Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one
 * can be visible at a time. It is used by
 * {@link}.
 * <p>
 * This widget will <em>only</em> work in standards mode, which requires that
 * the HTML page in which it is run have an explicit &lt;!DOCTYPE&gt;
 * declaration.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Once a widget has been added to a DeckPanel, its visibility, width, and
 * height attributes will be manipulated. When the widget is removed from the
 * DeckPanel, it will be visible, and its width and height attributes will be
 * cleared.
 * </p>
public class DeckLayoutPanel extends ComplexPanel
        implements AnimatedLayout, RequiresResize, ProvidesResize, InsertPanel.ForIsWidget, AcceptsOneWidget {

     * {@link LayoutCommand} used by this widget.
    private class DeckAnimateCommand extends LayoutCommand {
        public DeckAnimateCommand(Layout layout) {

        public void schedule(int duration, final AnimationCallback callback) {
            super.schedule(duration, new AnimationCallback() {
                public void onAnimationComplete() {
                    if (callback != null) {

                public void onLayout(Layer layer, double progress) {
                    if (callback != null) {
                        callback.onLayout(layer, progress);

        protected void doBeforeLayout() {

    private int animationDuration = 0;
    private boolean isAnimationVertical;
    private Widget hidingWidget;
    private Widget lastVisibleWidget;
    private final Layout layout;
    private final LayoutCommand layoutCmd;
    private Widget visibleWidget;

     * Creates an empty deck panel.
    public DeckLayoutPanel() {
        layout = new Layout(getElement());
        layoutCmd = new DeckAnimateCommand(layout);

    public void add(Widget w) {
        insert(w, getWidgetCount());

    public void animate(int duration) {
        animate(duration, null);

    public void animate(int duration, AnimationCallback callback) {
        layoutCmd.schedule(duration, callback);

    public void forceLayout() {

     * Get the duration of the animated transition between tabs.
     * @return the duration in milliseconds
    public int getAnimationDuration() {
        return animationDuration;

     * Gets the currently-visible widget.
     * @return the visible widget, or null if not visible
    public Widget getVisibleWidget() {
        return visibleWidget;

     * Gets the index of the currently-visible widget.
     * @return the visible widget's index
    public int getVisibleWidgetIndex() {
        return getWidgetIndex(visibleWidget);

    public void insert(IsWidget w, int beforeIndex) {
        insert(asWidgetOrNull(w), beforeIndex);

    public void insert(Widget widget, int beforeIndex) {
        Widget before = (beforeIndex < getWidgetCount()) ? getWidget(beforeIndex) : null;
        insert(widget, before);

     * Insert a widget before the specified widget. If the widget is already a
     * child of this panel, this method behaves as though {@link #remove(Widget)}
     * had already been called.
     * @param widget the widget to be added
     * @param before the widget before which to insert the new child, or
     *          <code>null</code> to append
    public void insert(Widget widget, Widget before) {

        // Detach new child.

        // Logical attach.
        WidgetCollection children = getChildren();
        if (before == null) {
        } else {
            int index = children.indexOf(before);
            children.insert(widget, index);

        // Physical attach.
        Layer layer = layout.attachChild(widget.getElement(), (before != null) ? before.getElement() : null,
        setWidgetVisible(widget, layer, false);

        // Adopt.

        // Update the layout.

     * Check whether or not transitions slide in vertically or horizontally.
     * Defaults to horizontally.
     * @return true for vertical transitions, false for horizontal
    public boolean isAnimationVertical() {
        return isAnimationVertical;

    public void onResize() {
        for (Widget child : getChildren()) {
            if (child instanceof RequiresResize) {
                ((RequiresResize) child).onResize();

    public boolean remove(Widget w) {
        boolean removed = super.remove(w);
        if (removed) {
            Layer layer = (Layer) w.getLayoutData();

            if (visibleWidget == w) {
                visibleWidget = null;
            if (hidingWidget == w) {
                hidingWidget = null;
            if (lastVisibleWidget == w) {
                lastVisibleWidget = null;
        return removed;

     * Set the duration of the animated transition between tabs.
     * @param duration the duration in milliseconds.
    public void setAnimationDuration(int duration) {
        this.animationDuration = duration;

