     * @param limit obviously. If this is <= 0 then it will be set to 10.
    public void setCallingContextLimit(final int limit) {
        final Integer _i;
        if (limit < 0) {
        } else {
            _i = new Integer(limit);
        setProperty(CALLING_CONTEXT_LENGTH, _i);

     * Sets the strategy to be used to select deadlock preserving criteria.
     * @param dc specifies the strategy. It has to be one of <code>ALL_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS</code> or
     *            <code>ESCAPING_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS</code>.
    public void setDeadlockCriteriaSelectionStrategy(final String dc) {
        super.setProperty(DEADLOCK_CRITERIA_SELECTION_STRATEGY, dc);

     * Sets the executability of the generated slice.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates executable slice should be generated; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when executability is set on forward slices.
    public void setExecutableSlice(final boolean value) {
        if (!getSliceType().equals(SliceType.FORWARD_SLICE)) {
            setProperty(EXECUTABLE_SLICE, Boolean.valueOf(value));
        } else if (value) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Forward Executable Slices are not supported.");

     * Sets the nature of divergence dependence analysis to be used.
     * @param use specifies the nature of analysis. It has to be one of values defined by
     *            <code>INTRA_PROCEDURAL_DIVERGENCE</code>, <code>INTER_PROCEDURAL_DIVERGENCE</code>, and
     *            <code>INTRA_AND_INTER_PROCEDURAL_DIVERGENCE</code>.
     * @pre use != null
    public void setNatureOfDivergenceDepAnalysis(final String use) {
        super.setProperty(NATURE_OF_DIVERGENCE_DA, use);

     * Sets the nature of interference dependence analysis to be used.
     * @param use specifies the nature of analysis. It has to be one of values defined by
     *            <code>EQUIVALENCE_CLASS_BASED_INFO</code>, <code>SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO</code>, and
     *            <code>TYPE_BASED_INFO</code>.
     * @pre use != null
    public void setNatureOfInterferenceDepAnalysis(final String use) {
        super.setProperty(NATURE_OF_INTERFERENCE_DA, use);

     * Sets the nature of ready dependence analysis to be used.
     * @param use specifies the nature of analysis. It has to be one of values defined by
     *            <code>EQUIVALENCE_CLASS_BASED_INFO</code>, <code>SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO</code>, and
     *            <code>TYPE_BASED_INFO</code>.
     * @pre use != null
    public void setNatureOfReadyDepAnalysis(final String use) {
        super.setProperty(NATURE_OF_READY_DA, use);

     * Sets the property that governs if property aware slices will be generated.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates property aware slices should be generated; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void setPropertyAware(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(PROPERTY_AWARE, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets the preservation of deadlocking in the slice.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates slice should preserve deadlocking properties; <code>false</code>,
     *            otherwise.
    public void setSliceForDeadlock(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(SLICE_FOR_DEADLOCK, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets the preservation of assertions in the slice.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates slice should preserve assertions; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void setSliceToPreserveAssertions(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(SLICE_TO_PRESERVE_ASSERTIONS, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets the type of slice to be generated.
     * @param type specifies the type of slice. It has to be one of values defined by <code>SlicingEngine.SliceType</code>.
     * @pre use != null
    public void setSliceType(final SliceType type) {
        setProperty(SLICE_TYPE, type);

     * Sets if call-site sensitive ready dependence is used.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if call-site based ready dependence should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useCallSiteSensitiveReady(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(CALL_SITE_SENSITIVE_READY_DA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if divergence dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useDivergenceDepAnalysis(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_DIVERGENCEDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Sets if explicit exceptional exit sensitive control dependence should be used.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates explicit exceptional exit sensitive control dependence should be used;
     *            <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useExplicitExceptionalExitSensitiveControlDependence(final boolean value) {

     * Configures if interference dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useInterferenceDepAnalysis(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_INTERFERENCEDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Sets if non-termination sensitive control dependence should be used.
     * @param value <code>true</code> indicates non-termination sensitive control dependence should be used;
     *            <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useNonTerminationSensitiveControlDependence(final boolean value) {
        setProperty(NON_TERMINATION_SENSITIVE_CONTROL_DEPENDENCE, Boolean.valueOf(value));

