Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Preferences; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.fftools.FFToolEnv; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.NewTableEventHandler; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TabPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.BrowserUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.Dimension; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAssert; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.VisUtil; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * User: roby * Date: May 19, 2008 * Time: 2:35:43 PM */ /** * Create a widget that will fill the size of the container and will popout into a dialog * NOTE - you should never call setWidth, setHeight, or setPixelSize on this widget * * @author Trey Roby */ public abstract class PopoutWidget extends Composite implements RequiresResize { // private static WebClassProperties _prop = new WebClassProperties(PopoutWidget.class); public enum PopoutType { TOOLBAR, STAND_ALONE, REGION } public enum ViewType { UNKNOWN, GRID, ONE } public enum FillType { OFF, FILL, FIT, CONTEXT } public enum ExpandUseType { ALL, GROUP } public static final int DEF_MIN_WIDTH = 270; public static final int DEF_MIN_HEIGHT = 150; private int defTitleHeight = 30; static final int CONTROLS_HEIGHT = 40; static final int CONTROLS_HEIGHT_LARGE = 70; private static Behavior _behavior = new Behavior(); private static boolean menuBarPermLockVisible = false; private ResizablePanel _movablePanel = new ResizablePanel(); private Widget popoutWidget = null; private final SimplePanel _stagePanel = new SimplePanel(); protected final FocusPanel _clickTitlePanel = new FocusPanel(); protected final DockLayoutPanel _titlePanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PX); private boolean _expanded; private String _title = ""; private String _secondaryTitle = ""; private final HTML _titleLbl = new HTML(); private final HorizontalPanel _titleContainer = new HorizontalPanel(); private CheckBox _titleCheckBox = null; private int toolbarWidth = 7; private DockLayoutPanel _expandRoot = new MyDockLayoutPanel(); private List<PopoutWidget> _expandedList; private List<PopoutWidget> _originalExpandedList; private static ViewType _lastViewType = ViewType.ONE; private PopoutControlsUI _popoutUI; private final PopoutToolbar _toolPanel; private Dimension _minDim = new Dimension(DEF_MIN_WIDTH, DEF_MIN_HEIGHT); private boolean _lockVisible = false; private boolean _enableChecking = false; private int _titleHeight = defTitleHeight; private boolean _startingExpanded = false; private boolean _canCollapse = true; private boolean _widgetChecked = false; private boolean _supportTabs = false; private boolean _expandButtonAlwaysSingleView = false; private TabPane _tabPane = null; private FillType oneFillType = FillType.CONTEXT; private FillType gridFillType = FillType.CONTEXT; private boolean expansionToolbarHiding = false; private final PopoutContainer _expandPopout; //====================================================================== //----------------------- Constructors --------------------------------- //====================================================================== public PopoutWidget(int minWidth, int minHeight) { this(choosePopoutType(false), minWidth, minHeight); } public PopoutWidget(PopoutContainer expandPopout, int minWidth, int minHeight) { initWidget(_stagePanel); _stagePanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); _stagePanel.addStyleName("popout-stage-panel"); _expandRoot.addStyleName("popout-expand-root"); _movablePanel.addStyleName("popout-movable-panel"); _expandPopout = expandPopout; _expandPopout.setPopoutWidget(this); _stagePanel.setWidget(_movablePanel); setUnexpandedStyle(); GwtUtil.setStyle(_stagePanel, "position", "relative"); setMinSize(minWidth, minHeight); // _movablePanel.setWidth("99%"); // _movablePanel.setHeight("100%"); super.setWidth("100%"); super.setHeight("100%"); _toolPanel = new PopoutToolbar(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) { toggleExpand(); if (_expandButtonAlwaysSingleView) forceSwitchToOne(); } }, false); if (enableToolbar()) { if (!BrowserUtil.isTouchInput()) { _clickTitlePanel.