Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.jpa; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.IAuthorizationContext; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.IMetaDataManager; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityExistsException; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Implementation of the MetaDataManagement interface for a JPA implementation. * The IMetaDataManager interface closely follows the JPA interface. * * @author hartmann-v */ public class MetaDataManagerJpa implements IMetaDataManager { /** * For logging purposes. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaDataManagerJpa.class); public static final String JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_FETCHGRAPH = "javax.persistence.fetchgraph"; /** * JPA entity manager for selected type. */ private final EntityManager entityManager; private volatile boolean entityManagerClosed = false; private Map<String, Object> properties; /** * Constructor. * * @param entityManager entity manager implementation. */ MetaDataManagerJpa(final EntityManager entityManager) { if (entityManager == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument entityManager must not be null"); } this.entityManager = entityManager; properties = new TreeMap<>(); } @Override public void addProperty(String key, Object value) { if (JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_FETCHGRAPH.equals(key) && value instanceof String) { properties.put(key, entityManager.getEntityGraph((String) value)); } else { properties.put(key, value); } } @Override public void removeProperty(String key) { properties.remove(key); } @Override public void removeAllProperties() { properties.clear(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { return properties; } @Override public final <T> boolean contains(final T object) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { //contains() // //1. @ID pruefen (wenn NULL dann ist Entity neu, return false; ) //2. Wenn @ID gesetzt, return true; return EntityManagerHelper.getIdOfEntity(object.getClass(), object) != null; } private void applyProperties(Query pQuery) { Set<Entry<String, Object>> entries = properties.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entries) { pQuery.setHint(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } @Override public final <T> List<T> find(final Class<T> entityClass) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { List<T> resultList = new ArrayList(); String queryString = "SELECT e FROM " + EntityManagerHelper.getEntityTableName(entityClass) + " e"; LOGGER.debug("Query string for all entities of one class: {}", queryString); try { //EntityGraph graph = entityManager.getEntityGraph("DigitalObjectTransition.simple"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString, entityClass); // query.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph); applyProperties(query); resultList = query.getResultList(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to find entity list for query: " + queryString, re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find", null, entityClass); } return resultList; } @Override public final <T> T find(final Class<T> entityClass, final Object primaryKey) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { if (primaryKey == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'primaryKey' must not be null"); } T result = null; try { //Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<>(); //hints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", entityManager.getEntityGraph("fetchInvestigations")); //result = entityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey, hints); //Provide -javaagent:D:/.m2/repository2/org/eclipse/persistence/eclipselink/2.5.1/eclipselink-2.5.1.jar //or implement FetchGroupTracker as it is currently done result = entityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey, properties); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to find typed single result by primary key '" + primaryKey + "'", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find with PK '" + primaryKey.toString() + "'", null, entityClass); } return result; } @Override public final <T> List<T> findResultList(String queryString, Class<T> entityClass) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, null, entityClass); } @Override public final <T> List<T> findResultList(String queryString, Object[] pParameters, Class<T> entityClass) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, pParameters, entityClass, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public final <T> List<T> findResultList(String queryString, Class<T> entityClass, int pFirstIdx, int pMaxResults) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, null, entityClass, pFirstIdx, pMaxResults); } @Override public final <T> List<T> findResultList(String queryString, Object[] pParameters, Class<T> entityClass, int pFirstIdx, int pMaxResults) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { List<T> result = new ArrayList(); try { TypedQuery<T> q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString, entityClass); applyProperties(q); if (pParameters != null && pParameters.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pParameters.