Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright [2014] [Chunqi SHI (] * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **********************************************************************************************************************/ package edu.brandeis.cs.planner.utils; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.axis.AxisProperties; import org.apache.axis.client.Call; import org.apache.axis.client.Service; import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.ReaderInputStream; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * * Provide interface for mapping identity to services. * * @author Chunqi Shi( * */ public class WsdlClient { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WsdlClient.class); public static void copy(InputStream is, Writer writer) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) writer.write(line); br.close(); is.close(); writer.close(); } Service service = null; Call call = null; ServiceConf conf = null; Proxy proxy = null; final public ServiceConf getConf() { return conf; } String wsdl = null; XPathUtils xpath = null; public void init(String url) throws WSDLClientException { try { init(new URL(url)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } } public void setProxy(String proxyString) { // HttpHost proxy = HttpHost.create(proxyString); String host = proxy.getHostName(); int port = proxy.getPort(); setProxy(host, port); } public void setProxy(String host, int port) { // AxisProperties.setProperty("http.proxyHost", host); AxisProperties.setProperty("http.proxyPort", String.valueOf(port)); AxisProperties.setProperty("https.proxyHost", host); AxisProperties.setProperty("https.proxyPort", String.valueOf(port)); SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, address); } public void init(ServiceConf conf) throws WSDLClientException { logger.debug("WSDL: {}", wsdl); Service service = new Service(); try { call = (Call) service.createCall(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } try { xpath = XPathUtils.newInstance(wsdl); conf.setSoapAddress(xpath.getText("definitions/service/port/address/@location")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } } public void init(URL url) throws WSDLClientException { init(url, true); } public void init(Reader reader) throws WSDLClientException { conf = new ServiceConf(); try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); copy(new ReaderInputStream(reader), writer); wsdl = writer.toString(); init(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } } public void init(File file) throws WSDLClientException { conf = new ServiceConf(); try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); copy(new FileInputStream(file), writer); conf.setWsdlAddress(file.getAbsolutePath()); wsdl = writer.toString(); init(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } } public void init(URL url, boolean use_proxy) throws WSDLClientException { conf = new ServiceConf(); try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); URLConnection con; if (use_proxy && proxy != null) { con = url.openConnection(proxy); } else { con = url.openConnection(); } copy(con.getInputStream(), writer); conf.setWsdlAddress(url.toString()); wsdl = writer.toString(); init(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WSDLClientException(e); } } public void register(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class cls, QName qname) { // call.registerTypeMapping(cls, qname, BeanSerializerFactory.class, // BeanDeserializerFactory.class); call.registerTypeMapping(cls, qname, new org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory(cls, qname), new org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory(cls, qname)); } public void authorize(String username, String password) { call.setUsername(username); call.setPassword(password); conf.setUsername(username); conf.setPassword(password); } public Object callService(String namespace, String operationName, Object... params) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException { logger.debug("Configuration: {}", conf); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(conf.getSoapAddress())); String soapAction = getSoapActions(operationName); if (soapAction != null && soapAction.length() > 0) { System.out.println("SoapAction:" + soapAction); call.setSOAPActionURI(soapAction); } // if(namespace.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { // String uri = new URL(new URL(namespace), operationName).toString(); // call.setSOAPActionURI (uri); // } // SOAPHeaderElement header = new SOAPHeaderElement (" "," SystemInital "); // header.setNamespaceURI (" "); // header.addChildElement (_requestXml); // call.addHeader (header); return call.invoke(namespace, operationName, params); } public Object callService(QName operationName, Object... params) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException { call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(conf.getSoapAddress())); // prepare operator & parameters. String soapAction = getSoapActions(operationName.getLocalPart()); if (soapAction != null && soapAction.length() > 0) System.out.println("SoapAction:" + soapAction); call.setSOAPActionURI(soapAction); // method. // if (operationName.getNamespaceURI().toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { // String uri = new URL(new URL(operationName.getNamespaceURI()), operationName.getLocalPart()).toString(); // call.setSOAPActionURI(uri); // } call.setOperationName(operationName); // parameters return call.invoke(params); } public String getSoapActions(String operation) { return xpath.getAttrs("definitions/binding/operation[@name='" + operation + "']/operation") .get("soapAction"); } public String[] getParameterOrder(String operation) { String list = null; if (operation == null) { list = xpath.getText("definitions/portType/operation/@parameterOrder"); } else { list = xpath.getText("definitions/portType/operation[@name='" + operation + "']/@parameterOrder"); } if (list == null || list.length() == 0) { return new String[] {}; } // System.out.println("list=" + list + "."); return list.split("\\s+"); } public static class XPathUtils { public static XPathUtils newInstance(String obj) { XPathUtils instance = new XPathUtils(); try { instance.init(obj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return instance; } public void init(String obj) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { if (obj != null) { if (obj.indexOf('<') > -1) { this.doc = parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(obj))); } else { this.xmlPath = obj; this.doc = parse(obj); } } } public String getXmlPath() { return xmlPath; } public Document getDoc() { return doc; } String xmlPath; Document doc; public String getText(String xpath) { return getText(doc, xpath); } public Node getNode(String xpath) { return getNode(doc, xpath); } public List<Node> getNodes(String xpath) { return getNodes(doc, xpath); } public Map<String, String> getAttrs(String xpath) { return getAttrs(getNode(xpath)); } public static Document parse(String xmlPath) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { return DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(xmlPath); } public static Document parse(InputSource is) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { return DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(is); } public static XPathExpression xpath(String xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xPath = factory.newXPath(); XPathExpression xPathExpression = xPath.compile(xpath); return xPathExpression; } public static String getText(Node node, String xpath) { if (node == null || xpath == null) { return null; } try { XPathExpression xPathExpression = xpath(xpath); String result = (String) xPathExpression.evaluate(node, XPathConstants.STRING); if (result != null) { return result.trim(); } else { return null; } } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Node getNode(Node node, String xpath) { if (node == null || xpath == null) { return null; } try { XPathExpression xPathExpression = xpath(xpath); return (Node) xPathExpression.evaluate(node, XPathConstants.NODE); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static List<Node> getNodes(Node node, String xpath) { if (node == null || xpath == null) { return null; } try { XPathExpression xPathExpression = xpath(xpath); final NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPathExpression.evaluate(node, XPathConstants.NODESET); if (nodes == null) { return null; } return new AbstractList<Node>() { @Override public Node get(int index) { return nodes.item(index); } @Override public int size() { return nodes.getLength(); } }; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Map<String, String> getAttrs(Node node) { if (node == null) { return null; } Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < nnm.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) nnm.item(i); map.put(attr.getName(), attr.getValue().trim()); } return map; } } public static class ServiceConf { public String getWsdlAddress() { return wsdlAddress; } public void setWsdlAddress(String wsdlAddress) { this.wsdlAddress = wsdlAddress; } protected String name; protected String username; protected String password; protected String wsdlAddress; protected String soapAddress; public String getSoapAddress() { return this.soapAddress; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setSoapAddress(String soapAddress) { this.soapAddress = soapAddress; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public String toString() { return toString(this); } public static String toString(Object obj) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("{"); // determine fields declared in this class only (no fields of // superclass) Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); // print field names paired with their values for (Field field : fields) { try { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers())) { continue; } result.append(field.getName()); result.append(":"); // requires access to private field: result.append(field.get(obj)); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } result.append(";\t"); } result.append("}."); return result.toString(); } } public static class WSDLClientException extends java.lang.Exception { public WSDLClientException() { super(); } public WSDLClientException(java.lang.String message) { super(message); } public WSDLClientException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public WSDLClientException(java.lang.Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } }