Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For information as to what this class does, see the Javadoc, below. // // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, // // 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Peter Spirtes, Richard Scheines, Joseph Ramsey, // // and Clark Glymour. // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import*; import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.*; import edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.*; import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.MatrixUtils; import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.RandomUtil; import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix; import edu.cmu.tetradapp.workbench.PngWriter; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static java.lang.Math.*; /** * Tests the IndTestTimeSeries class. * * @author Joseph Ramsey */ public class TestIndTestConditionalCorrelation extends TestCase { public TestIndTestConditionalCorrelation(String name) { super(name); } public void test1() { int total = 20; for (int N : new int[] { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }) { System.out.println("\n\n========SAMPLE SIZE " + N + "\n\n"); int numEqualKci = 0; int numEqualCci = 0; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { System.out.println("Round " + (i + 1)); GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm1(); // SemIm im = makeTestIm2(); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestKciMatlab(data, .01); IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(data, .1); Pc pc = new Pc(test); Graph graph =; SemGraph _graph = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); _graph.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(_graph); // System.out.println(truePattern); // System.out.println(graph); boolean equalsKci = graph.equals(truePattern); System.out.println("KCI equals " + equalsKci); if (equalsKci) { numEqualKci++; } IndependenceTest test2 = new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, .05); Pc pc2 = new Pc(test2); Graph graph3 =; // System.out.println(graph3); // System.out.println(truePattern); boolean equalsCci = graph3.equals(truePattern); System.out.println("CCI equals " + equalsCci); if (equalsCci) { numEqualCci++; } } double ratioKci = numEqualKci / (double) total; double ratioCci = numEqualCci / (double) total; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); System.out.println("Num equal KCI " + numEqualKci + " out of " + total + " = " + nf.format(ratioKci)); System.out.println("Num equal CCI " + numEqualCci + " out of " + total + " = " + nf.format(ratioCci)); } } private GeneralizedSemIm makeTestIm1() { Node x1 = new GraphNode("X1"); Node x2 = new GraphNode("X2"); Node x3 = new GraphNode("X3"); Node x4 = new GraphNode("X4"); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); nodes.add(x1); nodes.add(x2); nodes.add(x3); nodes.add(x4); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(); for (Node node : nodes) { graph.addNode(node); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble() > 0.5) { graph.addDirectedEdge(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)); } } } GeneralizedSemPm pm = new GeneralizedSemPm(graph); List<Node> variablesNodes = pm.getVariableNodes(); List<Node> errorNodes = pm.getErrorNodes(); try { for (Node node : variablesNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate("TSUM(NEW(a) * $)", pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } for (Node node : errorNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate("N(0,NEW(d))", pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } Set<String> parameters = pm.getParameters(); for (String parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.startsWith("a")) { pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, "U(-2,2)"); // pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, "Split(-1.5,-.5,.5,1.5)"); } else if (parameter.startsWith("d")) { pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, "U(.1,.6)"); // pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, "U(.6,1.5)"); } } } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println(e); } GeneralizedSemIm im = new GeneralizedSemIm(pm); return im; } private SemIm makeTestIm2() { Node x1 = new GraphNode("X1"); Node x2 = new GraphNode("X2"); Node x3 = new GraphNode("X3"); Node x4 = new GraphNode("X4"); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); nodes.add(x1); nodes.add(x2); nodes.add(x3); nodes.add(x4); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(); for (Node node : nodes) { graph.addNode(node); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble() > 0.5) { graph.addDirectedEdge(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)); } } } SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph); SemImInitializationParams params = new SemImInitializationParams(); params.setCoefRange(0., 2.0); params.setCoefSymmetric(true); params.setVarRange(.1, .6); return new SemIm(pm, params); } public void test2() { int numSets = 20; String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.09.03/pc_matlab/KCI-test-3/testdata3/"; File dir = new File(_dir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); for (int sampleSize : new int[] { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }) { for (int index = 0; index < numSets; index++) { SemIm im = makeTestIm2(); DataSet data = im.simulateData(sampleSize, false); File file = new File(dir, "data." + sampleSize + "." + index + ".txt"); try { saveData(data, file); // Need to save out the graphs too, in Matlab format. Man this is going ot be slow. } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } } } // Generate some canonical data sets for testing cross-platform. public void test3() { // if (true) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't overwrite output unless you reall mean it! Change output directory!"); // } int numEqual = 0; int total = 20; for (int N : new int[] { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }) { for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { System.out.println("Round " + (i + 1)); // GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm1(); SemIm im = makeTestIm2(); try { DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); String dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.09.03/pc_matlab/KCI-test-3/testdata3/"; // String dir = "/home/jdramsey/ccitest2/KCI-test-3/testdata/"; File file = new File(dir + "data." + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file); DataWriter.writeRectangularData(data, out, '\t'); File file2 = new File(dir + "graph." + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); File file3 = new File(dir + "graph.tetrad" + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); File file6 = new File(dir + "dag.tetrad" + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); Graph dag = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); dag = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(dag, data.getVariables()); Graph pattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(dag); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(file2); PrintWriter out3 = new PrintWriter(file3); PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file6); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), pattern, out2); out3.println(pattern.toString()); out6.println(dag.toString()); IndTestKciMatlab test = new IndTestKciMatlab(data, .05); // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(data, .1); Pc pc = new Pc(test); Graph pattern2 =; File file4 = new File(dir + "cci.graph." + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); File file5 = new File(dir + "cci.graph.tetrad" + N + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); PrintWriter out4 = new PrintWriter(file4); PrintWriter out5 = new PrintWriter(file5); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), pattern2, out4); out5.println(pattern2.toString()); out.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out4.close(); out5.close(); out6.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } } double ratio = numEqual / (double) total; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); System.out.println("Num equal " + numEqual + " out of " + total + " = " + nf.format(ratio)); } // Just to see how fast it runs through all of the tests. public void test4() { int numEqual = 0; int total = 20; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsed = 0l; // for (int N : new int[]{2000}) { for (int N : new int[] { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }) { for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { System.out.println("Round " + (i + 1)); // GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm1(); SemIm im = makeTestIm2(); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); IndTestConditionalCorrelation test = new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, .01); PcStable pc = new PcStable(test); long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Graph pattern2 =; long stop0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); elapsed += stop0 - start0; System.out.println(pattern2); } } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println((stop - start) + " ms"); System.out.println("Elapsed = " + elapsed + " ms"); } public void test5() { // Read in a specific file and watch specific variable values to compare with the Matlab version. try { // String dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.09.03/pc_matlab/KCI-test-3/testdata/"; // String dir = "/home/jdramsey/ccitest2/KCI-test-3/testdata/"; String dir = "/home/jdramsey/ccitest2/"; int N = 1000; for (int index = 1; index <= 20; index++) { // int index = 6; System.out.println("\n\n======INDEX " + index); File file = new File(dir + "data." + N + "." + index + ".txt"); File file2 = new File(dir + "graph." + N + "." + index + ".txt"); if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath()); } DataReader reader = new DataReader(); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); IndTestConditionalCorrelation test = new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(dataSet, .0001); // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(data, .1); List<Node> var = test.getVariables(); Node x = var.get(0); Node y = var.get(1); Node z = var.get(2); test.isIndependent(x, y, Collections.singletonList(z)); Pc pc = new Pc(test); Graph pattern2 =; long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println((stop - start) + " ms"); System.out.println(pattern2); writePatternAsMatrix(dataSet.getVariables(), pattern2, System.out); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Truth"); BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file2)); String line; while ((line = buf.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } public void test6() { double[] x = new double[] { .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1.0 }; for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { System.out.println(sin(2 * x[i])); } } public void test7() { System.out.println(pow(-1, -1)); } public void test8() { int NTHREDS = 100; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHREDS); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Runnable worker = new MyRunnable(10000000L + i); executor.execute(worker); } // This will make the executor accept no new threads // and finish all existing threads in the queue // executor.shutdown(); try { // Wait until all threads are finish executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); System.out.println("Finished all threads"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println((stop - start) + " ms"); } public void test9() { GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm3(20); SemGraph trueGraph = im.getGeneralizedSemPm().getGraph(); trueGraph.setShowErrorTerms(false); DataSet data = im.simulateData(2000, false); // Pc pc = new Pc(new IndTestFisherZ(data, 0.05)); // PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestFisherZ(data, 0.05)); // PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, 0.05)); PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, .1)); pc.setDepth(2); Graph graph =; System.out.println(graph); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, trueGraph.getNodes()); int fp = GraphUtils.adjacenciesComplement(graph, trueGraph).size(); int fn = GraphUtils.adjacenciesComplement(trueGraph, graph).size(); System.out.println("fp = " + fp); System.out.println("fn = " + fn); } private class MyRunnable implements Runnable { private final long countUntil; MyRunnable(long countUntil) { this.countUntil = countUntil; } @Override public void run() { long sum = 0; for (long i = 1; i < countUntil; i++) { sum += i; } System.out.println(sum); } } private void writePatternAsMatrix(List<Node> nodes, Graph pattern, PrintStream out2) { GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, nodes); for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++) { Node n1 = nodes.get(p); Node n2 = nodes.get(q); Edge edge = pattern.getEdge(n1, n2); if (edge == null) { out2.print(0); } else if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge)) { if (edge.pointsTowards(n2)) { out2.print(-1); } else { out2.print(0); } } else if (Edges.isUndirectedEdge(edge)) { out2.print(1); } else if (Edges.isBidirectedEdge(edge)) { out2.print(1); } else { out2.print(0); } if (q < 4 - 1) out2.print(","); } out2.println(); } } private void writePatternAsMatrix(List<Node> nodes, Graph pattern, PrintWriter out2) { pattern = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, nodes); for (int p = 0; p < nodes.size(); p++) { for (int q = 0; q < nodes.size(); q++) { Node n1 = nodes.get(p); Node n2 = nodes.get(q); Edge edge = pattern.getEdge(n1, n2); if (edge == null) { out2.print(0); } else if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge)) { if (edge.pointsTowards(n2)) { out2.print(-1); } else { out2.print(0); } } else if (Edges.isUndirectedEdge(edge)) { out2.print(1); } else if (Edges.isBidirectedEdge(edge)) { out2.print(-1); } else { out2.print(0); } if (q < nodes.size() - 1) out2.print(","); } out2.println(); } out2.flush(); } private void writeAdjacencyMatrix(List<Node> nodes, Graph graph, PrintWriter out2) { // out2.println(nodes); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); for (int p = 0; p < nodes.size(); p++) { for (int q = 0; q < nodes.size(); q++) { Node n1 = nodes.get(p); Node n2 = nodes.get(q); Edge edge = graph.getEdge(n1, n2); out2.print(edge != null ? 