Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2011 by H-Store Project * * Brown University * * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Yale University * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * * the following conditions: * * * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.* * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * ***************************************************************************/ package edu.brown.hstore.dtxn; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.ClientResponseImpl; import org.voltdb.ParameterSet; import org.voltdb.SQLStmt; import org.voltdb.StoredProcedureInvocation; import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType; import org.voltdb.catalog.PlanFragment; import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure; import org.voltdb.exceptions.SerializableException; import org.voltdb.messaging.InitiateTaskMessage; import org.voltdb.utils.EstTime; import; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreConstants; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreObjectPools; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreSite; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.WorkFragment; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.WorkResult; import edu.brown.hstore.callbacks.TransactionFinishCallback; import edu.brown.hstore.callbacks.TransactionInitCallback; import edu.brown.hstore.callbacks.TransactionPrepareCallback; import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.markov.EstimationThresholds; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovEstimate; import edu.brown.markov.TransactionEstimator; import edu.brown.protorpc.ProtoRpcController; import edu.brown.statistics.Histogram; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; /** * * @author pavlo */ public class LocalTransaction extends AbstractTransaction { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LocalTransaction.class); private final static LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(LOG.isDebugEnabled()); private final static LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(LOG.isTraceEnabled()); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } private static boolean d = debug.get(); private static boolean t = trace.get(); private static final Set<WorkFragment> EMPTY_FRAGMENT_SET = Collections.emptySet(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TRANSACTION INVOCATION DATA MEMBERS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The original StoredProcedureInvocation request that was sent to the HStoreSite * XXX: Why do we need to keep this? */ protected StoredProcedureInvocation invocation; /** * Catalog object of the Procedure that this transaction is currently executing */ protected Procedure catalog_proc; /** * The number of times that this transaction has been restarted */ private int restart_ctr = 0; private boolean needs_restart = false; private boolean deletable = false; private boolean not_deletable = false; /** * If set to true, then this will need to have an entry written * to the command log for its invocation */ private boolean log_enabled = false; /** * If set to true, then this txn's log entry has been flushed to disk */ private boolean log_flushed = false; /** * The timestamp (from EstTime) that our transaction showed up * at this HStoreSite */ private long initiateTime; private DistributedState dtxnState; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INITIAL PREDICTION DATA MEMBERS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The set of partitions that we expected this partition to touch. */ private Collection<Integer> predict_touchedPartitions; private boolean part_of_mapreduce = false; /** * TransctionEstimator State Handle */ private TransactionEstimator.State estimator_state; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RUN TIME DATA MEMBERS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A handle to the execution state of this transaction * This will only get set when the transaction starts running. * No two transactions are allowed to hold the same ExecutionState * at the same time. */ private ExecutionState state; /** * The partitions that we told the Dtxn.Coordinator that we were done with */ private final BitSet done_partitions; /** * Whether this txn is being executed specutatively */ private boolean exec_speculative = false; /** * What partitions has this txn touched * This needs to be a Histogram so that we can figure out what partitions * were touched the most if end up needing to redirect it later on */ private final Histogram<Integer> exec_touchedPartitions = new Histogram<Integer>(); // private final FastIntHistogram exec_touchedPartitions; /** * */ public final TransactionProfile profiler; /** * TODO: We need to remove the need for this */ private final InitiateTaskMessage itask; /** * Whether this transaction's control code was executed on * its base partition. */ private boolean executed = false; /** * Final RpcCallback to the client */ private RpcCallback<byte[]> client_callback; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INITIALIZATION // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor * This does not fully initialize this transaction. * You must call init() before this can be used */ public LocalTransaction(HStoreSite hstore_site) { super(hstore_site); HStoreConf hstore_conf = hstore_site.getHStoreConf(); this.profiler = ( ? new TransactionProfile() : null); this.itask = new InitiateTaskMessage(); int num_partitions = CatalogUtil.getNumberOfPartitions(hstore_site.getSite()); this.done_partitions = new BitSet(num_partitions); // this.exec_touchedPartitions = new FastIntHistogram(num_partitions); } /** * Main initialization method for LocalTransaction * @param txn_id * @param clientHandle * @param base_partition * @param predict_singlePartition * @param predict_readOnly * @param predict_canAbort * @param estimator_state * @param catalog_proc * @param invocation * @param client_callback * @return */ public LocalTransaction init(Long txn_id, long clientHandle, int base_partition, Collection<Integer> predict_touchedPartitions, boolean predict_readOnly, boolean predict_canAbort, Procedure catalog_proc, StoredProcedureInvocation invocation, RpcCallback<byte[]> client_callback) { assert (predict_touchedPartitions != null && predict_touchedPartitions.isEmpty() == false); this.initiateTime = EstTime.currentTimeMillis(); this.predict_touchedPartitions = predict_touchedPartitions; this.catalog_proc = catalog_proc; this.invocation = invocation; this.client_callback = client_callback; super.init(txn_id, clientHandle, base_partition, catalog_proc.getSystemproc(), (this.predict_touchedPartitions.size() == 1), predict_readOnly, predict_canAbort, true); // Initialize the InitialTaskMessage // We have to wrap the StoredProcedureInvocation object into an // InitiateTaskMessage so that it can be put into the PartitionExecutor's execution queue this.itask.setTransactionId(txn_id); this.itask.setSrcPartition(base_partition); this.itask.setDestPartition(base_partition); this.itask.setReadOnly(predict_readOnly); this.itask.setStoredProcedureInvocation(invocation); this.itask.setSysProc(catalog_proc.getSystemproc()); // Grab a DistributedState that will have all the goodies that we need // to execute a distributed transaction if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) { try { this.dtxnState = HStoreObjectPools.STATES_DISTRIBUTED.borrowObject(); this.dtxnState.init(this); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error when trying to initialize " + this, ex); } } return (this); } /** * Testing Constructor * @param txn_id * @param base_partition * @param predict_touchedPartitions * @param catalog_proc * @return */ public LocalTransaction testInit(Long txn_id, int base_partition, Collection<Integer> predict_touchedPartitions, Procedure catalog_proc) { this.predict_touchedPartitions = predict_touchedPartitions; this.catalog_proc = catalog_proc; boolean predict_singlePartition = (this.predict_touchedPartitions.size() == 1); return (LocalTransaction) super.init(txn_id, // TxnId Integer.MAX_VALUE, // ClientHandle base_partition, // BasePartition catalog_proc.getSystemproc(), // SysProc predict_singlePartition, // SinglePartition catalog_proc.getReadonly(), // ReadOnly true, // Abortable true // ExecLocal ); } /** * Testing Constructor with Parameters * @param txn_id * @param base_partition * @param predict_touchedPartitions * @param catalog_proc * @param proc_params * @return */ public LocalTransaction testInit(Long txn_id, int base_partition, Collection<Integer> predict_touchedPartitions, Procedure catalog_proc, Object... proc_params) { this.invocation = new StoredProcedureInvocation(0, catalog_proc.getName(), proc_params); return testInit(txn_id, base_partition, predict_touchedPartitions, catalog_proc); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return (this.catalog_proc != null && super.isInitialized()); } @Override public void finish() { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Invoking finish() cleanup", this)); this.resetExecutionState(); super.finish(); // Return our DistributedState if (this.dtxnState != null) { HStoreObjectPools.STATES_DISTRIBUTED.returnObject(this.dtxnState); this.dtxnState = null; } // Return our TransactionEstimator.State handle if (this.estimator_state != null) { TransactionEstimator.POOL_STATES.returnObject(this.estimator_state); this.estimator_state = null; } this.catalog_proc = null; this.invocation = null; this.client_callback = null; this.initiateTime = 0; this.executed = false; this.exec_speculative = false; this.exec_touchedPartitions.clear(); this.predict_touchedPartitions = null; this.done_partitions.clear(); this.restart_ctr = 0; this.log_enabled = false; this.log_flushed = false; this.needs_restart = false; this.deletable = false; this.not_deletable = false; if (this.profiler != null) this.profiler.finish(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPECIAL SETTER METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setTransactionId(Long txn_id) { this.txn_id = txn_id; this.itask.setTransactionId(txn_id); } public void setExecutionState(ExecutionState state) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Setting ExecutionState handle [isNull=%s]", this, (this.state == null))); assert (state != null); assert (this.state == null); this.state = state; // Reset this so that we will call finish() on the cached DependencyInfos // before we try to use it again // for (int i = 0; i < this.state.dinfo_lastRound.length; i++) { // this.state.dinfo_lastRound[i] = -1; // } // FOR } public void resetExecutionState() { if (d) LOG.debug( String.format("%s - Resetting ExecutionState handle [isNull=%s]", this, (this.state == null))); this.state = null; } /** * Marks that this transaction's control code was executed at its base partition */ public void markAsExecuted() { this.executed = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXECUTION ROUNDS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void initRound(int partition, long undoToken) { // They are allowed to not have the ExecutionState handle if this partition is // executing a prefetchable query, which may be queued up before the // transaction's control code starts executing // Of course if this is the base partition, then we *definitely* need // to have the ExecuteionState. if (this.prefetch == null || partition == this.base_partition) { assert (this.state != null) : String.format( "Trying to initalize new round for %s on partition %d but the ExecutionState is null", this, partition); assert (this.state.queued_results.isEmpty()) : String.format( "Trying to initialize ROUND #%d for %s but there are %d queued results", this.round_ctr[this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)], this, this.state.queued_results.size()); } if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Initializing ROUND #%d on partition %d [undoToken=%d]", this, this.round_ctr[this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)], partition, undoToken)); super.initRound(partition, undoToken); if (this.base_partition == partition) { // Reset these guys here so that we don't waste time in the last round if (this.getLastUndoToken(partition) != HStoreConstants.NULL_UNDO_LOGGING_TOKEN) { this.state.clearRound(); } } } public void fastInitRound(int partition, long undoToken) { super.initRound(partition, undoToken); } @Override public void startRound(int partition) { // Same site, different partition if (this.base_partition != partition) { super.startRound(partition); return; } // Same site, same partition int base_partition_offset = hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition); assert (this.state.output_order.isEmpty()); assert (this.state.batch_size > 0); if (d) LOG.debug( String.format("%s - Starting ROUND #%d on partition %d with %d queued Statements [blocked=%d]", this, this.round_ctr[base_partition_offset], partition, this.state.batch_size, this.state.blocked_tasks.size())); if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.lock(); try { // Create our output counters for (int stmt_index = 0; stmt_index < this.state.batch_size; stmt_index++) { if (t) LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Examining %d dependencies at stmt_index %d", this, this.state.dependencies.size(), stmt_index)); for (DependencyInfo dinfo : this.state.dependencies.values()) { // Add this DependencyInfo our output list if it's being used in this round for this txn // and if it is not an internal dependency if (dinfo.inSameTxnRound(this.txn_id, this.round_ctr[base_partition_offset]) && dinfo.isInternal() == false && dinfo.getStatementIndex() == stmt_index) { this.state.output_order.add(dinfo.getDependencyId()); } } // FOR } // FOR assert (this.state.batch_size == this.state.output_order.size()) : String.format( "%s - Expected %d output dependencies but we queued up %d\n%s", this, this.state.batch_size, this.state.output_order.size(), StringUtil.join("\n", this.state.output_order)); // Release any queued responses/results if (this.state.queued_results.isEmpty() == false) { if (t) LOG.trace("Releasing " + this.state.queued_results.size() + " queued results"); int key[] = new int[2]; for (Entry<Integer, VoltTable> e : this.state.queued_results.entrySet()) { this.state.getPartitionDependencyFromKey(e.getKey().intValue(), key); this.addResult(key[0], key[1], e.getKey().intValue(), true, e.getValue()); } // FOR this.state.queued_results.clear(); } // Now create the latch int count = this.state.dependency_ctr - this.state.received_ctr; assert (count >= 0); assert (this.state.dependency_latch == null) : "This should never happen!\n" + this.toString(); this.state.dependency_latch = new CountDownLatch(count); // It's now safe to change our state to STARTED super.startRound(partition); } finally { if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.unlock(); } // SYNCH } @Override public void finishRound(int partition) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Finishing ROUND #%d on partition %d", this, this.round_ctr[this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)], partition)); if (this.base_partition == partition) { // Same site, same partition assert (this.state.dependency_ctr == this.state.received_ctr) : String.format( "Trying to finish ROUND #%d on partition %d for %s before it was started", this.round_ctr[this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)], partition, this); assert (this.state.queued_results.isEmpty()) : String.format( "Trying to finish ROUND #%d on partition %d for %s but there are %d queued results", this.round_ctr[this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)], partition, this, this.state.queued_results.size()); } // This doesn't need to be synchronized because we know that only our // thread should be calling this super.finishRound(partition); // Same site, different partition if (this.base_partition != partition) return; // if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) { // for (int i = 0; i < this.state.batch_size; i++) { // this.state.dinfo_lastRound[i] = -1; // } // FOR // } if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.lock(); try { // Reset our initialization flag so that we can be ready to run more stuff the next round if (this.state.dependency_latch != null) { assert (this.state.dependency_latch.getCount() == 0); if (t) LOG.debug("Setting CountDownLatch to null for txn #" + this.txn_id); this.state.dependency_latch = null; } this.state.clearRound(); } finally { if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.unlock(); } // SYNCH } /** * Quickly finish this round for a single-partition txn. This allows us * to change the state to FINISHED without having to go through the * INIT and START states first (since we know that we will not be getting results randomly * from WorkFragments executed on remote partitions). * @param partition The partition to finish this txn on */ public void fastFinishRound(int partition) { this.round_state[hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(partition)] = RoundState.STARTED; super.finishRound(partition); if (this.base_partition == partition) { assert (this.state != null) : "Unexpected null ExecutionState for " + this; this.state.clearRound(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ERROR HANDLING // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the pending error for this transaction. If wakeThread is true, then * the transaction will be released from its lock so that the transaction can be * aborted without needing to wait for all of the results to return. * @param error * @param wakeThread */ public void setPendingError(SerializableException error, boolean wakeThread) { boolean spin_latch = (this.pending_error == null); super.setPendingError(error); if (wakeThread == false) return; // Spin through this so that the waiting thread wakes up and sees that they got an error if (spin_latch) { while (this.state.dependency_latch.getCount() > 0) { this.state.dependency_latch.countDown(); } // WHILE } } @Override public void setPendingError(SerializableException error) { this.setPendingError(error, true); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CALLBACK METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public TransactionInitCallback getTransactionInitCallback() { return (this.dtxnState.init_callback); } public TransactionPrepareCallback initTransactionPrepareCallback(ClientResponseImpl cresponse) { assert (this.dtxnState.prepare_callback .isInitialized() == false) : "Trying initialize the TransactionPrepareCallback for " + this + " more than once"; this.dtxnState.prepare_callback.init(this, cresponse); return (this.dtxnState.prepare_callback); } public TransactionPrepareCallback getTransactionPrepareCallback() { assert (this.dtxnState != null); return (this.dtxnState.prepare_callback); } /** * Initialize the TransactionFinishCallback for this transaction using the * given status indicator. You should always use this callback and not allocate * one yourself! * @param status * @return */ public TransactionFinishCallback initTransactionFinishCallback(Hstoreservice.Status status) { assert (this.dtxnState.finish_callback .isInitialized() == false) : "Trying initialize the TransactionFinishCallback for " + this + " more than once"; // Don't initialize this until later, because we need to know // what the final status of the txn this.dtxnState.finish_callback.init(this, status); return (this.dtxnState.finish_callback); } public TransactionFinishCallback getTransactionFinishCallback() { assert (this.dtxnState.finish_callback.isInitialized()) : "Trying to use TransactionFinishCallback for " + this + " before it is intialized"; return (this.dtxnState.finish_callback); } /** * Return the original callback that will send the final results back to the client * @return */ public RpcCallback<byte[]> getClientCallback() { return (this.client_callback); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ACCESS METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if the control code for this LocalTransaction was actually started * in the PartitionExecutor */ public boolean wasExecuted() { return (this.executed); } @Override public boolean needsFinish(int partition) { if (this.base_partition == partition) { return (this.executed); } return super.needsFinish(partition); } /** * Mark this transaction as needing to be restarted. This will prevent it from * being deleted immediately * @param value */ public final void setNeedsRestart(boolean value) { assert (this.needs_restart != value) : "Trying to set " + this + " internal needs_restart flag to " + value + " twice"; this.needs_restart = value; } /** * Returns true if we believe that this transaction can be deleted * Note that this will only return true once and only once for each transaction invocation. * That ensures that only one thread is allowed to delete a transaction */ public boolean isDeletable() { if (this.isInitialized() == false) { return (false); } if (this.dtxnState != null) { if (this.dtxnState.init_callback.allCallbacksFinished() == false) { return (false); } if (this.dtxnState.prepare_callback.allCallbacksFinished() == false) { return (false); } if (this.dtxnState.finish_callback.allCallbacksFinished() == false) { return (false); } } if (this.needs_restart || this.not_deletable) { return (false); } synchronized (this) { if (this.deletable) return (false); this.deletable = true; } return (true); } public final void markAsNotDeletable() { assert (this.not_deletable == false) : "Trying to mark " + this + " as not-deletable more than once"; this.not_deletable = true; } public final void markAsDeletable() { assert (this.deletable == false) : "Trying to mark " + this + " as deletable more than once"; this.deletable = true; this.not_deletable = false; } public final boolean checkDeletableFlag() { return (this.deletable); } /** * Returns true if this transaction is part of a MapReduce transaction * @return */ public boolean isMapReduce() { return (this.catalog_proc.getMapreduce()); } /** * Get the timestamp that this LocalTransaction handle was initiated */ public long getInitiateTime() { return (this.initiateTime); } /** * Set the number of Statements being executed in the current batch * @param batchSize */ public final void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.state.batch_size = batchSize; } public InitiateTaskMessage getInitiateTaskMessage() { return (this.itask); } /** * Return the StoredProcedureInvocation that came over the wire * from the client for the original transaction request * @return */ public StoredProcedureInvocation getInvocation() { return (this.invocation); } /** * Return the number of times that this transaction was restarted * @return */ public int getRestartCounter() { return (this.restart_ctr); } /** * Set the number of times that this transaction has been restarted * @param val */ public void setRestartCounter(int val) { this.restart_ctr = val; } public boolean hasDonePartitions() { return (this.done_partitions.cardinality() > 0); } public BitSet getDonePartitions() { return (this.done_partitions); } public Histogram<Integer> getTouchedPartitions() { return (this.exec_touchedPartitions); } public boolean isPartOfMapreduce() { return part_of_mapreduce; } public void setPartOfMapreduce(boolean part_of_mapreduce) { this.part_of_mapreduce = part_of_mapreduce; } public String getProcedureName() { return (this.catalog_proc != null ? this.catalog_proc.getName() : null); } /** * Return the underlying procedure catalog object * The VoltProcedure must have already been set * @return */ public Procedure getProcedure() { return (this.catalog_proc); } /** * Return the ParameterSet that contains the procedure input * parameters for this transaction */ public ParameterSet getProcedureParameters() { return (this.invocation.getParams()); } public int getDependencyCount() { return (this.state.dependency_ctr); } /** * Returns true if this transaction still has WorkFragments * that need to be dispatched to the appropriate PartitionExecutor * @return */ public boolean stillHasWorkFragments() { return (this.state.still_has_tasks); // this.state.lock.lock(); // try { // return (this.state.blocked_tasks.isEmpty() == false || // this.state.unblocked_tasks.isEmpty() == false); // } finally { // this.state.lock.unlock(); // } } protected Collection<WorkFragment> getBlockedWorkFragments() { return (this.state.blocked_tasks); } public LinkedBlockingDeque<Collection<WorkFragment>> getUnblockedWorkFragmentsQueue() { return (this.state.unblocked_tasks); } public TransactionEstimator.State getEstimatorState() { return (this.estimator_state); } public void setEstimatorState(TransactionEstimator.State state) { this.estimator_state = state; } /** * Return the latch that will block the PartitionExecutor's thread until * all of the query results have been retrieved for this transaction's * current SQLStmt batch */ public CountDownLatch getDependencyLatch() { return this.state.dependency_latch; } /** * Return the number of statements that have been queued up in the last batch * @return */ protected int getStatementCount() { return (this.state.batch_size); } protected Map<Integer, DependencyInfo> getStatementDependencies(int stmt_index) { return (this.state.dependencies); // [stmt_index]); } /** * * @param d_id Output Dependency Id * @return */ protected DependencyInfo getDependencyInfo(int d_id) { return (this.state.dependencies.get(d_id)); // return (this.state.dependencies[stmt_index].get(d_id)); } protected List<Integer> getOutputOrder() { return (this.state.output_order); } /** * Set the flag that indicates whether this transaction was executed speculatively */ public void setSpeculative(boolean speculative) { this.exec_speculative = speculative; } /** * Returns true if this transaction was executed speculatively */ public boolean isSpeculative() { return (this.exec_speculative); } @Override public boolean isExecReadOnly(int partition) { if (catalog_proc.getReadonly()) return (true); return super.isExecReadOnly(partition); } /** * Returns true if this Transaction has