Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Brigham Young University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.AccuracyComputer; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.ConfusionMatrixComputer; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.ConfusionMatrixDistribution; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.OverallAccuracy; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.Predictions; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.ProbabilisticLabelErrorFunction; import edu.byu.nlp.classify.util.ModelTraining.IntermediatePredictionLogger; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.AnnotatorAccuracySetting; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.ArbiterVote; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.EmpiricalMeasurementProvider; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.LabelProvider; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MajorityVote; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.ModelInitialization; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.ModelInitialization.AssignmentInitializer; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.ModelInitialization.MatrixAssignmentInitializer; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.PriorSpecification; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.SerializableCrowdsourcingState; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.measurements.MeasurementModelBuilder; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.measurements.classification.ClassificationMeasurementModelLabeler; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.measurements.classification.PANClassificationMeasurementModel; import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.models.gibbs.BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.DiagonalizationMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.byu.nlp.dataset.Datasets; import edu.byu.nlp.dataset.Datasets.AnnotatorClusterMethod; import edu.byu.nlp.util.DoubleArrays; import edu.byu.nlp.util.Functions2; import edu.byu.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.byu.nlp.util.TimedEvent; import edu.byu.nlp.util.jargparser.ArgumentParser; import edu.byu.nlp.util.jargparser.ArgumentValues; import edu.byu.nlp.util.jargparser.annotations.Option; /** * Mostly copied from Crowdsourcinglearnign with little regard for * elegance or readibility because of time constraints. * There's NO attempt to be general here! * This class was build soley for the purpose of runnign the * active measurements experiment in the "learning from measurements in * crowdsourcing models" paper. * * @author plf1 * */ public class CrowdsourcingActiveMeasurement { // using slf4j logging + MDC for context-sensitive prefixes (to indicate when we are doing hyper // parameter optimization vs other) private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CrowdsourcingActiveMeasurement.class); @Option(help = "base directory of the documents") private static String basedir = "./20_newsgroups"; @Option(help = "what kind of hyperparameter optimization to do. In the form maximize-[varname]-[type]-[maxiterations]. type in HyperparamOpt. Default is NONE.") private static String hyperparamTraining = "none"; @Option(help = "Should we perform inline hyperparameter tuning?") private static boolean inlineHyperparamTuning = false; @Option(help = "Should we simulate annotators with varying rates?") private static boolean varyAnnotatorRates = false; private enum DatasetType { NEWSGROUPS, REUTERS, ENRON, NB2, NB20, CFGROUPS1000, R8, R52, NG, CADE12, WEBKB, WEATHER, TWITTER, COMPANIES, INDEXED_VEC, JSON_VEC } @Option(help = "base directory of the documents") private static DatasetType datasetType = DatasetType.NEWSGROUPS; @Option private static String dataset = "tiny_set"; @Option(help = "any features that don't appear more than this are discarded") private static int featureCountCutoff = 1; @Option(help = "-1 ignores this filter. Otherwise, all but the N most frequent words in this document are discarded.") private static int topNFeaturesPerDocument = -1; @Option private static String split = "all"; @Option private static int evalPoint = -1; @Option(help = "model parameters are saved to this file at the end of the experiment") public static String serializeToFile = null; @Option public static String resultsFile = null; @Option public static String annotationsFile = null; @Option public static String tabularFile = null; @Option public static String debugFile = null; @Option private static int numObservedLabelsPerClass = 0; @Option private static long dataSeed = System.nanoTime(); @Option private static long algorithmSeed = System.nanoTime(); @Option(help = "If true, eliminates unannotated data from the dataset before running" + "inference of any kind.") private static boolean truncateUnannotatedData = false; // @Option (help = "Has no no effect on baselines. " // + "If labeledDocumentWeight is 1 (default), no unannotated document weighting happens. " // + "If >=0, annotated document vectors are normalized and scaled by " // + "this factor. " // + "If 'binary_classifier', a binary classifier is trained " // + "to distinguish annotated from unannotated data, and the probability of being annotated " // + "is used as a document weight.") // private static String labeledDocumentWeight = "1"; @Option(help = "Has no effect on baselines. " + "If lambda is 1 (default), no unannotated document weighting happens. " + "If >=0, unannotated document vectors are normalized and scaled by " + "this factor. " + "If 'binary_classifier', a binary classifier is trained " + "to distinguish annotated from unannotated data, and the probability of being annotated " + "is used as a document weight.") private static String lambda = "1"; @Option(help = "Has no effect on baselines. " + "If validationPercent is -1, " + "no hyperparameter learning happens. " + "If 0<validation<100, hyperparams are set to values " + "that maximize labeled accuracy