Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License * * Original work sponsored and donated by National Board of e-Health (NSI), Denmark * ( * * Copyright (C) 2011 National Board of e-Health (NSI), Denmark ( * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.executor; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import com.jamonapi.Monitor; import com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.dao.MinipasDAO; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.dao.MinipasHAIBADAO; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.dao.MinipasHAIBADAO.MinipasSyncStructure; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.model.MinipasTADM; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.model.MinipasTDIAG; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.model.MinipasTSKSUBE_OPR; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.status.CurrentImportProgress; import dk.nsi.haiba.minipasconverter.status.ImportStatusRepository; public class MinipasPreprocessor { private static Logger aLog = Logger.getLogger(MinipasPreprocessor.class); @Value("${minipas.batchsize:100}") int batchSize; @Value("${minipas.noofretries:2}") int noOfRetries; @Value("${minipas.waitperiodminutes:30}") int waitPeriodMinutes; @Value("${minipas.yearstotal:6}") int yearstotal; @Autowired MinipasDAO minipasDao; @Autowired MinipasHAIBADAO haibaDao; @Autowired ImportStatusRepository statusRepo; @Autowired CurrentImportProgress currentImportProgress; private boolean manualOverride; private boolean running; @Scheduled(cron = "${cron.import.job}") public void run() { if (!isManualOverride()) { aLog.debug("Running Importer: " + new Date().toString()); doProcess(false); } else { aLog.debug("Importer must be started manually"); } } public synchronized void doProcess(boolean manual) {"Started processing, manual=" + manual); if (!running) { statusRepo.importStartedAt(new DateTime()); running = true; currentImportProgress.reset(); try { int retries = noOfRetries; boolean doRetry = true; while (doRetry) { long lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne = minipasDao.lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne(); if (minipasError(lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne)) { String status = "Aborting process, last V_RETURNCODE from MINIPAS is " + lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine(status); aLog.warn(status); doRetry = false; statusRepo.importEndedWithFailure(new DateTime(), status); } else if (minipasOk(lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne)) { doImport(); doRetry = false; statusRepo.importEndedWithSuccess(new DateTime()); } else { retries--; if (retries >= 0) { String status = "MINIPAS is not ready for import, retrying " + (noOfRetries - retries) + " of " + noOfRetries + ", waiting " + waitPeriodMinutes + " minutes"; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine(status); aLog.warn(status); try { Thread.sleep(waitPeriodMinutes * 60 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { aLog.error("", e); } } else { String status = "Aborting process, MINIPAS was not ready"; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine(status); statusRepo.importEndedWithFailure(new DateTime(), status); aLog.warn(status); doRetry = false; } } }"Importer done"); currentImportProgress.addStatusLine("done"); } catch (RuntimeException t) { currentImportProgress.addStatusLine("Aborted due to error:"); aLog.error("Aborted due to error:", t); String stackTrace = getStackTrace(t); currentImportProgress.addStatusLine(stackTrace); statusRepo.importEndedWithFailure(new DateTime(), "Aborted due to error:" + stackTrace); throw t; } finally {"Stopped processing, manual=" + manual); running = false; } } else { aLog.warn("Importer already running"); } } public static String getStackTrace(final Throwable throwable) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); throwable.printStackTrace(pw); return sw.getBuffer().toString(); } public void doImport() { // cleanup - will only cleanup the sync db, not the data already converted and imported int currentyear = getYear(); int firstYear = currentyear - yearstotal + 1; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine("cleaning up data older than " + firstYear); haibaDao.syncCleanupRowsFromTablesOlderThanYear(firstYear); haibaDao.importStarted(); currentImportProgress.addStatusLine("dots are batches of size " + batchSize); // flush previous