Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.util.BitSet; /** * Builds a permutation of query indices to small values. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: 3/5/12 * Time: 5:10 PM */ public class QueryIndexPermutation implements QueryIndexPermutationInterface { /** * Used to log informational and debug messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(QueryIndexPermutation.class); @RegisterThis public static DynamicOptionClient doc = new DynamicOptionClient(QueryIndexPermutation.class, "safe-mode:boolean, when true keeps query indices in memory even when the link appears" + " to point backwards. This can help process some incorrect BAM files where pair-links" + " incorrectly map the mate on the same reference, when it appears on a different chromosome with " + " a position earlier than the primary read. Please note that this option can consume large amounts of " + " memory and should be used only for problematic BAM input files:false"); private int smallestIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int biggestSmallIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private PermutationWriter permutationWriter; private final String basename; private int globalQueryMaxOccurences = 1; private final Int2IntMap offlinePermutation = new Int2IntLinkedOpenHashMap(); private static final int MAX_OFFLINE_CAPACITY = 100000; private boolean isSafeMode; private boolean closed; public static DynamicOptionClient doc() { return doc; } public void reset() { smallestIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; biggestSmallIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE; smallIndexCounter = 0; queryIndexPermutation.clear(); queryIndexPermutation.defaultReturnValue(-1); timesRequested.defaultReturnValue((byte) 1); if (permutationWriter != null) { permutationWriter.close(); } permutationWriter = new PermutationWriter(basename); isSafeMode = doc().getBoolean("safe-mode"); } public QueryIndexPermutation(String filename) { this.basename = AlignmentReaderImpl.getBasename(filename); reset(); } @Override public Alignments.AlignmentEntry makeSmallIndices(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder merged = Alignments.AlignmentEntry.newBuilder(entry); makeSmallIndices(merged); return; } @Override public void makeSmallIndices(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry) { final int queryIndex = entry.getQueryIndex(); /* if (queryIndex == 127177) { System.out.println("STOP"); System.out.flush(); }*/ final int maxOccurence = calculateQueryIndexOccurrences(entry); /*if (queryIndex == 127177) { System.out.println("queryIndex=413876 qio=" + maxOccurence); } */ final int smallIndex = getSmallIndex(queryIndex, maxOccurence); entry.setQueryIndex(smallIndex); smallestIndex = Math.min(smallestIndex, smallIndex); biggestSmallIndex = Math.max(biggestSmallIndex, smallIndex); assert smallIndex != -1 : "Query small index must never be negative. Observed for original queryIndex=" + queryIndex + " " +; } private int calculateQueryIndexOccurrences(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry) { if (entry.hasQueryIndexOccurrences()) { // if we already know the number of times query index occurs in the genome, use that. return entry.getQueryIndexOccurrences(); } else { // all entries have at least one occurrence across the genome (this is why they are in the entries file): final int queryIndex = entry.getQueryIndex(); int queryIndexOccurrences = timesRequested.get(queryIndex) + 1; // entries with a paired entry in the future get a +1 queryIndexOccurrences += entry.hasPairAlignmentLink() && (isForward(entry, entry.getPairAlignmentLink()) || isSafeMode) ? 1 : 0; // entries with a spliced link forward get +1 queryIndexOccurrences += entry.hasSplicedForwardAlignmentLink() ? 1 : 0; if (entry.hasPairAlignmentLink()) { queryIndexOccurrences = Math.max(queryIndexOccurrences, entry.getPairAlignmentLink().getFragmentIndex() + 1); } if (entry.hasSplicedForwardAlignmentLink()) { queryIndexOccurrences = Math.max(queryIndexOccurrences, entry.getSplicedForwardAlignmentLink().getFragmentIndex() + 1); } return queryIndexOccurrences; } } // determine if the pair link points forward in genomic orientation. Only needs to deal with sorted alignments // since permutations are not written for unsorted. private boolean isForward(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry, final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry pairAlignmentLink) { final int targetIndex = entry.getTargetIndex(); final int position = entry.getPosition(); final int linkedTargetIndex = pairAlignmentLink.getTargetIndex(); final int linkedPosition = pairAlignmentLink.getPosition(); if (linkedTargetIndex == targetIndex) { return linkedPosition >= position; } else { return linkedTargetIndex > targetIndex; } } @Override public int getSmallestIndex() { if (smallestIndex == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return 0; } return smallestIndex; } @Override public int getBiggestSmallIndex() { return biggestSmallIndex; } @Override public final void setSmallestIndex(final int value) { smallestIndex = value; } @Override public final void setBiggestSmallIndex(final int value) { biggestSmallIndex = value; } @Override public int permutate(final int queryIndex) { return permutate(queryIndex, globalQueryMaxOccurences); } @Override public int permutate(final int queryIndex, final int maxQueryIndexOccurrence) { final int smallIndex = getSmallIndex(queryIndex, maxQueryIndexOccurrence); smallestIndex = Math.min(smallestIndex, smallIndex); biggestSmallIndex = Math.max(biggestSmallIndex, smallIndex); return smallIndex; } /** * Call this method when you know the queryIndex is currently in the queryIndexPermutation map. * * @param queryIndex * @param maxQueryIndexOccurrence * @return */ public int internalDoPerm(final int queryIndex, final int maxQueryIndexOccurrence) { final int smallIndex = queryIndexPermutation.get(queryIndex); final byte timesSeen = (byte) (timesRequested.get(queryIndex) + 1); // decide if we have reached max observations for this query index: if (timesSeen >= maxQueryIndexOccurrence) { // if yes, remove the index from the map, it will not be asked again. queryIndexPermutation.remove(queryIndex); pushToPreStorage(queryIndex, smallIndex); } else { // if not, keep it in the map until requested that many times. timesRequested.put(queryIndex, timesSeen); } queryIndicesAlreadySeen.set(queryIndex); return smallIndex; } private void pushToPreStorage(int queryIndex, int smallIndex) { // System.out.printf("pushing to pre-storage queryIndex=%d smallIndex=%d %n",queryIndex, smallIndex); moveIndexToPreOffline(queryIndex, smallIndex); if (offlinePermutation.size() > MAX_OFFLINE_CAPACITY) { save(); } } private int smallIndexCounter = 0; private final Int2IntMap queryIndexPermutation = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); private final BitSet queryIndicesAlreadySeen = new BitSet(); private final Int2ByteMap timesRequested = new Int2ByteOpenHashMap(); private int getSmallIndex(final int queryIndex, final int maxObservations) { if (!queryIndicesAlreadySeen.get(queryIndex)) { // not seen before, let's associate the next small index for this new query index /* final int result = queryIndexPermutation.get(queryIndex); assert result==-1 :" the result cannot be different from -1"; if (result == -1) { */ final int smallIndex = smallIndexCounter++; queryIndicesAlreadySeen.set(queryIndex, true); if (maxObservations > 1) { queryIndexPermutation.put(queryIndex, smallIndex); timesRequested.put(queryIndex, (byte) 1); } else { // if maxObs<=1 we don't need to remember the queryIndex in memory pushToPreStorage(queryIndex, smallIndex); } return smallIndex; /* } else { return result; }*/ } else { // the query index was seen before, and we need to return the small index previously associated with // that large index. final int smallIndex = internalDoPerm(queryIndex, maxObservations); return smallIndex; } // return fetchExternal(queryIndex); } /** * Take a query index and associated small index and move to pre-offline (immediate state before write). * * @param queryIndex * @param smallIndex */ private void moveIndexToPreOffline(final int queryIndex, final int smallIndex) { offlinePermutation.put(queryIndex, smallIndex); } public void setPruneLimit(byte limit) { globalQueryMaxOccurences = limit; } @Override public void close() { if (!closed) { // move everything left to pre-offline state: for (final int queryIndex : queryIndexPermutation.keySet()) { moveIndexToPreOffline(queryIndex, queryIndexPermutation.get(queryIndex)); } queryIndexPermutation.clear(); // now save it: save(); permutationWriter.close(); closed = true; } } /** * Return true if the query index is kept in memory with its small index, false otherwise. * * @param queryIndex * @return */ public boolean isInMap(int queryIndex) { return queryIndexPermutation.containsKey(queryIndex); } private void save() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Saving new permutation chunk "); } try { permutationWriter.append(offlinePermutation); offlinePermutation.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write permutation component.", e); } } /** * Indicates that the query index is now on disk. * * @param queryIndex * @return */ public boolean isOnDisk(int queryIndex) { return !isInMap(queryIndex) && queryIndicesAlreadySeen.get(queryIndex); } }