Source code

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 * Java Statistics.  A java library providing power/sample size estimation for
 * the general linear model.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Regents of the University of Colorado.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularValueDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;

import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.FixedRandomMatrix;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.GramSchmidtOrthonormalization;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtilities;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtils;
import edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.GLMMTest.UnivariateCdfApproximation;
import edu.cudenver.bios.utils.Logger;

import static edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtilities.forceSymmetric;

 * Implementation of the uncorreected univariate approach to repeated measures test
 * (UNIREP) for the general linear multivariate model.  This is also the base class
 * for the corrected tests (Box, Geisser-Greenhouse, Huynh-Feldt)
 * @author Sarah Kreidler
public class GLMMTestUnivariateRepeatedMeasures extends GLMMTest {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GLMMTestUnivariateRepeatedMeasures.class);

    // if sigma is estimated, then this value will be set to totalN_est - rank_est
    // where totalN_est is the sample size for the data set from which sigma was estimated
    // and rank_est is the rank of the design matrix in the data set used for estimation
    protected final int nuEst;
    // cache some of the eigenvalue information for use in the GG and Huynh-Feldt
    protected ArrayList<EigenValueMultiplicityPair> distinctSigmaStarEigenValues = new ArrayList<EigenValueMultiplicityPair>();
    protected double[] sigmaStarEigenValues = null;
    protected double sumLambda = 0;
    protected double sumLambdaSquared = 0;
    protected int rankC = 0; // rank of C
    protected int rankU = 0; // rank of U

    private double eigenTolerance = 1.0E-15;

    /* correction factors for sphericity
     * these differ for data analysis, power under the null and power under the alternative
     * also, the values depend on whether sigma is known or estimated
     * For full details please see
     * Gribbin MJ (2007). Better Power Methods for the Univariate Approach to Repeated Measures.
     * Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
     * (see p61, equation 50-52 and table 4.1)
     * Per Gribbin, epsilonD is the epsilon value under the null case, and epsilonN
     * is the sphericity parameter in the non-null case

    //  CDF approximation method;
    protected UnivariateCdfApproximation cdfMethod;
    // epsilon approximation information - this only applies to HF, GG, but
    // added to this class to avoid duplicated code
    protected UnivariateEpsilonApproximation epsilonMethod;

    // sphericity components when sigma known
    protected double epsilonD = Double.NaN;
    protected double epsilonN = Double.NaN;
    // sphericity components when sigma estimated
    protected double epsilonTildeN = Double.NaN;
    protected double epsilonTildeR = Double.NaN;
    protected double dataAnalysisNDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double dataAnalysisDDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double powerNullNDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double powerNullDDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double powerAlternativeNDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double powerAlternativeDDFCorrection = 1;
    protected double noncentralityCorrection = 1;

    // class for tracking eigen value information during epsilon calculation
    protected class EigenValueMultiplicityPair {
        public double eigenValue;
        public double multiplicity;

        public EigenValueMultiplicityPair(double eigenValue, double multiplicity) {
            this.eigenValue = eigenValue;
            this.multiplicity = multiplicity;

     * Create a UNIREP test object for the specified parameters
     * @param params GLMM input parameters
    public GLMMTestUnivariateRepeatedMeasures(FApproximation fMethod, UnivariateCdfApproximation cdfMethod,
            UnivariateEpsilonApproximation epsilonMethod, RealMatrix Xessence, RealMatrix XtXInverse, int perGroupN,
            int rank, FixedRandomMatrix C, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull, RealMatrix beta,
            RealMatrix sigmaError, int nuEst) {
        super(fMethod, Xessence, XtXInverse, perGroupN, rank, C, U, thetaNull, beta, sigmaError);
        if (nuEst < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("nuEst cannot be negative");
        this.cdfMethod = cdfMethod;
        this.epsilonMethod = epsilonMethod;
        this.nuEst = nuEst;
        // verify that U is orthonormal to an identity matrix
        // if not, build an orthonormal U from the specified U matrix

        // pre-calculate the values for epsilon (correction for violation of sphericity)
        // calculate the adjustment factors for degrees of freedom, noncentrality
        // as described in Gribbin.  Note that calculateEpsilon must be called before
        // these functions

