Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * A panel whose child widgets are contained within the cells of a table. Each
 * cell's size may be set independently. Each child widget can take up a subset
 * of its cell and can be aligned within it.
 * <p>
 * Note: This class is not related to the
 * {@link} based data presentation widgets such
 * as {@link} and
 * {@link}.
 * <h3>Use in UiBinder Templates</h3>
 * <P>
 * When working with CellPanel subclasses in
 * {@link UiBinder} templates, wrap
 * child widgets in <code>&lt;g:cell></code> elements. (Note the lower case "c",
 * meant to signal that the cell is not a runtime object, and so cannot have a
 * <code>ui:field</code> attribute.) Cell elements can have attributes setting
 * their height, width and alignment.
 * <h4>&lt;g:cell> attributes</h4>
 * <p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>horizontalAlignment
 * <dd>Interpreted as a static member of {@link HorizontalAlignmentConstant} and
 * used as the <code>align</code> argument to
 * {@link #setCellHorizontalAlignment}
 * <dt>verticalAlignment
 * <dd>Interpreted as a static member of {@link VerticalAlignmentConstant} and
 * used as the <code>align</code> argument to {@link #setCellVerticalAlignment}
 * <dt>width
 * <dd>Used as the <code>width</code> argument to {@link #setCellWidth}
 * <dt>height
 * <dd>Used as the <code>height</code> argument to {@link #setCellHeight}
 * </dl>
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * &lt;g:HorizontalPanel>
 *   &lt;g:cell width='5em' horizontalAlignment='ALIGN_RIGHT'>
 *     &lt;g:Label ui:field='leftSide' />
 *   &lt;/g:cell>
 *   &lt;g:cell width='15em' horizontalAlignment='ALIGN_LEFT'>
 *     &lt;g:Label ui:field='rightSide' />
 *   &lt;/g:cell>
 * &lt;/g:HorizontalPanel>
 * </pre>
public abstract class CellPanel extends ComplexPanel {
    private int spacing;

    private Element table, body;

    public CellPanel() {
        table = DOM.createTable();
        body = DOM.createTBody();
        DOM.appendChild(table, body);

     * Gets the amount of spacing between this panel's cells.
     * @return the inter-cell spacing, in pixels
    public int getSpacing() {
        return spacing;

     * Sets the width of the border to be applied to all cells in this panel.
     * This is particularly useful when debugging layouts, in that it allows you
     * to see explicitly the cells that contain this panel's children.
     * @param width
     *            the width of the panel's cell borders, in pixels
    public void setBorderWidth(int width) {
        table.setPropertyString("border", "" + width);

     * Overloaded version for IsWidget.
     * @see #setCellHeight(Widget,String)
    public void setCellHeight(IsWidget w, String height) {
        this.setCellHeight(w.asWidget(), height);

     * Sets the height of the cell associated with the given widget, related to
     * the panel as a whole.
     * @param w
     *            the widget whose cell height is to be set
     * @param height
     *            the cell's height, in CSS units
    public void setCellHeight(Widget w, String height) {
        Element td = getWidgetTd(w);
        if (td != null) {
            td.setPropertyString("height", height);

     * Overloaded version for IsWidget.
     * @see #setCellHorizontalAlignment(Widget,HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant)
    public void setCellHorizontalAlignment(IsWidget w, HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) {
        this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(w.asWidget(), align);

     * Sets the horizontal alignment of the given widget within its cell.
     * @param w
     *            the widget whose horizontal alignment is to be set
     * @param align
     *            the widget's horizontal alignment, as defined in
     *            {@link HasHorizontalAlignment}.
    public void setCellHorizontalAlignment(Widget w, HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) {
        Element td = getWidgetTd(w);
        if (td != null) {
            setCellHorizontalAlignment(td, align);

     * Overloaded version for IsWidget.
     * @see #setCellVerticalAlignment(Widget,HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant)
    public void setCellVerticalAlignment(IsWidget w, VerticalAlignmentConstant align) {
        this.setCellVerticalAlignment(w.asWidget(), align);

     * Sets the vertical alignment of the given widget within its cell.
     * @param w
     *            the widget whose vertical alignment is to be set
     * @param align
     *            the widget's vertical alignment, as defined in
     *            {@link HasVerticalAlignment}.
    public void setCellVerticalAlignment(Widget w, HasVerticalAlignment.VerticalAlignmentConstant align) {
        Element td = getWidgetTd(w);
        if (td != null) {
            setCellVerticalAlignment(td, align);

     * Overloaded version for IsWidget.
     * @see #setCellWidth(Widget,String)
    public void setCellWidth(IsWidget w, String width) {
        this.setCellWidth(w.asWidget(), width);

     * Sets the width of the cell associated with the given widget, related to
     * the panel as a whole.
     * @param w
     *            the widget whose cell width is to be set
     * @param width
     *            the cell's width, in CSS units
    public void setCellWidth(Widget w, String width) {
        Element td = getWidgetTd(w);
        if (td != null) {
            td.setPropertyString("width", width);

     * Sets the amount of spacing between this panel's cells.
     * @param spacing
     *            the inter-cell spacing, in pixels
    public void setSpacing(int spacing) {
        this.spacing = spacing;
        table.setPropertyInt("cellSpacing", spacing);

    protected Element getBody() {
        return DOM.asOld(body);

    protected Element getTable() {
        return DOM.asOld(table);

    protected void setCellHorizontalAlignment(Element td, HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) {
        td.setPropertyString("align", align.getTextAlignString());

    protected void setCellVerticalAlignment(Element td, VerticalAlignmentConstant align) {
        td.getStyle().setProperty("verticalAlign", align.getVerticalAlignString());

    Element getWidgetTd(Widget w) {
        if (w.getParent() != this) {
            return null;
        return DOM.getParent(w.getElement());