Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.ui; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.CssData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.FireflyCss; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.SimpleInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebClassProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.WebPlotView; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.draw.SubgroupVisController; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.draw.WebLayerItem; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * User: roby * Date: Nov 16, 2009 * Time: 9:20:24 AM */ /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class WebLayerControlPopup extends PopupPane { private static final int ON_COL = 0; private static final int COLOR_FEEDBACK = 1; private static final int COLOR_COL = 2; private static final int USER_DEFINED_COL = 3; private static final int DELETE_COL = 4; private static final int DETAILS_COL = 5; private static final int LAYERS = 0; private static final int NO_LAYERS = 1; private static final int FIRST_LINE_CELL_CNT = 3; private static final String ALL = "all"; private static final String GROUP = "row"; private static final String IMAGE = "image"; private static final List<String> sgOps = Arrays.asList(ALL, GROUP, IMAGE); private static final FireflyCss _ffCss = CssData.Creator.getInstance().getFireflyCss(); private static final WebClassProperties _prop = new WebClassProperties(WebLayerControlPopup.class); private final DeckPanel _panel = new DeckPanel(); private Map<Widget, WebLayerItem> _layerMap = new HashMap<Widget, WebLayerItem>(); private FlexTable _layerTable = new FlexTable(); private VerticalPanel _layerMaster = new VerticalPanel(); private final LayerListener _listener = new LayerListener(this); private Label _showMenu; private Widget lastBottomWidget = null; private WebLayerControlPopup() { super(_prop.getTitle(), null, false, false); setWidget(_panel); createContents(); alignTo(RootPanel.get(), PopupPane.Align.TOP_RIGHT, 0, 70); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.FITS_VIEWER_CHANGE, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (isPopupShowing()) redrawAll(); } }); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.LAYER_ITEM_UI_CHANGE, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (isPopupShowing()) redrawAll(); } }); _panel.addDomHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { AllPlots.getInstance().suggestHideMouseReadout(); } }, MouseOverEvent.getType()); } //====================================================================== //----------------------- Public Methods ------------------------------- //====================================================================== private void redrawAll() { MiniPlotWidget mpw = AllPlots.getInstance().getMiniPlotWidget(); if (mpw != null) { WebPlotView pv = mpw.getPlotView(); // alignTo(pv, PopupPane.Align.TOP_LEFT_POPUP_RIGHT, -25,0); // alignToCenter(); _layerMap.clear(); _layerTable.clear(); _layerTable.removeAllRows(); for (WebLayerItem item : pv.getUserDrawerLayerSet()) { if (item.isActive()) addLayer(item); } if (mpw.getTitle() != null && mpw.getTitle().length() > 0) setHeader(_prop.getTitle() + "- " + mpw.getTitle()); } } @Override protected void onClose() { // AlertLayerPopup.setLayerDialogVisibleStatus(false); } @Override public void show() {; //To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. _showMenu.setVisible(!AllPlots.getInstance().isMenuBarVisible()); redrawAll(); // AlertLayerPopup.setLayerDialogVisibleStatus(true); } private void createContents() { AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); ap.addListener(Name.LAYER_ITEM_ADDED, _listener); ap.addListener(Name.LAYER_ITEM_REMOVED, _listener); ap.addListener(Name.LAYER_ITEM_ACTIVE, _listener); Label noLayerLabel = new Label(_prop.getName("noLayers")); DOM.setStyleAttribute(noLayerLabel.getElement(), "padding", "5px"); _layerMaster.add(_layerTable); _panel.add(_layerMaster); _panel.add(noLayerLabel); _panel.showWidget(NO_LAYERS); GwtUtil.setStyle(_layerMaster, "padding", "5px 10px 0px 10px"); _showMenu = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton("More Tools", "Show visualization tool bar", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { AllPlots ap = AllPlots.getInstance(); ap.toggleShowMenuBarPopup(ap.getMiniPlotWidget()); } }); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.VIS_MENU_BAR_POP_SHOWING, new