Java tutorial
// { begin copyright } // Copyright Ryan Marcus 2016 // // This file is part of WiSeDB. // // WiSeDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // WiSeDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with WiSeDB. If not, see <>. // // { end copyright } package; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.ModelQuery; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.ModelSLA; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.QueryTimePredictor; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.cost.sla.AverageLatencyModelSLA; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.Action; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.AssignQueryAction; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.GraphSearcher; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.StartNewVMAction; import edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.State; import; import weka.classifiers.trees.J48; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.CSVLoader; import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource; public class DTSearcher implements GraphSearcher { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DTSearcher.class.getName()); private J48 tree; private QueryTimePredictor qtp; private ModelSLA sla; private Attribute[] attributes; private Instances wekaDataSet; private void init(Instances is, QueryTimePredictor qtp, ModelSLA sla) throws Exception { wekaDataSet = is; this.qtp = qtp; this.sla = sla; // the last attribute is the action / class label wekaDataSet.setClassIndex(wekaDataSet.numAttributes() - 1); // build the tree with a pruning level of 0.25 // and a minimum of 2 instances per leaf node String[] options = new String[] { "-C", "0.05", "-M", "2" }; tree = new J48(); tree.setOptions(options); // do 10 fold cross validation // do NOT train the classifier before evaluation! /* Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(wekaDataSet); eval.crossValidateModel(tree, wekaDataSet, 10, new Random());"Model CV: correct/incorrect: " + eval.correct() + "/" + eval.incorrect()); */ // build the tree tree.buildClassifier(wekaDataSet); attributes = new Attribute[wekaDataSet.numAttributes()]; for (int i = 0; i < wekaDataSet.numAttributes(); i++) { attributes[i] = wekaDataSet.attribute(i); } log.finer("Got attributes: " + Arrays.toString(attributes)); } public DTSearcher(InputStream trainingData, QueryTimePredictor qtp, ModelSLA sla) throws Exception { CSVLoader csv = new CSVLoader(); csv.setSource(trainingData); csv.setMissingValue("?"); Instances i = csv.getDataSet(); init(i, qtp, sla); } public DTSearcher(String trainingData, QueryTimePredictor qtp, ModelSLA sla) throws Exception { init(new DataSource(trainingData).getDataSet(), qtp, sla); } @Override public List<Action> schedule(Set<ModelQuery> toSched) { SingularMachineState start = new SingularMachineState(toSched, qtp, sla); List<Action> toR = new LinkedList<Action>(); applyLoop: while (!start.isGoalState()) { log.fine("Current state: " + start); SortedMap<String, String> features = start.getFeatures(); Instance toClassify = new Instance(attributes.length); toClassify.setDataset(wekaDataSet); for (Attribute a : attributes) { if ("action")) { //toClassify.setValue(a, "N"); continue; } try { if (features.get("?")) { toClassify.setMissing(a); continue; } try { double d = Double.valueOf(features.get(; toClassify.setValue(a, d); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { toClassify.setValue(a, features.get(; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.warning( "Encountered previously unseen attribute value! Might need better training data... making random selection."); log.warning("Value for attribute " + + " was " + features.get(; Action rand = getPUAction(start); log.warning("Random action selected: " + rand); toR.add(rand); start.applyAction(rand); continue applyLoop; } } toClassify.setClassMissing(); log.finer("Going to classify: " + toClassify); try { double d = tree.classifyInstance(toClassify); toClassify.setClassValue(d); String action = toClassify.stringValue(toClassify.classIndex()); log.finer("Got action string: " + action); Action selected = null; for (Action a : start.getPossibleActions()) { if (actionMatches(a, action)) { selected = a; break; } } if (selected == null) { //log.warning("Could not find applicable action for string: " + action + " ... picking random action"); Action a = getPUAction(start); start.applyAction(a); toR.add(a); continue; } log.fine("Selected action: " + selected); start.applyAction(selected); toR.add(selected); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } return toR; } private boolean actionMatches(Action a, String fromWeka) { if (fromWeka.startsWith("P")) { if (!(a instanceof AssignQueryAction)) return false; int queryType = Integer.parseInt(fromWeka.substring(1)); return ((AssignQueryAction) a).getQuery().getType() == queryType; } if (fromWeka.startsWith("N") && (a instanceof StartNewVMAction)) { if (fromWeka.substring(1).equals(((StartNewVMAction) a).getVM().getTypeString())) return true; } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { QueryTimePredictor qtp = new QueryTimePredictor(); ModelSLA sla = new AverageLatencyModelSLA(5 * 60 * 1000, 1); DTSearcher dt = new DTSearcher("/Users/ryan/tree_test.csv", qtp, sla); Set<ModelQuery> test = ModelWorkloadGenerator.randomQueries(20); dt.schedule(test); } private Action getPUAction(State last) { int base = last.getDetailedExecutionCost().getPenaltyCost(); for (Action a : last.getPossibleActions()) { if (a instanceof StartNewVMAction) continue; // try to pick one that isn't starting a new VM if (last.getNewStateForAction(a).getDetailedExecutionCost().getPenaltyCost() <= base) { return a; } } for (Action a : last.getPossibleActions()) { if (a instanceof StartNewVMAction) { return a; } } log.warning("Could not find non-violating action: " + last); log.warning("Possible actions (" + last.getPossibleActions().size() + ") were: "); for (Action a : last.getPossibleActions()) { log.warning(a + " (with penalty: " + last.getNewStateForAction(a).getDetailedExecutionCost().getPenaltyCost() + " )"); } return last.getPossibleActions().iterator().next(); } public String getTree() { try { return tree.graph(); } catch (Exception e) { return "An error while building the tree: " + e.getMessage(); } } }