1 : 0); if (q < nodes.size() - 1) out2.print(","); } out2.println(); } out2.flush(); } private Graph readPatternAsMatrix(List<Node> nodes, DataSet dataSet) { // List<Node> nodes = dataSet.getVariables(); Graph pattern = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); for (int p = 0; p < nodes.size(); p++) { for (int q = 0; q < nodes.size(); q++) { if (p == q) continue; Node n1 = nodes.get(p); Node n2 = nodes.get(q); int i1 = (int) round(dataSet.getDouble(p, q)); int i2 = (int) round(dataSet.getDouble(q, p)); // System.out.println(i1 + " " + i2); if (i1 == -1 && i2 == 0) { pattern.addDirectedEdge(n1, n2); } else if (i1 == -1 && i2 == -1 && !pattern.isAdjacentTo(n1, n2)) { pattern.addBidirectedEdge(n2, n1); } else if (i1 == 1 && i2 == 1 && !pattern.isAdjacentTo(n1, n2)) { pattern.addUndirectedEdge(n1, n2); } } } return pattern; } /** * Saves data in the selected data set to a file. */ private void saveData(DataSet dataSet, File file) throws IOException { PrintWriter out; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output file could not be opened: " + file); } DataWriter.writeRectangularData(dataSet, out, '\t'); out.close(); } private GeneralizedSemIm makeTestIm3(int size) { Graph graph = GraphUtils.randomDag(size, size, false); GeneralizedSemPm pm = new GeneralizedSemPm(graph); List<Node> variablesNodes = pm.getVariableNodes(); List<Node> errorNodes = pm.getErrorNodes(); try { for (Node node : variablesNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate("TSUM(NEW(a) * $)", pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } for (Node node : errorNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate("U(-1,1)", pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } Set<String> parameters = pm.getParameters(); for (String parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.startsWith("a")) { pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, "U(-1,1)"); } } } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println(e); } GeneralizedSemIm im = new GeneralizedSemIm(pm); return im; } public void test10() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test10out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; int numVariables = 20; int numRuns = 20; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); for (int modelIndex = 1; modelIndex <= 14; modelIndex++) { double sumAP1 = 0.0; double sumAR1 = 0.0; double sumAP2 = 0.0; double sumAR2 = 0.0; int sumAP1N = 0; int sumAR1N = 0; int sumAP2N = 0; int sumAR2N = 0; for (int r = 0; r < numRuns; r++) { GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm4(numVariables, modelIndex); out.println(im); SemGraph gTrue = im.getGeneralizedSemPm().getGraph(); gTrue.setShowErrorTerms(false); DataSet data = im.simulateData(1000, false); PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, .05)); Graph graph =; // Goes to report. out.println(graph); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, gTrue.getNodes()); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(gTrue, graph); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(graph, gTrue); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(gTrue, graph); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP1 += adjPrecision; sumAP1N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR1 += adjRecall; sumAR1N++; } out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); Pc pc2 = new Pc(new IndTestFisherZ(data, 0.01)); Graph graph2 =; // Should go to the report. out.println(graph2); graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, gTrue.getNodes()); int adjFn2 = adjacenciesComplement(gTrue, graph2); int adjFp2 = adjacenciesComplement(graph2, gTrue); int truePosAdj2 = truePositivesAdj(gTrue, graph2); double adjPrecision2 = truePosAdj2 / (double) (truePosAdj2 + adjFp2); double adjRecall2 = truePosAdj2 / (double) (truePosAdj2 + adjFn2); if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision2)) { sumAP2 += adjPrecision2; sumAP2N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall2)) { sumAR2 += adjRecall2; sumAR2N++; } out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (Fisher Z) = " + adjPrecision2); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (Fisher Z) = " + adjRecall2); } out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AP (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumAP1 / sumAP1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AR (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumAR1 / sumAR1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AP (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumAP2 / sumAP2N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AR (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumAR2 / sumAR2N)); } out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test11() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int model = 6; int numVariables = 20; int N = 1000; int numRuns = 1; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); for (int modelIndex = 1; modelIndex <= 14; modelIndex++) { double sumAP1 = 0.0; double sumAR1 = 0.0; double sumAP2 = 0.0; double sumAR2 = 0.0; double sumEP1 = 0.0; double sumER1 = 0.0; double sumEP2 = 0.0; double sumER2 = 0.0; int sumAP1N = 0; int sumAR1N = 0; int sumAP2N = 0; int sumAR2N = 0; int sumEP1N = 0; int sumER1N = 0; int sumEP2N = 0; int sumER2N = 0; for (int r = 0; r < numRuns; r++) { GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm4(numVariables, modelIndex); out.println(im); SemGraph gTrue = im.getGeneralizedSemPm().getGraph(); gTrue.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(gTrue); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, .05)); Graph graph =; long stop2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Elapsed (just CCI) " + (stop2 - start2) / 1000L + " seconds"); // Goes to report. out.println(graph); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, truePattern.getNodes()); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, graph); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(graph, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, graph); int edgeFn = edgesComplement(truePattern, graph); int edgeFp = edgesComplement(graph, truePattern); int truePosEdges = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, graph); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); double edgePrecision = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFp); double edgeRecall = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFn); if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP1 += adjPrecision; sumAP1N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR1 += adjRecall; sumAR1N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision)) { sumEP1 += edgePrecision; sumEP1N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall)) { sumER1 += edgeRecall; sumER1N++; } out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); PcStable pc2 = new PcStable(new IndTestFisherZ(data, 0.05)); Graph graph2 =; // Should go to the report. out.println(graph2); graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, truePattern.getNodes()); int adjFn2 = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, graph2); int adjFp2 = adjacenciesComplement(graph2, truePattern); int truePosAdj2 = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, graph2); int edgeFn2 = edgesComplement(truePattern, graph2); int edgeFp2 = edgesComplement(graph2, truePattern); int truePosEdges2 = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, graph2); double adjPrecision2 = truePosAdj2 / (double) (truePosAdj2 + adjFp2); double adjRecall2 = truePosAdj2 / (double) (truePosAdj2 + adjFn2); double edgePrecision2 = truePosEdges2 / (double) (truePosEdges2 + edgeFp2); double edgeRecall2 = truePosEdges2 / (double) (truePosEdges2 + edgeFn2); if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision2)) { sumAP2 += adjPrecision2; sumAP2N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall2)) { sumAR2 += adjRecall2; sumAR2N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision2)) { sumEP2 += edgePrecision2; sumEP2N++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall2)) { sumER2 += edgeRecall2; sumER2N++; } out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (Fisher Z) = " + adjPrecision2); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (Fisher Z) = " + adjRecall2); } out.println("\nAverages"); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AP (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumAP1 / sumAP1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AR (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumAR1 / sumAR1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average EP (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumEP1 / sumEP1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average ER (CCI) = " + nf.format(sumER1 / sumER1N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AP (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumAP2 / sumAP2N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average AR (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumAR2 / sumAR2N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average EP (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumEP2 / sumEP2N)); out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " Average ER (Fisher Z) = " + nf.format(sumER2 / sumER2N)); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Elapsed " + (stop - start) / 1000L + " seconds"); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test12() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12final/"; // String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/test12final/"; File dir = new File(_dir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); int numRuns = 20; double alpha = 0.01; double gamma = 0.01; int numModels = 14; // This should be done only once. for (int model = 1; model <= numModels; model++) { System.out.println("================= MODEL " + model + " ================="); int numVariables = 5; int N = 1000; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) continue; GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm4(numVariables, model); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(file); DataWriter.writeRectangularData(data, out1, '\t'); File file2 = new File(dir, "graph." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file6 = new File(dir, "dag.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file7 = new File(dir, "model." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); SemGraph dag = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); dag.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph _dag = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(dag, data.getVariables()); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(_dag); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(file2); PrintWriter out3 = new PrintWriter(file3); PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file6); PrintWriter out7 = new PrintWriter(file7); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), truePattern, out2); out3.println(truePattern.toString()); out6.println(dag.toString()); out7.println(im); out1.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out6.close(); out7.close(); } } double[][] stats = new double[14][8]; for (int model = 1; model <= 14; model++) { System.out.println("MODEL " + model); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); String[] indTestTypes = new String[] { "fisherz", "drton", "kci", "cci" }; // String[] indTestTypes = new String[]{"fisherz", "drton"}; // String indTestType = "fisherz"; // String indTestType = "cci"; // String indTestType = "kci"; // String indTestType = "drton"; for (int type = 0; type < indTestTypes.length; type++) { // for (String indTestType : indTestTypes) { String indTestType = indTestTypes[type]; double sumAP = 0.0; double sumAR = 0.0; double sumEP = 0.0; double sumER = 0.0; int sumErrors = 0; int sumAPN = 0; int sumARN = 0; int sumEPN = 0; int sumERN = 0; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { System.out.println("\nRun " + run); File file4 = new File(dir, "pattern." + indTestType + "." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph pattern; File file3 = new File(dir, "dag.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph truePattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file3); if (!file4.exists()) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); // long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); double cutoff = indTestType.equals("drton") ? gamma : alpha; Pc pc = new Pc(getIndependenceTest(indTestType, dataSet, cutoff)); pattern =; Nlo nlo = new Nlo(dataSet, alpha); pattern = nlo.fullOrient4(pattern); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); // long stop2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Elapsed (just " + indTestType + ") " + (stop2 - start2) / 1000L + " seconds"); PrintWriter out4 = new PrintWriter(file4); out4.println(pattern); out4.close(); } else { pattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file4); } System.out.println("True pattern = " + truePattern); System.out.println("Pattern = " + pattern); pattern = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, truePattern.getNodes()); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, pattern); System.out.println("AdjFn = " + adjFn); System.out.println("AdjFp = " + adjFp); System.out.println("TruePosAdj = " + truePosAdj); // int edgeFn = edgesComplement(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFp = edgesComplement(pattern, truePattern); // int truePosEdges = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, pattern); int edgeFn = arrowsComplement(truePattern, pattern); int edgeFp = arrowsComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosEdges = truePositiveArrows(truePattern, pattern); // double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); double edgePrecision = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFp); double edgeRecall = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFn); System.out.println("edge Precision = " + edgePrecision); System.out.println("edge Recall = " + edgeRecall); sumErrors += adjFn + adjFp; if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP += adjPrecision; sumAPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR += adjRecall; sumARN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision)) { sumEP += edgePrecision; sumEPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall)) { sumER += edgeRecall; sumERN++; } // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); } out.println("\nAverages " + indTestType); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average AP = " + nf.format(sumAP / sumAPN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average AR = " + nf.format(sumAR / sumARN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average EP = " + nf.format(sumEP / sumEPN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average ER = " + nf.format(sumER / sumERN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average Adj Errors = " + nf.format(sumErrors / (double) numModels)); stats[model - 1][type * 2] = sumEP / sumEPN; stats[model - 1][type * 2 + 1] = sumER / sumERN; } } System.out.println(MatrixUtils.toString(stats)); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test12_2() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; // String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12_2/"; String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/test12-2final/"; File dir = new File(_dir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); int numRuns = 100; double alpha = 0.01; double gamma = 0.01; int numModels = 14; double[][] stats = new double[5][8]; // This should be done only once. for (int sampleSize : new int[] { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }) { System.out.println("================= Saple size " + sampleSize + " ================="); int numVariables = 5; int N = sampleSize; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) continue; GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm1(); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(file); DataWriter.writeRectangularData(data, out1, '\t'); File file2 = new File(dir, "graph." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file6 = new File(dir, "dag.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file7 = new File(dir, "model." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); SemGraph dag = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); dag.