Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010 Emory University This file is part of Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages. Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages. If not, see <>. */ package edu.emory.library.tast.images.admin; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import; import org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload.UploadedFile; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.exception.DataException; import edu.emory.library.tast.AppConfig; import edu.emory.library.tast.Language; import edu.emory.library.tast.Languages; import edu.emory.library.tast.common.LookupSources; import edu.emory.library.tast.db.HibernateConn; import; import; import; import; import edu.emory.library.tast.util.StringUtils; import edu.emory.library.tast.util.UidGenerator; public class ImagesBean { private static final String IMAGES_REGIONS_LOOKUP = "images-regions-lookup"; private static final String IMAGES_PORTS_LOOKUP = "images-ports-lookup"; private static final String IMAGES_PEOPLE_LOOKUP = "images-people-lookup"; private static final String[] AUTH_STATUS_SHORT_LABELS = new String[] { "-", "No auth. needed", "Gift", "Personal col.", "Emory owned", "Applied for", "Granted", "Denided" }; private static final String[] AUTH_STATUS_LONG_LABELS = new String[] { "-", "No authorization needed", "Gift", "Personal collection", "Emory owned", "Applied for authorization", "Authorization granted", "Authorization denided" }; private static final String[] IMAGE_STATUS_LABELS = new String[] { "-", "Located", "Digitalized", "Processing", "Ready" }; private Map allowedTypes = new HashMap(); private String listStyle = "table"; private String selectedImageId; private String thumbnailSize = "48x48"; private long listCategoryId; private String searchFor = null; private String sortBy = ""; private int editedImageId; private String imageExternalId; private String imageTitle; private String imageDescription; private String imageCreator; private String imageSource; private int imageDate; private String imageLanguage; private String imageComments; private String imageReferences; private boolean imageEmory; private String imageEmoryLocation; private int imageAuthorizationStatus; private int imageImageStatus; private boolean imageReadyToGo; private long imageCategoryId; private String imageVoyageIds; private int imageWidth; private int imageHeight; private int imageSize; private String imageFileName; private String imageMimeType; private String[] selectedRegionsIds; private String[] selectedPortsIds; private UploadedFile uploadedImage; private boolean uploadBoxShown; private String errorText; private int scrollPosX; private int scrollPosY; public ImagesBean() { allowedTypes.put("image/gif", "GIF"); allowedTypes.put("image/jpeg", "JPG"); allowedTypes.put("image/pjpeg", "JPG"); allowedTypes.put("image/png", "PNG"); } public String getScrollToJavaScript() { if (scrollPosX != 0 || scrollPosY != 0) { StringBuffer js = new StringBuffer(); js.append("window.onload = function() {"); js.append("window.scrollTo(").append(scrollPosX).append(", ").append(scrollPosY).append(");"); js.append("}"); clearScrollPosition(); return js.toString(); } else { return ""; } } protected void saveScrollPosition() { Map params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap(); String scrollPosXStr = (String) params.get("scrollPosX"); String scrollPosYStr = (String) params.get("scrollPosY"); try { scrollPosX = Integer.parseInt(scrollPosXStr); scrollPosY = Integer.parseInt(scrollPosYStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { clearScrollPosition(); } } protected void clearScrollPosition() { scrollPosX = 0; scrollPosY = 0; } public List getAllImages() { // open db Session sess = HibernateConn.getSession(); Transaction transaction = sess.beginTransaction(); // basic query Criteria crit = sess.createCriteria(Image.class); crit.createAlias("category", "cat"); // category if (listCategoryId != 0) { ImageCategory cat = ImageCategory.loadById(sess, listCategoryId); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("category", cat)); } // search for if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(searchFor)) { String searchForLocal = "%" + searchFor.trim() + "%"; crit.add(Restrictions.disjunction().add(Restrictions.ilike("title", searchForLocal)) .add(Restrictions.ilike("description", searchForLocal)) .add(Restrictions.ilike("comments", searchForLocal)) .add(Restrictions.ilike("source", searchForLocal)) .add(Restrictions.ilike("references", searchForLocal))); } // sort order crit.addOrder(Order.asc(sortBy)); if (!"date".equals(sortBy)) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("date")); // load images from db and create a new list for UI List dbImages = crit.list(); List uiImages = new ArrayList(dbImages.size()); // thumnail size String[] thumbnailSizeArr = thumbnailSize.split("x"); String w = thumbnailSizeArr[0]; String h = thumbnailSizeArr[1]; // move them to ui list for (Iterator iter = dbImages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Image image = (Image); int authStatus = image.getAuthorizationStatus(); String authStatusLabel; if (authStatus < 0 || AUTH_STATUS_SHORT_LABELS.length <= authStatus) authStatusLabel = "?"; else authStatusLabel = AUTH_STATUS_SHORT_LABELS[authStatus]; int imgStatus = image.getImageStatus(); String imgStatusLabel; if (imgStatus < 0 || IMAGE_STATUS_LABELS.length <= imgStatus) imgStatusLabel = "?"; else imgStatusLabel = IMAGE_STATUS_LABELS[imgStatus]; String subItems[] = new String[] { image.isReadyToGo() ? "yes" : "no", authStatusLabel, imgStatusLabel, image.getCategory().getName(), String.valueOf(image.getDate()), StringUtils.coalesce(image.getSource(), "") }; ImageListItem uiImage = new ImageListItem(); uiImage.setId(String.valueOf(image.getId())); uiImage.setName(image.getTitle()); uiImage.setUrl("servlet/thumbnail?i=" + image.getFileName() + "&w=" + w + "&h=" + h); uiImage.setSubItems(subItems); uiImages.add(uiImage); } // close db transaction.commit(); sess.close(); // return list of images return uiImages; } public String searchInList() { return null; } public String openImage() { editedImageId = Integer.parseInt(selectedImageId); // we come from list -> detail // so save the position in the list saveScrollPosition(); // open db Session sess = HibernateConn.getSession(); Transaction transaction = sess.beginTransaction(); // load image itself Image image = Image.loadById(editedImageId, sess); // load basic info to bean members imageTitle = image.getTitle(); imageDescription = image.getDescription(); imageExternalId = image.getExternalId(); imageSource = image.getSource(); imageDate = image.getDate(); imageCreator = image.getCreator(); imageLanguage = image.getLanguage(); imageComments = image.getComments(); imageReferences = image.getReferences(); imageEmory = image.isEmory(); imageEmoryLocation = image.getEmoryLocation(); imageAuthorizationStatus = image.getAuthorizationStatus(); imageImageStatus = image.getImageStatus(); imageReadyToGo = image.isReadyToGo(); imageCategoryId = image.getCategory().getId().intValue(); // image properties imageWidth = image.getWidth(); imageHeight = image.getHeight(); imageSize = image.getSize(); imageFileName = image.getFileName(); imageMimeType = image.getMimeType(); // linked voyage IDs imageVoyageIds = StringUtils.join("\n", image.getVoyageIds()); // sort List regions = sess.createFilter(image.getRegions(), "order by").list(); List ports = sess.createFilter(image.getPorts(), "order by").list(); // selected regions int i = 0; selectedRegionsIds = new String[regions.size()]; for (Iterator iter = regions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Region dbRegion = (Region); selectedRegionsIds[i++] = String.valueOf(dbRegion.getId()); } // selected ports int j = 0; selectedPortsIds = new String[ports.size()]; for (Iterator iter = ports.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Port dbPort = (Port); selectedPortsIds[j++] = String.valueOf(dbPort.getId()); } // close db transaction.commit(); sess.close(); // goto detail cleanAndPrepareDetailPage(); return "detail"; } public String newImage() { editedImageId = 0; selectedImageId = null; // we come from list -> detail // so save the position in the list saveScrollPosition(); // init values imageTitle = ""; imageDescription = ""; imageSource = ""; imageDate = 0; imageCreator = ""; imageLanguage = "en"; imageComments = ""; imageReferences = ""; imageEmory = false; imageEmoryLocation = ""; imageAuthorizationStatus = 0; imageImageStatus = 0; imageReadyToGo = false; imageCategoryId = 0; imageFileName = null; imageWidth = 0; imageHeight = 0; imageSize = 0; imageMimeType = null; // clean the list of regions selectedRegionsIds = new String[0]; // clean the list of ports selectedPortsIds = new String[0]; // linked voyage IDs imageVoyageIds = ""; // goto detail cleanAndPrepareDetailPage(); return "detail"; } private void cleanAndPrepareDetailPage() { registerLookupSources(); uploadBoxShown = false; setErrorText(null); } private void registerLookupSources() { // register regions lookup source LookupSources.registerLookupSource(IMAGES_REGIONS_LOOKUP, new LookupSourceRegions()); // register