Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Neil Ellis * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dollar.internal.runtime.script.parser.scope; import; import; import; import dollar.api.ClassName; import dollar.api.DollarClass; import dollar.api.DollarException; import dollar.api.Pipeable; import dollar.api.Scope; import dollar.api.SubType; import dollar.api.Value; import dollar.api.VarFlags; import dollar.api.VarKey; import dollar.api.Variable; import dollar.api.exceptions.LambdaRecursionException; import dollar.api.script.Source; import dollar.api.types.NotificationType; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.ErrorHandlerFactory; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.DollarUtil; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.exceptions.DollarAssertionException; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.exceptions.DollarExitError; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.exceptions.DollarScriptException; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.exceptions.PureFunctionException; import dollar.internal.runtime.script.api.exceptions.VariableNotFoundException; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jparsec.Parser; import org.jparsec.error.ParserException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import static dollar.api.DollarException.unravel; import static dollar.api.DollarStatic.*; import static dollar.api.types.meta.MetaConstants.IMPURE; import static dollar.internal.runtime.script.DollarUtilFactory.util; public class ScriptScope implements Scope { @NotNull private static final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); @NotNull private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptScope.class); @NotNull final String id; private final boolean classScope; @NotNull private final ConcurrentHashMap<ClassName, DollarClass> classes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @NotNull private final List<Value> errorHandlers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); @NotNull private final Multimap<VarKey, Listener> listeners = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private final boolean root; @NotNull private final UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); @NotNull private final Map<VarKey, Variable> variables = Collections .<VarKey, Variable>synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); @Nullable Scope parent; @Nullable String source; private boolean destroyed; private boolean parameterScope; @Nullable private Parser<Value> parser; public ScriptScope(@NotNull String name, boolean root, boolean classScope) { this.root = root; this.classScope = classScope; parent = null; source = null; id = name + ":" + counter.incrementAndGet(); } public ScriptScope(@NotNull String source, @NotNull String name, boolean root, boolean classScope) { this.root = root; this.classScope = classScope; parent = null; this.source = source; id = name + ":" + counter.incrementAndGet(); } public ScriptScope(@NotNull Scope parent, @NotNull String name, boolean root, boolean classScope) { this.parent = parent; this.root = root; source = parent.source(); id = name + ":" + counter.incrementAndGet(); this.classScope = classScope; checkPure(parent); } public ScriptScope(@NotNull Scope parent, @Nullable String source, @NotNull String name, boolean root, boolean classScope) { this.parent = parent; this.root = root; this.classScope = classScope; if (source == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No source for " + parent); } else { this.source = source; } id = name + ":" + counter.incrementAndGet(); checkPure(parent); } private ScriptScope(@NotNull Scope parent, @NotNull String id, boolean parameterScope, @NotNull Map<VarKey, Variable> variables, @NotNull List<Value> errorHandlers, @NotNull Multimap<VarKey, Listener> listeners, @NotNull String source, @NotNull Parser<Value> parser, boolean root, boolean classScope) { this.parent = parent; = id; this.parameterScope = parameterScope; this.classScope = classScope; this.variables.putAll(variables); this.errorHandlers.addAll(errorHandlers); for (Map.Entry<VarKey, Collection<Listener>> entry : listeners.asMap().entrySet()) { this.listeners.