Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This file is part of the Goby IO API. * * The Goby IO API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The Goby IO API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the Goby IO API. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.util.*; /** * Read over a set of alignments. This aligner concatenates entries from the input alignment. * Reference sequences must match exactly across the input alignments. * Query are assumed to be entirely distinct and will be treated as independent observations (e.g., * reads from multiple independent samples). To this effect, alignment entries read from * different input basenames, which would otherwise share an identical query index, * are renumbered with distinct query indices. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: May 20, 2009 * Time: 5:06:01 PM */ public class ConcatAlignmentReader extends AbstractConcatAlignmentReader { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ConcatAlignmentReader.class); protected final AlignmentReader[] readers; protected final IntSet readersWithMoreEntries; /** * One element per reader. */ private final int[] numQueriesPerReader; /** * One element per reader. */ private final int[] queryIndexOffset; protected int activeIndex; protected boolean adjustQueryIndices = true; private int numberOfAlignedReads; /** * Permutations for read origin indices. The first index is the index of the input reader. * The second index is the original read origin index in the input reader. The value is the * permuted read origin index for the concatenated entry. */ private int[][] readOriginPermutations; private boolean needsPermutation; private String[] basenames; // indicates whether a reader has read a origin information: private boolean[] hasReadOrigin; /** * Construct an alignment reader over a set of alignments. * Please note that the constructor access the header of each individual alignment to * check reference sequence identity and obtain the number of queries in each input alignment. * This version uses adjustQueryIndices as the default true. * * @param basenames Basenames of the individual alignemnts to combine. * @throws IOException If an error occurs reading the header of the alignments. */ public ConcatAlignmentReader(final String... basenames) throws IOException { this(new DefaultAlignmentReaderFactory(), true, basenames); } /** * Construct an alignment reader over a set of alignments. * Please note that the constructor access the header of each individual alignment to * check reference sequence identity and obtain the number of queries in each input alignment. * This version uses adjustQueryIndices as the default true. * * @param basenames Basenames of the individual alignemnts to combine. * @param adjustQueryIndices if we need to adjustQueryIndices * @throws IOException If an error occurs reading the header of the alignments. */ public ConcatAlignmentReader(boolean adjustQueryIndices, final String... basenames) throws IOException { this(new DefaultAlignmentReaderFactory(), adjustQueryIndices, basenames); } /** * Construct an alignment reader over a set of alignments. * Please note that the constructor access the header of each individual alignment to * check reference sequence identity and obtain the number of queries in each input alignment. * * @param alignmentReaderFactory Factory to create new alignmentReaders. * @param adjustQueryIndices if we need to adjustQueryIndices * @param basenames Basenames of the individual alignemnts to combine. * @throws IOException If an error occurs reading the header of the alignments. */ public ConcatAlignmentReader(final AlignmentReaderFactory alignmentReaderFactory, final boolean adjustQueryIndices, final String... basenames) throws IOException { super(true, null); this.adjustQueryIndices = adjustQueryIndices; readers = alignmentReaderFactory.createReaderArray(basenames.length); hasReadOrigin = new boolean[basenames.length]; readersWithMoreEntries = new IntArraySet(); for (int readerIndex = 0; readerIndex < basenames.length; readerIndex++) { readers[readerIndex] = alignmentReaderFactory.createReader(basenames[readerIndex]); readersWithMoreEntries.add(readerIndex); sampleBasenames.add(basenames[readerIndex]); } numQueriesPerReader = new int[basenames.length]; queryIndexOffset = new int[basenames.length]; concatenatePerms = new ConcatenatePermutations(basenames); this.basenames = basenames; readHeader(); } /** * Obtain the concatenate permutation helper. This helper indicates if a permutation had to be created to maintain * query index mapping and let you move such a temporary permutation file to a final destination. * * @return ConcatenatePermutations helper, which may have created a temporary global permutation file for the * concatenated input alignments. */ public ConcatenatePermutations getConcatPerm() { return concatenatePerms; } /** * Construct an alignment reader over a set of alignments. * Please note that the constructor access the header of each individual alignment to * check reference sequence identity and obtain the number of queries in each input alignment. * * @param alignmentReaderFactory Factory to create new alignmentReaders. * @param adjustQueryIndices if