executed only on a single-partition * @return */ public boolean isExecSinglePartition() { return (this.exec_touchedPartitions.getValueCount() <= 1); } /** * Returns true if the given FragmentTaskMessage is currently set as blocked for this txn * @param ftask * @return */ public boolean isBlocked(WorkFragment ftask) { return (this.state.blocked_tasks.contains(ftask)); } /** * Return the collection of the partitions that this transaction is expected * to need during its execution. The transaction may choose to not use all of * these but it is not allowed to use more. */ public Collection<Integer> getPredictTouchedPartitions() { return (this.predict_touchedPartitions); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMMAND LOGGING // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Mark this txn as needing to have a log entry written to disk */ public void markLogEnabled() { assert (this.log_enabled == false) : "Trying to mark " + this + " as needing to be logged more than once"; this.log_enabled = true; } /** * Returns true if this txn needs to have a command log entry written for it * @return */ public boolean isLogEnabled() { return (this.log_enabled); } /** * Mark this txn as having it's log entry flushed to disk * This should only be invoked once per invocation */ public void markLogFlushed() { assert (this.log_flushed == false) : "Trying to mark " + this + " as flushed more than once"; this.log_flushed = true; } /** * Returns true if this txn's log entry has been flushed to disk. * @return */ public boolean isLogFlushed() { return (this.log_flushed); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PREFETCHABLE QUERIES // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addPrefetchFragmentId(int fragmentId) { assert (this.prefetch != null); this.prefetch.fragmentIds.add(fragmentId); } public void addPrefetchResults(WorkResult result) { assert (this.prefetch != null); this.prefetch.results.add(result); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProtoRpcController CACHE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ProtoRpcController getTransactionInitController(int site_id) { return this.dtxnState.getProtoRpcController(this.dtxnState.rpc_transactionInit, site_id); } public ProtoRpcController getTransactionWorkController(int site_id) { return this.dtxnState.getProtoRpcController(this.dtxnState.rpc_transactionWork, site_id); } public ProtoRpcController getTransactionPrepareController(int site_id) { return this.dtxnState.getProtoRpcController(this.dtxnState.rpc_transactionPrepare, site_id); } public ProtoRpcController getTransactionFinishController(int site_id) { return this.dtxnState.getProtoRpcController(this.dtxnState.rpc_transactionFinish, site_id); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEPENDENCY TRACKING METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param dep_id * @return */ private DependencyInfo getOrCreateDependencyInfo(int stmt_index, Integer dep_id) { Map<Integer, DependencyInfo> stmt_dinfos = this.state.dependencies; DependencyInfo dinfo = stmt_dinfos.get(dep_id); int base_partition_offset = hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(this.base_partition); int currentRound = this.round_ctr[base_partition_offset]; if (dinfo != null) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Reusing DependencyInfo[%d] for %s. " + "Checking whether it needs to be reset [currentRound=%d / lastRound=%d lastTxn=%s]", this, dinfo.hashCode(), debugStmtDep(stmt_index, dep_id), currentRound, dinfo.getRound(), dinfo.getTransactionId())); if (dinfo.inSameTxnRound(this.txn_id, currentRound) == false) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Clearing out DependencyInfo[%d].", this, dinfo.hashCode())); dinfo.finish(); } } else { try { dinfo = HStoreObjectPools.STATES_DEPENDENCYINFO.borrowObject(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } stmt_dinfos.put(dep_id, dinfo); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Created new DependencyInfo for %s [hashCode=%d]", this, debugStmtDep(stmt_index, dep_id), dinfo.hashCode())); } if (dinfo.isInitialized() == false) { dinfo.init(this.txn_id, currentRound, stmt_index, dep_id.intValue()); } return (dinfo); } /** * Get the final results of the last round of execution for this Transaction * This should only be called to get the VoltTables that you want to send into * the Java stored procedure code (e.g., the return value for voltExecuteSql()) * @return */ public VoltTable[] getResults() { final VoltTable results[] = new VoltTable[this.state.output_order.size()]; if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Generating output results with %d tables", this, results.length)); for (int stmt_index = 0; stmt_index < results.length; stmt_index++) { Integer dependency_id = this.state.output_order.get(stmt_index); assert (dependency_id != null) : "Null output dependency id for Statement index " + stmt_index + " in txn #" + this.txn_id; // assert(this.state.dependencies[stmt_index] != null) : // "Missing dependency set for stmt_index #" + stmt_index + " in txn #" + this.txn_id; assert (this.state.dependencies.containsKey(dependency_id)) : String.format("Missing info for %s in %s", debugStmtDep(stmt_index, dependency_id), this); results[stmt_index] = this.state.dependencies.get(dependency_id).getResult(); assert (results[stmt_index] != null) : "Null output result for Statement index " + stmt_index + " in txn #" + this.txn_id; } // FOR return (results); } /** * Queues up a WorkFragment for this txn * If the return value is true, then the FragmentTaskMessage is blocked waiting for dependencies * If the return value is false, then the FragmentTaskMessage can be executed immediately (either locally or on at a remote partition) * @param fragment */ public boolean addWorkFragment(WorkFragment fragment) { assert (this.round_state[hstore_site .getLocalPartitionOffset(this.base_partition)] == RoundState.INITIALIZED) : String.format( "Invalid round state %s for %s at partition %d", this.round_state[hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(this.base_partition)], this, this.base_partition); // The partition that this task is being sent to for execution boolean blocked = false; final int partition = fragment.getPartitionId(); final int num_fragments = fragment.getFragmentIdCount(); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Adding %s for partition %d with %d fragments", this, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName(), partition, num_fragments)); // PAVLO: 2011-12-10 // We moved updating the