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { showToolbar(true); } }); _clickTitlePanel.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { showToolbar(false); } }); _clickTitlePanel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showToolbar(true); } }); _movablePanel.addDomHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() { public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { showToolbar(true); } }, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); GwtUtil.setHidden(_toolPanel, true); } } _titleLbl.addStyleName("preview-title"); toolbarWidth += 24; _titleContainer.add(_titleLbl); if (enableToolbar()) { _titlePanel.addEast(_toolPanel, toolbarWidth); } _titlePanel.add(_titleContainer); _titlePanel.addStyleName("popout-title-panel"); _clickTitlePanel.setWidget(_titlePanel); _titlePanel.setWidth("100%"); _titlePanel.setHeight("100%"); _movablePanel.addNorth(_clickTitlePanel, _titleHeight); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.ZOOM_LEVEL_BUTTON_PUSHED, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { if (isExpanded() && isPrimaryExpanded()) { if (getViewType() == ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { oneFillType = FillType.OFF; _behavior.setOnePlotFillStyle(oneFillType); } else { gridFillType = FillType.OFF; _behavior.setGridPlotFillStyle(gridFillType); } } } }); if (menuBarPermLockVisible) setLockToolbarVisible(true); } public static void setMenuBarPermLockVisible(boolean show) { menuBarPermLockVisible = show; PopoutToolbar.setAllToolbarsAlwaysVisible(show); } public void freeResources() { setVisible(false); if (_popoutUI != null) { _popoutUI.freeResources(); } } public void setExpandButtonAlwaysSingleView(boolean single) { _expandButtonAlwaysSingleView = single; } public boolean isPrimaryExpanded() { return _popoutUI != null; } public PopoutControlsUI getPopoutControlsUI() { return _popoutUI; } public int getToolbarWidth() { return toolbarWidth; } public static void forceExpandedTitleUpdate(PopoutWidget popout, List<PopoutWidget> searchList) { for (PopoutWidget p : searchList) { p.forceTitleUpdate(); if (p._popoutUI != null) { p._popoutUI.updateExpandedTitle(popout); break; } } } public void supportTabs() { if (!_supportTabs) { _supportTabs = true; WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().addListener(Name.CATALOG_SEARCH_IN_PROCESS, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { _tabPane = new TabPane(); _tabPane.setSize("100%", "100%"); _tabPane.setTabPaneName("ExpandTabView"); _tabPane.addTab(_expandRoot, "Plot", "Fits Viewer", false, true); new NewTableEventHandler(FFToolEnv.getHub(), _tabPane); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().removeListener(Name.CATALOG_SEARCH_IN_PROCESS, this); if (_expanded); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { _tabPane.forceLayout(); } }); } }); } } public Widget getToplevelExpandRoot() { return _tabPane == null ? _expandRoot : _tabPane; } public DockLayoutPanel getExpandRoot() { return _expandRoot; } public ResizablePanel getMovablePanel() { return _movablePanel; } public void setTitleAreaAlwaysHidden(boolean hidden) { _titleHeight = hidden ? 