Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui; /** * User: roby * Date: 9/14/11 * Time: 10:57 AM */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.IconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.images.VisIconCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.CheckBoxGroupInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.SimpleInputField; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.Dimension; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebClassProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.AllPlots; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.visualize.MiniPlotWidget; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.dd.EnumFieldDef; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author Trey Roby */ public class PopoutControlsUI { private static final int SINGLE_RESIZE_DELAY = 500; private static final int GRID_RESIZE_DELAY = 500; private static final IconCreator _ic = IconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); private static final VisIconCreator _vic = VisIconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); // private static final TableImages _tableIM = TableImages.Creator.getInstance(); private static final WebClassProperties _prop = new WebClassProperties(PopoutControlsUI.class); private static final String DEFAULT_TILE_TITLE = "Tiled View"; private static String _tiledTitle = DEFAULT_TILE_TITLE; private VerticalPanel _oneImageNavigationPanel = null; private HorizontalPanel _controlPanel = null; private HorizontalPanel _topBar = null; private VerticalPanel _headerBarControls = new VerticalPanel(); private HTML _goRight = new HTML(); private HTML _goLeft = new HTML(); private Image _goRightArrow = new Image(_vic.getSideRightArrow()); private Image _goLeftArrow = new Image(_vic.getSideLeftArrow()); private Grid _currentDisplayDots = new Grid(1, 1); private MyDeckLayoutPanel _expandDeck = new MyDeckLayoutPanel(); private MyGridLayoutPanel _expandGrid = new MyGridLayoutPanel(); private final HTML _expandTitleLbl = new HTML(); private List<PopoutWidget> _expandedList; private List<PopoutWidget> _originalExpandedList; private final PopoutWidget _popoutWidget; private final PopoutWidget.Behavior _behavior; private String _expandedTitle = ""; private boolean _resizeZoomEnabled = true; private boolean _fillStyleChangeEnabled = true; private final CheckBox blinkOp = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox("Auto Play", "blink the images 1 per second", false, true); private BlinkTimer blinkTimer = null; private CheckBox wcsSyncTargetOp; private CheckBox wcsSyncUserPos; public PopoutControlsUI(PopoutWidget popoutWidget, PopoutWidget.Behavior behavior, List<PopoutWidget> expandedList, List<PopoutWidget> originalExpandedList) { _popoutWidget = popoutWidget; _expandedList = expandedList; _behavior = behavior; _expandDeck.setStyleName("expand-deck"); _originalExpandedList = originalExpandedList; popoutWidget.getExpandRoot().clear(); initExpandControls(); } public static void setTitledTitle(String title) { _tiledTitle = title; } public void freeResources() { doBlink(false); _oneImageNavigationPanel.clear(); _controlPanel.clear(); _headerBarControls.clear(); _expandDeck.clear(); _expandGrid.clear(); if (_topBar != null) _topBar = new HorizontalPanel(); } void setResizeZoomEnabled(boolean enable) { _resizeZoomEnabled = enable; } void updateList(List<PopoutWidget> expandedList, List<PopoutWidget> originalExpandedList) { _expandedList = expandedList; _originalExpandedList = originalExpandedList; } private void initExpandControls() { _oneImageNavigationPanel = new VerticalPanel(); _controlPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); _expandDeck.setAnimationDuration(0); Image oneTile = new Image(_ic.getOneTile()); oneTile.setPixelSize(24, 24); Image gridIcon = new Image(_ic.getGrid()); gridIcon.setPixelSize(24, 24); Image list = new Image(_ic.getList()); list.setPixelSize(24, 24); createOneImageNavigationPanel(); final GwtUtil.ImageButton one = GwtUtil.makeImageButton(oneTile, "Show single image at full size"); final GwtUtil.ImageButton grid = GwtUtil.makeImageButton(gridIcon, "Show all as tiles"); final GwtUtil.ImageButton choiceList = GwtUtil.makeImageButton(list, "Choose which plots to show"); one.