WebEventListener<Boolean>() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent<Boolean> ev) { boolean showing = ev.getData(); _showMenu.setVisible(!showing); } }); _layerMaster.add(_showMenu); _layerMaster.setCellHorizontalAlignment(_showMenu, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); GwtUtil.setStyle(_showMenu, "padding", "0px 0px 5px 0px"); redrawAll(); } //====================================================================== //------------------ Private / Protected Methods ----------------------- //====================================================================== private void removeLayer(WebLayerItem item) { WebLayerItem testItem; int rowCnt = _layerTable.getRowCount(); for (int i = 0; (i < rowCnt); i++) { Widget w = _layerTable.getWidget(i, ON_COL); if (w != null && w instanceof CheckBox) { testItem = _layerMap.get(w); if (item.getID().equals(testItem.getID())) { _layerMap.remove(w); _layerTable.removeRow(i); // remove the check box row _layerTable.removeRow(i); // remove help row, index the same as before if (item.makeExtraUI() != null) { _layerTable.removeRow(i); // remove extra UI row, index the same as before } if (item.isUsingSubgroups()) { _layerTable.removeRow(i); } break; } } } if (_layerMap.size() == 0) _panel.showWidget(NO_LAYERS); if (_layerTable.getRowCount() > 0) { lastBottomWidget = _layerTable.getWidget(_layerTable.getRowCount() - 1, 0); if (lastBottomWidget != null) { GwtUtil.setStyle(lastBottomWidget, "borderBottom", "none"); } } } private void addLayer(final WebLayerItem item) { if (lastBottomWidget != null) { GwtUtil.setStyles(lastBottomWidget, "borderBottom", "1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3)", "marginBottom", "7px"); } int activeRow = _layerTable.getRowCount(); _panel.showWidget(LAYERS); String name = _prop.getName("on") + " " + item.getTitle(); String tip = _prop.getTip("on") + " " + item.getTitle(); final CheckBox cb = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox(name, tip, true); DOM.setStyleAttribute(cb.getElement(), "paddingRight", "15px"); cb.setValue(item.isVisible()); cb.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> ev) { item.setVisible(cb.getValue()); } }); item.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> ev) { cb.setHTML(_prop.getName("on") + " " + item.getTitle()); } }); item.getPlotView().addListener(Name.LAYER_ITEM_VISIBLE, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (ev.getSource() == item) { boolean v = (Boolean) ev.getData(); if (v != cb.getValue()) cb.setValue(v); } } }); Label colorFeedback = new Label(); _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, ON_COL, cb); if (item.getHasColorSetting()) { _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, COLOR_FEEDBACK, colorFeedback); _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, COLOR_COL, makeChangeColorLink(colorFeedback, item)); } Widget userDefined = item.makeUserDefinedColUI(); if (userDefined != null) { _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, USER_DEFINED_COL, userDefined); } if (item.getHasDelete()) { // int column= item.getHasColorSetting() ? DELETE_COL : COLOR_COL; _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, DELETE_COL, makeDeleteLink(item)); } if (item.getHasDetails()) { _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, DETAILS_COL, makeDetailsLink(item)); } // _layerTable.setWidget(rowCnt,HELP_COL,makeHelpLink(item)); activeRow++; Widget extra = item.makeExtraUI(); if (extra != null) { SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); panel.setWidget(extra); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "padding", "0 0 0 25px"); _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, 0, panel); _layerTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(activeRow, 0, 4); activeRow++; } if (item.isUsingSubgroups()) { SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "padding", "0 0 0 25px"); _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, 0, panel); SimpleInputField field = GwtUtil.createRadioBox("Overlay", sgOps, getCheckBoxValue(item.getSubgroupVisibility()), true); panel.setWidget(field); _layerTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(activeRow, 0, 4); activeRow++; field.getField().