Source code

Java tutorial


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 *  This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
 *  NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
 * or send a letter to 
 *  Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 
 *  94041, USA.
 *  Use of this work is permitted only in accordance with license rights granted.
 *  Materials provided "AS IS"; no representations or warranties provided.
 *  Copyright  2012 Marcus Parkkinen, Aki Kkel, Fredrik hs.

package edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.ContextMenu;
import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView.ExpandableListContextMenuInfo;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.ProgressBar;
import android.widget.TextView;
import edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.R;
import edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.constants.Constants;
import edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfGUIEvents;
import edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.model.Bookshelf;
import edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.util.TextFormatter;

 * Graphical representation of the bookshelf.
 * @author Marcus Parkkinen, Fredrik hs
 * @version 0.6
public class BookshelfFragment extends Fragment {
    private static final String TAG = "BookshelfFragment.class";
    private ExpandableBookshelfAdapter adapter;
    private IBookshelfGUIEvents fragmentOwner;
    private ExpandableListView bookshelfList;

     * Simple interface forcing the enum classes to provide a method to get
     * text.
    private interface IContextMenuItem {
         * This method should be used to provide the text to be shown by the
         * menu items.
         * @return The text to be displayed.
        String getText();

     * Enum providing name and ID for context menu items
    private enum GroupContextMenuItem implements IContextMenuItem {
        Delete {
            public String getText() {
                return "Delete";
        Edit {
            public String getText() {
                return "Edit";

     * Enum providing name and ID for context menu items
    private enum ChildContextMenuItem implements IContextMenuItem {
        Delete {
            public String getText() {
                return "Delete";
        MoveUp {
            public String getText() {
                return "Move Up";
        MoveDown {
            public String getText() {
                return "Move Down";

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
        boolean ownerImplementsEvents = true;

        try {
            fragmentOwner = (IBookshelfGUIEvents) activity;
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            ownerImplementsEvents = false;
        if (!ownerImplementsEvents) {
            throw new ClassCastException(
                    activity.toString() + " does not implement " + IBookshelfGUIEvents.class.getName());

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Provide the layout of this fragment to the parent container
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_bookshelf, container, false);

        /* Instantiate member variables */
        if (adapter == null) {
            adapter = new ExpandableBookshelfAdapter(view.getContext(), null);

        /* Get button layout, and add a listener method to it */

        ImageButton addButton = (ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
        // adds a listener to the button
        addButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                // Get the parent activity

                // Make sure that the activity is not at the end of its
                // lifecycle
                if (getActivity() != null) {
                    // inform mainactivity this button has been pressed

        /* Get the list layout, and add listener methods and an adapter to it */
        bookshelfList = (ExpandableListView) view.findViewById(;

         * hides the by default visible arrow which indicates whether a group is
         * expanded or not
        // set the bookshelf list as a context menu
        // sets the bookshelf lists adapter

        // Access the bookshelf reference
        if (getArguments().getSerializable(Constants.Reference.BOOKSHELF) instanceof Bookshelf) {
            bookshelfUpdated((Bookshelf) getArguments().getSerializable(Constants.Reference.BOOKSHELF));
        // return the view when it has been processed.
        return view;

    // these warnings can be suppressed as the type has already been checked
    public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
        // check that the menuInfo is of the correct type
        // this method is allowed to have quite a high cyclomatic complexity as
        // it would otherwise cause code duplication

        if (menuInfo instanceof ExpandableListContextMenuInfo && adapter != null) {
            ExpandableListContextMenuInfo info = (ExpandableListContextMenuInfo) menuInfo;
            // get the provided book position
            int bookIndex = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup(info.packedPosition);
            // trackIndex will be -1 if group is clicked
            int trackIndex = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(info.packedPosition);
            // get the type of the context menu
            int type = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(info.packedPosition);
            // create an empty array to prevent trying to loop over an
            // uninitialized variable
            IContextMenuItem[] menuItems = new IContextMenuItem[0];
            String title = "";
            // fill the context menu with the correct items
            if (type == ExpandableListView.PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_CHILD) {
                // get all menu items from the child context menu
                menuItems = ChildContextMenuItem.values();
                // set the context menu's title to that of the value of the
                // child
                title = adapter.getChild(bookIndex, trackIndex);

            } else if (type == ExpandableListView.PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_GROUP) {
                // get all menu items from the group context menu
                menuItems = GroupContextMenuItem.values();
                // set the context menu's title to that of the value of the book
                title = adapter.getGroup(bookIndex);
            // set the title
            // populate the context menu with items in the order they were
            // declared in the enum declaration.
            for (IContextMenuItem item : menuItems) {
                // as this only loops when menuItems is of either of type
                // GroupContextMenuItem[] or ChildContextMenuItem[], Enum can be
                // used as a raw type
                menu.add(Menu.NONE, ((Enum) item).ordinal(), ((Enum) item).ordinal(), item.getText());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * )
    public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        if (getActivity() == null) {
            return false;