ports lookup source LookupSources.registerLookupSource(IMAGES_PORTS_LOOKUP, new LookupSourcePorts()); } public String uploadNewImage() { try { if (uploadedImage == null) return null; // check type String extension = (String) allowedTypes.get(uploadedImage.getContentType()); if (extension == null) return null; // new filename File file = null; String fileName = null; String imageDir = AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(AppConfig.IMAGES_DIRECTORY); do { fileName = new UidGenerator().generate() + "." + extension; file = new File(imageDir, fileName); } while (file.exists()); // copy FileOutputStream imgFileStream = new FileOutputStream(file); int size = IOUtils.copy(uploadedImage.getInputStream(), imgFileStream); imgFileStream.flush(); imgFileStream.close(); // get image info Iterator readerIter = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName(extension); ImageReader rdr = (ImageReader); if (rdr == null) return null; rdr.setInput(ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file), true); // get width and height int width = rdr.getWidth(0); int height = rdr.getHeight(0); // replace current image imageWidth = width; imageHeight = height; imageSize = size; imageMimeType = uploadedImage.getContentType(); imageFileName = fileName; // all ok uploadBoxShown = false; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } private String checkTextField(String value, String fieldName, int maxLength, boolean canBeEmpty) throws SaveImageException { if (value == null) throw new SaveImageException("Please specify the field " + fieldName + "."); String valueLocal = value.trim(); if (!canBeEmpty && valueLocal.length() == 0) throw new SaveImageException("Please specify the field " + fieldName + "."); if (valueLocal.length() > maxLength) throw new SaveImageException( "The field " + valueLocal + " is too long (max allowed " + maxLength + " )."); return valueLocal; } public String saveImage() { Session sess = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { // open db sess = HibernateConn.getSession(); transaction = sess.beginTransaction(); // load image Image image = null; if (selectedImageId != null) { image = Image.loadById(Integer.parseInt(selectedImageId), sess); } else { image = new Image(); } // basic image metadata image.setTitle(imageTitle); image.setSource(imageSource); image.setCreator(imageCreator); image.setReferences(imageReferences); image.setEmoryLocation(imageEmoryLocation); image.setExternalId(imageExternalId); // we will use it often Configuration appConf = AppConfig.getConfiguration(); // image properties image.setWidth(imageWidth); image.setHeight(imageHeight); image.setSize(imageSize); image.setFileName(imageFileName); image.setMimeType(imageMimeType); // title String titleLocal = checkTextField(image.getTitle(), "title", appConf.getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_TITLE_MAXLEN), false); image.setTitle(titleLocal); // description image.setDescription(imageDescription); // category ImageCategory cat = ImageCategory.loadById(sess, imageCategoryId); image.setCategory(cat); // check source String sourceLocal = checkTextField(image.getSource(), "source", appConf.getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_SOURCE_MAXLEN), true); image.setSource(sourceLocal); // date image.setDate(imageDate); // check creator String creatorLocal = checkTextField(image.getCreator(), "creator", appConf.getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_CREATOR_MAXLEN), true); image.setCreator(creatorLocal); // language image.setLanguage(imageLanguage); // comments image.setComments(imageComments); // check references String referencesLocal = checkTextField(image.getReferences(), "references", appConf.getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_REFERENCES_MAXLEN), true); image.setReferences(referencesLocal); // is at Emory image.setEmory(imageEmory); // check emory location String emoryLocationLocal = checkTextField(image.getEmoryLocation(), "Emory location", appConf.getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_EMORYLOCATION_MAXLEN), true); image.setEmoryLocation(emoryLocationLocal); // authorization status image.setAuthorizationStatus(imageAuthorizationStatus); // image status image.setImageStatus(imageImageStatus); // image ready to go image.setReadyToGo(imageReadyToGo); // links to regions (not shown now) Set imageRegions = new HashSet(); image.setRegions(imageRegions); for (int i = 0; i < selectedRegionsIds.length; i++) { int regionId = Integer.parseInt(selectedRegionsIds[i]); Region dbRegion = Region.loadById(sess, regionId); imageRegions.add(dbRegion); } // links