0 : defTitleHeight; GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(_clickTitlePanel, _titleHeight); _movablePanel.forceLayout(); } protected int getTitleHeight() { return _titleHeight; } public PopoutContainer getPopoutContainer() { return _expandPopout; } // public void setTitleHeight(int height) { // GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(_clickTitlePanel,height); // _movablePanel.forceLayout(); // } public static void setExpandBehavior(Behavior behavior) { _behavior = behavior; } public static Behavior getExpandBehavior() { return _behavior; } public void setOneFillType(FillType oneFillType) { if (isPrimaryExpanded()) { this.oneFillType = oneFillType; if (isExpanded()) { _behavior.setOnePlotFillStyle(oneFillType); if (isExpandedSingleView()) { if (GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(_expandRoot)) { int w = _expandRoot.getOffsetWidth(); int h = _expandRoot.getOffsetHeight(); int curr = _popoutUI.getVisibleIdxInOneMode(); PopoutWidget currW = _expandedList.get(curr); _behavior.onSingleResize(currW, new Dimension(w, h), true); } } else { //todo: so something } } } } public void setGridFillType(FillType gridFillType) { if (isPrimaryExpanded()) { this.gridFillType = gridFillType; if (isExpanded()) { _behavior.setGridPlotFillStyle(gridFillType); if (isExpandedGridView()) { if (GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(_expandRoot)) { Dimension dim = _popoutUI.getGridDimension(); if (dim != null) _behavior.onGridResize(_expandedList, dim, true); } } else { //todo: so something } } } } public Dimension getGridFutureDimensions(String plotId) { int size = _expandedList.size(); boolean addOne = true; if (plotId != null) { for (PopoutWidget pw : _expandedList) { if (pw instanceof MiniPlotWidget && plotId.equals(((MiniPlotWidget) pw).getPlotId())) { addOne = false; break; } } } if (addOne) size++; Dimension gridSize = computeGridSize(size); Dimension dim = _popoutUI.getGridDimension(gridSize.getHeight(), gridSize.getWidth()); return dim; } public void setStartingExpanded(boolean startingExpanded) { _startingExpanded = startingExpanded; } public boolean isStartingExpanded() { return _startingExpanded; } public void setCanCollapse(boolean canCollapse) { _canCollapse = canCollapse; } //====================================================================== //----------------------- Public Methods ------------------------------- //====================================================================== // private Label pos= new Label(); public void setEnableChecking(boolean enable) { if (enable == _enableChecking) return; _enableChecking = enable; ensureCheckBoxCreated(); if (enable) { if (_titleContainer.getWidgetIndex(_titleCheckBox) == -1) { _titleContainer.insert(_titleCheckBox, 0); _titleContainer.setCellVerticalAlignment(_titleCheckBox, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); GwtUtil.setStyle(_titleCheckBox, "paddingLeft", "2px"); } } else { if (_titleContainer.getWidgetIndex(_titleCheckBox) > -1) { _titleContainer.remove(_titleCheckBox); } } } public boolean getEnableChecking() { return _enableChecking; } public boolean isChecked() { return _titleCheckBox != null ? _titleCheckBox.getValue() : _widgetChecked; } public void setChecked(boolean checked) { _widgetChecked = checked; if (checked && _enableChecking) ensureCheckBoxCreated(); if (_titleCheckBox != null) _titleCheckBox.setValue(checked); } public void setPopoutButtonVisible(boolean v) { _toolPanel.setPopoutButtonVisible(v); } public void setLockToolbarVisible(boolean lockVisible) { _lockVisible = lockVisible || menuBarPermLockVisible; if (_lockVisible) _toolPanel.showToolbar(true); } protected void showToolbar(boolean show) { if (enableToolbar()) { if (!_lockVisible) _toolPanel.showToolbar(show); } } public Widget getToolPanel() { return _toolPanel; } protected boolean enableToolbar() { return true; } public PopoutToolbar getPopoutToolbar() { return _toolPanel; } public void setDefaultToolbarHeight(int h) { defTitleHeight = h; if (!