exec_touchedPartitions histogram into the // BatchPlanner so that we won't increase the counter for a partition // if we read from a replicated table at the local partition // this.state.exec_touchedPartitions.put(partition, num_fragments); // PAVLO 2011-12-20 // I don't know why, but before this loop used to be synchronized // It definitely does not need to be because this is only invoked by the // transaction's base partition PartitionExecutor for (int i = 0; i < num_fragments; i++) { int stmt_index = fragment.getStmtIndex(i); // int param_index = fragment.getParamIndex(i); // If this task produces output dependencies, then we need to make // sure that the txn wait for it to arrive first int output_dep_id = fragment.getOutputDepId(i); if (output_dep_id != HStoreConstants.NULL_DEPENDENCY_ID) { DependencyInfo dinfo = this.getOrCreateDependencyInfo(stmt_index, output_dep_id); dinfo.addPartition(partition); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format( "%s - Adding new DependencyInfo %s for PlanFragment %d at Partition %d [ctr=%d]\n%s", this, debugStmtDep(stmt_index, output_dep_id), fragment.getFragmentId(i), this.state.dependency_ctr, partition, dinfo.toString())); this.state.dependency_ctr++; // Store the stmt_index of when this dependency will show up Integer key_idx = this.state.createPartitionDependencyKey(partition, output_dep_id); Queue<Integer> rest_stmt_ctr = this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr.get(key_idx); if (rest_stmt_ctr == null) { rest_stmt_ctr = new LinkedList<Integer>(); this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr.put(key_idx, rest_stmt_ctr); } rest_stmt_ctr.add(stmt_index); if (t) LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Set Dependency Statement Counters for <%d %d>: %s", this, partition, output_dep_id, rest_stmt_ctr)); } // IF // If this WorkFragment needs an input dependency, then we need to make sure it arrives at // the executor before it is allowed to start executing WorkFragment.InputDependency input_dep_ids = fragment.getInputDepId(i); if (input_dep_ids.getIdsCount() > 0) { for (int dependency_id : input_dep_ids.getIdsList()) { if (dependency_id != HStoreConstants.NULL_DEPENDENCY_ID) { DependencyInfo dinfo = this.getOrCreateDependencyInfo(stmt_index, dependency_id); dinfo.addBlockedWorkFragment(fragment); dinfo.markInternal(); if (blocked == false) { this.state.blocked_tasks.add(fragment); blocked = true; } if (d) LOG.debug(String.format( "%s - Created internal input dependency %d for PlanFragment %d\n%s", this, dependency_id, fragment.getFragmentId(i), dinfo.toString())); } } // FOR } // *********************************** DEBUG *********************************** if (t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int output_ctr = 0; int dep_ctr = 0; for (DependencyInfo dinfo : this.state.dependencies.values()) { if (dinfo.getStatementIndex() == stmt_index) dep_ctr++; if (dinfo.isInternal() == false) { output_ctr++; sb.append(" Output -> " + dinfo.toString()); } } // FOR LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Number of Output Dependencies for StmtIndex #%d: %d out of %d\n%s", this, stmt_index, output_ctr, dep_ctr, sb)); } // *********************************** DEBUG *********************************** } // FOR // *********************************** DEBUG *********************************** if (d) { CatalogType catalog_obj = null; if (catalog_proc.getSystemproc()) { catalog_obj = catalog_proc; } else { for (int i = 0; i < num_fragments; i++) { int frag_id = fragment.getFragmentId(i); PlanFragment catalog_frag = CatalogUtil.getPlanFragment(catalog_proc, frag_id); catalog_obj = catalog_frag.getParent(); if (catalog_obj != null) break; } // FOR } LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Queued up %s WorkFragment for partition %d and marked as %s [fragIds=%s]", this, catalog_obj, partition, (blocked ? "blocked" : "not blocked"), fragment.getFragmentIdList())); if (t) LOG.trace("WorkFragment Contents for txn #" + this.txn_id + ":\n" + fragment); } // *********************************** DEBUG *********************************** return (blocked); } /** * * @param partition * @param dependency_id * @param result */ public void addResult(int partition, int dependency_id, VoltTable result) { assert (result != null) : "The result for DependencyId " + dependency_id + " is null in txn #" + this.txn_id; if (this.state != null) { int key = this.state.createPartitionDependencyKey(partition, dependency_id); this.addResult(partition, dependency_id, key, false, result); } } /** * Store a VoltTable result that this transaction is waiting for. * @param partition The partition id that generated the result * @param dependency_id The dependency id that this result corresponds to * @param key The hackish partition+dependency key * @param force If false, then we will check to make sure the result isn't a duplicate * @param result The actual data for the result */ private void addResult(final int partition, final int dependency_id, final int key, final boolean force, VoltTable result) { final int base_offset = hstore_site.getLocalPartitionOffset(this.base_partition); assert (result != null); assert (this.round_state[base_offset] == RoundState.INITIALIZED || this.round_state[base_offset] == RoundState.STARTED) : String.format( "Invalid round state %s for %s at partition %d", this.round_state[base_offset], this, this.base_partition); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Attemping to add new result for %s [numRows=%d]", this, debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), result.getRowCount())); // If the txn is still in the INITIALIZED state, then we just want to queue up the results // for now. They will get released when we switch to STARTED // This is the only part that we need to synchonize on if (force == false) { if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.lock(); try { if (this.round_state[base_offset] == RoundState.INITIALIZED) { assert (this.state.queued_results.containsKey(key) == false) : String.format( "%s - Duplicate result %s [key=%d]", this, debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), key); this.state.queued_results.put(key, result); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Queued result %s until the round is started [key=%s]", this, debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), key)); return; } if (d) { LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Storing new result for key %d", this, key)); if (t) LOG.trace("Result stmt_ctr(key=" + key + "): " + this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr.get(key)); } } finally { if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.unlock(); } // SYNCH } // Each partition+dependency_id should be unique within the Statement batch. // So as the results come back to us, we have to figure out which Statement it belongs to DependencyInfo dinfo = null; Queue<Integer> queue = this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr.get(key); assert (queue != null) : String.format("Unexpected %s in %s", debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), this); assert (queue.isEmpty() == false) : String.format( "No more statements for %s in %s [key=%d]\nresults_dependency_stmt_ctr = %s", debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), this, key, this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr); int stmt_index = queue.remove().intValue(); dinfo = this.getDependencyInfo(dependency_id); assert (dinfo != null) : String.format("Unexpected %s for %s [stmt_index=%d]\n%s", debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), this, stmt_index, result); dinfo.addResult(partition, result); if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.lock(); try { this.state.received_ctr++; // Check whether we need to start running stuff now // 2011-12-31: This needs to be synchronized because they might check // whether there are no more blocked tasks before we // can add to_unblock to the unblocked_tasks queue if (this.state.blocked_tasks.isEmpty() == false && dinfo.hasTasksReady()) { Collection<WorkFragment> to_unblock = dinfo.getAndReleaseBlockedWorkFragments(); assert (to_unblock != null); assert (to_unblock.isEmpty() == false); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format( "%s - Got %d WorkFragments to unblock that were waiting for DependencyId %d", this, to_unblock.size(), dinfo.getDependencyId())); this.state.blocked_tasks.removeAll(to_unblock); this.state.unblocked_tasks.addLast(to_unblock); } else if (d) { LOG.debug(String.format( "%s - No WorkFragments to unblock after storing %s [blockedTasks=%d, hasTasksReady=%s]", this, debugPartDep(partition, dependency_id), this.state.blocked_tasks.size(), dinfo.hasTasksReady())); } if (this.state.dependency_latch != null) { this.state.dependency_latch.countDown(); // HACK: If the latch is now zero, then push an EMPTY set into the unblocked queue // This will cause the blocked PartitionExecutor thread to wake up and realize that he's done if (this.state.dependency_latch.getCount() == 0) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format( "%s - Pushing EMPTY_SET to PartitionExecutor because all the dependencies have arrived!", this)); this.state.unblocked_tasks.addLast(EMPTY_FRAGMENT_SET); } if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Setting CountDownLatch to %d", this, this.state.dependency_latch.getCount())); } this.state.still_has_tasks = this.state.blocked_tasks.isEmpty() == false || this.state.unblocked_tasks.isEmpty() == false; } finally { if (this.predict_singlePartition == false) this.state.lock.unlock(); } // SYNCH if (d) { Map<String, Object> m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Blocked Tasks", (this.state != null ? this.state.blocked_tasks.size() : null)); m.put("DependencyInfo", dinfo.toString()); m.put("hasTasksReady", dinfo.hasTasksReady()); LOG.debug(this + " - Status Information\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(m)); if (t) LOG.trace(this.debug()); } } /** * Populate the given map with the the dependency results that are used for * internal plan execution. Note that these are not the results that should be * sent to the client. * @param fragment * @param results * @return */ public Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> removeInternalDependencies(WorkFragment fragment, Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> results) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Retrieving %d internal dependencies for %s WorkFragment:\n%s", this, fragment.getInputDepIdCount(), fragment)); for (int i = 0, cnt = fragment.getFragmentIdCount(); i < cnt; i++) { int stmt_index = fragment.getStmtIndex(i); WorkFragment.InputDependency input_dep_ids = fragment.getInputDepId(i); if (t) LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Examining %d input dependencies for PlanFragment %d in %s\n%s", this, fragment.getInputDepId(i).getIdsCount(), fragment.getFragmentId(i), fragment)); for (int input_d_id : input_dep_ids.getIdsList()) { if (input_d_id == HStoreConstants.NULL_DEPENDENCY_ID) continue; DependencyInfo dinfo = this.getDependencyInfo(input_d_id); assert (dinfo != null); assert (dinfo.getPartitionCount() == dinfo.getResultsCount()) : String.format( "%s - Number of results retrieved for %s is %d " + "but we were expecting %d\n%s\n%s\n%s", this, debugStmtDep(stmt_index, input_d_id), dinfo.getResultsCount(), dinfo.getPartitionCount(), fragment.toString(), StringUtil.SINGLE_LINE, this.debug()); results.put(input_d_id, dinfo.getResults()); if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - %s -> %d VoltTables", this, debugStmtDep(stmt_index, input_d_id), results.get(input_d_id).size())); } // FOR } // FOR return (results); } public List<VoltTable> getInternalDependency(int input_d_id) { if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Retrieving internal dependencies for Dependency %d", this, input_d_id)); DependencyInfo dinfo = this.getDependencyInfo(input_d_id); assert (dinfo != null) : String.format("No DependencyInfo object for Dependency %d in %s", input_d_id, this); assert (dinfo.isInternal()) : String .format("The DependencyInfo for Dependency %s in %s is not marked as internal", input_d_id, this); assert (dinfo.getPartitionCount() == dinfo.getResultsCount()) : String.format( "Number of results from partitions retrieved for Dependency %s " + "is %d but we were expecting %d in %s\n%s\n%s%s", input_d_id, dinfo.getResultsCount(), dinfo.getPartitionCount(), this, this.toString(), StringUtil.SINGLE_LINE, this.debug()); return (dinfo.getResults()); } /** * Figure out what partitions this transaction is done with and notify those partitions * that they are done * @param ts */ public boolean calculateDonePartitions(EstimationThresholds thresholds) { final int ts_done_partitions_size = this.done_partitions.size(); Set<Integer> new_done = null; TransactionEstimator.State t_state = this.getEstimatorState(); if (t_state == null) { return (false); } if (d) LOG.debug(String.format( "Checking MarkovEstimate for %s to see whether we can notify any partitions