to ports (not shown now) Set imagePorts = new HashSet(); image.setPorts(imagePorts); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPortsIds.length; i++) { int portId = Integer.parseInt(selectedPortsIds[i]); Port dbPort = Port.loadById(sess, portId); imagePorts.add(dbPort); } // links to voyages Integer[] newVoyageIds; try { newVoyageIds = StringUtils .parseIntegerArray(StringUtils.splitByLinesAndRemoveEmpty(imageVoyageIds)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SaveImageException("All linked voyage IDs have to be integers."); } Set voyageIds = image.getVoyageIds(); voyageIds.clear(); Collections.addAll(voyageIds, newVoyageIds); // save sess.saveOrUpdate(image); // commit transaction.commit(); sess.close(); return "list"; } catch (SaveImageException se) { if (transaction != null) transaction.rollback(); if (sess != null) sess.close(); setErrorText(se.getMessage()); return null; } catch (DataException de) { if (transaction != null) transaction.rollback(); if (sess != null) sess.close(); setErrorText("Internal problem with database. Sorry for the inconvenience."); return null; } } public String cancelEdit() { return "list"; } public String deleteImage() { Session sess = HibernateConn.getSession(); Transaction transaction = sess.beginTransaction(); Image image = Image.loadById(Integer.parseInt(selectedImageId)); sess.delete(image); transaction.commit(); sess.close(); return "list"; } public String showUploadBox() { uploadBoxShown = true; return null; } public String hideUploadBox() { uploadBoxShown = false; return null; } public SelectItem[] getLanguages() { Language[] langs = Languages.getActive(); SelectItem[] langSelItems = new SelectItem[langs.length + 1]; langSelItems[0] = new SelectItem("", "-"); for (int i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) { Language lang = langs[i]; langSelItems[i + 1] = new SelectItem(lang.getCode(), lang.getName()); } return langSelItems; } private SelectItem[] loadCategories(boolean includeAll) { Session sess = HibernateConn.getSession(); ; Transaction transaction = sess.beginTransaction(); int extraItem = includeAll ? 1 : 0; List cats = ImageCategory.loadAll(sess); SelectItem[] catsSelItems = new SelectItem[cats.size() + extraItem]; if (includeAll) catsSelItems[0] = new SelectItem("0", "all categories"); int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = cats.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ImageCategory cat = (ImageCategory); catsSelItems[i + extraItem] = new SelectItem(cat.getId().toString(), cat.getName()); i++; } transaction.commit(); sess.close(); return catsSelItems; } public SelectItem[] getDetailCategories() { return loadCategories(false); } public SelectItem[] getListCategories() { return loadCategories(true); } public String getListStyle() { return listStyle; } public void setListStyle(String listStyle) { this.listStyle = listStyle; } public String getImageUrl() { if (imageFileName != null) { String baseUrl = AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(AppConfig.IMAGES_URL); baseUrl = StringUtils.trimEnd(baseUrl, '/'); return baseUrl + "/" + imageFileName; } else { return "blank.png"; } } public String getImageVoyageIds() { return imageVoyageIds; } public void setImageVoyageIds(String imageVoyageIds) { this.imageVoyageIds = imageVoyageIds; } public UploadedFile getUploadedImage() { return uploadedImage; } public void setUploadedImage(UploadedFile uploadedImage) { this.uploadedImage = uploadedImage; } public String getImageInfo() { if (imageMimeType == null) return ""; else return imageWidth + "x" + imageHeight + " (" + imageMimeType + ")"; } public SelectItem[] createListItemsByStringArray(String[] array) { SelectItem[] items = new SelectItem[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { items[i] = new SelectItem(String.valueOf(i), array[i]); } return items; } public SelectItem[] getImageStatusItems() { return createListItemsByStringArray(IMAGE_STATUS_LABELS); } public SelectItem[] getAuthorizationStatusItems() { return createListItemsByStringArray(AUTH_STATUS_LONG_LABELS); } public boolean isUploadBoxShown() { return uploadBoxShown; } public void setUploadBoxShown(boolean uploadBoxShown) { this.uploadBoxShown = uploadBoxShown; } // public int getListThumbnailWidth() // { // return AppConfig.getConfiguration().getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH); // } // // public int getListThumbnailHeight() // { // return AppConfig.getConfiguration().getInt(AppConfig.IMAGES_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); // } public String getRegionsLookupSourceId() { return IMAGES_REGIONS_LOOKUP; } public String getPortsLookupSourceId() { return IMAGES_PORTS_LOOKUP; } public String getPeopleLookupSourceId() { return IMAGES_PEOPLE_LOOKUP; } public String[] getSelectedPortsIds() { return selectedPortsIds; } public void setSelectedPortsIds(String[] selectedPortsIds) { this.selectedPortsIds = selectedPortsIds; } public String[] getSelectedRegionsIds() { return selectedRegionsIds; } public void setSelectedRegionsIds(String[] selectedRegionsIds) { this.selectedRegionsIds = selectedRegionsIds; } public String getErrorText() { return errorText; } public void setErrorText(String errorText) { this.errorText = errorText; } public boolean isError() { return !