_expanded) { _titleHeight = defTitleHeight; GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(_clickTitlePanel, _titleHeight); _movablePanel.forceLayout(); } } public void enableExpansionToolbarHiding() { expansionToolbarHiding = true; } protected void clearToolbar() { _titlePanel.remove(_titleContainer); _titlePanel.remove(_toolPanel); _titlePanel.add(_titleContainer); } protected void addToolbarButton(Widget w, int width) { if (enableToolbar()) { if (_titlePanel.getWidgetIndex(_toolPanel) > -1) { _titlePanel.remove(_toolPanel); toolbarWidth += 4; } toolbarWidth += width; _toolPanel.addToolbarButton(w); _titlePanel.remove(_titleContainer); _titlePanel.addEast(_toolPanel, toolbarWidth); _titlePanel.add(_titleContainer); } } public void setMinSize(int minWidth, int minHeight) { _minDim = new Dimension(minWidth, minHeight); updateMinSizeDim(_minDim); } private void updateMinSizeDim(Dimension dim) { GwtUtil.setStyles(_movablePanel, "minWidth", dim.getWidth() + "px", "minHeight", dim.getHeight() + "px"); } private void ensureCheckBoxCreated() { if (_titleCheckBox == null && _enableChecking) { _titleCheckBox = new CheckBox(); _titleCheckBox.setValue(_widgetChecked); _titleCheckBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> ev) { WebEvent<Boolean> wev = new WebEvent<Boolean>(PopoutWidget.this, Name.CHECKED_PLOT_CHANGE, ev.getValue()); AllPlots.getInstance().fireEvent(wev); if (PopoutWidget.this instanceof MiniPlotWidget) { MiniPlotWidget mpw = (MiniPlotWidget) PopoutWidget.this; if (mpw.getGroup().isAllChecked() && !ev.getValue()) { mpw.getGroup().checkboxForcedOffAllChecked(); } } } }); } } public void setPopoutWidget(Widget w) { // w.setWidth("100%"); // w.setHeight("100%"); popoutWidget = w; if (_movablePanel.getCenter() != null) { _movablePanel.remove(_movablePanel.getCenter()); } _movablePanel.add(w); _movablePanel.addStyleName("popout-movable-panel"); onResize(); } public Widget getTitleWidget() { return _titleContainer; } public boolean isExpanded() { return _expanded; } public boolean isExpandedSingleView() { PopoutWidget w = AllPlots.getInstance().getExpandedController(); if (w != null) return w._expanded && (getViewType() == ViewType.ONE || w._expandedList.size() == 1); else return false; } public PopoutWidget getExpandedSingleViewWidget() { PopoutWidget retval = null; if (isExpandedSingleView()) { int curr = _popoutUI.getVisibleIdxInOneMode(); if (curr > -1 && curr < _expandedList.size()) { retval = _expandedList.get(curr); } } return retval; } public boolean isExpandedGridView() { PopoutWidget w = AllPlots.getInstance().getExpandedController(); if (w != null) return w._expanded && getViewType() == ViewType.GRID && w._expandedList.size() > 1; else return false; } void showGridView() { if (gridFillType == FillType.OFF) gridFillType = FillType.CONTEXT; _behavior.setGridPlotFillStyle(gridFillType); int size = _expandedList.size(); if (size > 1) { PopoutWidget currPopout = _behavior.chooseCurrentInExpandMode(); if (currPopout != null) { _popoutUI.updateExpandedTitle(currPopout); } Dimension gd = computeGridSize(size); int cols = gd.getWidth(); int rows = gd.getHeight(); int w = _expandRoot.getOffsetWidth() / cols; int h = _expandRoot.getOffsetHeight() / rows; _popoutUI.reinit(ViewType.GRID, _expandRoot); _popoutUI.resizeGrid(rows, cols); updateExpandRoot(_expandPopout.getAvailableSize()); int col = 0; int row = 0; for (PopoutWidget popout : _expandedList) { GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(popout._clickTitlePanel, 0); _popoutUI.setGridWidget(row, col, popout._movablePanel); GwtUtil.setStyle(popout._movablePanel, "display", "block"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(popout._movablePanel.getElement(), "position", "relative"); popout._movablePanel.setPixelSize(w, h); popout._movablePanel.forceLayout(); col = (col < cols - 1) ? col + 1 : 