Java tutorial
// /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ed.util; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; public class LicenseHeaderCheck { public LicenseHeaderCheck(File headerFile, boolean recursive) throws IOException { _headerFile = headerFile; _headerRaw = StreamUtil.readFully(headerFile); _headerLines = _headerRaw.split("\r?\n"); _recursive = recursive; } public void go(File f) throws IOException { if (!f.exists()) return; if (f.isDirectory()) { for (File child : f.listFiles()) { if (!_recursive && child.isDirectory()) continue; if (skip(f)) continue; go(child); } return; } if (skip(f)) return; doLicense(f); } boolean skip(File f) { final String fString = f.toString(); if (fString.contains("/.git")) return true; for (String test : _skip) if (fString.contains(test)) return true; final String name = f.getName(); if (name.endsWith("~")) return true; if (name.equals("db") || name.equals("README")) return true; if (name.equals("_init.js")) return false; if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(0))) return true; if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith("makefile") || name.toLowerCase().startsWith("oplog")) return true; if (name.contains(".")) { final String ext = ed.appserver.MimeTypes.getExtension(f); if (_skipExtensions.contains(ext)) return true; } return false; } void doLicense(File f) throws IOException { final CodeType type = getCodeType(f); if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("can't handle files lke : " + f); final String raw = StreamUtil.readFully((new FileInputStream(f))); final String lines[] = raw.split("\r?\n"); if (lines.length > 0 && (raw.length() / lines.length) > 1000) throw new RuntimeException("Something is wrong on : " + f); int start = 0; for (; start < lines.length; start++) { if (!lines[start].startsWith("//")) break; } for (; start < lines.length; start++) { if (lines[start].trim().length() == 0) continue; break; } if (start == lines.length) { // entire file commented out start = 0; } if (lines.length > _headerLines.length && lines[start].startsWith(type._start) && (lines[start].contains("Copyright") || lines[start + 1].contains("Copyright") || lines[start + 2].contains("Copyright"))) { // TODO : all this means is that their is a Copyright. // need to make sure its correct return; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) buf.append(lines[i]).append("\n"); buf.append(type._start).append("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < _headerLines.length; j++) buf.append(type._eachLine).append(_headerLines[j]).append("\n"); buf.append(type._end).append("\n\n"); for (int i = start; i < lines.length; i++) buf.append(lines[i]).append("\n"); System.out.println(f); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); out.write(buf.toString().getBytes()); out.close(); } static CodeType getCodeType(File f) { return getCodeType(ed.appserver.MimeTypes.getExtension(f)); } static CodeType getCodeType(String extension) { return _extensions.get(extension.toLowerCase()); } public void addSkip(String skip) { _skip.add(skip); } final File _headerFile; final String _headerRaw; final String _headerLines[]; final boolean _recursive; final List<String> _skip = new ArrayList<String>(); static class CodeType { CodeType(String start, String end, String eachLine) { _start = start; _end = end; _eachLine = eachLine; } final String _start; final String _end; final String _eachLine; } private static final Map<String, CodeType> _extensions = new HashMap<String, CodeType>(); static { CodeType cStyle = new CodeType("/**", "*/", "*"); _extensions.put("java", cStyle); _extensions.put("cpp", cStyle); _extensions.put("js", cStyle); _extensions.put("h", cStyle); _extensions.put("css", cStyle); CodeType jxpStyle = new CodeType("<% /**", "*/ %>", "*"); _extensions.put("jxp", jxpStyle); _extensions.put("html", jxpStyle); CodeType djang10 = new CodeType("{% comment %}", "{% endcomment %}", ""); _extensions.put("djang10", djang10); _extensions.put("django", djang10); _extensions.put("py", new CodeType("'''", "'''", "")); _extensions.put("xml", new CodeType("<!--", "-->", "")); } private static final Set<String> _skipExtensions = new HashSet<String>(); static { // visual studio crap _skipExtensions.add("rc"); _skipExtensions.add("sln"); _skipExtensions.add("vcproj"); _skipExtensions.add("user"); _skipExtensions.add("gch"); // intermediate files _skipExtensions.add("o"); _skipExtensions.add("class"); _skipExtensions.add("a"); _skipExtensions.add("ts"); _skipExtensions.add("out"); // text files _skipExtensions.add("log"); _skipExtensions.add("txt"); _skipExtensions.add("properties"); _skipExtensions.add("conf"); _skipExtensions.add("tmpl"); // zip _skipExtensions.add("gz"); _skipExtensions.add("tar"); _skipExtensions.add("jar"); _skipExtensions.add("zip"); // meadia _skipExtensions.add("jpg"); _skipExtensions.add("gif"); _skipExtensions.add("png"); _skipExtensions.add("ico"); // random _skipExtensions.add("old"); _skipExtensions.add("jj"); _skipExtensions.add("jjt"); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Options o = new Options(); o.addOption("r", false, "recursive"); o.addOption("skip", true, "substrings not to match"); CommandLine cl = (new BasicParser()).parse(o, args); if (cl.getArgList().size() < 2) { System.err.println("usage: LicenseHeaderCheck [-r] <header file> <dir or files>"); return; } LicenseHeaderCheck checker = new LicenseHeaderCheck(new File(cl.getArgList().get(0).toString()), cl.hasOption("r")); if (cl.getOptionValues("skip") != null) for (String skip : cl.getOptionValues("skip")) checker.addSkip(skip); for (int i = 1; i < cl.getArgList().size(); i++) { checker.go(new File(cl.getArgList().get(i).toString())); } } }