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } this.source = source; this.parser = parser; this.root = root; checkPure(parent); } @NotNull @Override public Value addErrorHandler(@NotNull Value handler) { checkDestroyed(); errorHandlers.add(handler); return $void(); } @Override public void addListener(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull Scope.Listener listener) { listeners.put(key, listener); } @Override public void clear() { checkDestroyed(); if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Clearing scope {}", this); } variables.clear(); listeners.clear(); } @Nullable @Override public Value constraintOf(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (scope == null) { scope = this; } if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Getting constraint for {} in {}", key, scope); } if (scope.variables().containsKey(key) && (scope.variables().get(key).getConstraint() != null)) { return scope.variables().get(key).getConstraint(); } return null; } @NotNull @Override public Scope copy() { checkDestroyed(); return new ScriptScope(parent, "*" + id.split(":")[0] + ":" + counter.incrementAndGet(), parameterScope, variables, errorHandlers, listeners, source, parser, root, classScope); } @Override public void destroy() { clear(); destroyed = true; } @NotNull @Override public DollarClass dollarClassByName(@NotNull ClassName name) { DollarClass clazz = classes.get(name); if (clazz != null) { return clazz; } if (parent != null) { return parent.dollarClassByName(name); } throw new DollarScriptException("No class found with name " + name + " in scope " + this); } @Override public String file() { if (parent != null) { return parent.file(); } else { return null; } } @NotNull @Override public Value get(@NotNull VarKey key, boolean mustFind) { checkDestroyed(); if (key.isNumeric()) { throw new DollarAssertionException("Cannot get numerical keys, use parameter"); } if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Looking up {} in {}", key, this); } Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (scope == null) { scope = this; } else { if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"{} in {}", util().highlight("FOUND " + key, DollarUtil.ANSI_CYAN), scope); } } Variable result = scope.variables().get(key); if (mustFind) { if (result == null) { throw new VariableNotFoundException(key, this); } else { return result.getValue(); } } else { return (result != null) ? result.getValue() : $void(); } } @NotNull @Override public Value get(@NotNull VarKey key) { return get(key, false); } @NotNull @Override public Value handleError(@NotNull Exception t) throws RuntimeException { Exception unravelled = unravel(t); if (!(unravelled instanceof DollarException)) { if (unravelled.getCause() instanceof DollarException) { return handleError((Exception) unravelled.getCause()); } } if (unravelled instanceof DollarAssertionException) { throw (DollarAssertionException) unravelled; } if (errorHandlers.isEmpty()) {"No error handlers in {} so passing up.", this); if (parent == null) {"No parent so handling error in {}", this); log.error(unravelled.getMessage(), unravelled); if (getConfig().failFast()) {"Fail-fast option is set"); String filename = file(); if (filename != null) { ErrorHandlerFactory.instance().handleTopLevel(unravelled, id, new File(filename)); } else { ErrorHandlerFactory.instance().handleTopLevel(unravelled, id, null); } // System.exit(1); throw new DollarExitError(unravelled); } else {"Fail-fast option is not set"); if (unravelled instanceof ParserException) { if (unravelled.getCause() instanceof DollarException) { return handleError((Exception) unravelled.getCause()); } else { throw (ParserException) unravelled; } } if (unravelled instanceof DollarException) { throw (DollarException) unravelled; } throw new DollarScriptException(unravelled); } } else { return parent.handleError(unravelled); } } else { return util().inSubScope(true, pure(), "error-scope", newScope -> {"Error handler in {}", this); parameter(VarKey.TYPE, $(unravelled.getClass().getName())); parameter(VarKey.MSG, $(unravelled.getMessage())); try { for (Value handler : errorHandlers) { handler.$fixDeep(false); } } finally { parameter(VarKey.TYPE, $void()); parameter(VarKey.MSG, $void()); } return $void(); }).orElseThrow(() -> new AssertionError("Optional should not be null here")); } } @NotNull @Override public Value handleError(@NotNull Exception t, @NotNull Value context) throws RuntimeException { return handleError(new DollarScriptException(t, context)); } @NotNull @Override public Value handleError(@NotNull Exception t, @NotNull Source source) throws RuntimeException { if (t instanceof LambdaRecursionException) { return handleError(new DollarException( "Excessive recursion detected, this is usually due to a recursive definition of lazily defined " + "expressions. The simplest way to solve this is to use the 'fix' operator or the '=' operator to " + "reduce the amount of lazy evaluation. The error occured at " + source)); } Exception unravel = unravel(t); if (unravel instanceof DollarException) { ((DollarException) unravel).addSource(source); return handleError(unravel); } else { return handleError(new DollarScriptException(unravel, source)); } } @Override public boolean has(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (scope == null) { scope = this; } if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Checking for {} in {}", key, scope); } Variable val = scope.variables().get(key); return val != null; } @Override public boolean hasParameter(@NotNull VarKey key) { Variable variable = variable(key); return variable != null && variable.isParameter(); } @Override public boolean hasParent(Scope scope) { checkDestroyed(); if (parent() == null) { return false; } return parent().equals(scope) || parent().hasParent(scope); } @Override public boolean isClassScope() { return classScope; } @Override public boolean isRoot() { return root || (parent == null); } @Override public void listen(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull String id, @NotNull Value listener) { checkDestroyed(); listen(key, id, in -> { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Notifying {} in scope {}", listener.source().getSourceMessage(), this); } listener.