Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * $Id$
 * $Revision$
 * $Date$
 * $Author$
 * The DOMS project.
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2010  The State and University Library
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.sbutil.webservices.authentication.Credentials;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendInvalidCredsException;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendInvalidResourceException;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendMethodFailedException;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.Connector;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.DatastreamProfileType;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.DatastreamType;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.ObjectDatastreams;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.ObjectFieldsType;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.ResultType;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.Validation;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.structures.DatastreamProfile;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.structures.FedoraRelation;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.structures.ObjectProfile;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.structures.ObjectType;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.structures.SearchResult;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.utils.Constants;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.utils.DateUtils;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.xml.DOM;
import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.xml.XPathSelector;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;

 * Implementation of the {@link Fedora} interface using REST to communicate with Fedora.
public class FedoraRest extends Connector implements Fedora {

    private static final String AS_OF_DATE_TIME = "asOfDateTime";
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FedoraRest.class);
    private WebResource restApi;
    private String port;
    private final int maxTriesPut;
    private final int maxTriesPost;
    private final int maxTriesDelete;
    private final int retryDelay;

     * Initialise connector.
     * @param creds    Credentials for communicating with Fedora.
     * @param location URL to Fedora
     * @throws MalformedURLException On illegal URLs in location parameter.
    public FedoraRest(Credentials creds, String location) throws MalformedURLException {
        this(creds, location, 1, 1, 1, 100);

     * Initialise connector where we retry a number of times on 409 results. This is used because URLConnection may
     * retry PUT or POST requests on timeout or connection errors, and this may result in spurious locks where the
     * original request still has the object locked.
     * We delay between retries, and the delay is done with exponential backoff, first waiting {@link #retryDelay}, and
     * 2*{@link #retryDelay}, then 4*{@link #retryDelay} and so forth.
     * @param creds          Credentials for communicating with Fedora.
     * @param location       URL to Fedora
     * @param maxTriesPut    The number of tries to retry on 409 on PUT requests
     * @param maxTriesPost   The number of tries to retry on 409 on POST requests
     * @param maxTriesDelete The number of tries to retry on 409 on DELETE requests
     * @param retryDelay     The delay to wait between tries (with exponential backoff)
     * @throws MalformedURLException On illegal URLs in location parameter.
    public FedoraRest(Credentials creds, String location, int maxTriesPut, int maxTriesPost, int maxTriesDelete,
            int retryDelay) throws MalformedURLException {
        super(creds, location);
        this.maxTriesPut = maxTriesPut;
        this.maxTriesPost = maxTriesPost;
        this.maxTriesDelete = maxTriesDelete;
        this.retryDelay = retryDelay;

        restApi = client.resource(location + "/objects");
        restApi.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(creds.getUsername(), creds.getPassword()));
        port = calculateFedoraPort(location);

    private String calculateFedoraPort(String location) {
        String portString = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
        portString = portString.substring(0, portString.indexOf('/'));
        return portString;

    public boolean exists(String pid, Long asOfDateTime)
            throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendMethodFailedException {
        try {
            ObjectProfile profile = getLimitedObjectProfile(pid, asOfDateTime);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean isDataObject(String pid, Long asOfDateTime)
            throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendMethodFailedException {
        try {
            ObjectProfile profile = getLimitedObjectProfile(pid, asOfDateTime);
            return profile.getType().equals(ObjectType.DATA_OBJECT);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            return false;

    public boolean isTemplate(String pid, Long asOfDateTime)
            throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendMethodFailedException {
        try {
            ObjectProfile profile = getObjectProfile(pid, asOfDateTime);
            return profile.getType().equals(ObjectType.TEMPLATE);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            return false;


    public boolean isContentModel(String pid, Long asOfDateTime)
            throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendMethodFailedException {
        try {
            ObjectProfile profile = getLimitedObjectProfile(pid, asOfDateTime);
            return profile.getType().equals(ObjectType.CONTENT_MODEL);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            return false;


    public String getObjectXml(String pid, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {

