Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundMonitor; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundMonitorEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.background.BackgroundMonitorPolling; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.layout.LayoutManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.layout.Region; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.CssData; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.resbundle.css.FireflyCss; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.rpc.ResourceServices; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.task.DataSetInfoFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.task.IrsaAllDataSetsFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.BundledServerTask; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.ServerTask; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.background.BackgroundManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.WidgetFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.panels.Toolbar; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.EventHub; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.BrowserUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.WebAppProperties; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * A singleton class acting as a facade to hide the detail implementation of this application. This application * framework should be generic enough to be reuse by other projects. Beside controlling and maintaining the state, it * also handle history, bookmark, command triggering, and menu generation. It is the responsibility of the actual * implementing application to layout its components. */ public class Application { public static final String IGNORE_QUERY_STR = "gwt.codesvr"; public static final String PRIOR_STATE = "app_prior_state"; private static final int DEF_Z_INDEX = 0; public enum EventMode { POLL, WebSocket } private static NetworkMode networkMode = NetworkMode.RPC; private static EventMode eventMode = EventMode.POLL; // private static NetworkMode networkMode= NetworkMode.JSONP; // for debugging private static Application app; private static Creator creator; private static boolean enjectCSS = true; private int defZIndex = DEF_Z_INDEX; // this is only used for x-site stuff to work with others websites private Map<String, GeneralCommand> commandTable; // map of commands keyed by command_name. private Toolbar toolBar; private RequestHandler requestHandler; private DataList<Request> drillDownItems = null; private LayoutManager layoutManager = null; private LoginManager loginManager; private HelpManager helpManager; private Frame nullFrame; private List<ServerTask> userStartupTasks; private WebAppProperties appProp = null; private Request homeRequest; private Version version = null; private final BackgroundMonitor backgroundMonitor; private HashMap<String, Object> appData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // map of arbitrary data used by this application. private BackgroundManager backgroundMan = null; private WidgetFactory widgetFactory = null; private boolean doSaveState = true; private ApplicationReady appReady; private EventHub eventHub; private static DataSetInfoFactory dataSetInfoFactory = null; /** * singleton; use getInstance(). */ private Application() { if (enjectCSS) { CssData cssData = CssData.Creator.getInstance(); FireflyCss css = cssData.getFireflyCss(); css.ensureInjected(); } configureUncaughtExceptionHandling(); if (creator == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Creator is not set."); } if (eventMode == EventMode.WebSocket && creator.isApplication()) { ClientEventQueue.start(GWT.getModuleBaseURL()); backgroundMonitor = new BackgroundMonitorEvent(); } else { backgroundMonitor = new BackgroundMonitorPolling(); } } private void configureUncaughtExceptionHandling() { if (GWT.isProdMode()) { GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) { if (networkMode == NetworkMode.RPC) { Throwable t = GwtUtil.unwrapUmbrellaException(e); GwtUtil.logToServer(Level.SEVERE, "Uncaught Exception: ", t); } GwtUtil.getClientLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Uncaught Exception: ", e); } }); } } public static void disableCSSEject() { enjectCSS = false; } public EventHub getEventHub() { if (eventHub == null) { eventHub = new EventHub(); } return eventHub; } public static DataSetInfoFactory getDataSetFactory() { if (dataSetInfoFactory == null) { dataSetInfoFactory = IrsaAllDataSetsFactory.getInstance(); } return dataSetInfoFactory; } public static void setDataSetFactory(DataSetInfoFactory datasetFactory) { dataSetInfoFactory = datasetFactory; } public void setDoSaveState(boolean doSaveState) { this.doSaveState = doSaveState; } public void runOnStartup(ServerTask task) { if (userStartupTasks == null) { userStartupTasks = new ArrayList<ServerTask>(); } userStartupTasks.add(task); } public Frame getNullFrame() { return nullFrame; } public Creator getCreator() { return creator; } public static void setCreator(Creator creator) { if (Application.creator == null) { Application.creator = creator; } } public static Application getInstance() { if (app == null) { app = new Application(); } return app; } public void start(Request welcomeCmd, ApplicationReady appReady) { registerExternalJS(); setHomeRequest(welcomeCmd); this.appReady = appReady; loginManager = creator.makeLoginManager(); drillDownItems = creator.isApplication() ? new DataList<Request>() : null; // load system tasks BundledServerTask tasks = new BundledServerTask() { public void finish() { // all startup steps are completed... init and show. try { initAndShow(); } catch (Throwable ex) { GWT.log("Unexpected Exception during loading", ex); try { goHome(); } catch (Throwable e) { GWT.log("Unexpected Exception while attempting to goHome() after an error.", e); RootPanel.get().add( new Label("Unrecoverable exception while loading this page. " + e.getMessage())); if (!GWT.isProdMode()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); return; } } if (SupportedBrowsers.isSupported()) { WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, Name.APP_ONLOAD)); initAlerts(); } } }; if (userStartupTasks != null) tasks.addServerTask(new LoadUserTasks()); ServerTask creatorTask[] = creator.getCreatorInitTask(); if (creatorTask != null) { for (ServerTask t : creatorTask) tasks.addServerTask(t); } // start the tasks one at a time.. tasks.start(); findVersion(new AsyncCallback<Version>() { // do this for tracking on the server side public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(Version result) { } }); } private void initAlerts() { AlertManager am = creator.makeAlertManager(); // if (am!=null) { // GwtUtil.setStyles(am, "zIndex", "1"); // RootPanel.get().add(am, 0, 0); // } } public Version findVersion(AsyncCallback<Version> async) { if (version != null) { async.onSuccess(version); } else { new VersionInfo(async).start(); } return version; } public void setDefZIndex(int defZIndex) { this.defZIndex = defZIndex; } public int getDefZIndex() { return defZIndex; } private void initAndShow() { // initialize JossoUtil... supply context information JossoUtil.init(Application.getInstance().getProperties().getProperty("sso.server.url"), GWT.getModuleBaseURL(), Application.getInstance().getProperties().getProperty("sso.user.profile.url")); commandTable = creator.makeCommandTable(); toolBar = creator.getToolBar(); layoutManager = creator.makeLayoutManager(); if (creator.isApplication()) { requestHandler = getRequestHandler(); History.addValueChangeHandler(requestHandler); } nullFrame = new Frame(); nullFrame.setSize("0px", "0px"); nullFrame.setVisible(false); RootPanel root = RootPanel.get(); root.clear(); root.add(nullFrame); if (BrowserUtil.isTouchInput()) root.addStyleName("disable-select"); if (getLayoutManager() != null) getLayoutManager().layout(creator.getLoadingDiv()); checkMobilAppInstall(); if (SupportedBrowsers.isSupported()) { if (appReady != null) { appReady.ready(); } if (creator.isApplication()) { // save the current state when you leave. DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { Window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<Window>() { public void onClose(CloseEvent<Window> windowCloseEvent) { gotoUrl(null, false); } }); } }); // coming back from prior session String ssoBackTo = Cookies.getCookie(PRIOR_STATE); final Request prevState = Request.parse(ssoBackTo); if (prevState != null && prevState.isSearchResult()) { Cookies.removeCookie(PRIOR_STATE); History.newItem(ssoBackTo, true); } else { // url contains request params String qs = Window.Location.getQueryString().replace("?", ""); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(qs) && !qs.contains(IGNORE_QUERY_STR)) { String qsDecoded = URL.decodeQueryString(qs); String base = Window.Location.getHref(); base = base.substring(0, base.indexOf("?")); String newUrl = base + "#" + URL.encodePathSegment(qsDecoded); Window.Location.replace(newUrl); } else { String startToken = History.getToken(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startToken)) { goHome(); } else { requestHandler.processToken(startToken); } } } if (backgroundMonitor != null) backgroundMonitor.syncWithCache(null); } } else { hideDefaultLoadingDiv(); SupportedBrowsers.showUnsupportedMessage(); } } private void checkMobilAppInstall() { if (!creator.isApplication() || !enjectCSS) return; // not used so I am disabling // Timer timer = new Timer() { // @Override // public void run() { // if (BrowserUtil.isPlatform(Platform.IPAD) ) { // if (!isIosAppStandalong()) { // Image addPic = new Image(IconCreator.Creator.getInstance().getIpadAddButtonPicture()); // HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); // hp.setSpacing(7); // hp.add(addPic); // HTML msg = new HTML("You can install this web app on you device by <br>" + // "clicking on the arrow above and choosing<br><br>" + // "\"Add to Home Screen\""); // hp.add(msg); // GwtUtil.setStyle(msg, "paddingLeft", "5px"); // PopupUtil.showInfoPointer(5, 10, "Install", hp, 10); // } // } // } // }; // timer.schedule(5000); } public void gotoUrl(String url, boolean saveSearchPage) { if (doSaveState) { doSaveState = false; RequestHandler.Context context = saveSearchPage ? RequestHandler.Context.INCL_SEARCH : RequestHandler.Context.PAGE; String cState = null; try { cState = Application.getInstance().getRequestHandler().getStateInfo(context); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("error retrieving state info", e); } if (cState != null) { Cookies.setCookie(PRIOR_STATE, cState); } } if (url != null) { Window.Location.assign(url); } } public String getAppDesc() { return creator.getAppDesc(); } public String getAppName() { return creator.getAppName(); } public void