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { switchToOne(); } }); grid.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { switchToGrid(); } }); choiceList.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showPlotChoiceDialog(); } }); GwtUtil.setStyle(one, "marginLeft", "11px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(grid, "marginLeft", "11px"); GwtUtil.setStyle(choiceList, "marginLeft", "11px"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_expandTitleLbl, "fontSize", "10pt", "padding", "0px 0 0 5px", "lineHeight", "1.2em", "whiteSpace", "normal"); HorizontalPanel totalControls = new HorizontalPanel(); totalControls.add(_controlPanel); _headerBarControls.add(totalControls); if (_popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().getHeaderBar() == null) { _topBar = new HorizontalPanel(); _topBar.addStyleName("topBar"); _topBar.add(_headerBarControls); _popoutWidget.getExpandRoot().addNorth(_topBar, PopoutWidget.CONTROLS_HEIGHT_LARGE); // if (!AllPlots.getInstance().isMenuBarPopup()) { // _popoutWidget.getExpandRoot().addSouth(AllPlots.getInstance().getMenuBarInlineStatusLine(), 20); // } } GwtUtil.setStyle(_controlPanel, "paddingTop", "2px"); wcsSyncTargetOp = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox("WCS Search Target Match", "Rotate and zoom all the plots so that their World Coordinates Systems match up", AllPlots.getInstance().isWCSMatch(), true); wcsSyncUserPos = GwtUtil.makeCheckBox("WCS Match", "Rotate and zoom all the plots so that their World Coordinates Systems match up", AllPlots.getInstance().isWCSMatch(), true); wcsSyncTargetOp.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { disableBlink(); if (wcsSyncTargetOp.getValue()) { AllPlots.getInstance().enableWCSSync(AllPlots.WcsMatchMode.NorthAndCenter); } else { AllPlots.getInstance().disableWCSMatch(); } wcsSyncUserPos.setValue(false); } }); wcsSyncUserPos.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { disableBlink(); if (wcsSyncUserPos.getValue()) { AllPlots.getInstance().enableWCSSync(AllPlots.WcsMatchMode.ByUserPositionAndZoom); } else { AllPlots.getInstance().disableWCSMatch(); } wcsSyncTargetOp.setValue(false); } }); AllPlots.getInstance().addListener(Name.WCS_SYNC_CHANGE, new WebEventListener<Boolean>() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent<Boolean> ev) { disableBlink(); if (!AllPlots.getInstance().isWCSMatch()) { wcsSyncTargetOp.setValue(false); wcsSyncUserPos.setValue(false); } } }); VerticalPanel opPan = new VerticalPanel(); opPan.add(wcsSyncTargetOp); opPan.add(wcsSyncUserPos); opPan.add(blinkOp); GwtUtil.setStyle(opPan, "padding", "1px 0 0 11px"); blinkOp.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { doBlink(blinkOp.getValue()); } }); // _controlPanel.setSpacing(7); PopoutContainer container = _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer(); if (container.isViewControlShowing()) _controlPanel.add(one); if (container.isViewControlShowing()) _controlPanel.add(grid); if (container.isImageSelectionShowing()) _controlPanel.add(choiceList); if (container.isViewControlShowing()) _controlPanel.add(opPan); _controlPanel.add(_oneImageNavigationPanel); GwtUtil.setHidden(blinkOp, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(wcsSyncTargetOp, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(wcsSyncUserPos, true); } void switchToOne() { int currIdx = 0; PopoutWidget currPopout = _behavior.chooseCurrentInExpandMode(); if (currPopout != null) currIdx = _expandedList.indexOf(currPopout); if (currIdx == -1) currIdx = 0; _popoutWidget.showOneView(currIdx); } void switchToGrid() { _popoutWidget.showGridView(); } public void doBlink(boolean start) { if (blinkTimer != null) blinkTimer.cancel(); if (start) { blinkTimer = new BlinkTimer();; } else { blinkTimer = null; } } private void createOneImageNavigationPanel() { GwtUtil.setHidden(_oneImageNavigationPanel, true); ClickHandler goLeftHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { goLeftNow(); } }; ClickHandler goRightHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { goRightNow(false); } }; GwtUtil.makeIntoLinkButton(_goLeft, _goLeftArrow); GwtUtil.makeIntoLinkButton(_goRight, _goRightArrow); _goLeft.addClickHandler(goLeftHandler); _goLeftArrow.addClickHandler(goLeftHandler); _goRight.addClickHandler(goRightHandler); _goRightArrow.addClickHandler(goRightHandler); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel hpLeft = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel hpRight = new HorizontalPanel(); hpLeft.add(_goLeftArrow); hpLeft.add(_goLeft); hpRight.add(_goRight); hpRight.add(_goRightArrow); hp.add(hpLeft); hp.add(hpRight); GwtUtil.setStyles(_goLeftArrow, "marginLeft", "4px", "textDecoration", "none", "fontSize", "10pt"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_goLeft, "textOverflow", "ellipsis", "overflow", "hidden", "fontSize", "10pt", "padding", "2px 0 0 4px"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_goRight, "padding", "2px 4px 0 11px", "textOverflow", "ellipsis", "overflow", "hidden", "textAlign", "right", "fontSize", "10pt"); GwtUtil.setStyles(_goRightArrow, "textDecoration", "none", "fontSize", "10pt"); hpRight.addStyleName("step-right"); hpLeft.addStyleName("step-left"); GwtUtil.setStyle(_oneImageNavigationPanel, "paddingLeft", "10px"); _goLeft.setWidth("100px"); _goRight.setWidth("100px"); _oneImageNavigationPanel.add(hp); _oneImageNavigationPanel.add(_currentDisplayDots); _currentDisplayDots.setCellPadding(2); _oneImageNavigationPanel.setSpacing(2); _oneImageNavigationPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(_currentDisplayDots, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); } // private PopoutWidget.FillType getPlotFillStyle () { // String v= oneImageFillStyle.getValue(); // PopoutWidget.FillType retval; // // if (v.equals("level"))retval= PopoutWidget.FillType.OFF; // else if (v.equals("fill")) retval= PopoutWidget.FillType.FILL; // else if (v.equals("fit")) retval= PopoutWidget.FillType.FIT; // else retval= PopoutWidget.FillType.OFF; // // fillStyle= retval; // return retval; // } void updateOneImageNavigationPanel() { int cnt = _expandDeck.getWidgetCount(); if (_expandDeck.getWidgetCount() == 1) { GwtUtil.setHidden(_oneImageNavigationPanel, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeft, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeftArrow, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(blinkOp, true); updateExpandedTitle(_expandedList.get(0)); } else if (_expandDeck.getWidgetCount() > 1) { GwtUtil.setHidden(_oneImageNavigationPanel, false); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeft, _expandDeck.getWidgetCount() < 3); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeftArrow, _expandDeck.getWidgetCount() < 3); GwtUtil.setHidden(blinkOp, false); int curr = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); updateWcsShowing(_expandedList.get(curr)); PopoutWidget right = (curr != cnt - 1) ? _expandedList.get(curr + 1) : _expandedList.get(0); PopoutWidget left = (curr != 0) ? _expandedList.get(curr - 1) : _expandedList.get(cnt - 1); if (_expandDeck.getWidgetCount() > 2) _goLeft.setHTML(left.getExpandedTitle(true)); _goRight.setHTML(right.getExpandedTitle(true) + " "); // pos.setText("showing " + (curr + 1) + " of " + cnt); if (_currentDisplayDots.getColumnCount() != cnt) { _currentDisplayDots.resize(1, cnt); } for (int i = 0; (i < cnt); i++) { if (i == curr) { _currentDisplayDots.setWidget(0, i, new Image(_ic.getGreenDot())); } else { Image im = new Image(_ic.getBlueDot()); im.addClickHandler(new DotClick(i)); _currentDisplayDots.setWidget(0, i, im); } } updateExpandedTitle(_expandedList.get(curr)); } else { GwtUtil.setHidden(_oneImageNavigationPanel, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeft, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(_goLeftArrow, true); GwtUtil.setHidden(blinkOp, true); updateWcsShowing(null); } } private void updateWcsShowing(PopoutWidget newW) { int mpwCnt = 0; for (PopoutWidget pw : _expandedList) { if (pw instanceof MiniPlotWidget) { mpwCnt++; } } boolean externalWidget = (newW != null && !