0; if (col == 0) row++; } updateGridBorderStyle(); _expandRoot.forceLayout(); if (_expandedList.size() > 1) setViewType(ViewType.GRID); _popoutUI.updateOneImageNavigationPanel(); AllPlots.getInstance().updateUISelectedLook(); } } private Dimension computeGridSize(int size) { int rows = 1; int cols = 1; PopoutWidget currPopout = _behavior.chooseCurrentInExpandMode(); VisUtil.FullType fullType = VisUtil.FullType.ONLY_WIDTH; if (currPopout instanceof MiniPlotWidget) { cols = ((MiniPlotWidget) currPopout).getGroup().getGridPopoutColumns(); fullType = ((MiniPlotWidget) currPopout).getGroup().getGridPopoutZoomType(); } if (fullType.equals(VisUtil.FullType.SMART)) { rows = (int) (Math.ceil(size / (float) cols)); } else { if (size >= 7) { rows = size / 4 + (size % 4); cols = 4; } else if (size == 5 || size == 6) { rows = 2; cols = 3; } else if (size == 4) { rows = 2; cols = 2; } else if (size == 3) { rows = 1; cols = 3; } else if (size == 2) { rows = 1; cols = 2; } } return new Dimension(cols, rows); } private void updateExpandRoot(Dimension dim) { _expandRoot.setPixelSize(dim.getWidth() - 10, dim.getHeight() - 10); } void showOneView(int showIdx) { if (showIdx > _expandedList.size() - 1) showIdx = 0; _popoutUI.reinit(ViewType.ONE, _expandRoot); DeckLayoutPanel expandDeck = _popoutUI.getDeck(); updateExpandRoot(_expandPopout.getAvailableSize()); for (PopoutWidget popout : _expandedList) { GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(popout._clickTitlePanel, 0); popout._movablePanel.forceLayout(); popout._stagePanel.setWidget(null); popout._movablePanel.setWidth("100%"); popout._movablePanel.setHeight("100%"); expandDeck.add(popout._movablePanel); GwtUtil.setStyle(popout._movablePanel, "border", "none"); } _expandRoot.forceLayout(); if (expandDeck.getWidgetCount() > 0) expandDeck.showWidget(showIdx); onResize(); if (_expandedList.size() > 1) setViewType(ViewType.ONE); _popoutUI.updateOneImageNavigationPanel(); AllPlots.getInstance().updateUISelectedLook(); } public void forceExpand() { forceExpand(false); } public void forceExpand(boolean evenIfExpanded) { if (!_expanded || evenIfExpanded) { _expanded = false; toggleExpand(); } // else { // getPopoutContainer().show(); // } } public void forceCollapse() { if (_expanded) toggleExpand(); } public void forceSwitchToOne() { if (_expanded && isPrimaryExpanded()) { _popoutUI.switchToOne(); } } public void forceSwitchToGrid() { if (_expanded && isPrimaryExpanded()) { _popoutUI.switchToGrid(); } } public void updateExpanded(ViewType viewType) { if (_expanded) { initFillStyle(); PopoutChoice pc = _behavior.getPopoutWidgetList(this); _expandedList = pc.getSelectedList(); _originalExpandedList = pc.getFullList(); _popoutUI.updateList(_expandedList, _originalExpandedList); for (PopoutWidget popout : _originalExpandedList) { _behavior.onPostExpandCollapse(popout, true, this); } setViewType(viewType); if (getViewType() == ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { int showIdx = _expandedList.indexOf(this); if (showIdx == -1) showIdx = 0; showOneView(showIdx); } else if (getViewType() == ViewType.GRID) { showGridView(); } else { WebAssert.argTst(false, "don't know this case"); } } } private void initFillStyle() { oneFillType = FillType.CONTEXT; _behavior.setOnePlotFillStyle(oneFillType); if (gridFillType == FillType.OFF) gridFillType = FillType.CONTEXT; _behavior.setGridPlotFillStyle(gridFillType); } public void toggleExpand() { _expanded = !