Java tutorial
package edu.duke.cs.osprey.ematrix.epic; /* This file is part of OSPREY. OSPREY Protein Redesign Software Version 2.1 beta Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Bruce Donald Lab, Duke University OSPREY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OSPREY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see: <>. There are additional restrictions imposed on the use and distribution of this open-source code, including: (A) this header must be included in any modification or extension of the code; (B) you are required to cite our papers in any publications that use this code. The citation for the various different modules of our software, together with a complete list of requirements and restrictions are found in the document license.pdf enclosed with this distribution. Contact Info: Bruce Donald Duke University Department of Computer Science Levine Science Research Center (LSRC) Durham NC 27708-0129 USA e-mail: <signature of Bruce Donald>, Mar 1, 2012 Bruce Donald, Professor of Computer Science */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Version: 2.1 beta // // // authors: // initials name organization email // --------- ----------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------- // MAH Mark A. Hallen Duke University /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D; import cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra; import cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition; import cern.jet.math.Functions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ConjugateGradient; //This class contains methods to fit a series to data //Used to find low-order Taylor series approximations for the energy in a voxel public class SeriesFitter { static boolean useLineSearch = false;//generally doesn't provide significant benefit, //and numerically questionable. public static double[] fitSeries(DoubleMatrix1D[] samp, double trueVals[], double weights[], double lambda, boolean includeConst, int order) { return fitSeries(samp, trueVals, weights, lambda, includeConst, order, order, null, false, null, null); } static double[] fitSeries(DoubleMatrix1D[] samp, double trueVals[], double weights[], double lambda, boolean includeConst, int order, int PCOrder, boolean isPC[], boolean update, DoubleMatrix1D c, DoubleMatrix2D M) { //Default: quadratic with 0 constant term //includeConst adds the constant term and quartic adds 3rd-4th terms //If(update), then we are updating a previous fit with the same samp, trueVals //but different weights (and weights contains the difference in weights in this case) //c and M should be null unless we're updating or making a fit that we will update later long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int nd = samp[0].size();//number of degrees of freedom int numParams = getNumParams(nd, includeConst, order); if (PCOrder > order) {//add in parameters for PC orders int numPCs = countTrue(isPC); for (int n = order + 1; n <= PCOrder; n++) numParams += getNumParamsForOrder(numPCs, n); } int numSamples = samp.length; System.out.println("Fit has " + numSamples + " samples for " + numParams + " parameters"); if (c == null) c = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numParams); if (M == null) M = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numParams, numParams); //scratch for terms of c, M DoubleMatrix1D cScratch = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numParams); DoubleMatrix2D MScratch = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numParams, numParams); if (!update) { for (int p = 0; p < numParams; p++)//deal with regularization M.set(p, p, lambda); } //long setupDoneTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("fitSeries setup time (ms): "+(setupDoneTime-startTime)); for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) {//summing each of these terms over the samples if ((!update) || (weights[s] != 0)) { //if updating, can ignore unchanged weights (weights[s]==0) double weight = 1;//weight for samples if (weights != null) weight = weights[s]; //we want cScratch^T params = trueVals in the best-fit sense //Least-squares equations are then (sum_samples weight * MScratch) * params = sum_samples weight * c_scratch *trueVals //where MScratch is cScratch*cScratch^T calcSampParamCoeffs(cScratch, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC); Algebra.DEFAULT.multOuter(cScratch, cScratch, MScratch); MScratch.assign(Functions.mult(weight)); M.assign(MScratch,; cScratch.assign(Functions.mult(trueVals[s] * weight)); c.assign(cScratch,; } } DoubleMatrix2D C = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(c.toArray(), numParams);//c as a column vector //long MCTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("fitSeries M, C calc time (ms): "+(MCTime-setupDoneTime)); double[] v = null;//the best-fit parameters, as a column vector try { v = Algebra.DEFAULT.solve(M, C).viewColumn(0).toArray(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {//indices singular M //solve in a way robust to singularities //basically pseudoinverse(M)*C SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(M); //M = U*S*V', so M^-1 = V*invS*U' DoubleMatrix2D invS = svd.getS().copy(); //this tolerance is from (used there to compute rank) //here we use the special case that M is square double eps = Math.pow(2.0, -52.0); double tol = invS.rows() * invS.get(0, 0) * eps; for (int i = 0; i < invS.rows(); i++) { double singVal = invS.get(i, i); if (singVal > tol) invS.set(i, i, 1. / singVal); else invS.set(i, i, 0); } DoubleMatrix2D ansCol = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(Algebra.DEFAULT .mult(Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(svd.getV(), invS), Algebra.DEFAULT.transpose(svd.getU())), C); //DEBUG!!!! //DoubleMatrix2D checkC = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(M, ansCol); v = ansCol.viewColumn(0).toArray(); } //long vTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("fitSeries matrix solution time (ms): "+(vTime-MCTime)); //Checking fit accuracy (done in fitSeriesIterative if updating) if (!update) {//Calculating the mean residual like this doesn't make sense for an update //since we don't have the actual weights double meanResidual = 0; double weightSum = 0; for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { double bv = evalSeries(v, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC); double weight = 1;//weight for samples if (weights != null) weight = weights[s]; double residTerm = (trueVals[s] - bv) * (trueVals[s] - bv); if (Double.isInfinite(residTerm) || Double.isNaN(residTerm)) { System.err.println("ERROR: SeriesFitter.fitSeries gives infinite residual term: " + residTerm); System.out.print("Sample: "); for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) System.err.print(samp[s].get(dof) + " "); System.out.println(); System.err.println(" TRUEVAL=" + trueVals[s] + " BV=" + bv); System.err.println("params:"); for (double param : v) System.out.println(param); throw new RuntimeException("Infinite or nan residual"); } //if want sample-by-sample output //System.out.println("TRAININGSET TRUE:"+trueVals[s]+" G2:"+bv); meanResidual += weight * residTerm; weightSum += weight; } meanResidual /= weightSum; System.out.println("TRAINING SET MEAN RESIDUAL:" + meanResidual); } long doneTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("fitSeries checking time (ms): "+(doneTime-vTime)); System.out.println("fitSeries time (ms): " + (doneTime - startTime)); return v; } //Fit series with one-sided constraints //The idea here is that if we have a set of points P such that the fit //and true value are >= bCutoff for points in P and the fit is an optimal least-squares //fit with P excluded, then the fit is locally optimal with one-sided constraints //because the gradient of the objective function with respect to the coefficients //is the same in the two-sided fit with P excluded and the full one-sided fit //we also support bCutoff2, to have lower-bounding but not upper-bounding restraints //This is intended for EPIC static double[] fitSeriesIterative(DoubleMatrix1D[] samp, double trueVals[], double weights[], double lambda, boolean includeConst, int order, double bCutoffs[], double bCutoffs2[], int PCOrder, boolean isPC[]) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Starting fitSeriesIterative..."); int numSamples = samp.length; int nd = samp[0].size(); if (bCutoffs.length == 1) {//single bCutoff to be used double bCutoff = bCutoffs[0]; bCutoffs = new double[numSamples]; Arrays.fill(bCutoffs, bCutoff); } //now bCutoffs has a cutoff for each sample int numParams = getNumParams(nd, includeConst, order); if (PCOrder > order) {//add in parameters for PC orders int numPCs = countTrue(isPC); for (int n = order + 1; n <= PCOrder; n++) numParams += getNumParamsForOrder(numPCs, n); } //now set up the data for the iterative fits //samples can be turned on and off using fitWeights //we will need to create two entries for samples with trueVals between bCutoff and bCutoff2 //since they may be turned on either to penalize deviation from bCutoff or from trueVal //first entry for each entry will penalize deviation from bCutoff if trueVal>=bCutoff //secondEntries are for trueVals between bCutoff and bCutoff2 ArrayList<Integer> secondEntries = new ArrayList<>();//list of samples needing second entry HashMap<Integer, Integer> revSecondEntries = new HashMap<>();//reverse lookup for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { if ((trueVals[s] >= bCutoffs[s]) && (trueVals[s] < bCutoffs2[s])) {//as in isRestraintActive revSecondEntries.put(s, secondEntries.size()); secondEntries.add(s); } } int numRestraints = numSamples + secondEntries.size(); //data for basic least-squares fits DoubleMatrix1D[] fitSamp = new DoubleMatrix1D[numRestraints]; double fitTrueVals[] = new double[numRestraints]; double fitWeights[] = new double[numRestraints]; for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) {//"normal" entries fitSamp[s] = samp[s]; if (trueVals[s] >= bCutoffs[s]) { fitWeights[s] = 0; fitTrueVals[s] = bCutoffs[s]; } else { fitWeights[s] = weights[s]; fitTrueVals[s] = trueVals[s]; } } for (int s2 = 0; s2 < secondEntries.size(); s2++) { fitSamp[numSamples + s2] = samp[secondEntries.get(s2)]; fitWeights[numSamples + s2] = 0; fitTrueVals[numSamples + s2] = trueVals[secondEntries.get(s2)]; } //Initial guess of set P is all points with trueVals[s] >= bCutoff //that is, all points that have possible series values that make the restraint inactive boolean done = false; double coeffs[] = null; double meanResidual = 0, weightSum = 0; double prevResid = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double oldCoeffs[] = null; double oldSerVals[] = new double[numSamples];//values of series at each sample, for previous iteration //preallocating to all infinity because all trueVals[s]>=bCutoff points start outside P Arrays.fill(oldSerVals, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); //for updating boolean firstFit = true;//first fit is not an update DoubleMatrix1D c = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numParams);//matrices we update (used in fit) DoubleMatrix2D M = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numParams, numParams); double oldFitWeights[] = null; //double fitWeightsCheck[] = fitWeights.clone();//DEBUG!!! while (!done) { if (firstFit) { coeffs = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, fitWeights, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, false, c, M); firstFit = false; } else { double weightDiffs[] = fitWeights.clone(); for (int s = 0; s < numRestraints; s++) weightDiffs[s] -= oldFitWeights[s]; coeffs = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, weightDiffs, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, true, c, M); //DEBUG!!! /* for(int s=0; s<numRestraints; s++){ fitWeightsCheck[s] += weightDiffs[s]; if(fitWeightsCheck[s] != fitWeights[s]){ int cefAO = 1111; } } double checkCoeffs[] = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, fitWeights, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, false, null, null); for(int a=0; a<coeffs.length; a++){ if(Math.abs(checkCoeffs[a]-coeffs[a])>1e-10){ int abc=123; } } DoubleMatrix1D c2 = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numParams); DoubleMatrix2D M2 = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numParams,numParams); double checkCoeffs2[] = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, fitWeights, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, false, c2, M2); for(int a=0; a<coeffs.length; a++){ if(Math.abs(checkCoeffs2[a]-coeffs[a])>1e-10){ int abc=123; } }*/ //DEBUG!!! } oldFitWeights = fitWeights.clone(); done = true; ArrayList<SampleCutoffCrossing> scc = new ArrayList<SampleCutoffCrossing>(); meanResidual = 0; weightSum = 0; //boolean doneNoTol = true, done2 = true;//DEBUG!!! //values of series at each sample, based on coeffs double serVals[] = new double[numSamples]; for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { serVals[s] = evalSeries(coeffs, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC); //If each series value is below or above bcutoff according to whether the //coeffs were generated by fitting with or without that value included //(respectively), then we have found a local and thus the global minimum //in this quadratic piece of the objective function, so we're done //check for doneness first, using tolerance //i.e. are coeffs (derived from fitWeights) consistent with fitWeights, //within numerical error? If so we have a global minimum if (trueVals[s] >= bCutoffs[s]) { if (fitWeights[s] > 0) { if (!isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false, -1e-6)) done = false;//fitWeights penalizing deviation from bCutoff, and this isn't right at coeffs } else { boolean secondRestraintOn = revSecondEntries.containsKey(s); if (secondRestraintOn) secondRestraintOn = (fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] > 0); if (secondRestraintOn) { if (!isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true, -1e-6)) done = false;//fitWeights penalizing deviation from trueVal, and this isn't right at coeffs } else {//restraints currently off if (isRestraintActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], 1e-6)) done = false;//a restraint should be on at coeffs } } } //for trueVals below bCutoff, restraints don't turn on and off //DEBUG!!!!! //trying to calculate done w/o tol /* if( trueVals[s]>=bCutoffs[s] ){ if(fitWeights[s]>0){ if(!isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],false,0)) doneNoTol = false;//fitWeights penalizing deviation from bCutoff, and this isn't right at coeffs } else { boolean secondRestraintOn = revSecondEntries.containsKey(s); if(secondRestraintOn) secondRestraintOn = (fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]>0); if(secondRestraintOn){ if(!isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],true,0)) doneNoTol = false;//fitWeights penalizing deviation from trueVal, and this isn't right at coeffs } else {//restraints currently off if(isRestraintActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],0)) doneNoTol = false;//a restraint should be on at coeffs } } } //OK now done2 will be calculated and should be the same but will be calculated like //the weight changes below if( trueVals[s]>=bCutoffs[s] ){ if(isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],false)){ //activate penalty for deviating from bCutoff if(fitWeights[s]!=weights[s]) done2 = false; if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]!=0) done2 = false; } } else if(isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],true)){ //activate penalty for deviating from trueVal if(fitWeights[s] != 0) done2 = false; if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)] != weights[s]) done2 = false; } else throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: should have second entry for restraint but don't!!"); } else { //deactivate all penalties if(fitWeights[s] != 0) done2 = false; if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)] != 0) done2 = false; } //no contribution to residual } }*/ //DEBUG!!! //Now calculate mean residual and crossing points, and update fitWeights double residTerm = 0; if (trueVals[s] >= bCutoffs[s]) { if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false)) { //activate penalty for deviating from bCutoff fitWeights[s] = weights[s]; if (revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)) fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = 0; residTerm = (serVals[s] - bCutoffs[s]) * (serVals[s] - bCutoffs[s]); } else if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true)) { //activate penalty for deviating from trueVal fitWeights[s] = 0; if (revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)) fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = weights[s]; else throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: should have second entry for restraint but don't!!"); residTerm = (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]); } else { //deactivate all penalties fitWeights[s] = 0; if (revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)) fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = 0; //no contribution to residual } } else //normal least-squares penalty. fitWeights[s] will stay at weights[s] residTerm = (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]); meanResidual += weights[s] * residTerm; //If want sample-by-sample output... //System.out.println("TRAININGSET TRUE: "+trueVals[s]+" SER: "+serVals[s]); weightSum += weights[s]; } meanResidual /= weightSum; if (meanResidual == prevResid) System.out.println(); //DEBUG!!! /* if(done!