Source code

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// $HeadURL:
// svn+ssh://
// $
// $Id$
// Copyright 2006 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
// Screensaver is an open-source project developed by the ICCB-L and NSRB labs
// at Harvard Medical School. This software is distributed under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License.


// Axis2-generated PUG SOAP classes
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.AnyKeyType;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.FormatType;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.GetIDList;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.GetOperationStatus;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.GetStandardizedCID;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.GetStandardizedStructure;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.GetStatusMessage;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.IdentitySearch;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.IdentitySearchOptions;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.IdentityType;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.InputStructure;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.PUGStub;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.Standardize;
import gov.nih.nlm.ncbi.pubchem.StatusType;

 * Convenience wrapper for the Axis classes generated for the Pubchem PUG Soap WSDL,<br>
 * <a href=""></a><br>
 * <br>
 * Compatible with with Java classes generated by Axis2 1.4 with ADB databinding, requires
 * the axis2 libraries found at<br> 
 * <a href=""></a><br>
 * <br>
 * To install, see the &quot;install-pubchem&quot; ant build task.<br>
 * At this time, a small subset of the functionality has been implemented: the standardize function, and the 
 * identity search function.
 * @author sde4
public class PugSoapUtil {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PugSoapUtil.class);
    public static final int TRY_LIMIT = 50; // TODO: find out how the timelimit works
    public static final int INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TRIES_MS = 2000; // TODO: find out how the timelimit works

    public static class NonSuccessStatus extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public StatusType status;
        public String message;
        private String context;

        public NonSuccessStatus(String context, StatusType status, String message) {
            super("Non Success Status is returned: " + status + ", context: " + context
                    + ", server status message: " + message);
            this.context = context;
            this.status = status;
            this.message = message;


    public static int[] identitySearch(String smiles)
            throws RemoteException, InterruptedException, NonSuccessStatus {
        return identitySearch(smiles, INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TRIES_MS, TRY_LIMIT);

     * Return the PUBChem CID's for compounds that are identical to this one
     * including this one.
     * @param smiles
     * @return can return an empty array
     * @throws RemoteException if the operation fails remotely; or if due to a
     *           non-success status
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @see PUGStub#getIDList(GetIDList)
    public static int[] identitySearch(String smiles, int intervalMs, int tryLimit)
            throws RemoteException, InterruptedException, NonSuccessStatus {
        String structure = smiles;
        FormatType type = FormatType.eFormat_SMILES;
        log.debug("get CIDS: " + structure + ", " + type);
        PUGStub pug = getStub();
        String standardizeKey = standardize(pug, structure, type);

        StatusType status = getRunFinishedStatus(pug, standardizeKey, intervalMs, tryLimit);
        if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) {
            log.debug("found status: " + status);
            String key = identitySearch(pug, standardizeKey);
            status = getRunFinishedStatus(pug, key, intervalMs, tryLimit);
            if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) {
                GetIDList getIdlistReq = new GetIDList();
                return pug.getIDList(getIdlistReq).getIDList().get_int();
            } else {
                throw new NonSuccessStatus("identitySearch", status, getStatusMessage(pug, key));
        } else {
            throw new NonSuccessStatus("standardize", status, getStatusMessage(pug, standardizeKey));

    public static String standardizeSmiles(String smiles)
            throws RemoteException, InterruptedException, NonSuccessStatus {
        return standardizeSmiles(smiles, INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TRIES_MS, TRY_LIMIT);

    public static String standardizeSmiles(String smiles, int intervalMs, int tryLimit)
            throws RemoteException, InterruptedException, NonSuccessStatus {
        String structure = smiles;
        FormatType type = FormatType.eFormat_SMILES;
        log.debug("standardize: " + structure + ", " + type);
        PUGStub pug = getStub();
        String standardizeKey = standardize(pug, structure, type);

