Java tutorial
package edu.cmu.graphchi.engine; import; import; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Timer; import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext; import edu.cmu.graphchi.*; import edu.cmu.graphchi.datablocks.BytesToValueConverter; import edu.cmu.graphchi.datablocks.DataBlockManager; import edu.cmu.graphchi.datablocks.IntConverter; import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.auxdata.DegreeData; import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.auxdata.VertexData; import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.auxdata.VertexDegree; import edu.cmu.graphchi.hadoop.PigGraphChiBase; import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.EdgeProcessor; import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.VertexIdTranslate; import edu.cmu.graphchi.shards.MemoryShard; import edu.cmu.graphchi.shards.SlidingShard; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharSet; import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.HypergraphFastSharder; /** * Copyright [2012] [Aapo Kyrola, Guy Blelloch, Carlos Guestrin / Carnegie Mellon University] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The engine responsible for executing a GraphChi computation. * @param <VertexDataType> type of vertex-data * @param <EdgeDataType> type of edge-data */ public class HypergraphChiEngine<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> { protected String baseFilename; protected int nShards; protected ArrayList<VertexInterval> intervals; protected ArrayList<SlidingShard<EdgeDataType>> slidingShards; protected BytesToValueConverter<EdgeDataType> edataConverter; protected BytesToValueConverter<VertexDataType> vertexDataConverter; protected GraphChiContextInternal chiContext = new GraphChiContextInternal(); private DataBlockManager blockManager; private ExecutorService parallelExecutor; private ExecutorService loadingExecutor; private DegreeData degreeHandler; private VertexData<VertexDataType> vertexDataHandler; protected int subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd; protected int maxWindow = 20000000; protected boolean enableScheduler = false; protected boolean onlyAdjacency = false; protected BitsetScheduler scheduler = null; protected long nupdates = 0; protected boolean enableDeterministicExecution = true; private boolean useStaticWindowSize = false; protected long memBudget; protected VertexIdTranslate vertexIdTranslate; protected boolean hasSetVertexDataConverter = false, hasSetEdgeDataConverter = false; private static final Logger logger = ChiLogger.getLogger("engine"); /* Automatic loading of next window */ private boolean autoLoadNext = false; // Only for only-adjacency cases! private boolean skipZeroDegreeVertices = false; private FutureTask<IntervalData> nextWindow; /* Metrics */ private final Timer loadTimer = Metrics.defaultRegistry().newTimer(GraphChiEngine.class, "shard-loading", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES); private final Timer executionTimer = Metrics.defaultRegistry().newTimer(GraphChiEngine.class, "execute-updates", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES); private final Timer waitForFutureTimer = Metrics.defaultRegistry().newTimer(GraphChiEngine.class, "wait-for-future", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES); private final Timer initVerticesTimer = Metrics.defaultRegistry().newTimer(GraphChiEngine.class, "init-vertices", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES); private final Timer determineNextWindowTimer = Metrics.defaultRegistry().newTimer(GraphChiEngine.class, "det-next-window", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES); protected boolean modifiesInedges = true, modifiesOutedges = true; private boolean disableInEdges = false, disableOutEdges = false; // HYPERGRAPH METADATA private Hashtable<Integer, Boolean> vertexList = new Hashtable<Integer, Boolean>(); private Hashtable<Integer, Boolean> hyperedgeList = new Hashtable<Integer, Boolean>(); public static final Charset UTF_8 = null; private HashSet<String> hyperedges; // new HashSet<Integer>(); //ArrayList<Integer> hyperedges = /** * Constructor * @param baseFilename input-file name * @param nShards number of shards * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public HypergraphChiEngine(String baseFilename, int nShards) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { this.baseFilename = baseFilename; this.nShards = nShards; loadIntervals(); blockManager = new DataBlockManager(); degreeHandler = new DegreeData(baseFilename); File vertexIdTranslateFile = new File(ChiFilenames.getVertexTranslateDefFile(baseFilename, nShards)); if (vertexIdTranslateFile.exists()) { vertexIdTranslate = VertexIdTranslate.fromFile(vertexIdTranslateFile); } else { vertexIdTranslate = VertexIdTranslate.identity(); } chiContext.setVertexIdTranslate(vertexIdTranslate); memBudget = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 4; if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() < 256 * 1024 * 1024) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Java Virtual Machine has only " + memBudget + "bytes maximum memory." + " Please run the JVM with at least 256 megabytes of memory using -Xmx256m. For better performance, use higher value"); // HYPERGPAPH Initialization initializeHypergraphShards(baseFilename, nShards); } /** * Access the intervals for shards. * @return */ public ArrayList<VertexInterval> getIntervals() { return intervals; } protected void loadIntervals() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { intervals = ChiFilenames.loadIntervals(baseFilename, nShards); } /** * Set the memorybudget in megabytes. Default is JVM's max memory / 4. * Memory budget affects the number of vertices loaded into memory at * any time. * @param mb */ public void setMemoryBudgetMb(long mb) { memBudget = mb * 1024 * 1024; } /** * @return the current memory budget in <b>bytes</b>. */ public long getMemoryBudget() { return memBudget; } /** * You can instruct the engine to automatically ignore vertices that do not * have any edges. By default this is <b>false</b>. * @param skipZeroDegreeVertices */ public void setSkipZeroDegreeVertices(boolean skipZeroDegreeVertices) { this.skipZeroDegreeVertices = skipZeroDegreeVertices; } /** * @return the number of vertices in the current graph */ public int numVertices() { return 1 + intervals.get(intervals.size() - 1).getLastVertex(); } /** * For definition of "hypergraphs" * @throws IOException */ // HYPERGRAPH Change this code for hypergraphs to initialize hyperedges etc. Need to think over design protected void initializeHypergraphShards(String baseFilename, int numShards) throws IOException { final String metaFilename = "myexamples/dblp-hyperedges.1k-EdgeList.txt"; HypergraphFastSharder<Integer, Integer> sharder = new HypergraphFastSharder<Integer, Integer>(metaFilename, numShards, null, new EdgeProcessor<Integer>() { @Override public Integer receiveEdge(int from, int to, String token) { if (token == null) return 0; return Integer.parseInt(token); } }, new IntConverter(), new IntConverter()); sharder.shard(new FileInputStream(metaFilename), "hypergraph"); vertexList = sharder.vertexList; hyperedgeList = sharder.hyperedgeList; //sharder.printLookUpLists(); hyperedges = initializeHyperedges(metaFilename); } public HashSet<String> initializeHyperedges(String fileName) { HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.add("0"); try { set = Sets.newHashSet(Files.readLines(new File(fileName), UTF_8)); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return set; } /** * For definition of "sliding shards", see * @throws IOException */ protected void initializeSlidingShards() throws IOException { slidingShards = new ArrayList<SlidingShard<EdgeDataType>>(); for (int p = 0; p < nShards; p++) { String edataFilename = (onlyAdjacency ? null : ChiFilenames.getFilenameShardEdata(baseFilename, edataConverter, p, nShards)); String adjFilename = ChiFilenames.getFilenameShardsAdj(baseFilename, p, nShards); SlidingShard<EdgeDataType> slidingShard = new SlidingShard<EdgeDataType>(edataFilename, adjFilename, intervals.get(p).getFirstVertex(), intervals.get(p).getLastVertex()); slidingShard.setConverter(edataConverter); slidingShard.setDataBlockManager(blockManager); slidingShard.setModifiesOutedges(modifiesOutedges); slidingShard.setOnlyAdjacency(onlyAdjacency); slidingShards.add(slidingShard); } } /** * For definition of "memory shards", see * @throws IOException */ protected MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> createMemoryShard(int intervalStart, int intervalEnd, int execInterval) { String edataFilename = (onlyAdjacency ? null : ChiFilenames.getFilenameShardEdata(baseFilename, edataConverter, execInterval, nShards)); String adjFilename = ChiFilenames.getFilenameShardsAdj(baseFilename, execInterval, nShards); MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> newMemoryShard = new MemoryShard<EdgeDataType>(edataFilename, adjFilename, intervals.get(execInterval).getFirstVertex(), intervals.get(execInterval).getLastVertex()); newMemoryShard.setConverter(edataConverter); newMemoryShard.setDataBlockManager(blockManager); newMemoryShard.setOnlyAdjacency(onlyAdjacency); return newMemoryShard; } /** * Runs the GraphChi program for given number of iterations. <b>Note:</b> Prior to calling this, * you must have set the edge-data and vertex-data