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i + 1, pParameters[i]); } } q.setFirstResult((pFirstIdx >= 0) ? pFirstIdx : 0); if (pMaxResults > 0) { q.setMaxResults(pMaxResults); } result = q.getResultList(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain typed query result list", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find result list with plain SQL '" + queryString + "'", null, entityClass); } return result; } @Override public final List findResultList(String queryString) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, (Object[]) null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public final List findResultList(String queryString, Object[] pParameters) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, pParameters, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public final List findResultList(String queryString, int pFirstIdx, int pMaxResults) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findResultList(queryString, (Object[]) null, pFirstIdx, pMaxResults); } @Override public final List findResultList(String queryString, Object[] pParameters, int pFirstIdx, int pMaxResults) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { List result = new ArrayList(); try { Query q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); applyProperties(q); if (pParameters != null && pParameters.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pParameters.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i + 1, pParameters[i]); } } q.setFirstResult((pFirstIdx >= 0) ? pFirstIdx : 0); if (pMaxResults > 0) { q.setMaxResults(pMaxResults); } result = q.getResultList(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain generic query result list", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find result list with plain SQL '" + queryString + "'", null, List.class); } return result; } @Override public final <T> T findSingleResult(String queryString, Class<T> entityClass) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findSingleResult(queryString, (Object[]) null, entityClass); } @Override public final <T> T findSingleResult(String queryString, Object[] pParameters, Class<T> entityClass) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { T result = null; try { LOGGER.debug("Building typed query"); TypedQuery<T> q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString, entityClass); applyProperties(q); if (pParameters != null && pParameters.length != 0) { LOGGER.debug("Adding {} parameters to query", pParameters.length); for (int i = 0; i < pParameters.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i + 1, pParameters[i]); } } LOGGER.debug("Executing query for single result."); result = q.getSingleResult(); LOGGER.debug("Query returned."); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain typed single query result", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find single result with plain SQL '" + queryString + "'", null, entityClass); } LOGGER.debug("Returning result."); return result; } @Override public final Object findSingleResult(String queryString) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return findSingleResult(queryString, (Object[]) null); } @Override public final Object findSingleResult(String queryString, Object[] pParameters) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { Object result = null; try { Query q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); applyProperties(q); if (pParameters != null && pParameters.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pParameters.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i + 1, pParameters[i]); } } result = q.getSingleResult(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain generic single query result", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find single result with plain SQL '" + queryString + "'", null, Object.class); } return result; } @Override public final Integer performUpdate(String queryString) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { return performUpdate(queryString, (Object[]) null); } @Override public final Integer performUpdate(String queryString, Object[] pParameters) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { Integer result = null; EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { Query q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); applyProperties(q); if (pParameters != null && pParameters.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pParameters.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i + 1, pParameters[i]); } } transaction.begin(); result = q.executeUpdate(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain generic update result", re); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("update with plain SQL '" + queryString + "'", transaction, Object.class); } return result; } @Override public final <T> List<T> find(final T first, final T last) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { List<T> resultList = new ArrayList(); boolean firstCondition = true; // Maybe one of the arguments could be null. // Test for the instance which is not null. T argumentNotNull = null; if (first != null) { argumentNotNull = first; } else if (last != null) { argumentNotNull = last; } if (argumentNotNull == null) { // both instances are null nothing to do. return resultList; } StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT e FROM ") .append(EntityManagerHelper.getEntityTableName(argumentNotNull.getClass())).append(" e"); try { Metamodel metamodel = entityManager.getMetamodel(); for (Object attribute : metamodel.entity(argumentNotNull.getClass()).getAttributes()) { Attribute myAttribute = ((Attribute) attribute); LOGGER.trace("Attribute: {}\nName: {}\n ", attribute, myAttribute.getName()); // Only basic types where tested. if (myAttribute.getPersistentAttributeType() == Attribute.PersistentAttributeType.BASIC) { String propertyName = myAttribute.getName(); String firstValue = null; String lastValue = null; if (first != null) { firstValue = BeanUtils.getProperty(first, propertyName); } if (last != null) { lastValue = BeanUtils.getProperty(last, propertyName); } if ((firstValue != null) || (lastValue != null)) { LOGGER.trace("At least one property is set!"); if (!firstCondition) { queryString.append(" AND "); } else { queryString.append(" WHERE"); firstCondition = false; } queryString.append(" e.").append(propertyName); if ((firstValue != null) && (lastValue != null)) { queryString.append(" BETWEEN '").append(firstValue).append("' AND '").append(lastValue) .append("'"); } else if (firstValue != null) { queryString.append(" >= '").append(firstValue).append("'"); } else { // lastValue != null queryString.append(" <= '").append(lastValue).append("'"); } } } else { LOGGER.trace( "****************************************" + "*****************************\nAttribute skipped: {}", myAttribute.getDeclaringType().getClass()); } } LOGGER.debug(queryString.toString()); Query q = entityManager.createQuery(queryString.toString()); applyProperties(q); resultList = (List<T>) q.getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain result in find-method for query: " + queryString.toString(), e); } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("find(first,last)", null, argumentNotNull); } return resultList; } @Override public final <T> T save(final T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { //1. persist(Entity) falls EntityExistException //2. impl.merge(E') T savedEntity = entity; try { persist(entity); } catch (EntityExistsException eee) { EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); savedEntity = entityManager.merge(entity); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to save entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("save -> merge", transaction, entity); } } return savedEntity; } @Override public final <T> T refresh(final T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException, EntityNotFoundException { //refresh() // //1. Pruefen ob em.contains(Entity) -> falls ja, em.refresh(Entity), return Entity //3. Wenn @ID gesetzt, dann E' = find(Entity, Key) / em.refresh(E'); / return E' //2. @ID pruefen (wenn NULL dann ist Entity neu, EntityNotFoundException werfen) // // T entityManaged = entity; if (entityManager.contains(entityManaged)) { try { entityManager.refresh(entityManaged, properties); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("refresh", null, entity); } } else if (contains(entity)) { entityManaged = EntityManagerHelper.obtainManagedEntity(entityManager, entity); try { entityManager.refresh(entityManaged, properties); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("refresh", null, entityManaged); } } else { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Cannot refresh non existing entity: " + entity); } return entityManaged; } @Override public final <T> void remove(final T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { T managedEntity = entity; if (!entityManager.contains(managedEntity)) { managedEntity = EntityManagerHelper.obtainManagedEntity(entityManager, entity); } EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); entityManager.remove(managedEntity); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to remove entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("remove", transaction, entity); } setIdOfEntity2Null(entity.getClass(), entity); } // /** // * Make the provided entity managed. This is needed for some JPA operations, // * e.g. update or reload. Normally, the managed entity represented by // * pUnmanagedEntity will be returned. If not unmanaged entity is not an entity // * or the Id of the unmanaged entity cannot be obtained, an // * UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException is thrown. // * // * @param <T> Generic type. // * @param pUnmanagedEntity The unmanaged entity. // * // * @return The managed entity. // * // * @throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException If the Id field of the unmanaged // * entity could not be accessed. // */ // private <T> T obtainManagedEntity(T pUnmanagedEntity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { // return entityManager.find((Class<T>) pUnmanagedEntity.getClass(), getIdOfEntity(pUnmanagedEntity.getClass(), pUnmanagedEntity)); // } /** * Finalize any operation which affected the EntityManager. This method has * the following tasks: * * <ul> * <li>Commit the provided transaction</li> * <li>If the commit fails, rollback the transaction</li> * <li>Clear the cache of the EntityManager (make all entities * unmanaged)</li> * </ul> * * If no transaction is provided (after an operation which did not affect * the data backend, e.g. find()), only the cache is cleared. * * @param <T> Generic entity type. * @param methodName Description of the method which was performed (for * debugging). * @param transaction The transaction to finalize. * @param entity Affected entity or entity class (for debugging). */ private <T> void finalizeEntityManagerAccess(String methodName, EntityTransaction transaction, T entity) { if (transaction != null) { try { LOGGER.debug("Flushing entityManager"); entityManager.flush(); LOGGER.debug("Committing current transaction"); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to