        try {
            //Get basic fedora profile

            //Get the object xml

            //Strip the old versions

            //Search for managed datastreams with format text/xml

            //retrieve and insert the content

            String xml = getRawXml(pid);
            ObjectXml objectXml = new ObjectXml(pid, xml, this, asOfTime);

            return objectXml.getCleaned();
        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            handleResponseException(pid, 1, 1, e);
            throw e;
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            //TODO Not really a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to transform object to output format", e);

    protected String getRawXml(String pid) {
        return restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/objectXML").type(MediaType.TEXT_XML_TYPE)

    private String StringOrNull(Long time) {
        if (time != null && time > 0) {
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
            return formatter.format(new Date(time));
        return "";

    public String ingestDocument(Document document, String logmessage)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException {
        String payload;
        try {
            payload = DOM.domToString(document);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            //TODO: This is not a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Supplied document not valid", e);
        WebResource.Builder request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode("new")).type(MediaType.TEXT_XML_TYPE);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                return, payload);
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                try {
                    handleResponseException("new", tries, maxTriesPost, e);
                } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e1) {
                    //Ignore, never happens
                    throw new RuntimeException(e1);

    public ObjectProfile getLimitedObjectProfile(String pid, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendInvalidResourceException, BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException {
        try {
            //Get basic fedora profile
            dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.ObjectProfile profile;
            profile = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("format", "text/xml")
            ObjectProfile prof = new ObjectProfile();
            List<String> contentmodels = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String s : profile.getObjModels().getModel()) {
                if (s.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                    s = s.substring("info:fedora/".length());

            //decode type
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("fedora-system:ContentModel-3.0")) {
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("doms:ContentModel_File")) {
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("doms:ContentModel_Collection")) {
            return prof;
        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            handleResponseException(pid, 1, 1, e);
            throw e;

    public ObjectProfile getObjectProfile(String pid, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        try {
            //Get basic fedora profile
            dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.generated.ObjectProfile profile;
            profile = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("format", "text/xml")
            ObjectProfile prof = new ObjectProfile();
            List<String> contentmodels = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String s : profile.getObjModels().getModel()) {
                if (s.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                    s = s.substring("info:fedora/".length());

            //Get relations
            List<FedoraRelation> relations = getNamedRelations(pid, null, asOfTime);

            //get Datastream list
            ObjectDatastreams datastreams = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams")
                    .queryParam("format", "text/xml").get(ObjectDatastreams.class);
            List<DatastreamProfile> pdatastreams = new ArrayList<DatastreamProfile>();
            for (DatastreamType datastreamType : datastreams.getDatastream()) {
                pdatastreams.add(getDatastreamProfile(pid, datastreamType.getDsid(), asOfTime));

            //decode type
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("fedora-system:ContentModel-3.0")) {
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("doms:ContentModel_File")) {
            if (prof.getContentModels().contains("doms:ContentModel_Collection")) {

            for (FedoraRelation fedoraRelation : prof.getRelations()) {
                String predicate = fedoraRelation.getPredicate();
                if (Constants.TEMPLATE_REL.equals(predicate)) {

            return prof;

        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            handleResponseException(pid, 1, 1, e);
            throw e;


    public DatastreamProfile getDatastreamProfile(String pid, String dsid, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        try {

            DatastreamProfileType fdatastream = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams/")
                    .path(dsid).queryParam(AS_OF_DATE_TIME, StringOrNull(asOfTime)).queryParam("format", "text/xml")
            DatastreamProfile profile = new DatastreamProfile();