converters: * setEdataConverter() * setVertexDataConverter() * @param program yoru GraphChi program * @param niters number of iterations * @throws IOException */ public void run(HypergraphChiProgram<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> program, int niters) throws IOException { if (!hasSetEdgeDataConverter) { throw new IllegalStateException("You need to call setEdataConverter() prior to calling run()!"); } if (!hasSetVertexDataConverter) { throw new IllegalStateException("You need to call setVertexDataConverter() prior to calling run()!"); } int nprocs = 4; if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > nprocs) { nprocs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } if (System.getProperty("num_threads") != null) nprocs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("num_threads"));":::::::: Using " + nprocs + " execution threads :::::::::"); parallelExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nprocs); loadingExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); chiContext.setNumIterations(niters); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); initializeSlidingShards(); if (enableScheduler) { initializeScheduler(); chiContext.setScheduler(scheduler); scheduler.addAllTasks();"Using scheduler!"); } else { chiContext.setScheduler(new MockScheduler()); } if (disableInEdges) { ChiVertex.disableInedges = true; } if (disableOutEdges) { ChiVertex.disableOutedges = true; } /* Initialize vertex-data handler */ if (vertexDataConverter != null) { vertexDataHandler = new VertexData<VertexDataType>(numVertices(), baseFilename, vertexDataConverter, true); vertexDataHandler.setBlockManager(blockManager); } chiContext.setNumEdges(numEdges()); for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; iter++) { /* Wait for executor have finished all writes */ while (!blockManager.empty()) { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } blockManager.reset(); chiContext.setIteration(iter); chiContext.setNumVertices(numVertices()); program.beginIteration(chiContext); if (scheduler != null) { if (iter > 0 && !scheduler.hasTasks()) {"No new tasks to run. Terminating."); break; } scheduler.reset(); } for (int execInterval = 0; execInterval < nShards; ++execInterval) { int intervalSt = intervals.get(execInterval).getFirstVertex(); int intervalEn = intervals.get(execInterval).getLastVertex(); - startTime) * 0.001 + "s: iteration: " + iter + ", interval: " + intervalSt + " -- " + intervalEn); if (program instanceof PigGraphChiBase) { ((PigGraphChiBase) program).setStatusString("GraphChi iteration " + iter + " / " + (niters - 1) + ";" + " vertex interval:" + intervalSt + " -- " + intervalEn); } program.beginInterval(chiContext, intervals.get(execInterval)); MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memoryShard = null; if (!disableInEdges) { if (!onlyAdjacency || !autoLoadNext || nextWindow == null) { if (!disableOutEdges) slidingShards.get(execInterval).flush(); // MESSY! memoryShard = createMemoryShard(intervalSt, intervalEn, execInterval); } else { memoryShard = null; } } subIntervalStart = intervalSt; while (subIntervalStart <= intervalEn) { int adjMaxWindow = maxWindow; if (Integer.MAX_VALUE - subIntervalStart < maxWindow) adjMaxWindow = Integer.MAX_VALUE - subIntervalStart - 1; if (anyVertexScheduled(subIntervalStart, Math.min(intervalEn, subIntervalStart + adjMaxWindow))) { ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices = null; int vertexBlockId = -1; if (!autoLoadNext || nextWindow == null) { try { subIntervalEnd = determineNextWindow(subIntervalStart, Math.min(intervalEn, subIntervalStart + adjMaxWindow)); } catch (NoEdgesInIntervalException nie) {"No edges, skip: " + subIntervalStart + " -- " + subIntervalEnd); subIntervalEnd = subIntervalStart + adjMaxWindow; subIntervalStart = subIntervalEnd + 1; continue; } int nvertices = subIntervalEnd - subIntervalStart + 1;"Subinterval:: " + subIntervalStart + " -- " + subIntervalEnd + " (iteration " + iter + ")"); vertices = new ChiVertex[nvertices];"Init vertices..."); vertexBlockId = initVertices(nvertices, subIntervalStart, vertices);"Loading..."); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); loadBeforeUpdates(execInterval, vertices, memoryShard, subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd);"Load took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + "ms"); } else { /* This is a mess! */ try { long tf = System.currentTimeMillis(); final TimerContext _timer = waitForFutureTimer.time(); IntervalData next = nextWindow.get(); memoryShard = next.getMemShard(); _timer.stop();"Waiting for future task loading took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tf) + " ms"); if (subIntervalStart != next.getSubInterval().getFirstVertex()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Future loaders interval does not match the expected one! " + subIntervalStart + " != " + next.getSubInterval().getFirstVertex()); subIntervalEnd = next.getSubInterval().getLastVertex(); vertexBlockId = next.getVertexBlockId(); vertices = next.getVertices(); nextWindow = null; } catch (Exception err) { throw new RuntimeException(err); } } if (autoLoadNext) { /* Start a future for loading the next window */ adjMaxWindow = maxWindow; if (Integer.MAX_VALUE - subIntervalEnd < maxWindow) adjMaxWindow = Integer.MAX_VALUE - subIntervalEnd - 1; if (subIntervalEnd + 1 <= intervalEn) { nextWindow = new FutureTask<IntervalData>(new AutoLoaderTask( new VertexInterval(subIntervalEnd + 1, Math.min(intervalEn, subIntervalEnd + 1 + adjMaxWindow)), execInterval, memoryShard)); } else if (execInterval < nShards - 1) { int nextIntervalSt = intervals.get(execInterval + 1).getFirstVertex(); int nextIntervalEn = intervals.get(execInterval + 1).getLastVertex(); slidingShards.get(execInterval).setOffset(memoryShard.getStreamingOffset(), memoryShard.getStreamingOffsetVid(), memoryShard.getStreamingOffsetEdgePtr()); nextWindow = new FutureTask<IntervalData>( new AutoLoaderTask( new VertexInterval(nextIntervalSt, Math.min(nextIntervalEn, nextIntervalSt + 1 + adjMaxWindow)), execInterval + 1, createMemoryShard(nextIntervalSt, nextIntervalEn, execInterval + 1))); } if (nextWindow != null) loadingExecutor.submit(nextWindow); } /* Clear scheduler bits */ if (scheduler != null) scheduler.removeTasks(subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd); chiContext.setCurInterval(new VertexInterval(subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd)); program.beginSubInterval(chiContext, new VertexInterval(subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd)); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); execUpdates(program, vertices);"Update exec: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) + " ms."); // Write vertices (async) final int _firstVertex = subIntervalStart; final int _blockId = vertexBlockId; parallelExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { vertexDataHandler.releaseAndCommit(_firstVertex, _blockId); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }); subIntervalStart = subIntervalEnd + 1; program.endSubInterval(chiContext, new VertexInterval(subIntervalStart, subIntervalEnd)); } else { subIntervalEnd = subIntervalStart + adjMaxWindow;"Skipped interval - no vertices scheduled. " + subIntervalStart + " -- " + subIntervalEnd); subIntervalStart = subIntervalEnd + 1; } } /* Commit */ if (!disableInEdges) { memoryShard.commitAndRelease(modifiesInedges, modifiesOutedges); if (!disableOutEdges && !autoLoadNext) { slidingShards.get(execInterval).setOffset(memoryShard.getStreamingOffset(), memoryShard.getStreamingOffsetVid(), memoryShard.getStreamingOffsetEdgePtr()); } } } for (SlidingShard shard : slidingShards) { shard.flush(); shard.setOffset(0, 0, 0); } program.endIteration(chiContext); } // Iterations parallelExecutor.shutdown(); loadingExecutor.shutdown(); if (vertexDataHandler != null) vertexDataHandler.close();"Engine finished in: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) * 0.001 + " secs.");"Updates: " + nupdates); } private boolean anyVertexScheduled(int subIntervalStart, int lastVertex) { if (!enableScheduler) return true; for (int i = subIntervalStart; i <= lastVertex; i++) { if (scheduler.isScheduled(i)) return true; } return false; } private void initializeScheduler() { scheduler = new BitsetScheduler(numVertices()); } private void execUpdates(final HypergraphChiProgram<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> program, final ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices) { if (vertices == null || vertices.length == 0) return; TimerContext _timer = executionTimer.time(); if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() == 1) { /* Sequential updates */ for (ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> vertex : vertices) { if (vertex != null) { nupdates++; hypergraphUpdate(program, vertex, chiContext); // program.update(vertex, chiContext); } } } else { final Object termlock = new Object(); final int chunkSize = 1 + vertices.length / 64; final int nWorkers = vertices.length / chunkSize + 1; final AtomicInteger countDown = new AtomicInteger(1 + nWorkers); if (!enableDeterministicExecution) { for (ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> vertex : vertices) { if (vertex != null) vertex.parallelSafe = true; } } /* Parallel updates. One thread for non-parallel safe updates, others updated in parallel. This guarantees