_expanded; // makes sure they are all set the same way if (_popoutUI != null) { // either expanded state, this should be cleaned up _popoutUI.removeHeaderBar(); _popoutUI.freeResources(); _popoutUI = null; } if (_expanded) { initFillStyle(); PopoutChoice pc = _behavior.getPopoutWidgetList(this); _expandedList = pc.getSelectedList(); _originalExpandedList = pc.getFullList(); _popoutUI = new PopoutControlsUI(this, _behavior, _expandedList, _originalExpandedList); _popoutUI.addHeaderBar(); } else { // if (isExpanded()) _expandPopout.hide(); _expandPopout.hideOnlyDisplay(); } for (PopoutWidget popout : _originalExpandedList) { popout._expanded = _expanded; // makes sure they are all set the same way _behavior.onPreExpandCollapse(popout, _expanded, this); if (_expanded) { _behavior.onPostExpandCollapse(popout, _expanded, this); popout.updateMinSizeDim(new Dimension(20, 20)); } else { if (popout._canCollapse) { popout.setUnexpandedStyle(); popout.updateMinSizeDim(popout._minDim); GwtUtil.setStyle(popout._movablePanel, "border", "none"); popout._stagePanel.setWidget(popout._movablePanel); _behavior.onPostExpandCollapse(popout, _expanded, this); GwtUtil.DockLayout.setWidgetChildSize(popout._clickTitlePanel, popout._titleHeight); popout._movablePanel.forceLayout(); } else { _behavior.onPostExpandCollapse(popout, _expanded, this); } } } if (_expanded) { if (!_expandPopout.isExpanded()); if (getViewType() == ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { int showIdx = _expandedList.indexOf(this); if (showIdx == -1) showIdx = 0; showOneView(showIdx); } else if (getViewType() == ViewType.GRID) { showGridView(); } else { WebAssert.argTst(false, "don't know this case"); } } onResize(); if (expansionToolbarHiding) _toolPanel.setVisible(!_expanded); AllPlots.getInstance().updateUISelectedLook(); } public void updateGridBorderStyle() { // if (AllPlots.getInstance().isExpanded() && _expandedList != null && getViewType() == ViewType.GRID) { // for (PopoutWidget popout : _expandedList) { // GwtUtil.setStyle(popout._movablePanel, "border", _behavior.getGridBorderStyle(popout)); // } // } } public void setTitle(String title) { _title = title; // if (_primaryExpanded) _expandedTitle= title; setTitleLabel(_title, _secondaryTitle); } public void setSecondaryTitle(String secondaryTitle) { _secondaryTitle = secondaryTitle; setTitleLabel(_title, _secondaryTitle); } public void forceTitleUpdate() { setTitleLabel(_title, _secondaryTitle); } private void setTitleLabel(String p, String s) { if (p == null) p = ""; if (s == null) s = ""; _titleLbl.setHTML(p + s); } public String getTitleLabelHTML() { String p = ""; String s = ""; if (_title != null) p = _title; if (_secondaryTitle != null) s = _secondaryTitle; return p + s; } public String getExpandedTitle(boolean allowHtml) { return _title; } public String getTitle() { return _title; } public String getSecondaryTitle() { return _secondaryTitle; } private void setUnexpandedStyle() { GwtUtil.setStyles(_movablePanel, "position", "absolute", "left", "0px", "right", "0px", "top", "0px", "bottom", "0px", "width", "auto", "height", "auto", "display", "block"); } public abstract void widgetResized(int width, int height); //======================================================================= //-------------- Method from ResizableWidget Interface ------------------ //======================================================================= public void onResize() { if (GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(_movablePanel)) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { widgetResized(_movablePanel.getOffsetWidth(), _movablePanel.getOffsetHeight()); } }); } } //====================================================================== //------------------ Private / Protected Methods ----------------------- //====================================================================== @Override protected void onUnload() { super.onUnload(); //To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); onResize(); } // Widget getPanelToMask() { // return _movablePanel; // } //====================================================================== //------------------ Inner Classes ------------------------------------- //====================================================================== public static class PopoutChoice { private final List<PopoutWidget> _selectedList; private final List<PopoutWidget> _fullList; public PopoutChoice(List<PopoutWidget> selectedList, List<PopoutWidget> fullList) { _selectedList = selectedList; _fullList = fullList; } public List<PopoutWidget> getSelectedList() { return _selectedList; } public List<PopoutWidget> getFullList() { return _fullList; } } public class ResizablePanel extends DockLayoutPanel implements RequiresResize { public ResizablePanel() { super(Style.Unit.PX); } public Widget getCenter() { return super.getCenter(); } @Override public void onResize() { super.onResize(); //To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. PopoutWidget.this.onResize(); } } public static void setViewType(ViewType viewType) { setViewType(viewType, false); } public static void setViewType(ViewType viewType, boolean forInit) { _lastViewType = viewType; if (!forInit) { Preferences.set("Popout.ViewType.Value", viewType.toString()); } } public static ViewType getViewType() { if (_lastViewType == ViewType.UNKNOWN) { _lastViewType = ViewType.ONE; } return _lastViewType; } public class MyDockLayoutPanel extends DockLayoutPanel implements VisibleListener { public MyDockLayoutPanel() { super(Style.Unit.PX); } public void onShow() { if (_expandPopout instanceof PopupContainerForStandAlone || _expandPopout instanceof PopupContainerForRegion) { DeferredCommand.add(new Command() { public void execute() { _popoutUI.setResizeZoomEnabled(false); MyDockLayoutPanel.this.forceLayout(); _popoutUI.setResizeZoomEnabled(true); } }); } } public void onHide() { } } public void updateUISelectedLook() { boolean selected = AllPlots.getInstance().getSelectPopoutWidget() == this; if (popoutWidget == null) return; if (isExpandedGridView()) { if (selected) { GwtUtil.setStyles(popoutWidget, "borderStyle", "ridge", "borderWidth", "3px 2px 2px 2px", "borderColor", "orange"); } else { GwtUtil.setStyles(popoutWidget, "borderStyle", "ridge", "borderWidth", "3px 2px 2px 2px", "borderColor", "rgba(0,0,0,.4)"); } } else { GwtUtil.setStyle(popoutWidget, "border", "none"); } } protected static PopoutContainer choosePopoutType(boolean fullControl) { PopoutType ptype = Application.getInstance().getCreator().isApplication() ? PopoutType.REGION : PopoutType.STAND_ALONE; PopoutContainer retval = null; switch (ptype) { // case TOOLBAR: retval= new PopupContainerForToolbar(); break; case REGION: retval = new PopupContainerForRegion(); break; case STAND_ALONE: retval = new PopupContainerForStandAlone(fullControl); break; default: WebAssert.argTst(false, "Don't know this Type"); break; } return retval; } public static class Behavior { public PopoutChoice getPopoutWidgetList(PopoutWidget activatingPopout) { return new PopoutChoice(Arrays.asList(activatingPopout), Arrays.asList(activatingPopout)); } public PopoutWidget chooseCurrentInExpandMode() { return null; } public String getGridBorderStyle(PopoutWidget popout) { return "1px solid transparent"; } public void onPreExpandCollapse(PopoutWidget popout, boolean expanded, PopoutWidget activatingPopout) { } public void onPostExpandCollapse(PopoutWidget popout, boolean expanded, PopoutWidget activatingPopout) { } public void onPrePageInExpandedMode(PopoutWidget oldPopout, PopoutWidget newPopout, Dimension dimension) { } public void onPostPageInExpandedMode(PopoutWidget oldPopout, PopoutWidget newPopout, Dimension dimension) { } public void onSingleResize(PopoutWidget popout, Dimension d, boolean adjustZoom) { } public void onGridResize(List<PopoutWidget> popout, Dimension d, boolean adjustZoom) { } public void setOnePlotFillStyle(FillType fillStyle) { } public void setGridPlotFillStyle(FillType fillStyle) { } } }