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph _dag = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(dag, data.getVariables()); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(_dag); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(file2); PrintWriter out3 = new PrintWriter(file3); PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file6); PrintWriter out7 = new PrintWriter(file7); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), truePattern, out2); out3.println(truePattern.toString()); out6.println(dag.toString()); out7.println(im); out1.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out6.close(); out7.close(); } } int[] sizes = { 100, 250, 400, 550, 700 }; for (int s = 0; s < sizes.length; s++) { int sampleSize = sizes[s]; System.out.println("Sample size " + sampleSize); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); String[] indTestTypes = new String[] { "fisherz", "drton", "cci", "kci" }; // String[] indTestTypes = new String[]{"fisherz", "drton"}; // String indTestType = "fisherz"; // String indTestType = "cci"; // String indTestType = "kci"; // String indTestType = "drton"; for (int type = 0; type < indTestTypes.length; type++) { // for (String indTestType : indTestTypes) { String indTestType = indTestTypes[type]; double sumAP = 0.0; double sumAR = 0.0; double sumEP = 0.0; double sumER = 0.0; int sumErrors = 0; int sumAPN = 0; int sumARN = 0; int sumEPN = 0; int sumERN = 0; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { System.out.println("\nRun " + run); File file4 = new File(dir, "pattern." + indTestType + "." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph pattern; File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph truePattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file3); if (!file4.exists()) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); // long start2 = System.currentTimeQMillis(); double cutoff = indTestType.equals("drton") ? gamma : alpha; Pc pc = new Pc(getIndependenceTest(indTestType, dataSet, cutoff)); pattern =; // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); // long stop2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Elapsed (just " + indTestType + ") " + (stop2 - start2) / 1000L + " seconds"); PrintWriter out4 = new PrintWriter(file4); out4.println(pattern); out4.close(); System.out.println("Pattern = " + pattern); } else { pattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file4); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); } pattern = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, truePattern.getNodes()); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, pattern); System.out.println("AdjFn = " + adjFn); System.out.println("AdjFp = " + adjFp); System.out.println("TruePosAdj = " + truePosAdj); int edgeFn = edgesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int edgeFp = edgesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosEdges = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFn = arrowsComplement(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFp = arrowsComplement(pattern, truePattern); // int truePosEdges = truePositiveArrows(truePattern, pattern); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); System.out.println("adjPrecision = " + adjPrecision); System.out.println("adjRecall = " + adjRecall); double edgePrecision = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFp); double edgeRecall = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFn); sumErrors += adjFn + adjFp; if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP += adjPrecision; sumAPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR += adjRecall; sumARN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision)) { sumEP += edgePrecision; sumEPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall)) { sumER += edgeRecall; sumERN++; } // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); } out.println("\nAverages " + indTestType); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average AP = " + nf.format(sumAP / sumAPN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average AR = " + nf.format(sumAR / sumARN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average EP = " + nf.format(sumEP / sumEPN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average ER = " + nf.format(sumER / sumERN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average Adj Errors = " + nf.format(sumErrors / (double) numModels)); stats[s][type * 2] = sumEP / sumEPN; stats[s][type * 2 + 1] = sumER / sumERN; } } System.out.println(MatrixUtils.toString(stats)); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test12_3() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; // String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12-3final/"; String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/test12-3final/"; File dir = new File(_dir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); int numRuns = 1; double alpha = 0.01; double gamma = 0.01; double[][] stats = new double[5][8]; // This should be done only once. for (int sampleSize : new int[] { 2000 }) { System.out.println("================= Sample size " + sampleSize + " ================="); int numVariables = 200; int N = sampleSize; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) continue; GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm4(numVariables, 10); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(file); DataWriter.writeRectangularData(data, out1, '\t'); File file2 = new File(dir, "graph." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file6 = new File(dir, "dag.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); File file7 = new File(dir, "model." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); SemGraph dag = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); dag.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph _dag = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(dag, data.getVariables()); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(_dag); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(file2); PrintWriter out3 = new PrintWriter(file3); PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file6); PrintWriter out7 = new PrintWriter(file7); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), truePattern, out2); out3.println(truePattern.toString()); out6.println(dag.toString()); out7.println(im); out1.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out6.close(); out7.close(); } } int[] sizes = { 2000 }; for (int s = 0; s < sizes.length; s++) { int sampleSize = sizes[s]; System.out.println("Sample size " + sampleSize); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); String[] indTestTypes = new String[] { "fisherz", "drton", "cci" }; // String[] indTestTypes = new String[]{"fisherz", "drton"}; // String indTestType = "fisherz"; // String indTestType = "cci"; // String indTestType = "kci"; // String indTestType = "drton"; for (int type = 0; type < indTestTypes.length; type++) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // for (String indTestType : indTestTypes) { String indTestType = indTestTypes[type]; double sumAP = 0.0; double sumAR = 0.0; double sumEP = 0.0; double sumER = 0.0; int sumErrors = 0; int sumAPN = 0; int sumARN = 0; int sumEPN = 0; int sumERN = 0; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { System.out.println("\nRun " + run); File file4 = new File(dir, "pattern." + indTestType + "." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph pattern; File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph truePattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file3); if (!file4.exists()) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + sampleSize + "." + run + ".txt"); DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); // long start2 = System.currentTimeQMillis(); double cutoff = indTestType.equals("drton") ? gamma : alpha; PcStable pc = new PcStable(getIndependenceTest(indTestType, dataSet, cutoff)); pattern =; // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); // long stop2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Elapsed (just " + indTestType + ") " + (stop2 - start2) / 1000L + " seconds"); PrintWriter out4 = new PrintWriter(file4); out4.println(pattern); out4.close(); System.out.println("Pattern = " + pattern); } else { pattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file4); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); } pattern = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, truePattern.getNodes()); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, pattern); System.out.println("AdjFn = " + adjFn); System.out.println("AdjFp = " + adjFp); System.out.println("TruePosAdj = " + truePosAdj); int edgeFn = edgesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int edgeFp = edgesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosEdges = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFn = arrowsComplement(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFp = arrowsComplement(pattern, truePattern); // int truePosEdges = truePositiveArrows(truePattern, pattern); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); System.out.println("adjPrecision = " + adjPrecision); System.out.println("adjRecall = " + adjRecall); double edgePrecision = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFp); double edgeRecall = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFn); sumErrors += adjFn + adjFp; if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP += adjPrecision; sumAPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR += adjRecall; sumARN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision)) { sumEP += edgePrecision; sumEPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall)) { sumER += edgeRecall; sumERN++; } // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); } out.println("\nAverages " + indTestType); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average AP = " + nf.format(sumAP / sumAPN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average AR = " + nf.format(sumAR / sumARN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average EP = " + nf.format(sumEP / sumEPN)); out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average ER = " + nf.format(sumER / sumERN)); // out.println("Model # " + sampleSize + " Average Adj Errors = " + nf.format(sumErrors / (double) numModels)); stats[s][type * 2] = sumEP / sumEPN; stats[s][type * 2 + 1] = sumER / sumERN; long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Elapsed time " + (stop - start) / 1000L); } } System.out.println(MatrixUtils.toString(stats)); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test13() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/roidata_for_joe/"; File dir = new File(_dir); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); DataSet dataSet = null; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {//files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; File file2 = new File(file, "roidata"); File[] files2 = file2.listFiles(); File file3 = files2[0]; DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(false); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet _dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file3); if (dataSet == null) { dataSet = _dataSet; } else { dataSet = DataUtils.concatenateData(dataSet, _dataSet); } } { // Pc pc = new Pc(new IndTestFisherZ(dataSet, 0.001)); PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestFisherZ(dataSet, 0.001)); // Cpc pc = new Cpc(new IndTestFisherZ(dataSet, 0.001)); // PcStable pc = new PcStable(new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(dataSet, .001)); // pc.setDepth(3); Graph graph =; System.out.println(graph); Lofs2 lofs = new Lofs2(graph, Collections.singletonList(dataSet)); lofs.setRule(Lofs2.Rule.R3); Graph graph2 = lofs.orient(); // lofs.setRule(Lofs2.Rule.RSkew); // graph = lofs.orie2nt(); System.out.println("With R3" + graph2); graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph.getNodes()); int countSame = 0; int countBothDirected = 0; for (Edge edge1 : graph.getEdges()) { Node n1 = edge1.getNode1(); Node n2 = edge1.getNode2(); Edge edge2 = graph2.getEdge(n1, n2); if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge1) && Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge2)) { countBothDirected++; if (edge1.equals(edge2)) { countSame++; } } } System.out.println(countSame + " of " + countBothDirected); } out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); // List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); // List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); // // for (int m = 0; m < 67; m++) { // DataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(m); // _dataSets.add(dataSet); // } List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); for (int m = 0; m < 67; m++) { DataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(m); dataSet = DataUtils.standardizeData(dataSet); _dataSets.add(dataSet); } // DataSet dataSet = DataUtils.concatenateData(_dataSets); Graph graph; // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(_dataSets.get(0), 1e-5); double alpha = .001; double percent = 50; // IndTestFisherZConcatenateResiduals2 test = new IndTestFisherZConcatenateResiduals2(dataSets, alpha); IndTestFisherZFisherPValue test = new IndTestFisherZFisherPValue(dataSets, alpha); //// IndTestConditionalCorrelation test = new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(dataSets.get(0), alpha); //// test.setPercent(percent / 100.0); // // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(dataSet, alpha); Pc s = new Pc(test); s.setVerbose(true); // MsPc s = new MsPc(_dataSets, 0.001, percent / 100.0); s.setDepth(3); // s.setVerbose(false); graph =; System.out.println(graph); // File file = new File(graphDir, "pc.test3." + percent + "." + _dataSets.size() + "." + alpha + ".txt"); File file = new File(graphDir, "pc.concatstandardized." + _dataSets.size() + "." + alpha + ".txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); writeGraph(file, graph); Graph graph3 = new EdgeListGraph(graph); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); // the brain layout is going to remove the "X's". for (Node node : graph3.getNodes()) { nodes.add(new GraphNode(node.getName())); } graph3 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph3, nodes); BrainSpecial special = new BrainSpecial(graph3); special.doLayout(); File pngFile2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".brainXY.png"); System.out.println(pngFile2); PngWriter.writePng(graph3, pngFile2); for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) { if (graph.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { graph.removeNode(node); } } GraphUtils.circleLayout(graph, 200, 200, 150); GraphUtils.fruchtermanReingoldLayout(graph); File pngFile = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".png"); PngWriter.writePng(graph, pngFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14a() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); for (int m = 0; m < 67; m++) { DataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(m); dataSet = DataUtils.standardizeData(dataSet); _dataSets.add(dataSet); } // DataSet dataSet = DataUtils.concatenateData(_dataSets); Images images = new Images(dataSets); // Images images = new Images(Collections.singletonList(dataSet)); Graph graph =; File file = new File(graphDir, "images67.individuallynonstandardized.txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); writeGraph(file, graph); Graph graph3 = new EdgeListGraph(graph); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); // the brain layout is going to remove the "X's". for (Node node : graph3.getNodes()) { nodes.add(new GraphNode(node.getName())); } graph3 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph3, nodes); BrainSpecial special = new BrainSpecial(graph3); special.doLayout(); File pngFile2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".brainXY.png"); System.out.println(pngFile2); PngWriter.writePng(graph3, pngFile2); for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) { if (graph.