Java tutorial
package dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.licensemodule.persistence; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * The DB consist of the following tables: * * 3 tables for configuration: * PRESENTATIONTYPES: configured presentationtypes. * GROUPTYPES: configured groups * ATTRIBUTETYPES: configured attributes * * The following tables to store created licenses: * LICENSE (top parent) * ATTRIBUTEGROUP (parent=LICENSE) * ATTRIBUTE (parent = ATTRIBUTEGROUP) * VALUE (parent = ATTRIBUTE) * LICENSECONTENT (parent = LICENSE) * PRESENTATION (parent = LICENSECONTENT) * */ public class LicenseModuleStorage { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LicenseModuleStorage.class); private Connection connection = null; // private private static BasicDataSource dataSource = null; // shared private long lastTimestamp = 0; // Remember last timestamp and make sure each is only used once; // statistics shown on monitor.jsp page public static Date INITDATE = null; // Table and column names private static final String DOMLICENSEPRESENTATIONTYPES_TABLE = "PRESENTATIONTYPES"; private static final String DOMLICENSEGROUPTYPES_TABLE = "GROUPTYPES"; private static final String DOMATTRIBUTETYPES_TABLE = "ATTRIBUTETYPES"; private static final String LICENSE_TABLE = "LICENSE"; private static final String ATTRIBUTEGROUP_TABLE = "ATTRIBUTEGROUP"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_TABLE = "ATTRIBUTE"; private static final String VALUE_TABLE = "VALUE"; private static final String LICENSECONTENT_TABLE = "LICENSECONTENT"; private static final String PRESENTATION_TABLE = "PRESENTATION"; private static final String VALIDTO_COLUMN = "VALIDTO"; private static final String VALIDFROM_COLUMN = "VALIDFROM"; private static final String NAME_COLUMN = "NAME"; private static final String NAME_EN_COLUMN = "NAME_EN"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN = "DESCRIPTION_DK"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN = "DESCRIPTION_EN"; private static final String QUERY_COLUMN = "QUERYSTRING"; private static final String NUMBER_COLUMN = "NUMBER"; private static final String LICENSEID_COLUMN = "LICENSEID"; private static final String LICENSECONTENTID_COLUMN = "LICENSECONTENTID"; private static final String ATTRIBUTEGROUPID_COLUMN = "ATTRIBUTEGROUPID"; private static final String ATTRIBUTEID_COLUMN = "ATTRIBUTEID"; private static final String ID_COLUMN = "ID"; // ID used for all tables private static final String KEY_COLUMN = "KEY"; private static final String VALUE_COLUMN = "VALUE"; private static final String VALUE_DK_COLUMN = "VALUE_DK"; private static final String VALUE_EN_COLUMN = "VALUE_EN"; private static final String MUSTGROUP_COLUMN = "MUSTGROUP"; private final static String selectDomLicensePresentationTypesQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + DOMLICENSEPRESENTATIONTYPES_TABLE; private final static String selectAllLicensesQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + LICENSE_TABLE; private final static String selectLicenseQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + LICENSE_TABLE + " WHERE ID = ? "; private final static String persistDomLicensePresentationTypeQuery = "INSERT INTO " + DOMLICENSEPRESENTATIONTYPES_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + KEY_COLUMN + "," + VALUE_DK_COLUMN + "," + VALUE_EN_COLUMN + "," + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; // #|?|=4 private final static String persistAttributeGroupForLicenseQuery = "INSERT INTO " + ATTRIBUTEGROUP_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + NUMBER_COLUMN + "," + LICENSEID_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; // #|?|=3 private final static String selectAttributeGroupsForLicenseQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + ATTRIBUTEGROUP_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSEID_COLUMN + "= ? ORDER BY NUMBER"; private final static String persistAttributeForAttributeGroupQuery = "INSERT INTO " + ATTRIBUTE_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + NAME_COLUMN + "," + ATTRIBUTEGROUPID_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; // #|?|=3 private final static String selectAttributesForAttributeGroupQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + ATTRIBUTE_TABLE + " WHERE " + ATTRIBUTEGROUPID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String persistValueForAttributeQuery = "INSERT INTO " + VALUE_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ATTRIBUTEID_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; // #|?|=3 private final static String selectValuesForAttributeQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + VALUE_TABLE + " WHERE " + ATTRIBUTEID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String selectDomLicenseGroupTypesQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + DOMLICENSEGROUPTYPES_TABLE + " ORDER BY " + KEY_COLUMN; private final static String persistDomLicenseGroupTypeQuery = "INSERT INTO " + DOMLICENSEGROUPTYPES_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + KEY_COLUMN + "," + VALUE_DK_COLUMN + " ," + VALUE_EN_COLUMN + " ," + DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN + " ," + DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN + " ," + QUERY_COLUMN + " ," + MUSTGROUP_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // #|?