        // this method is allowed to have quite a high cyclomatic complexity as
        // it would otherwise cause code duplication
        ExpandableListContextMenuInfo info = (ExpandableListContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
        // get the provided book position
        int bookIndex = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup(info.packedPosition);
        // will be -1 if the type is group
        int trackIndex = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(info.packedPosition);
        // get the type of the context menu
        int type = ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(info.packedPosition);

        // create an empty array to prevent trying to loop over an uninitialized
        // variable
        IContextMenuItem[] menuItems = new IContextMenuItem[0];
        // fill the array with the correct items
        if (type == ExpandableListView.PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_CHILD) {
            menuItems = ChildContextMenuItem.values();
        } else if (type == ExpandableListView.PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_GROUP) {
            menuItems = GroupContextMenuItem.values();

        // get an item and store it with its dynamic type
        IContextMenuItem menuItem = menuItems[item.getItemId()];

        // if the type of the context menu is group
        if (menuItem instanceof GroupContextMenuItem) {

            // perform the correct task
            executeGroupMenuItem((GroupContextMenuItem) menuItem, bookIndex);

        // if the type of the context menu is that of a child
        else if (menuItem instanceof ChildContextMenuItem) {
            // perform the correct task
            executeChildMenuItem((ChildContextMenuItem) menuItem, bookIndex, trackIndex);
        return true;

     * Private method which executes the correct task depending on which menu
     * item was chosen
     * @param menuItem
     *            The menu item
     * @param bookIndex
     *            The index of the book to execute the task on
    private void executeGroupMenuItem(GroupContextMenuItem menuItem, int bookIndex) {
        switch (menuItem) {
        case Delete:
        case Edit:
            // not fully implemented, some method to retrieve a real name should
            // be used
            setBookTitleAt(bookIndex, "NEWNAME");

     * Private method which executes the correct task depending on which menu
     * item was chosen
     * @param menuItem
     *            The menu item
     * @param bookIndex
     *            The index of the book containing the track
     * @param trackIndex
     *            The index of the track to execute the task on
    private void executeChildMenuItem(ChildContextMenuItem menuItem, int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
        switch (menuItem) {
        case Delete:
            removeTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex);
        case MoveUp:
            moveTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex, -1);
        case MoveDown:
            moveTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex, 1);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#moveTrack
     * (int, int, int)
    public void moveTrack(int bookIndex, int trackIndex, int offset) {
        fragmentOwner.moveTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex, offset);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#removeTrack
     * (int, int)
    public void removeTrack(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
        fragmentOwner.removeTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex);

     * @param bookIndex
     * @param trackIndex
    private void childClicked(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
        if (getActivity() != null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Child clicked at + [" + bookIndex + ", " + trackIndex + "]");
            setSelectedTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex);

     * @param bookIndex
    private void groupClicked(int bookIndex) {
        if (getActivity() != null) {

     * Updates the adapter with the updated bookshelf and informs it that its
     * data has been added.
     * @param bs
     *            The updated bookshelf

    public void bookshelfUpdated(Bookshelf bs) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Book added");
        if (adapter != null) {

     * @param newTime
    public void selectedBookElapsedTimeUpdated(int newTime) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfGUIEvents#
     * addBookButtonPressed()
    public void addBookButtonPressed() {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#
     * setSelectedBook(int)
    public void setSelectedBook(int bookIndex) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#
     * setSelectedTrack(int, int)
    public void setSelectedTrack(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
        fragmentOwner.setSelectedTrack(bookIndex, trackIndex);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#removeBook
     * (int)
    public void removeBook(int bookIndex) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#removeTrack
     * (int)
    public void removeTrack(int trackIndex) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.chalmers.dat255.audiobookplayer.interfaces.IBookshelfEvents#
     * setBookTitleAt(int, java.lang.String)
    public void setBookTitleAt(int bookIndex, String newTitle) {
        fragmentOwner.setBookTitleAt(bookIndex, "NEWNAME");

     * Private class used to populate the ExpandableListView used in
     * BookshelfFragment.
     * @author Fredrik hs
    private class ExpandableBookshelfAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter {

        private static final int PROGRESSBAR_MAX = 100;
        private static final int MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
        private Context context;
        private Bookshelf bookshelf;

        // used to get synchronized time label and progress bar
        private int bookElapsedTime;
        private int bookProgress;
        private View selectedBookView;

         * Constructs an ExpandableListAdapter with context and listData.
         * @param context
         *            The context of the application.
         * @param listData
         *            The data to be used to fill the list.
        public ExpandableBookshelfAdapter(Context context, Bookshelf bookshelf) {
            this.context = context;