            String type = fdatastream.getDsControlGroup();
            if (type.equals("X") || type.equals("M")) {
            } else if (type.equals("E") || type.equals("R")) {
            return profile;
        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            handleResponseException(pid, 1, 1, e);
            throw e;


    public void modifyObjectState(String pid, String state, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("state", state)
                .queryParam("logMessage", comment);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPut, e);

    public Date modifyDatastreamByValue(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType, String checksum,
            byte[] contents, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        try {
            return updateExistingDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, comment, null, null);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            //perhaps the datastream did not exist
            return createDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, null, comment);

    public Date modifyDatastreamByValue(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType, String checksum,
            byte[] contents, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String comment, Long lastModifiedDate)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException,
            ConcurrentModificationException {
        try {
            return updateExistingDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, comment, lastModifiedDate, null);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            //perhaps the datastream did not exist
            return createDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, null, comment);

    public Date modifyDatastreamByValue(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType, String checksum,
            byte[] contents, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String mimeType, String comment,
            Long lastModifiedDate) throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException,
            BackendInvalidResourceException, ConcurrentModificationException {
        try {
            return updateExistingDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, comment, lastModifiedDate, mimeType);
        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            //perhaps the datastream did not exist
            return createDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum, contents,
                    alternativeIdentifiers, mimeType, comment);

    private Date createDatastreamByValue(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType, String checksum,
            byte[] contents, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String mimeType, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (mimeType == null) {
            mimeType = "text/xml";
        WebResource resource = getModifyDatastreamWebResource(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum,
                alternativeIdentifiers, comment, null, mimeType).queryParam("controlGroup", "M");
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                WebResource.Builder request = resource.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents), mimeType);
                DatastreamProfileType profile =;
                return profile.getDsCreateDate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPost, e);

    private WebResource getModifyDatastreamWebResource(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType,
            String checksum, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String comment, Long lastModifiedDate,
            String mimeType) {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";

        WebResource resource = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams/")
                .path(urlEncode(datastream)).queryParam("logMessage", comment);

        if (alternativeIdentifiers != null) {
            for (String alternativeIdentifier : alternativeIdentifiers) {
                resource = resource.queryParam("altIDs", alternativeIdentifier);
        if (checksumType != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("checksumType", checksumType.toString());

        if (checksum != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("checksum", checksum);

        if (lastModifiedDate != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("lastModifiedDate", StringOrNull(lastModifiedDate));
        if (mimeType != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("mimeType", mimeType);
        } /*else {
          resource = resource.queryParam("mimeType", "text/xml");
        return resource;

    private Date updateExistingDatastreamByValue(String pid, String datastream, ChecksumType checksumType,
            String checksum, byte[] contents, List<String> alternativeIdentifiers, String comment,
            Long lastModifiedDate, String mimeType) throws BackendMethodFailedException,
            BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException, ConcurrentModificationException {

        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                WebResource resource = getModifyDatastreamWebResource(pid, datastream, checksumType, checksum,
                        alternativeIdentifiers, comment, lastModifiedDate, mimeType);
                WebResource.Builder header = resource.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, null);
                WebResource.Builder builder;
                if (mimeType != null) {
                    builder = header.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents), mimeType);
                } else {
                    builder = header.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents));
                DatastreamProfileType profile = builder.put(DatastreamProfileType.class);
                return profile.getDsCreateDate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPut, e);

    public void deleteObject(String pid, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("logMessage", comment);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesDelete, e);

    public void deleteDatastream(String pid, String datastream, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams/")
                .path(urlEncode(datastream)).queryParam("logMessage", comment);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesDelete, e);

    public String getXMLDatastreamContents(String pid, String datastream, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        try {

            return restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams/").path(urlEncode(datastream))
                    .path("/content").queryParam(AS_OF_DATE_TIME, StringOrNull(asOfTime)).get(String.class);
        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            handleResponseException(pid, 1, 1, e);
            throw e;

    public void addRelation(String pid, String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean literal,
            String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";
        } //TODO fedora should take this logmessage

        if (!literal) {
            if (!object.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                object = "info:fedora/" + object;

        predicate = getAbsoluteURIAsString(predicate);
        if (subject == null || subject.isEmpty()) {
            subject = "info:fedora/" + pid;