deterministic execution. */ /* Non-safe updates */ parallelExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { int thrupdates = 0; GraphChiContext threadContext = chiContext.clone(0); try { for (ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> vertex : vertices) { if (vertex != null && !vertex.parallelSafe) { thrupdates++; hypergraphUpdate(program, vertex, threadContext); //program.update(vertex, threadContext); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { int pending = countDown.decrementAndGet(); synchronized (termlock) { nupdates += thrupdates; if (pending == 0) { termlock.notifyAll(); ; } } } } }); /* Parallel updates */ for (int thrId = 0; thrId < nWorkers; thrId++) { final int myId = thrId; final int chunkStart = myId * chunkSize; final int chunkEnd = chunkStart + chunkSize; parallelExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { int thrupdates = 0; GraphChiContext threadContext = chiContext.clone(1 + myId); try { int end = chunkEnd; if (end > vertices.length) end = vertices.length; for (int i = chunkStart; i < end; i++) { ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> vertex = vertices[i]; if (vertex != null && vertex.parallelSafe) { thrupdates++; hypergraphUpdate(program, vertex, threadContext); //program.update(vertex, threadContext); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { int pending = countDown.decrementAndGet(); synchronized (termlock) { nupdates += thrupdates; if (pending == 0) { termlock.notifyAll(); } } } } }); } synchronized (termlock) { while (countDown.get() > 0) { try { termlock.wait(1500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // What to do? e.printStackTrace(); } if (countDown.get() > 0)"Waiting for execution to finish: countDown:" + countDown.get()); } } } _timer.stop(); } // HYPERGRAPH: Used to update vertices and hyperedges by checking hyperegdes metadata protected void hypergraphUpdate(HypergraphChiProgram<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> program, ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> vertex, GraphChiContext threadContext) { int counter = 0; if (hyperedges.contains(vertex.getId())) { //System.out.println("Counter: "+counter+"VertexId: "+vertex.getId()); program.updateHyperedge(vertex, threadContext); } else { //System.out.println("Counter: "+counter+"Should be hyperedge "); program.updateVertex(vertex, threadContext); } } protected int initVertices(int nvertices, int firstVertexId, ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices) throws IOException { final TimerContext _timer = initVerticesTimer.time(); ChiVertex.edgeValueConverter = edataConverter; ChiVertex.vertexValueConverter = vertexDataConverter; ChiVertex.blockManager = blockManager; int blockId = (vertexDataConverter != null ? vertexDataHandler.load(firstVertexId, firstVertexId + nvertices - 1) : -1); for (int j = 0; j < nvertices; j++) { if (enableScheduler && !scheduler.isScheduled(j + firstVertexId)) { continue; } VertexDegree degree = degreeHandler.getDegree(j + firstVertexId); if (skipZeroDegreeVertices && (degree.inDegree + degree.outDegree == 0)) { continue; } ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> v = new ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>( j + firstVertexId, degree); if (vertexDataConverter != null) { v.setDataPtr(vertexDataHandler.getVertexValuePtr(j + firstVertexId, blockId)); } vertices[j] = v; } _timer.stop(); return blockId; } private void loadBeforeUpdates(int interval, final ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices, final MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memShard, final int startVertex, final int endVertex) throws IOException { final Object terminationLock = new Object(); final TimerContext _timer = loadTimer.time(); // TODO: make easier to read synchronized (terminationLock) { final AtomicInteger countDown = new AtomicInteger(disableOutEdges ? 1 : nShards); if (!disableInEdges) { try {"Memshard: " + startVertex + " -- " + endVertex); memShard.loadVertices(startVertex, endVertex, vertices, disableOutEdges, parallelExecutor);"Loading memory-shard finished." + Thread.currentThread().getName()); if (countDown.decrementAndGet() == 0) { synchronized (terminationLock) { terminationLock.notifyAll(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } } /* Load in parallel */ if (!disableOutEdges) { for (int p = 0; p < nShards; p++) { if (p != interval || disableInEdges) { final int _p = p; final SlidingShard<EdgeDataType> shard = slidingShards.get(p); loadingExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { shard.readNextVertices(vertices, startVertex, false); if (countDown.decrementAndGet() == 0) { synchronized (terminationLock) { terminationLock.notifyAll(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } } }); } } } // barrier try { while (countDown.get() > 0) { terminationLock.wait(5000); if (countDown.get() > 0) {"Still waiting for loading, counter is: " + countDown.get()); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } _timer.stop(); } /** * @return the current GraphChiContext object */ public GraphChiContext getContext() { return chiContext; } public long numEdges() { long numEdges = 0; for (SlidingShard shard : slidingShards) { numEdges += shard.getNumEdges(); } return numEdges; } class IntervalData { private VertexInterval subInterval; private ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices; private int vertexBlockId; private MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memShard; private int intervalNum; IntervalData(VertexInterval subInterval, ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices, int vertexBlockId, MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memShard, int intervalNum) { this.subInterval = subInterval; this.vertices = vertices; this.vertexBlockId = vertexBlockId; this.intervalNum = intervalNum; this.memShard = memShard; } public VertexInterval getSubInterval() { return subInterval; } public ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] getVertices() { return vertices; } public int getVertexBlockId() { return vertexBlockId; } public MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> getMemShard() { return memShard; } public int getIntervalNum() { return intervalNum; } } class AutoLoaderTask implements Callable<IntervalData> { private ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[] vertices; private VertexInterval interval; private MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memShard; private int intervalNum; AutoLoaderTask(VertexInterval interval, int intervalNum, MemoryShard<EdgeDataType> memShard) { this.interval = interval; this.memShard = memShard; this.intervalNum = intervalNum; if (!onlyAdjacency) throw new RuntimeException("Can use auto-loading only with only-adjacency mode!"); } @Override public IntervalData call() { try { int lastVertex = determineNextWindow(interval.getFirstVertex(), interval.getLastVertex()); int nVertices = lastVertex - interval.getFirstVertex() + 1; this.vertices = (ChiVertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType>[]) new ChiVertex[nVertices]; int vertexBlockid = initVertices(nVertices, interval.getFirstVertex(), vertices); loadBeforeUpdates(intervalNum, vertices, memShard, interval.getFirstVertex(), lastVertex); return new IntervalData(new VertexInterval(interval.getFirstVertex(), lastVertex), vertices, vertexBlockid, memShard, intervalNum); } catch (NoEdgesInIntervalException nie) { return new IntervalData(new VertexInterval(interval.getFirstVertex(), interval.getLastVertex()), vertices, -1, memShard, intervalNum); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } private int determineNextWindow(int subIntervalStart, int maxVertex) throws IOException, NoEdgesInIntervalException { final TimerContext _timer = determineNextWindowTimer.time(); long totalDegree = 0; try { degreeHandler.load(subIntervalStart, maxVertex); if (useStaticWindowSize) { return maxVertex; } long memReq = 0; int maxInterval = maxVertex - subIntervalStart; int vertexDataSizeOf = (vertexDataConverter != null ? vertexDataConverter.sizeOf() : 0); int edataSizeOf = (onlyAdjacency ? 0 : edataConverter.sizeOf());"Memory budget: " + memBudget); for (int i = 0; i < maxInterval; i++) { if (enableScheduler) { if (!scheduler.isScheduled(i + subIntervalStart)) continue; } VertexDegree deg = degreeHandler.getDegree(i + subIntervalStart); int inc = deg.inDegree; int outc = deg.outDegree; if (inc + outc == 0 && skipZeroDegreeVertices) { continue; } totalDegree += inc + outc; // Following calculation contains some perhaps reasonable estimates of the // overhead of Java objects. memReq += vertexDataSizeOf + 256 + (edataSizeOf + 4 + 4 + 4) * (inc + outc); if (memReq > memBudget) { if (totalDegree == 0 && vertexDataConverter == null) { throw new NoEdgesInIntervalException(); } return subIntervalStart + i - 1; // Previous vertex was enough } } if (totalDegree == 0 && vertexDataConverter == null) { throw new NoEdgesInIntervalException(); } return maxVertex; } finally { _timer.stop(); } } public boolean isEnableScheduler() { return enableScheduler; } /** * Enabled the selective scheduling. By default, scheduling is not enabled. * @param enableScheduler */ public void setEnableScheduler(boolean enableScheduler) { this.enableScheduler = enableScheduler; } /** * Sets the bytes->vertex value converter object. * @param vertexDataConverter */ public void