on a validation set " + "of the size (in percent) specified by validationPercent " + "(with annotations produced according to the current settings)." + "validationPercent + trainingPercent < 0, and " + "100-(validationPercent + trainingPercent)==testPercent.") private static double validationPercent = 0; @Option(help = "Has no effect on baselines. " + "If validationPercent is -1, " + "no unannotated document weighting happens. " + "If >=0, unannotated document vectors are normalized and scaled by " + "the factor that maximizes labeled accuracy on a validation set " + "averaged over this many folds. If ==1, then all validation data is used.") private static int lambdaValidationFolds = 1; @Option(help = "If -1, no effect. Otherwise, before any algorithm is run, all " + "document feature vectors are scaled to sum to this constant value. " + "(e.g., 1 is equivalent to document feature normalization).") private static int featureNormalizationConstant = -1; private enum LabelingStrategy { MULTIRESP, UBASELINE, BASELINE, MOMRESP, ITEMRESP, LOGRESP_ST, LOGRESP, DISCRIM, VARLOGRESP, VARMULTIRESP, VARMOMRESP, VARITEMRESP, CSLDA, CSLDALEX, CSLDAP, RANDOM, GOLD, PASS, PAN }; /* ------------- Initialization Methods ------------------- */ @Option private static LabelingStrategy initializationStrategy = LabelingStrategy.RANDOM; @Option(help = "A sequence of colon-delimited training operations with valid values " + "sample,maximize,none where " + "sample operations take hyphen-delimited arguments [variablename]-[samples]-[annealingTemp]. " + "For example, --training=sample-m-1-1:maximize-all:maximize-y will " + "take one sample of all the variables at temp=1, then will do " + "joint maximization followed by marginal maximization of y.") private static String initializationTraining = "maximize-all"; /* ------------- Dataset Labeler Methods ------------------- */ @Option private static LabelingStrategy labelingStrategy = LabelingStrategy.PAN; @Option(help = "A sequence of colon-delimited training operations with valid values " + "sample,maximize,none where " + "sample operations take hyphen-delimited arguments [variablename]-[samples]-[annealingTemp]. " + "For example, --training=sample-m-1-1:maximize-all:maximize-y will " + "take one sample of all the variables at temp=1, then will do " + "joint maximization followed by marginal maximization of y.") private static String training = "maximize-all"; @Option(help = "base the prediction on the single final state of the model. " + "Otherwise, the model tracks all samples during the final round of " + "annealing and makes a prediction based on marginal distribution.") private static boolean predictSingleLastSample = false; /* ------------- Instance Selection Methods ------------------- */ @Option(help = "Specifies a number of options that a single anntotator gets to annotate at once (no repeats)") private static int annotateTopKChoices = 1; @Option(optStrings = { "-k", "--num-anns-per-instance" }) private static int k = 1; // Used by grr/ab private enum AnnotationStrategy { grr, kdeep, ab, real, reallayers }; @Option private static AnnotationStrategy annotationStrategy = AnnotationStrategy.kdeep; @Option(help = "when using empirical annotations, how often should we insert a non-annotation measurement (since they don't usually have timestamps)") private static int measEvalPoint = 0; private static boolean prioritizeLabelProportions = true; // move label proportion judgments to the front of the line private static String trustedMeasurementAnnotator = "123456789"; // name of an annotator who should be given strong prior trust @Option(help = "add trusted measurements enforcing a uniform class distribution") private static boolean addTrustedUniformClassMeasurements = false; public enum ActiveStrategy { AL, RAND }; @Option private static ActiveStrategy activeStrategy = ActiveStrategy.AL; @Option private static int activeEvalPoint = 0; @Option private static int batchSize = 1; @Option(help = "number of samples to use for model training during active measurement selection") private static int numSamples = 10; @Option(help = "what percentage of the candidates should be considered at each iteration of active measurement selection") private static double thinningRate = 0.1; @Option(help = "what is the minimum number of candidates to consider (if available) at each iteration of active measurement selection") private static int minCandidates = 10; /* ------------- Model Params ------------------- */ @Option private static int maxAnnotations = Integer.MAX_VALUE; @Option(help = "Accuracy levels of annotators. The first one assumed arbiter for ab1 and ab2") private static AnnotatorAccuracySetting annotatorAccuracy = AnnotatorAccuracySetting.HIGH; @Option(help = "If present, reads in a json file containing an array of confusion matrices and uses" + "them to parameterize the annotators. Warning! They must have the same number of dimensions as " + "classes are in the dataset being worked with.") private static String annotatorFile = null; private static final ImmutableSet<Long> arbiters = ImmutableSet.of(0L); // the arbitrator is the first annotator by convention @Option(help = "The number of topics used by confused sLDA") private static int numTopics = 50; @Option private static double bTheta = 1.0; @Option private static double bMu = 0.6; @Option private static double cMu = 10; @Option private static double bGamma = 0.80; @Option private static double cGamma = 10; @Option private static double bPhi = 0.1; @Option private static double trainingPercent = 85; @Option(help = "The prior Gaussian variance on eta--the logistic regression weights of cslda") private static double etaVariance = 1; @Option(help = "the label switching cheat should use the entire confusion matrix (including unannotated data). " + "This can have a bad effect on learning curves and should only be used for generating correlation plots.") private static boolean diagonalizationWithFullConfusionMatrix = false; @Option(help = "How should the