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> ev) { item.setVisible(getLevel(ev.getValue())); } }); } String helpStr = item.getHelp(); if (helpStr == null) helpStr = ""; // Label help= new Label(); HTML help = new HTML(); help.setHTML(helpStr); DOM.setStyleAttribute(help.getElement(), "padding", "2px 0 2px 25px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(help.getElement(), "fontSize", "90%"); help.addStyleName(_ffCss.fadedText()); _layerTable.setWidget(activeRow, 0, help); _layerTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(activeRow, 0, 3); lastBottomWidget = help; _layerMap.put(cb, item); } private SubgroupVisController.Level getLevel(String cbValue) { SubgroupVisController.Level retval = SubgroupVisController.Level.ALL; if (cbValue.equals(ALL)) retval = SubgroupVisController.Level.ALL; else if (cbValue.equals(GROUP)) retval = SubgroupVisController.Level.SUBGROUP; else if (cbValue.equals(IMAGE)) retval = SubgroupVisController.Level.PLOT_VIEW; return retval; } private String getCheckBoxValue(SubgroupVisController.Level level) { String retval = ALL; switch (level) { case ALL: retval = ALL; break; case SUBGROUP: retval = GROUP; break; case PLOT_VIEW: retval = IMAGE; break; } return retval; } private Widget makeChangeColorLink(Label colorFeedback, WebLayerItem item) { ClickHandler colorChange = new ColorChange(colorFeedback, item); colorFeedback.setText(" "); colorFeedback.addClickHandler(colorChange); Widget link = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton(_prop.makeBase("color"), colorChange); colorFeedback.setSize("10px", "10px"); return link; } private Widget makeDeleteLink(final WebLayerItem item) { Widget link = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton("Delete", "Delete: " + item.getTitle(), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { item.suggestDelete(); } }); return link; } private Widget makeDetailsLink(final WebLayerItem item) { Widget link = GwtUtil.makeLinkButton("Details", "Detail for " + item.getTitle(), new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { item.showDetails(); } }); return link; } // private Widget makeHelpLink(final WebLayerItem item) { // String name= _prop.getName("help"); // String tip= _prop.getTip("help") + " " + item.getTitle(); // // Widget link= GwtUtil.makeLinkButton(name,tip,new ClickHandler() { // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // PopupUtil.showInfo(_layerTable,"Help",item.getHelp()); // } // }); // // return link; // } // // ===================================================================== // -------------------- Inner Classes ---------------------------------- // ===================================================================== private static class ColorChange implements ClickHandler { private WebLayerItem _item; private Widget _colorFeedback; public ColorChange(Widget colorFeedback, WebLayerItem item) { _colorFeedback = colorFeedback; _item = item; DOM.setStyleAttribute(_colorFeedback.getElement(), "backgroundColor", item.getColorInterpreted()); } public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { String color = _item.getColor(); ColorPickerDialog.chooseColor(_colorFeedback, _prop.getTitle("colorChooser") + _item.getTitle(), color, new ColorPickerDialog.ColorChoice() { public void choice(String color) { if (color != null && GwtUtil.isHexColor(color)) { _item.setColor(color); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(w.getElement(),"background", color); DOM.setStyleAttribute(_colorFeedback.getElement(), "backgroundColor", "#" + color); } } }); } } /** * making this class static and passing a parameter makes code splitting happen better */ private class LayerListener implements WebEventListener { private WebLayerControlPopup _popup; LayerListener(WebLayerControlPopup popup) { _popup = popup; } public void eventNotify(final WebEvent ev) { if (ev.getSource() instanceof WebPlotView && isPopupShowing()) { WebPlotView pv = (WebPlotView) ev.getSource(); WebLayerItem layer = (WebLayerItem) ev.getData(); if (pv == AllPlots.getInstance().getPlotView()) { if (ev.getName().equals(Name.LAYER_ITEM_ADDED)) { _popup.addLayer(layer); } else if (ev.getName().equals(Name.LAYER_ITEM_REMOVED)) { _popup.removeLayer(layer); } else if (ev.getName().equals(Name.LAYER_ITEM_ACTIVE)) { if (layer.isActive()) _popup.addLayer(layer); else _popup.removeLayer(layer); } } } } } public static class AsyncCreator { private WebLayerControlPopup _dialog = null; public AsyncCreator() { } public void showOrHide() { GWT.runAsync(new GwtUtil.DefAsync() { public void onSuccess() { if (_dialog == null) { _dialog = new WebLayerControlPopup(); } _dialog.showOrHide(); } }); } } }