that we're done with them [round=%d]", this, this.getCurrentRound(this.base_partition))); MarkovEstimate estimate = t_state.getLastEstimate(); assert (estimate != null) : "Got back null MarkovEstimate for " + this; new_done = estimate.getFinishedPartitions(thresholds); if (new_done.isEmpty() == false) { // Note that we can actually be done with ourself, if this txn is only going to execute queries // at remote partitions. But we can't actually execute anything because this partition's only // execution thread is going to be blocked. So we always do this so that we're not sending a // useless message new_done.remove(this.base_partition); // Make sure that we only tell partitions that we actually touched, otherwise they will // be stuck waiting for a finish request that will never come! Collection<Integer> ts_touched = this.getTouchedPartitions().values(); // Mark the txn done at this partition if the MarkovEstimate said we were done for (Integer p : new_done) { if (this.done_partitions.get(p.intValue()) == false && ts_touched.contains(p)) { if (t) LOG.trace(String.format("Marking partition %d as done for %s", p, this)); this.done_partitions.set(p.intValue()); } } // FOR } return (this.done_partitions.cardinality() != ts_done_partitions_size); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We can attach input dependencies used on non-local partitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public String toString() { if (this.isInitialized()) { return (String.format("%s #%d/%d", this.getProcedureName(), this.txn_id, this.base_partition)); // return (String.format("%s #%d/%d/%d", this.getProcedureName(), this.txn_id, this.base_partition, this.hashCode())); } else { return ("<Uninitialized>"); } } @Override public String debug() { List<Map<String, Object>> maps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> m; // Basic Info m = super.getDebugMap(); m.put("Procedure", this.getProcedureName()); maps.add(m); // Predictions m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Predict Single-Partitioned", (this.predict_touchedPartitions != null ? this.isPredictSinglePartition() : "???")); m.put("Predict Touched Partitions", this.getPredictTouchedPartitions()); m.put("Predict Read Only", this.isPredictReadOnly()); m.put("Predict Abortable", this.isPredictAbortable()); m.put("Restart Counter", this.restart_ctr); m.put("Deletable", this.deletable); m.put("Not Deletable", this.not_deletable); m.put("Needs Restart", this.needs_restart); m.put("Log Flushed", this.log_flushed); m.put("Estimator State", this.estimator_state); maps.add(m); m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Exec Read Only", Arrays.toString(this.exec_readOnly)); m.put("Exec Touched Partitions", this.exec_touchedPartitions); // Actual Execution if (this.state != null) { m.put("Exec Single-Partitioned", this.isExecSinglePartition()); m.put("Speculative Execution", this.exec_speculative); m.put("Dependency Ctr", this.state.dependency_ctr); m.put("Received Ctr", this.state.received_ctr); m.put("CountdownLatch", this.state.dependency_latch); m.put("# of Blocked Tasks", this.state.blocked_tasks.size()); m.put("# of Statements", this.state.batch_size); m.put("Expected Results", this.state.results_dependency_stmt_ctr.keySet()); } maps.add(m); // Additional Info m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Client Callback", this.client_callback); if (this.dtxnState != null) { m.put("Init Callback", this.dtxnState.init_callback); m.put("Prepare Callback", this.dtxnState.prepare_callback); m.put("Finish Callback", this.dtxnState.finish_callback); } maps.add(m); // Profile Times if (this.profiler != null) maps.add(this.profiler.debugMap()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(StringUtil.formatMaps(maps.toArray(new Map<?, ?>[maps.size()]))); if (this.state != null) { sb.append(StringUtil.SINGLE_LINE); String stmt_debug[] = new String[this.state.batch_size]; VoltProcedure voltProc = state.executor.getVoltProcedure(catalog_proc.getName()); assert (voltProc != null); SQLStmt stmts[] = voltProc.voltLastQueriesExecuted(); // This won't work in test cases // assert(stmt_debug.length == stmts.length) : // String.format("Expected %d SQLStmts but we only got %d", stmt_debug.length, stmts.length); for (int stmt_index = 0; stmt_index < stmt_debug.length; stmt_index++) { Map<Integer, DependencyInfo> s_dependencies = new HashMap<Integer, DependencyInfo>(); for (DependencyInfo dinfo : this.state.dependencies.values()) { if (dinfo.getStatementIndex() == stmt_index) s_dependencies.put(dinfo.getDependencyId(), dinfo); } // FOR String inner = " Statement #" + stmt_index; if (stmts != null && stmt_index < stmts.length) { inner += " - " + stmts[stmt_index].getStatement().getName(); } inner += "\n"; // inner += " Output Dependency Id: " + (this.state.output_order.contains(stmt_index) ? this.state.output_order.get(stmt_index) : "<NOT STARTED>") + "\n"; inner += " Dependency Partitions:\n"; for (Integer dependency_id : s_dependencies.keySet()) { inner += " [" + dependency_id + "] => " + s_dependencies.get(dependency_id).getPartitions() + "\n"; } // FOR inner += " Dependency Results:\n"; for (Integer dependency_id : s_dependencies.keySet()) { inner += " [" + dependency_id + "] => ["; String add = ""; for (VoltTable vt : s_dependencies.get(dependency_id).getResults()) { inner += add + (vt == null ? vt : "{" + vt.getRowCount() + " tuples}"); add = ","; } inner += "]\n"; } // FOR inner += " Blocked WorkFragments:\n"; boolean none = true; for (Integer dependency_id : s_dependencies.keySet()) { DependencyInfo d = s_dependencies.get(dependency_id); for (WorkFragment task : d.getBlockedWorkFragments()) { if (task == null) continue; inner += " [" + dependency_id + "] => ["; String add = ""; for (int frag_id : task.getFragmentIdList()) { inner += add + frag_id; add = ", "; } // FOR inner += "] "; if (d.hasTasksReady()) { inner += "*READY*"; } else if (d.hasTasksReleased()) { inner += "*RELEASED*"; } else { inner += String.format("%d / %d", d.getResults().size(), d.getPartitions().size()); } inner += "\n"; none = false; } } // FOR if (none) inner += " <none>\n"; stmt_debug[stmt_index] = inner; } // (dependencies) sb.append(StringUtil.columns(stmt_debug)); } return (sb.toString()); } protected static String debugStmtDep(int stmt_index, int dep_id) { return String.format("{StmtIndex:%d, DependencyId:%d}", stmt_index, dep_id); } protected static String debugPartDep(int partition, int dep_id) { return String.format("{Partition:%d, DependencyId:%d}", partition, dep_id); } }