     * Sets if OFA should be used during interference dependence calculation.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if OFA should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useOFAForInterference(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_INTERFERENCE_DA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Sets if OFA should be used during ready dependence calculation.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if OFA should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useOFAForReady(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_OFA_FOR_READY_DA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if ready dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useReadyDepAnalysis(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_READYDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if rule/condition 1 of ready dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useReadyRule1(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_RULE1_IN_READYDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if rule/condition 2 of ready dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useReadyRule2(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_RULE2_IN_READYDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if rule/condition 3 of ready dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useReadyRule3(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_RULE3_IN_READYDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if rule/condition 4 of ready dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useReadyRule4(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_RULE4_IN_READYDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Sets if Safe Lock Analysis should be used during ready dependence calculation.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if SLA should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useSafeLockAnalysisForReady(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_SLA_FOR_READY_DA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * Configures if synchronization dependence analysis should be used during slicing.
     * @param use <code>true</code> if it should be used; <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public void useSynchronizationDepAnalysis(final boolean use) {
        setProperty(USE_SYNCHRONIZATIONDA, Boolean.valueOf(use));

     * {@inheritDoc} This implementation will always return <code>true</code>.
    protected boolean processProperty(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Comparable<?> propertyID,
            @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object value) {
        return true;

     * Provides the id of the dependences to use for slicing.
     * @return a collection of id of the dependence analyses.
     * @post result != null
    Collection<IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort> getIDsOfDAsToUse() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(dependencesToUse);

     * Retrieves slicing criteria generators.
     * @return the slice criteria generators.
     * @post result != null and result.oclIsKindOf(Collection(ISliceCriteriaGenerator))
    Collection<ISliceCriteriaGenerator<?, ?>> getSliceCriteriaGenerators() {
        return id2critGenerators.values();

     * Set up this configuration for use.
    void setupForUse() {

     * Retrieves the boolean value of the given property.
     * @param propertyId identifies the property for which the value is required.
     * @return the value associated with <code>propertyId</code>. Default value is <code>false</code>.
    private boolean getBooleanProperty(final Comparable<?> propertyId) {
        final Boolean _value = (Boolean) getProperty(propertyId);
        boolean _result = false;

        if (_value != null) {
            _result = _value.booleanValue();

        return _result;

     * Retrieves the direction of divergence dependence that needs to be calculated.
     * @return the direction.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the direction cannot be decided due to illegal slice type.
    private IDependencyAnalysis.Direction getDivergenceDirection() throws IllegalStateException {
        final IDependencyAnalysis.Direction _result;

        if (SliceType.FORWARD_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
            _result = IDependencyAnalysis.Direction.FORWARD_DIRECTION;
        } else if (SliceType.BACKWARD_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
            _result = IDependencyAnalysis.Direction.BACKWARD_DIRECTION;
        } else if (SliceType.COMPLETE_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
            _result = null;
        } else {
            final String _msg = "Illegal slice type :" + "" + " : " + getSliceType();
            LOGGER.error("setupDivergenceDependence" + "() -  : " + _msg);
            throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);
        return _result;

     * Retrieves the class of ready dependence analysis to be used.
     * @param nature of ready dependence.
     * @return the ready dependence analysis class.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when the given nature is not supported.
    private Class<? extends ReadyDAv1> getReadyDAClass(final Comparable<?> nature) throws IllegalStateException {
        final Class<? extends ReadyDAv1> _result;

        if (SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO.equals(nature)) {
            _result = ReadyDAv3.class;
        } else if (EQUIVALENCE_CLASS_BASED_INFO.equals(nature)) {
            _result = ReadyDAv2.class;
        } else if (TYPE_BASED_INFO.equals(nature)) {
            _result = ReadyDAv1.class;
        } else {
            final String _msg = "Ready dependence could not be configured due to illegal " + "dependence nature.";
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);
            throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);
        return _result;