     * Create a UNIREP test object for data analysis
     * @param params GLMM input parameters
    public GLMMTestUnivariateRepeatedMeasures(FApproximation fMethod, UnivariateCdfApproximation cdfMethod,
            UnivariateEpsilonApproximation epsilonMethod, RealMatrix X, RealMatrix XtXInverse, int rank,
            RealMatrix Y, RealMatrix C, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull) {
        super(fMethod, X, XtXInverse, rank, Y, C, U, thetaNull);
        this.cdfMethod = cdfMethod;
        this.epsilonMethod = epsilonMethod;
        this.nuEst = 0;
        // verify that U is orthonormal to an identity matrix
        // if not, build an orthonormal U from the specified U matrix

        // pre-calculate the values for epsilon (correction for violation of sphericity)
        // calculate the adjustment factors for degrees of freedom, noncentrality
        // as described in Gribbin.  Note that calculateEpsilon must be called before
        // these functions

    public void setPerGroupSampleSize(int perGroupN) {
        // pre-calculate the values for epsilon (correction for violation of sphericity)
        // calculate the adjustment factors for degrees of freedom, noncentrality
        // as described in Gribbin.  Note that calculateEpsilon must be called before
        // these functions

     * Calculate the denominator degrees of freedom for the UNIREP, based on
     * whether the null or alternative hypothesis is assumed true.
     * @param type distribution type
     * @return denominator degrees of freedom
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public double getDenominatorDF(DistributionType type) {
        // b = #columns in within subject contrast matrix
        int b = U.getColumnDimension();

        double df = b * (totalN - rank);
        // for the unirep test, the degrees of freedom change for power under the null vs alternative, and
        // also if we are doing data analysis under the null hypothesis

        // in the uncorrected test, we adjust by epsilon only for
        // power analysis under the alternative.  The ddf are the same for power
        // under the null and for data analysis
        switch (type) {
            df *= powerAlternativeDDFCorrection;
        case POWER_NULL:
            df *= powerNullDDFCorrection;
        case DATA_ANALYSIS_NULL:
            df *= dataAnalysisDDFCorrection;

        return df;

     * Calculate the non-centrality parameter for the UNIREP, based on
     * whether the null or alternative hypothesis is assumed true.
     * @param type distribution type
     * @return non-centrality parameter
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public double getNonCentrality(DistributionType type) {
        //double a = C.getRowDimension();
        double b = U.getColumnDimension();
        RealMatrix hypothesisSumOfSquares = getHypothesisSumOfSquares();
        // TODO: cache sig star, lam bar
        RealMatrix sigmaStar = forceSymmetric(U.transpose().multiply(sigmaError.multiply(U)));
        double lambdaBar = sigmaStar.getTrace() / rankU;

        return (hypothesisSumOfSquares.getTrace() / (lambdaBar / noncentralityCorrection));
        // calculate non-centrality and adjust for sphericity

        //return a*b*getObservedF(type)*(nuEst > 0 ? this.estimatedSigmaCorrection : this.unirepEpsilon);

     * Calculate the numerator degrees of freedom for the UNIREP, based on
     * whether the null or alternative hypothesis is assumed true.
     * @param type distribution type
     * @return numerator degrees of freedom
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public double getNumeratorDF(DistributionType type) {
        double a = C.getRowDimension();
        double b = U.getColumnDimension();

        double df = a * b;
        // for the unirep test, the degrees of freedom change for power under the null vs alternative, and
        // also if we are doing data analysis under the null hypothesis

        // in the uncorrected, we adjust by epsilon only for
        // power analysis under the alternative.  The ndf are the same for power
        // under the null and for data analysis
        switch (type) {
            df *= powerAlternativeNDFCorrection;
        case POWER_NULL:
            df *= powerNullNDFCorrection;
        case DATA_ANALYSIS_NULL:
            df *= dataAnalysisNDFCorrection;

        return df;

     * Calculate the observed F for the UNIREP, based on
     * whether the null or alternative hypothesis is assumed true.
     * @param type distribution type
     * @return observed F
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public double getObservedF(DistributionType type) {
        // calculate the hypothesis and error sum of squares matrices
        RealMatrix hypothesisSumOfSquares = getHypothesisSumOfSquares();
        RealMatrix errorSumOfSquares = getErrorSumOfSquares();

        double association = 0.0;

        double REP = getUnirep(hypothesisSumOfSquares, errorSumOfSquares);
        association = (REP / (1 + REP));

        double ddf = getDenominatorDF(type);
        double ndf = getNumeratorDF(type);
        return ((association) / ndf) / ((1 - association) / ddf);