setVertexDataConverter(BytesToValueConverter<VertexDataType> vertexDataConverter) { this.vertexDataConverter = vertexDataConverter; this.hasSetVertexDataConverter = true; } /** * Sets the bytes->edge value converter object. If the object is null, * then no edge-values are read (only adjacency information). * @param edataConverter */ public void setEdataConverter(BytesToValueConverter<EdgeDataType> edataConverter) { this.edataConverter = edataConverter; this.hasSetEdgeDataConverter = true; } public boolean isEnableDeterministicExecution() { return enableDeterministicExecution; } /** * Enabled or disables the deterministic parallelism. It is enabled by default. * See section "Parallel Updates" * @param enableDeterministicExecution */ public void setEnableDeterministicExecution(boolean enableDeterministicExecution) { this.enableDeterministicExecution = enableDeterministicExecution; } public boolean isDisableOutEdges() { return disableOutEdges; } /** * Disable loading of out-edges * @param disableOutEdges */ public void setDisableOutEdges(boolean disableOutEdges) { this.disableOutEdges = disableOutEdges; } public boolean isModifiesInedges() { return modifiesInedges; } /** * Disable/enable writing of in-edges (enabled by default) * @param modifiesInedges */ public void setModifiesInedges(boolean modifiesInedges) { this.modifiesInedges = modifiesInedges; } public boolean isModifiesOutedges() { return modifiesOutedges; } public void setModifiesOutedges(boolean modifiesOutedges) { this.modifiesOutedges = modifiesOutedges; } public boolean isOnlyAdjacency() { return onlyAdjacency; } /** * Load only adjacency data. * @param onlyAdjacency */ public void setOnlyAdjacency(boolean onlyAdjacency) { this.onlyAdjacency = onlyAdjacency; this.hasSetEdgeDataConverter = true; } public void setDisableInedges(boolean b) { this.disableInEdges = b; } public boolean isDisableInEdges() { return disableInEdges; } public int getMaxWindow() { return maxWindow; } /** * Configures the maximum number of vertices loaded at any time. * Default is 20 million. Generally you should not needed to modify this. * @param maxWindow */ public void setMaxWindow(int maxWindow) { this.maxWindow = maxWindow; } public boolean isUseStaticWindowSize() { return useStaticWindowSize; } /** * Enables use of static window size (without adjusting the number * of vertices loaded at any time based on the amount of available memory). * Only for advanced users! * @param useStaticWindowSize */ public void setUseStaticWindowSize(boolean useStaticWindowSize) { this.useStaticWindowSize = useStaticWindowSize; } public boolean isAutoLoadNext() { return autoLoadNext; } /** * Experimental feature that enables GraphChi to load data ahead. * This works only with onlyAdjacency-setting. DO NOT USE - NOT TESTED. * @param autoLoadNext */ public void setAutoLoadNext(boolean autoLoadNext) { this.autoLoadNext = autoLoadNext; } private class MockScheduler implements Scheduler { public void addTask(int vertexId) { } public void removeTasks(int from, int to) { } public void addAllTasks() { } public boolean hasTasks() { return true; } public boolean isScheduled(int i) { return true; } @Override public void removeAllTasks() { } @Override public void scheduleOutNeighbors(ChiVertex vertex) { } @Override public void scheduleInNeighbors(ChiVertex vertex) { } } /** * GraphChi uses internal vertex ids. To translate from the internal ids * to the ids used in the original graph, obtain VertexIdTranslate object * by using this method and call translater.backward(internalId) * @return */ public VertexIdTranslate getVertexIdTranslate() { return vertexIdTranslate; } public void setVertexIdTranslate(VertexIdTranslate vertexIdTranslate) { this.vertexIdTranslate = vertexIdTranslate; } private class GraphChiContextInternal extends GraphChiContext { @Override protected void setVertexIdTranslate(VertexIdTranslate vertexIdTranslate) { super.setVertexIdTranslate(vertexIdTranslate); } @Override public void setThreadLocal(Object threadLocal) { super.setThreadLocal(threadLocal); } @Override protected void setNumVertices(long numVertices) { super.setNumVertices(numVertices); } @Override protected void setNumEdges(long numEdges) { super.setNumEdges(numEdges); } @Override protected void setScheduler(Scheduler scheduler) { super.setScheduler(scheduler); } @Override protected void setNumIterations(int numIterations) { super.setNumIterations(numIterations); } @Override protected void setIteration(int iteration) { super.setIteration(iteration); } @Override protected void setCurInterval(VertexInterval curInterval) { super.setCurInterval(curInterval); } } } /* Already defined in GraphChiEngine class NoEdgesInIntervalException extends Exception { }*/