Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package dk.statsbiblioteket.util.xml; import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.Profiler; import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.Strings; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class XMLStepperTest extends TestCase { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLStepperTest.class); private static final String SAMPLE = "<foo><bar xmlns=\"\">" + "<nam:subsub xmlns:nam=\"\">content1<!-- Sub comment --></nam:subsub>" + "<!-- Comment --></bar>\n" + "<bar><subsub>content2</subsub></bar></foo>"; private static final String DERIVED_NAMESPACE = "<foo xmlns=\"\"><bar>simple bar</bar></foo>"; private static final String OUTER_SNIPPET = "<bar>bar1</bar><bar>bar2</bar>"; private static final String OUTER_FULL = "<major><foo>" + OUTER_SNIPPET + "</foo>\n<foo>next</foo></major>"; private XMLInputFactory xmlFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); { xmlFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true); // No resolving of external DTDs xmlFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, Boolean.FALSE); } private XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); public void testFakeXPath() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/property/@name", "", "project.version.variant" } }; assertXPaths(BIG_XML, tests, 2); } public void testFakeXPathStar() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/property/@name", "" }, { "/project/*/@name", "" }, { "/*/property/@name", "" }, { "/*/*/@name", "" } }; assertXPathShorthand(BIG_XML, tests); } public void testFakeXPathPredicated() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/monkey[@bar='fun']", "ape" }, { "/project/property[@name='lib.dir']/@value", "${basedir}/lib" }, { "/project/property[@name]/@value", "sbutil" }, { "/project/*[@name='config.dir']/@value", "${basedir}/config" }, }; assertXPathShorthand(BIG_XML, tests); } public void testFakeXPathAnywhere() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "//bar", "zoo2" }, { "//bar/text()", "zoo2" }, { "/bar]", null }, { "/project/foo/bar", "zoo2", "" }, { "/project/foo/bar/text()", "zoo2", "" }, }; assertXPathShorthand(BIG_XML, tests); } public void testFakeXPathShorthand() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/property/@name", "" }, { "/project/tstamp/format/@pattern", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" } }; assertXPathShorthand(BIG_XML, tests); assertXPathShorthands(BIG_XML, tests); } private void assertXPathShorthand(String xml, String[][] tests) throws XMLStreamException { for (String[] test : tests) { String result = XMLStepper.evaluateFakeXPath(xml, test[0]); assertEquals("The single-xpath result for '" + test[0] + " should be as expected", test[1], result); } } private void assertXPathShorthands(String xml, String[][] tests) throws XMLStreamException { List<String> xPaths = new ArrayList<String>(tests.length); for (String[] test : tests) { xPaths.add(test[0]); } List<String> results = XMLStepper.evaluateFakeXPathsSingleResults(xml, xPaths); for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { String[] test = tests[i]; String result = results.get(i); assertEquals("The multi-xpaths result for '" + test[0] + " should be as expected", test[1], result); } } public void testFakeXPathEarlyTermination() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/tstamp/format/@pattern", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" } }; assertXPaths(BIG_XML, tests, 1); } public void testFakeXPathMulti() throws XMLStreamException { final String BIG_XML = Strings .flushLocal(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("data/big.xml")); final String[][] tests = new String[][] { { "/project/property/@name", "", "project.version.variant" }, { "/project/tstamp/format/@pattern", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" }, { "/project/moo", "zoo1" }, { "/project/foo/bar", "zoo2", "" }, // TODO: Make multi-matches work //{"/project/foo/bar", "zoo2"}, // Yes, repeat of the above - does not work yet //{"/project/foo/bar@moo", "?"