(newW instanceof MiniPlotWidget)); GwtUtil.setHidden(wcsSyncTargetOp, mpwCnt < 2 || externalWidget); GwtUtil.setHidden(wcsSyncUserPos, mpwCnt < 2 || externalWidget); } private void goRightNow(boolean usingBlink) { int len = _expandDeck.getWidgetCount(); int curr = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); int next = curr < len - 1 ? curr + 1 : 0; PopoutWidget currW = _expandedList.get(curr); PopoutWidget nextW = _expandedList.get(next); oneImagePage(currW, nextW); if (!usingBlink) disableBlink(); } private void disableBlink() { blinkOp.setValue(false); doBlink(false); } private void goLeftNow() { int len = _expandDeck.getWidgetCount(); int curr = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); int next = curr > 0 ? curr - 1 : len - 1; PopoutWidget currW = _expandedList.get(curr); PopoutWidget nextW = _expandedList.get(next); oneImagePage(currW, nextW); blinkOp.setValue(false); disableBlink(); } private void oneImagePage(PopoutWidget oldPW, PopoutWidget newPW) { Dimension d = _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().getAvailableSize(); _behavior.onPrePageInExpandedMode(oldPW, newPW, d); _expandDeck.showWidget(_expandedList.indexOf(newPW)); updateOneImageNavigationPanel(); _behavior.onPostPageInExpandedMode(oldPW, newPW, d); updateWcsShowing(newPW); } public void updateExpandedTitle(PopoutWidget popout) { if (popout == null) return; if (popout.isExpandedGridView()) { _expandedTitle = _tiledTitle; _expandTitleLbl.setHTML(_expandedTitle); _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().setTitle(_expandTitleLbl); } else { _expandedTitle = popout.getExpandedTitle(true); _expandTitleLbl.setHTML(_expandedTitle + popout.getSecondaryTitle()); _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().setTitle(_expandTitleLbl); } } public int getVisibleIdxInOneMode() { int retval = -1; if (PopoutWidget.getViewType() == PopoutWidget.ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { retval = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); } return retval; } private void showPlotChoiceDialog() { PopoutWidget curr = null; if (PopoutWidget.getViewType() == PopoutWidget.ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { int idx = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); if (idx > -1) { curr = _expandedList.get(idx); } } final PopoutWidget currPopout = curr; EnumFieldDef fd = new EnumFieldDef(); List<EnumFieldDef.Item> inputs = new ArrayList<EnumFieldDef.Item>(_expandedList.size()); fd.setOrientation(EnumFieldDef.Orientation.Vertical); int i = 0; String value = ""; for (PopoutWidget p : _originalExpandedList) { EnumFieldDef.Item item = new EnumFieldDef.Item(i + "", p.getExpandedTitle(true)); inputs.add(item); if (_expandedList.contains(p)) value += i + ","; i++; } value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1); fd.addItems(inputs); final SimpleInputField checkBoxes = new SimpleInputField(new CheckBoxGroupInputField(fd), new SimpleInputField.Config(), false); checkBoxes.setValue(value); PopupUtil.showInputDialog(_popoutWidget.getExpandRoot(), "choose which", checkBoxes, new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setupNewExpandList(currPopout, checkBoxes); } }, null); } //todo - use this a template void setupNewExpandList(PopoutWidget currPopout, SimpleInputField checkBoxes) { String selectedAry[] = checkBoxes.getValue().split(","); _expandedList.clear(); for (String s : selectedAry) { _expandedList.add(_originalExpandedList.get(Integer.parseInt(s))); } redisplay(currPopout); } void redisplay(PopoutWidget currPopout) { if (PopoutWidget.getViewType() == PopoutWidget.ViewType.ONE || _expandedList.size() == 1) { int currIdx = _expandedList.indexOf(currPopout); _popoutWidget.showOneView(currIdx > -1 ? currIdx : 0); } else if (PopoutWidget.getViewType() == PopoutWidget.ViewType.GRID) { _popoutWidget.showGridView(); } } void addHeaderBar() { Panel headerBar = _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().getHeaderBar(); if (headerBar != null) headerBar.add(_headerBarControls); } void removeHeaderBar() { Panel headerBar = _popoutWidget.getPopoutContainer().getHeaderBar(); if (headerBar != null) headerBar.remove(_headerBarControls); // LayoutManager lm= Application.getInstance().getLayoutManager(); // if (!AllPlots.getInstance().isMenuBarPopup()) { // Region helpReg= lm.getRegion(LayoutManager.VIS_MENU_HELP_REGION); // helpReg.setDisplay(AllPlots.getInstance().getMenuBarInlineStatusLine()); // } } void reinit(PopoutWidget.ViewType viewType, DockLayoutPanel