commit transaction for operation '" + methodName + "'", e); } finally { if (transaction.isActive()) { LOGGER.debug("Transaction is still active. Performing rollback."); transaction.rollback(); LOGGER.error("Method '" + methodName + "' fails for entity/class '" + entity + "'"); } LOGGER.debug("Clearing entityManager cache"); entityManager.clear(); LOGGER.debug("Cache cleared."); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Clearing entityManager cache"); entityManager.clear(); LOGGER.debug("Cache cleared."); } } @Override public final <T> T persist(T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { //persist() //auf internes contains() pruefen, falls "TRUE" throw EntityExistsException() if (contains(entity)) { throw new EntityExistsException("Cannot persist existing entity"); } EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); entityManager.persist(entity); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to persist entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("persist", transaction, entity); } return entity; } @Override public final <T> T update(T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException, EntityNotFoundException { //1. @ID pruefen (wenn NULL dann ist Entity neu, EntityNotFoundException werfen) // setID() als protected in allen Entities um manuelles setzen zu vermeiden!! //2. Wenn @ID gesetzt, dann "return merge(Entity)" if (!contains(entity)) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Can't update entity '" + entity + "'! Entity is not in database."); } EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); return entityManager.merge(entity); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error("Failed to update entity", re); throw re; } finally { finalizeEntityManagerAccess("update", transaction, entity); } } /** * Returns the field annotated with <code>@Id</code> of the provided entity. * If no annotated field was found, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * If the field cannot be accessed, an UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException is * thrown. Otherwise, the value of the ID field is returned. * * @param <T> Generic entity type. * @param entityClass The entity class. * @param entity The entity. * * @return The value of the field annotated with <code>@Id</code> * * @throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException If the Id field cannot be * accessed. */ // private <T> Object getIdOfEntity(Class entityClass, T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { // Object returnValue = null; // boolean idFound = false; // only one Id per class hierarchie. // // if (entityClass.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { // Field[] fields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields(); // for (Field field : fields) { // Id entityId = field.getAnnotation(Id.class); // if (entityId != null) { // idFound = true; // field.setAccessible(true); // try { // returnValue = field.get(entity); // } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { // throw new UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException("Failed to access value of field '" + field.getName() + "' annotated by 'Id", iae); // } finally { // field.setAccessible(false); // // exit loop // break; // } // } // } // if (!idFound) { // returnValue = getIdOfEntity(entityClass.getSuperclass(), entity); // } // } else { // throw new IllegalArgumentException(entity.getClass().toString() + " is not an Entity!"); // } // return returnValue; // } /** * Set the field annotated with <code>@Id</code> of the provided entity to * null. This method is used to 'mark' an entity as 'removed'. If the field * cannot be accessed, an UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException is thrown. * Otherwise, true is returned. * * @param <T> Generic entity type. * @param entityClass The entity class. * @param entity The entity. * * @return TRUE if the Id field could be set to null or if the provided * entity is not a JPA entity. * * @throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException If the Id field cannot be * accessed. */ private <T> boolean setIdOfEntity2Null(Class entityClass, T entity) throws UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException { boolean success = false; if (entityClass.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { Field[] fields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { Id entityId = field.getAnnotation(Id.class); if (entityId != null) { field.setAccessible(true); try { field.set(entity, null); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException( "Failed to access value of field '" + field.getName() + "' annotated by 'Id", iae); } finally { field.setAccessible(false); // exit loop break; } } } if (!success) { success = setIdOfEntity2Null(entityClass.getSuperclass(), entity); } } else { success = true; } return success; } @Override public final void close() { if (!entityManagerClosed) { entityManagerClosed = true; entityManager.close(); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings(value = "FinalizeDeclaration") protected final void finalize() throws Throwable { if (!entityManagerClosed) { LOGGER.warn("EntityManager should be closed directly after use! I'm doing it for finalization."); close(); } super.finalize(); } @Override public void setAuthorizationContext(IAuthorizationContext authorizationContext) { //nothing is done here as this metadata manager is not secured. } }