|=8 private final static String updateDomLicenseGroupTypeQuery = "UPDATE " + DOMLICENSEGROUPTYPES_TABLE + " SET " + VALUE_DK_COLUMN + " = ? , " + VALUE_EN_COLUMN + " = ? ," + DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN + " = ? ," + DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN + " = ? ," + QUERY_COLUMN + " = ? ," + MUSTGROUP_COLUMN + " = ? " + "WHERE " + ID_COLUMN + " = ? "; private final static String updateDomsLicensePresentationTypeQuery = "UPDATE " + DOMLICENSEPRESENTATIONTYPES_TABLE + " SET " + VALUE_DK_COLUMN + " = ? , " + VALUE_EN_COLUMN + " = ? " + "WHERE " + ID_COLUMN + " = ? "; private final static String persistLicenseQuery = "INSERT INTO " + LICENSE_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + NAME_COLUMN + "," + NAME_EN_COLUMN + "," + DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN + "," + DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN + "," + VALIDFROM_COLUMN + "," + VALIDTO_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // #|?|=7 private final static String selectDomAttributeTypesQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + DOMATTRIBUTETYPES_TABLE + " ORDER BY " + VALUE_COLUMN;; private final static String deleteDomAttributeTypeByNameQuery = " DELETE FROM " + DOMATTRIBUTETYPES_TABLE + " WHERE " + VALUE_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteDomGroupTypeByKeyQuery = " DELETE FROM " + DOMLICENSEGROUPTYPES_TABLE + " WHERE " + KEY_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteDomPresentationTypeByKeyQuery = " DELETE FROM " + DOMLICENSEPRESENTATIONTYPES_TABLE + " WHERE " + KEY_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String persistDomAttributeTypeQuery = "INSERT INTO " + DOMATTRIBUTETYPES_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + VALUE_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?)"; // #|?|=2 private final static String selectLicenseContentForLicenseQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + LICENSECONTENT_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSEID_COLUMN + " = ? "; private final static String persistLicenseContentForLicenseQuery = "INSERT INTO " + LICENSECONTENT_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + NAME_COLUMN + "," + LICENSEID_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; // #|?|=3 private final static String selectPresentationTypesForLicenseContentQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + PRESENTATION_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSECONTENTID_COLUMN + " = ? "; private final static String persistPresentationTypesForLicenseContentQuery = "INSERT INTO " + PRESENTATION_TABLE + " (" + ID_COLUMN + "," + NAME_COLUMN + "," + LICENSECONTENTID_COLUMN + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; // #|?|=3 // Deletes private final static String deletePresentationsByLicenseContentIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + PRESENTATION_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSECONTENTID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteLicenseContentsByLicenseIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + LICENSECONTENT_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSEID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteAttributesByAttributeGroupIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + ATTRIBUTE_TABLE + " WHERE " + ATTRIBUTEGROUPID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String countAttributesByAttributeNameQuery = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + ATTRIBUTE_TABLE + " WHERE " + NAME_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String countGroupTypeByGroupNameQuery = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + LICENSECONTENT_TABLE + " WHERE " + NAME_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String countPresentationTypeByPresentationNameQuery = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + PRESENTATION_TABLE + " WHERE " + NAME_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteValuesByAttributeIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + VALUE_TABLE + " WHERE " + ATTRIBUTEID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteAttributeGroupByLicenseIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + ATTRIBUTEGROUP_TABLE + " WHERE " + LICENSEID_COLUMN + " = ?"; private final static String deleteLicenseByLicenseIdQuery = " DELETE FROM " + LICENSE_TABLE + " WHERE " + ID_COLUMN + " = ?"; public static void initialize(String driverName, String driverUrl, String userName, String password) throws SQLException { dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName(driverName); dataSource.setUsername(userName); dataSource.setPassword(password); dataSource.setUrl(driverUrl); dataSource.setDefaultReadOnly(false); dataSource.setDefaultAutoCommit(false); // enable detection and logging of connection leaks dataSource.setRemoveAbandonedOnBorrow(true); dataSource.setRemoveAbandonedOnMaintenance(true); dataSource.setRemoveAbandonedTimeout(3600); // 1 hour