     * Set whether or not transitions slide in vertically or horizontally.
     * @param isVertical true for vertical transitions, false for horizontal
    public void setAnimationVertical(boolean isVertical) {
        this.isAnimationVertical = isVertical;

     * Show the specified widget. If the widget is not a child of this panel, it
     * is added to the end of the panel. If the specified widget is null, the
     * currently-visible widget will be hidden.
     * @param w the widget to show, and add if not a child
    public void setWidget(IsWidget w) {
        // Hide the currently visible widget.
        if (w == null) {

        // Add the widget if it is not already a child.
        if (w.asWidget().getParent() != this) {

        // Show the widget.

     * Shows the widget at the specified index. This causes the currently- visible
     * widget to be hidden.
     * @param index the index of the widget to be shown
    public void showWidget(int index) {

     * Shows the widget at the specified index. This causes the currently- visible
     * widget to be hidden.
     * @param widget the widget to be shown
    public void showWidget(Widget widget) {
        if (widget == visibleWidget) {

        visibleWidget = widget;
        animate((widget == null) ? 0 : animationDuration);

     * Assert that the specified widget is null or a child of this widget.
     * @param widget the widget to check
    void assertIsChild(Widget widget) {
        assert (widget == null)
                || (widget.getParent() == this) : "The specified widget is not a child of this panel";

     * Hide the widget that just slid out of view.
    private void doAfterLayout() {
        if (hidingWidget != null) {
            Layer layer = (Layer) hidingWidget.getLayoutData();
            setWidgetVisible(hidingWidget, layer, false);
            hidingWidget = null;

     * Initialize the location of the widget that will slide into view.
    private void doBeforeLayout() {
        Layer oldLayer = (lastVisibleWidget == null) ? null : (Layer) lastVisibleWidget.getLayoutData();
        Layer newLayer = (visibleWidget == null) ? null : (Layer) visibleWidget.getLayoutData();

        // Calculate the direction that the new widget will enter.
        int oldIndex = getWidgetIndex(lastVisibleWidget);
        int newIndex = getWidgetIndex(visibleWidget);
        double direction = (oldIndex < newIndex) ? 100.0 : -100.0;
        double vDirection = isAnimationVertical ? direction : 0.0;
        double hDirection = isAnimationVertical ? 0.0
                : LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL() ? -direction : direction;

         * Position the old widget in the center of the panel, and the new widget
         * off to one side. If the old widget is the same as the new widget, then
         * skip this step.
        hidingWidget = null;
        if (visibleWidget != lastVisibleWidget) {
            // Position the layers in their start positions.
            if (oldLayer != null) {
                // The old layer starts centered in the panel.
                oldLayer.setTopHeight(0.0, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
                oldLayer.setLeftWidth(0.0, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
                setWidgetVisible(lastVisibleWidget, oldLayer, true);
            if (newLayer != null) {
                // The new layer starts off to one side.
                newLayer.setTopHeight(vDirection, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
                newLayer.setLeftWidth(hDirection, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
                setWidgetVisible(visibleWidget, newLayer, true);
            hidingWidget = lastVisibleWidget;

        // Set the end positions of the layers.
        if (oldLayer != null) {
            // The old layer ends off to one side.
            oldLayer.setTopHeight(-vDirection, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
            oldLayer.setLeftWidth(-hDirection, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
            setWidgetVisible(lastVisibleWidget, oldLayer, true);
        if (newLayer != null) {
            // The new layer ends centered in the panel.
            newLayer.setTopHeight(0.0, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
            newLayer.setLeftWidth(0.0, Unit.PCT, 100.0, Unit.PCT);
             * The call to layout() above could have canceled an existing layout
             * animation, which could cause this widget to be hidden if the user
             * toggles between two visible widgets. We set it visible again to ensure
             * that it ends up visible.
            setWidgetVisible(visibleWidget, newLayer, true);

        lastVisibleWidget = visibleWidget;

    private void setWidgetVisible(Widget w, Layer layer, boolean visible) {

         * Set the visibility of the widget. This is used by lazy panel to
         * initialize the widget.