Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; /** * A VCF Writer that averages values of some fields over a set of annotations, * then writes the result to an IGV file format. * * @author Nyasha Chambwe * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: 12/12/11 * Time: 1:39 PM */ public class AnnotationAveragingWriter extends VCFWriter implements RegionWriter { Writer outputWriter; private boolean initialized; private int numSamples; private RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome; String[] chosenFormatFields; private MethylCountProvider provider; private String annotationFilename = null; @RegisterThis public static final DynamicOptionClient doc = new DynamicOptionClient(AnnotationAveragingWriter.class, EmpiricalPValueEstimator.LOCAL_DYNAMIC_OPTIONS, "annotations:annotation filename:", "write-counts:boolean, when true write C and Cm for regions:false", "write-observations:boolean, when true write oservations to disk: false", "contexts:string, coma delimited list of contexts for which to evaluate methylation rate. Contexts can be CpG, CpA,CpC,CpT,CpN. Default is CpG only:CpG"); public static final DynamicOptionClient doc() { return doc; } private String[] groups; private int numGroups; private int[] sampleIndexToGroupIndex; private boolean fisherRInstalled; private SortedAnnotations annotations = new SortedAnnotations(); private Int2ObjectMap<FormatFieldCounter> counterMap = new Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap<FormatFieldCounter>(); /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AnnotationAveragingWriter.class); /** * An array that enumerates the sequence contexts under consideration */ String[] contexts = { "CpG", "CpA", "CpC", "CpT", "CpN" }; boolean processGroups; private IntList selectedFormatColumnIndices; private String[] samples; private ArrayList<GroupComparison> groupComparisons = new ArrayList<GroupComparison>(); private boolean aggregateAllContexts; private Boolean estimateIntraGroupDifferences; private OutputInfo outputInfo; private Boolean writeCounts; private Boolean estimateIntraGroupP; private Boolean writeNumSites = true; final EmpiricalPValueEstimator empiricalPValueEstimator = new EmpiricalPValueEstimator(); private final String[] identifiers = new String[5]; private Boolean writeObservations; public AnnotationAveragingWriter(OutputInfo outputInfo, MethylCountProvider provider) { this(outputInfo, null, provider); } public AnnotationAveragingWriter(final Writer writer, RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome, MethylCountProvider provider) { this(new OutputInfoFromWriter(writer), genome, provider); } public void setWriteNumSites(boolean b) { writeNumSites = b; } public void setContexts(String[] strings) { contexts = strings; } public AnnotationAveragingWriter(final OutputInfo outputInfo, RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome, MethylCountProvider provider) { super(new NullWriter()); String contextString = doc.getString("contexts"); String[] contextTokens = contextString.split(","); if (contextTokens.length != 0) {"registering user defined contexts: " + ObjectArrayList.wrap(contextTokens)); contexts = contextTokens; } estimateIntraGroupDifferences = doc.getBoolean("estimate-intra-group-differences"); estimateIntraGroupP = doc.getBoolean("estimate-empirical-P"); writeCounts = doc.getBoolean("write-counts"); writeObservations = doc.getBoolean("write-observations"); if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences || estimateIntraGroupP) { String basename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(outputInfo.getFilename()); if (basename == null) { basename = Long.toString(new Date().getTime()); } if (writeObservations) { String filename = basename + "-" + (estimateIntraGroupDifferences ? "null" : "test") + "-observations.tsv"; try { obsWriter = new ObservationWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); obsWriter.setHeaderIds( new String[] { "context", "chromosome", "start", "end", "annotation-id" }); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot open observation file for writing: " + filename); } } } this.provider = provider; this.outputInfo = outputInfo; if (!estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { outputWriter = outputInfo.getPrintWriter(); } else { outputWriter = new NullWriter(); } this.genome = genome; initialized = false; processGroups = true; } /** * Initialize variables for each declared sample. Write header to output. Executes exactly once per output file. */ private void init() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; samples = provider.getSamples(); numSamples = samples.length; groups = provider.getGroups(); if (groups == null) { processGroups = false; numGroups = 0; } else { if (groups.length < 1) { System.err.println("Methylation format requires at least one group."); System.exit(1); } numGroups = groups.length; } empiricalPValueEstimator.configure(contexts.length, doc); empiricalPValueEstimator.setGroupEnumerator(new