class correspondence (label switching) problem be " + "solved post-hoc? GOLD assumes some amount of annotated data has been given " + "a gold-standard labeling for calibration. AVG_GAMMA assumes that on " + "average, inferred annotator error matrices (gamma) should be diagonal. " + "MAX_GAMMA assumes that the most self-consistent annotator (according to " + "gamma) should be diagonal.") public static DiagonalizationMethod diagonalizationMethod = DiagonalizationMethod.NONE; @Option(help = "If using --diagonalization-method=GOLD, how many instances should be assumed " + "to have a gold labeling to be used for diagonalization.") public static int goldInstancesForDiagonalization = -1; @Option public static AnnotatorClusterMethod clusterMethod = AnnotatorClusterMethod.KM_MV; @Option(help = "Group annotators using kmeans clustering on their empirical confusion matrices wrt majority vote." + "If -1, don't do any annotator clustering.") public static int numAnnotatorClusters = -1; private static PrintWriter prepareOutput(String path, PrintWriter defaultWriter) throws IOException { if (path == null) { return defaultWriter; } else { // ensure enclosing dir exists FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(path).getParentFile()); return new PrintWriter(path); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // parse CLI arguments ArgumentValues opts = new ArgumentParser(CrowdsourcingActiveMeasurement.class).parseArgs(args); if (labelingStrategy.toString().contains("LDA")) { Preconditions.checkArgument(numTopics > 0, "LDA-based strategies require numTopics>0"); } Preconditions.checkArgument(evalPoint > 0 || measEvalPoint > 0, "evalPoint must be greater than 0"); if (new File(basedir).exists()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(new File(basedir).isDirectory(), "basedir must be a directory " + basedir); } Preconditions.checkArgument(annotateTopKChoices > 0, "--annotate-top-k-choices must be greater than 0"); // this generator deals with data creation (so that all runs with the same annotation strategy // settings get the same datasets, regardless of the algorithm run on them) RandomGenerator dataRnd = new MersenneTwister(dataSeed); RandomGenerator algRnd = new MersenneTwister(algorithmSeed); // Read in chains of parameter settings (if any). // Each file is assumed to represent a single chain. List<SerializableCrowdsourcingState> initializationChains = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String chainFile : opts.getPositionalArgs()) { initializationChains.add(SerializableCrowdsourcingState.deserializeFrom(chainFile)); } // aggregate chains (this is calculating max marginal val of variables according to chains) initializationChains = (initializationChains.size() == 0) ? null : initializationChains; SerializableCrowdsourcingState initializationState = SerializableCrowdsourcingState .majorityVote(initializationChains, algRnd); // ensure encosing // open IO streams PrintWriter debugOut = prepareOutput(debugFile, nullWriter()); PrintWriter annotationsOut = prepareOutput(annotationsFile, nullWriter()); PrintWriter tabularPredictionsOut = prepareOutput(tabularFile, nullWriter()); PrintWriter resultsOut = prepareOutput(resultsFile, new PrintWriter(System.out)); PrintWriter serializeOut = prepareOutput(serializeToFile, nullWriter()); // pass on to the main program, debugOut, annotationsOut, tabularPredictionsOut, resultsOut, serializeOut, initializationState, dataRnd, algRnd); } private static PrintWriter nullWriter() { return new PrintWriter(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream()); } public static void run(String[] args, PrintWriter debugOut, PrintWriter annotationsOut, PrintWriter tabularPredictionsOut, PrintWriter resultsOut, PrintWriter serializeOut, SerializableCrowdsourcingState initializationState, RandomGenerator dataRnd, RandomGenerator algRnd) throws InterruptedException, IOException { ArgumentValues opts = new ArgumentParser(CrowdsourcingActiveMeasurement.class).parseArgs(args); // record options debugOut.print(opts.optionsMap()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read and prepare the data ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final Stopwatch stopwatchData = Stopwatch.createStarted(); // currently nothing lda-related can handle fractional word counts featureNormalizationConstant ="CSLDA") ? -1 : featureNormalizationConstant; Dataset fullData = readData(dataRnd, featureNormalizationConstant); Preconditions.checkArgument(annotateTopKChoices <= fullData.getInfo().getNumClasses(), "--annotate-top-k-choices must not be greater than the number of classes"); // transform the annotations (if requested) via annotation clustering if (numAnnotatorClusters > 0) { double parameterSmoothing = 0.01; fullData = Datasets.withClusteredAnnotators(fullData, numAnnotatorClusters, clusterMethod, parameterSmoothing, dataRnd); }"\nDataset after annotator clustering: \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(fullData, 1)); // Save annotations for future use (if we're using an empirical annotation strategy) final EmpiricalAnnotations<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> annotations = EmpiricalAnnotations .fromDataset(fullData); // ensure the dataset knows about all the annotators it will need to deal with. // if we are dealing with real data, we read in annotators with the data. Otherwise, // we'll have to change it. annotatorAccuracy.generateConfusionMatrices(dataRnd, varyAnnotatorRates, fullData.getInfo().getNumClasses(), annotatorFile); if (!annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real")) { fullData = Datasets.withNewAnnotators(fullData, annotatorAccuracy.getAnnotatorIdIndexer()); } if (annotationStrategy == AnnotationStrategy.kdeep) { Preconditions.checkState(annotatorAccuracy.getNumAnnotators() >= k, "Not enough simulated annotators (" + annotatorAccuracy.getNumAnnotators() + ") to implement kdeep=" + k + " (remember kdeep samples annotators WITHOUT replacement)"); } List<Dataset> dataSplits = splitData(fullData, trainingPercent, validationPercent, dataRnd); final Dataset trainingData = dataSplits.get(0); final Dataset validationData = dataSplits.get(1); final Dataset testData = dataSplits.get(2); stopwatchData.stop(); // most arguments you could give to this class would be in error. Insist on a few things Preconditions.checkArgument(labelingStrategy == LabelingStrategy.PAN); Preconditions.checkArgument(annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real")); // boolean returnLabeledAccuracy = true; // // initialize model variables // SerializableCrowdsourcingState initialization = trainEval(nullWriter(), nullWriter(), nullWriter(), nullWriter(), // null, dataRnd, algRnd, stopwatchData, // trainingData, false, testData, annotations, // train on training data (also use unannotated, unlabeled validation data) // bTheta, bMu, bPhi, bGamma, cGamma, // lambda, evalPoint, initializationStrategy, initializationTraining, returnLabeledAccuracy); // // // cross-validation sweep unannotated-document-weight (optional) // if (validationPercent>0){ // MDC.put("context", "hyperopt"); // int validationEvalPoint = (int)Math.round(validationData.getInfo().getNumDocuments()/((double)trainingData.getInfo().getNumDocuments()) * evalPoint); // ModelTraining.doOperations(hyperparamTraining, // new CrowdsourcingHyperparameterOptimizer(initialization, validationData, annotations, validationEvalPoint)); // MDC.remove("context"); // } // final go trainEval(debugOut, annotationsOut, tabularPredictionsOut, resultsOut, null, dataRnd, algRnd, stopwatchData, trainingData, false, testData, annotations, // train on training data (also use unannotated, unlabeled validation data) bTheta, bMu, bPhi, bGamma, cGamma, lambda, evalPoint, labelingStrategy, training, false); // // serialize state out // finalState.serializeTo(serializeOut); debugOut.close(); annotationsOut.close(); tabularPredictionsOut.close(); resultsOut.close(); serializeOut.close(); } /** * @param returnLabeledAccuracy if false, returns log joint * @return */ private static void trainEval(PrintWriter debugOut, PrintWriter annotationsOut, PrintWriter tabularPredictionsOut, PrintWriter resultsOut, SerializableCrowdsourcingState initialState, RandomGenerator dataRnd, RandomGenerator algRnd, Stopwatch stopwatchData, Dataset trainingData, boolean onlyAnnotateLabeledData, final Dataset testData, final EmpiricalAnnotations<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> annotations, double bTheta, double bMu, double bPhi, double bGamma, double cGamma, String lambda, int evalPoint, LabelingStrategy labelingStrategy, String training, boolean returnLabeledAccuracy) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare data. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove any existing annotations from the training data; this is only relevant if doing multiple evaluations in a single run Datasets.clearAnnotations(trainingData); // all ground-truth labels are hidden for crowdsourcing inference (unless we decide to have a few observed) // if (!annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real")){ // if labels were observed in real data, observe them here trainingData = Datasets.hideAllLabelsButNPerClass(trainingData, numObservedLabelsPerClass, dataRnd); // }"Trusted labels available for " + trainingData.getInfo().getNumDocumentsWithObservedLabels() + " instances");"No labels available for " + trainingData.getInfo().getNumDocumentsWithoutObservedLabels() + " instances"); Preconditions.checkArgument(trainingData.getInfo().getNumDocuments() > 0, "Training dataset contained 0 documents. Cannot train a model with no training data.");"======================================================================================");"============= Train + eval (" + labelingStrategy + " bTheta=" + bTheta + " bPhi=" + bPhi + " bGamma=" + bGamma + " cGamma=" + cGamma + " evalpoint=" + evalPoint + " measEvalPoint=" + measEvalPoint + ") ==============");"======================================================================================");"data seed " + dataSeed);"algorithm seed " + algorithmSeed); "hyperparameters: bTheta=" + bTheta + " bPhi=" + bPhi + " bGamma=" + bGamma + " cGamma=" + cGamma); // // TODO; data with known and observed labels is suitable for adding as extra supervision to models (assuming they know how to deal with it) // Dataset observedLabelsTrainingData = Datasets.divideInstancesWithObservedLabels(trainingData).getFirst(); // data with known but concealed labels is suitable for simulating annotators and doing evaluation Dataset concealedLabelsTrainingData = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(trainingData).getFirst(); Stopwatch stopwatchInference = Stopwatch.createStarted(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Annotators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<? extends LabelProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Measurement>> annotators; if (annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real")) { annotators = createEmpiricalAnnotators(annotations);"Number of Human Annotators = " + annotators.size()); annotatorAccuracy = null; // avoid reporting misleading stats based on unused simulation parameters } else { annotators = createAnnotators(concealedLabelsTrainingData, annotatorAccuracy, concealedLabelsTrainingData.getInfo().getNumClasses(), dataRnd);"Number of Simulated Annotators = " + annotators.size()); for (int i = 0; i < annotatorAccuracy.getAccuracies().length; i++) {"annotator #" + i + " accuracy=" + annotatorAccuracy.getAccuracies()[i]); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Choose an annotation_strategy+label_chooser combination // valid options: grr+majority, single+majority, ab-arbitrator+arbitrator // we do annotation on the main training set. Annotations are added in-place, // mutating the dataset. Note that since we didn't do a deep copy, all splits // of the dataset and all references to the datasetinstance objects should be // receiving annotations as well. This doesn't currently affect any logic, // since only annotations mutate and all code except for crowdsourcing training // code ignores annotations, but it's worth noting. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InstanceManager<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> instanceManager; LabelChooser baselineChooser; switch (annotationStrategy) { case ab: trainingData = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(trainingData).getFirst(); // can't simulate annotations for unlabeled instances baselineChooser = new ArbiterVote(arbiters, algRnd); instanceManager = ABArbiterInstanceManager.newManager(trainingData, k == 1, arbiters); break; case grr: trainingData = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(trainingData).getFirst(); // can't simulate annotations for unlabeled instances baselineChooser = new MajorityVote(algRnd); instanceManager = GeneralizedRoundRobinInstanceManager.newManager(k, trainingData, new DatasetAnnotationRecorder(trainingData), dataRnd); break; case kdeep: trainingData = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(trainingData).getFirst(); // can't simulate annotations for unlabeled instances baselineChooser = new MajorityVote(algRnd); instanceManager = NDeepInstanceManager.newManager(k, 1, trainingData, new DatasetAnnotationRecorder(trainingData), dataRnd); break; case real: baselineChooser = new MajorityVote(algRnd); instanceManager = EmpiricalAnnotationInstanceManager.newManager( onlyAnnotateLabeledData ? concealedLabelsTrainingData : trainingData, annotations, evalPoint, measEvalPoint, prioritizeLabelProportions, dataRnd); break; case reallayers: baselineChooser = new MajorityVote(algRnd); instanceManager = EmpiricalAnnotationLayersInstanceManager.newManager( onlyAnnotateLabeledData ? concealedLabelsTrainingData : trainingData, annotations, evalPoint, measEvalPoint, prioritizeLabelProportions, dataRnd); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown annotation strategy: " +; } // // rate limited annotators // if (annotatorAccuracy!=null){ // instanceManager = new RateLimitedAnnotatorInstanceManager<>(instanceManager, identityAnnotatorRatesMap(annotatorAccuracy.getAnnotatorRates()), dataRnd); // } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Annotate a seed set ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// annotationsOut.println("source, annotator_id, annotation, annotation_time_nanos, wait_time_nanos"); // annotation file header int effectiveAnnotationPoint = evalPoint; int effectiveMeasurementPoint = measEvalPoint; if (annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real")) { effectiveAnnotationPoint = Math.min(evalPoint, annotations.getDataInfo().getNumAnnotations()); effectiveMeasurementPoint = Math.min(measEvalPoint, annotations.getMeasurements().size());"limiting --eval-point and --meas-eval-point by the number of available measurements: " + effectiveAnnotationPoint + "," + effectiveMeasurementPoint); } for (int numAnnotations = 0; numAnnotations < maxAnnotations && numAnnotations < effectiveAnnotationPoint + effectiveMeasurementPoint; numAnnotations++) { // Get an instance and annotator assignment AnnotationRequest<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> request = null; // keep trying until we get one right. The instance // manager should only return isdone==true when // 1) doing ab-arbitrator when we we ask // for an arbitrator instance and there are no conflicts. // 2) the realistic annotator enforces historical order. while (request == null && !instanceManager.isDone()) { // Pick an annotator at random int annotatorId = dataRnd.nextInt(annotators.size()); try { request = instanceManager.requestInstanceFor(annotatorId, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException(); } } // instance manager has finished (only ab-arbitrator and real will do this. Grr goes forever!) if (request == null) {"Out of annotations. Finishing with " + numAnnotations + " annotations."); break; } // Annotate (ignore timing information) else { LabelProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Measurement> annotator = annotators .get((int) request.getAnnotatorId()); Measurement measurement = annotator.labelFor(request.getInstance().getSource(), request.getInstance().getData()); Integer label = measurement instanceof ClassificationAnnotationMeasurement ? ((ClassificationAnnotationMeasurement) measurement).getLabel() : null; AnnotationInfo<Integer> ai = new AnnotationInfo<>(new Long(numAnnotations), label, measurement, TimedEvent.Zeros(), TimedEvent.Zeros()); request.storeAnnotation(ai); writeAnnotation(annotationsOut, ai, request); } } // end annotate seed // report final state of the dataset before training"\nFinal training data (actually used for training): \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(trainingData, 1));"\nFinal test data (actually used for testing): \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(testData, 1)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build a dataset labeler // valid options: 1) multiannotator model(s) // 2) use chooser strategy (ab,majority) on labeled portion, and naive bayes on unlabeled/test ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // state initialization AssignmentInitializer yInitializer = ModelInitialization.backoffStateInitializerForY(initialState, new ModelInitialization.BaselineInitializer(algRnd)); AssignmentInitializer mInitializer = ModelInitialization.backoffStateInitializerForM(initialState, new ModelInitialization.BaselineInitializer(algRnd, true)); // slightly noisier default initialization for m MatrixAssignmentInitializer zInitializer = ModelInitialization.backoffStateInitializerForZ(initialState, ModelInitialization.uniformRowMatrixInitializer( new ModelInitialization.UniformAssignmentInitializer(numTopics, algRnd))); final Dataset evalData = trainingData; IntermediatePredictionLogger predictionLogger = null; // model builder PriorSpecification priors = new