     * Sets up assertion preserving part of the slicer.
    private void setupAssertionPreservation() {
        final Boolean _b = (Boolean) getProperty(SLICE_TO_PRESERVE_ASSERTIONS);

        if (_b.booleanValue()) {
            final StmtTypeBasedSliceCriteriaGenerator _t = new StmtTypeBasedSliceCriteriaGenerator();
            final Collection<Class<ThrowStmt>> _stmtTypes = Collections.singleton(ThrowStmt.class);
            _t.setCriteriaFilterPredicate(new AssertionSliceCriteriaPredicate());

            if (areAssertionsOnlyInAppClassesConsidered()) {
                _t.setSiteSelectionPredicate(new ApplicationClassesOnlyPredicate());
            id2critGenerators.put(ASSERTION_PRESERVING_CRITERIA_GENERATOR_ID, _t);
        } else {

     * Sets up the deadlock preserving part of the slicer.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when the deadlock preserving part of the slicer cannot be setup.
    private void setupDeadlockPreservation() {
        if (getSliceForDeadlock()) {
            final String _property = (String) getProperty(DEADLOCK_CRITERIA_SELECTION_STRATEGY);
            final DeadlockPreservingCriteriaGenerator _t = new DeadlockPreservingCriteriaGenerator();
            id2critGenerators.put(DEADLOCK_PRESERVING_CRITERIA_GENERATOR_ID, _t);

            if (ALL_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS.equals(_property)) {
            } else if (ESCAPING_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS.equals(_property)) {
                _t.setCriteriaFilterPredicate(new EscapingSliceCriteriaPredicate());
            } else if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_ESCAPING_SYNC_CONSTRUCTS.equals(_property)) {
                _t.setCriteriaFilterPredicate(new EscapingSliceCriteriaPredicate());
                final ThreadEscapeInfoBasedCallingContextRetrieverV2 _retriever = new ThreadEscapeInfoBasedCallingContextRetrieverV2(
                        getCallingContextLimit(), true, false);
                _t.setCriteriaContextualizer(new DeadlockPreservingCriteriaCallStackContextualizer(_retriever));
            } else {
                final String _msg = "Deadlock preservation criteria generation could not be configured due to illegal "
                        + "criteria selection strategy.";

                LOGGER.error("setupDeadlockPreservation() -  : " + _msg);
                throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);

            if (areSynchronizationsOnlyInAppClassesConsidered()) {
                _t.setSiteSelectionPredicate(new ApplicationClassesOnlyPredicate());

     * Sets up divergence dependence.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when divergence dependence cannot be setup due to invalid nature or illegal slice type.
    private void setupDivergenceDependence() {
        if (isDivergenceDepAnalysisUsed()) {
            final String _property = getNatureOfDivergenceDepAnalysis();
            final IDependencyAnalysis.Direction _direction = getDivergenceDirection();

            final boolean _interProcedural = INTRA_AND_INTER_PROCEDURAL.equals(_property);
            final Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _das = new ArrayList<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>();

            if (_direction != null) {
                if (INTER_PROCEDURAL_ONLY.equals(_property)) {
                } else if (INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ONLY.equals(_property) || _interProcedural) {
                    final DivergenceDA _divergenceDA = DivergenceDA.getDivergenceDA(_direction);
            } else if (SliceType.COMPLETE_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
                if (INTER_PROCEDURAL_ONLY.equals(_property)) {
                } else if (INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ONLY.equals(_property) || _interProcedural) {
                    final DivergenceDA _forwardDivergenceDA = DivergenceDA
                    final DivergenceDA _backwardDivergenceDA = DivergenceDA

            if (!_das.isEmpty()) {
                id2dependencyAnalyses.put(IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.DIVERGENCE_DA, _das);
            } else {
                final String _msg = "Divergence dependence could not be configured due to illegal slice type or"
                        + "divergence dependence nature.";
                LOGGER.error("setupDivergenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);
                throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);
        } else {