}, //{"/project/foo/bar/@somat", "zoo4"} { "/project/foo/baz", "zoo3" }, { "//monkey", "ape", "gorilla" } }; assertXPaths(BIG_XML, tests, 2); } private void assertXPaths(String xml, String[][] tests, int maxMatchesPerXP) throws XMLStreamException { List<String> xPaths = new ArrayList<String>(tests.length); for (String[] test : tests) { xPaths.add(test[0]); } List<List<String>> results = XMLStepper.evaluateFakeXPaths(xml, xPaths, maxMatchesPerXP); for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { String[] test = tests[i]; List<String> result = results.get(i); assertEquals("The number of matches for " + test[0] + " should be as expected", test.length - 1, result.size()); for (int j = 0; j < test.length - 1; j++) { assertEquals("Result #" + j + " for " + test[0] + " should match", test[j + 1], result.get(j)); } } } public void testSpaceRemoval() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String INPUT = Strings .flush(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("replacement_input.xml")); String EXPECTED = Strings.flush( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("replacement_expected.xml")); String actual = XMLStepper.replaceElementText(INPUT, new XMLStepper.ContentReplaceCallback() { @Override protected String replace(List<String> tags, String current, String originalText) { return originalText.replace(" ", ""); } @Override protected boolean match(XMLStreamReader xml, List<String> tags, String current) { return "bar".equals(current) && "a".equals(XMLStepper.getAttribute(xml, "name", "")) || "baz".equals(current); } }); assertEquals("The text content replaced XML should be as expected", EXPECTED, actual); } public void testSpaceRemovalStreaming() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { InputStream INPUT = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("replacement_input.xml"); String EXPECTED = Strings.flush( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("replacement_expected.xml")); InputStream actualS = XMLStepper.streamingReplaceElementText(INPUT, new XMLStepper.ContentReplaceCallback() { @Override protected String replace(List<String> tags, String current, String originalText) { return originalText.replace(" ", ""); } @Override protected boolean match(XMLStreamReader xml, List<String> tags, String current) { return "bar".equals(current) && "a".equals(XMLStepper.getAttribute(xml, "name", "")) || "baz".equals(current); } }); String actual = Strings.flush(actualS); // TODO: Figure out why the streaming version keeps the header, while the direct one doesn't actual = actual.replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", "").trim(); assertEquals("The text content replaced XML should be as expected", EXPECTED, actual); } public void testIsWellformed() { final String[] FINE = new String[] { "<foo xmlns=\"\"><bar>simple bar</bar></foo>", "<foo/>" }; final String[] FAULTY = new String[] { "<foo xmlns=\"\"><bar>simple bar<bar></bar></foo>", "<foo xmlns=\"\"><bar>simple bar</bar>", "<foo xmlns=\"\"><bar>simple bar</bar></doo>", "<foo xmlns=\"><bar>simple bar</bar></foo>", }; for (String fine : FINE) { assertTrue("The XML should be well-formed: " + fine, XMLStepper.isWellformed(fine)); } for (String faulty : FAULTY) { assertFalse("The XML should not be well-formed: " + faulty, XMLStepper.isWellformed(faulty)); } } public void testMultipleInner() throws XMLStreamException { final String XML = "<foo><bar><zoo>z1</zoo><zoo>z2</zoo></bar></foo>"; for (final Boolean step : new boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE }) { XMLStreamReader xml = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(XML)); XMLStepper.findTagStart(xml, "zoo"); final AtomicInteger zooCount = new AtomicInteger(0); XMLStepper.iterateTags(xml, new XMLStepper.Callback() { @Override public boolean elementStart(XMLStreamReader xml, List<String> tags, String current) throws XMLStreamException { if ("zoo".equals(current)) { zooCount.incrementAndGet(); } if (step) {; return true; } return false; } }); assertEquals( "After iteration with step==" + step + ", the stepper should have encountered 'zoo' the right number of times", 2, zooCount.get()); assertEquals( "After iteration with step==" + step + ", the reader should be positioned at the correct end tag", "bar", xml.getLocalName()); } } public void testLenient() throws XMLStreamException { final String[][] TESTS = new String[][] { new String[] { "<foo><bar><zoo>Hello</zoo></bar></foo>", "zoo", "bar" }, new String[] { "<foo><bar><zoo>Hello</zoo></bar></foo>", "zoo", "foo" }, new String[] { "<foo><bar>Hello</bar></foo>", "bar", "foo" } }; for (String[] test : TESTS) { try { XMLStreamReader xml = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(test[0])); lenientHelper(xml, false, test[1], test[2]); fail("Stepping past the current element with lenient==false should raise an exception for " + test[0]); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected } XMLStreamReader xml = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(test[0])); lenientHelper(xml, true, test[1], test[2]); } } private void lenientHelper(XMLStreamReader xml, boolean lenient, final String startTag, final String skipToEndTag) throws XMLStreamException { XMLStepper.iterateTags(xml, lenient, new XMLStepper.Callback() { @Override public boolean elementStart(XMLStreamReader xml, List<String> tags, String