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(errorText); } public String getSelectedImageId() { return selectedImageId; } public void setSelectedImageId(String selectedImageId) { this.selectedImageId = selectedImageId; } public String getThumbnailSize() { return thumbnailSize; } public void setThumbnailSize(String thumbnailSize) { this.thumbnailSize = thumbnailSize; } public String getSearchFor() { return searchFor; } public void setSearchFor(String searchInListFor) { this.searchFor = searchInListFor; } public String getSortBy() { return sortBy; } public void setSortBy(String sortBy) { this.sortBy = sortBy; } public long getImageCategoryId() { return imageCategoryId; } public void setImageCategoryId(long imageCategoryId) { this.imageCategoryId = imageCategoryId; } public long getListCategoryId() { return listCategoryId; } public void setListCategoryId(long listCategoryId) { this.listCategoryId = listCategoryId; } public String getImageCreator() { return imageCreator; } public void setImageCreator(String imageCreator) { this.imageCreator = imageCreator; } public int getImageDate() { return imageDate; } public void setImageDate(int imageDate) { this.imageDate = imageDate; } public String getImageDescription() { return imageDescription; } public void setImageDescription(String imageDescription) { this.imageDescription = imageDescription; } public String getImageLanguage() { return imageLanguage; } public void setImageLanguage(String imageLanguage) { this.imageLanguage = imageLanguage; } public String getImageSource() { return imageSource; } public void setImageSource(String imageSource) { this.imageSource = imageSource; } public String getImageTitle() { return imageTitle; } public void setImageTitle(String imageTitle) { this.imageTitle = imageTitle; } public int getImageSize() { return imageSize; } public void setImageSize(int imageSize) { this.imageSize = imageSize; } public String getImageComments() { return imageComments; } public void setImageComments(String imageComments) { this.imageComments = imageComments; } public int getImageAuthorizationStatus() { return imageAuthorizationStatus; } public void setImageAuthorizationStatus(int imageAuthorizationStatus) { this.imageAuthorizationStatus = imageAuthorizationStatus; } public String getImageEmoryLocation() { return imageEmoryLocation; } public void setImageEmoryLocation(String imageEmoryLocation) { this.imageEmoryLocation = imageEmoryLocation; } public int getImageImageStatus() { return imageImageStatus; } public void setImageImageStatus(int imageImageStatus) { this.imageImageStatus = imageImageStatus; } public boolean isImageEmory() { return imageEmory; } public void setImageEmory(boolean imageIsEmory) { this.imageEmory = imageIsEmory; } public String getImageReferences() { return imageReferences; } public void setImageReferences(String imageReferences) { this.imageReferences = imageReferences; } public boolean isImageReadyToGo() { return imageReadyToGo; } public void setImageReadyToGo(boolean imageReadyToGo) { this.imageReadyToGo = imageReadyToGo; } public String getImageFileName() { return imageFileName; } public void setImageFileName(String imageFileName) { this.imageFileName = imageFileName; } public int getImageHeight() { return imageHeight; } public void setImageHeight(int imageHeight) { this.imageHeight = imageHeight; } public String getImageMimeType() { return imageMimeType; } public void setImageMimeType(String imageMimeType) { this.imageMimeType = imageMimeType; } public int getImageWidth() { return imageWidth; } public void setImageWidth(int imageWidth) { this.imageWidth = imageWidth; } public int getEditedImageId() { return editedImageId; } public void setEditedImageId(int editedImageId) { this.editedImageId = editedImageId; } public String getImageExternalId() { return imageExternalId; } public void setImageExternalId(String imageExternalId) { this.imageExternalId = imageExternalId; } }