         * Updates the adapters class variables.
         * @param newTime
         * @return
        public void selectedBookElapsedTimeUpdated(int newTime) {
            // if a second has passed
            if (newTime / MILLIS_PER_SECOND > bookElapsedTime / MILLIS_PER_SECOND) {
                // store this new value
                bookElapsedTime = newTime;
                // update the label
                        "Position: " + TextFormatter.formatTimeFromMillis(bookElapsedTime));

                // get duration of book in seconds
                int bookDuration = bookshelf.getSelectedBookDuration();
                // calculate the progress
                int calculatedProgress = calculateProgress(newTime, bookDuration);
                // if there is no errors and the progress has progressed since
                // the last saved progress
                if ((calculatedProgress >= 0) && (calculatedProgress <= PROGRESSBAR_MAX)
                        && (calculatedProgress > bookProgress)) {
                    // save this new progress
                    bookProgress = calculatedProgress;
                    // get the progressbar
                    ProgressBar pb = (ProgressBar) selectedBookView.findViewById(;
                    // check that the progressbar is not null and set it to the
                    // new progress
                    if (pb != null) {


         * Method that calculates a roofed progress, i.e. time = 51, duration =
         * 1000 would return a progress of 6
         * @param elapsedTime
         *            The time elapsed.
         * @param duration
         *            The total duration.
         * @return A roofed progress.
        private int calculateProgress(int elapsedTime, int duration) {
            if (elapsedTime < 0 || duration <= 0) {
                return 0;
            int floored = PROGRESSBAR_MAX * elapsedTime / duration;
            int rest = PROGRESSBAR_MAX * elapsedTime % duration;
            if (rest == 0) {
                return floored;
            return floored + 1;

         * Set the bookshelf for when the data should update
         * @param bookshelf
         *            The new bookshelf copy.
        public final void setBookshelf(Bookshelf bookshelf) {
            this.bookshelf = bookshelf;

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @param trackIndex
         *            The position of the track.
         * @return The title of the track at given position, null if incorrect
         *         index.
        public String getChild(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
            if (bookshelf == null) {
                return "";
            return bookshelf.getTrackTitleAt(bookIndex, trackIndex);

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @param trackIndex
         *            The position of the track.
         * @return The id of the track at given position.
        public long getChildId(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
            return trackIndex;

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @return The amount of tracks in the book at given position.
        public int getChildrenCount(int bookIndex) {
            if (bookshelf != null) {
                return bookshelf.getNumberOfTracksAt(bookIndex);
            return 0;

         * Converts the view of a track to display properly.
         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @param trackIndex
         *            The position of the track.
         * @param isLastChild
         *            Whether the track is the last child in the expandable list
         *            view group.
         * @param convertView
         *            The view to be converted.
         * @param parent
         *            The view of the ExpandableListView.
         * @return The converted view.
        public View getChildView(final int bookIndex, final int trackIndex, boolean isLastChild, View convertView,
                ViewGroup parent) {
            View cView = convertView;
            if (cView == null) {
                LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
                // inflate it into parent.
                cView = vi.inflate(R.layout.bookshelf_child_row, parent, false);

            // the expandable list view is stored as final to use it in
            // listeners
            final ExpandableListView expandableListView = (ExpandableListView) parent;
            // set the text of the child
            setTextViewText(cView,, bookshelf.getTrackTitleAt(bookIndex, trackIndex));
            // get the position of the track from the book
            int duration = bookshelf.getTrackDurationAt(bookIndex, trackIndex);
            // convert and set the duration of the track
            setTextViewText(cView,, TextFormatter.formatTimeFromMillis(duration));

            cView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    trackClicked(bookIndex, trackIndex, expandableListView);


            // set long click to show the child's context menu
            cView.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {

                public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                    return false;


            return cView;

         * Private method to be called when a track is clicked
         * @param bookIndex
         *            The index of the book the track resides within
         * @param trackIndex
         *            The index of the track
         * @param expandableListView
         *            The expandable list view
        private void trackClicked(final int bookIndex, final int trackIndex,
                final ExpandableListView expandableListView) {
            // store the index of the book of the track clicked for
            // correct redrawal
            // force the expandable list view to redraw
            // inform the bookshelfFragment's listener that a child has
            // been selected
            BookshelfFragment.this.childClicked(bookIndex, trackIndex);
            // store for synchronization
            selectedBookView = expandableListView.getChildAt(bookIndex);
            try {
                bookElapsedTime = bookshelf.getBookElapsedTime();
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                bookElapsedTime = 0;
            bookProgress = calculateProgress(bookElapsedTime, bookshelf.getSelectedBookDuration());

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @return The books title at given position
        public String getGroup(int bookIndex) {
            if (bookshelf == null) {
                return "";
            try {
                return bookshelf.getBookTitleAt(bookIndex);
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                return "";