caches minipasDao.reset(); haibaDao.reset(); for (int year = firstYear; year <= currentyear; year++) { int createdCount = 0; int updatedCount = 0; int deletedCount = 0; int kRecnum = -1; String sYear = "" + year; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine("processing year " + sYear); if (aLog.isDebugEnabled()) { aLog.debug("doImport: processing year " + sYear); } Collection<MinipasTADM> minipasTADM = null; while (minipasTADM == null || !minipasTADM.isEmpty()) { currentImportProgress.addProgressDot(); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: kRecnum=" + kRecnum + ", batchSize=" + batchSize); } minipasTADM = minipasDao.getMinipasTADM(sYear, kRecnum, batchSize); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: minipas returned " + minipasTADM.size()); } haibaDao.setupTransaction(); MinipasSyncStructure syncStructure = haibaDao.syncTest(year, minipasTADM); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: tested, got " + syncStructure.getCreated().size() + " created and " + syncStructure.getUpdated().size() + " updated"); } createdCount += syncStructure.getCreated().size(); updatedCount += syncStructure.getUpdated().size(); handleCreated(sYear, syncStructure.getCreated()); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: handled created"); } handleUpdated(sYear, syncStructure.getUpdated()); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: handled updated"); } // now remember that we have processed the changes haibaDao.syncCommit(year, syncStructure); haibaDao.commitTransaction(); if (aLog.isTraceEnabled()) { aLog.trace("doImport: committed"); } kRecnum = getMaxRecnum(minipasTADM); } // ask sync dao what we haven't mentioned yet - they are deleted Collection<String> deleted = haibaDao.syncGetDeletedIdnummers(year); deletedCount += deleted.size(); // not necessary to handle in transaction - will be deleted on the next run handleDeleted(sYear, deleted); haibaDao.syncCommitDeleted(year, deleted); String status = "year " + year + " done. created:" + createdCount + ", updated:" + updatedCount + ", deleted:" + deletedCount;; currentImportProgress.addStatusLine(status); } haibaDao.importEnded(); } private boolean minipasOk(long lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne) { return lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne != -1 && lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne <= 1; } private boolean minipasError(long lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne) { return lastReturnCodeElseNegativeOne > 1; } private void handleDeleted(String year, Collection<String> deletedIdnummers) { for (String idnummer : deletedIdnummers) { haibaDao.clearAdm(idnummer); haibaDao.clearKoder(idnummer); haibaDao.setDeleted(idnummer); } } private void handleUpdated(String year, Collection<MinipasTADM> updated) { Monitor mon = MonitorFactory.start("MinipasPreprocessor.handleUpdated()"); haibaDao.resetAdmD_IMPORTDTO(updated); for (MinipasTADM minipasTADM : updated) { haibaDao.reinsertAdm(minipasTADM); haibaDao.clearKoder(minipasTADM.getIdnummer()); Collection<MinipasTSKSUBE_OPR> ubeoprs = minipasDao.getMinipasSKSUBE_OPR(year, minipasTADM.getK_recnum()); haibaDao.createKoderFromSksUbeOpr(minipasTADM, ubeoprs); Collection<MinipasTDIAG> diags = minipasDao.getMinipasDIAG(year, minipasTADM.getK_recnum()); haibaDao.createKoderFromDiag(minipasTADM, diags); } mon.stop(); } private void handleCreated(String year, Collection<MinipasTADM> created) { Monitor mon = MonitorFactory.start("MinipasPreprocessor.handleCreated()"); haibaDao.createAdm(created); for (MinipasTADM minipasTADM : created) { Collection<MinipasTSKSUBE_OPR> ubeoprs = minipasDao.getMinipasSKSUBE_OPR(year, minipasTADM.getK_recnum()); haibaDao.createKoderFromSksUbeOpr(minipasTADM, ubeoprs); Collection<MinipasTDIAG> diags = minipasDao.getMinipasDIAG(year, minipasTADM.getK_recnum()); haibaDao.createKoderFromDiag(minipasTADM, diags); } mon.stop(); } private int getMaxRecnum(Collection<MinipasTADM> minipasTADMs) { int returnValue = -1; for (MinipasTADM minipasTADM : minipasTADMs) { returnValue = Math.max(returnValue, minipasTADM.getK_recnum()); } return returnValue; } /** * Returns year with century, e.g. 2014 */ private int getYear() { return new DateTime().getYear(); } public boolean isManualOverride() { return manualOverride; } public void setManualOverride(boolean mo) { manualOverride = mo; } public void doManualProcess() { doProcess(true); } }