$notify(NotificationType.UNARY_VALUE_CHANGE, in[1]); return $void(); }); } @Override public void listen(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull String id, @NotNull Pipeable pipe) { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"listen called on scope {} with id {}", this, id); } checkDestroyed(); Listener listener = new Listener() { @NotNull @Override public String getId() { return id; } @NotNull @Override public Value pipe(Value... vars) throws Exception { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Listener triggered on scope {} for key {} and value {}", ScriptScope.this, vars[0], vars[1].dynamic() ? vars[1].source() : vars[1]); } return pipe.pipe(vars); } }; if (key.isNumeric()) { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Cannot listen to positional parameter ${} in {}", key, this); } return; } Scope scopeForKey = scopeForKey(key); if (scopeForKey == null) { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Key {} not found in {}", key, this); } throw new DollarException("Cannot find " + key + " in scope " + this); } if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Listening for {} in {}", key, scopeForKey); } if (listeners.get(key).stream().filter(i -> i.getId().equals(id)).count() == 0) { scopeForKey.addListener(key, listener); } else { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Listener {} for {} in {} already exists", id, key, scopeForKey); } } } @Nullable @Override public Value notify(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); Value value = get(key); notifyScope((key), value); return value; } @Override public void notifyScope(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull Value value) { checkDestroyed(); if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Scope {} notified for {}", this, key); } if (listeners.containsKey(key)) { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) { log.debug("Scope {} notified for {} with {} listeners", this, key, listeners.get(key).size()); } new ArrayList<>(listeners.get(key)).forEach(listener -> { try { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) { log.debug("Listener {} notified in scope {} for key {}", listener.getId(), this, key); } listener.pipe($(key), value); } catch (Exception e) { try { handleError(e); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); } else { if (getConfig().debugEvents()) {"Scope {} notified for {} NO LISTENERS", this, key); } } } @NotNull @Override public Variable parameter(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (scope == null) { throw new VariableNotFoundException(key, this); } Variable variable = scope.variable(key); if (!variable.isParameter()) { throw new DollarScriptException( "Attempted to access a non-parameter variable " + key + "as a parameter in scope " + this); } return variable; } @NotNull @Override public Variable parameter(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull Value value) { checkDestroyed(); if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Setting parameter {} in {}", key, this); } if (key.isNumeric() && variables.containsKey(key)) { throw new DollarScriptException( "Cannot change the value of positional variable $" + key + " in scope " + this); } parameterScope = true; Variable variable = new Variable(value, value.meta(IMPURE) == null, key.isNumeric(), true); variables.put(key, variable); notifyScope(key, value); return variable; } @NotNull @Override public List<Value> parametersAsVars() { return variables.entrySet().stream().filter(i -> i.getValue().isParameter()) .filter(i -> i.getKey().isNumeric()) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(i -> Integer.parseInt(i.getKey().asString()))).map(Map.Entry::getValue) .map(Variable::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public Scope parent() { return parent; } @Override public boolean pure() { return false; } @Override public void registerClass(@NotNull ClassName name, @NotNull DollarClass dollarClass) {"Registering class {} in {}", name, this); classes.put(name, dollarClass); } @Nullable @Override public Scope scopeForKey(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); if (variables.containsKey(key)) { return this; } if (parent != null) { return parent.scopeForKey(key); } else { // if (DollarStatic.getConfig().debugScope()) {"Scope not found for " + key); } return null; } } @NotNull @Override public Variable set(@NotNull VarKey key, @NotNull Value value, @Nullable Value constraint, SubType constraintSource, @NotNull VarFlags varFlags) { if ((parent != null) && parent.isClassScope()) { return parent.set(key, value, constraint, constraintSource, varFlags); } checkDestroyed(); if (key.isNumeric()) { throw new DollarAssertionException("Cannot set numerical keys, use parameter"); } Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (pure() && (scope != null) && !java.util.Objects.equals(scope, this)) { throw new DollarScriptException("Cannot modify variables outside of a pure scope"); } if (scope != null && scope != this) { return scope.set(key, value, constraint, constraintSource, varFlags); } if (pure()) { if (!varFlags.isPure()) { throw new DollarScriptException("Cannot have impure variables in a pure expression, variable was " + key + ", (" + this + ")", value); } if (varFlags.isVolatile()) { throw new DollarScriptException("Cannot have volatile variables in a pure expression"); } if (key.isNumeric()) { throw new AssertionError("Cannot set numerical keys, use parameter"); } } if (variables.containsKey(key) && variables.get(key).isReadonly()) { throw new DollarScriptException("Cannot change the value of variable " + key + " it is readonly"); } if (variables.containsKey(key)) { final Variable variable = variables.get(key); if (!variable.isVolatile() && (variable.getThread() != Thread.currentThread().getId())) { handleError(new DollarScriptException("Concurrency Error: Cannot change the variable " + key + " in a different thread from that which is created in.")); } if (variable.getConstraint() != null) { if (constraint != null) { handleError(new DollarScriptException( "Cannot change the constraint on a variable, attempted to redeclare for " + key)); } } if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Setting {} in {}", key, this); } variable.setValue(value); notifyScope(key, value); return variable; } else { if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Adding {} in {}", key, this); } Variable valueVariable = new Variable(value, varFlags, constraint, constraintSource, false); variables.put(key, valueVariable); notifyScope(key, value); return valueVariable; } } @Nullable @Override public String source() { return source; } @Nullable @Override public SubType subTypeOf(@NotNull VarKey key) { checkDestroyed(); Scope scope = scopeForKey(key); if (scope == null) { scope = this; } if (getConfig().debugScope()) {"Getting constraint for {} in {}", key, scope); } if (scope.variables().containsKey(key) && (scope.variables().get(key).getConstraintLabel() != null)) { return scope.variables().get(key).getConstraintLabel(); } return null; } @NotNull @Override public Variable variable(@NotNull VarKey key) { return variables.get(key); } @NotNull @Override public Map<VarKey, Variable> variables() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(variables); } // --Commented out by Inspection START (10/09/2017, 14:29): // private boolean checkConstraint(@NotNull Value value, // @Nullable Variable oldValue, // @NotNull Value constraint) { // checkDestroyed(); // // parameter("it", value); // log.debug("SET it={}", value); // if (oldValue != null) { // parameter("previous", oldValue.getValue()); // } // final boolean fail = constraint.isFalse(); // parameter("it", $void()); // parameter("previous", $void()); // return fail; // } // --Commented out by Inspection STOP (10/09/2017, 14:29) private void checkDestroyed() { if (destroyed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to use a destroyed scope " + this); } } private void checkPure(@NotNull Scope parent) { if (parent.pure() && !pure()) { log.debug("Impure child {} of pure parent {}", id, parent); handleError(new PureFunctionException()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(uuid); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ScriptScope that = (ScriptScope) o; return Objects.equal(uuid, that.uuid); } @Nullable @Override public String toString() { if (parent != null) { return id + "->" + parent; } else { return id; } } // --Commented out by Inspection START (10/09/2017, 14:29): // public @NotNull // Multimap<String, Listener> listeners() { // return listeners; // } // --Commented out by Inspection STOP (10/09/2017, 14:29) // --Commented out by Inspection START (10/09/2017, 14:29): // public void parser(@NotNull Parser<Value> parser) { // this.parser = parser; // } // --Commented out by Inspection STOP (10/09/2017, 14:29) // --Commented out by Inspection START (10/09/2017, 14:29): // @NotNull // public Parser<Value> parser() { // return parser; // } // --Commented out by Inspection STOP (10/09/2017, 14:29) }