        //TODO why should only the predicate be urlencoded??
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(pid).path("/relationships/new").queryParam("subject", subject)
                .queryParam("predicate", urlEncode(predicate)).queryParam("object", object)
                .queryParam("isLiteral", "" + literal);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPost, e);

        if (predicate.equals("")) {
            //this is a license relation, update the policy datastream
            if (object.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                object = object.substring("info:fedora/".length());
            addExternalDatastream(pid, "POLICY", "Policy datastream",
                    "http://localhost:" + port + "/fedora/objects/" + object + "/datastreams/LICENSE/content", null,
                    "application/rdf+xml", null, null, "Adding license datastream");

    public void addRelations(String pid, String subject, String predicate, List<String> objects, boolean literal,
            String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";
        if (literal) {//cant handle literal yet
            for (String object : objects) {
                addRelation(pid, subject, predicate, object, literal, comment);
        if (objects.size() == 1) {//more efficient if only adding one relation
            addRelation(pid, subject, predicate, objects.get(0), literal, comment);

        XPathSelector xpath = DOM.createXPathSelector("rdf", Constants.NAMESPACE_RDF);

        String datastream;
        if (subject == null || subject.isEmpty() || subject.equals(pid) || subject.equals("info:fedora/" + pid)) {
            subject = "info:fedora/" + pid;
            datastream = "RELS-EXT";
        } else {
            datastream = "RELS-INT";

        String rels = getXMLDatastreamContents(pid, datastream, null);
        Document relsDoc = DOM.stringToDOM(rels, true);

        Node rdfDescriptionNode = xpath.selectNode(relsDoc,
                "/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + subject + "']");

        predicate = getAbsoluteURIAsString(predicate);

        String[] splits = predicate.split("#");

        for (String object : objects) {
            if (!object.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                object = "info:fedora/" + object;

            Element relationsShipElement = relsDoc.createElementNS(splits[0] + "#", splits[1]);
            relationsShipElement.setAttributeNS(Constants.NAMESPACE_RDF, "rdf:resource", object);

        byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = DOM.domToString(relsDoc).getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            //TODO Not really a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to transform RELS-EXT", e);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            //TODO Not really a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to transform RELS-EXT", e);
        modifyDatastreamByValue(pid, datastream, ChecksumType.MD5, null, bytes, null, "application/rdf+xml",
                comment, null);

    public List<FedoraRelation> getNamedRelations(String pid, String predicate, Long asOfTime)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        ArrayList<FedoraRelation> result = new ArrayList<FedoraRelation>();
        try {
            //TODO handle RELS-INT
            pid = cleanInfo(pid);
            XPathSelector xpath = DOM.createXPathSelector("rdf", Constants.NAMESPACE_RDF);

            Document relsDoc = DOM.stringToDOM(getXMLDatastreamContents(pid, "RELS-EXT", asOfTime), true);

            NodeList relationNodes = xpath.selectNodeList(relsDoc, "/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/*");
            if (predicate != null) {
                predicate = getAbsoluteURIAsString(predicate);
            for (int i = 0; i < relationNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                Node relationNode = relationNodes.item(i);
                final String nodeName = relationNode.getNamespaceURI() + relationNode.getLocalName();
                if (predicate == null || nodeName.equals(predicate)) {

                    final Node resource = relationNode.getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(Constants.NAMESPACE_RDF,
                    //The resource will have the info:fedora/ prefix if not literal
                    if (resource != null) {
                        result.add(new FedoraRelation(toUri(pid), nodeName, resource.getNodeValue()));
                    } else {
                        final FedoraRelation fedoraRelation = new FedoraRelation(toUri(pid), nodeName,

        } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e) {
            if (exists(pid, asOfTime)) {
                //does not have a RELS-EXT datastream. This is not really an error
                return result;
            } else {
                throw new BackendInvalidResourceException("Object '" + pid + "' does not exist", e);
        return result;


    private String cleanInfo(String element) {
        element = clean(element);

        if (element.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
            element = element.substring("info:fedora/".length());

        return element;
        //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

    public void deleteRelation(String pid, String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean literal,
            String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";
        } //TODO, fedora should take this logmessage

        if (!literal) {
            if (!object.startsWith("info:fedora/")) {
                object = "info:fedora/" + object;
        predicate = getAbsoluteURIAsString(predicate);