=doneNoTol || done2!=done){ //Let's see what happens if we remove the tolerance... done = doneNoTol; } if(done){ double checkCoeffs[] = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, fitWeights, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, false, null, null); for(int a=0; a<coeffs.length; a++){ if(Math.abs(checkCoeffs[a]-coeffs[a])>1e-10){ int abc=123; } } }*/ //DEBUG!!! if ((!done) && (meanResidual >= prevResid)) { //Did not obtain a decrease using the Newton step //Let's do an exact line search to rectify the situation if (!useLineSearch) { System.out.println("Skipping line search, returning with residual " + prevResid); return oldCoeffs; } System.out.println("LINE SEARCH"); for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { //If we go in or out of either type of restraint between serVals and oldSerVals, we create //a SampleCutoffCrossing of the appropriate type (upper or lower (ordinary) restraint) if ((isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], oldSerVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false)) != (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false))) { //If the restraint disappears at one end we know trueVal>=bCutoff here //create lower restraint SampleCutoffCrossing double crossingPoint = (bCutoffs[s] - oldSerVals[s]) / (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); scc.add(new SampleCutoffCrossing(s, crossingPoint, false)); } if ((isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], oldSerVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true)) != (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true))) { //upper double crossingPoint2 = (trueVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) / (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); scc.add(new SampleCutoffCrossing(s, crossingPoint2, true)); } } int changeCount = scc.size(); Collections.sort(scc); TreeSet<Integer> crossingIndices = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (SampleCutoffCrossing cr : scc) { int s = cr.sampleIndex; crossingIndices.add(s); if (cr.upperRestraint) {//penalizing difference from trueVal cr.quadTerm = weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); cr.linTerm = 2 * weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]); cr.constTerm = weights[s] * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]); } else {//penalizing difference from lesser of bCutoff, trueVal cr.quadTerm = weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); double baseVal = Math.min(trueVals[s], bCutoffs[s]); cr.linTerm = 2 * weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal); cr.constTerm = weights[s] * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal) * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal); //cr.linTerm = 2*weights[s]*(serVals[s]-oldSerVals[s])*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s]); //cr.constTerm = weights[s]*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s])*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s]); } } //Set up quadratic function double quadTerm = 0; double linTerm = 0; double constTerm = 0; //Add in contributions from all non-cutoff-crossing points for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { if (!crossingIndices.contains(s)) { if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], oldSerVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false)) { //if(trueVals[s]<bCutoffs[s]||serVals[s]<bCutoffs[s]){//penalizing difference from lesser of bCutoff, trueVal quadTerm += weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); double baseVal = Math.min(trueVals[s], bCutoffs[s]); linTerm += 2 * weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal); constTerm += weights[s] * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal) * (oldSerVals[s] - baseVal); //linTerm += 2*weights[s]*(serVals[s]-oldSerVals[s])*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s]); //constTerm += weights[s]*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s])*(oldSerVals[s]-trueVals[s]); } else if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], oldSerVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true)) { //else if(isRestraintActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],0)){//penalizing difference from trueVal quadTerm += weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]); linTerm += 2 * weights[s] * (serVals[s] - oldSerVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]); constTerm += weights[s] * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (oldSerVals[s] - trueVals[s]); } } } //contributions from cutoff-crossing points at the beginning of the interval //(i.e. at coeffs) for (SampleCutoffCrossing cr : scc) { int s = cr.sampleIndex; if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], cr.upperRestraint)) { //check if this particular restraint (rather than either restraint for this s) is active //if(serVals[s]<bCutoffs[s]){ quadTerm += cr.quadTerm; linTerm += cr.linTerm; constTerm += cr.constTerm; } } //double checkMeanResid = (quadTerm+linTerm+constTerm)/weightSum;//evaluate objective function at a=1 //should match meanResidual! double prevNodeResid = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; //The first increase we may consider is from node 0 to 1 //Now walk back until we get an increase //then the minimum will be in one of the last two quadratic pieces int lowestNodeIndex = 0; for (int curChangeIndex = changeCount - 1; curChangeIndex >= 0; curChangeIndex--) { SampleCutoffCrossing cr = scc.get(curChangeIndex); double a = cr.crossingPoint; double curNodeResid = (a * a * quadTerm + a * linTerm + constTerm) / weightSum; int s = cr.sampleIndex; if (curNodeResid > prevNodeResid) { lowestNodeIndex = curChangeIndex + 1; break; } //if the restraint is being removed going from serVals to oldSerVals, remove its coefficients from the quadratic function //if it's being added, add them if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], cr.upperRestraint)) { quadTerm -= cr.quadTerm; linTerm -= cr.linTerm; constTerm -= cr.constTerm; } else { quadTerm += cr.quadTerm; linTerm += cr.linTerm; constTerm += cr.constTerm; } prevNodeResid = curNodeResid; } //At this point, we know our minimum is in either the piece with the //current quad, lin, constTerms or the one we looked at right before //(where lowestNodeIndex is the node separating them) double a_min = -linTerm / (2 * quadTerm); SampleCutoffCrossing cr = scc.get(lowestNodeIndex); if (a_min > cr.crossingPoint) {//minimum must be in previous piece //revert quad and linTerms int s = cr.sampleIndex; //change back quadratic-function coefficients if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], cr.upperRestraint)) { quadTerm += cr.quadTerm; linTerm += cr.linTerm; constTerm += cr.constTerm; } else { quadTerm -= cr.quadTerm; linTerm -= cr.linTerm; constTerm -= cr.constTerm; } a_min = -linTerm / (2 * quadTerm); } //double minResid = (a_min*a_min*quadTerm + a_min*linTerm + constTerm)/weightSum; for (int p = 0; p < numParams; p++) coeffs[p] = coeffs[p] * a_min + (1 - a_min) * oldCoeffs[p]; double minResid = 0; for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) { serVals[s] = evalSeries(coeffs, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC); if (trueVals[s] >= bCutoffs[s]) { if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], false)) { //activate penalty for deviating from bCutoff fitWeights[s] = weights[s]; if (revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)) fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = 0; minResid += weights[s] * (serVals[s] - bCutoffs[s]) * (serVals[s] - bCutoffs[s]); } else if (isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s], serVals[s], bCutoffs[s], bCutoffs2[s], true)) { minResid += weights[s] * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]); //activate penalty for deviating from trueVal fitWeights[s] = 0; fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = weights[s]; } else { //deactivate all penalties fitWeights[s] = 0; if (revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)) fitWeights[numSamples + revSecondEntries.get(s)] = 0; } } else minResid += weights[s] * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]) * (serVals[s] - trueVals[s]); } minResid /= weightSum; if (minResid >= prevResid) { //consider to have converged //NOTE THIS CAN HAPPEN IF THE QUADRATIC APPROXIMATION AT OLDCOEFFS HAS SOLUTION //FAR FROM THE EXACT VALUE (ASSUMING EXACT FITSERIES) OF 1 //THIS CAN HAPPEN IF WE'RE GETTING BELOW THE NUMERICAL PRECISION OF FITSERIES System.out.println("TRAINING SET MEAN RESIDUAL:" + prevResid); System.out.println("CONVERGED IN LINE SEARCH, line search min: " + minResid); System.out.println("fitSeriesIterative time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return oldCoeffs; } meanResidual = minResid; } /* //trying backtracking line search, hoping it'll be more numerically stable double backtrackRate = 0.5; double a = 1;//how far we want to be on the line from oldCoeffs (which should allow some descent //along the line) to coeffs (which overshoots) double minResid; double aCoeffs[] = new double[coeffs.length];//coefficients at our point on the line do { a *= backtrackRate; for(int p=0; p<numParams; p++) aCoeffs[p] = coeffs[p]*a + (1-a)*oldCoeffs[p]; minResid = 0; for(int s=0; s<numSamples; s++){ serVals[s] = evalSeries(aCoeffs,samp[s],nd,includeConst,order,PCOrder,isPC); if( trueVals[s]>=bCutoffs[s] ){ if(isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],false)){ minResid += weights[s]*(serVals[s]-bCutoffs[s])*(serVals[s]-bCutoffs[s]); weights2[s] = weights[s]; } else if(isRestraintTypeActive(trueVals[s],serVals[s],bCutoffs[s],bCutoffs2[s],true)){ minResid += weights[s]*(serVals[s]-trueVals[s])*(serVals[s]-trueVals[s]); weights2[s] = weights[s]; } else weights2[s] = 0; } else minResid += weights[s]*(serVals[s]-trueVals[s])*(serVals[s]-trueVals[s]); } minResid /= weightSum; } while(minResid>prevResid); if(a<1e-4) System.out.println("Warning: line search a got down to "+a); meanResidual = minResid; } */ oldCoeffs = coeffs; System.out.println("STEP RESIDUAL: " + meanResidual); prevResid = meanResidual; oldSerVals = serVals; } System.out.println("TRAINING SET MEAN RESIDUAL:" + meanResidual); System.out.println("fitSeriesIterative time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); //DEBUG!!! //Note this assumes weights are all 1! /* int numCoeffs = coeffs.length; DoubleMatrix1D residGrad = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numCoeffs); double checkResid = 0; for(int s=0; s<samp.length; s++){ double diff = 0; double fitVal = evalSeries(coeffs,samp[s],nd,includeConst,order,PCOrder,isPC); if(trueVals[s]>=bCutoffs[s] && fitVal<bCutoffs[s]){ diff = fitVal-bCutoffs[s]; if(fitWeights[s]==0){ int allosaurus = 15; } if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } } else if( trueVals[s]<bCutoffs[s] || (trueVals[s]<bCutoffs2[s] && fitVal>trueVals[s]) ){ diff = fitVal-trueVals[s]; if(trueVals[s]<bCutoffs[s]){ if(fitWeights[s]==0){ int allosaurus = 15; } } else if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]==0 || fitWeights[s]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } else if(fitWeights[s]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } else if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } checkResid += diff*diff; DoubleMatrix1D termMonomials = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numCoeffs); SeriesFitter.calcSampParamCoeffs( termMonomials, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC ); residGrad.assign( termMonomials, Functions.plusMult(2*diff) ); } checkResid /= samp.length; residGrad.assign( Functions.mult(1./samp.length) ); double checkCoeffs[] = fitSeries(fitSamp, fitTrueVals, fitWeights, lambda, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC, false, null, null); double checkResid2 = 0; DoubleMatrix1D residGrad2 = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numCoeffs); for(int s=0; s<samp.length; s++){ double diff = 0; double fitVal = evalSeries(checkCoeffs,samp[s],nd,includeConst,order,PCOrder,isPC); if(trueVals[s]>=bCutoffs[s] && fitVal<bCutoffs[s]){ diff = fitVal-bCutoffs[s]; if(fitWeights[s]==0){ int allosaurus = 15; } if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } } else if( trueVals[s]<bCutoffs[s] || (trueVals[s]<bCutoffs2[s] && fitVal>trueVals[s]) ){ diff = fitVal-trueVals[s]; if(trueVals[s]<bCutoffs[s]){ if(fitWeights[s]==0){ int allosaurus = 15; } } else if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]==0 || fitWeights[s]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } else if(fitWeights[s]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } else if(revSecondEntries.containsKey(s)){ if(fitWeights[numSamples+revSecondEntries.get(s)]>0){ int allosaurus=15; } } checkResid2 += diff*diff; DoubleMatrix1D termMonomials = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numCoeffs); SeriesFitter.calcSampParamCoeffs( termMonomials, samp[s], nd, includeConst, order, PCOrder, isPC ); residGrad2.assign( termMonomials, Functions.plusMult(2*diff) ); } checkResid2 /= samp.length; residGrad2.assign( Functions.mult(1./samp.length) ); if(residGrad.zDotProduct(residGrad)>1e-10){ int struthiomimus = 23; } int cubist = -1; */ //DEBUG!! return coeffs; } static boolean isRestraintActive(double trueVal, double serVal, double bCutoff, double bCutoff2, double tol) { //Figure out if the restraint for the given sample is active at serVal //If tol>0, then err on the side of being inactive; if <0, active; if ==0, neutral if (trueVal < bCutoff || serVal < bCutoff - tol)//if lower or 2-sided constraint is active return true; if (trueVal >= bCutoff2 || serVal < trueVal + tol)//if upper constraint is inactive return false; return true; } static boolean isRestraintTypeActive(double trueVal, double serVal, double bCutoff, double bCutoff2, boolean type, double tol) { //If type is false, check if the ordinary restraint (2-sided if below trueVal<bCutoff; lower restraint centered at bCutoff //otherwise) is active //If type is true, check if the upper restraint (penalizing serVal>trueVal for bCutoff<=trueVal<bCutoff2) is active if (type) return (trueVal >= bCutoff) && (trueVal < bCutoff2) && (serVal > trueVal + tol); else return (trueVal < bCutoff || serVal < bCutoff - tol); } static boolean isRestraintTypeActive(double trueVal, double serVal, double bCutoff, double bCutoff2, boolean type) { //default tolerance is 0 return isRestraintTypeActive(trueVal, serVal, bCutoff, bCutoff2, type, 0); } private static class SampleCutoffCrossing implements Comparable { //These are samples whose trueVal is above bCutoff //and whose series approximation crosses bCutoff //in the line segment between the previous and current Newton steps' //coefficients int sampleIndex; double crossingPoint;//where on the line segment the crossing occurs //(0=previous, 1=current coefficients, linearly interpolated) double quadTerm, linTerm, constTerm;//contributions of sample //to terms of quadratic specifying objective function (in pieces) //along line search line--not in constructor, we'll fill them in if needed for //line search boolean upperRestraint = false;//upperRestraint indicates //that we're restraining the series to stay below a true value between the 2 bCutoffs public SampleCutoffCrossing(int sampleIndex, double crossingPoint, boolean upperRestraint) { this.sampleIndex = sampleIndex; this.crossingPoint = crossingPoint; this.upperRestraint = upperRestraint; } public int compareTo(Object o) {//We'll want to sort by crossingPoint return Double.valueOf(crossingPoint).compareTo(((SampleCutoffCrossing) o).crossingPoint); } } //default is w/o PCs public static double evalSeries(double[] coeffs, DoubleMatrix1D x, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order) { return evalSeries(coeffs, x, nd, includeConst, order, order, null); } static double evalSeries(double[] coeffs, DoubleMatrix1D x, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order, int PCOrder, boolean isPC[]) { //we support orders 1-6 //and PCOrder may range up to 6 (but has no effect if <=order) if (order < 1 || order > 6 || PCOrder > 6) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: SeriesFitter.evalSeries does not support order " + order + " and/or PCOrder " + PCOrder); } if (order == 1 && PCOrder == 2) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Order 1 and PCOrder 2 not supported"); //evaluate series at point x from flat-array coefficients //assuming up to quadratic is included with all DOFs int count = 0; double ans = 0; if (includeConst) { ans += coeffs[0]; count++; } for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof); count++; } if (order >= 2) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 < dof; dof2++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2); count++; } ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof); count++; } } if (order >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3); count++; } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3); count++; } } } } } } } if (order >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4); count++; } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4); count++; } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5); count++; } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6); count++; } } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { if (isPC[dof6]) { ans += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } } } return ans; } static double[] evalSeriesByDegree(double[] coeffs, DoubleMatrix1D x, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order) { //like evalSeries, but return terms of each degree in the polynomial separately //(so ans[i] is the i-th degree monomials) //this only goes up to 4 if (order > 4) { System.err.println("ERROR: SeriesFitter.evalSeriesByDegree doesn't support order " + order); System.exit(1); } int count = 0;//for counting through coeffs int topDegree = order; double ans[] = new double[topDegree + 1]; if (includeConst) { ans[0] = coeffs[0]; count++; } for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { ans[1] += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof); count++; } for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 < dof; dof2++) { ans[2] += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2); count++; } ans[2] += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof);///2; count++; } if (order >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { ans[3] += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3); //*distingPerm(dof,dof2,dof3)/6; count++; } } } } if (order >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { ans[4] += coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4); //*distingPerm(dof,dof2,dof3,dof4)/24; count++; } } } } } return ans; } /*private static int distingPerm(int... a){ //given a set of integers in nondescending order //count how many distinguishable permutations of them there are int n=a.length; int ans = factorial(n); int curNum = a[0], count=1; for(int b=1; b<n; b++){ if(a[b]==curNum) count++; else{ ans /= factorial(count); count = 1; curNum = a[b]; } } ans /= factorial(count); return ans; } */ static int factorial(int a) { if (a <= 1) return 1; return a * factorial(a - 1); } //A polynomial fit is a linear least-squares fit with respect to the parameters //This method calculates the contribution of a given sample to the coefficients in this linear fit //for each parameter //nd = number of dimensions static void calcSampParamCoeffs(DoubleMatrix1D v, DoubleMatrix1D sample, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order, int PCOrder, boolean isPC[]) { if (order < 1 || order > 6 || PCOrder > 6) { System.err.println("ERROR: SeriesFitter.calcSampParamCoeffs does not support order " + order + " and/or PCOrder " + PCOrder); System.exit(1); } if (order == 1 && PCOrder == 2) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Order 1 and PCOrder 2 not supported"); int count = 0; if (includeConst) { v.set(count, 1); count++; } for (int i = 0; i < nd; i++) { v.set(count, sample.get(i)); count++; } if (order >= 2) { for (int a = 0; a < nd; a++) { for (int b = 0; b <= a; b++) { double term = sample.get(a) * sample.get(b); v.set(count, term); count++; } } } if (order >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3)); count++; } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3)); count++; } } } } } } } if (order >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4)); count++; } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4)); count++; } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4) * sample.get(dof5)); count++; } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4) * sample.get(dof5)); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4) * sample.get(dof5) * sample.get(dof6)); count++; } } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { if (isPC[dof6]) { v.set(count, sample.get(dof) * sample.get(dof2) * sample.get(dof3) * sample.get(dof4) * sample.get(dof5) * sample.get(dof6)); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } public static int getNumParamsForOrder(int nd, int order) { //Get the number of coefficients for terms of the specified order //in a series expansion with nd variables if (order == 0) return 1; else if (order == 1) return nd; else if (order == 2) return nd * (nd + 1) / 2; else if (order == 3) return nd + nd * (nd - 1) + nd * (nd - 1) * (nd - 2) / 6; else if (order == 4) return nd + 3 * nd * (nd - 1) / 2 + nd * (nd - 1) * (nd - 2) / 2 + nd * (nd - 1) * (nd - 2) * (nd - 3) / 24; else if (order == 5 || order == 6) { //WOULD BE NICE TO DO THE COMBINATORICS SOMETIME int count = 0; for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (order == 6) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) count++; } else count++; } } } } } return count; } System.err.println("ORDER NOT SUPPORTED IN SeriesFitter.getNumParamsForOrder: " + order); new