Java tutorial
/* * License information at */ package edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.commands; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.Application; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.BaseCallback; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.CommonRequestCmd; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.core.layout.LayoutSelector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.rpc.SearchServices; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.DynDownloadSelectionDialog; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.Form; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.FormUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.PopupUtil; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.ResizablePanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.PrimaryTableUI; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.TablePanelCreator; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.TablePrimaryDisplay; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.WidgetFactory; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.eventworker.EventWorker; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.creator.eventworker.FormEventWorker; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.gwtclone.SplitLayoutPanelFirefly; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.input.InputFieldGroup; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.panels.Toolbar; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.EventHub; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.NewTableEventHandler; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TabPane; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TablePanel; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.TablePreview; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.table.builder.PrimaryTableUILoader; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.DataSetParser; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.Name; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEvent; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventListener; import edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.util.event.WebEventManager; import edu.caltech.ipac.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static edu.caltech.ipac.firefly.ui.GwtUtil.createShadowTitlePanel; public class DynSearchCmd extends CommonRequestCmd { private String projectId; private SearchTypeTag searchTypeTag; private Form searchForm; private List<FormEventWorker> formEventWorkers = new ArrayList<FormEventWorker>(); public DynSearchCmd(String projectId, String cmdId, SearchTypeTag searchTypeTag) { super(cmdId, searchTypeTag.getTitle()); this.projectId = projectId; this.searchTypeTag = searchTypeTag; } protected Form createForm() { searchForm = GwtUtil.createSearchForm(searchTypeTag.getForm(), null, formEventWorkers); // add helpId String helpId = searchTypeTag.getHelpId(); if (helpId != null) { searchForm.setHelpId(helpId); } return searchForm; } private HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant getAlignment(FieldGroupTag fg) { String align = fg.getAlign(); if (align == null || align.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT; else if (align.equalsIgnoreCase("center")) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER; else if (align.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; else return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT; } @Override protected void createAndProcessRequest() { List<InputFieldGroup> groups = new ArrayList<InputFieldGroup>(); FormUtil.getAllChildGroups(searchForm, groups); boolean noResolutionNeeded = true; if (noResolutionNeeded) { DynSearchCmd.super.createAndProcessRequest(); } } @Override protected void onFormSubmit(Request req) { req.setParam(DynUtils.HYDRA_PROJECT_ID, projectId); req.setParam("searchName", searchTypeTag.getName()); validate(); } private void prepareEventWorker(EventHub hub, EventWorkerTag ev) { WidgetFactory factory = Application.getInstance().getWidgetFactory(); String type = ev.getType(); List<ParamTag> pList = ev.getParams(); String queryIds = StringUtils.toString(ev.getQueryIds(), ","); Map<String, String> params = DynUtils.convertParams(pList); params.put(EventWorker.QUERY_SOURCE, queryIds); String id = ev.getId(); params.put(EventWorker.ID, id); EventWorker w = factory.createEventWorker(type, params); w.setDelayTime(ev.getDelayTime()); w.bind(hub); } protected void processRequest(final Request inputReq, final AsyncCallback<String> callback) { WidgetFactory factory = Application.getInstance().getWidgetFactory(); EventHub hub = new EventHub(); for (FormEventWorker few : formEventWorkers) { few.bind(hub); } PrimaryTableUILoader loader = getTableUiLoader(); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(searchTypeTag.getLayoutSelector())) { LayoutSelector loSel = Application.getInstance().getLayoutManager().getLayoutSelector(); loSel.setHub(hub); loSel.setVisible(true); } ResultTag r = searchTypeTag.getResult(); if (r != null) { List<EventWorkerTag> evList = r.getEventWorkers(); for (EventWorkerTag ev : evList) { prepareEventWorker(hub, ev); } // process layout LayoutTag l = r.getLayout(); if (l == null) { for (EventWorker worker : hub.getEventWorkers()) { if (worker instanceof DynResultsHandler) { Widget results = ((DynResultsHandler) worker).processRequest(inputReq, callback, hub, getForm(), loader, searchTypeTag); setResults(results); } } } else { LayoutTypeTag lt = l.getLayoutType(); if (lt != null && lt instanceof SplitPanelTag) { SplitPanelTag sp = (SplitPanelTag) lt; DockLayoutPanel slp = processSplitPanel(sp, inputReq, factory, hub, loader); try { loader.loadAll(); this.setResults(slp); } catch (Exception e) { PopupUtil.showSevereError(e); } } } } } // private String getGroupValueFromForm(Form f, String key) { // String val = null; // List<InputFieldGroup> groups = new ArrayList<InputFieldGroup>(); // // FormUtil.getAllChildGroups(f, groups); // boolean found = false; // for (InputFieldGroup ifG : groups) { // List<Param> pL = ifG.getFieldValues(); // for (Param _p : pL) { // if (_p.getName().equals(key)) { // val = _p.getValue(); // found = true; // break; // } // } // // if (found) { // break; // } // } // // return val; // } // // private void evaluateSearchFormParam(SearchFormParamTag t, List<ParamTag> pList) { // String keyName = t.getKeyName(); // String keyValue = t.getKeyValue(); // String createParams = t.getCreateParams(); // // InputField inF = searchForm.getField(keyName); // if (inF == null) { // // see if it a fieldgroup // // TODO // // } else if (inF.isVisible()) { // String fieldDefValue = inF.getValue(); // if (keyValue.equals(fieldDefValue) || (keyValue.equals("*") && fieldDefValue.length() > 0)) { // String[] createParamArr = createParams.split(","); // for (String createParam : createParamArr) { // InputField inF2 = searchForm.getField(createParam); // if (inF2 == null) { // // see if it is within a fieldgroup // String val = getGroupValueFromForm(searchForm, createParam); // if (val != null) { // ParamTag pt = new ParamTag(createParam, val); // pList.add(pt); // } // // } else { // String val = inF2.getValue(); // if (val != null) { // ParamTag pt = new ParamTag(createParam, val); // pList.add(pt); // } // } // } // } // } // } protected DockLayoutPanel processSplitPanel(SplitPanelTag sp, Request inputReq, WidgetFactory factory, EventHub hub, PrimaryTableUILoader loader) { DynData hData = (DynData) Application.getInstance().getAppData(DynUtils.HYDRA_APP_DATA); SplitLayoutPanelFirefly slp = new SplitLayoutPanelFirefly(); hub.bind(slp); // SplitLayoutPanel slp = new SplitLayoutPanel(); slp.setSize("100%", "100%"); slp.setMinCenterSize(30, 120); GwtUtil.setStyle(slp, "overflowX", "auto"); LinkedHashSet<LayoutAreaTag> laTags = sp.getLayoutAreas(); boolean centerAdded = false; for (LayoutAreaTag laTag : laTags) { if (centerAdded) { DynUtils.PopupMessage("XML Error", "XML configuration file is invalid! Center layouts must be added last within a SplitPanel!"); break; } // if groupId set, store widget and parent splitlayoutpanel DynData.SplitLayoutPanelData panelData = null; String groupId = laTag.getGroupId(); if (groupId != null) { panelData = new DynData.SplitLayoutPanelData(slp); } LayoutAreaTag.LayoutDirection dir = laTag.getType(); boolean doTag = Boolean.parseBoolean(String.valueOf(laTag.getTagIt())); List<SplitPanelTag> spList = laTag.getSplitPanels(); for (SplitPanelTag