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { graph.removeNode(node); } } GraphUtils.circleLayout(graph, 200, 200, 150); GraphUtils.fruchtermanReingoldLayout(graph); File pngFile = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".png"); PngWriter.writePng(graph, pngFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14a1() { String dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; Graph pc = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File(dir, "pc.concat67.")); Graph images = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File(dir, "images67.concat.txt")); // Graph pc = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File(dir, "cpc.")); // Graph images = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File(dir, "graph.images67.txt")); GraphUtils.GraphComparison comparison = GraphUtils.getGraphComparison2(pc, images); String graph1 = "PC"; String graph2 = "IMaGES"; System.out.println("Adjacencies in " + graph1 + " not in " + graph2 + ": " + comparison.getAdjFp()); System.out.println("Adjacencies in " + graph2 + " not in " + graph1 + ": " + comparison.getAdjFn()); System.out.println("Adjacencies in both " + graph1 + " and " + graph2 + ": " + comparison.getAdjCorrect()); System.out.println("Arrowpoints in " + graph1 + " not in " + graph2 + ": " + comparison.getArrowptFp()); System.out.println("Arrowpoints in " + graph2 + " not in " + graph1 + ": " + comparison.getArrowptFn()); System.out.println( "Arrowpoints in both " + graph1 + " and " + graph2 + ": " + comparison.getArrowptCorrect()); } public void test14b() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/roidata/"; // String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/roidata/"; File dir = new File(_dir); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); int numDataSets = 67; List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int k = 1; k <= 60; k++) { List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); double penaltyDiscount = 2.0; File file = new File(graphDir, "test" + penaltyDiscount + ".c.graph.images." + k + ".txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); graphs.add(graph); } List<Node> nodes = graphs.get(0).getNodes(); List<Graph> graphs2 = new ArrayList<Graph>(); int c = -1; for (Graph graph : graphs) { if (++c >= 0) { Graph e = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); e = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(e); graphs2.add(e); } } graphs = graphs2; Map<Edge, Integer> edges = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); // Map<Edge, Integer> edgesReversed = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); int count = 0; for (Graph graph : graphs2) { // graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphs.get(0).getNodes()); System.out.println("# Edges in graph #" + (++count) + " = " + graph.getNumEdges()); for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges()) { // edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2()); increment(edges, edge); } } // System.out.println("# Edges in the union of all graphs = " + edges.size()); // // int[] counts = new int[dataSets.size() + 1]; // Map<Integer, List<Edge>> edgesAtCount = new HashMap<Integer, List<Edge>>(); // // for (int i = 1; i <= dataSets.size(); i++) { // edgesAtCount.put(i, new ArrayList<Edge>()); // } // // for (Edge edge : edges.keySet()) { // int _count = edges.get(edge); // counts[_count]++; // edgesAtCount.get(_count).add(edge); // } // // for (int i = 1; i <= dataSets.size(); i++) { // System.out.println(i + " " + counts[i]); // } // Graph topEdges = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); // // for (int i = 1; i <= 46; i++) { // List<Edge> _edges = edgesAtCount.get(i); // for (Edge edge : _edges) { // topEdges.addEdge(edge); // } // } Graph topEdges = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); for (Edge edge : edges.keySet()) { int _count = 0; for (int i = graphs2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // for (int i = 0; i < graphs2.size(); i++) { Graph graph = graphs2.get(i); if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) { _count++; if (_count == 10) { topEdges.addEdge(edge); } } else { break; } } if (_count > 0) { System.out.println("Edge " + edge + " count = " + _count); } } for (Node node : topEdges.getNodes()) { if (topEdges.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { topEdges.removeNode(node); } } for (int i = 1; i < graphs2.size(); i++) { Graph lastGraph = graphs2.get(i - 1); Graph thisGraph = graphs2.get(i); List<Edge> lastEdges = lastGraph.getEdges(); List<Edge> thisEdges = thisGraph.getEdges(); List<Edge> gained = new ArrayList<Edge>(thisEdges); gained.removeAll(lastEdges); List<Edge> lost = new ArrayList<Edge>(lastEdges); lost.removeAll(thisEdges); List<Edge> retained = new ArrayList<Edge>(thisEdges); retained.retainAll(lastEdges); // System.out.println("Graph #" + i); // System.out.println("GAINED:"); // // for (int j = 0; j < gained.size(); j++) { // System.out.println(j + ". " + gained.get(j)); // } // // System.out.println("LOST:"); // // for (int j = 0; j < lost.size(); j++) { // System.out.println(j + ". " + lost.get(j)); // } // // System.out.println("RETAINED:"); // // for (int j = 0; j < retained.size(); j++) { // System.out.println(j + ". " + retained.get(j)); // } // // System.out.println(); System.out.println(i + " -> " + (i + 1) + ": " + retained.size() + " out of " + thisEdges.size()); } writeGraph(new File(graphDir, ""), topEdges); // } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // public void test14c() { // try { // String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; //// String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; // File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); // // if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); // //// List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); // // double penalty = 1.0; // // // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. // // String tag = "images"; // //// for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { //// List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition); //// //// //// Images images = new Images(_dataSets); //// images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); //// ////// IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZConcatenateResiduals(_dataSets, 1e-10); ////// Pc images = new Pc(test); //// Graph graph =; //// writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"), graph); //// } // // List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); // // for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { // // File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); // Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); // // if (!graphs.isEmpty()) { // graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphs.get(0).getNodes()); // } // //// graph = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph); // graphs.add(graph); // } // // Graph intersection = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); // // List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>(graphs.get(0).getEdges()); // // for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { // edges.retainAll(graphs.get(i).getEdges()); // } // // for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) { // intersection.addEdge(edges.get(i)); // } // // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, intersection, "graph.partition.undirected." + tag + "." + penalty + ".intersection.txt"); // // // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } public void test14a2() { Graph graph = GraphUtils.randomDag(50, 50, false); GeneralizedSemPm pm = new GeneralizedSemPm(graph); GeneralizedSemIm im = new GeneralizedSemIm(pm); List<DataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { dataSets.add(im.simulateData(800, false)); } MsPc pc = new MsPc(dataSets, 0.01, .9); pc.setDepth(2); // Pc pc = new Pc(new IndTestFisherZConcatenateResiduals(dataSets, 0.05)); Graph _graph =; System.out.println(_graph); } public void test14c1() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); double penalty = 1.0; double clip = 0.9; // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. String tag = "images"; List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { // List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, dataSets.size(), 10); List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, dataSets.size(), 5); Images images = new Images(_dataSets); images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); images.setTrimAlpha(clip); // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZConcatenateResiduals(_dataSets, 1e-10); // Pc images = new Pc(test); Graph graph =; writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"), graph); } List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); if (!graphs.isEmpty()) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphs.get(0).getNodes()); } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14cb() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); Images images = new Images(dataSets); Graph graph =; writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.images67.txt"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private List<DataSet> partitionDataSets(List<DataSet> dataSets, int partition, int max, int partitionSize) { List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); for (int i = (partition - 1) * partitionSize; i < min(partition * partitionSize, max); i++) { _dataSets.add(dataSets.get(i)); } return _dataSets; } // public void test14c2() { // try { // String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; //// String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; // File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); // // if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); // // String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/roidata/"; //// String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/roidata/"; // File dir = new File(_dir); // // File[] files = dir.listFiles(); // //// List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); // // double penalty = 1.0; // // // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. // // String tag = "images"; // //// for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { //// List<DataSet> _dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); //// //// for (int i = partition * 10 - 9; i <= min(partition * 10, 65); i++) { //// _dataSets.add(dataSets.get(i)); //// } //// //// //// Images images = new Images(_dataSets); //// images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); //// Graph graph =; //// writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"), graph); //// } // // List<Graph> graphs1 = new ArrayList<Graph>(); // // for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { // // File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); // Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); // // if (!graphs1.isEmpty()) { // graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphs1.get(0).getNodes()); // } // // System.out.println(graph); // //// graphs1.add(GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph)); // graphs1.add(graph); // } // // Graph consistent = new EdgeListGraph(graphs1.get(0).getNodes()); // // Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(); // // for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // edges.addAll(graphs1.get(i).getEdges()); // } // // Set<Edge> unconflicted = new HashSet<Edge>(); // // for (Edge edge : edges) { // Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), // edge.getEndpoint1()); // if (!edges.contains(_edge)) { // unconflicted.add(edge); // } // } // // List<Edge> _unconflicted = new ArrayList<Edge>(unconflicted); // // for (int i = 0; i < _unconflicted.size(); i++) { // consistent.addEdge(_unconflicted.get(i)); // } // // Graph all = new EdgeListGraph(graphs1.get(0).getNodes()); // // for (Edge edge : edges) { // if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge)) { // all.addEdge(edge); // } // } // // for (Node node : consistent.getNodes()) { // if (consistent.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { // consistent.removeNode(node); // } // } // // System.out.println(consistent); // // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition.undirected." + tag + "." + penalty + ".consistent.txt"), consistent); // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition.undirected." + tag + "." + penalty + ".all.txt"), all); // // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } public void test14c3() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; // Lofs2.Rule rule = null; //Lofs2.Rule.R3; Lofs2.Rule rule = Lofs2.Rule.R3; int minGraphs = 1; List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); double penalty = 1.0; // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. String tag = "images"; // if (!new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + 1 + ".txt").exists()) { // for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { // List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition); // // Images images = new Images(_dataSets); // images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // Graph graph =; // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"), graph); // } // } List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); File file0 = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + 1 + ".txt"); Graph referenceGraph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file0); List<Node> nodes = referenceGraph.getNodes(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); if (rule != null) { Lofs2 lofs = new Lofs2(graph, partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10)); lofs.setRule(rule); lofs.setAlpha(1.0); graph = lofs.orient(); } graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); // graphs1.add(GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph)); graphs.add(graph); System.out.println(graph); } Graph all = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(); Map<Edge, Integer> edgeIntegerMap = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { edges.addAll(graphs.get(i).getEdges()); for (Edge edge : graphs.get(i).getEdges()) { increment(edgeIntegerMap, edge); } } for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edgeIntegerMap.get(edge) >= minGraphs) { all.addEdge(edge); } } int numConflicts = 0; int numDirectedEdges = 0; for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(edge) && edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(_edge)) { numConflicts++; } numDirectedEdges++; } numConflicts /= 2; numDirectedEdges -= numConflicts; System.out.println("Num conflicts = " + numConflicts); System.out.println("Num directed adjacencies = " + numDirectedEdges); Graph consistent = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edge.isDirected() && !edges.contains(_edge)) { consistent.addEdge(edge); } } for (Node node : consistent.getNodes()) { if (consistent.getEdges(node).isEmpty()) { consistent.removeNode(node); } } System.out.println(consistent); String filename; if (rule == null) { filename = "graph.partition." + "images" + "." + penalty + "." + minGraphs + ".consistent.txt"; } else { filename = "graph.partition." + rule + "." + penalty + "." + minGraphs + ".consistent.txt"; } File file = new File(graphDir, filename); writeGraph(file, consistent); for (Node node : consistent.getNodes()) { if (consistent.