goHome() { if (!creator.isApplication()) return; drillDownItems.clear(); if (homeRequest != null) processRequest(homeRequest); } public LayoutManager getLayoutManager() { return layoutManager; } public LoginManager getLoginManager() { return loginManager; } public void setNetworkMode(NetworkMode mode) { networkMode = mode; } public static void setEventMode(EventMode mode) { eventMode = mode; } public NetworkMode getNetworkMode() { return networkMode; } public HelpManager getHelpManager() { if (helpManager == null) { helpManager = new HelpManager(); } return helpManager; } public Toolbar getToolBar() { return toolBar; } public RequestHandler getRequestHandler() { if (requestHandler == null) { requestHandler = creator.makeCommandHandler(); } return requestHandler; } public WidgetFactory getWidgetFactory() { if (widgetFactory == null) { widgetFactory = new WidgetFactory(); } return widgetFactory; } public DataList<Request> getDrillDownItems() { return drillDownItems; } public void setHomeRequest(Request homeRequest) { this.homeRequest = homeRequest; if (homeRequest != null) this.homeRequest.setBookmarkable(false); } public Request getHomeRequest() { return homeRequest; } /** * This method will log the request according to the framework's requirement. This includes history tracking, * logging, etc. * * @param req the Request * @throws ResourceNotFoundException */ public void processRequest(Request req) throws ResourceNotFoundException { getRequestHandler().processRequest(req); } public static void processRequest(String reqString) { Application app = getInstance(); Request req = app.getRequestHandler().parse(reqString); if (req != null) { app.processRequest(req); } } public GeneralCommand getCommand(String cmd) { return commandTable != null ? commandTable.get(cmd) : null; } public Map<String, GeneralCommand> getCommandTable() { return commandTable != null ? commandTable : Collections.<String, GeneralCommand>emptyMap(); } public Object getAppData(String key) { return appData.get(key); } public void setAppData(String key, Object value) { appData.put(key, value); } public boolean isPropertyDBLoaded() { return appProp != null; } public WebAppProperties getProperties() { return appProp; } public void setProperties(WebAppProperties properties) { appProp = properties; } public BackgroundMonitor getBackgroundMonitor() { return backgroundMonitor; } public BackgroundManager getBackgroundManager() { if (backgroundMan == null) backgroundMan = new BackgroundManager(); return backgroundMan; } public boolean hasSearchResult() { Region results = Application.getInstance().getLayoutManager().getRegion(LayoutManager.RESULT_REGION); Region popout = Application.getInstance().getLayoutManager().getRegion(LayoutManager.POPOUT_REGION); return (results != null && GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(results.getContent())) || (popout != null && GwtUtil.isOnDisplay(popout.getContent())); } public void setStatus(String s) { if (getLayoutManager() != null) { Region status = getLayoutManager().getRegion(LayoutManager.STATUS); if (status != null && status != getNullFrame()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s)) { status.hide(); } else {; status.setDisplay(new Label(s)); } } } } public void resize() { if (getLayoutManager() != null) { try { getLayoutManager().resize(); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().fireEvent(new WebEvent(this, Name.WINDOW_RESIZE, new ResizeEvent(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()) { })); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("unexpected exception", e); } } } public interface ApplicationReady { public void ready(); } public void hideDefaultLoadingDiv() { final Element loading = DOM.getElementById("loading"); if (loading != null) UIObject.setVisible(loading, false); } //==================================================================== // system tasks to perform during start up //==================================================================== /** * retrieves application version information */ private class VersionInfo extends ServerTask<Version> { AsyncCallback<Version> vAsync; public VersionInfo(AsyncCallback<Version> vAsync) { this.vAsync = vAsync; } public void onSuccess(Version version) { Application.this.version = version; vAsync.onSuccess(version); } public void doTask(AsyncCallback<Version> passAlong) { ResourceServices.App.getInstance().getVersion(BrowserUtil.getUserAgent(), passAlong); } } /** * load user tasks if it exists */ private class LoadUserTasks extends ServerTask { public void onSuccess(Object result) { } public void doTask(final AsyncCallback passAlong) { if (userStartupTasks != null) { BundledServerTask bst = new BundledServerTask() { public void finish() { passAlong.onSuccess(null); } }; for (ServerTask st : userStartupTasks) { bst.addServerTask(st); } bst.startAll(); } else { passAlong.onSuccess(null); } } } //==================================================================== // //==================================================================== public static native void registerExternalJS() /*-{ $wnd.ffProcessRequest = @edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application::processRequest(Ljava/lang/String;); }-*/; public static native boolean isIosAppStandalong() /*-{ if ("standalone" in $wnd.navigator) { return $wnd.navigator.standalone; } else { return false; } }-*/; }