spItem : spList) { DockLayoutPanel slp2 = processSplitPanel(spItem, inputReq, factory, hub, loader); switch (dir) { case NORTH: slp.addNorth(slp2, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case SOUTH: slp.addSouth(slp2, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case EAST: slp.addEast(slp2, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case WEST: slp.addWest(slp2, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case CENTER: slp.add(slp2); centerAdded = true; } } List<FormTag> fList = laTag.getForms(); if (fList != null && fList.size() > 0) { for (FormTag f : fList) { final String title = f.getTitle(); final String helpId = StringUtils.isEmpty(f.getHelpId()) ? null : f.getHelpId(); final Form form = GwtUtil.createForm(f, hub, null); form.getFieldCount(); // adds listeners Toolbar.CmdButton button = new Toolbar.CmdButton(title, title, title, new Command() { public void execute() { PopupUtil.showDialog(Application.getInstance().getToolBar(), form, title, "Done", helpId); } }); Application.getInstance().getToolBar().addButton(button); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().addListener(Name.SEARCH_RESULT_START, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { Application.getInstance().getToolBar().removeButton(title); WebEventManager.getAppEvManager().removeListener(this); } }); } } String layoutType = laTag.getLayout(); TabPane tp = null; CellPanel container = null; if (layoutType != null && (layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("tab") || layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("fixedTab"))) { tp = new TabPane(); tp.setSize("100%", "100%"); String tpName = laTag.getLayoutName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tpName)) { tp.setTabPaneName(tpName); } if (layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("tab")) { new NewTableEventHandler(hub, tp); } } else if (layoutType != null) { container = layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal") ? new HorizontalPanel() : new VerticalPanel(); container.setSize("100%", "100%"); container.setSpacing(5); GwtUtil.setStyles(container, "borderSpacing", "10px 5px", "tableLayout", "fixed"); } if (laTag.getId() != null) { tp.getElement().setId(laTag.getId()); } List<LayoutContentTypeTag> lctList = laTag.getLayoutContentTypes(); for (LayoutContentTypeTag lct : lctList) { if (lct instanceof TableTag) { TableTag t = (TableTag) lct; String queryId = t.getQueryId(); // check constraintsTag boolean constraintCheck = true; List<QueryTag> queryTagList = searchTypeTag.getQueries(); QueryTag queryTag = null; for (QueryTag q : queryTagList) { if (queryId.equalsIgnoreCase(q.getId())) { queryTag = q; constraintCheck = checkConstraints(q.getConstraints(), inputReq); // tables only have 1 QuerySource break; } } if (queryTag != null && constraintCheck) { String searchProcessorId = queryTag.getSearchProcessorId(); if (searchProcessorId != null) { Map<String, String> tableParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); tableParams.put(TablePanelCreator.TITLE, t.getTitle()); tableParams.put(TablePanelCreator.SHORT_DESC, t.getShortDescription()); tableParams.put(TablePanelCreator.QUERY_SOURCE, t.getQueryId()); List<ParamTag> pList = t.getParams(); for (ParamTag p : pList) { tableParams.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } TableServerRequest tsReq = new TableServerRequest(searchProcessorId, inputReq); tsReq.setParam(DynUtils.QUERY_ID, t.getQueryId()); // get query params List<ParamTag> paramTagList = queryTag.getParams(); for (ParamTag p : paramTagList) { tsReq.setParam(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } tableParams.put("QUERY_ID", searchProcessorId); String tableType = t.getType(); final PrimaryTableUI primary = factory.createPrimaryUI(tableType, tsReq, tableParams); DownloadTag dlTag = queryTag.getDownload(); DynDownloadSelectionDialog ddsd = DynUtils.makeDownloadDialog(dlTag, getForm()); if (ddsd != null) { String dlId = dlTag.getId(); List<ParamTag> dlParams = dlTag.getParams(); List<SearchFormParamTag> sfParams = dlTag.getSearchFormParams(); for (SearchFormParamTag sfpt : sfParams) { DynUtils.evaluateSearchFormParam(getForm(), sfpt, dlParams); } String downloadTitle = dlTag.getTitlePrefix(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(inputReq.getShortDesc())) { downloadTitle += " " + inputReq.getShortDesc(); } downloadTitle += " Search"; primary.addDownloadButton(ddsd, dlId, dlTag.getFilePrefix(), downloadTitle, DynUtils.convertToParamList(dlParams)); } // process view, if exists List<ViewTag> tviews = t.getViews(); if (tviews != null) { HashMap<String, String> formFields = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Param p : inputReq.getParams()) { formFields.put(p.getName(), p.getValue()); } for (ViewTag v : tviews) { String vqueryId = !StringUtils.isEmpty(v.getQueryId()) ? v.getQueryId() : queryId; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.putAll(formFields); params.put(DynUtils.QUERY_ID, vqueryId); for (ParamTag pt : v.getParams()) { params.put(pt.getKey(), pt.getValue()); } TablePanel.View view = factory.createTablePanelView(v.getType(), params); if (primary instanceof TablePrimaryDisplay) { view.bind(hub); ((TablePrimaryDisplay) primary).getTable().addView(view); } } } if (primary != null) primary.bind(hub); loader.addTable(primary); if (t.getId() != null) { primary.getDisplay().getElement().setId(t.getId()); } if (tp != null) { tp.addTab(primary.getDisplay(), t.getTitle(), t.getShortDescription(), false); } else if (container != null) { // Widget w = createShadowTitlePanel(primary.getDisplay(), primary.getShortDesc(), laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); SimplePanel wrapper = new SimplePanel(); wrapper.add(primary.getDisplay()); wrapper.setStyleName("shadow"); wrapper.addStyleName("expand-fully"); // w.setSize(getInitSizeStr(laTag.getIntialWidth()), getInitSizeStr(laTag.getIntialHeight())); container.add(wrapper); if (layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal")) { container.setCellHeight(wrapper, "100%"); container.setCellWidth(wrapper, 100 / lctList.size() + "%"); } else { container.setCellWidth(wrapper, "100%"); container.setCellHeight(wrapper, 100 / lctList.size() + "%"); } } else { Widget w = createShadowTitlePanel(primary.getDisplay(), primary.getShortDesc(), laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); switch (dir) { case NORTH: slp.addNorth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case SOUTH: slp.addSouth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case EAST: slp.addEast(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case WEST: slp.addWest(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case CENTER: slp.add(w); centerAdded = true; } } } } } else if (lct instanceof PreviewTag) { PreviewTag pv = (PreviewTag) lct; List<String> queryIds = pv.getQueryIds(); // check constraintsTag of all possible queries boolean constraintCheck = false; if (queryIds != null) { List<QueryTag> queryTagList = searchTypeTag.getQueries(); for (String queryId : queryIds) { List<String> qIdList = StringUtils.asList(queryId, ","); for (QueryTag q : queryTagList) { if (qIdList.contains(q.getId())) { constraintCheck = constraintCheck || checkConstraints(q.getConstraints(), inputReq); } } } } ConstraintsTag c = pv.getConstraints(); if (c != null) { constraintCheck = constraintCheck && checkConstraints(c, inputReq); } if (queryIds == null || constraintCheck) { Map<String, String> previewParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<ParamTag> pList = pv.getParams(); for (ParamTag p : pList) { String key = p.getKey(); String value = p.getValue(); previewParams.put(key, value); } if (queryIds != null) { previewParams.put("QUERY_ID", StringUtils.toString(queryIds, ",")); } List<String> eventWorkerIds = pv.getEventWorkerIds(); if (eventWorkerIds != null) { previewParams.put("EVENT_WORKER_ID", StringUtils.toString(eventWorkerIds, ",")); } String previewType = pv.getType(); TablePreview preview = factory.createObserverUI(previewType, previewParams); String previewId = pv.getId(); if (previewId != null) { preview.setID(previewId); } if (preview != null) preview.bind(hub); if (tp != null) { tp.addTab(preview.getDisplay(), pv.getTitle(), pv.getShortDescription(), false); } else if (container != null) { // Widget pw = createPreviewPanel(preview, pv.getFrameType(), laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); // pw.setSize(getInitSizeStr(laTag.getIntialWidth()), getInitSizeStr(laTag.getIntialHeight())); ResizablePanel