we need to adjustQueryIndices * @param startReferenceIndex Index of the reference for the start position. * @param startPosition Position on the reference for the start position. * @param endReferenceIndex Index of the reference for the end position. * @param endPosition Position on the reference for the end position. * @param basenames Basenames of the individual alignemnts to combine. * @throws IOException If an error occurs reading the header of the alignments. */ public ConcatAlignmentReader(final AlignmentReaderFactory alignmentReaderFactory, final boolean adjustQueryIndices, final int startReferenceIndex, final int startPosition, final int endReferenceIndex, final int endPosition, final String... basenames) throws IOException { super(true, null); this.adjustQueryIndices = adjustQueryIndices; readers = alignmentReaderFactory.createReaderArray(basenames.length); hasReadOrigin = new boolean[basenames.length]; readersWithMoreEntries = new IntArraySet(); int readerIndex = 0; for (final String basename : basenames) { readers[readerIndex] = alignmentReaderFactory.createReader(basename, startReferenceIndex, startPosition, endReferenceIndex, endPosition); readersWithMoreEntries.add(readerIndex); sampleBasenames.add(basename); readerIndex++; } numQueriesPerReader = new int[basenames.length]; queryIndexOffset = new int[basenames.length]; concatenatePerms = new ConcatenatePermutations(basenames); this.basenames = basenames; readHeader(); } private ConcatenatePermutations concatenatePerms; /** * Read the header of this alignment. * * @throws If an error occurs. */ @Override public final void readHeader() throws IOException { if (!isHeaderLoaded()) { adjustQueryIndices |= concatenatePerms.needsPermutation(); needsPermutation = concatenatePerms.needsPermutation(); final IntSet targetNumbers = new IntArraySet(); int readerIndex = 0; ObjectList<String> alignerNames = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); ObjectList<String> alignerVersions = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); numberOfQueries = 0; smallestQueryIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; largestQueryIndex = adjustQueryIndices ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : 0; readOriginPermutations = new int[readers.length][]; for (final AlignmentReader reader : readers) { reader.readHeader(); String alignerName = reader.getAlignerName(); String alignerVersion = reader.getAlignerVersion(); if (!(alignerNames.contains(alignerName) && alignerVersions.contains(alignerVersion))) { alignerNames.add(alignerName); alignerVersions.add(alignerVersion); } smallestQueryIndex = Math.min(reader.getSmallestSplitQueryIndex(), smallestQueryIndex); largestQueryIndex = adjustQueryIndices ? Math.max(largestQueryIndex, 0) + 1 + reader.getLargestSplitQueryIndex() : Math.max(reader.getLargestSplitQueryIndex(), largestQueryIndex); targetNumbers.add(reader.getNumberOfTargets()); final int numQueriesForReader = reader.getNumberOfQueries(); numQueriesPerReader[readerIndex] = numQueriesForReader; if (adjustQueryIndices) { numberOfQueries += numQueriesForReader; } else { numberOfQueries = Math.max(numberOfQueries, numQueriesForReader); } numberOfAlignedReads += reader.getNumberOfAlignedReads(); mergeReadOrigins(readerIndex, reader.getReadOriginInfo().getPbList(), readers.length); readerIndex++; } alignerName = alignerNames.toString(); alignerVersion = alignerVersions.toString(); if (targetNumbers.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The number of targets must match exactly across the input basenames. Found " + targetNumbers.toString()); } else { this.numberOfTargets = targetNumbers.iterator().nextInt(); } targetIdentifiers = new IndexedIdentifier(); // target information may have more or less targets depending on the reader, but indices must match across // all readers: boolean error = false; for (final AlignmentReader reader : readers) { IndexedIdentifier targetIds = reader.getTargetIdentifiers(); for (MutableString key : targetIds.keySet()) { if (!targetIdentifiers.containsKey(key)) { targetIdentifiers.put(key, targetIds.getInt(key)); } else { final int globalValue = targetIdentifiers.getInt(key); final int localValue = targetIds.getInt(key); if (globalValue != localValue) { error = true; LOG.error(String.format( "target indices must match across input alignments. Key %s was found with the distinct values global: %d local %d in alignment %s", key, globalValue, localValue, reader.basename())); } } } } if (error) { throw new RuntimeException("target indices must match across input alignments."); } targetLengths = new int[targetIdentifiers.size()]; // keep the maximum length across all readers. We do this to retrieve targetLength over alignments merged // from pieces that do not have entries for all target. for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < targetIdentifiers.size(); targetIndex++) { int maxLength = -1; for (final AlignmentReader reader : readers) { final int[] readerLengths = reader.getTargetLength(); if (readerLengths != null && readerLengths.length > targetIndex) { maxLength = Math.max(readerLengths[targetIndex], maxLength); targetLengths[targetIndex] = maxLength; } } } // calculate offsets needed to adjustQueryIndices for (int i = 0; i < queryIndexOffset.length; i++) { queryIndexOffset[i] = adjustQueryIndices ? i == 0 ? 