current) throws XMLStreamException { if (startTag.equals(current)) { XMLStepper.findTagEnd(xml, skipToEndTag); return true; } return false; } }); } private final static String LIMIT_BARS = "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\"></bar><bar zoo=\"true\"></bar><bar zoo=\"false\"></bar><baz></baz></foo>"; public void testLimitXMLSimple() throws XMLStreamException { assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><baz /></foo>", false, true, false, "/foo/bar", 0); assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\" /><baz /></foo>", false, true, false, "/foo/bar", 1); assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\" /><bar zoo=\"true\" /><baz /></foo>", false, true, false, "/foo/bar", 2); } public void testLimitPositiveList() throws XMLStreamException { assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\" /></foo>", false, true, true, "/foo$", -1, "/foo/bar", 1); assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><baz /></foo>", false, true, true, "/foo$", -1, "/foo/baz", 1); } public void testLimitXMLAttribute() throws XMLStreamException { assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"false\" /><baz /></foo>", false, false, false, "/foo/bar#zoo=true", 0); assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\" /><bar zoo=\"false\" /><baz /></foo>", false, false, false, "/foo/bar#zoo=true", 1); } public void testLimitXMLAttributeNamespace() throws XMLStreamException { final String NS = "<n:foo xmlns:n=\"sjfk\" xmlns=\"myDefault\"><bar n:zoo=\"true\"></bar><bar zoo=\"true\"></bar>" + "<bar zoo=\"false\"></bar><baz></baz></n:foo>"; assertLimit(NS, "<n:foo xmlns:n=\"sjfk\" xmlns=\"myDefault\"><bar zoo=\"false\"></bar><baz></baz></n:foo>", false, false, false, "/foo/bar#zoo=true", 0); } public void testLimitCountPatterns() throws XMLStreamException { assertLimit(LIMIT_BARS, "<foo><bar zoo=\"true\"></bar><bar zoo=\"true\"></bar><baz></baz></foo>", true, true, false, ".*", 2); } // Limits on specific field with specific tag public void testLimitPerformance() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { final String SAMPLE = getSample(9423); final int RUNS = 10; final Map<Pattern, Integer> limits = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); limits.put(Pattern.compile("/record/datafield#tag=Z30"), 10); Profiler profiler = new Profiler(RUNS); String reduced = ""; for (int run = 0; run < RUNS; run++) { reduced = XMLStepper.limitXML(SAMPLE, limits, false, false, false); profiler.beat(); }"Reduced %d blocks @ %dKB to %dKB at %.1f reductions/sec", RUNS, SAMPLE.length() / 1024, reduced.length() / 1024, profiler.getBps(false))); assertTrue("The reduced XML should contain datafields after the skipped ones", reduced.contains("<datafield tag=\"LOC\"")); } public void testLimitException() throws XMLStreamException { Map<Pattern, Integer> lims = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); lims.put(Pattern.compile("/foo/bar"), 1); XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader("<foo><bar s=\"t\" /><<</foo>")); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLStreamWriter out = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os); try { XMLStepper.limitXML(in, out, lims, true, true, false); fail("An XMLStreamException was expected here due to invalid input XML"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // Intended } } // Limits in all datafields, counting on unique datafield#tag=value public void testLimitPerformanceCountPatterns() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { final String SAMPLE = getSample(9423); final int RUNS = 10; final Map<Pattern, Integer> limits = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); limits.put(Pattern.compile("/record/datafield#tag=.*"), 10); Profiler profiler = new Profiler(RUNS); XMLStepper.Limiter limiter = XMLStepper.createLimiter(limits, true, false, false); String reduced = ""; for (int run = 0; run < RUNS; run++) { reduced = limiter.limit(SAMPLE); profiler.beat(); }"Reduced %d blocks @ %dKB to %dKB at %.1f reductions/sec", RUNS, SAMPLE.length() / 1024, reduced.length() / 1024, profiler.getBps(false))); assertTrue("The reduced XML should contain datafields after the skipped ones", reduced.contains("<datafield tag=\"LOC\"")); } private String getSample(int repeats) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10 * 1024 * 1024); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<record xmlns=\"\" " + " xmlns:xsi=\"\" " + " xmlns:null=\"\" " + " schemaLocation=\"\">\n" + " <leader>00000nap 1233400 6543</leader>\n" + " <datafield tag=\"004\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\"0\">\n" + " <subfield