wrapper = new ResizablePanel(); wrapper.add(preview.getDisplay()); wrapper.setStyleName("shadow"); wrapper.addStyleName("expand-fully"); container.add(wrapper); if (layoutType.equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal")) { container.setCellHeight(wrapper, "100%"); } else { container.setCellWidth(wrapper, "100%"); } } else { Widget pw = createPreviewPanel(preview, pv.getFrameType(), laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); Double size = null; switch (dir) { case NORTH: size = new Double(laTag.getIntialHeight()); slp.addNorth(pw, size); break; case SOUTH: size = new Double(laTag.getIntialHeight()); slp.addSouth(pw, size); break; case EAST: size = new Double(laTag.getIntialWidth()); slp.addEast(pw, size); break; case WEST: size = new Double(laTag.getIntialWidth()); slp.addWest(pw, size); break; case CENTER: slp.add(pw); centerAdded = true; } // if groupId set, store widget and parent splitlayoutpanel if (panelData != null) { panelData.addWidget(previewId, pw); panelData.addSize(previewId, size); } } } } } // HtmlLoaderTag call the server, then display the result message as html List<HtmlLoaderTag> htmlLoaders = laTag.getHtmlLoaders(); if (htmlLoaders != null) { for (HtmlLoaderTag htmlLoader : htmlLoaders) { HTML html = new HTML(); LabelTag l = htmlLoader.getLabel(); if (l != null) { html.setHTML(l.getHtmlString()); } doHtmlLoad(inputReq, htmlLoader, html); container.add(html); } } if (tp != null) { Widget w = null; String taTitle = laTag.getTitle(); if (taTitle != null && taTitle.length() > 0) { w = createShadowTitlePanel(tp, taTitle, laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); } else { w = tp; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(laTag.getHelpId())) { tp.setHelpId(laTag.getHelpId()); } } switch (dir) { case NORTH: slp.addNorth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case SOUTH: slp.addSouth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case EAST: slp.addEast(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case WEST: slp.addWest(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case CENTER: slp.add(w); centerAdded = true; } hub.bind(tp); } else if (container != null) { Widget w = null; String taTitle = laTag.getTitle(); if (taTitle != null && taTitle.length() > 0) { w = createShadowTitlePanel(container, taTitle, laTag.getHelpId(), doTag); } else w = container; switch (dir) { case NORTH: slp.addNorth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case SOUTH: slp.addSouth(w, laTag.getIntialHeight()); break; case EAST: slp.addEast(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case WEST: slp.addWest(w, laTag.getIntialWidth()); break; case CENTER: slp.add(w); centerAdded = true; } } // store panel data, if necessary if (panelData != null) { hData.addSplitLayoutPanelItem(groupId, panelData); } } return slp; } private QueryTag getQueryTagIfValid(String queryId, Request inputReq) { // check constraintsTag boolean constraintCheck = true; List<QueryTag> queryTagList = searchTypeTag.getQueries(); QueryTag queryTag = null; for (QueryTag q : queryTagList) { if (queryId.equalsIgnoreCase(q.getId())) { queryTag = q; constraintCheck = checkConstraints(q.getConstraints(), inputReq); // tables only have 1 QuerySource break; } } if (queryTag != null && constraintCheck) { return queryTag; } else { return null; } } private void doHtmlLoad(Request inputReq, HtmlLoaderTag htmlLoader, final HTML html) { String queryId = htmlLoader.getQueryId(); QueryTag queryTag = getQueryTagIfValid(queryId, inputReq); if (queryTag != null) { String searchProcessorId = queryTag.getSearchProcessorId(); if (searchProcessorId != null) { TableServerRequest tsReq = new TableServerRequest(searchProcessorId, inputReq); tsReq.setParam(DynUtils.QUERY_ID, htmlLoader.getQueryId()); // get query params List<ParamTag> paramTagList = queryTag.getParams(); for (ParamTag p : paramTagList) { tsReq.setParam(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } SearchServices.App.getInstance().getRawDataSet(tsReq, new BaseCallback<RawDataSet>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Application.getInstance().getToolBar().getDropdown().open(); PopupUtil.showSevereError(caught); unmask(); } public