0 : readers[i - 1].getLargestSplitQueryIndex() + 1 : 0; } } setHeaderLoaded(true); } private int nextAvailableReadOriginIndex = 0; private void mergeReadOrigins(final int readerIndex, final List<Alignments.ReadOriginInfo> readOriginInfo, final int numberOfReaders) { hasReadOrigin[readerIndex] = !readOriginInfo.isEmpty(); for (final Alignments.ReadOriginInfo roi : readOriginInfo) { final int[] permutation = new int[readOriginInfo.size()]; readOriginPermutations[readerIndex] = permutation; // for (int i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i++) { final int newReadOriginIndex = nextAvailableReadOriginIndex++; permutation[roi.getOriginIndex()] = newReadOriginIndex; final Alignments.ReadOriginInfo.Builder newRoi = Alignments.ReadOriginInfo.newBuilder(roi); newRoi.setOriginIndex(newReadOriginIndex); mergedReadOriginInfoList.add(; } } protected int mergedQueryIndex(final int readerIndex, final int queryIndex) { if (needsPermutation) { try { return concatenatePerms.combine(readerIndex, queryIndex); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to retrieve original query index from permutation for reader " + readerIndex + " basename=" + basenames[readerIndex], e); return -1; } } else { return adjustQueryIndices ? queryIndexOffset[readerIndex] + queryIndex : queryIndex; } } /** * Iterator over alignment entries. * * @return an iterator over the alignment entries. */ public final Iterator<Alignments.AlignmentEntry> iterator() { return this; } /** * Returns true if the input has more entries. * * @return true if the input has more entries, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasNext() { while (!readersWithMoreEntries.isEmpty()) { activeIndex = readersWithMoreEntries.iterator().nextInt(); final AlignmentReader reader = readers[activeIndex]; final boolean hasNext = reader.hasNext(); if (!hasNext) { readersWithMoreEntries.remove(activeIndex); } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return The list of aligner names with duplicates removed */ @Override public String getAlignerName() { return super.getAlignerName(); } /** * @return The list of aligner versions with duplicates removed */ @Override public String getAlignerVersion() { return super.getAlignerVersion(); } /** * Returns the next alignment entry from the input stream. * * @return the alignment read entry from the input stream. */ public Alignments.AlignmentEntry next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry alignmentEntry = readers[activeIndex].next(); final int queryIndex = alignmentEntry.getQueryIndex(); final int newQueryIndex = mergedQueryIndex(activeIndex, queryIndex); Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder builder = alignmentEntry.newBuilderForType() .mergeFrom(alignmentEntry); if (adjustQueryIndices && newQueryIndex != queryIndex) { builder = builder.setQueryIndex(newQueryIndex); } if (adjustSampleIndices) { builder = builder.setSampleIndex(activeIndex); } if (alignmentEntry.hasReadOriginIndex() && hasReadOrigin[activeIndex]) { // remove conflicts by permuting read origin index to the concatenated read origin indices: builder = builder.setReadOriginIndex( readOriginPermutations[activeIndex][alignmentEntry.getReadOriginIndex()]); } return; } } /** * This operation is not supported by this iterator. */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove from a reader."); } /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void setAdjustQueryIndices(final boolean adjustQueryIndices) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This operation is unsafe. Set flag through the constructor."); } /** * Obtain statistics about this alignment as a Java property instance. * * @return statistics about this alignment */ public Properties getStatistics() { int index = 1; final Properties result = new Properties(); for (final AlignmentReader reader : this.readers) { final Properties localProps = reader.getStatistics(); for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> localProp : localProps.entrySet()) { result.put("part" + index + "." + localProp.getKey().toString(), localProp.getValue()); } index++; } return result; } public int getNumberOfAlignedReads() { return numberOfAlignedReads; } /** * Close the underlying readers. * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void close() throws IOException { for (final AlignmentReader reader : readers) { reader.close(); } } public ObjectList<ReferenceLocation> getLocations(int modulo) throws IOException { readHeader(); ObjectSet<ReferenceLocation> result = new ObjectOpenHashSet<ReferenceLocation>(); for (AlignmentReader reader : this.readers) { result.addAll(reader.getLocations(modulo)); } ObjectList<ReferenceLocation> list = new ObjectArrayList<ReferenceLocation>(); list.addAll(result); Collections.sort(list); return list; } ObjectArrayList<Alignments.ReadOriginInfo> mergedReadOriginInfoList = new ObjectArrayList<Alignments.ReadOriginInfo>(); /** * Return the read origin infos for the concatenated alignment. * * @return A list of read origin info messages, adjusted to remove conflicts. */ public ReadOriginInfo getReadOriginInfo() { return new ReadOriginInfo(mergedReadOriginInfoList); } }