SamplePairEnumerator(sampleIndexToGroupIndex, numSamples, numGroups, groupComparisons.size())); // load annotations annotations.setGenome(this.genome); try { assert annotationFilename != null : "annotation filename cannot be null"; annotations.loadAnnotations(annotationFilename);"annotations " + annotationFilename + " loaded."); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("An error occurred loading the annotation file: " + annotationFilename); return; } //write headers writeHeaders(); //activate R try { final Rengine rEngine = GobyRengine.getInstance().getRengine(); fisherRInstalled = rEngine != null && rEngine.isAlive(); } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.out.println("Cannot initialize R"); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { empiricalPValueEstimator.setNullDistribution( new EstimatedDistribution(contexts.length, empiricalPValueEstimator.getStatAdaptor())); } if ((estimateIntraGroupDifferences || estimateIntraGroupP) && !(obsWriter instanceof DummyObservationWriter)) { empiricalPValueEstimator.getStatAdaptor().setObservationWriter(obsWriter); } } } private void writeHeaders() { try { // IGV format - maintain fidelity outputWriter.append("Chromosome\tStart\tEnd\tFeature"); if (writeCounts) { for (String context : contexts) { for (String sample : samples) { writeStatForSample(sample, context, "#C"); } } for (String context : contexts) { for (String sample : samples) { writeStatForSample(sample, context, "#Cm"); } } } for (String context : contexts) { for (String sample : samples) { writeStatForSample(sample, context, "MR"); } } if (groups != null) { if (writeCounts) { for (String context : contexts) { for (String group : groups) { writeStatForSample(group, context, "#C"); } } for (String context : contexts) { for (String group : groups) { writeStatForSample(group, context, "#Cm"); } } } for (String context : contexts) { for (String group : groups) { writeStatForSample(group, context, "MR"); } } } if (writeNumSites) { for (String context : contexts) { for (String sample : samples) { writeStatForSample(sample, context, "#Sites"); } } if (groups != null) { for (String context : contexts) { for (String group : groups) { writeStatForSample(group, context, "#Sites"); } } } } for (String context : contexts) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { writeStatForGroupComparison(comparison, context, "fisherP"); } } for (String context : contexts) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { writeStatForGroupComparison(comparison, context, "deltaMR"); } } if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { empiricalPValueEstimator.recordWithinGroupSamplePairs(groups); } if (estimateIntraGroupP) { for (final String context : contexts) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { empiricalPValueEstimator.recordBetweenGroupsSamplePairs(comparison); writeStatForGroupComparison(comparison, context, "empiricalP"); } } } outputWriter.append('\n'); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void writeStatForSample(String trackName, String context, String statName) throws IOException { StringBuilder columnName = new StringBuilder(); outputWriter.append('\t'); columnName.append(statName + "["); columnName.append(trackName); columnName.append("]"); if (!aggregateAllContexts) { columnName.append("["); columnName.append(context); columnName.append("]"); } outputWriter.append(columnName.toString()); } private void writeStatForGroupComparison(GroupComparison comparison, String context, String statName) throws IOException { StringBuilder comparisonName = new StringBuilder(); outputWriter.append('\t'); comparisonName.append(statName + "["); comparisonName.append(comparison.nameGroup1); comparisonName.append("/"); comparisonName.append(comparison.nameGroup2); comparisonName.append("]"); if (!aggregateAllContexts) { comparisonName.append("["); comparisonName.append(context); comparisonName.append("]"); } outputWriter.append(comparisonName.toString()); } @Override public void writeRecord() { init(); addValuesAndAverage();; } /** * Increment counters for methylated and non-methylated cytosines across * sequence contexts, samples and groups */ private void addValuesAndAverage() { final String chromosome = provider.getChromosome().toString(); final int pos = provider.getPosition(); final int refIndex = genome.getReferenceIndex(chromosome); String currentContext = findGenomicContext(refIndex, pos); int contextIndex = codeIndex(currentContext); if (contextIndex == -1) { return; } if (annotations.hasOverlappingAnnotations(refIndex, pos)) { final IntAVLTreeSet validOverlappingAnnotations = annotations.getValidAnnotationIndices(); // process each individual sample for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) { for (int each : validOverlappingAnnotations) { // increment counters for each annotation overlapping at this position FormatFieldCounter cntr = counterMap.get(each); if (cntr == null) { cntr = new