        //TODO why should only the predicate be urlencoded??
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(pid).path("/relationships/")
                .queryParam("predicate", urlEncode(predicate)).queryParam("object", object)
                .queryParam("isLiteral", "" + literal);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesDelete, e);

    public void modifyObjectLabel(String pid, String name, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";

        int tries = 0;
        WebResource request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("label", name)
                .queryParam("logMessage", comment);
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPut, e);

    public List<SearchResult> fieldsearch(String query, int offset, int pageLength)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException {
        try {

            ResultType searchResult = restApi.queryParam("terms", query).queryParam("maxResults", pageLength + "")
                    .queryParam("resultFormat", "xml").queryParam("pid", "true").queryParam("label", "true")
                    .queryParam("state", "true").queryParam("cDate", "true").queryParam("mDate", "true")

            if (offset > 0) {

                for (int i = 1; i <= offset; i++) {
                    String token = searchResult.getListSession().getValue().getToken();
                    searchResult = restApi.queryParam("query", query).queryParam("sessionToken", token)
                            .queryParam("resultFormat", "xml").get(ResultType.class);
            List<SearchResult> outputResults = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(
            for (ObjectFieldsType objectFieldsType : searchResult.getResultList().getObjectFields()) {

                try {
                    outputResults.add(new SearchResult(objectFieldsType.getPid().getValue(),
                            objectFieldsType.getLabel().getValue(), objectFieldsType.getState().getValue(),
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    //TODO Not really a backend exception
                    throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to parse date from search result", e);
            return outputResults;

        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
            try {
                handleResponseException("search", 1, 1, e);
            } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e1) {
                //Never happens, ignore
                throw new RuntimeException(e1);
            throw e;

    public Date addExternalDatastream(String pid, String datastream, String label, String url, String formatURI,
            String mimeType, String checksumType, String checksum, String comment)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) {
            comment = "No message supplied";

        @PathParam(RestParam.PID) String pid,
                         @PathParam(RestParam.DSID) String dsID,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.CONTROL_GROUP) @DefaultValue("X") String controlGroup,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.DS_LOCATION) String dsLocation,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.ALT_IDS) List<String> altIDs,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.DS_LABEL) String dsLabel,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.VERSIONABLE) @DefaultValue("true") Boolean versionable,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.DS_STATE) @DefaultValue("A") String dsState,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.FORMAT_URI) String formatURI,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.CHECKSUM_TYPE) String checksumType,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.CHECKSUM) String checksum,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.MIME_TYPE) String mimeType,
                         @QueryParam(RestParam.LOG_MESSAGE) String logMessage
        WebResource resource = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/datastreams/")
                .path(urlEncode(datastream)).queryParam("controlGroup", "R").queryParam("dsLocation", url)
                .queryParam("dsLabel", label).queryParam("formatURI", formatURI).queryParam("mimeType", mimeType)
                .queryParam("logMessage", comment);
        if (checksumType != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("checksumType", checksumType);
        if (checksum != null) {
            resource = resource.queryParam("checksum", checksum);
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                DatastreamProfileType profile =;
                return profile.getDsCreateDate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPost, e);

    public Validation validate(String pid)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException {
        WebResource format = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).path("/validate").queryParam("format",
        return format.get(Validation.class);

    public String newEmptyObject(String pid, List<String> oldIDs, List<String> collections, String logMessage)
            throws BackendMethodFailedException, BackendInvalidCredsException {
        InputStream emptyObjectStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
        Document emptyObject = DOM.streamToDOM(emptyObjectStream, true);

        XPathSelector xpath = DOM.createXPathSelector("foxml", Constants.NAMESPACE_FOXML, "rdf",
                Constants.NAMESPACE_RDF, "d", Constants.NAMESPACE_RELATIONS, "dc", Constants.NAMESPACE_DC, "oai_dc",
        //Set pid
        Node pidNode = xpath.selectNode(emptyObject, "/foxml:digitalObject/@PID");