dataSource.setLogAbandoned(true); dataSource.setMaxWaitMillis(60000); dataSource.setMaxTotal(20); INITDATE = new Date(); } public LicenseModuleStorage() throws Exception { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); } public void persistDomLicensePresentationType(String key, String value_dk, String value_en) throws Exception {"Persisting new dom license presentationtype: " + key); validateValue(key); validateValue(value_dk); value_dk = value_dk.trim(); key = key.trim(); validateValue(value_en); value_en = value_en.trim(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistDomLicensePresentationTypeQuery); stmt.setLong(1, generateUniqueID()); stmt.setString(2, key); stmt.setString(3, value_dk); stmt.setString(4, value_en); stmt.execute(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistPresentationType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache // We are not closing the connection (EVAR!) } public ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicensePresentationType> getDomLicensePresentationTypes() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicensePresentationType> list = new ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicensePresentationType>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectDomLicensePresentationTypesQuery); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String key = rs.getString(KEY_COLUMN); String value = rs.getString(VALUE_DK_COLUMN); String value_en = rs.getString(VALUE_EN_COLUMN); ConfiguredDomLicensePresentationType item = new ConfiguredDomLicensePresentationType(id, key, value, value_en); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getPresentationTypes:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } public void deleteLicense(long licenseId, boolean commit) throws Exception {"Deleting license with id: " + licenseId); License license = null; try { license = getLicense(licenseId); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // No license in DB with that ID, nothing to delete return; } for (AttributeGroup currentAttributeGroup : license.getAttributeGroups()) { ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = currentAttributeGroup.getAttributes(); for (Attribute currentAttribute : attributes) { deleteById(deleteValuesByAttributeIdQuery, currentAttribute.getId(), commit); } deleteById(deleteAttributesByAttributeGroupIdQuery, currentAttributeGroup.getId(), commit); } for (LicenseContent currentLicenseContent : license.getLicenseContents()) { deleteById(deletePresentationsByLicenseContentIdQuery, currentLicenseContent.getId(), commit); } deleteById(deleteLicenseContentsByLicenseIdQuery, licenseId, commit); deleteById(deleteAttributeGroupByLicenseIdQuery, licenseId, commit); deleteById(deleteLicenseByLicenseIdQuery, licenseId, commit); LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } // query can be null or empty public void persistDomLicenseGroupType(String key, String value, String value_en, String description, String description_en, String query, boolean mustGroup) throws Exception { if (!StringUtils.isNotEmpty(key)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must not be null when creating new Group"); } if (!StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must not be null when creating new Group"); } if (!StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value_en)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value(EN) must not be null when creating new Group"); } if (!StringUtils.isNotEmpty(query)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query must not be null when creating new Group"); }"Persisting new dom license group type: " + key); validateValue(value); value = value.trim(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistDomLicenseGroupTypeQuery); stmt.setLong(1, generateUniqueID()); stmt.setString(2, key); stmt.setString(3, value); stmt.setString(4, value_en); stmt.setString(5, description); stmt.setString(6, description_en); stmt.setString(7, query); stmt.setBoolean(8, mustGroup); stmt.execute(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistDomLicenseGroupType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void updateDomLicenseGroupType(long id, String value_dk, String value_en, String description, String description_en, String query, boolean mustGroup) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try {"Updating Group type with id:" + id); // if it exists already, we do not add it. stmt = connection.prepareStatement(updateDomLicenseGroupTypeQuery); stmt.setString(1, value_dk); stmt.setString(2, value_en); stmt.setString(3, description); stmt.setString(4, description_en); stmt.setString(5, query); stmt.setBoolean(6, mustGroup); stmt.setLong(7, id); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (updated != 1) { throw new SQLException("Grouptype id not found:" + id); } connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception in updateDomLicenseGroupType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void updateDomPresentationType(long id, String value_dk, String value_en) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try {"Updating Presentation type with id:" + id); // if it exists already, we do not add it. stmt = connection.prepareStatement(updateDomsLicensePresentationTypeQuery); stmt.setString(1, value_dk); stmt.setString(2, value_en); stmt.setLong(3, id); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (updated != 1) { throw new SQLException("Presentationtype id not found:" + id); } connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception in updateDomPresentationType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void deleteDomLicenseGroupType(String groupName) throws Exception {"Deleting grouptype: " + groupName); // First check it is not used in any license, in that case throw exception. PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(countGroupTypeByGroupNameQuery); stmt.setString(1, groupName); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int number = rs.getInt(1); if (number > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not delete group with name:" + groupName + " because it is used in at least 1 license"); } } stmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteDomGroupTypeByKeyQuery); stmt.setString(1, groupName); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate();"deleted " + updated + " grouptypes with name:" + groupName); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in deleteDomLicenseGroupType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void deleteDomPresentationType(String presentationName) throws Exception {"Deleting presentation type: " + presentationName); // First check it is not used in any license, in that case throw exception. PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(countPresentationTypeByPresentationNameQuery); stmt.setString(1, presentationName); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int number = rs.getInt(1); if (number > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not delete presentationtype with name:" + presentationName + " because it is used in at least 1 license"); } } stmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteDomPresentationTypeByKeyQuery); stmt.setString(1, presentationName); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate();"deleted " + updated + " presentationtype with name:" + presentationName); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in deleteDomPresentationType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void persistLicense(License license) throws Exception {"Persisting new license: " + license.getLicenseName()); // validate name, description, validTo,validFrom boolean validateMainFields = license.validateMainFields(); boolean validateAttributesValues = license.validateAttributesAndValuesNotNull(); if (!validateMainFields) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Validation error. Name/description too short or validTo/validFrom not legal dates"); } if (!validateAttributesValues) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validation error. Attributes or values must not be empty"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { Long licenseId; if (license.getId() > 0) { // This is an existing license in the DB, delete it before updating licenseId = license.getId(); // Delete old license before updating (creating new)"Deleting license before updating"); deleteLicense(licenseId, false); } else { licenseId = generateUniqueID(); // new ID. } stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseId); stmt.setString(2, license.getLicenseName()); stmt.setString(3, license.getLicenseName_en()); stmt.setString(4, license.getDescription_dk()); stmt.setString(5, license.getDescription_en()); stmt.setString(6, license.getValidFrom()); stmt.setString(7, license.getValidTo()); stmt.execute(); // persist assocations, do not commit before all completed. persistAttributeGroupsForLicense(licenseId, license.getAttributeGroups(), false); persistLicenseContentsForLicense(licenseId, license.getLicenseContents(), false); connection.commit(); // This commit will also commit all the nested statements } catch (Exception e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistLicense:" + e.getMessage()); log.error("Beginning rollback of transaction"); connection.rollback(); // This is the only situation we have to do rollback due to multiple statements. log.error("Rollback of transaction completed"); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicenseGroupType> getDomLicenseGroupTypes() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicenseGroupType> list = new ArrayList<ConfiguredDomLicenseGroupType>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectDomLicenseGroupTypesQuery); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String key = rs.getString(KEY_COLUMN); String value_dk = rs.getString(VALUE_DK_COLUMN); String value_en = rs.getString(VALUE_EN_COLUMN); String description = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN); String description_en = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN); String query = rs.getString(QUERY_COLUMN); boolean mustGroup = rs.getBoolean(MUSTGROUP_COLUMN); ConfiguredDomLicenseGroupType item = new ConfiguredDomLicenseGroupType(id, key, value_dk, value_en, description, description_en, query, mustGroup); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getDomLicenseGroupTypes():" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } public void persistDomAttributeType(String value) throws Exception {"Persisting new DOM attribute type: " + value); validateValue(value); value = value.trim(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistDomAttributeTypeQuery); stmt.setLong(1, generateUniqueID()); stmt.setString(2, value); stmt.execute(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistDomAttributeType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public void deleteDomAttributeType(String attributeTypeName) throws Exception {"Deleting attributetype: " + attributeTypeName); // First check it is not used in any license, in that case throw exception. PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(countAttributesByAttributeNameQuery); stmt.setString(1, attributeTypeName); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int number = rs.getInt(1); if (number > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not delete attribute with name:" + attributeTypeName + " because it is used in at least 1 license"); } } stmt = connection.prepareStatement(deleteDomAttributeTypeByNameQuery); stmt.setString(1, attributeTypeName); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate();"deleted " + updated + " attributetypes with name:" + attributeTypeName); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in deleteDomAttributeType:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } LicenseCache.reloadCache(); // Force reload so the change will be instant in the cache } public ArrayList<ConfiguredDomAttributeType> getDomAttributeTypes() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<ConfiguredDomAttributeType> list = new ArrayList<ConfiguredDomAttributeType>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectDomAttributeTypesQuery); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String value = rs.getString(VALUE_COLUMN); ConfiguredDomAttributeType item = new ConfiguredDomAttributeType(id, value); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getDomAttributes:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } // this method only loads the name of the license and NOT all associations. public ArrayList<License> getAllLicenseNames() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<License> list = new ArrayList<License>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectAllLicensesQuery); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { License license = new License(); Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String name = rs.getString(NAME_COLUMN); String description_dk = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN); String description_en = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN); String validFrom = rs.getString(VALIDFROM_COLUMN); String validTo = rs.getString(VALIDTO_COLUMN); license.setId(id); license.setLicenseName(name); license.setDescription_dk(description_dk); license.setDescription_en(description_en); license.setValidFrom(validFrom);// todo format license.setValidTo(validTo);// todo format list.add(license); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getAllLicenseNames:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } // this method a license from licenseId with all associations (complete object-tree) public License getLicense(long licenseId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; License license = new License(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { // maximum one due to unique/primary key constraint Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String name = rs.getString(NAME_COLUMN); String name_en = rs.getString(NAME_EN_COLUMN); String description_dk = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_DK_COLUMN); String description_en = rs.getString(DESCRIPTION_EN_COLUMN); String validFrom = rs.getString(VALIDFROM_COLUMN); String validTo = rs.getString(VALIDTO_COLUMN); license.setId(id); license.setLicenseName(name); license.setLicenseName_en(name_en); license.setDescription_dk(description_dk); license.setDescription_en(description_en); license.setValidFrom(validFrom); license.setValidTo(validTo); license.setAttributeGroups(getAttributeGroupsForLicense(id)); license.setLicenseContents(getLicenseContentsForLicense(id)); return license; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("License not found for licenseId:" + licenseId); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getLicense:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected void validateValue(String value) { // sanity, must have length at least 2 if (value == null || value.trim().length() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value empty or too short"); } } /* * public StatisticsDTO getStatistics() throws SQLException{ * * StatisticsDTO output = new StatisticsDTO(); long t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try{ * * //Extract statistics for number of items added for each day, up to 50 days back. Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); * * Date start=cal.getTime(); Date end=cal.getTime();; ArrayList<Integer> itemsAddedDaysAgo = new ArrayList<Integer>(); * * for (int daysAgo=0;daysAgo<50;daysAgo++){ //last 50 days cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); start=cal.getTime(); * * long startLong=start.getTime(); long endLong=end.getTime(); stmt = singleDBConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + ATTRIBUTESTORE_TABLE + * " WHERE "+MODIFIED_COLUMN +" > ? AND " +MODIFIED_COLUMN +" <= ?"); stmt.setLong(1, startLong); stmt.setLong(2, endLong); ResultSet * rs=stmt.executeQuery(); while ({ int inserted=rs.getInt(1); itemsAddedDaysAgo.add(new Integer(inserted)); } end=cal.getTime(); } * * stmt = singleDBConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + ATTRIBUTESTORE_TABLE); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery();; //Will always * have 1 row int count = rs.getInt(1); * * output.setTotalItems(count); output.setItemsAddedDaysAgo(itemsAddedDaysAgo); output.setLast100KeyValuesAdded(lastKeyValues); * output.setExtractTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()-t1); * * * return output; } catch (SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); log.error("SQL Exception in extractStatistics:"+e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally{ * closeStatement(stmt); } * * * } */ // Just a simple way to generate unique ID's and make sure they are unique private synchronized long generateUniqueID() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now <= lastTimestamp) { // this timestamp has already been used. just +1 and use that lastTimestamp++; return lastTimestamp; } else { lastTimestamp = now; return now; } } // Used from unittests. Create tables DDL etc. protected synchronized void runDDLScript(File file) throws SQLException {"Running DDL script:" + file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.exists()) { log.error("DDL script not found:" + file.getAbsolutePath()); throw new RuntimeException("DDLscript file not found:" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } String scriptStatement = "RUNSCRIPT FROM '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"; connection.prepareStatement(scriptStatement).execute(); } protected void persistAttributeGroupsForLicense(Long licenseId, ArrayList<AttributeGroup> attributegroups, boolean commit) throws SQLException { if (attributegroups == null || attributegroups.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No attributegroups defined for license"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { for (AttributeGroup current : attributegroups) { long attributeGroupId = generateUniqueID(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistAttributeGroupForLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, attributeGroupId); stmt.setInt(2, current.getNumber()); stmt.setLong(3, licenseId); stmt.execute(); persistAttributesForAttributeGroup(attributeGroupId, current.getAttributes(), commit); } if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistAttributeGroupsForLicense:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } // protected void deleteById(String query, Long id, boolean commit) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, id); stmt.executeUpdate(); if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in deleteById for query:" + query + " Exception:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected ArrayList<AttributeGroup> getAttributeGroupsForLicense(Long licenseId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<AttributeGroup> list = new ArrayList<AttributeGroup>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectAttributeGroupsForLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); int number = rs.getInt(NUMBER_COLUMN); AttributeGroup item = new AttributeGroup(number); item.setId(id); list.add(item); ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = getAttributesForAttributeGroup(id); item.setAttributes(attributes); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getAttributeGroupsForLicense:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected void persistAttributesForAttributeGroup(Long attributeGroupId, ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, boolean commit) throws SQLException { if (attributes == null || attributes.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No attributes defined for attributegroup:" + attributeGroupId); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { for (Attribute current : attributes) { long attributeId = generateUniqueID(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistAttributeForAttributeGroupQuery); stmt.setLong(1, attributeId); stmt.setString(2, current.getAttributeName()); stmt.setLong(3, attributeGroupId); stmt.execute(); persistValuesForAttribute(attributeId, current.getValues(), commit); } if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistAttributesForAttributeGroup:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected ArrayList<LicenseContent> getLicenseContentsForLicense(Long licenseId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<LicenseContent> list = new ArrayList<LicenseContent>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectLicenseContentForLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String name = rs.getString(NAME_COLUMN); LicenseContent item = new