        StatusType status = getRunFinishedStatus(pug, standardizeKey, intervalMs, tryLimit);
        if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) {
            log.debug("found status: " + status);
            GetStandardizedStructure getStandardizedStructure = new GetStandardizedStructure();
            return pug.getStandardizedStructure(getStandardizedStructure).getStructure();
        } else {
            throw new NonSuccessStatus("standardize", status, getStatusMessage(pug, standardizeKey));

    public static Pair<String, int[]> standardizeAndIdentitySearch(String smiles, int intervalMs, int tryLimit)
            throws RemoteException, InterruptedException, NonSuccessStatus {
        String structure = smiles;
        FormatType type = FormatType.eFormat_SMILES;
        log.debug("standardizeAndIdentitySearch: " + structure + ", " + type);
        PUGStub pug = getStub();
        String standardizeKey = standardize(pug, structure, type);

        StatusType status = getRunFinishedStatus(pug, standardizeKey, intervalMs, tryLimit);
        if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) {
            log.debug("found status: " + status);
            GetStandardizedStructure getStandardizedStructure = new GetStandardizedStructure();
            String standardizedSmiles = pug.getStandardizedStructure(getStandardizedStructure).getStructure();

            String key = identitySearch(pug, standardizeKey);
            status = getRunFinishedStatus(pug, key, intervalMs, tryLimit);
            if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success) {
                GetIDList getIdlistReq = new GetIDList();
                int[] cids = pug.getIDList(getIdlistReq).getIDList().get_int();

                return Pair.newPair(standardizedSmiles, cids);
            } else {
                throw new NonSuccessStatus("identitySearch", status, getStatusMessage(pug, key));
        } else {
            throw new NonSuccessStatus("standardize", status, getStatusMessage(pug, standardizeKey));


    private static PUGStub getStub() throws AxisFault {
        PUGStub stub = new PUGStub();
        //updateStub(stub, 500,1000);
        return stub;

    // NOTE: this is to try to avoid the INFO transport.http.HTTPSender:202 - Unable to sendViaPost to url[]
    // from
    private static void updateStub(org.apache.axis2.client.Stub stub, int maxTotal, int maxPerHost) {
        MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
        HttpConnectionManagerParams params = httpConnectionManager.getParams();
        if (params == null) {
            params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams();
        // extra, not prescribed -sde4
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(httpConnectionManager);
        ServiceClient serviceClient = stub._getServiceClient();
        ConfigurationContext context = serviceClient.getServiceContext().getConfigurationContext();
        context.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CACHED_HTTP_CLIENT, httpClient);

    private static int getStandardizedCID(PUGStub pug, String standardizeKey) throws RemoteException {
        GetStandardizedCID getStandardizedCID = new GetStandardizedCID();
        int cid = pug.getStandardizedCID(getStandardizedCID).getCID();
        return cid;

    private static String inputStructure(PUGStub pug, String structure, FormatType type) throws RemoteException {
        InputStructure inputStructure = new InputStructure();

        String structureKey = pug.inputStructure(inputStructure).getStrKey();
        log.debug("key: " + structureKey);
        return structureKey;

    private static String standardize(PUGStub pug, String structure, FormatType type) throws RemoteException {
        Standardize standardize = new Standardize();
        standardize.setStrKey(inputStructure(pug, structure, type));

        return pug.standardize(standardize).getStrKey();

    private static String getStatusMessage(PUGStub pug, String key) {
        GetStatusMessage req6 = new GetStatusMessage();
        AnyKeyType anyKey = new AnyKeyType();
        try {
            return pug.getStatusMessage(req6).getMessage();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            log.warn("Server status request failed, unable to provide a status message: " + e.getMessage());
  "Server Status request failed, unable to provide a status message", e);
            return "Server status request failed, unable to provide a status message: " + e.getMessage();

    private static String identitySearch(PUGStub pug, String standardizeKey) throws RemoteException {
        IdentitySearch iReq = new IdentitySearch();
        IdentitySearchOptions isOpt = new IdentitySearchOptions();
        String key = pug.identitySearch(iReq).getListKey();
        return key;

    private static StatusType getRunFinishedStatus(PUGStub pug, String key, int intervalMs, int tryLimit)
            throws NonSuccessStatus, InterruptedException, RemoteException {
        GetOperationStatus statusRequest = new GetOperationStatus();
        AnyKeyType anyKey = new AnyKeyType();

        StatusType status;
        int _try = 0;
        while ((status = pug.getOperationStatus(statusRequest).getStatus()) == StatusType.eStatus_Running
                || status == StatusType.eStatus_Queued) {
            if (_try++ > tryLimit) {
                throw new NonSuccessStatus("try limit reached", null, "try limit reached: " + tryLimit);
            log.debug("Waiting for standardize to finish...");
        return status;