     * Compute a Univariate Approach to Repeated Measures statistic
     * @param H hypothesis sum of squares matrix
     * @param E error sum of squares matrix
     * @returns F statistic
    protected double getUnirep(RealMatrix H, RealMatrix E) {
        if (!H.isSquare() || !E.isSquare() || H.getColumnDimension() != E.getRowDimension())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Failed to compute Unirep statistic: hypothesis and error matrices must be square and same dimensions");

        return H.getTrace() / E.getTrace();

     * Calculate the epsilon to correct for violations of sphericity
    protected void calculateEpsilon() {

        // TODO: why not compute these in the constructors?
        rankC = new SingularValueDecomposition(C).getRank();
        rankU = new SingularValueDecomposition(U).getRank();

        // TODO: why not check this in the constructors?
        if (nuEst > 0 && rankU > nuEst) {
            throw new NoHdlssSupportException(rankU, nuEst);

        // get the sigmaStar matrix: U' * sigmaError * U
        RealMatrix sigmaStar = forceSymmetric(U.transpose().multiply(sigmaError.multiply(U)));

        // get the eigen values of the normalized sigmaStar matrix
        sigmaStarEigenValues = new EigenDecomposition(sigmaStar.scalarMultiply(1 / sigmaStar.getTrace()))
        if (sigmaStarEigenValues.length <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to compute eigenvalues for sigma* matrix");
        // get the trace of sigma* and sigma* squared
        // to avoid looping over the eigenvalues twice, we also calculate the multiplicity for distinct eigenvalues

        // initialize values for the first eigen value
        double first = sigmaStarEigenValues[0];
        distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.add(new EigenValueMultiplicityPair(first, 1));
        sumLambda = first; // sum of the eigenvalues (i.e. trace of sigmaStar)
        sumLambdaSquared = first * first; // sum of squared eignevalues (trace of sigmaStar squared)

        // loop over remaining eigen values, saving distinct eigen values
        for (int i = 1; i < sigmaStarEigenValues.length; i++) {
            double value = sigmaStarEigenValues[i];
            // build the sum & sum of squares of eigen values
            sumLambda += value;
            sumLambdaSquared += value * value;

            // determine if this is a distinct eigen value and calculate multiplicity
            EigenValueMultiplicityPair prev = distinctSigmaStarEigenValues
                    .get(distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.size() - 1);
            if (Math.abs(prev.eigenValue - value) > eigenTolerance) {
                // found new distinct eigen value
                distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.add(new EigenValueMultiplicityPair(value, 1));
            } else {
                // repeat of same eigenvalue, so  increment the multiplicity

        //get the hypothesis sum of squares times 1/a
        RealMatrix H = getHypothesisSumOfSquares();
        RealMatrix HDivA = H.scalarMultiply((double) 1 / (double) rankC);

        double sigStarTrace = sigmaStar.getTrace();
        double sigStarSqTrace = MatrixUtils.getSumOfSquares(sigmaStar); //sigmaStar.transpose().multiply(sigmaStar).getTrace();
        RealMatrix sigStarH = sigmaStar.multiply(getHypothesisSumOfSquares());
        double sigStarHTrace = sigStarH.getTrace();

        // calculate estimate of epsilon (correction for violation of spehericity assumption)
        epsilonD = (sigStarTrace * sigStarTrace) / (rankU * (sigStarSqTrace));
        epsilonN = (sigStarTrace * sigStarTrace + 2 * sigStarTrace * HDivA.getTrace())
                / (rankU * (sigStarSqTrace + 2 * (sigmaStar.multiply(HDivA).getTrace())));
        if (cdfMethod == UnivariateCdfApproximation.MULLER_BARTON_APPROX)
            epsilonN = epsilonD;

        if (nuEst > 0) {

            //               EPSNHAT_NUM =  NU_EST # (Q3 # NU_EST # (NU_EST+{1}) + Q1 # Q2 # ({2}#MULT/A) - Q4 # {2} # NU_EST) ;
            //               EPSNHAT_DEN = (Q4 # NU_EST # NU_EST + Q5 #(2#MULT/A) - Q3# NU_EST)# NU_EST ;
            //               EPSNHAT = EPSNHAT_NUM / (B # EPSNHAT_DEN);
            double multiplier = nuEst * nuEst + nuEst - 2;
            double numerator = nuEst * (nuEst * (nuEst + 1) * sigStarTrace * sigStarTrace
                    - 2 * nuEst * sigStarSqTrace + 2 * multiplier * H.getTrace() * sigStarTrace / rankC);
            double denominator = nuEst * (nuEst * nuEst * sigStarSqTrace - nuEst * sigStarTrace * sigStarTrace
                    + 2 * multiplier * sigStarHTrace / rankC);