Exception().printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); return 0; } public static int getNumParams(int nd, boolean includeConst, int order) { int ans = 0; if (includeConst) ans++; for (int ord = 1; ord <= order; ord++) ans += getNumParamsForOrder(nd, ord); return ans; } static int countTrue(boolean[] a) { int count = 0; for (boolean b : a) if (b) count++; return count; } static DoubleMatrix2D getHessian(double coeffs[], int numDOFs, boolean includeConst) { //Extract the Hessian from the given series coeffs, //which are expected to have order>=2 int count = numDOFs;//start at first index in coeffs for a second-order coefficient if (includeConst) count++; DoubleMatrix2D hess = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numDOFs, numDOFs); for (int a = 0; a < numDOFs; a++) { for (int b = 0; b <= a; b++) { double hessVal = coeffs[count]; if (b == a) hessVal *= 2; hess.set(a, b, hessVal); hess.set(b, a, hessVal); count++; } } return hess; } static DoubleMatrix1D evalSeriesGradient(double[] coeffs, DoubleMatrix1D x, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order, int PCOrder, boolean isPC[]) { //like evalSeries but evaluating the gradient //this function is structured like evalSeries //counting each term's contribution to the gradient int count = 0; if (includeConst) count++; DoubleMatrix1D ans = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(nd); for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { ans.set(dof, coeffs[count]); count++; } for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 < dof; dof2++) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof)); count++; } ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + 2 * coeffs[count] * x.get(dof)); count++; } if (order >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2)); count++; } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2)); count++; } } } } } } } if (order >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3)); count++; } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3)); count++; } } } } } } } } } //ONLY SUPPORTING QUINTIC, HEXIC IN PC FORM if (order >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof5, ans.get(dof5) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); count++; } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof5)); ans.set(dof5, ans.get(dof5) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4)); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof5, ans.get(dof5) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof6, ans.get(dof6) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); count++; } } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { if (isPC[dof6]) { ans.set(dof, ans.get(dof) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof2, ans.get(dof2) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof3, ans.get(dof3) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof4, ans.get(dof4) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof5) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof5, ans.get(dof5) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof6)); ans.set(dof6, ans.get(dof6) + coeffs[count] * x.get(dof) * x.get(dof2) * x.get(dof3) * x.get(dof4) * x.get(dof5)); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } } } return ans; } static DoubleMatrix2D evalSeriesHessian(double[] coeffs, DoubleMatrix1D x, int nd, boolean includeConst, int order, int PCOrder, boolean isPC[]) { //like evalSeriesGradient but Hessian int count = nd;//we can skip linear terms if (includeConst)//skip one more if there's a constant count++; DoubleMatrix2D ans = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(nd, nd); for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 < dof; dof2++) { ans.set(dof, dof2, coeffs[count]); ans.set(dof2, dof, coeffs[count]); count++; } ans.set(dof, dof, 2 * coeffs[count]); count++; } if (order >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3); count++; } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 3) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3); count++; } } } } } } } if (order >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4); count++; } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 4) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4); count++; } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5); count++; } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 5) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } if (order >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, dof6); count++; } } } } } } } else if (PCOrder >= 6) { for (int dof = 0; dof < nd; dof++) { if (isPC[dof]) { for (int dof2 = 0; dof2 <= dof; dof2++) { if (isPC[dof2]) { for (int dof3 = 0; dof3 <= dof2; dof3++) { if (isPC[dof3]) { for (int dof4 = 0; dof4 <= dof3; dof4++) { if (isPC[dof4]) { for (int dof5 = 0; dof5 <= dof4; dof5++) { if (isPC[dof5]) { for (int dof6 = 0; dof6 <= dof5; dof6++) { if (isPC[dof6]) { updateSeriesHessian(ans, x, coeffs[count], dof, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, dof6); count++; } } } } } } } } } } } } } return ans; } static void updateSeriesHessian(DoubleMatrix2D hess, DoubleMatrix1D x, double coeff, int... dofs) { //update the Hessian hess of a series at DOF values x //by adding in the Hessian of the term //coeff*prod_i x.get(dofs[i]) int deg = dofs.length; for (int d1 = 0; d1 < deg; d1++) { for (int d2 = 0; d2 < d1; d2++) {//non diagonal Hessian contributions double dhess = coeff; for (int d3 = 0; d3 < deg; d3++) { if (d3 != d1 && d3 != d2) dhess *= x.get(dofs[d3]); } hess.set(dofs[d1], dofs[d2], hess.get(dofs[d1], dofs[d2]) + dhess); hess.set(dofs[d2], dofs[d1], hess.get(dofs[d2], dofs[d1]) + dhess); } } } }