    //  private static void similaritySearch() throws Exception
    //  {
    //    PUGStub soap = new PUGStub();
    //    // input o-bromopyridine in SMILES format
    //    String smiles = "CC1=C(C(=O)N(N1C)C2=CC=CC=C2)/C=C\\\\C3=C(C=C(C=C3)Cl)Cl";
    //    InputStructure inputStructure = new InputStructure();
    //    inputStructure.setStructure(smiles);
    //    inputStructure.setFormat(FormatType.eFormat_SMILES);
    //    String strKey = soap.inputStructure(inputStructure)
    //                        .getStrKey();
    //    System.out.println("StrKey = " + strKey);
    //    // Initialize similarity search @ 100%
    //    SimilaritySearch2D similaritySearchArg = new SimilaritySearch2D();
    //    similaritySearchArg.setStrKey(strKey);
    //    SimilaritySearchOptions simSearchOptions = new SimilaritySearchOptions();
    //    simSearchOptions.setThreshold(100);
    //    LimitsType limitsTypeOption = new LimitsType();
    //    limitsTypeOption.setSeconds(60);
    //    limitsTypeOption.setMaxRecords(500);
    //    similaritySearchArg.setLimits(limitsTypeOption);
    //    similaritySearchArg.setSimOptions(simSearchOptions);
    //    String listKey = soap.similaritySearch2D(similaritySearchArg)
    //                         .getListKey();
    //    System.out.println("ListKey = " + listKey);
    //    // Wait for the search to finish
    //    String key = listKey;
    //    GetOperationStatus statusRequest = new GetOperationStatus();
    //    AnyKeyType anyKey = new AnyKeyType();
    //    anyKey.setAnyKey(key);
    //    statusRequest.setGetOperationStatus(anyKey);
    //    StatusType status;
    //    while ((status = soap.getOperationStatus(statusRequest)
    //                         .getStatus()) == StatusType.eStatus_Running ||
    //           status == StatusType.eStatus_Queued) {
    //      log.debug("Waiting for search to finish...");
    //      Thread.sleep(2000);
    //    }
    //    // On success, get the results as an Entrez URL
    //    if (status == StatusType.eStatus_Success ||
    //        status == StatusType.eStatus_TimeLimit ||
    //        status == StatusType.eStatus_HitLimit) {
    //      if (status == StatusType.eStatus_TimeLimit) {
    //        System.out.println("Warning: time limit reached before entire db searched");
    //      }
    //      else if (status == StatusType.eStatus_HitLimit) {
    //        System.out.println("Warning: hit limit reached before entire db searched");
    //      }
    //      GetListItemsCount countRequest = new GetListItemsCount();
    //      countRequest.setListKey(listKey);
    //      System.out.println("Success! # hits = " +
    //                         soap.getListItemsCount(countRequest)
    //                             .getCount());
    //      GetIDList getIdListReq = new GetIDList();
    //      getIdListReq.setListKey(listKey);
    //      ArrayOfInt cids = soap.getIDList(getIdListReq)
    //                            .getIDList();
    //      for (int x : cids.get_int()) {
    //        System.out.println("CID: " + x);
    //      }
    //      GetEntrezKey getEntrezKeyReq = new GetEntrezKey();
    //      getEntrezKeyReq.setListKey(listKey);
    //      GetEntrezUrl getEntrezUrl = new GetEntrezUrl();
    //      getEntrezUrl.setEntrezKey(soap.getEntrezKey(getEntrezKeyReq)
    //                                    .getEntrezKey());
    //      System.out.println("Entrez URL: " + soap.getEntrezUrl(getEntrezUrl)
    //                                              .getUrl());
    //      // EntrezKey entrezKey = soap.getEntrezKey(listKey);
    //      // String URL = soap.getEntrezUrl(entrezKey);
    //      // System.out.println("Entrez URL = " + URL);
    //    }
    //    else {
    //      GetStatusMessage req6 = new GetStatusMessage();
    //      req6.setGetStatusMessage(anyKey);
    //      System.out.println("Error: " + soap.getStatusMessage(req6)
    //                                         .getMessage());
    //    }
    //  }