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { consistent.removeNode(node); } } BrainSpecial special = new BrainSpecial(consistent); special.doLayout(); GraphUtils.circleLayout(consistent, 200, 200, 150); GraphUtils.fruchtermanReingoldLayout(consistent); File pngFile = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".brainXY.png"); PngWriter.writePng(consistent, pngFile); GraphUtils.circleLayout(consistent, 200, 200, 150); GraphUtils.fruchtermanReingoldLayout(consistent); File pngFile2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".force.png"); PngWriter.writePng(consistent, pngFile2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c5() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String imagesPartitionDir = graphDir + "images.partition"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; Lofs2.Rule rule = null; //Lofs2.Rule.R3; //Images // Lofs2.Rule rule = Lofs2.Rule.RSkew; // int minGraphs = 6; // List<DataSet> dataSets = null; //loadDataSets(files); List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); double penalty = 1.0; // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. String tag = "images"; if (!new File(imagesPartitionDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + 1 + ".txt") .exists()) { for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10); Images images = new Images(_dataSets); images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); Graph graph =; // writeGraph(new File(imagesPartitionDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"), graph); writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); } } List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); File file0 = new File(imagesPartitionDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + 1 + ".txt"); Graph referenceGraph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file0); List<Node> nodes = referenceGraph.getNodes(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File file = new File(imagesPartitionDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); if (rule != null) { Lofs2 lofs = new Lofs2(graph, partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10)); lofs.setRule(rule); lofs.setAlpha(1.0); graph = lofs.orient(); } graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); // graphs1.add(GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph)); graphs.add(graph); System.out.println(graph); } for (int minGraphs = 1; minGraphs <= 6; minGraphs++) { Graph all = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(); Map<Edge, Integer> edgeIntegerMap = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { edges.addAll(graphs.get(i).getEdges()); for (Edge edge : graphs.get(i).getEdges()) { increment(edgeIntegerMap, edge); } } for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edgeIntegerMap.get(edge) >= minGraphs) { all.addEdge(edge); } } int numConflicts = 0; int numDirectedEdges = 0; for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(edge) && edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(_edge)) { numConflicts++; } numDirectedEdges++; } numConflicts /= 2; // for (Edge edge : new HashSet<Edge>(edges)) { // Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), // edge.getEndpoint1()); // if (edges.contains(_edge)) { // if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge) && Edges.isDirectedEdge(_edge)) { // numConflicts++; // } // // edges.remove(edge); // edges.remove(_edge); // } // // if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge)) { // numDirectedEdges++; // } // // } numDirectedEdges -= numConflicts; System.out.println("Num conflicts = " + numConflicts); System.out.println("Num directed adjacencies = " + numDirectedEdges); Graph consistent = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edge.isDirected() && !edges.contains(_edge)) { consistent.addEdge(edge); } } for (Node node : consistent.getNodes()) { if (consistent.getEdges(node).isEmpty()) { consistent.removeNode(node); } } System.out.println(consistent); String filename; if (rule == null) { filename = "graph.partition." + "images" + "." + penalty + "." + minGraphs + ".consistent.txt"; } else { filename = "graph.partition." + rule + "." + penalty + "." + minGraphs + ".consistent.txt"; } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, consistent, filename); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void writeFiveGraphFormats(String graphDir, Graph graph, String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { File file = new File(graphDir, filename); writeGraph(file, graph); Graph graph2 = new EdgeListGraph(graph); for (Node node : graph2.getNodes()) { if (graph2.getAdjacentNodes(node).isEmpty()) { graph2.removeNode(node); } } BrainSpecial special = new BrainSpecial(graph2); special.doLayout(); File pngFile = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".brainXY.png"); PngWriter.writePng(graph2, pngFile); GraphUtils.circleLayout(graph2, 200, 200, 150); GraphUtils.fruchtermanReingoldLayout(graph2); File pngFile2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".force.png"); PngWriter.writePng(graph2, pngFile2); File patternText = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".pattern.txt"); PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(patternText); writePatternAsMatrix(graph.getNodes(), graph, out1); Graph undir = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph); File adjText = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".adj.txt"); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(adjText); writePatternAsMatrix(graph.getNodes(), undir, out2); try { DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.COMMA); reader.setVariablesSupplied(false); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(patternText); List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes(); Graph pattern = readPatternAsMatrix(nodes, dataSet); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); if (!pattern.equals(graph)) { System.out.println("NOT EQUAL!"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.COMMA); reader.setVariablesSupplied(false); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(adjText); List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes(); Graph _undir = readPatternAsMatrix(nodes, dataSet); _undir = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(_undir, nodes); if (!_undir.equals(undir)) { System.out.println("NOT EQUAL!"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c6() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); double penalty = 1.0; for (int minGraphs1 = 1; minGraphs1 <= 6; minGraphs1++) { File dir1 = new File(graphDir, "partition.consistent/partition.consistent.images"); String filename1 = "graph.partition." + "images" + "." + penalty + "." + minGraphs1 + ".consistent.txt"; File file1 = new File(dir1, filename1); Graph graph1 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file1); for (int minGraphs2 = 1; minGraphs2 <= 6; minGraphs2++) { String filename2 = "partition.consistent/partition.consistent.r3/" + "graph.partition.R3." + penalty + "." + minGraphs1 + ".consistent.txt"; File file2 = new File(graphDir, filename2); Graph graph2 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file2); graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); Set<Edge> edges1 = new HashSet<Edge>(graph1.getEdges()); Set<Edge> edges2 = new HashSet<Edge>(graph2.getEdges()); Set<Edge> both = new HashSet<Edge>(edges1); both.retainAll(edges2); Graph intersection = new EdgeListGraph(graph1.getNodes()); for (Edge edge : both) { intersection.addEdge(edge); } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, intersection, "intersection." + minGraphs1 + "." + minGraphs2 + ".txt"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c7() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); double penalty = 1.0; double clip = 0.9; List<Graph> partitionGraph = new ArrayList<Graph>(); List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); Lofs2.Rule rule = null; //Lofs2.Rule.R3; // Lofs2.Rule rule = Lofs2.Rule.R3; for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File dir1 = _graphDir; //new File(graphDir, "images.partition"); String tag = "images"; // String filename1 = "graph.partition." + "images" + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"; String filename1 = "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"; File file1 = new File(dir1, filename1); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file1); if (rule != null) { Lofs2 lofs = new Lofs2(graph, partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10)); lofs.setRule(rule); lofs.setAlpha(1.0); graph = lofs.orient(); } partitionGraph.add(graph); } Graph firstGraph = partitionGraph.get(0); List<Node> nodes = firstGraph.getNodes(); Graph firstGraphUndirected = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(firstGraph); Set<Edge> undirectedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(firstGraphUndirected.getEdges()); for (int i = 1; i < partitionGraph.size(); i++) { Graph _graph = partitionGraph.get(i); Graph _graphUndirected = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(_graph, nodes); _graphUndirected = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(_graphUndirected); undirectedEdges.retainAll(_graphUndirected.getEdges()); } Graph intersectionUndirected = new EdgeListGraph(firstGraphUndirected.getNodes()); for (Edge edge : undirectedEdges) { intersectionUndirected.addEdge(edge); } List<Graph> undirectedPartitionGraphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (Graph graph : partitionGraph) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); graph = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph); undirectedPartitionGraphs.add(graph); } Set<Edge> allEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); for (Graph graph : undirectedPartitionGraphs) { allEdges.addAll(graph.getEdges()); } int index = 0; List<Edge> target = new ArrayList<Edge>(); int minCount1 = 4; int minCount2 = minCount1; for (Edge edge : allEdges) {//intersectionUndirected.getEdges()) { // if (intersectionUndirected.containsEdge(edge)) continue; int count = 0; for (Graph graph : undirectedPartitionGraphs) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) count++; } System.out.println((++index) + ". " + edge + " " + count); if (count >= minCount1) { target.add(edge); } } Graph targetGraph = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); for (Edge edge : target) { targetGraph.addEdge(edge); } // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, targetGraph, "intersection.5or6consistent." + penalty + ".txt"); Graph intersectionConsistent = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); for (Edge edge : targetGraph.getEdges()) { Edge edge1 = Edges.directedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2()); Edge edge2 = Edges.directedEdge(edge.getNode2(), edge.getNode1()); Edge edge3 = Edges.undirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2()); int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; for (Graph graph : partitionGraph) { if (graph.containsEdge(edge1)) count1++; if (graph.containsEdge(edge2)) count2++; } if (count1 >= minCount2) { intersectionConsistent.addEdge(edge1); } else if (count2 >= minCount2) { intersectionConsistent.addEdge(edge2); } else { intersectionConsistent.addEdge(edge3); } } // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "intersectionConsistent." + // minCount1 + "." + minCount2 + "." + penalty + ".txt"), intersectionConsistent); writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, intersectionConsistent, "intersectionConsistent." + minCount1 + "." + minCount2 + "." + penalty + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); Map<String, Coord> map = loadMap(); List<Edge> edges = intersectionConsistent.getEdges(); Collections.sort(edges); for (Edge edge : edges) { Node node1 = edge.getNode1(); Node node2 = edge.getNode2(); String name1 = node1.getName(); String name2 = node2.getName(); Coord coord1 = map.get(name1); Coord coord2 = map.get(name2); boolean hub1 = intersectionConsistent.getAdjacentNodes(node1).size() >= 5; boolean hub2 = intersectionConsistent.getAdjacentNodes(node2).size() >= 5; Edge _edge = new Edge(new GraphNode(name1 + (hub1 ? "*" : "")), new GraphNode(name2 + (hub2 ? "*" : "")), edge.getEndpoint1(), edge.getEndpoint2()); double dx = coord1.getX() - coord2.getX(); double dy = coord1.getY() - coord2.getY(); double dz = coord1.getZ() - coord2.getZ(); double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.0"); String side1 = coord1.getX() < 0 ? " (L)" : " (R)"; String side2 = coord2.getX() < 0 ? " (L)" : " (R)"; if (d > 50 && (hub1 || hub2)) { System.out.println(_edge + " " + nf.format(d) + " " + coord1.getArea() + side1 + "---" + coord2.getArea() + side2); } } // Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File(graphDir, "2014.01.15b/intersection56Consistent.1.0.txt")); // Graph dag = SearchGraphUtils.dagFromPattern(intersectionConsistent); // // SemPm semPm = new SemPm(dag); // GeneralizedSemPm pm = new GeneralizedSemPm(semPm); // int numDataSets = dataSets.size(); // // List<SemEstimator> estimators = new ArrayList<SemEstimator>(); // // List<double[]> coefs = new ArrayList<double[]>(); // // List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(pm.getParameters()); // Collections.sort(parameters); // // for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { // coefs.add(new double[numDataSets]); // } // int count = 0; // // for (int i = 0; i < numDataSets; i++) { // DataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(i); // System.out.println(++count); // // SemEstimator estimator = new SemEstimator(dataSet, semPm); // estimator.setSemOptimizer(new SemOptimizerRegression()); // SemIm im = estimator.estimate(); // GeneralizedSemIm _im = new GeneralizedSemIm(pm, im); // // estimators.add(estimator); // // for (int k = 0; k < parameters.size(); k++) { // coefs.get(k)[i] = _im.getParameterValue(parameters.get(k)); // } // } // NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); // // for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { // String param = parameters.get(i); // // if (!param.startsWith("B")) continue; // // for (Parameter parameter1 : semPm.getParameters()) { // if (parameter1.getName().equals(param)) { // System.out.print(parameter1.getNodeA() + "-->" + parameter1.getNodeB() + ": "); // break; // } // } // // double[] _coefs = coefs.get(i); // System.out.println("Coef = " + param + " mean = " + nf.format(StatUtils.mean(_coefs)) // + " SE = " + nf.format(; // // } // System.out.println(pm); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c9() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); List<CovarianceMatrix> allCovMatrices = new ArrayList<CovarianceMatrix>(); for (int m = 0; m < dataSets.size(); m++) { DataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(m); allCovMatrices.add(new CovarianceMatrix(dataSet)); } List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int k = 1; k <= dataSets.size(); k++) { // if (k < 49) continue; double penaltyDiscount = 1.0; List<CovarianceMatrix> covarianceMatrixes = new ArrayList<CovarianceMatrix>(); for (int m = 0; m < k; m++) { covarianceMatrixes.add(allCovMatrices.get(m)); } File file = new File(graphDir, "test" + penaltyDiscount + ".graph.images." + covarianceMatrixes.size() + ".txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); Graph graph; if (file.exists()) { graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, file.getName()); } else { System.out.println("IMaGES"); Images images = Images.covarianceInstance(covarianceMatrixes); images.setPenaltyDiscount(penaltyDiscount); Graph imagesGraph =; System.out.println(imagesGraph); writeGraph(file, imagesGraph); graph = imagesGraph; writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, file.getName()); } graphs.add(graph); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c10() { try { List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String tag = "images1"; double penalty = 1.0; double clip = 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < dataSets.size(); i++) { List<DataSet> dataSet = Collections.singletonList(dataSets.get(i)); Images ges = new Images(dataSet); ges.