            epsilonTildeN = numerator / (rankU * denominator);

            epsilonTildeR = ((nuEst + 1) * rankU * epsilonD - 2) / (rankU * (nuEst - rankU * epsilonD));
            epsilonTildeR = (epsilonTildeR < 1 ? epsilonTildeR : 1);

     * Ensure that the within subject contrast is orthonormal for all
     * UNIREP tests
    protected void createOrthonormalU() {
        RealMatrix UtU = U.transpose().multiply(U);
        double upperLeft = UtU.getEntry(0, 0);
        if (upperLeft != 0)
            UtU = UtU.scalarMultiply(1 / upperLeft);

        RealMatrix diffFromIdentity = UtU.subtract(

        // get maximum absolute value in U'U
        double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int r = 0; r < diffFromIdentity.getRowDimension(); r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < diffFromIdentity.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
                double entryVal = Math.abs(diffFromIdentity.getEntry(r, c));
                if (entryVal > maxValue)
                    maxValue = entryVal;

        if (maxValue > Precision.SAFE_MIN) {
            // U'U matrix deviates from identity, so create a U matrix that is orthonormal
            // TODO: thus UNIREP tests may use a different U matrix than HLT/PBT/WLR tests???
            // TODO: displayed matrix results are incorrect now?
            U = new GramSchmidtOrthonormalization(U).getQ();
            debug("U replaced by orthonormal", U);

     * Calculate the correction factors for numerator degrees of
     * freedom for data analysis, power under the null and power
     * under the alternative
    protected void calculateNDFCorrection() {
        dataAnalysisNDFCorrection = 1;
        powerNullNDFCorrection = 1;
        if (nuEst == 0)
            powerAlternativeNDFCorrection = epsilonN;
            powerAlternativeNDFCorrection = epsilonTildeN;

     * Calculate the correction factors for denominator degrees of
     * freedom for data analysis, power under the null and power
     * under the alternative
    protected void calculateDDFCorrection() {
        dataAnalysisDDFCorrection = 1;
        powerNullDDFCorrection = 1;
        powerAlternativeDDFCorrection = epsilonD;

     * Calculate the correction factors for noncentrality
     * parameter.  This is only relevant for power under the alternative.
    protected void calculateNoncentralityCorrection() {
        if (nuEst == 0)
            noncentralityCorrection = epsilonN;
            noncentralityCorrection = epsilonTildeN;

     * Get the degrees of freedom for the Chi-sqaured distribution used
     * in building confidence limits on power as described by Gribbin.
     * @return
    public double getConfidenceLimitsDegreesOfFreedom() {
        return rankU * nuEst * powerAlternativeDDFCorrection / noncentralityCorrection;

     * A convenience method for DEBUG logging of a matrix
     * with a label.
     * @param label      The label.
     * @param realMatrix The matrix.
    private static void debug(String label, RealMatrix realMatrix) {
        LOGGER.debug(MatrixUtilities.logMessageSupplier(label, realMatrix));

     * Exception reflecting the fact that support for the so-called
     * "high dimension, low sample size" category does not exist yet.
    public static class NoHdlssSupportException extends RuntimeException {
        private static final String MESSAGE = "The rank of the within-participant contrast matrix (%d) "
                + "exceeds the error degrees of freedom (%d). This puts this "
                + "study design into the HDLSS (high dimension, low sample size) "
                + "category, which we do not yet support. "
                + "In Options > Confidence Intervals, please either increase "
                + "&#8220;Total sample size&#8221;, decrease &#8220;Rank of "
                + "the design matrix&#8221;, or both; or else check "
                + "&#8220;Don't include confidence intervals for power&#8221;.";

         * Construct an instance of this class.
         * @param rankU The rank of the U matrix.
         * @param nuEst The error degrees of freedom.
        public NoHdlssSupportException(int rankU, int nuEst) {
            super(String.format(MESSAGE, rankU, nuEst));