expandRoot) { expandRoot.clear(); doBlink(false); _expandGrid.clear(); _expandDeck.clear(); if (_topBar != null) expandRoot.addNorth(_topBar, PopoutWidget.CONTROLS_HEIGHT_LARGE); // if (!AllPlots.getInstance().isMenuBarPopup()) { // expandRoot.addSouth(AllPlots.getInstance().getMenuBarInlineStatusLine(),25); // } if (viewType == PopoutWidget.ViewType.GRID) { expandRoot.add(_expandGrid); _expandGrid.setPixelSize(expandRoot.getOffsetWidth(), expandRoot.getOffsetHeight()); // GwtUtil.setHidden(oneImageFillStyle, true); } else if (viewType == PopoutWidget.ViewType.ONE) { expandRoot.add(_expandDeck); // GwtUtil.setHidden(oneImageFillStyle, false); } GwtUtil.setHidden(_controlPanel, _originalExpandedList.size() <= 1); } public DeckLayoutPanel getDeck() { return _expandDeck; } // public MyGridLayoutPanel getGrid() { return _expandGrid; } public void resizeGrid(int rows, int cols) { _expandGrid.resize(rows, cols); _expandGrid.setCellPadding(1); } public void setGridWidget(int row, int col, Widget w) { _expandGrid.setWidget(row, col, w); } class MyDeckLayoutPanel extends DeckLayoutPanel { private OneResizeTimer _oneResizeTimer = new OneResizeTimer(); @Override public void onResize() { Widget p = getParent(); if (!GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(p)) return; super.onResize(); //To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. int w = p.getOffsetWidth(); int h = (p.getOffsetHeight()); int hAdjust = 0; if (!AllPlots.getInstance().isMenuBarPopup()) { hAdjust = 20; } for (PopoutWidget popout : _expandedList) { popout.getMovablePanel().setPixelSize(w, h - hAdjust); popout.getMovablePanel().forceLayout(); } _oneResizeTimer.cancel(); _oneResizeTimer.setupCall(w, h, _resizeZoomEnabled); _oneResizeTimer.schedule(SINGLE_RESIZE_DELAY); } } public Dimension getGridDimension() { Widget p = _expandGrid.getParent(); if (!GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(p)) return null; return getGridDimension(_expandGrid.getRowCount(), _expandGrid.getColumnCount()); } public Dimension getGridDimension(int rows, int cols) { final int margin = 4; final int panelMargin = 14; Widget p = _expandGrid.getParent(); if (!GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(p)) return null; int w = (p.getOffsetWidth() - panelMargin) / cols - margin; int h = (p.getOffsetHeight() - panelMargin) / rows - margin; return new Dimension(w, h); } class MyGridLayoutPanel extends Grid implements RequiresResize { private GridResizeTimer _gridResizeTimer = new GridResizeTimer(); public void onResize() { Dimension dim = getGridDimension(); if (dim == null) return; int w = dim.getWidth(); int h = dim.getHeight(); this.setPixelSize(w, h); for (PopoutWidget popout : _expandedList) { popout.getMovablePanel().setPixelSize(w, h); popout.getMovablePanel().forceLayout(); } _gridResizeTimer.cancel(); _gridResizeTimer.setupCall(w, h, _resizeZoomEnabled); _gridResizeTimer.schedule(GRID_RESIZE_DELAY); } } private class GridResizeTimer extends Timer { private int w = 0; private int h = 0; private boolean adjustZoom; public void setupCall(int w, int h, boolean adjustZoom) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.adjustZoom = adjustZoom; } @Override public void run() { _behavior.onGridResize(_expandedList, new Dimension(w, h), adjustZoom); } } private class OneResizeTimer extends Timer { private int w = 0; private int h = 0; private boolean adjustZoom; public void setupCall(int w, int h, boolean adjustZoom) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.adjustZoom = adjustZoom; } @Override public void run() { int curr = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); if (curr > -1) { PopoutWidget popout = _expandedList.get(curr); _behavior.onSingleResize(popout, new Dimension(w, h), adjustZoom); } } } private class BlinkTimer extends Timer { @Override public void run() { if (blinkOp.getValue()) { goRightNow(true); schedule(1200); } } } private class DotClick implements ClickHandler { private final int _idx; public DotClick(int idx) { _idx = idx; } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int curr = _expandDeck.getVisibleWidgetIndex(); PopoutWidget currW = _expandedList.get(curr); PopoutWidget nextW = _expandedList.get(_idx); oneImagePage(currW, nextW); disableBlink(); } } }