        Node rdfNode = xpath.selectNode(emptyObject,
        rdfNode.setNodeValue("info:fedora/" + pid);

        //add Old Identifiers to DC
        Node dcIdentifierNode = xpath.selectNode(emptyObject,
        Node parent = dcIdentifierNode.getParentNode();
        for (String oldID : oldIDs) {
            Node clone = dcIdentifierNode.cloneNode(true);

        Node collectionRelationNode = xpath.selectNode(emptyObject,

        parent = collectionRelationNode.getParentNode();
        //remove the placeholder relationNode

        for (String collection : collections) {
            Node clone = collectionRelationNode.cloneNode(true);
            clone.getAttributes().getNamedItem("rdf:resource").setNodeValue("info:fedora/" + collection);

        String emptyObjectAsString;
        try {
            emptyObjectAsString = DOM.domToString(emptyObject);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            //TODO This is not really a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to convert DC back to string", e);
        WebResource.Builder request = restApi.path("/").path(urlEncode(pid)).queryParam("state", "I")
        int tries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                return, emptyObjectAsString);
            } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
                try {
                    handleResponseException(pid, tries, maxTriesPost, e);
                } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException e1) {
                    //Ignore, never happens
                    throw new RuntimeException(e1);

    private String urlEncode(String pid) {
        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(pid, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 not known....", e);

    private String getAbsoluteURIAsString(String uriAsString) throws BackendMethodFailedException {
        URI predURI;
        try {
            predURI = new URI(uriAsString);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            //TODO This is not a backend exception
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Failed to parse uriAsString as an URI", e);
        if (!predURI.isAbsolute()) {
            uriAsString = "info:fedora/" + uriAsString;
        return uriAsString;

     * Handle behaviour after a Fedora REST call threw an exception.
     * Will rethrow as a different specific exception on authorization errors or not found errors, and conflicts.
     * In case of conflict, the method may instead log a warning, wait a short while and return without errors, thus
     * allowing the calling method to retry. This will happen if the "tries" parameter is less than the "maxTries"
     * parameter. The delay is done with exponential backoff, first waiting {@link #retryDelay}, and
     * 2*{@link #retryDelay}, then 4*{@link #retryDelay} and so forth.
     * @param pid      The PID of the object worked on. Used for giving context to the exception error messages.
     * @param tries    The number of times this call has been tried already.
     * @param maxTries The maximum number of times this call should be retried
     * @param e        The exception that happened.
     * @throws BackendInvalidCredsException    If the exception represents a 401 error.
     * @throws BackendInvalidResourceException If the exception represents a 404 error.
     * @throws ConcurrentModificationException If the exception represents a 409 error and should not be retried.
     * @throws BackendMethodFailedException    On any other error
    private void handleResponseException(String pid, int tries, int maxTries, UniformInterfaceException e)
            throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendInvalidResourceException, BackendMethodFailedException {
        ClientResponse response = e.getResponse();
        switch (response.getClientResponseStatus()) {
        case UNAUTHORIZED:
            throw new BackendInvalidCredsException("Invalid Credentials Supplied: pid '" + pid + "'", e);
        case NOT_FOUND:
            throw new BackendInvalidResourceException("Resource '" + pid + "'not found", e);
        case BAD_REQUEST:
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException(response.getEntity(String.class), e);
        case CONFLICT:
            // URLConnection will sometimes retry doing the same operation due to a timeout or an error.
            // In those cases the object will often be locked on the second try.
            // In that case we try again, we can retry after a delay with exponential backoff for a specified
            // amount of times and a specified number of retries.
            if (tries < maxTries) {
                try {
                    int delay = retryDelay * (1 << (tries - 1));
                    log.warn("Fedora returned 409. Retrying after '" + delay + "' milliseconds", e);
                } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) {
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Object locked when trying to set state", e);
            throw new BackendMethodFailedException("Server error for '" + pid + "', " + response.toString(), e);