FormatFieldCounter(each, numSamples, numGroups, contexts); counterMap.put(each, cntr); } cntr.incrementCounts(sampleIndex, sampleIndexToGroupIndex, provider.getC(sampleIndex), provider.getCm(sampleIndex), contextIndex); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.debug("sample " + samples[sampleIndex] + " " + "position: " + pos); } } } } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Did not find overlapping annotations for " + chromosome + " : position: " + pos); } } final IntSet currentAnnotations = counterMap.keySet(); for (final int annot : currentAnnotations) { buildAnnotationRecordForOutput(chromosome, pos, annot); } } private int codeIndex(String currentContext) { int contextIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { if (currentContext.equals(contexts[i])) { contextIndex = i; } } if (aggregateAllContexts) { //all counts go to single "ALL" context. return 0; } if (contextIndex == -1) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("context was not recognized: " + currentContext); } return contextIndex; } private ObservationWriter obsWriter = new DummyObservationWriter(); private void buildAnnotationRecordForOutput(String chromosome, int pos, int anno) { if (annotations.pastChosenAnnotation(anno, chromosome, pos)) { // this annotation is ready to be written Annotation annoOut = annotations.getAnnotation(anno); FormatFieldCounter counter = counterMap.get(anno); StringBuilder lineToOutput = new StringBuilder(""); try { if (writeObservations) { identifiers[0] = "context"; // will be filled below. identifiers[1] = annoOut.getChromosome(); identifiers[2] = String.valueOf(annoOut.getStart()); identifiers[3] = String.valueOf(annoOut.getEnd()); identifiers[4] = annoOut.getId(); obsWriter.setElementIds(identifiers); } lineToOutput.append(annoOut.getChromosome()); lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(String.valueOf(annoOut.getStart())); lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(String.valueOf(annoOut.getEnd())).append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(annoOut.getId()); if (writeCounts) { for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int unMethylatedCCounterPerSample = counter .getUnmethylatedCCountPerSample(currentContext, sampleIndex); lineToOutput.append(unMethylatedCCounterPerSample); } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int methylatedCCounterPerSample = counter .getMethylatedCCountPerSample(currentContext, sampleIndex); lineToOutput.append(methylatedCCounterPerSample); } } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final double methylationRatePerSample = counter.getMethylationRatePerSample(currentContext, sampleIndex); // System.out.printf("context=%s sample=%s mr=%g %n", contexts[currentContext], samples[sampleIndex], methylationRatePerSample); lineToOutput.append(formatDouble(methylationRatePerSample)); } } if (writeCounts) { for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numGroups; groupIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int unMethylatedCCounterPerGroup = counter .getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, groupIndex); lineToOutput.append(unMethylatedCCounterPerGroup); } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numGroups; groupIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int methylatedCCounterPerGroup = counter .getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, groupIndex); lineToOutput.append(methylatedCCounterPerGroup); } } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numGroups; groupIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append( formatDouble(counter.getMethylationRatePerGroup(currentContext, groupIndex))); } } if (writeNumSites) { for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int numSitesPerSample = counter.getNumberOfSitesPerSample(currentContext, sampleIndex); lineToOutput.append(numSitesPerSample); } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numGroups; groupIndex++) { lineToOutput.append("\t"); final int numSitesPerGroup = counter.getNumberOfSitesPerGroup(currentContext, groupIndex); lineToOutput.append(numSitesPerGroup); } } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { final int indexGroup1 = comparison.indexGroup1; final int indexGroup2 = comparison.indexGroup2; double fisherP = Double.NaN; final boolean ok = checkCounts(counter, currentContext); if (ok) { fisherP = fisherRInstalled ? FisherExactRCalculator.getFisherPValue( counter.getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup1), counter.getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup1), counter.getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup2), counter.getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup2)) : Double.NaN; } else { LOG.error(String.format( "An exception was caught evaluation the Fisher Exact test P-value. " + "Details are provided below%n" + "[[%s %s] [%s %s]]", counter.getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup1), counter.getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup1), counter.getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup2), counter.getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup2))); } lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(formatDouble(fisherP)); } } for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { final int indexGroup1 = comparison.indexGroup1; final int indexGroup2 = comparison.indexGroup2; final double deltaMR = Math .abs(counter.getMethylationRatePerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup1) - counter.getMethylationRatePerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup2)); lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(formatDouble(deltaMR)); } } if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { obsWriter.setTypeOfPair(ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair.WITHIN_GROUP_PAIR); for (int currentContext = 0; currentContext < contexts.length; currentContext++) { identifiers[0] = contexts[currentContext]; int groupIndex = 0; for (String group : groups) { empiricalPValueEstimator.estimateNullDensity(currentContext, groupIndex, counter); groupIndex++; } } } if (estimateIntraGroupP) { obsWriter.setTypeOfPair(ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair.BETWEEN_GROUP_PAIR); for (int contextIndex = 0; contextIndex < contexts.length; contextIndex++) { identifiers[0] = contexts[contextIndex]; for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { obsWriter.setComparison(comparison); final double p = empiricalPValueEstimator.estimateEmpiricalPValue(contextIndex, comparison, counter); lineToOutput.append("\t"); lineToOutput.append(formatDouble(p)); } } } outputWriter.append(lineToOutput.toString()); outputWriter.append("\n"); counterMap.remove(anno); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Format double, rendering NaN as empty string. * * @param value * @return */ private String formatDouble(double value) { if (value != value) { // value is NaN return ""; } else { return String.format("%.4g", value); } } private boolean checkCounts(FormatFieldCounter tempCounter, int currentContext) { boolean ok = true; // detect if any count is negative (that's a bug) for (int indexGroup = 0; indexGroup < numGroups; indexGroup++) { if (tempCounter.getUnmethylatedCcountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup) < 0) { ok = false; } if (tempCounter.getMethylatedCCountPerGroup(currentContext, indexGroup) < 0) { ok = false; } } return ok; } @Override public void close() { if (!counterMap.isEmpty()) { IntSet currentAnnotations = counterMap.keySet(); for (int anno : currentAnnotations) { buildAnnotationRecordForOutput(annotations.getAnnotationsLastChromosome(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, anno); } } outWriter.close(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputWriter); if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { // when estimating intra-group differences, we serialize the estimator to the output. try { LOG.debug("Storing density to filename: " + outputInfo.getFilename());, outputInfo.getFilename()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to write estimator to file", e); } } if (obsWriter != null) { obsWriter.close(); } } private String findGenomicContext(int referenceIndex, int position) { int referenceLength = genome.getLength(referenceIndex); int zeroBasedPos = position - 1; char currentBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, zeroBasedPos); char nextBase = '?'; String tempContext = new StringBuilder().append('C').append('p').toString(); char concatBase = 'N'; if (currentBase == 'C') { if (referenceLength == position) { return Character.toString(currentBase); } nextBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, (zeroBasedPos + 1)); concatBase = nextBase; } else { if (currentBase == 'G') { if (zeroBasedPos == 0) { return Character.toString(currentBase); } nextBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, (zeroBasedPos - 1)); switch (nextBase) { case 'C': concatBase = 'G'; break; case 'A': concatBase = 'T'; break; case 'T': concatBase = 'A'; break; case 'G': concatBase = 'C'; break; } } } tempContext = tempContext.concat(Character.toString(concatBase)); return tempContext; } @Override public void setGroupComparisons(ArrayList<GroupComparison> groupComparisons) { this.groupComparisons = groupComparisons; } @Override public void setGenome(RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome) { this.genome = genome; } /** * Set the annotation filename. * * @param annotationFilename */ @Override public void setAnnotationFilename(String annotationFilename) { this.annotationFilename = annotationFilename; } /** * Set the sample index to group index array * * @param readerIndexToGroupIndex */ @Override public void setSampleIndexToGroupIndex(int[] readerIndexToGroupIndex) { sampleIndexToGroupIndex = readerIndexToGroupIndex; } @Override public void setAggregateAllContexts(boolean aggregateAllContexts) { this.aggregateAllContexts = aggregateAllContexts; if (aggregateAllContexts) { contexts = new String[] { "ALL" }; } } public void setWriteCounts(boolean b) { writeCounts = b; } }