         * @return The number of books.
        public int getGroupCount() {
            if (bookshelf != null) {
                return bookshelf.getNumberOfBooks();
            return 0;

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @return The id of the book.
        public long getGroupId(int bookIndex) {
            return bookIndex;

         * Converts the view of a book to display it properly.
         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @param isExpanded
         *            Whether the book is expanded or not.
         * @param convertView
         *            The book's view.
         * @param parent
         *            The expandable list view
         * @return The converted view.
        public View getGroupView(final int bookIndex, final boolean isExpanded, View convertView,
                ViewGroup parent) {
            View cView = convertView;
            if (cView == null) {
                LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
                // inflate it into its parent
                cView = vi.inflate(R.layout.bookshelf_group_row, parent, false);
            // set book as final to use in listeners

            // set the expandableListView as final to use in listeners
            final ExpandableListView expandableListView = (ExpandableListView) parent;
            // get duration from book
            int duration = bookshelf.getBookDurationAt(bookIndex);

            // prevent problems with a duration of 0
            if (duration == 0) {
                return cView;
            // get the elapsed time of the book
            int time = 0;
            int progress = 0;

            // set title, author, time and duration of book
            setTextViewText(cView,, bookshelf.getBookTitleAt(bookIndex));
            // set the color of the books title to red if selected,
            if (bookIndex == bookshelf.getSelectedBookIndex()) {
                setTextViewTextColor(cView,, Color.RED);
                time = bookElapsedTime;
                progress = bookProgress;
            // and white otherwise.
            else {
                setTextViewTextColor(cView,, Color.WHITE);
                try {
                    time = bookshelf.getBookElapsedTime();
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    time = 0;
                progress = calculateProgress(time, duration);
            setTextViewText(cView,, bookshelf.getBookAuthorAt(bookIndex));
            // format the string of the elapsed time of the book
            String timeString = time == 0 ? "N/A" : TextFormatter.formatTimeFromMillis(time);
            setTextViewText(cView,, "Position: " + timeString);
                    "Duration: " + TextFormatter.formatTimeFromMillis(duration));

            // set the progress of the progress bar
            ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) cView.findViewById(;
            // make sure progress is within its boundaries before setting it
            if (progress >= 0 && progress <= PROGRESSBAR_MAX) {
            // set cover art
            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) cView.findViewById(;
            // in future versions this cover art should be gotten from the file
            // click the cover art to toggle the books tracks visibility
            imageView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    if (isExpanded) {
                    } else {
            // sets the on click listener for the rest of the view
            // store convertview as final to reach it inside this method
            final View finalConvertView = cView;
            cView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    bookClicked(bookIndex, isExpanded, expandableListView, finalConvertView);

            // set long click to show the group's context menu
            cView.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {

                public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                    return false;


            return cView;

         * Private method to be called when a book is clicked.
         * @param bookIndex
         *            Index of the book clicked
         * @param isExpanded
         *            Whether or not the book is expanded in the expandable list
         *            view
         * @param expandableListView
         *            The expandable list view
         * @param convertView
         *            The view to be set as selected
        private void bookClicked(final int bookIndex, final boolean isExpanded,
                final ExpandableListView expandableListView, final View convertView) {
            // expand the selected item
            if (!isExpanded) {
            // scroll to the selected item
            expandableListView.setSelectionFromTop(bookIndex, 0);
            // invalidates views to force redraw thus setting the
            // correct textcolor
            // inform the BookshelfFragment that this button has been
            // pressed.
            // store the view so that text can update
            selectedBookView = convertView;
            try {
                bookElapsedTime = bookshelf.getBookElapsedTime();
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                bookElapsedTime = 0;
            bookProgress = calculateProgress(bookElapsedTime, bookshelf.getSelectedBookDuration());

         * Private help class used to prevent code duplication
         * @param view
         *            The TextView to where the text will be displayed.
         * @param id
         *            The id of the TextView.
         * @param text
         *            The text to be displayed.
        private void setTextViewText(View view, int id, String text) {
            if (view != null) {
                TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(id);
                if (textView != null) {

         * Private help class used to prevent code duplication.
         * @param view
         *            The TextView to where the text color will be set.
         * @param id
         *            The id of the TextView.
         * @param color
         *            The color to be set.
        private void setTextViewTextColor(View view, int id, int color) {
            if (view != null) {
                TextView textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(id);
                if (textView != null) {

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter#hasStableIds()
        public boolean hasStableIds() {
            return true;

         * @param bookIndex
         *            The position of the book.
         * @param trackIndex
         *            The position of the track.
         * @return Whether the track at given position is selectable.
        public boolean isChildSelectable(int bookIndex, int trackIndex) {
            return true;