     * Sets up interference dependence.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when interference dependence cannot be setup.
    private void setupInterferenceDependence() {
        final IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort _id = IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.INTERFERENCE_DA;

        if (isInterferenceDepAnalysisUsed()) {

            final Comparable<?> _property = getNatureOfInterferenceDepAnalysis();
            final Class<? extends InterferenceDAv1> _clazz;

            if (SYMBOL_AND_EQUIVCLS_BASED_INFO.equals(_property)) {
                _clazz = InterferenceDAv3.class;
            } else if (EQUIVALENCE_CLASS_BASED_INFO.equals(_property)) {
                _clazz = InterferenceDAv2.class;
            } else if (TYPE_BASED_INFO.equals(_property)) {
                _clazz = InterferenceDAv1.class;
            } else {
                final String _msg = "Interference dependence could not be configured due to illegal "
                        + "interference dependence nature.";
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);
                throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);

            final Constructor<? extends InterferenceDAv1> _constructor;

            try {
                _constructor = _clazz.getConstructor((Class[]) null);
                final InterferenceDAv1 _newInstance = _constructor.newInstance((Object[]) null);
                        Collections.<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>singleton(_newInstance));
            } catch (final NoSuchMethodException _e) {
                final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide zero parameter constructor :" + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);

                final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
                throw _runtimeException;
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException _e) {
                final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide zero-parameter constructor : " + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);
                throw _e;
            } catch (final SecurityException _e) {
                final String _msg = "Insufficient permission to access specified dependence analysis class : "
                        + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);

                final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
                throw _runtimeException;
            } catch (final IllegalAccessException _e) {
                final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide publicly accessible constructors : "
                        + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);

                final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
                throw _runtimeException;
            } catch (final InvocationTargetException _e) {
                final String _msg = "constructor threw an exception : " + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);

                final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
                throw _runtimeException;
            } catch (final InstantiationException _e) {
                final String _msg = "Exception while instantiating the analysis : " + _clazz;
                LOGGER.error("setupInterferenceDependence() -  : " + _msg);

                final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
                throw _runtimeException;

            for (final Iterator<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _i = id2dependencyAnalyses
                    .get(IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.INTERFERENCE_DA).iterator(); _i.hasNext();) {
                final InterferenceDAv1 _ida = (InterferenceDAv1);
        } else {

     * Sets up the nature of ready dependence.
     * @param nature of ready dependence.
    private void setupNatureOfReadyDep(final Comparable<?> nature) {
        final Class<? extends ReadyDAv1> _clazz = getReadyDAClass(nature);

        try {
            final Set<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _temp = new HashSet<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>();

            if (SliceType.FORWARD_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
                _temp.add((IDependencyAnalysis) _clazz.getMethod("getForwardReadyDA", (Class[]) null).invoke(null,
                        (Object[]) null));
            } else if (SliceType.BACKWARD_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
                _temp.add((IDependencyAnalysis) _clazz.getMethod("getBackwardReadyDA", (Class[]) null).invoke(null,
                        (Object[]) null));
            } else if (SliceType.COMPLETE_SLICE.equals(getSliceType())) {
                _temp.add((IDependencyAnalysis) _clazz.getMethod("getBackwardReadyDA", (Class[]) null).invoke(null,
                        (Object[]) null));
                _temp.add((IDependencyAnalysis) _clazz.getMethod("getForwardReadyDA", (Class[]) null).invoke(null,
                        (Object[]) null));
            } else {
                final String _msg = "Illegal slice type :" + _clazz.toString() + " : " + getSliceType();
                LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep" + "() -  : " + _msg);
                throw new IllegalStateException(_msg);
            id2dependencyAnalyses.put(IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.READY_DA, _temp);
        } catch (final NoSuchMethodException _e) {
            final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide getForwardReadyDA() and/or getBackwardReadyDA() :"
                    + _clazz;
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);

            final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
            throw _runtimeException;
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException _e) {
            final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide static zero-parameter versions of "
                    + "getForwardReadyDA() and/or getBackwardReadyDA() : " + _clazz;
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);
            throw _e;
        } catch (final SecurityException _e) {
            final String _msg = "Insufficient permission to access specified ready dependence analysis class : "
                    + _clazz;
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);