PriorSpecification(bTheta, bMu, cMu, bGamma, cGamma, bPhi, etaVariance, inlineHyperparamTuning, annotators.size()); boolean measurementsPreScaled = annotationStrategy.toString().contains("real"); logger.warn("hard-coding measurement model annotator noise to be IG(1.1, 1.1). " + "This is being done purely for convenience in running experiments. " + "Feel free to remove this code if you wish CLI args to be respected again for measurement models."); priors.setBGamma(1.1); priors.setCGamma(1.1); // hard-coded measurement model priors MeasurementModelBuilder modelBuilder = new PANClassificationMeasurementModel.Builder().setPriors(priors) .setYInitializer(yInitializer).setMeasurementsArePreScaled(measurementsPreScaled) .setTrustedAnnotator(trustedMeasurementAnnotator).setRnd(algRnd).setData(trainingData); DatasetLabeler labeler = new ClassificationMeasurementModelLabeler(modelBuilder, training, predictionLogger); MeasurementSelector activeSelector; switch (activeStrategy) { case AL: activeSelector = new ActiveMeasurementSelector(modelBuilder, trainingData, annotations, numSamples, training, thinningRate, minCandidates, algRnd); break; case RAND: activeSelector = new RandomMeasurementSelector(modelBuilder, trainingData, annotations, algRnd); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unsupported active strategy: " + activeStrategy); } // result file headers DatasetMetricComputer annotationsCounter = new DatasetMetricComputer(); LogJointComputer jointComputer = new LogJointComputer(); AccuracyComputer accuracyComputer = new AccuracyComputer(); AccuracyComputer top3AccuracyComputer = new AccuracyComputer(3); AnnotatorAccuracyComputer annAccComputer = new AnnotatorAccuracyComputer( trainingData.getInfo().getNumAnnotators()); MachineAccuracyComputer machineAccComputer = new MachineAccuracyComputer(); ExperimentSettingsComputer settingsComputer = new ExperimentSettingsComputer(); resultsOut.println(Joiner.on(',').join(annotationsCounter.csvHeader(), jointComputer.csvHeader(), accuracyComputer.csvHeader(), top3AccuracyComputer.csvHeader(), annAccComputer.csvHeader(), machineAccComputer.csvHeader(), settingsComputer.csvHeader())); resultsOut.flush(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Annotate via active selection ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (Collection<FlatInstance<SparseFeatureVector, Integer>> anns = activeSelector .selectNext(batchSize); anns.size() > 0; anns = activeSelector.selectNext(batchSize)) { // for loop selects an annotator+measurement pair j,k ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // observe tau_jk ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Datasets.addAnnotationsToDataset(trainingData, anns); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Eval the labeler ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Predictions predictions = labeler.label(trainingData, testData); // record results"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); "!! " + CrowdsourcingActiveMeasurement.class.getSimpleName() + " complete! Writing results.");"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); int nullLabel = annotations.getDataInfo().getNullLabel(); OverallAccuracy accResults = accuracyComputer.compute(predictions, nullLabel); OverallAccuracy acc3Results = top3AccuracyComputer.compute(predictions, nullLabel); double jointResults = jointComputer.compute(predictions); resultsOut.println(Joiner.on(',').join(annotationsCounter.compute(trainingData), jointResults, accResults.toCsv(), acc3Results.toCsv(), annAccComputer.compute(predictions).toCsv(), machineAccComputer.compute(predictions), settingsComputer.compute( (stopwatchData == null) ? 0 : (int) stopwatchData.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS), (int) stopwatchInference.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS), priors))); resultsOut.flush(); PredictionTabulator.writeTo(predictions, tabularPredictionsOut); // log results to console"confusion matrix\n" + new ConfusionMatrixComputer(trainingData.getInfo().getLabelIndexer()) .compute(predictions.labeledPredictions()).toString());"annacc = " + DoubleArrays.toString(predictions.annotatorAccuracies()));"machacc = " + predictions.machineAccuracy()); //"machacc_mat = " + Matrices.toString(predictions.machineConfusionMatrix()));"log joint = " + jointResults); logAccuracy("", accResults); logAccuracy("top3", acc3Results); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END - Annotate via active selection ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// stopwatchInference.stop(); } private static void logAccuracy(String prefix, OverallAccuracy acc) { + "test_acc = " + acc.getTestAccuracy().getAccuracy() + " (" + acc.getTestAccuracy().getCorrect() + "/" + acc.getTestAccuracy().getTotal() + ")"); + "labeled_acc = " + acc.getLabeledAccuracy().getAccuracy() + " (" + acc.getLabeledAccuracy().getCorrect() + "/" + acc.getLabeledAccuracy().getTotal() + ")"); + "unlabeled_acc = " + acc.getUnlabeledAccuracy().getAccuracy() + " (" + acc.getUnlabeledAccuracy().getCorrect() + "/" + acc.getUnlabeledAccuracy().getTotal() + ")"); + "overall_acc = " + acc.getOverallAccuracy().getAccuracy() + " (" + acc.getOverallAccuracy().getCorrect() + "/" + acc.getOverallAccuracy().getTotal() + ")"); } private static Dataset truncateUnannotatedUnlabeledData(Dataset data) {"truncating unlabeled/unannotated instances"); Dataset truncated = Datasets.removeDataWithoutAnnotationsOrObservedLabels(data);"data size: before truncation=" + data.getInfo().getNumDocuments() + " after truncation=" + truncated.getInfo().getNumDocuments()); return truncated; } private static List<? extends LabelProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Measurement>> createEmpiricalAnnotators( EmpiricalAnnotations<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> annotations) { List<EmpiricalMeasurementProvider<SparseFeatureVector>> annotators = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String annotator : annotations.getDataInfo().getAnnotatorIdIndexer()) { int annotatorIndex = annotations.getDataInfo().getAnnotatorIdIndexer().indexOf(annotator); annotators.add(new EmpiricalMeasurementProvider<SparseFeatureVector>(annotatorIndex, annotations)); } return annotators; } public static List<? extends LabelProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Measurement>> createAnnotators( Dataset concealedLabeledTrainingData, AnnotatorAccuracySetting accuracySetting, int numLabels, RandomGenerator rnd) { GoldLabelProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> goldLabelProvider = GoldLabelProvider .from(concealedLabeledTrainingData); List<FallibleMeasurementProvider<SparseFeatureVector>> annotators = Lists.newArrayList(); double[][][] annotatorConfusions = accuracySetting.getConfusionMatrices(); double[] annotatorRates = accuracySetting.getAnnotatorRates(); // scale annotator rates up until the first one hits 1 (won't change proportions but will decrease failure rate) DoubleArrays.multiplyToSelf(annotatorRates, 1.0 / DoubleArrays.max(annotatorRates)); double measSimAnnotationRate = (double) evalPoint / (double) (evalPoint + measEvalPoint); double measSimPredicateRate = (double) measEvalPoint / (double) (evalPoint + measEvalPoint); double measSimProportionRate = 0.01 * measSimPredicateRate; for (int j = 0; j < annotatorConfusions.length; j++) { ProbabilisticLabelErrorFunction<Integer> labelErrorFunction = new ProbabilisticLabelErrorFunction<Integer>( new ConfusionMatrixDistribution(annotatorConfusions[j]), rnd); FallibleAnnotationProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> fallibleLabelProvider = new FallibleAnnotationProvider<SparseFeatureVector, Integer>( goldLabelProvider, labelErrorFunction); FallibleMeasurementProvider<SparseFeatureVector> annotator = new FallibleMeasurementProvider<>( fallibleLabelProvider, concealedLabeledTrainingData, j, annotatorAccuracy.getAccuracies()[j], measSimAnnotationRate, measSimPredicateRate, measSimProportionRate, rnd); annotators.add(annotator); } return annotators; } private static Dataset readData(RandomGenerator rnd, int featureNormalizationConstant) throws IOException { // transforms per dataset Function<String, String> docTransform = null; Function<String, String> tokenTransform = null; switch (datasetType) { // simulated datasets need no transform case NB2: case NB20: // pre-processed datasets need no transform case R8: case R52: case CADE12: case WEBKB: case NG: case JSON_VEC: case INDEXED_VEC: break; // Web Pages case COMPANIES: tokenTransform = Functions2.compose(new ShortWordFilter(2), new PorterStemmer(), StopWordRemover.malletStopWordRemover()); break; // tweets case TWITTER: // preserved tweeted emoticons as text docTransform = new EmoticonTransformer(); // order of ops is from bottom up tokenTransform = Functions2.compose(new ShortWordFilter(1), new PorterStemmer(), StopWordRemover.twitterStopWordRemover()); break; case WEATHER: // preserved tweeted emoticons as text docTransform = new EmoticonTransformer(); // order of ops is from bottom up tokenTransform = Functions2.compose(new ShortWordFilter(1), new PorterStemmer(), StopWordRemover.twitterStopWordRemover() // StopWordRemover.fromWords(Sets.newHashSet("weather")) ); break; // email case ENRON: case NEWSGROUPS: case CFGROUPS1000: case REUTERS: docTransform = new EmailHeaderStripper(); // order of ops is from bottom up tokenTransform = Functions2.compose(new ShortWordFilter(2), new PorterStemmer(), StopWordRemover.malletStopWordRemover()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown dataset type: " + datasetType); } // -1 => null Integer featureNormalizer = featureNormalizationConstant < 0 ? null : featureNormalizationConstant; // data reader pipeline per dataset // build a dataset, doing all the tokenizing, stopword removal, and feature normalization Dataset data; switch (datasetType) { // json annotation stream case CFGROUPS1000: case WEATHER: case TWITTER: case COMPANIES: data = new JSONDocumentDatasetBuilder(basedir, dataset, docTransform, DocPipes.opennlpSentenceSplitter(), DocPipes.McCallumAndNigamTokenizer(), tokenTransform, FeatureSelectorFactories.conjoin( new CountCutoffFeatureSelectorFactory<String>(featureCountCutoff), (topNFeaturesPerDocument < 0) ? null : new TopNPerDocumentFeatureSelectorFactory(topNFeaturesPerDocument)), featureNormalizer).dataset(); break; case ENRON: case NB2: case NB20: case R8: case R52: case NG: case WEBKB: case CADE12: case NEWSGROUPS: case REUTERS: data = new DocumentDatasetBuilder(basedir, dataset, split, docTransform, DocPipes.opennlpSentenceSplitter(), DocPipes.McCallumAndNigamTokenizer(), tokenTransform, FeatureSelectorFactories.conjoin( new CountCutoffFeatureSelectorFactory<String>(featureCountCutoff), (topNFeaturesPerDocument < 0) ? null : new TopNPerDocumentFeatureSelectorFactory(topNFeaturesPerDocument)), featureNormalizer).dataset(); break; case INDEXED_VEC: data = new VectorDocumentDatasetBuilder(basedir, dataset, split).dataset(); break; case JSON_VEC: data = new JSONVectorDocumentDatasetBuilder(basedir, dataset).dataset(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown dataset type: " + datasetType); } // // randomize order // data.shuffle(rnd); // Postprocessing: remove all documents with duplicate sources or empty features data = Datasets.filteredDataset(data, Predicates.and(Datasets.filterDuplicateSources(), Datasets.filterNonEmpty()));"\nDataset on import: \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(data, 1)); // for (DatasetInstance inst: data){ // Preconditions.checkState(inst.asFeatureVector().sum()>0,"document "+inst.getInfo().getSource()+" was empty"); // // // print document data to make sure import didn't mess things up // System.out.println(inst.getInfo().getSource()+": "+Datasets.wordsIn(inst, data.getInfo().getFeatureIndexer())); // } return data; } // note (pfelt): borrowed from DefaultAnnotationServer.AnnotationHandler private static void writeAnnotation(PrintWriter out, AnnotationInfo<Integer> ai, AnnotationRequest<SparseFeatureVector, Integer> ar) { if (out != null) { // CSV: source, annotator_id, annotation, duration out.printf("%s, %d, %s, %d, %d\n", ar.getInstance().getSource(), ar.getAnnotatorId(), ai.getAnnotation(), ai.getAnnotationEvent().getDurationNanos(), ai.getWaitEvent().getDurationNanos()); out.flush(); } } public static class ExperimentSettingsComputer { public String csvHeader() { return Joiner.on(',').join(new String[] { "eval_point", "meas_eval_point", "k", "labeling_strategy", "annotation_strategy", "training", "data_seed", "algorithm_seed", "basedir", "dataset", "dataset_type", "annotator_accuracy", "unannotated_document_weight", "pre_normalize_documents", "data_secs", "inference_secs", "initialization_strategy", "initialization_training", "diagonalization_method", "diagonalization_gold_instances", "btheta", "bgamma", "cgamma", "bmu", "cmu", "bphi", "eta_variance", "truncate_unannotated_data", "hyperparam_training", "num_topics", "annotator_cluster_method", "inline_hyperparam_tuning", "annotate_top_k_choices", "vary_annotator_rates", "active_strategy" }); } public String compute(int dataSecs, int inferenceSecs, PriorSpecification priors) { return Joiner.on(',').join(new String[] { "" + evalPoint, "" + measEvalPoint, "" + k, "" + labelingStrategy, "" + annotationStrategy, "" + training, "" + dataSeed, "" + algorithmSeed, basedir, dataset, "" + datasetType, "" + annotatorAccuracy, "" + lambda, "" + featureNormalizationConstant, "" + dataSecs, "" + inferenceSecs, "" + initializationStrategy, "" + initializationTraining, diagonalizationMethod.toString(), "" + goldInstancesForDiagonalization, priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getBTheta(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getBGamma(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getCGamma(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getBMu(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getCMu(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getBPhi(), priors == null ? "" : "" + priors.getEtaVariance(), "" + truncateUnannotatedData, hyperparamTraining, "" + numTopics, "" + clusterMethod, "" + inlineHyperparamTuning, "" + annotateTopKChoices, "" + varyAnnotatorRates, "" + activeStrategy }); } } /** * How to do data splits in a reasonable way less obvious than it seems like it should be for multiannotator data. * Each item may either have a gold label or not, and each item may also either have one or more annotations or not. * We want a training set, a validation set, and a test set. The test set only needs items with gold labels. * The train and validation sets should split the remaining supervised? data (has label and/or annotation). * The train and validation sets should both share all unsupervised? data (no labels or annotations). * Furthermore, wed like the data to be randomized such that adding unsupervised data does not change * which supervised items get allocated to train/validation/test. Otherwise, you get weird situations * where adding unannotated and unlabeled data causes majority vote to apparently perform differently. * All of these properties are respected by the following split scheme. * * labeled --> randomize --> split("train1", "validation1", "test1") * / * annotated * / \ * / not labeled --> "extra" * all * \ * \ /labeled --> randomize --> split("train1", "validation1", "test1") * not annotated * \ * not labeled --> "extra" * * train = train1 + train2 + extra * validation = validation1 + validation2 + extra * test = test1 + test2 */ private static List<Dataset> splitData(Dataset fullData, double trainingPercent, double validationPercent, RandomGenerator rnd) { // check ranges Preconditions.checkArgument(0 <= trainingPercent && trainingPercent <= 100, "trainingPercent must be between 0 and 100 (inclusive) " + trainingPercent); Preconditions.checkArgument(0 <= validationPercent && validationPercent <= 100, "validationPercent must be between 0 and 100 (inclusive) " + validationPercent); Preconditions.checkArgument(validationPercent + trainingPercent <= 100, "trainingPercent+validationPercent must be between 0 and 100 (inclusive) " + trainingPercent + "+" + validationPercent); // create split tree as shown in function javadoc Pair<? extends Dataset, ? extends Dataset> allSplit = Datasets.divideInstancesWithAnnotations(fullData); Dataset annDataset = allSplit.getFirst(); Pair<? extends Dataset, ? extends Dataset> annSplit = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(annDataset); Dataset annLabDataset = annSplit.getFirst(); Dataset annNolabDataset = annSplit.getSecond(); List<Dataset> annLabSplits = Datasets.split(Datasets.shuffled(annLabDataset, rnd), new double[] { trainingPercent, validationPercent, (100 - (trainingPercent + validationPercent)) }); Dataset noannDataset = allSplit.getSecond(); Pair<? extends Dataset, ? extends Dataset> noannSplit = Datasets.divideInstancesWithLabels(noannDataset); Dataset noannLabDataset = noannSplit.getFirst(); Dataset noannNolabDataset = noannSplit.getSecond(); List<Dataset> noannLabSplits = Datasets.split(Datasets.shuffled(noannLabDataset, rnd), new double[] { trainingPercent, validationPercent, (100 - (trainingPercent + validationPercent)) }); final Dataset trainingData = Datasets.join(annLabSplits.get(0), noannLabSplits.get(0), annNolabDataset, noannNolabDataset); final Dataset validationData = Datasets.join(annLabSplits.get(1), noannLabSplits.get(1), annNolabDataset, noannNolabDataset); final Dataset testData = Datasets.join(annLabSplits.get(2), noannLabSplits.get(2)); // note: we could ensure we don't waste any observed labels here, but it's not critical"Data after original split");"\ntraining data split: \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(trainingData, 1));"\nvalidation data split: \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(validationData, 1));"\ntest data split: \n" + Datasets.summaryOf(testData, 1)); Preconditions.checkState(testData.getInfo().getNumDocumentsWithoutLabels() == 0, "test data must all have labels"); return Lists.newArrayList(trainingData, validationData, testData); } }