LicenseContent(); item.setId(id); item.setName(name); list.add(item); ArrayList<Presentation> presentations = getPresentationsForLicenseContent(id); item.setPresentations(presentations); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getLicenseContentsForLicense:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected void persistLicenseContentsForLicense(Long licenseId, ArrayList<LicenseContent> licenseContents, boolean commit) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { for (LicenseContent current : licenseContents) { long licenseContentId = generateUniqueID(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistLicenseContentForLicenseQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseContentId); stmt.setString(2, current.getName()); stmt.setLong(3, licenseId); stmt.execute(); persistPresentationsForLicenseContent(licenseContentId, current.getPresentations(), commit); } if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistLicenseContentsForLicense:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected void persistPresentationsForLicenseContent(Long licenseContentId, ArrayList<Presentation> presentations, boolean commit) throws SQLException { if (presentations == null || presentations.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No presentationtypes defined for licensecontentId:" + licenseContentId); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { for (Presentation current : presentations) { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistPresentationTypesForLicenseContentQuery); stmt.setLong(1, generateUniqueID()); stmt.setString(2, current.getKey()); stmt.setLong(3, licenseContentId); stmt.execute(); } if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistPresentationsForLicenseContent:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected ArrayList<Presentation> getPresentationsForLicenseContent(long licenseContentId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<Presentation> list = new ArrayList<Presentation>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectPresentationTypesForLicenseContentQuery); stmt.setLong(1, licenseContentId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String name = rs.getString(NAME_COLUMN); Presentation item = new Presentation(name); item.setId(id); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getPresentationsForLicenseContent:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected ArrayList<Attribute> getAttributesForAttributeGroup(long attributeGroupId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<Attribute> list = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectAttributesForAttributeGroupQuery); stmt.setLong(1, attributeGroupId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String name = rs.getString(NAME_COLUMN); Attribute item = new Attribute(); item.setId(id); item.setAttributeName(name); ArrayList<AttributeValue> attributeValues = getValuesForAttribute(id); item.setValues(attributeValues); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getAttributesForAttributeGroup:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected void persistValuesForAttribute(Long attributeId, ArrayList<AttributeValue> values, boolean commit) throws SQLException { if (values == null || values.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No values defined for attribute:" + attributeId); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { for (AttributeValue current : values) { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(persistValueForAttributeQuery); stmt.setLong(1, generateUniqueID()); stmt.setString(2, current.getValue()); stmt.setLong(3, attributeId); stmt.execute(); } if (commit) { connection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in persistValuesForAttribute:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } protected ArrayList<AttributeValue> getValuesForAttribute(long attributeId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ArrayList<AttributeValue> list = new ArrayList<AttributeValue>(); try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement(selectValuesForAttributeQuery); stmt.setLong(1, attributeId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong(ID_COLUMN); String value = rs.getString(VALUE_COLUMN); AttributeValue item = new AttributeValue(value); item.setId(id); item.setValue(value); list.add(item); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQL Exception in getValuesForAttribute:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { closeStatement(stmt); } } public void close() { try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //nothing to do here } } public void commit() throws Exception { connection.commit(); } public void rollback() { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing to do here } } private void closeStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Failed to close statement"); // ignore.. } } // Just to be sure the DB lock file is free. public static void shutdown() {"Shutdown Storage"); try { if (dataSource != null) { dataSource.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore errors during shutdown, we cant do anything about it anyway log.error("shutdown failed", e); } } }