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // ges.setTrimAlpha(clip); // Ges ges = new Ges(dataSets.get(i)); // ges.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); Graph graph =; writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"), graph); } // Images ges = new Images(dataSets); // ges.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // Graph graph =; // // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "images." + dataSets.size() + "." + penalty + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.partition.images" + dataSets.size() + "." + penalty + ".txt"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c10b() { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String tag = "images1"; double penalty = 1.0; // try { // // List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); // // for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {//dataSets.size(); i++) { // DataSet timeSeries = TimeSeriesUtils.createLagData(dataSets.get(i), 1); // List<DataSet> dataSet = Collections.singletonList(timeSeries); // // Images images = new Images(dataSet); // images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // // Graph graph =; // // List<Node> concurrentNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); // // for (Node node : timeSeries.getVariables()) { // if (!(node.getName().contains(":"))) concurrentNodes.add(node); // } // // Graph concurrentGraph = graph.subgraph(concurrentNodes); // // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.concurrent" + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"), concurrentGraph); // } // Images ges = new Images(dataSets); // ges.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // Graph graph =; // // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "images." + dataSets.size() + "." + penalty + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.partition.images" + dataSets.size() + "." + penalty + ".txt"); // for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.concurrent" + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); // final Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.concurrent" + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); // // List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes(); // // Collections.sort(nodes, new Comparator<Node>() { // @Override // public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) { // return graph.getAdjacentNodes(o2).size() - graph.getAdjacentNodes(o1).size(); // } // }); // // for (Node node : nodes) { // System.out.println(node + " " + graph.getAdjacentNodes(node).size()); // } // // List<Node> top = new ArrayList<Node>(); // // for (Node node : nodes) { // if (graph.getAdjacentNodes(node).size() > 8) { // top.add(node); // } // } // // System.out.println(graph.subgraph(top)); // // for (Node v : graph.getNodes()) { // if (graph.getAdjacentNodes(v).size() >= 10) { // System.out.println(v); // } // } // } // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // try { // List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); // double clip = 0.25; // // List<DataSet> timeLagDataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); // // for (DataSet d : dataSets) { // DataSet timeSeries = TimeSeriesUtils.createLagData(d, 1); // timeLagDataSets.add(timeSeries); // } // // Images images = new Images(timeLagDataSets); // images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); // images.setTrimAlpha(clip); // // Graph graph2 =; // // List<Node> concurrentNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); // // for (Node node : graph2.getNodes()) { // if (!(node.getName().contains(":"))) concurrentNodes.add(node); // } // // Graph concurrentGraph = graph2.subgraph(concurrentNodes); // // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.concurrent.66." + penalty + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"), concurrentGraph); File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.concurrent.67." + penalty + ".clip" + 0.0 + ".txt"); final Graph graph2 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); // writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.concurrent.66." + penalty + ".clip" + clip + ".txt"); List<Node> nodes = graph2.getNodes(); Collections.sort(nodes, new Comparator<Node>() { @Override public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) { return graph2.getAdjacentNodes(o2).size() - graph2.getAdjacentNodes(o1).size(); } }); for (Node node : nodes) { System.out.println(node + " " + graph2.getAdjacentNodes(node).size()); } List<Node> top = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node node : nodes) { if (graph2.getAdjacentNodes(node).size() > 8) { top.add(node); } } System.out.println(graph2.subgraph(top)); for (Node v : graph2.getNodes()) { if (graph2.getAdjacentNodes(v).size() >= 10) { System.out.println(v); } } // } // catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } public void test14c10c() { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String tag = "images1"; double penalty = 1.0; List<Edge> previousIntersection = new ArrayList<Edge>(); List<Edge> intersection2Back = new ArrayList<Edge>(); Set<Edge> unionIntersection = new HashSet<Edge>(); List<Edge> intersectionIntersection = new ArrayList<Edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < 67; i++) { File file1 = new File(graphDir, "graph." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); final Graph graph1 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file1); // File file2 = new File(graphDir, "graph.concurrent.67." + penalty + ".clip" + 0.0 + ".txt"); File file2 = new File(graphDir, "images.67.1.0.clip0.5.txt"); // File file2 = new File(graphDir, "graph." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 2) + ".txt"); final Graph graph2 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file2); // List<Edge> edges1 = graph1.getEdges(); // List<Edge> edges2 = graph2.getEdges(); List<Edge> edges1 = new ArrayList<Edge>(); for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { edges1.add(Edges.undirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2())); } List<Edge> edges2 = new ArrayList<Edge>(); for (Edge edge : graph2.getEdges()) { edges2.add(Edges.undirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2())); } List<Edge> newEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(edges2); newEdges.removeAll(edges1); List<Edge> oldEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(edges1); oldEdges.removeAll(edges2); List<Edge> intersection = new ArrayList<Edge>(edges1); intersection.retainAll(edges2); unionIntersection.addAll(intersection); if (intersectionIntersection.isEmpty()) { intersectionIntersection.addAll(intersection); } else { intersectionIntersection.retainAll(intersection); } int delta = intersection.size() - previousIntersection.size(); List<Edge> gained = new ArrayList<Edge>(intersection); gained.removeAll(previousIntersection); List<Edge> lost = new ArrayList<Edge>(previousIntersection); lost.removeAll(intersection); System.out .println("Graph " + (i + 2) + " # new in images 67 = " + newEdges.size() + " # intersection = " + intersection.size() + " Gained = " + gained.size() + " Lost = " + lost.size() /* + " " + (intersection.size() - intersection2Back.size())*/ + " Interesection intersection # = " + intersectionIntersection.size()); // intersection2Back = new ArrayList<Edge>(previousIntersection); previousIntersection = new ArrayList<Edge>(intersection); } System.out.println("Union intersection # = " + unionIntersection.size()); System.out.println("Intersection intersection # = " + intersectionIntersection.size()); for (Edge edge : unionIntersection) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 67; i++) { File file1 = new File(graphDir, "graph." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); Graph graph1 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file1); Node node1 = edge.getNode1(); Node node2 = edge.getNode2(); node1 = graph1.getNode(node1.getName()); node2 = graph1.getNode(node2.getName()); if (graph1.isAdjacentTo(node1, node2)) { count++; } } System.out.println("Edge " + edge + " count = " + count); } } public void test14c17() { try { int numGraphs = 67; String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String tag = numGraphs + "individually.d"; double penalty = 1.0; double ratio = .5; int skip = 0; List<Graph> graphsUndirected = new ArrayList<Graph>(); List<Graph> graphsDirected = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int i = 0; i < numGraphs - skip; i++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "final/graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + skip + 1) + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); if (i > 0) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphsUndirected.get(0).getNodes()); } graphsDirected.add(graph); graph = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph); graphsUndirected.add(graph); } Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(graphsUndirected.get(0).getEdges()); for (int i = 1; i < graphsUndirected.size(); i++) { edges.addAll(graphsUndirected.get(i).getEdges()); } int c = 0; Graph topEdges = new EdgeListGraph(graphsUndirected.get(0).getNodes()); for (Edge edge : edges) { int count = 0; for (Graph graph : graphsUndirected) { if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) count++; } if (count / (double) graphsUndirected.size() >= ratio) { System.out.println((++c) + ". " + edge + " " + count); topEdges.addEdge(edge); } } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, topEdges, "topEdges.txt"); Graph consistent = new EdgeListGraph(topEdges.getNodes()); EDGE: for (Edge edge : topEdges.getEdges()) { Node node1 = edge.getNode1(); Node node2 = edge.getNode2(); Edge edge1 = Edges.directedEdge(node1, node2); Edge edge2 = Edges.directedEdge(node2, node1); int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; for (Graph graph : graphsDirected) { Edge _edge = graph.getEdge(node1, node2); if (_edge == null) continue; if (_edge.equals(edge1)) { count1++; } else if (_edge.equals(edge2)) { count2++; } } if (count1 + count2 > 0) { if (count2 == 0) { // if (count1 > (double) count2) { consistent.removeEdge(edge); consistent.addEdge(edge1); } else if (count1 == 0) { // else if (count2 > (double) count1) { consistent.removeEdge(edge); consistent.addEdge(edge2); } else { consistent.addUndirectedEdge(node1, node2); } } else { consistent.addUndirectedEdge(node1, node2); } } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, consistent, "topGraphConsistent." + penalty + ".txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14c18() { int numGraphs = 67; String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String tag = numGraphs + "individually.c"; double penalty = 1.0; List<Graph> gesUndirected = new ArrayList<Graph>(); List<Graph> gesDirected = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "ges." + numGraphs + "/graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); if (i > 0) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, gesUndirected.get(0).getNodes()); } gesDirected.add(graph); graph = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph); gesUndirected.add(graph); } Graph referenceGraph = GraphUtils .loadGraphTxt(new File(graphDir, "dof2/intersectionConsistent." + penalty + ".txt")); referenceGraph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(referenceGraph, gesUndirected.get(0).getNodes()); int index = 0; for (Edge edge : referenceGraph.getEdges()) { // edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2()); edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); int count = 0; for (Graph gesGraph : gesDirected) { if (gesGraph.containsEdge(edge)) count++; } System.out.println((++index) + ". " + edge + " " + count); } } private Map<String, Coord> loadMap() { Map<String, Coord> map = new HashMap<String, Coord>(); try { File file = new File( "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/proj/tetrad2/docs/notes/extended_power_labels_283.txt"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(line); String[] tokens = line.split("\t"); String var = "X" + tokens[0]; int index = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]); int x = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); int y = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); int z = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); String area = tokens[4]; map.put(var, new Coord(index, x, y, z, area)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return map; } private class Coord { private int index; private int x; private int y; private int z; private String area; public Coord(int index, int x, int y, int z, String area) { this.index = index; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.area = area; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public int getZ() { return z; } private String getArea() { return area; } } private List<DataSet> loadDataSets() throws IOException { return loadRussHeadData(); // return loadDanaData(); } private List<DataSet> loadRussHeadData() throws IOException { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/roidata_for_joe/"; // String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/roidata/"; File dir = new File(_dir); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); List<DataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); int numDataSets = 67; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numDataSets; i++) {//files.length; i++) { if (++index > files.length - 1) { System.out.println("Oops"); break; } System.out.println(i + 1); File file = files[index]; File file2 = new File(file, "roidata"); File[] files2 = file2.listFiles(); if (files2 == null) { i--; continue; } if (files2[0].getName().startsWith(".")) { i--; continue; } File file3 = files2[0]; System.out.println(file3.getAbsolutePath()); DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(false); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet _dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file3); // _dataSet = DataUtils.standardizeData(_dataSet); dataSets.add(_dataSet); } return dataSets; } private List<DataSet> loadDanaData() throws IOException { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; File _graphDir = new File(graphDir); if (!