void doSuccess(RawDataSet result) { if (result != null) { DataSet data = DataSetParser.parse(result); String msg = data.getMeta().getAttribute("Message"); if (msg != null) { html.setHTML(html.getHTML() + msg); } } } }); } } } private String getInitSizeStr(double v) { if (v == DynUtils.DEFAULT_LAYOUT_AREA_WIDTH) { return "100%"; } else { return v + "px"; } } public boolean checkConstraints(ConstraintsTag con, Request req) { boolean constraintCheck = true; if (con != null) { ConditionTag cond = con.getCondition(); if (cond != null) { constraintCheck = checkCondition(cond, req); } else { AndTag a = con.getAnd(); if (a != null) { constraintCheck = checkAndConstraint(a, req); } else { OrTag o = con.getOr(); if (o != null) { constraintCheck = checkOrConstraint(o, req); } } } } return constraintCheck; } private boolean checkCondition(ConditionTag cond, Request req) { boolean retVal = true; String fieldDefVisible = cond.getFieldDefVisible(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldDefVisible)) { String v = req.getParam(fieldDefVisible); retVal = !StringUtils.isEmpty(v); } else { String fieldDefHidden = cond.getFieldDefHidden(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldDefHidden)) { String v = req.getParam(fieldDefHidden); retVal = StringUtils.isEmpty(v); } else { String fieldDefId = cond.getFieldDefId(); String value = cond.getValue(); if (req.containsParam(fieldDefId)) { String fdValue = req.getParam(fieldDefId) == null ? "" : req.getParam(fieldDefId); if (!fdValue.equals(value)) { // assume value with ',' are multi-value with comma separators. if (fdValue.contains(",")) { List l = StringUtils.asList(fdValue, ","); retVal = l.contains(value); } else { retVal = false; } } } else { retVal = false; } } } return retVal; } private boolean checkAndConstraint(AndTag a, Request req) { boolean retVal = true; List<ConditionTag> condList = a.getConditions(); for (ConditionTag cond : condList) { retVal = retVal && checkCondition(cond, req); } // shortcut out if (!retVal) return retVal; OrTag orTag = a.getOr(); if (orTag != null) { retVal = retVal && checkOrConstraint(orTag, req); } return retVal; } private boolean checkOrConstraint(OrTag o, Request req) { boolean retVal = false; List<ConditionTag> condList = o.getConditions(); for (ConditionTag cond : condList) { retVal = retVal || checkCondition(cond, req); } // shortcut out if (retVal) return retVal; AndTag andTag = o.getAnd(); if (andTag != null) { retVal = retVal || checkAndConstraint(andTag, req); } return retVal; } private Widget createPreviewPanel(TablePreview preview, String frameType, String helpId, boolean doTag) { if (frameType.equalsIgnoreCase("titleFrame")) { return createShadowTitlePanel(preview.getDisplay(), preview.getShortDesc(), helpId, doTag); } else if (frameType.equalsIgnoreCase("noFrame")) { return preview.getDisplay(); } else { // default: frameType = "frameOnly" return createShadowTitlePanel(preview.getDisplay(), "", helpId, doTag); } } private static void setFormMinSize(FormTag ftag, Element el) { String msize = ftag.getMinSize(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(msize)) { try { String[] wh = msize.split("x", 2); int minWidth = Integer.parseInt(wh[0]); int minHeight = Integer.parseInt(wh[1]); if (minWidth > 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "minWidth", minWidth + "px"); } if (minHeight > 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "minHeight", minHeight + "px"); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } private Map<String, String> getQueryParams(SearchTypeTag searchTag, String queryId) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<QueryTag> queryTagList = searchTag.getQueries(); QueryTag queryTag = null; for (QueryTag q : queryTagList) { if (queryId.equalsIgnoreCase(q.getId())) { queryTag = q; // tables only have 1 QuerySource break; } } if (queryTag != null) { String searchProcessorId = queryTag.getSearchProcessorId(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(searchProcessorId)) { params.put(Request.ID_KEY, searchProcessorId); } // get query params List<ParamTag> paramTagList = queryTag.getParams(); for (ParamTag p : paramTagList) { params.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } } return params; } }