            final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
            throw _runtimeException;
        } catch (final IllegalAccessException _e) {
            final String _msg = "Dependence analysis does not provide publicly accessible versions of  "
                    + "getForwardReadyDA() and/or getBackwardReadyDA() : " + _clazz;
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);

            final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
            throw _runtimeException;
        } catch (final InvocationTargetException _e) {
            final String _msg = "getForwardReadyDA() and/or getBackwardReadyDA() threw an exception : " + _clazz;
            LOGGER.error("setupNatureOfReadyDep() -  : " + _msg);

            final RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_msg);
            throw _runtimeException;

     * Sets up ready dependence rules.
    private void setupRDARules() {
        int _rule = 0;

        if (isReadyRule1Used()) {
            _rule = ReadyDAv1.RULE_1;

        if (isReadyRule2Used()) {
            _rule = ReadyDAv1.RULE_2;

        if (isReadyRule3Used()) {
            _rule = ReadyDAv1.RULE_3;

        if (isReadyRule4Used()) {
            _rule = ReadyDAv1.RULE_4;

        final Collection<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _c = id2dependencyAnalyses

        for (final Iterator<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _iter = _c.iterator(); _iter
                .hasNext();) {
            final ReadyDAv1 _rd = (ReadyDAv1);
            final int _rules = _rd.getRules();
            _rd.setRules(_rules | _rule);

     * Sets up the ready dependence.
    private void setupReadyDependence() {
        final IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort _id = IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.READY_DA;

        if (isReadyDepAnalysisUsed()) {

            final boolean _usedForReady = isOFAUsedForReady();

            for (final Iterator<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _i = id2dependencyAnalyses.get(_id)
                    .iterator(); _i.hasNext();) {
                final ReadyDAv1 _rda = (ReadyDAv1);

            final boolean _safeLockAnalysisUsedForReady = isSafeLockAnalysisUsedForReady();

            for (final Iterator<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _i = id2dependencyAnalyses.get(_id)
                    .iterator(); _i.hasNext();) {
                final ReadyDAv1 _rda = (ReadyDAv1);

            final boolean _callSiteSensitiveReadyUsed = isCallSiteSensitiveReadyUsed();

            for (final Iterator<? extends IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _i = id2dependencyAnalyses.get(_id)
                    .iterator(); _i.hasNext();) {
                final ReadyDAv1 _rda = (ReadyDAv1);
        } else {

     * Sets up the part of the slicer dependent on the direction of the slice.
     * @throws IllegalStateException when direction dependent part of the slicer cannot be setup.
    private void setupSliceTypeRelatedData() {
        final SliceType _sliceType = getSliceType();
                Collections.<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>singleton(new IdentifierBasedDataDAv3()));
                Collections.<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>singleton(new ReferenceBasedDataDA()));

        final Collection<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> _c = new HashSet<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>();

        if (isNonTerminationSensitiveControlDependenceUsed()) {
            _c.add(new NonTerminationSensitiveEntryControlDA());
        } else {
            _c.add(new NonTerminationInsensitiveEntryControlDA());

        if (_sliceType.equals(SliceType.FORWARD_SLICE)) {
            _c.add(new ExitControlDA());
            setProperty(EXECUTABLE_SLICE, Boolean.FALSE);
        } else if (_sliceType.equals(SliceType.COMPLETE_SLICE)) {
            _c.add(new ExitControlDA());
        } else if (!_sliceType.equals(SliceType.BACKWARD_SLICE)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Slice type was not either of BACKWARD_SLICE, FORWARD_SLICE, " + "or COMPLETE_SLICE.");

        id2dependencyAnalyses.put(IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.CONTROL_DA, _c);

     * Sets up synchronization dependence.
    private void setupSynchronizationDependence() {
        final IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort _id = IDependencyAnalysis.DependenceSort.SYNCHRONIZATION_DA;

        if (isSynchronizationDepAnalysisUsed()) {
                    Collections.<IDependencyAnalysis<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>singleton(new SynchronizationDA()));
        } else {

// End of File