code=\"r\">n</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">e</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n" + " <datafield tag=\"001\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">4106186</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"f\">a</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) { sb.append("<datafield tag=\"Z30\" ind1=\"-\" ind2=\"2\">\n" + " <subfield code=\"l\">SOL02</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"8\">20100327</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"m\">ISSUE</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"1\">UASB</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"2\">UASBH</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"3\">Bom</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"5\">").append("12345-67").append(i) .append("</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">2010</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"b\">1</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"c\">3456</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"f\">67</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"h\">2010 1 6543</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"i\">20100821</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"j\">20101025</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"k\">20100910</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n"); } sb.append(" <datafield tag=\"STS\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">67</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n" + " <datafield tag=\"SBL\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">FOOB</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n" + " <datafield tag=\"LOC\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\n" + " <subfield code=\"b\">FOOB</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"c\">AUGHH</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"h\">MPG</subfield>\n" + " <subfield code=\"o\">ISSUE</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n" + " <datafield tag=\"STS\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\n" + " <subfield code=\"a\">67</subfield>\n" + " </datafield>\n" + "</record>"); return sb.toString(); } private void assertLimit(String input, String expected, boolean countPatterns, boolean onlyElementMatch, boolean discardNonMatched, Object... limits) throws XMLStreamException { if (!isCollapsing) { expected = expected.replaceAll("<([^> ]+)([^>]*) />", "<$1$2></$1>"); } Map<Pattern, Integer> lims = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < limits.length; i += 2) { lims.put(Pattern.compile((String) limits[i]), (Integer) limits[i + 1]); } XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(input)); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLStreamWriter out = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os); XMLStepper.limitXML(in, out, lims, countPatterns, onlyElementMatch, discardNonMatched); assertEquals("The input should be reduced properly for limits " + Strings.join(limits), expected, os.toString()); assertLimitConvenience(input, expected, countPatterns, onlyElementMatch, discardNonMatched, limits); assertLimitPersistent(input, expected, countPatterns, onlyElementMatch, discardNonMatched, limits); } private void assertLimitConvenience(String input, String expected, boolean countPatterns, boolean onlyElementMatch, boolean discardNonMatched, Object... limits) throws XMLStreamException { if (!isCollapsing) { expected = expected.replaceAll("<([^> ]+)([^>]*) />", "<$1$2></$1>"); } Map<Pattern, Integer> lims = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < limits.length; i += 2) { lims.put(Pattern.compile((String) limits[i]), (Integer) limits[i + 1]); } String os = XMLStepper.limitXML(input, lims, countPatterns, onlyElementMatch, discardNonMatched); assertEquals("The input should be convenience reduced properly for limits " + Strings.join(limits), expected, os); } private void assertLimitPersistent(String input, String expected, boolean countPatterns, boolean onlyElementMatch, boolean discardNonMatched, Object... limits) throws XMLStreamException { if (!isCollapsing) { expected = expected.replaceAll("<([^> ]+)([^>]*) />", "<$1$2></$1>"); } Map<Pattern, Integer> lims = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < limits.length; i += 2) { lims.put(Pattern.compile((String) limits[i]), (Integer) limits[i + 1]); } XMLStepper.Limiter limiter = XMLStepper.createLimiter(lims, countPatterns, onlyElementMatch, discardNonMatched); String os = limiter.limit(input); assertEquals("The input should be convenience reduced properly for limits " + Strings.join(limits), expected, os); } // Sanity check for traversal of sub public void testIterateTags() throws Exception { XMLStreamReader xml = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(SAMPLE)); assertTrue("The first 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(xml, "bar"));; final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); XMLStepper.iterateTags(xml, new XMLStepper.Callback() { @Override public boolean elementStart(XMLStreamReader xml, List<String> tags, String current) throws XMLStreamException { count.incrementAndGet(); return false; } }); assertEquals("Only a single content should be visited", 1, count.get()); assertTrue("The second 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(xml, "bar")); } private final boolean isCollapsing = writerIsCollapsing(); @SuppressWarnings("CallToPrintStackTrace") private synchronized boolean writerIsCollapsing() { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { XMLStreamWriter out = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os); out.writeStartElement("foo"); out.writeEndElement(); out.flush(); return "<foo />".equals(os.toString()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine if XMLStreamWriter collapses empty elements", e); } } public void testPipePositionOnIgnoredFail() throws XMLStreamException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLStreamWriter out = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os); XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(SAMPLE)); assertTrue("The first 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "bar")); XMLStepper.pipeXML(in, out, false); // until first </bar> assertEquals( "The reader should be positioned at a character tag (newline) but was positioned at " + XMLUtil.eventID2String(in.getEventType()), XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS, in.getEventType()); } public void testPipe() throws XMLStreamException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLStreamWriter out = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(os); XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(SAMPLE)); XMLStepper.pipeXML(in, out, false); assertEquals("Piped stream should match input stream", SAMPLE, os.toString()); } public void testGetSubXML_DoubleContent() throws XMLStreamException { final String XML = "<field><content foo=\"bar\"/><content foo=\"zoo\"/></field>"; final String EXPECTED = "<content foo=\"bar\"></content><content foo=\"zoo\"></content>"; XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(XML));; String piped = XMLStepper.getSubXML(in, false, true); assertEquals("The output should contain the inner XML", EXPECTED, piped); } public void testGetSubXML_NoOuter() throws XMLStreamException { XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(OUTER_FULL)); assertTrue("The first 'foo' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "foo")); String piped = XMLStepper.getSubXML(in, false, true); assertEquals("The output should contain the inner XML", OUTER_SNIPPET, piped); } public void testGetSubXML_Outer() throws XMLStreamException { XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(OUTER_FULL)); assertTrue("The first 'foo' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "foo")); String piped = XMLStepper.getSubXML(in, false, false); assertEquals("The output should contain the inner XML", "<foo><bar>bar1</bar><bar>bar2</bar></foo>", piped); } public void testPipeComments() throws XMLStreamException { final String EXPECTED = "<bar xmlns=\"\">" + "<nam:subsub xmlns:nam=\"\">content1<!-- Sub comment --></nam:subsub>" + "<!-- Comment --></bar>"; XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(SAMPLE)); assertTrue("The first 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "bar")); assertPipe(EXPECTED, in); } public void testExtract() throws XMLStreamException { final String EXPECTED = "<bar xmlns=\"\">" + "<nam:subsub xmlns:nam=\"\">content1<!-- Sub comment --></nam:subsub>" + "<!-- Comment --></bar>"; XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(SAMPLE)); assertTrue("The first 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "bar")); assertEquals(EXPECTED, XMLStepper.getSubXML(in, true)); } // Currently there is no namespace repair functionality public void disabletestPipeNamespace() throws XMLStreamException { final String EXPECTED = "<bar xmlns=\"\">simple bar</bar>"; XMLStreamReader in = xmlFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(DERIVED_NAMESPACE)); assertTrue("The first 'bar' should be findable", XMLStepper.findTagStart(in, "bar")); assertPipe(EXPECTED, in); } private void assertPipe(String expected, XMLStreamReader xml) throws XMLStreamException { String result = XMLStepper.getSubXML(xml, false);"Sub-XML: " + result); assertEquals("The piper should reproduce the desired sub section of the XML", expected, result); } }