_graphDir.exists()) _graphDir.mkdir(); String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/dana/Biswal_rs_power_10sub_allrois"; // String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/roidata/"; File dir = new File(_dir); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); // for (File file : files) { // System.out.println(file); // } List<DataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>(); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {//files.length; i++) { if (++index > files.length - 1) { System.out.println("Oops"); break; } File file = files[i]; System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (file.getName().startsWith(".")) continue; if (file.getName().endsWith(".tar")) continue; DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet _dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); dataSets.add(_dataSet); } return dataSets; } public void test14c4() { try { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; // String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/test14/"; List<DataSet> dataSets = loadDataSets(); double penalty = 1.0; // Partition the data sets into groups of 10 and run IMaGES on each. String tag = "test4"; for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { List<DataSet> _dataSets = partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10); Images images = new Images(_dataSets); images.setPenaltyDiscount(penalty); Graph graph =; writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); } List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); Lofs2.Rule rule = null; //Lofs2.Rule.R3; File file0 = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + 1 + ".txt"); Graph referenceGraph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file0); List<Node> nodes = referenceGraph.getNodes(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + partition + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); if (rule != null) { Lofs2 lofs = new Lofs2(graph, partitionDataSets(dataSets, partition, 67, 10)); lofs.setRule(rule); lofs.setAlpha(1.0); graph = lofs.orient(); } graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, nodes); // graphs1.add(GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(graph)); graphs.add(graph); System.out.println(graph); } Graph all = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(); Map<Edge, Integer> edgeIntegerMap = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { edges.addAll(graphs.get(i).getEdges()); for (Edge edge : graphs.get(i).getEdges()) { increment(edgeIntegerMap, edge); } } for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edgeIntegerMap.get(edge) >= 2) { all.addEdge(edge); } } int numConflicts = 0; int numDirectedEdges = 0; for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(edge) && edgeIntegerMap.containsKey(_edge)) { numConflicts++; } numDirectedEdges++; } numConflicts /= 2; // for (Edge edge : new HashSet<Edge>(edges)) { // Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), // edge.getEndpoint1()); // if (edges.contains(_edge)) { // if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge) && Edges.isDirectedEdge(_edge)) { // numConflicts++; // } // // edges.remove(edge); // edges.remove(_edge); // } // // if (Edges.isDirectedEdge(edge)) { // numDirectedEdges++; // } // // } numDirectedEdges -= numConflicts; System.out.println("Num conflicts = " + numConflicts); System.out.println("Num directed adjacencies = " + numDirectedEdges); Graph consistent = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); for (Edge edge : all.getEdges()) { Edge _edge = new Edge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2(), edge.getEndpoint2(), edge.getEndpoint1()); if (edge.isDirected() && !edges.contains(_edge)) { consistent.addEdge(edge); } } for (Node node : consistent.getNodes()) { if (consistent.getEdges(node).isEmpty()) { consistent.removeNode(node); } } System.out.println(consistent); if (rule == null) { writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, consistent, "graph.partition." + "images" + "." + penalty + ".consistent.txt"); } else { writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, consistent, "graph.partition." + rule + "." + penalty + ".consistent.txt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test14d() { String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; List<Graph> graphs1 = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int partition = 1; partition <= 6; partition++) { File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.partition." + partition + ".txt"); Graph graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); if (!graphs1.isEmpty()) { graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph, graphs1.get(0).getNodes()); } graphs1.add(graph); } Graph topEdges = new EdgeListGraph(graphs1.get(0).getNodes()); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(graphs1.get(0).getEdges()); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { edges.addAll(graphs1.get(i).getEdges()); } for (Edge edge : edges) { int i = 0; for (Graph graph : graphs1) { if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) { i++; } } if (i >= 5) { System.out.println(edge); topEdges.addEdge(edge); } } try { writeGraph(new File(graphDir, ""), topEdges); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testTemp() { int numVars = 100; int sampleSize = 1000; List<Node> vars = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) { vars.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + i)); } DataSet data = new ColtDataSet(sampleSize, vars); for (int j = 0; j < numVars; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { data.setDouble(i, j, RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, 1.5)); } } CorrelationMatrix cov = new CorrelationMatrix(data); // System.out.println(cov); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); for (int i = 0; i < cov.getDimension(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cov.getDimension(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; double r = cov.getValue(i, j); double fisherZ = Math.sqrt(sampleSize - 3.0) * 0.5 * (Math.log(1.0 + r) - Math.log(1.0 - r)); double pValue = 2.0 * (1.0 - RandomUtil.getInstance().normalCdf(0, 1, Math.abs(fisherZ))); if (pValue < 0.001) { System.out.println("(" + i + ", " + j + ") r = " + nf.format(r) + " p = " + nf.format(pValue)); } } } // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestFisherZ(cov, 0.001); // // Pc pc = new Pc(test); // Graph graph =; // // System.out.println(graph); } public void test14e() { try { int numGraphs = 67; String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; double penalty = 1.0; List<Graph> graphs = new ArrayList<Graph>(); for (int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++) { String tag = "images1"; // File file = new File(graphDir, "graph.ges." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); File file = new File(graphDir, "graph." + tag + "." + penalty + "." + (i + 1) + ".txt"); Graph _graph = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file); if (!graphs.isEmpty()) { _graph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(_graph, graphs.get(0).getNodes()); } graphs.add(GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(_graph)); } Graph union = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); final Map<Edge, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Edge, Integer>(); List<Edge> intersectionEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(graphs.get(0).getEdges()); Set<Edge> unionEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++) { List<Edge> _edges = graphs.get(i).getEdges(); intersectionEdges.retainAll(_edges); unionEdges.addAll(_edges); // System.out.println(graphs.get(i).getEdges()); for (Edge edge : _edges) { increment(counts, edge); } // writeGraph(new File(graphDir, "graph.ges." + penalty + "." + "union.txt"), union); } List<Edge> _edges = new ArrayList<Edge>(counts.keySet()); Collections.sort(_edges, new Comparator<Edge>() { @Override public int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) { return counts.get(o2) - counts.get(o1); } }); Graph topEdges = new EdgeListGraph(graphs.get(0).getNodes()); double percent = 0; for (Edge edge : _edges) { if (counts.get(edge) >= percent * graphs.size()) { // union.addEdge(edge); System.out.println(edge + " " + counts.get(edge)); topEdges.addEdge(edge); } } writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, topEdges, "topEdgesGes" + graphs.size() + "." + penalty + "." + percent + ".txt"); // System.out.println("INTERSECTION" + union); // for (Edge edge : counts.keySet()) { // System.out.println("Count for " + edge + " = " + counts.get(edge)); // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testTemp2() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { Graph graph = GraphUtils.randomDag(100, 100, false); Graph pattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(graph); LargeSemSimulator sim = new LargeSemSimulator(graph); sim.setCoefRange(.05, 1.5); sim.setVarRange(1, 3); DataSet dataSet = sim.simulateDataAcyclic(1000); Ges ges = new Ges(dataSet); ges.setLog(true); ges.setStoreGraphs(false); ges.setTrueGraph(graph); Graph out =; GraphUtils.GraphComparison comparison = GraphUtils.getGraphComparison(out, pattern); System.out.println("Adj Cor = " + comparison.getAdjCorrect()); System.out.println("Adj FP = " + comparison.getAdjFp()); System.out.println("Adj FN = " + comparison.getAdjFn()); System.out.println("Arrow Cor = " + comparison.getArrowptCorrect()); System.out.println("Arrow FP = " + comparison.getArrowptFp()); System.out.println("Arrow FN = " + comparison.getArrowptFn()); } } private void writeGraph(File file, Graph topEdges) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file); out6.println(topEdges); out6.close(); } public void test15() { try { DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(false); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.COMMA); File file2 = new File( "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12_3/graph.tetrad.2000.1.txt"); Graph truePattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file2); File file = new File( "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12_3/kcigraph.2000.1.txt"); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); Graph pattern = readPatternAsMatrix(truePattern.getNodes(), dataSet); System.out.println(pattern); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, pattern); System.out.println("AdjFn = " + adjFn); System.out.println("AdjFp = " + adjFp); System.out.println("TruePosAdj = " + truePosAdj); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); System.out.println("adjPrecision = " + adjPrecision); System.out.println("adjRecall = " + adjRecall); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test16() { try { // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/Users/josephramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test11out.txt"); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("/home/jdramsey/test10out.txt"); PrintStream out = System.out; String _dir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test12final/"; // String _dir = "/home/jdramsey/test12final/"; File dir = new File(_dir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); int numRuns = 20; double alpha = 0.01; double gamma = 0.01; int numModels = 14; // This should be done only once. for (int model = 1; model <= numModels; model++) { System.out.println("================= MODEL " + model + " ================="); int numVariables = 5; int N = 1000; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) continue; GeneralizedSemIm im = makeTestIm4(numVariables, model); DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(file); DataWriter.writeRectangularData(data, out1, '\t'); File file2 = new File(dir, "graph." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file6 = new File(dir, "dag.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); File file7 = new File(dir, "model." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); SemGraph dag = im.getSemPm().getGraph(); dag.setShowErrorTerms(false); Graph _dag = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(dag, data.getVariables()); Graph truePattern = SearchGraphUtils.patternForDag(_dag); PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(file2); PrintWriter out3 = new PrintWriter(file3); PrintWriter out6 = new PrintWriter(file6); PrintWriter out7 = new PrintWriter(file7); writePatternAsMatrix(data.getVariables(), truePattern, out2); out3.println(truePattern.toString()); out6.println(dag.toString()); out7.println(im); out1.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out6.close(); out7.close(); } } double[][] stats = new double[14][8]; for (int model = 1; model <= 14; model++) { System.out.println("MODEL " + model); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); String[] indTestTypes = new String[] { "fisherz", "drton", "kci", "cci" }; // String[] indTestTypes = new String[]{"fisherz", "drton"}; // String indTestType = "fisherz"; // String indTestType = "cci"; // String indTestType = "kci"; // String indTestType = "drton"; for (int type = 0; type < indTestTypes.length; type++) { // for (String indTestType : indTestTypes) { String indTestType = indTestTypes[type]; double sumAP = 0.0; double sumAR = 0.0; double sumEP = 0.0; double sumER = 0.0; int sumErrors = 0; int sumAPN = 0; int sumARN = 0; int sumEPN = 0; int sumERN = 0; for (int run = 1; run <= numRuns; run++) { System.out.println("\nRun " + run); File file4 = new File(dir, "pattern." + indTestType + "." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph pattern; File file3 = new File(dir, "graph.tetrad." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); Graph truePattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file3); if (!file4.exists()) { File file = new File(dir, "data." + model + "." + run + ".txt"); DataReader reader = new DataReader(); reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.WHITESPACE); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(file); // long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); double cutoff = indTestType.equals("drton") ? gamma : alpha; Cpc pc = new Cpc(getIndependenceTest(indTestType, dataSet, cutoff)); pattern =; // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); // long stop2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Elapsed (just " + indTestType + ") " + (stop2 - start2) / 1000L + " seconds"); PrintWriter out4 = new PrintWriter(file4); out4.println(pattern); out4.close(); } else { pattern = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(file4); } System.out.println("True pattern = " + truePattern); System.out.println("Pattern = " + pattern); pattern = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(pattern, truePattern.getNodes()); // pattern = GraphUtils.bidirectedToUndirected(pattern); int adjFn = adjacenciesComplement(truePattern, pattern); int adjFp = adjacenciesComplement(pattern, truePattern); int truePosAdj = truePositivesAdj(truePattern, pattern); System.out.println("AdjFn = " + adjFn); System.out.println("AdjFp = " + adjFp); System.out.println("TruePosAdj = " + truePosAdj); int edgeFn = edgesComplement2(truePattern, pattern); int edgeFp = edgesComplement2(pattern, truePattern); int truePosEdges = truePositiveEdges(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFn = arrowsComplement(truePattern, pattern); // int edgeFp = arrowsComplement(pattern, truePattern); // int truePosEdges = truePositiveArrows(truePattern, pattern); double adjPrecision = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFp); double adjRecall = truePosAdj / (double) (truePosAdj + adjFn); double edgePrecision = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFp); double edgeRecall = truePosEdges / (double) (truePosEdges + edgeFn); System.out.println("edge Precision = " + edgePrecision); System.out.println("edge Recall = " + edgeRecall); sumErrors += adjFn + adjFp; if (!Double.isNaN(adjPrecision)) { sumAP += adjPrecision; sumAPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(adjRecall)) { sumAR += adjRecall; sumARN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgePrecision)) { sumEP += edgePrecision; sumEPN++; } if (!Double.isNaN(edgeRecall)) { sumER += edgeRecall; sumERN++; } // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AP (CCI) = " + adjPrecision); // out.println("Model # " + modelIndex + " AR (CCI) = " + adjRecall); } out.println("\nAverages " + indTestType); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average AP = " + nf.format(sumAP / sumAPN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average AR = " + nf.format(sumAR / sumARN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average EP = " + nf.format(sumEP / sumEPN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average ER = " + nf.format(sumER / sumERN)); out.println("Model # " + model + " Average Adj Errors = " + nf.format(sumErrors / (double) numModels)); stats[model - 1][type * 2] = sumEP / sumEPN; stats[model - 1][type * 2 + 1] = sumER / sumERN; } } System.out.println(MatrixUtils.toString(stats)); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test17() { int n = 100; int numTrials = 1000; double alpha = 0.05; int numIndep = 0; for (int g = 0; g < numTrials; g++) { TetradMatrix m = new TetradMatrix(n, 2); m.set(0, 0, 0); m.set(0, 1, 0); double sd = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // m.set(i, 0, RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, sd)); // m.set(i, 1, RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, sd)); m.set(i, 0, .9 * m.get(i - 1, 0) + RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, sd)); m.set(i, 1, .8 * m.get(i - 1, 1) + RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, sd)); } double x1S = 0., x2S = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x1S += m.get(n - i - 1, 0); x2S += m.get(n - i - 1, 1); } // double x1s2 = (1. / (double) n) * x1S * x1S; // double x2s2 = (1. / (double) n) * x2S * x2S; // double x1s2 = m.get(n - 0 - 1, 0); double x2s2 = m.get(n - 0 - 1, 0); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { x1s2 += 2 * m.get(n - 0 - 1, 0) * m.get(n - i - 1, 0); x2s2 += 2 * m.get(n - 0 - 1, 1) * m.get(n - i - 1, 1); } x1s2 = abs(x1s2); x2s2 = abs(x2s2); double x1s = sqrt(x1s2); double x2s = sqrt(x2s2); double x1z = x1S / (x1s * sqrt(n)); // double x2z = x2S / (sqrt(x2s2) * sqrt(n)); // System.out.println("x1S = " + x2S + " x1s2 = " + x1s2 + " + x1s = " + x1s + " x1z " + x1z); // System.out.println(m); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); ContinuousVariable x1 = new ContinuousVariable("X1"); ContinuousVariable x2 = new ContinuousVariable("X2"); nodes.add(x1); nodes.add(x2); // System.out.println(m); // for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // m.set(n - i - 1, 0, m.get(n - i - 1, 0) * x1s); // m.set(n - i - 1, 1, m.get(n - i - 1, 1) * x2s); // } DataSet d = ColtDataSet.makeContinuousData(nodes, m); IndependenceTest ind = new IndTestFisherZ(d, alpha); boolean indep = ind.isIndependent(x1, x2, new ArrayList<Node>()); System.out.println(indep + " " + ind.getPValue()); if (indep) numIndep++; } System.out.println(numIndep / (double) numTrials); } private void increment(Map<Edge, Integer> edges, Edge edge) { if (!edges.containsKey(edge)) { edges.put(edge, 0); } edges.put(edge, edges.get(edge) + 1); } private IndependenceTest getIndependenceTest(String type, DataSet dataSet, double alpha) { if ("fisherz".equals(type)) { return new IndTestFisherZ(dataSet, alpha); } else if ("cci".equals(type)) { return new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(dataSet, alpha); } else if ("kci".equals(type)) { return new IndTestKciMatlab(dataSet, alpha); } else if ("drton".equals(type)) { return new IndTestDrton(dataSet, alpha); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized type: " + type); } private int truePositivesAdj(Graph gTrue, Graph g2) { int n = 0; g2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(g2, gTrue.getNodes()); List<Node> nodes = gTrue.getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (gTrue.isAdjacentTo(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) && g2.isAdjacentTo(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j))) { n++; } } } return n; } private int truePositiveEdges(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); int n = 0; for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { if (graph2.containsEdge(edge)) n++; } return n; } private int truePositiveEdges2(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); int n = 0; for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { if (edge.isDirected() && graph2.containsEdge(edge)) n++; } return n; } private int truePositiveArrows(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); List<Node> nodes = graph1.getNodes(); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (graph1.getEndpoint(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) == Endpoint.ARROW && graph2.getEndpoint(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) == Endpoint.ARROW) { n++; } } } // for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { // if (graph2.containsEdge(edge)) n++; // } return n; } public static int adjacenciesComplement(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); int n = 0; List<Node> nodes = graph1.getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (graph1.isAdjacentTo(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) && !graph2.isAdjacentTo(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j))) { n++; } } } return n; } public static int edgesComplement(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); int n = 0; for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { if (!graph2.containsEdge(edge)) { n++; } } return n; } public static int edgesComplement2(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); int n = 0; for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { if (edge.isDirected() && !graph2.containsEdge(edge)) { n++; } } return n; } public static int arrowsComplement(Graph graph1, Graph graph2) { graph2 = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(graph2, graph1.getNodes()); List<Node> nodes = graph1.getNodes(); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (graph1.getEndpoint(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) == Endpoint.ARROW && graph2.getEndpoint(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)) != Endpoint.ARROW) { n++; } } } // int n = 0; // // for (Edge edge : graph1.getEdges()) { // if (!graph2.containsEdge(edge)) { // n++; // } // } return n; } private GeneralizedSemIm makeTestIm4(int size, int modelIndex) { if (modelIndex < 1 || modelIndex > 14) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model index out of range: " + modelIndex); } // List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); // // for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // nodes.add(new GraphNode("X" + (i + 1))); // } // // Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); // // for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { // for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { // if (RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble() < 0.8) { // graph.addDirectedEdge(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j)); // } // } // } Graph graph = GraphUtils.randomDag(size, size, false); // Graph graph; // // do { // graph = GraphUtils.randomDag(size, size, false); // } while (graph.getNumEdges() < size); GeneralizedSemPm pm = new GeneralizedSemPm(graph); List<Node> variablesNodes = pm.getVariableNodes(); List<Node> errorNodes = pm.getErrorNodes(); try { for (Node node : variablesNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate(getConnectionFunction(modelIndex), pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } for (Node node : errorNodes) { String _template = TemplateExpander.getInstance().expandTemplate(getErrorDistribution(), pm, node); pm.setNodeExpression(node, _template); } Set<String> parameters = pm.getParameters(); for (String parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.startsWith("a")) { pm.setParameterExpression(parameter, getCoefDistribution()); } } } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println(e); } GeneralizedSemIm im = new GeneralizedSemIm(pm); return im; } private String getConnectionFunction(int modelIndex) { int[] mixture = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 }; switch (modelIndex) { case 1: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * $)"; case 2: return "tanh(TSUM(NEW(a) * $) + ERROR)"; case 3: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * $^2)"; case 4: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * $^3)"; case 5: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * $^(-1))"; case 6: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * abs($))"; case 7: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * signum($) * abs($)^0.5)"; case 8: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * signum($) * abs($)^1.5)"; case 9: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * ln(abs($)))"; case 10: return "TSUM(NEW(a) * ln(cosh($)))"; case 11: return "TPROD(NEW(a) * $)"; case 12: return "TPROD(NEW(a) * $) * ERROR"; case 13: return "TSUM(PI * NEW(a) + cos(PI * NEW(a) * $))"; case 14: int i = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(mixture.length); return getConnectionFunction(mixture[i]); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a model"); } } private String getErrorDistribution() { String defaultDistribution = "U(-1,1)"; // String defaultDistribution = "Mixture(.5,N(-1,.5),.5,N(1,.5))"; // String defaultDistribution = "U(-2,2)"; // all positive errors seems to make everything do just about as well. // String defaultDistribution = "U(0, 1)"; // String defaultDistribution = "Beta(2,5)"; return defaultDistribution; } private String getCoefDistribution() { // String defaultInterval = "U(1,2)";//"Split(-1,-.2,.2,1)"; // "U(-1, 1)"; // String defaultInterval = "Split(-2,-1,1,2)"; // "U(-1, 1)"; String defaultInterval = "U(-1,1)"; return defaultInterval; } public void testKeiData() { try { // DataReader reader = new DataReader(); // reader.setVariablesSupplied(true); // reader.setDelimiter(DelimiterType.COMMA); // //// File dir = new File("/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14"); // File dir = new File("/home/jdramsey/Downloads"); // File file = new File(dir, "data2.csv"); // // DataSet data = reader.parseTabular(file); // // DataFilter interpolator = new MeanInterpolator(); // data = interpolator.filter(data); // //// System.out.println(DataUtils.containsMissingValue(data)); // // IndependenceTest test = new IndTestConditionalCorrelation(data, 0.001); // // PcStable pc = new PcStable(test); // pc.setDepth(3); // // Graph graph =; Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(); System.out.println(graph); // String graphDir = "/Users/josephramsey/Documents/LAB_NOTEBOOK.2012.04.20/2013.11.23/test14/"; String graphDir = "/home/jdramsey/Downloads"; writeFiveGraphFormats(graphDir, graph, "keidata.pc.cci.txt"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test18() { String data = "Index x y\n" + "1 -0.72948059 1.01209350\n" + "2 0.80798715 1.03681935\n" + "3 -0.02095235 -0.37993571\n" + "4 -1.64513107 2.80567356\n" + "5 0.07684120 0.53549655\n" + "6 0.43023555 0.42394366\n" + "7 -0.42676522 -0.29117311\n" + "8 -2.10007622 5.05256527\n" + "9 -0.65580699 0.23033719\n" + "10 -1.63617591 2.37332487\n" + "11 -1.23680958 1.64217631\n" + "12 -0.98708873 1.64958398\n" + "13 0.28235697 -0.01322421\n" + "14 -0.08159946 0.38443774\n" + "15 -1.54593292 1.84517283\n" + "16 0.82161145 1.67503553\n" + "17 0.67867283 0.29451478\n" + "18 0.82985465 0.42267041\n" + "19 1.00260529 1.27773320\n" + "20 0.13351448 -0.12437656\n" + "21 -1.09904966 1.64203132\n" + "22 0.73016304 0.30991127\n" + "23 -1.27354175 1.76457703\n" + "24 0.46934600 -0.23096083\n" + "25 0.94805730 0.81191566\n" + "26 0.97957563 0.14710183\n" + "27 0.04757990 0.02270664\n" + "28 -1.91368914 4.23463302\n" + "29 -0.59444606 0.28346340\n" + "30 -0.71910846 0.48055435\n" + "31 -1.25986488 0.88790498\n" + "32 -0.26204911 0.26060420\n" + "33 -2.86116183 7.72689392\n" + "34 -0.33872119 0.15511555\n" + "35 0.29524601 0.78723474\n" + "36 -1.55505998 2.42226687\n" + "37 1.31363087 1.99018993\n" + "38 0.30416367 -0.30086889\n" + "39 -0.40490442 1.17313339\n" + "40 -0.21411599 1.00948841\n" + "41 -0.28109120 0.01365507\n" + "42 0.17603210 -0.14206316\n" + "43 -0.19844413 -0.22548862\n" + "44 1.28357341 1.76345693\n" + "45 -0.75131049 1.05025460\n" + "46 1.28333702 1.94343654\n" + "47 -0.34022614 0.65501745\n" + "48 0.43365272 -0.11294250\n" + "49 0.75461100 0.92198555\n" + "50 0.46322642 0.27829113\n" + "51 -0.16022255 -0.15490153\n" + "52 -2.60920107 7.10439922\n" + "53 -0.10300395 -0.54715708\n" + "54 -0.71776100 0.61004902\n" + "55 -1.02983268 1.49005198\n" + "56 2.00803519 3.60926848\n" + "57 0.04192123 0.36825046\n" + "58 -0.46263362 0.08504761\n" + "59 1.94847020 4.11896195\n" + "60 -1.07745523 0.98709943\n" + "61 -0.17589703 -0.65818477\n" + "62 0.81287659 1.48322666\n" + "63 -0.45400031 0.31150709\n" + "64 -0.47554954 0.72039244\n" + "65 0.54807911 0.04695733\n" + "66 0.19344402 0.27785098\n" + "67 -0.50269640 -0.04849118\n" + "68 -0.61802126 0.92677808\n" + "69 0.31346941 0.10233607\n" + "70 0.63577987 0.52803445\n" + "71 0.72578604 0.47726866\n" + "72 -0.80020174 0.31059430\n" + "73 -1.76306378 3.37591020\n" + "74 -1.61635258 2.28390644\n" + "75 -0.17252515 0.10342195\n" + "76 1.05079002 0.98551042\n" + "77 -0.19664975 -0.28227379\n" + "78 0.76963250 0.75710892\n" + "79 -0.41856370 0.17429286\n" + "80 0.97880357 1.32522307\n" + "81 1.80407499 3.51901515\n" + "82 -0.64527851 -0.02947269\n" + "83 -0.03990843 -0.33027020\n" + "84 -2.61749411 6.49758868\n" + "85 -0.11104965 -0.92909214\n" + "86 -0.49033442 1.13918307\n" + "87 1.14478318 1.09747092\n" + "88 0.64945125 0.93815580\n" + "89 -0.09521951 0.89221710\n" + "90 -0.15796234 0.49929398\n" + "91 -0.06598984 -0.12423091\n" + "92 1.34827195 1.74975607\n" + "93 -1.61475922 3.09393360\n" + "94 -1.83002418 3.48332919\n" + "95 0.99130390 1.45967080\n" + "96 -0.22961622 0.88516120\n" + "97 0.17939985 0.02820274\n" + "98 0.64887770 0.54387382\n" + "99 0.83298219 0.63271454\n" + "100 -1.37347477 1.82045830"; DataReader reader = new DataReader(); DataSet dataSet = reader.parseTabular(data.toCharArray()); // System.out.println(dataSet); List<String> varnames = dataSet.getVariableNames(); RealMatrix realMatrix = dataSet.getDoubleData().getRealMatrix(); Cci cci = new Cci(realMatrix, varnames, 0.05); // cci.temp(realMatrix.getColumn(1), realMatrix.getColumn(2)); boolean indep = cci.independent(realMatrix.getColumn(1), realMatrix.getColumn(2)); System.out.println(indep); } public void test19() { Node x = new GraphNode("x"); Node y = new GraphNode("y"); Node z = new GraphNode("z"); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); nodes.add(x); nodes.add(y); nodes.add(z); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); // graph.addDirectedEdge(x, y); SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph); SemIm im = new SemIm(pm); DataSet dataSet = im.simulateData(1000, false); RealMatrix realMatrix = dataSet.getDoubleData().getRealMatrix(); List<String> varnames = dataSet.getVariableNames(); Cci cci = new Cci(realMatrix, varnames, 0.05); List<String> cond = new ArrayList<String>(); cond.add("z"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { boolean indep = cci.isIndependent("x", "y", cond); System.out.println(i + " " + indep); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(stop - start); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(TestIndTestConditionalCorrelation.class); } public static void main(String[] args) { new TestIndTestConditionalCorrelation("Test1").test18(); } }